Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Igor2
On Fri, 16 Mar 2007, John Griessen wrote:

>John Griessen wrote:
>> So,  "What do you want?

Please add this to the list: [PCB] an interface for presenting dynamic
dialog boxes for importers and wizards similar to the exporters. This
would help some plugins to integrate better in the GUI.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> S2/S2/L1  S2/S2/C1 and S2/S2/U1
> is the RenumberBlock funtion capable of this?

It currently pulls the last string of digits (suffix) off for
renumbering, but pulling the first string shouldn't be too hard.  It
doesn't give you automatic updating, though.  If you edit the master
block, you'd cut out the copies, and re-copy/renumber the master block
to make new copies.

We could script this if we had an action to select a region, but it
would certainly be better if it "just knew" about such blocks.

> Because when you use those virtual 01005 capcitors there isn't a lot
> of room for a readable refdes as it is

Too true.  I didn't even bother with a silkscreen on the furnace
board, and that's only 0603s.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Meier
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> From PCB, I would like to seperate the hierarchy from the rest of
>> the refdes. I would like to be able to layout a hierarchical
>> section. I would like to be able to save that section as a seperate
>> collection. I would like to be able to paste a copy of that section
>> into a larger pcb layout and only have to change the top of
>> hierarchy string to correctly interact with the netlist.
> PCB doesn't care what the refdes is, a heirarchical one is just as
> valid as a common one.  I have a RenumberBlock() action that's
> designed to make it easier to have repetetive blocks on a board, but I
> think you want something more automatic, like the way element data is
> grouped as an element.  For example, have a block on the board that is
> a modular entity.  Normally, you can't do anything but move it around
> as a whole.  A special action "opens" this block (and hides everything
> else) so you can edit it.  When you're done, it's closed again - and
> any copies of the block are automatically updated in place.
> The usual buffer to/from file mechanism should be sufficient
> (gui-wise) for saving blocks as files.
> Have you tried using Xfig's group/ungroup/editgroup mechanism?
An example of what I was thinking is If I have the following
hierarchical refdess

S1/S2/L1 and S1/S2/C1 and S1/S2/U1

The hierarchy is S1/S2   the non hierarchy refdes are L1, C1 and U1

I would like to replicate this block and just have to edit once

the hierarchy to S2/S2

giving the full hierarchy + refdes to be

S2/S2/L1  S2/S2/C1 and S2/S2/U1

is the RenumberBlock funtion capable of this?

Plus I would like to be able to say to that block Don't display the
hierarchy in the silkscreen.

Because when you use those virtual 01005 capcitors there isn't a lot of
room for a readable refdes as it is

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> Yes fab shops can cnc the layers before gluing and pressing them
> together.

Drool.  Yeah, you'd need the "layer types" patch to really manage
that, as you'd be able to tag multiple pcb layers as "outline" layers
and associate them with specific board layers or whatnot.

You could do it now, except that they'd have all the pins' copper on
them as well as the outline.

The only thing you can't do already is tell pcb to put elements on
inner layers.

Of course, I'm curious *why* you need to recess parts...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Meier

>> While I am at it. PCB should be able to do hidden vias, buried vias
>> and micro vias...
> If we can get the "layer types" project done (this is listed as the
> non-copper layers project in SoC), we'll be able to have a concept of
> a "layer stack" (unless we just assume the physical stack matches the
> GUI layer layout).
> The next project after that is what I call a "multi-pin", which is a
> standard pin, but with a much more intense copper description, one for
> each layer, with drill depth parameters et al.  That would include
> blind and buried vias.  Microvias is just a drill size after that,
> unless you need them called out in a different .cnc file
No a micro via should be the same in the the cnc file. The PCB fab shop
will deside how to drill the hole.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Meier
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Did I mention the ability to cut out areas of
>> layers such that I can resese components into lower layers?
> Assuming you know a fab that can mill layers before assembling
> them... is that what you're talking about?  That would mean having
> elements and pads on layers other than the outer two, yes?
Yes fab shops can cnc the layers before gluing and pressing them together.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> From PCB, I would like to seperate the hierarchy from the rest of
> the refdes. I would like to be able to layout a hierarchical
> section. I would like to be able to save that section as a seperate
> collection. I would like to be able to paste a copy of that section
> into a larger pcb layout and only have to change the top of
> hierarchy string to correctly interact with the netlist.

PCB doesn't care what the refdes is, a heirarchical one is just as
valid as a common one.  I have a RenumberBlock() action that's
designed to make it easier to have repetetive blocks on a board, but I
think you want something more automatic, like the way element data is
grouped as an element.  For example, have a block on the board that is
a modular entity.  Normally, you can't do anything but move it around
as a whole.  A special action "opens" this block (and hides everything
else) so you can edit it.  When you're done, it's closed again - and
any copies of the block are automatically updated in place.

The usual buffer to/from file mechanism should be sufficient
(gui-wise) for saving blocks as files.

Have you tried using Xfig's group/ungroup/editgroup mechanism?

> I would like to be able in the netlist to tell pcb which slots are
> swapable, which i/o pins are swapable and which pin pairs can
> function as differential pairs (these last two have to be able to be
> limited to specific banks) such that pcb could correctly change the
> net list itself. Then I would like PCB to be able to tell me what
> pins and in what order the pins were swapped so that this could be
> imported back into the original design.

This is the usual back-annotation request, for starters.  If we can
propogate the slotting information to pcb, perhaps we can figure out a
GUI to swap them.

> While I am at it. PCB should be able to do hidden vias, buried vias
> and micro vias...

If we can get the "layer types" project done (this is listed as the
non-copper layers project in SoC), we'll be able to have a concept of
a "layer stack" (unless we just assume the physical stack matches the
GUI layer layout).

The next project after that is what I call a "multi-pin", which is a
standard pin, but with a much more intense copper description, one for
each layer, with drill depth parameters et al.  That would include
blind and buried vias.  Microvias is just a drill size after that,
unless you need them called out in a different .cnc file.

> Did I mention the ability to cut out areas of
> layers such that I can resese components into lower layers?

Assuming you know a fab that can mill layers before assembling
them... is that what you're talking about?  That would mean having
elements and pads on layers other than the outer two, yes?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Meier
>From PCB, I would like to seperate the hierarchy from the rest of the
refdes. I would like to be able to layout a hierarchical section. I
would like to be able to save that section as a seperate collection. I
would like to be able to paste a copy of that section into a larger pcb
layout and only have to change the top of hierarchy string to correctly
interact with the netlist.

I would like to be able in the netlist to tell pcb which slots are
swapable, which i/o pins are swapable and which pin pairs can function
as differential pairs (these last two have to be able to be limited to
specific banks) such that pcb could correctly change the net list
itself. Then I would like PCB to be able to tell me what pins and in
what order the pins were swapped so that this could be imported back
into the original design.

While I am at it. PCB should be able to do hidden vias, buried vias and
micro vias... Did I mention the ability to cut out areas of layers such
that I can resese components into lower layers?

Finaly I could use all of these by, . say next Tuesday.

"I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamberger today"


Steve M.

John Griessen wrote:
> John Griessen wrote:
>> So,  "What do you want?
> The gschem gnetlist PCB gsch2pcb gattrib gerbv  wants mentioned
> recently and needing discussion are:
> Steve Meier:
> 1) hierarchical data and file structures (xml or other)
> 2) an integrated hierarchical netlister
> 3) use of a better supported scripting language
> 4) a method of dynamically partioning devices into meaningfull symbols
> 5) a method of communicating between the schematic design and the layout
> program on issues of slot swapping, i/o pin swapping, differential i/o
> pin swapping, bank swapping
> 6) strong drc
> > My plan for dealing with long refdes names e.g.S1/S2/S3/U3 is to hide
> > the refdes and create a large box on the silkscreen which is labled S1.
> > Then inside the S1 Box, a smaller box on the silcrean labled S2 and
> > inside ths S2 box an even smaller box labled S3. The device inside the
> > S3 box will have a silk screened comment near it that states U3.
> Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:  (about geda installer)jg
> For real day-to-day work the engineer should be
> able to decide himself what tool he wants to use
> it should be enough to
> run a command to have it installed.
> On 3/4/07, Dan McMahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:(about
> multiple flows)jg
> > I think designing the tool up front to explicitly deal with and support
> > 2 different back end flows (layout and simulation in this case) is very
> > important.  Presumably that will be a good vehicle to making sure it
> can
> > extend to many back end flows.
> David Baird wrote:  (about data tie ins to higher abstractions
> than "just boards")jg
> I've been thinking (maybe just dreaming?) about an extensible system
> which
> allows the representation of information which has not yet even been
> envisioned, while also providing forwards and backwards compatibility
> as new component representations are devised.  For these reasons, OWL
> struck me somewhat and now I am learning OWL and trying to see if I
> can really make it do what I want.  --  A simple example  --  convey to a
> PCB program that a set of nets are actually grouped
> > together to form the address bus of a microprocessor system.
> Dan McMahill wrote:  (about using gnetman work already done to get
> hierarchy )jg
> I guess what I'd hate to see is a lot of work put into improving
> gnetlist (which needs improving)
> only to find that the underlying database structure and methods for
> accessing it still
> aren't complete enough, fast enough, or scalable enough.
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
>   The discussion about hierarchy should focus on the
> following points:
> *  What kind of data structures are desirable?  How would they look?
> Right now, the main data structure for a schematic is a linear linked
> list of graphical objects (for each schematic page).  Some list items
> point to others (i.e. to support component attributes). How would that
> change to support hierarchy?
> *  ONce a datastructure is decided upon, then what does the file
> format look like?  Note that our current file format maps fairly
> closely onto the internal data structures.  Preserving this close
> mapping is a desirable goal.  Therefore, the data structures defining
> hierarchy should more-or-less dictate what the file format should look
> like.
> *  How should gschem behave once hierarchy is architected in?  Right
> now you attach a source= attribute to a symbol.  Then you do
> "schematic down" on that symbol to dive into the sub-schematic.  Is
> that OK?  Or what's a better scheme?
> And how to handle re-use blocks?  That is, if I have a sub-schematic
> which I instantiate four times, how should it be refdesed in the
> netlist?  If I dive into one of the four instantiations and edit it,
> is it OK that the other three instantiations are also updated.

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Dan McMahill

John Griessen wrote:

Dan McMahill wrote:  (about using gnetman work already done to get 
hierarchy )jg
I guess what I'd hate to see is a lot of work put into improving 
gnetlist (which needs improving)
only to find that the underlying database structure and methods for 
accessing it still

aren't complete enough, fast enough, or scalable enough.

and just to clarify, this is a reason to use the gnetman database as 
opposed to one designed by one of us.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread Steve Meier

Keep this up and we are not only going to think you are paying attention
but that you are taking notes as well.

Steve Meier

John Griessen wrote:
> John Griessen wrote:
>> So,  "What do you want?
> The gschem gnetlist PCB gsch2pcb gattrib gerbv  wants mentioned
> recently and needing discussion are:
> Steve Meier:
> 1) hierarchical data and file structures (xml or other)
> 2) an integrated hierarchical netlister
> 3) use of a better supported scripting language
> 4) a method of dynamically partioning devices into meaningfull symbols
> 5) a method of communicating between the schematic design and the layout
> program on issues of slot swapping, i/o pin swapping, differential i/o
> pin swapping, bank swapping
> 6) strong drc
> > My plan for dealing with long refdes names e.g.S1/S2/S3/U3 is to hide
> > the refdes and create a large box on the silkscreen which is labled S1.
> > Then inside the S1 Box, a smaller box on the silcrean labled S2 and
> > inside ths S2 box an even smaller box labled S3. The device inside the
> > S3 box will have a silk screened comment near it that states U3.
> Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:  (about geda installer)jg
> For real day-to-day work the engineer should be
> able to decide himself what tool he wants to use
> it should be enough to
> run a command to have it installed.
> On 3/4/07, Dan McMahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:(about
> multiple flows)jg
> > I think designing the tool up front to explicitly deal with and support
> > 2 different back end flows (layout and simulation in this case) is very
> > important.  Presumably that will be a good vehicle to making sure it
> can
> > extend to many back end flows.
> David Baird wrote:  (about data tie ins to higher abstractions
> than "just boards")jg
> I've been thinking (maybe just dreaming?) about an extensible system
> which
> allows the representation of information which has not yet even been
> envisioned, while also providing forwards and backwards compatibility
> as new component representations are devised.  For these reasons, OWL
> struck me somewhat and now I am learning OWL and trying to see if I
> can really make it do what I want.  --  A simple example  --  convey to a
> PCB program that a set of nets are actually grouped
> > together to form the address bus of a microprocessor system.
> Dan McMahill wrote:  (about using gnetman work already done to get
> hierarchy )jg
> I guess what I'd hate to see is a lot of work put into improving
> gnetlist (which needs improving)
> only to find that the underlying database structure and methods for
> accessing it still
> aren't complete enough, fast enough, or scalable enough.
> Stuart Brorson wrote:
>   The discussion about hierarchy should focus on the
> following points:
> *  What kind of data structures are desirable?  How would they look?
> Right now, the main data structure for a schematic is a linear linked
> list of graphical objects (for each schematic page).  Some list items
> point to others (i.e. to support component attributes). How would that
> change to support hierarchy?
> *  ONce a datastructure is decided upon, then what does the file
> format look like?  Note that our current file format maps fairly
> closely onto the internal data structures.  Preserving this close
> mapping is a desirable goal.  Therefore, the data structures defining
> hierarchy should more-or-less dictate what the file format should look
> like.
> *  How should gschem behave once hierarchy is architected in?  Right
> now you attach a source= attribute to a symbol.  Then you do
> "schematic down" on that symbol to dive into the sub-schematic.  Is
> that OK?  Or what's a better scheme?
> And how to handle re-use blocks?  That is, if I have a sub-schematic
> which I instantiate four times, how should it be refdesed in the
> netlist?  If I dive into one of the four instantiations and edit it,
> is it OK that the other three instantiations are also updated.
> A list of use-cases would be helpful here.
> *  Similarly, how should gnetlist behave?  A use-case list would be
> useful.
> *  Finally, how should PCB behave with a hierarchical schematic?
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Design Flow Roadmap starting point

2007-03-16 Thread John Griessen

John Griessen wrote:

So,  "What do you want?

The gschem gnetlist PCB gsch2pcb gattrib gerbv  wants mentioned recently and 
needing discussion are:

Steve Meier:
1) hierarchical data and file structures (xml or other)
2) an integrated hierarchical netlister
3) use of a better supported scripting language
4) a method of dynamically partioning devices into meaningfull symbols
5) a method of communicating between the schematic design and the layout
program on issues of slot swapping, i/o pin swapping, differential i/o
pin swapping, bank swapping
6) strong drc

> My plan for dealing with long refdes names e.g.S1/S2/S3/U3 is to hide
> the refdes and create a large box on the silkscreen which is labled S1.
> Then inside the S1 Box, a smaller box on the silcrean labled S2 and
> inside ths S2 box an even smaller box labled S3. The device inside the
> S3 box will have a silk screened comment near it that states U3.

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:  (about geda installer)jg
For real day-to-day work the engineer should be
able to decide himself what tool he wants to use
it should be enough to
run a command to have it installed.

On 3/4/07, Dan McMahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:(about multiple 
> I think designing the tool up front to explicitly deal with and support
> 2 different back end flows (layout and simulation in this case) is very
> important.  Presumably that will be a good vehicle to making sure it can
> extend to many back end flows.

David Baird wrote:  (about data tie ins to higher abstractions than "just 
I've been thinking (maybe just dreaming?) about an extensible system which
allows the representation of information which has not yet even been
envisioned, while also providing forwards and backwards compatibility
as new component representations are devised.  For these reasons, OWL
struck me somewhat and now I am learning OWL and trying to see if I
can really make it do what I want.  --  A simple example  --  convey to a
PCB program that a set of nets are actually grouped
> together to form the address bus of a microprocessor system.

Dan McMahill wrote:  (about using gnetman work already done to get hierarchy )jg
I guess what I'd hate to see is a lot of work put into improving gnetlist 
(which needs improving)
only to find that the underlying database structure and methods for accessing 
it still
aren't complete enough, fast enough, or scalable enough.

Stuart Brorson wrote:
  The discussion about hierarchy should focus on the
following points:

*  What kind of data structures are desirable?  How would they look?
Right now, the main data structure for a schematic is a linear linked
list of graphical objects (for each schematic page).  Some list items
point to others (i.e. to support component attributes). How would that
change to support hierarchy?

*  ONce a datastructure is decided upon, then what does the file
format look like?  Note that our current file format maps fairly
closely onto the internal data structures.  Preserving this close
mapping is a desirable goal.  Therefore, the data structures defining
hierarchy should more-or-less dictate what the file format should look

*  How should gschem behave once hierarchy is architected in?  Right
now you attach a source= attribute to a symbol.  Then you do
"schematic down" on that symbol to dive into the sub-schematic.  Is
that OK?  Or what's a better scheme?

And how to handle re-use blocks?  That is, if I have a sub-schematic
which I instantiate four times, how should it be refdesed in the
netlist?  If I dive into one of the four instantiations and edit it,
is it OK that the other three instantiations are also updated.

A list of use-cases would be helpful here.

*  Similarly, how should gnetlist behave?  A use-case list would be

*  Finally, how should PCB behave with a hierarchical schematic?

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: New section on geda wiki: Design Flow Roadmap

2007-03-16 Thread John Griessen

It's not got much yet,

but I will add email excerpts as we discuss
wants mentioned in the "Flame about XML" and "hierarchy issues and other rants" 
threads recently,
but put in terms of how we do designs, not how we might implement it.

In other words define "it" first.

As DJ said, "What we need from you folks, the users, is a description of what
functionality you need and why, so that we can find the best way to
get there.  Telling us "you need XML" doesn't help, we can write a
converter to XML and "have XML" without solving your problem."

So,  "What do you want?

John Griessen

geda-user mailing list

Re: XML file formats .... was: Re: gEDA-user: Some footprints I tried to create

2007-03-16 Thread John Doty

On Mar 15, 2007, at 8:32 AM, Evan Lavelle wrote:

However, I ended up implementing a flat, lexer-only solution,
which of course is possible only with reverse polish notation.   
So, if

you need a *small*, truely extensible (trivial, even), and easy to
write parser, that doesn't require even more complexities like
bison/yacc (not all platforms have them), then you might want to
consider the RPN option as well.

A lexer just tokenises an input stream for you; it matches the  
input against a set of regular expressions that you specify, and  
lets you execute some code when it finds a match.

You could, in principle, implement an RPN (postfix) calculator  
using something like lex, by just pushing matched tokens onto a  
stack and popping them off when you match an operator. IMHO,  
though, this would be pretty pointless. You might just as well  
match "a + b" or "+ a b" and make a note to carry out evaluation  
one or two tokens after the '+', instead of immediately. This then  
gives you an infix or a prefix calculator, rather than a postfix  
one. There's nothing special about the RPN case - it's just  
marginally easier to implement, at the expense of readability.

In practice, it's trivial (and normal) to just pass the matched  
tokens to a parser such as yacc, which lets you check the structure  
of the input, recover from errors, distinguish unary from binary  
operators, evaluate complex expressions with precedence and  
associativity, and so on. It's very difficult to build any smarts  
into a lexer-based solution, but easy when you've got a parser on top.

Where RPN is useful is where you have (very) simple stack-based  
hardware, hence the usage in calculators.


Using the standard Unix compiler development tools for a Forth is  
swatting fles with a cannon.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: XML file formats .... was: Re: gEDA-user: Some footprints I triedto create

2007-03-16 Thread John Doty

On Mar 15, 2007, at 5:46 PM, Greg Cunningham wrote:

On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 07:34 -0400, David Kerber wrote:
Can you point me to a link on how this works?  I use an RPN  
calculator, but
never heard that term applied to data storage/configuration/ 
however you

describe what you are doing here.



Forth is one of the early(iest?) RPN TILs (Threaded Interpretive
Languages).  Attempting to master it absorbed a year or 2 of my youth.
Despite my fascination for RPL languages & stack parsers, I have
produced zilch with them...

There's a GPL development system I wrote for a very simple Forth  
dialect (LSE64) at I actually use it  
a lot in conjunction with gEDA. I test hardware with a Linux box full  
of DAQ cards using test programs in LSE64 (through drivers from Some of the things I design are microprogrammed: the  
microcode generation is in LSE64. I also use it for generating test  
vectors for circuit simulations. Some of my customers have been using  
it also, especially the DAQ and microcode generation stuff.

The problem with using something like Forth for data file exchange is  
that it's dangerously powerful. Virus writers could have a lot of  
fun. Perhaps one could remove some features and add checks for  
illegal data access, but it would probably require some serious care.

John Doty  Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB GTK Layer controls

2007-03-16 Thread John Griessen

Stephen Williams wrote:

I try to move one of the existing layers out of the group that it
is in to a group of its own (I'm trying to create a ground plane)
but it doesn't stick. 

> The radio button selects the layer for new lines, polygons, text,
> and thermals.

[jg]And after setting the new layer, and selecting a set of lines,
you can excute movetolayer  by a bind key  to change the layer of the whole 
group of objects.

John G

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Re: Flame about XML

2007-03-16 Thread Levente
Svenn Are Bjerkem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> actually come from UK. (I recognize from the mail adress that Levente
> may not be from the US).

That is true. I'm from EU. :-)

> I am a bit frustrated because everytime XML show up in topics, there
> are some opinions and then there is nothing but hardware talk.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB GTK Layer controls

2007-03-16 Thread ldoolitt
Steve -

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 10:39:28AM -0700, Stephen Williams wrote:
> Are the Layers controls dialog box buttons connected to anything?
> I try to move one of the existing layers out of the group that it
> is in to a group of its own (I'm trying to create a ground plane)
> but it doesn't stick. It's as if the radio button of the group
> select are not connected to anything.

The radio button selects the layer for new lines, polygons, text,
and thermals.

- Larry

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB GTK Layer controls

2007-03-16 Thread Stephen Williams

Are the Layers controls dialog box buttons connected to anything?
I try to move one of the existing layers out of the group that it
is in to a group of its own (I'm trying to create a ground plane)
but it doesn't stick. It's as if the radio button of the group
select are not connected to anything.

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at   But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where are the bugs databases?

2007-03-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> I suggest a page just for links to the bugs databases that includes
> a 1 line description of what parts of geda goes for each.

pcb's bugs, feature requests, etc; go to pcb's sourceforge tracker:

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-16 Thread C P Tarun

Great. How do I ask Ales for a login?

Got it. ahvezda at


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where are the bugs databases?

2007-03-16 Thread Ales Hvezda

Hi Steve,

On 3/16/07, Stephen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm fiddling with gschem/gattrib/gsch2pcb/pcb and find that I may
want to report bugs. What I need now, though, is a place front and
center that has links to the various bug reporting databases. I
know that there are a few on sourceforge, but there is nothing
written (other then mailing list lore) saying where they are and
what their boundaries are.

The bug trackers on sourceforge are the ones to use.  To summarize:

All bugs for anything in gEDA/gaf

All feature requests for gEDA/gaf:

All patches for gEDA/gaf:

I suggest a page just for links to the bugs databases that includes
a 1 line description of what parts of geda goes for each.

There is also:

which lists the bug databases as well as:

But these don't spell things out that explicitly. I'll add some text.

And on that note, where do I report bugs in gsch2pcb?

Yeah, please file into the bug, feature, or patch tracker listed above.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-16 Thread C P Tarun

I just asked Ales for a login.  It's for the gEDA 

Great. How do I ask Ales for a login?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where are the bugs databases?

2007-03-16 Thread John Griessen

Stephen Williams wrote:

I suggest a page just for links to the bugs databases that includes
a 1 line description of what parts of geda goes for each.

How about on the geda wiki?  I'll write it up after I get my login there.

John Griessen

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Where are the bugs databases?

2007-03-16 Thread Stephen Williams
I'm fiddling with gschem/gattrib/gsch2pcb/pcb and find that I may
want to report bugs. What I need now, though, is a place front and
center that has links to the various bug reporting databases. I
know that there are a few on sourceforge, but there is nothing
written (other then mailing list lore) saying where they are and
what their boundaries are.

I suggest a page just for links to the bugs databases that includes
a 1 line description of what parts of geda goes for each.

And on that note, where do I report bugs in gsch2pcb?

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at   But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-16 Thread John Griessen

C P Tarun wrote:
 I have read perhaps 100 A4-sized pages of text on gschem and pcb

and the connection between the two, by going through the info pages
for PCB and online tutorials and FAQs. And I remember feeling very
uneasy about the names-versus-numbers issue. But I do not remember
reading any good explanation. Your text above should not be allowed
to be lost.

If there is something I could do, please

tell me.

I just asked Ales for a login.  It's for the gEDA 
suite including PCB, so
if you get one too, you can put write ups into the FAQs there and
make them better directly.

John G

PS  The heading for a geda want list I am thinking of now is Design Flow 

sound good for assembling half-baked, codeless ideas as in,
"What we need from you folks, the users, is a description of what
functionality you need and why, so that we can find the best way to
get there. "(DJ Delorie)

John Griessen

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where to place pcb footprints?

2007-03-16 Thread Peter Baxendale
If you mean where pcb finds footprints, displayed in its "library"
window, then you can set this in ~/.pcb/preferences. I have a line:
"library-newlib = ./footprints:/home/des0prb/pcb/geda/footprints" in

Personally I don't ever use the pcb library window though, because I
always do pcbs from schematics. Here what matters is where gsch2pcb
looks for its footprints. I put this in a project file in the working
directory for the design, using a line like
"elements-dir /home/des0prb/pcb/geda/footprints"
I believe you can also specify this on the command line to gsch2pcb, but
I find the project file approach more convenient. Make is an alternative
of course.

Hope this helps. If others have better ways of doing this, I'd be glad
to hear them.

On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 00:02 +0100, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
> Where is a good place to store pcb footprints? For previous projects I
> just copied them to the global footprint directories, but I suppose
> that's not really the right place. The pcb documentation tells me to
> place project-specific footprints in pkg/newlib. I'd prefer some place
> under my home directory for footprints used by multiple projects, but
> how do I tell pcb and gsch2pcb to look there? Is there some
> configuration file for this? The pcb documentation mentions nothing
> about configuration files. Maybe pcb doesn't have one? Is the command
> line option to gsch2pcb the only way to tell it where to look for
> footprints?

Peter Baxendale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

geda-user mailing list