Re: gEDA-user: Spice Example RF_Amp

2009-08-06 Thread Chris Albertson
> How do I get this patch into ngspice??

The expedient way would be to simply hand edit the file and change 1024 to 2096.

But if you want to know how to apply this patch (and others you may
come across in the future) then you need to know that it was created
using the "diff" program and can be applied using the "patch" program.
 Read the man pages for both.   Just type "man patch" at the terminal
(without the quoates)

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OFF] high current amplifier

2009-05-22 Thread Chris Albertson
On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:00 PM, Joerg  wrote:
> Chris Albertson wrote:
> [...]
>> I'm thinking about tube amps that had an output impedance of about 1M
>> ohm that used transformers to drive 8 ohm speakers.  About a 100,000
>> to 1 ratio.
> 1M? What kind of tube was that? I think the highest I had was about 5K.
> At 5000 volts on the plates ...

OK off by "just one decimal point".  My point still is that tube amps
have to deal with a huge impedance mis-match and they handle it with a
transformer.Then you ask "what transformers can handle a load that
is well under 1 ohm.  So I thought about arc welders.

While on the subject, I'm wanting to build a tube amp.  But my goal is
not to re-create an old design.  Mostly for entertainment and
education I want to design and build the transformers too.  Anyone
have any leads or links to places to buy the parts?  I know you can
buy frames and the metal plates used to stack a transformer core but
where?.  I'd start by building something small and easy, like a low
power 12V power supply but the goal is to learn the art of high power
transformer building

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [OFF] high current amplifier

2009-05-21 Thread Chris Albertson
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 8:37 AM, Levente Kovacs  wrote:
> Ok,
> I guess I wasn't clear, so I have to add that it won't be used to drive a
> speaker, I used the word "audio" to refer the frequency range. 500W audio
> amplifier that designed to drive 4-8 Ohms is easy. But 100A, is something you
> won't get in a pro audio store.

First off, your requet caught my eye as I'm looking for an audio amp
that goes down
to about 40Hz and hasthat kind of power.  I'd use it for my bass
guitar.  They are
easy to find.  Any music store will sell you a 500W bass amp.

What about using a very large 500W output transformer to impedence
match a "normal" amp to the load.

I'm thinking about tube amps that had an output impedance of about 1M
ohm that used transformers to drive 8 ohm speakers.  About a 100,000
to 1 ratio.

You could salvage the transformer from an arc welder to re-purpose as
your output transformer.  These are designed for close to the specs
youd need

What are you driving?

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Surface mounted circuits in hobby projects

2009-04-10 Thread Chris Albertson
> I tried to desolder a SMD component, a capacitor with solder remover
> wick (copper braid), and it's very hard to do it.

The class setup is rework tweezers.   It's basically a double tipped
solder iron and you can just pick up the part off the PCB with
hot tipped tweezers.

But us poor-folk just heat both ends
of the part at once with a larger tip solder iron then push the part
sideways off the pads with the iron.

Also try lifting with normal tweezer while cycling the iron from
pin to pin.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 2 layer home-made PCB

2009-04-08 Thread Chris Albertson
It sounds to me like the person who designed and build this PCB did not know
that commercial PCBs have plated through holes.  It did not know this
at first either.
(No one is born knowing this stuff)  You can't make this kind of
PCB at home so home builders have to design their boards differently and
not assume a hole will pass a signal through the board.

What you do on your next layout is only have thru-leads soldered on
the solder side
of the PCB.  If you need to pass a signal through the board make a special
hole that holds just a short 1/8th inch length of wire and solder that
from both ends.

It turns out that surface mount parts make life easy.  Design your next PCB to
use surface mount resistors and caps on the component side.  Save s alot of hole
drilling and space.  At the very least make all the decoupling by-pass caps SMT

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 2:49 PM, richard  wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 17:18:09 -0400
> DJ Delorie  wrote:
>> > When you say a wire, are you talking hollow wire so that the
>> > component can be inserted into the hole also?  I'm not
>> > understanding.  Does the 22ga wire lay beside the component lead?
>> > If that's the case all the thru holes will be too small.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Surface mounted circuits in hobby projects

2009-04-02 Thread Chris Albertson
On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Steven Michalske  wrote:

> I was soldering DE9 shells with a 15 Watt radio shack special.
> This caused me to deform most of the plastic that the pins were held
> with.
> My dad saw the results and told me that i needed a bigger iron.
> He got out the 250 Watt soldering gun and soldered each pin with out
> melting the plastic.
> It's because the 15 Watt iron took too long to impart enough heat to
> melt the solder, but could deliver enough heat over time to melt the
> plastic.

The "normal" way surface mount parts are soldered  is in an oven.  First solder
paste is applied to the parts of the PCB the have no solder mask. Then a machine
places each part into the paste.  The paste is sticky and holds the
part in place
then the entire board, parts ,soldr paste and all is placed in an oven
and heated
until the solder melts.  The parts are designed to withstand this kind
of treatment

It can be done this way at home.  Many people have modified toaster ovens,
some times with micro-controllers and temperature sensors.   You can buy solder
paste in a syringe.

That said I use a temperature control iron with a fine poiint conical
tip.  .01 pitch leads are easy, smaller ones take more effort.  But
what abot ball grid arrays or other parts with no access to all the
leads.   I'm seriously thinking about building a reflow oven.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Problem with OGD1: Can anyone advise on good low-jitter

2007-11-28 Thread Chris Albertson
On Nov 28, 2007 11:09 AM, Timothy Normand Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does anyone know anything about these?  Do you have experience with
> specific high-frequency clock generators and know how they perform and
> what kind of jitter they produce?

These are kind of like those four pin crystal oscillators except they are six
pin devices, with the extra pins for i2c programmeing.  Jitter specs look

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: firmware and the GPL license

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Albertson
> If you link in GPL'd code, period. That includes dynamic linking, and
> any attempts to "wrap" the proprietary code in a GPL'd wrapper.

It is easy to come up with counter examples...

So if I write a proprietary program the uses the Motif widget set
and I license it with very restrictive terms and sell it to a user.
Now lets say that user one day decides to install a GPL'd
Motiff library (lesstiff) on his system and my code is dynamically linked
to it.  I don't think my code is now GPL'd.  As the author of
the software I have no control over what my code is dynamically
linked to.

Here is the text quoted directly from the GPL:

"...If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the
Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate
works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to
those sections when you distribute them as separate works"

I think this is very clear.  I can distribute them both but must make
clear the DLL and the main program are "separate works"

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: firmware and the GPL license

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Albertson
>  Surely a company cannot enforce footprint
> protection, since they cannot tell the difference, from looking at a
> board, between a hand-made footprint and a re-used footprint.

That's why data can not be covered by copyright. For example the
names and numbers in a phone book can be reproduced and re-publised
but the typographical layout of space and the pagebreaks and width of
the colukns and so on are covered under copyright.

I think what this means for foot prints is that the size the location of the
pads is not covered but the bytes in the file that describe the size and
location of the pads is covered.  So you could re-format the file so that
the data are written differently you'd be OK.

The same applies to compilations of public domain works.  each work
is not covered but the act of assembling a compilation is itself a creative
effort that can be copyrighted.   So a footprint library might be covered
if it was assembled from public information.
Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: firmware and the GPL license

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Albertson
On Nov 15, 2007 11:12 AM, Steven Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...what about 'code' in the form of Gerbers
> and etc produced by PCB?  Would you consider the resultant board
> produced by PCB to fall under a GPL license?

Absolutely and very clearly "no".  This is exactly the same as using the gcc
compiler.  Compiler output is specifically not covered by GPL.  Another
example is using a GPL's word processor.  The papers you write are
not GPL'd

The test is easy.  If your code (or Gerber files) can be distributed
independently from the the GPL'd software then they are not

The above test is not trivial and could conceivably fail if say PCB
embedded a copy of some GPL'd file inside every output file it
made.  Then the GPL'd inclusion could not be independently
distributed .  But most developers are not going to do this or
if they did the mistake would be pointed out and it would be
corrected.(Yes, I've seen this error made and corrected.)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: firmware and the GPL license

2007-11-15 Thread Chris Albertson
On Nov 15, 2007 5:00 AM, Duncan Drennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been looking at using some GPL'ed firmware code on a USB board
> that I've designed. The board is part of design project for one of my
> clients.
> After some reading my interpretation of the GPL is that if I compile
> that code into my firmware which will be "conveyed" to the client,
> then the entire firmware code now has to fall under the GPL. This
> effectively means that my client would have to open source their
> firmware if I make use of the GPL'ed code.
> So two questions:
> 1) Is the above interpretation correct?
> 2) What practical licenses are out there for this type of situation?

In your case where you are wrinting code and you make use of GPL'd
code then yes you should release your code under GPL.  But there is
an exception.  The exception is for a GPL'd component that provides
some well defined functon that could be provided by some other
component.  An example of this would by a Windows DLL.  Just because
your program calls a DLL that is GPLd your program does not have to
be GPL'd.  The key is the degree of separation.  The DLL case is clear
cut because any number of programs can call the same DLL and the
DLL can be distributed independently of the programs that use it.
As long as you maintain this level of independence you are not
effected by GPL.

If you link in the GPL'd code and make a single object that cannot
be taken apart then the object you made must be covered by GPL
and you need to offer the source code.

But then the next person who gets your product gets to repeat this.
If he re-sells your device he needs to offer to give away your source code
but he may not have tied your code to his into one big executable
object.  Perhaps he has only put your gadget and his product in the same box
in that case he is re-selling a GPL'd product and some other product.
The key test again if if the final product is like the DLL, modular and
in theory an end user could replace one part at a time.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Schematic Level DRC DIscussion

2007-11-07 Thread Chris Albertson
On 11/6/07, Dave N6NZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve Meier wrote:
> > What do we expect the schematic DRC to catch?
> The problems that apply to *my* situation and *my* technology.  Also,
> violations of the in-house design style guides that only I use -- for
> instance, require a partnum attribute whose value exists in the
> purchasing database.
> In other words, generic DRC is largely pointless.  DRC should be
> implemented as a DRC engine and a rules database.  Of course, one hopes
> that a (or two or three) good, reasonably generic rule sets can ship
> with the release.  End users can start with that and tweak to their own
> needs.
> The trick, it seems to me, is to come up with a clean and readable
> syntax for the rule set.  The language needs to be declarative at its
> core, and allow user plug-ins written in C (so that I can run SQL
> queries against my parts database, for instance.)

Have you looked at Prolog?  It is an interesting language.   A Prolog
program is a set of patterns and actions.  For example to write a sortting
program you could give as a pattern "x[i] >x[i+1]" and the action would
be the exchange x[i] and x[i+1].  In Prolog data and program have the
same syntax

For DRC in Prolog, one way would be to first "facts" about the devices and
the pins.  These "facts could be written in Prolog and stored with the symbol.
Rules would be patterns. These are declaritive and would say things like
Power inputs must by connected to power sources.  Source must be able
to drive loads,

One of the nice things about adopting an existing language is that there
are existing interpreters and impotently books and tutorials.

People have written very complex programs in Prolog, several so called
"expert systems" and it would be agood way to implement features like
autoplacement and autorouting.
Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf capabilities

2007-11-07 Thread Chris Albertson
> I am looking using gEDA/gaf for my own activities 

Me too.  I think the weakest part of gEDA is the lack of
a good symbol and foot print library.  basically everyone
has to make their own.

What would be great is a translator that could translate
other libraries into gEDA's format.  What's really frustrating
is that if I go to (say) Analog Device's web site they will have
symbols and foot prints for all their parts, but none work with
gEDA.  A translator could fix that problem.

The othr free GPL'd EDA tool is "Kicad".  It is very much like
gEDA in that it is made up of a set of  programs that interact
by passing files.  Kicad has slightly better integraton between
the tools and a much larger symbol/parts library but then
gEDA does some thing better.  When would be good is if the
two Kicad and gEDA could share datafiles.  It would be good
for both projects

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: can't close the preference dialog

2007-10-17 Thread Chris Albertson
On 10/17/07, Kai-Martin Knaak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sometimes preference dialog fails to close. If it does and I hit the ok-
> button the terminal prints an
> error:(pcb:1184): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_widget_destroy: assertion
> `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
> Most of the times the preference dialog closes just fine.

GTK2 on my system is a mixture of 2.12.0-2 and 2.10.13-1 (Debian testing)
I ran into the exact same error last night.  I'm running on an Apple iMac
Mac OS X.   It is 100% reproducible.  To reproduce the error.  First try and
the window by clicking
on the "close" button in the window manager. (in the iMac, this is the read
After I do this then all further input to the dialog box gives the assertion
I can guess what the problem might be.  I assumed it had something to do
Apple's X11 implementation so I was not going to report it.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: collaboration opportunity

2007-10-16 Thread Chris Albertson
On 10/16/07, Ryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to see some open hardware with a decent Gigabit interface.
> The GNU Radio project's "USRP2" has a Gigabit ethernet interface done with
Verilog in an FPGA.  They are contributing the verilog code back to
OpenCores  ( I don't know if they have done that yet (just
checked, no) but the old (somewhat functional) 10/100/1000BaseT MAC is there
now.  The new MAC is in the project's CVS.

Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: newbie, couple of Q's about gschem

2007-10-16 Thread Chris Albertson
On 10/15/07, Greg Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 18:10 +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> > On Monday 15 October 2007 17:27:43 Chris Albertson wrote:
> > > Gschem's primary purpose is schematic capture.  If what you want is
> > > publication quality schematic drawings use XCircuit.
> > >
> >
> > I'm afraid that this is just not true.  It's entirely possible to
> > produce "publication quality" (whatever that is) diagrams in gschem, and
> > indeed I have done so, for reports etc.  I admit that it is hard to do
> so
> > using the standard symbol library -- but I have a separate library I
> drew for
> > the purpose.
> >
> > I've also done some electrical diagrams for reports using Inkscape,
> which
> > worked surprisingly well.
> >
> > Peter
> ...
> I think Chris's angle is the font/symbol line 'quality' (can't think of
> a better term) A good parallell is computer generated music scores.
> Most MS free/cheap packages produce a technically correct score that is
> awful for a musician to read. Lilypond OTOH, produces a score that is
> *much* easier for a musician to read.  It emulates the 19th century
> score engraving craftmanship where score 'readability' reached it's
> pinnacle.

Postscript is just so much better for defining symbols.  Postscript is
a true "programming language".  It features like loops and branching and
high end math (matrix multiply)

Much depends on your critiera for "quality".  For example many people
are happy with the typesetting abilities of basic work processors like
Microsoft Word.  But if you compare side by side to Don, Knuth's "tex"
there are differences.

There is a difference between how you draw on a computer screen
for schematic capture and how you should draw for publication in
print.   I think it would be great if you could enter the schematic just
once and have the netlist converted for quality output just like you
can have it convertert for Spaic and PCB.   Many you might have an
attribute "Postscript Symbol"  These symbols can do intelegent functions
like allow fonts to be globally changed and test remain upright even if the
symbol is rotated.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB paste layer, revisited.

2007-10-15 Thread Chris Albertson
I think the "correct" way to do this is for the file to hold information
that exactly describes the solder paste.  You need the three dimensional
shape.  Plan view and thickness.

How to cut a stencil so as to get the above is not part of the layout but
part of the "process".

I see two steps.  (1) create the solder past specs based whatever
information may be available and helpful The abount oand shape of the paste
depends on the part and the
size of the pad.  A user could specify some rules but reasonable default
rules should be built in.  Just using the pad size is a rather crude rules
but a decent start.  (2) The sticil is made based on the shape and volume of
the paste.  There should be rules that translate past size/volume to stencil
shape and again the user can change some parameters

The bottom line is that pad != paste != stencil.  The relationships are
dependent on the process
Chris Albertson
Redondo Beach, California

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: newbie, couple of Q's about gschem

2007-10-15 Thread Chris Albertson
Gschem's primary purpose is schematic capture.  If what you want is
publication quality schematic drawings use XCircuit.
What would be really nice would be a translator between the two

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: first impressions on gaf v1.2.0

2007-10-08 Thread Chris Albertson
One more idea about symbol library.

I'm sure everyone here has seen Apple's iTunes.  It has some nice features
that could be borrowed

1) Each usr has a local copy of all the tracks

2) It is very easy to add to this local copy.
   2.1) Can import from local file system
   2.2) Can import from "standard" media like CD
   2.3) can buy from online store

3) The local library is a linear (flat) unsorted list.  It has no structure
order.  However, for display it can be sorted on any of two dozen attributes
while at the same time selection criteria can be applied

4) It is very easy to make custom subsets of the list.  You can specify a
subset by either selecting what to include or by giving some rules that act
like live filters.  Users can organize these subsets into folders and
Very importent concept is that when a track is placed into one of these
it is there by refference only. So it can be placed into many different
This is much more powerful than a simply hierarchical  organization.

Choosing a symbol is not exactly the same thing as choosing music but
it's close enough that borrowing ideas from a popular music player might

geda-user mailing list