Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread gedau
On Sat, Sep 04, 2010 at 01:16:01AM -0400, Rick Collins wrote:

> But I suppose it is better to re-invent the wheel.  There is no reason to 
> try to foster any sort of compatibility in file formats between all the 
> different CAD tools.  There are always conversion programs to be written, 
> no?
> Rick 

Please note: I am not saying this for or against XML. I just felt like 
the above sentences implied using a specific file format is an ultimate 
solution for compatibility. Please always read "XML" as "any standard 
or widespread format, text or binary, for example json, plist, sql 
dumps, whatever".

Using xml as file format for PCB (or any CAD program) will not 
automatically make it compatible with any other CAD program. I see two 
different things here.

1. Use a file format that is well documented and known (this can be 
a standard format like XML, json, plist, or a custom format with proper 
2. How the content is actually represented. 

Point 1. is a basis, a must. Without that, we can not talk about making 
two programs compatible, since the data can not be read or written by 
the other program. However, just being able to read the file, but not 
understanding what they mean, won't make any compatibility. Thus point 
2. is a must too.

XML may or may not be a good solution for 1., but doesn't do _anything_ 
to 2. The current file format is plain text and documented enough 
(in worst case by the source code) that any developer has the chance to 
parse or generate it, this it also fulfills the reqiurements in 1.

Switching (or not switching) to XML will not make a real difference 
in compatibility. Switching to any standard format may ease 
implementation as one doesn't need to write a custom parser. But don't 
overestimate this part either: using a parser generator helps a lot, 
and even going without that, I strongly believe that finally the real 
complex and big part of the work is 2., not 1. Making two CAD 
programs compatible is harder on the "how we represent the design 
internally" level than "how do we convert the representation to an 
actual file format".


Tibor Palinkas

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread DJ Delorie

> The "heavy" issue is a red herring

The "heavy" issue impacts the difficulty in using XML as a toolkit.

> But I suppose it is better to re-invent the wheel.  There is no 
> reason to try to foster any sort of compatibility in file formats 
> between all the different CAD tools.

That's a real red herring, since nearly all non-free cad tools use
proprietary binary formats anyway.  There's nothing to be compatible

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread DJ Delorie

> 1. Refuse to export-as-footprints any PCB with more than one copper
>layer.  This will likely eliminate the most common problems.

Edge connectors.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread DJ Delorie

> If we tagged individual objects with rules it would be difficult to edit
> rules in a systemetic way. So I don't think that's a good way to go.

No, we tag objects with rule *names*.  Hopefully rules can nest, so
you can have meta-rules like "signal-line-rule" or "12vac rule".
Without a tag, you'd get synthetic tags like "line-rule" or

> Speed might be a problem, but again, Lisp would be a huge boon to this,
> if only because of the immense amount of AI-related stuff out there.

gschem uses a lot of lisp (in the guise of Guile).  No thanks.
Despite PCBs being object oriented, they're not *data* oriented like
Lisp is.

> C++ would be a definite improvement. However, it's a scary-huge language

No, it's not.  It has much more *capability* than C but you don't
*have* to use it all.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread DJ Delorie

> What level of self proving would Andrew need to do to be eligible for
> Linux Fund payment?

LF work is a contract between LF and the developer.  It's up to the
developer to prove themselves to LF, not to us.

> How's the fund doing these days?  Must still be lower than one
> action item, or we would have heard, I bet.

We need to do a release so the "done work" can be considered closed.
I need to find time for that too :-P

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread timecop
Given the choice between lisp (lol) and xml, the winner is absolutely clear.
There are even less lisp users than there are Linux users, and that's
a sad statistic.


On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 2:16 PM, Rick Collins  wrote:
> At 12:11 AM 9/4/2010, you wrote:
>> On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:29:58PM -0400, Rick Collins wrote:
>> > XML?  What's wrong with XML?  Heavy?  How heavy are a few electrons
>> > anyway?
>> >
>> For most data, XML ends up being > 50% tags (and < 50% data). It's hard to
>> read for humans, bandwidth-intensive for machines, difficult to parse and
>> generally ugly.
>> Plus, the entire spec is enormous, and using only a subset of the spec
>> means that we've lost a lot of the compatibility arguments in favor of
>> it.
>> Andrew
> Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!
> The spec is large because it addresses a wide range of design aspects, which
> is one of the great reasons for using it, one file for the entire design,
> schematic, layout, mechanical, etc, even board lay up.  So the compatibility
> issue is moot because any one app only needs to deal with the portion that
> applies to it.  Just don't muck with the other parts.
> The "heavy" issue is a red herring (are you planning on hosting this on a
> cell phone maybe?)  No PCB file format is going to be easy for humans to
> read.  Bandwidth?  Back to the MCU in the cell phone I guess.  "Ugly", now
> there is a great technical argument.
> But I suppose it is better to re-invent the wheel.  There is no reason to
> try to foster any sort of compatibility in file formats between all the
> different CAD tools.  There are always conversion programs to be written,
> no?
> Rick
> ___
> geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Rick Collins

At 12:11 AM 9/4/2010, you wrote:

On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:29:58PM -0400, Rick Collins wrote:
> XML?  What's wrong with XML?  Heavy?  How heavy are a few electrons anyway?

For most data, XML ends up being > 50% tags (and < 50% data). It's hard to
read for humans, bandwidth-intensive for machines, difficult to parse and
generally ugly.

Plus, the entire spec is enormous, and using only a subset of the spec
means that we've lost a lot of the compatibility arguments in favor of


Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel!

The spec is large because it addresses a wide range of design 
aspects, which is one of the great reasons for using it, one file for 
the entire design, schematic, layout, mechanical, etc, even board lay 
up.  So the compatibility issue is moot because any one app only 
needs to deal with the portion that applies to it.  Just don't muck 
with the other parts.

The "heavy" issue is a red herring (are you planning on hosting this 
on a cell phone maybe?)  No PCB file format is going to be easy for 
humans to read.  Bandwidth?  Back to the MCU in the cell phone I 
guess.  "Ugly", now there is a great technical argument.

But I suppose it is better to re-invent the wheel.  There is no 
reason to try to foster any sort of compatibility in file formats 
between all the different CAD tools.  There are always conversion 
programs to be written, no?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 04:44:14PM -0700, Andrew Poelstra wrote:
>However, this also brings the ability to edit PCB components individually,
>which means that some parts could have different layers than others, for
>example. And then you have to deal with layer mappings and stuff and it's
>a huge complicated mess, both for the user and in the code.

For layer mappings, things don't necessarily have to be difficult. Especially
if we had a good file format, people could write their own scripts if they
want to do crazy things.

In the meantime, we could:

1. Refuse to export-as-footprints any PCB with more than one copper layer.
   This will likely eliminate the most common problems.

2. As for PCB components that are themselves PCBs (ie, recursive PCBs), we
   could present the user with a mapping dialog when he tries to import a

The dialog would look something like (when importing a 6-layer sub-PCB
into a 5-layer PCB):

  Imported PCB   Current PCB
Silk   --> Silk
Top--> Top
Layer One  --> Layer One
Layer Two  --> Layer Two
Layer Three--> Bottom
Bottom --> *New Layer...*

The left-hand column is read-only. The right-hand column consists of
drop-down boxes listing all the existing layers. Selecting *New Layer...*
would pop up the New Layer dialog.

We could even store this mapping information in the .pcb file and allow
the user to change it after-the-fact.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Icarus verilog Synthesis

2010-09-03 Thread Ronald Mathias

   Thanks for the response. I was under the impression that Icarus was
   moving towards synthesis capability.

   I have the 0.8.1 Icraus version with me. I have made the source code
   compilable in Visual Studio 2005 though its not fully complete.

   May I know the reason as to why synthesis capability is being dropped ?

   I am really interested in making Icarus synthesizable.

   Here is my idea:

   I transform the Verilog code containing behavioral statements into
   verilog code that contains only gate level instantiations. This is
   passed as input to ABC Logic synthesis tool. Finally the
   output generated by ABC is passed to Versatile Place and Route(VPR)
   program which generates the bitstream.



   On 9/4/10, Stephen Williams <[1]> wrote:

 What are you trying to do? Are you really trying to "synthesize"
 Verilog design, meaning you are trying to generate a bit stream to
 load into your FPGA? Or are you trying to compile and simulate your
 Icarus Verilog is mostly a *simulator*, not a synthesizer. There
 some synthesis capabilities back in the 0.8 release, but that
 has been largely dropped in the 0.9 releases or current devel
 Verilog code generator? OK, this suggests that you really are trying
 to *synthesize* (and not simulate) and no, not even the 0.8 release
 supported synthesis of user defined tasks.
 Ronald Mathias wrote:
 >I have written a verilog code that makes use of a user defined
 task to
 >do some computation. The task takes two parameters as input and
 >parameter as output.
 >When I try to synthesize it, I get the following error:
 >internal error: NetProc::nex_output not implemented on object
 >type NetUTask
 >internal error: NetProc::nex_output not implemented on object
 >type NetUTask
 >Does this mean that icarus verilog has not yet support for
 synthesis of
 >user defined tasks?
 >When I try to send the elaborated netlist to the verilog code
 >back end, the task definition is missing from the output.
 >Is this a bug or the verilog code generator backend is still
 >completely implemented ?
 Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
 steve at [2]   But I have promises to keep,
 [3] and lines to code before I sleep,
 [4]   And lines to code before I sleep."
 geda-user mailing list



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:29:58PM -0400, Rick Collins wrote:
> XML?  What's wrong with XML?  Heavy?  How heavy are a few electrons anyway?

For most data, XML ends up being > 50% tags (and < 50% data). It's hard to
read for humans, bandwidth-intensive for machines, difficult to parse and
generally ugly.

Plus, the entire spec is enormous, and using only a subset of the spec
means that we've lost a lot of the compatibility arguments in favor of


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:00:43PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Re: functional blocks
> If we contemplate changing the PCB file format, it would be nice if we
> went with something that was intrinsically extensible.  Knowing that
> the 5th element in a list with '[' means "clearance" is a bad format,
> but seeing "clearance=5mil" in a list of attributes is much better.
> We use something suitable as our menu resource, but folks have argued
> for XML too.  I don't want to bring in something as heavy and complex
> as XML, but maybe a small parser like our resource parser that "just
> happened" to use XML format would buy us some usefulness at low cost.

XML is far too heavy, agreed, and it's signal-to-noise ratio is abysmal.
I think that using a Lisp (or Lispy-looking) format would be extensible,
easy to parse, and make the most people happy.

Plus, it would make it very easy to manipulate PCBs in Lisp, which is
a far nicer language to work with than Perl, which AFAICT is the most
common language for gEDA hacking.
> For performance reasons, it might be useful to have both an ASCII and
> a compiled binary format for these, with a converter.  I've done stuff
> like this before; parsing a huge ascii file is a CPU hog compared to
> something designed to be digested by a program.
> Note we already have the ability to store attributes at the layout,
> layer, and element level.  Perhaps that would be one place to hold new
> DRC rules?  If we tagged the rulesets, we could then assign those tags
> to objects on the board, although storing such tags means a file
> format change.  Maybe the new format can specify mandatory stuff as
> the first few non-tagged values (like line start/end coordinates) and
> have everything else be tagged after that (like clearance=1mm) so it's
> more free-form?  We'd need some meta-rules for specifying defaults.

I made another post to this list wherein I suggested structuring DRC rules
as objects in their own right: consisting of a filter (what it affects) and
a rule (what it requires).

If we tagged individual objects with rules it would be difficult to edit
rules in a systemetic way. So I don't think that's a good way to go.

> Re: DRC
> Our DRC engine could use a complete rewrite.  It doesn't get arcs
> right, for example.  It would be nice if it told us the *actual*
> design rules used (what's the closest cross-net spacing?  Smallest
> drill?  Etc) too.

Speed might be a problem, but again, Lisp would be a huge boon to this,
if only because of the immense amount of AI-related stuff out there.

> ...
> Some of that work can be made easier to code if we switch to C++
> officially so we can use a real OO language instead of the OO hack we
> currently have.  There's a patch in the tracker to make the code
> C++-compatible, someone (i.e. me) needs to review it so we can get it
> committed and start seeing who'll have problems if we switch to C++.

C++ would be a definite improvement. However, it's a scary-huge language
and I'm not sure the pros would outweigh the cons. (Of course, it's a far
easier port than any other language would be.)

There aren't a lot of other compiled languages to consider, though, that
would do what we want with the speed that we need. What is the opinion of
D in this group?
> Then you could have each object know how to draw itself (or part of
> itself, usually by layers) just by foo->draw().  I don't think this is
> *needed* though.  We just need a new object type that is itself a PCB
> (or at least the PCB->Data structure, like a Buffer), a way to nest
> all the draw/find/select etc stuff, and a way to tell the GUI which
> object(s) you're editing.  That automatically gives you a footprint
> editor too :-)

Agreed, but given the pain it would take to create a workable PCB object,
I think we'd be better off just going to a real OO language.

> If you'd rather work on the GUI, though, that's also a needed project.
> It would be nice if the GTK gui supported all the modern Gnome stuff,
> like dockable toolbars and menus-with-icons.  The SOW has an entry for
> that also.

I really don't want to do GUI work, but I'm finding it's necessary to
developing functional blocks. Mainly because without GUI support, having
functional blocks is nearly useless.

And in the process, I'm learning Gtk and GUI development in general. And
learning is always a good thing :). For now, modernizing the entire GUI
is well beyond my abilities.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Rick Collins

XML?  What's wrong with XML?  Heavy?  How heavy are a few electrons anyway?

There is already a preliminary XML based CAD data spec proposed by 
IPC, you know, the guys who write specs for the PCB assembly industry...

I don't know if it is the best thing ever invented and I expect the 
spec is not complete enough for everyone to make their data files 
100% compatible without a lot of communication, but wouldn't it be a 
great idea to at least start on a path which could result in a common 
data base for CAD packages?  What a concept!  The spec I have seen 
that looks like it would apply is IPC-2511B.  These things don't seem 
to be free, but I found this one somewhere, maybe on the IPC site.


At 11:00 PM 9/3/2010, you wrote:

Re: functional blocks

If we contemplate changing the PCB file format, it would be nice if we
went with something that was intrinsically extensible.  Knowing that
the 5th element in a list with '[' means "clearance" is a bad format,
but seeing "clearance=5mil" in a list of attributes is much better.
We use something suitable as our menu resource, but folks have argued
for XML too.  I don't want to bring in something as heavy and complex
as XML, but maybe a small parser like our resource parser that "just
happened" to use XML format would buy us some usefulness at low cost.

For performance reasons, it might be useful to have both an ASCII and
a compiled binary format for these, with a converter.  I've done stuff
like this before; parsing a huge ascii file is a CPU hog compared to
something designed to be digested by a program.

Note we already have the ability to store attributes at the layout,
layer, and element level.  Perhaps that would be one place to hold new
DRC rules?  If we tagged the rulesets, we could then assign those tags
to objects on the board, although storing such tags means a file
format change.  Maybe the new format can specify mandatory stuff as
the first few non-tagged values (like line start/end coordinates) and
have everything else be tagged after that (like clearance=1mm) so it's
more free-form?  We'd need some meta-rules for specifying defaults.


Our DRC engine could use a complete rewrite.  It doesn't get arcs
right, for example.  It would be nice if it told us the *actual*
design rules used (what's the closest cross-net spacing?  Smallest
drill?  Etc) too.

Re: recursive PCBs

I think the first step in this type of change is to tag layers by
type.  I've spec'd this out before, I think, and it's the "Upgrade of
layer and design objects" in our big "statement of work" (SOW):

Those items are approximately in do-in-this-order order, but the GUI
stuff can go anywhere.  Anyway, layer design tags each layer with a
type, such as "top side silk" or "inner keepout" (a combination of a
"where" and a "what", and optional "invert").

This is the basis for elements-as-pcbs and nested pcbs.  The tricky
part is not the data structures, but mapping the various layers in
each submodule.  For example, if you imported a two-layer board module
into a four-layer board, what happens?  Or an element description with
"keepaway" on "all inner layers", how does that map to a six-layer
board?  Etc.

Some of that work can be made easier to code if we switch to C++
officially so we can use a real OO language instead of the OO hack we
currently have.  There's a patch in the tracker to make the code
C++-compatible, someone (i.e. me) needs to review it so we can get it
committed and start seeing who'll have problems if we switch to C++.

Then you could have each object know how to draw itself (or part of
itself, usually by layers) just by foo->draw().  I don't think this is
*needed* though.  We just need a new object type that is itself a PCB
(or at least the PCB->Data structure, like a Buffer), a way to nest
all the draw/find/select etc stuff, and a way to tell the GUI which
object(s) you're editing.  That automatically gives you a footprint
editor too :-)

If you'd rather work on the GUI, though, that's also a needed project.
It would be nice if the GTK gui supported all the modern Gnome stuff,
like dockable toolbars and menus-with-icons.  The SOW has an entry for
that also.

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread John Griessen

DJ Delorie wrote:

If you'd rather work on the GUI, though, that's also a needed project.
It would be nice if the GTK gui supported all the modern Gnome stuff,
like dockable toolbars and menus-with-icons.  The SOW has an entry for
that also.

What level of self proving would Andrew need to do to be eligible for
Linux Fund payment?  How's the fund doing these days?  Must still be lower
than one action item, or we would have heard, I bet.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread DJ Delorie

Re: functional blocks

If we contemplate changing the PCB file format, it would be nice if we
went with something that was intrinsically extensible.  Knowing that
the 5th element in a list with '[' means "clearance" is a bad format,
but seeing "clearance=5mil" in a list of attributes is much better.
We use something suitable as our menu resource, but folks have argued
for XML too.  I don't want to bring in something as heavy and complex
as XML, but maybe a small parser like our resource parser that "just
happened" to use XML format would buy us some usefulness at low cost.

For performance reasons, it might be useful to have both an ASCII and
a compiled binary format for these, with a converter.  I've done stuff
like this before; parsing a huge ascii file is a CPU hog compared to
something designed to be digested by a program.

Note we already have the ability to store attributes at the layout,
layer, and element level.  Perhaps that would be one place to hold new
DRC rules?  If we tagged the rulesets, we could then assign those tags
to objects on the board, although storing such tags means a file
format change.  Maybe the new format can specify mandatory stuff as
the first few non-tagged values (like line start/end coordinates) and
have everything else be tagged after that (like clearance=1mm) so it's
more free-form?  We'd need some meta-rules for specifying defaults.


Our DRC engine could use a complete rewrite.  It doesn't get arcs
right, for example.  It would be nice if it told us the *actual*
design rules used (what's the closest cross-net spacing?  Smallest
drill?  Etc) too.

Re: recursive PCBs

I think the first step in this type of change is to tag layers by
type.  I've spec'd this out before, I think, and it's the "Upgrade of
layer and design objects" in our big "statement of work" (SOW):

Those items are approximately in do-in-this-order order, but the GUI
stuff can go anywhere.  Anyway, layer design tags each layer with a
type, such as "top side silk" or "inner keepout" (a combination of a
"where" and a "what", and optional "invert").

This is the basis for elements-as-pcbs and nested pcbs.  The tricky
part is not the data structures, but mapping the various layers in
each submodule.  For example, if you imported a two-layer board module
into a four-layer board, what happens?  Or an element description with
"keepaway" on "all inner layers", how does that map to a six-layer
board?  Etc.

Some of that work can be made easier to code if we switch to C++
officially so we can use a real OO language instead of the OO hack we
currently have.  There's a patch in the tracker to make the code
C++-compatible, someone (i.e. me) needs to review it so we can get it
committed and start seeing who'll have problems if we switch to C++.

Then you could have each object know how to draw itself (or part of
itself, usually by layers) just by foo->draw().  I don't think this is
*needed* though.  We just need a new object type that is itself a PCB
(or at least the PCB->Data structure, like a Buffer), a way to nest
all the draw/find/select etc stuff, and a way to tell the GUI which
object(s) you're editing.  That automatically gives you a footprint
editor too :-)

If you'd rather work on the GUI, though, that's also a needed project.
It would be nice if the GTK gui supported all the modern Gnome stuff,
like dockable toolbars and menus-with-icons.  The SOW has an entry for
that also.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread John Griessen

Andrew Poelstra wrote:

   However, this also brings the ability to edit PCB components individually,
   which means that some parts could have different layers than others, for
   example. And then you have to deal with layer mappings and stuff and it's
   a huge complicated mess, both for the user and in the code.

Dang!  It IS a huge complicated mess.  But then, you could not try to please 
and it can simplify down to "use some external script to do remappings of
reused components that have different layers",  and the excitement pops
right back up.


Ecosensory   Austin TX

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Functional blocks and PCB format changes

2010-09-03 Thread Andrew Poelstra

Hey all,

I am working on the structuring PCB files in terms of functional blocks,
and generalizing/extending the DRC rule format. (Things have slowed down
as summer is ending but I am still working on this.)

Mostly I am doing GUI work, since that is more-or-less stateless; I can
spend 20 minutes reading docs or GTK code and not worry about making it
work with PCB.

But for the underlying logic:

Naturally, I want to avoid any breaking changes to the PCB format, both
to increase the chances of my code being accepted, as well as the obvious
compatibility reasons.

So I have a few thoughts:

1. Initially my plan was to tag every object in the PCB with a functional
   block. This would make attaching multiple tags easy, though it might
   bloat the file, and would be slow to initially parse and search.

2. Another idea would be to create functional blocks as "recursive PCBs".
   This has been mentioned a few times on the list, and creates all sorts
   of exciting possibilities - from importing recursive schematics to
   reusing layout parts to clearer source control of PCBs.

   However, this also brings the ability to edit PCB components individually,
   which means that some parts could have different layers than others, for
   example. And then you have to deal with layer mappings and stuff and it's
   a huge complicated mess, both for the user and in the code.

What do you guys think I should do? What would require the fewest changes
to the PCB format, if any?

Generalized DRC rules at least could be tacked on anywhere and would be
quietly ignored by old versions of pcb, right?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Andrew Poelstra
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 06:40:05PM +0200, Pawel Kusmierski wrote:
> Is anybody willing to elaborate on how difficult would it be
> to modify the pcb source code to color-differentiate three or four
> silk layers and be able to selectively hide/show them?

It will probably be more work than it should be, since there is
special logic in place to handle the silk and via layers, and a
switch statement in nearly every layer-handling function to deal
with it.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Icarus verilog Synthesis

2010-09-03 Thread Stephen Williams

What are you trying to do? Are you really trying to "synthesize" your
Verilog design, meaning you are trying to generate a bit stream to
load into your FPGA? Or are you trying to compile and simulate your

Icarus Verilog is mostly a *simulator*, not a synthesizer. There were
some synthesis capabilities back in the 0.8 release, but that support
has been largely dropped in the 0.9 releases or current devel branch.

Verilog code generator? OK, this suggests that you really are trying
to *synthesize* (and not simulate) and no, not even the 0.8 release
supported synthesis of user defined tasks.

Ronald Mathias wrote:
>I have written a verilog code that makes use of a user defined task to
>do some computation. The task takes two parameters as input and one
>parameter as output.
>When I try to synthesize it, I get the following error:
>internal error: NetProc::nex_output not implemented on object
>type NetUTask
>internal error: NetProc::nex_output not implemented on object
>type NetUTask
>Does this mean that icarus verilog has not yet support for synthesis of
>user defined tasks?
>When I try to send the elaborated netlist to the verilog code generator
>back end, the task definition is missing from the output.
>Is this a bug or the verilog code generator backend is still not
>completely implemented ?

Steve Williams"The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at   But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep,   And lines to code before I sleep."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Rick Collins
No, FreePCB is a separate project with no links in any way.  I have 
used it for a couple of projects and like it pretty well, but it is 
hard to get changes made.  The developer was on a hiatus for some 
time, but is back now.  He has a long list of bug fixes and 
suggestions people would like to see implemented.  He also has some 
philosophical difference with me.  I would consider creating my own 
branch of the project, but I don't own the tools to build it with and 
no one has done that yet, so I don't know how well it would be 
received.  I don't want to muddy the waters with different versions, 
even if they are just small UI changes, unless we can find a way to 
make it part of the main branch with perhaps build options or something.

In the meantime I am working on the wiki as my small 
contribution.  Too bad it is down... :^(  I may also help with some 
peripheral tools such as a BOM/xyrs file manager.  The one someone 
else contributed does not fully utilize the info potentially 
available from the schematic.

I know pretty much nothing about PCB so I can't even give you a basic 
comparison of the two.  I am here to try to learn what this is about 
and where it is going.  Maybe I'll want to get on board at some point.


At 05:40 PM 9/3/2010, you wrote:

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Rick Collins  wrote:
> I can't answer your question, but I have one of my own.  I use FreePCB and
> have requested, along with others, that we be able to designate layers as
> "documentation" such as assembly info, mechanical details, etc.  Is that
> what you are looking for or do you want these layers to be usable 
to produce

> the silk screen Gerber files?  I suppose once the layers are created, it
> would not be any extra effort to allow them to be used in the Gerber file.
>  Does PCB have the ability to combine multiple layers into a single Gerber
> file?

That would do the trick.
I just want to have more than two silk layers and be able to tell them
apart by color.
That would make it just so much easier to design a pcb that would fit
into a case,
and know where to cut holes in it at the same time.

By the way, is FreePCB related to gEDA pcb in any way?

Kind regards,
Pawel Kusmierski

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Pawel Kusmierski
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Rick Collins  wrote:
> I can't answer your question, but I have one of my own.  I use FreePCB and
> have requested, along with others, that we be able to designate layers as
> "documentation" such as assembly info, mechanical details, etc.  Is that
> what you are looking for or do you want these layers to be usable to produce
> the silk screen Gerber files?  I suppose once the layers are created, it
> would not be any extra effort to allow them to be used in the Gerber file.
>  Does PCB have the ability to combine multiple layers into a single Gerber
> file?

That would do the trick.
I just want to have more than two silk layers and be able to tell them
apart by color.
That would make it just so much easier to design a pcb that would fit
into a case,
and know where to cut holes in it at the same time.

By the way, is FreePCB related to gEDA pcb in any way?

Kind regards,
Pawel Kusmierski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: error while loading shared libraries:

2010-09-03 Thread Karl Hammar
> k...@red:/home/backup/Work/BuddiPole/Schematic/condisp $ gschem
> condisp-*.sch
> gschem: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory
> So do I have to reinstall the whole gEDA system?

You could try to find the missing libs.

You need the libltdl3 package. Download the .deb file, from an 
ubunto or debian mirror and try to dpkg -i it, hopefully there will be 
no installation conflicts -- or you could compile it from source if 
that fails.

In debian the package file is eg. in

You could probably replace with a suitable ubunto 

/Karl Hammar

Aspö Data
Lilla Aspö 148
S-742 94 Östhammar
+46 173 140 57

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: error while loading shared libraries:

2010-09-03 Thread Kipton Moravec
I upgraded my Ubuntu 08.04 to 10.04 and now gschem will not work.

k...@red:/home/backup/Work/BuddiPole/Schematic/condisp $ gschem
gschem: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I checked Synaptic Package manager and it says 
libtdl7 is installed.

I did find this:


Package libltdl3 has no available version, but exists in the database.
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents
of sources.list

So do I have to reinstall the whole gEDA system?

What is the best way to do this?

Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . . .. -...

"Always do right; this will gratify some people and astonish the rest."
--Mark Twain

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Rick Collins
I can't answer your question, but I have one of my own.  I use 
FreePCB and have requested, along with others, that we be able to 
designate layers as "documentation" such as assembly info, mechanical 
details, etc.  Is that what you are looking for or do you want these 
layers to be usable to produce the silk screen Gerber files?  I 
suppose once the layers are created, it would not be any extra effort 
to allow them to be used in the Gerber file.  Does PCB have the 
ability to combine multiple layers into a single Gerber file?


At 12:40 PM 9/3/2010, you wrote:

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Stefan Salewski  wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 11:53 +0200, Pawel Kusmierski wrote:
> > Dear fellow GEDA-users,
> >Can I get pcb to either treat a layer other than the default silk as
> >non-metal
> >(so it would not short pads and mess up nets),
> Please note, your SUBJECT may be misleading...
> No, currently we have only one silk layer. You may "miss-use" other
> copper layers for that task -- it may work when that layer is not in
> your real copper layer groups, but unfortunately it still connects to
> vias and can generate shorts. I did that for visual marks, distinct from
> other silk marks, and I copy that layer to silk before gerber
> production. (Some of us hope that sometimes we will have general propose
> layers, so that we can select type and other parameters separate...)
Thanks for your answer Stefan.
I have my visual marks just over vias, and it shorts them together,
so I will look for some other solution.

Is anybody willing to elaborate on how difficult would it be
to modify the pcb source code to color-differentiate three or four
silk layers and be able to selectively hide/show them?

Kind regards,
Pawel Kusmierski

geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Pawel Kusmierski
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 1:51 PM, Stefan Salewski  wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 11:53 +0200, Pawel Kusmierski wrote:
> > Dear fellow GEDA-users,
> >    Can I get pcb to either treat a layer other than the default silk as
> >    non-metal
> >    (so it would not short pads and mess up nets),
> Please note, your SUBJECT may be misleading...
> No, currently we have only one silk layer. You may "miss-use" other
> copper layers for that task -- it may work when that layer is not in
> your real copper layer groups, but unfortunately it still connects to
> vias and can generate shorts. I did that for visual marks, distinct from
> other silk marks, and I copy that layer to silk before gerber
> production. (Some of us hope that sometimes we will have general propose
> layers, so that we can select type and other parameters separate...)
Thanks for your answer Stefan.
I have my visual marks just over vias, and it shorts them together,
so I will look for some other solution.

Is anybody willing to elaborate on how difficult would it be
to modify the pcb source code to color-differentiate three or four
silk layers and be able to selectively hide/show them?

Kind regards,
Pawel Kusmierski

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Stefan Salewski
On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 11:53 +0200, Pawel Kusmierski wrote:
> Dear fellow GEDA-users,
>Can I get pcb to either treat a layer other than the default silk as
>(so it would not short pads and mess up nets),

Please note, your SUBJECT may be misleading...

No, currently we have only one silk layer. You may "miss-use" other
copper layers for that task -- it may work when that layer is not in
your real copper layer groups, but unfortunately it still connects to
vias and can generate shorts. I did that for visual marks, distinct from
other silk marks, and I copy that layer to silk before gerber
production. (Some of us hope that sometimes we will have general propose
layers, so that we can select type and other parameters separate...)

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Color silk layers in pcb

2010-09-03 Thread Pawel Kusmierski
   Dear fellow GEDA-users,
   Can I get pcb to either treat a layer other than the default silk as
   (so it would not short pads and mess up nets), or draw "different" silk
   as separate objects, in different colors?
   My problem is following:
   I have a case consisting of two haves, upper and lower. I'm in ecstasy,
   I managed to transform the manufacturer's drawing to a pcb file using
   scale with pstoedit. Now I have to-scale drawing of both halves, and I
   happily using different colors for them, having them on a different
   I was able to hide either or both, until it became clear, that they are
   treated as metal, even when not visible, and are short-circuiting my
   which is a pain. I moved them to the silk layer, but then I can not
   tell what
   is what.
   I also tried manualy editing the pcb file, and renamed the layers to
   but it didn't help much.
   Is there an easy way (configuration) or just the hard way (code)?
   If only the hard, where does one start, and is it something on an order
   horus, days or weeks?
   Thank you if you got that far, and in advance, for the answer.
   Pawel Kusmierski

geda-user mailing list