Re: gEDA-user: Adding inner polygons to a plane

2011-05-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Packages like Altium (which springs to mind), let you define a layer in
> terms of its _negative_, so you split up a power plane by defining the
> _boundary_ between the two (or more) regions.

Negative layers are great for defining planes, especially when you
want complex splits...and they don't need to be rendered.

The solder mask layer is output to gerber files as a negative layer.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack-result -- gschem

2011-05-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
>> By the way, should the lines of the config files be terminated unix style,
>> or DOS style?
> Doesn't make any difference either way.

I did recently pick up a bug with gschem's postscript output and EOL
characters which I must report on launchpad (not related to config

It seems that if there are DOS style newlines in text in the schematic
file, then the postscript output writes a single long line instead of
the multi-line text. If the EOL character is Unix style there are no
problems. gschem handles and displays it correctly, the problem is
only in the postscript output.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack-result -- gschem

2011-05-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Next step: How do I configure gschem to find my local library?
> On my linux box I have these lines in ~/.gEDA/gafrc :

Look in C:\Users\username\.gEDA

I have my gafrc and gschemrc in there. In gafrc I use the following line,

(component-library-search "d:/Projects/sym")

i.e. / works perfectly well (as per Peter's reply)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack-result -- gschem

2011-05-11 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Okay, the problem is definitely with Guile rather than gschem. Please make
> sure that you have its paths set up correctly so that it can find its
> Scheme library.

I have the following environment variables set in Windows Vista,

GEDABIN=D:\Program Files\gEDA\bin
GEDADATA=D:\Program Files\gEDA\share\gEDA
GUILE_LOAD_PATH=D:\Program Files\gEDA\share\guile\1.8

I also have D:\Program Files\gEDA\bin in the PATH variable.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-06 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Did you draw a logo graphic in pcb itself using the polygon tool?
> I have really wanted to have decent logo graphics and beautifully
> typeset text on my boards, so I have created graphics and text in
> Inkscape, exported through pstoedit to pcb, but this has caused issues
> because pstoedit is generating some invalid polygons, which crashes most
> versions of pcb.

I used the Inkscape -> pstoedit -> pcb path and it just worked for me.
I manually edited the file to change some of the produced polygons to
holes rather than polygons. The logo was fortunately fairly simple
(mostly made up of blocks).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Where is pcb-20100929 for Win32 ?

2011-05-06 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I am sorry for the delay. I had problems not related to GEDA PCB. Here are 
> the links:
> pcbinst-1.99z -

Appears to be working well for me :) Allowing me to add some holes to
polygons to sort out a logo on the silk screen - great!

It is also wonderful to see some of the little bugs fixed. Thanks
everyone for the continuing development.

Bob, the zlib license can be found here,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-04-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
>> It might be worth trying to revert the GTK it builds against to 2.16.x
> Thanks, I'll try that. I thought it might be GTK related.

Hmm, I reverted back to 2.16.6 (which is the same as the previous
build), but still having the same problem. Looks like I am going to
have to roll back each package and see which one causes the issue.

A question in this regard - if I rebuild a library (e.g. gtk+) do I
then need to rebuild all the packages which come after it in the script? How exactly do they all related to each other
during the build process? Or does the .exe just need to be able to
access the dll at runtime?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-04-18 Thread Duncan Drennan
> It might be worth trying to revert the GTK it builds against to 2.16.x

Thanks, I'll try that. I thought it might be GTK related.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-04-18 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Please pull from the minipack git repository and try again.

Thanks Cesar. I pulled and compiled again and everything built as
expected (just ran ./ and no manual intervention was

I copied the "result" directory across to Windows and then ran
pcb.exe. Windows came up with a "Windows cannot open this file, please
select the program to open the file" for the file If I cancel this, then pcb opens as expected.

I can insert parts, draw lines, cut holes (cool), etc. but there is
something wrong with the interface. The check marks on the menu items
are not visible at all. Also when I try to open a file the file icons
in the file explorer window do not appear unless you move the cursor
over them. They also then disappear when the cursor moves away from

In gschem the menus look correct (icons displayed as expected), but
the open file dialogue has the same problems.

The last time I compiled everything with minipack it worked without
any issues (before the pcb-20100929 update).

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-04-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
> For a development release, you would need to run "./" or
> autoreconf in the pixman source dir to generate ./configure

Did that and now pixman compiles correctly. Next challenge is the glib
is failing with this error,

configure: error: Could not find a glib-compile-schemas in your PATH

I have the libglib-2.0-dev and libglib-2.0-0 packages installed
(Xubuntu 10.04). I have been searching around but have not yet found a
solution to this.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-04-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
I tried to compile, but came up with the following errors:

1) It could not find the remote files for pixman, so I change the
recipe source to (which
worked for the 0.21.6 sources)

2) It fails to build pixman with this message,

Configuring pixman...
xargs: ./configure: No such file or directory

  Build failed.

I had a look and there is no configure file in the pixman directory,
just an


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: SC70-6, which is pin 1?

2011-04-01 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I'm guessing based off that mark the bottom left pin is pin 1. The
> datasheet isn't clear. Does anybody know for sure if thats pin 1?

Yes, bottom left is pin 1.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-03-27 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Sure. I'll take the opportunity to update the latest libraries.

Thanks, I appreciate that. Thanks also for all the effort you have put
into the minipack build system and keeping the gEDA recipes, libraries
etc. up to date - I really appreciate it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb-20100929 released

2011-03-25 Thread Duncan Drennan
> After porting pcb_spawnvp (in src/action.c) to Windows, it built fine on
> Ubuntu using my cross-compiler build script (minipack). I'll work on a
> patch. Fortunately, the Windows API already provides an implementation of
> spawnvp.

I pulled the latest minipack code from the git repo, but I haven't
managed to successfully build the latest PCB snapshot. I noticed the
pcb.recipe was still fetching the older snapshot. Would you be able to
push the code which builds successfully to the minipack repo?

One of the things I keep getting is a error regarding dbus. I added
the libdbus-dev package, but still get the error. If I use
--disable-dbus then I get an error later on (I'll need to check
exactly what the error is).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Random thoughts on the future interface of PCB

2010-12-04 Thread Duncan Drennan
>  I've looked at various commercial boards recently, and it would appear
>  that many use negative layers to draw tracking. High power stuff,
>  where practically everything is copper, just with some isolation
>  between regions. The complexity of the polygons which make up these
>  traces would be too prohibitive to use PCB's normal polygon tool.
>  They _look_ as if someone has drawn negagtive traces to split up a
>  plane. should we support that?

Negative layers would be awesome. Having the mask as an actual
negative layer would also be great, and allow some custom things to be
done on with the mask (e.g. exposing copper strips along the edge for
chassis/shielding connections)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

2010-09-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
Here is the message with the installer script,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Portable gEDA for Windows

2010-09-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
> The only other way I can think of (that doesn't introduce dependencies)
> involves a collection of Batch files, none of which are particularly
> nice

Cesar Struass put together a build system for building the binaries
for Win32, which works really well. It is fairly easy to cross compile
the packages. Peter Clifton also made his installer script available
for building a self-installing package, but I'd have to search the
archives in more detail for that.

You can get minipack from

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Simple PCB Question

2010-08-25 Thread Duncan Drennan
> It's been a while since I used PCB, but I can't remember one think that does 
> not
> seem to be in the documentation as far as I can tell.
> I have a completed layout I would like to make a simple modification to, in 
> one
> area of GND trace I would like to turn it into a polygon for thermal reasons.

Mouse over the polygon and press "s" to make it a solid polygon (no
clearance). Alternatively you can mouse over the trace and press "j"
to remove the clear polygon flag from the line.

You will probably want to use "j" on each of the line segments, as you
polygon surrounds CONN2. Pressing "s" over the polygon will join all
the pins of CONN2 to the polygon.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Specification of Rotations for Auto Assembly

2010-08-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
> One of the things I dislike about pcb is the coordinate system: it's
> lefthanded, or z+ is going into the
> screen instead of pointing out.

When exporting to x-y the coordinate system starts in the bottom left
of the screen, i.e. with z+ going out of the screen.

It would be useful to be able to set the zero when exporting though...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Specification of Rotations for Auto Assembly

2010-08-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
My experience: ask you assembly house. The guys I work with us the
fiducial in the bottom right as the zero, and rotations CCW.

One issue (big issue) is that components have varying rotations in the
reels, so assembly houses prefer to confirm the rotations against a
prototype board. IPC-7531 tries to address this, but I don't know how
consistent manufacturers are.

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gEDA-user: gschem win32 build and backup files

2010-07-23 Thread Duncan Drennan

I have noticed that the backup files (those that are #my.sch#) are not
being deleted when exiting gschem in the win32 build. I assume they
are for recovery from a crash and should typically be deleted when
exiting? This causes the warning message box to appear when opening
the schematic, saying that there is a newer backup. Maybe this is the
correct behaviour?

The backup files have their permissions set as read-only.

This is running a build using the minipack script on Windows Vista.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: dxf dwg viewer?

2010-06-26 Thread Duncan Drennan
> can anyone recommend a viewer for these drawings?

You can use AutoDesk's free DWG viewer,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: suppress command line window in Win32 build

2010-04-29 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I've got a patch ready for testing (attached), and if you can confirm it
> works, I'll push it to git HEAD once Ales declares the servers are ready
> for use again.

Working as expected - thanks for that.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: suppress command line window in Win32 build

2010-04-29 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Are you building yourself?
> Just add the -mwindows flag to the linker command line and the console
> will go away.
> Fixing up the Makefiles to add $(MINGW_GUI_LDFLAGS) to the
> gschem_LDFLAGS variables should fix the issue. (And similar for
> gattrib).

Thanks for the help Peter, I'll have a look at that (I am building it
myself). I *really* appreciate the effort you've put in to the Win32
builds, and all the help you've given me with various questions.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: suppress command line window in Win32 build

2010-04-29 Thread Duncan Drennan

Is there a way to suppress the command prompt window in the Win32
builds? Does anyone have any idea what causes that artefact to arise?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Why did some of my pins in pcb turn orange?

2010-04-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
> The rule checker seems to think all is OK.

It usually indicates a short - pressing "o" and having a look at the
log window should tell you what is going on.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Fab, Pick and Place, Stencil

2010-04-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I think so, but it's unreliable because we just guess.  The assembly
> house will most likely massage the data anyway.

It is actually fairly accurate, but it depends on the component
orientation in a reel. The assembly house will definitely massage the
data, but they can't necessarily be trusted either...

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: un-tented vias

2010-04-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I like to have my vias non tented. That is, little holes in the solder mask,
> so that some bare metal is exposed. This comes handy for debugging. Is it
> possible to configure pcb so that vias are exposed by default?

You can select the mask layer and press 'k' the appropriate number of
times until the mask clears the via. Just watch out, there is a visual
oddity - if you press 'k' once the mask will appear to clear the via
in pcb but won't in the output gerbers, you have to press it until the
clearance actually clears the via. This can also be done by editing
the .pcb file and changing the setting for all the vias.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: input/output ports gschem

2010-04-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
>        Well I just modified s_netattrib.c in gnetlist to do the assumption,
> and seems to work.

Could you post the patch?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: input/output ports gschem

2010-04-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
>        So the question(suggested by DJ) is: How are these input/output
> graphical ports supposed to work?  Are they merely graphic things, or
> does that net attribute have a special/useful function?

The "net" attribute has to have a pin number(s) associated with it to
work correctly. Have a look at the net attribute howto on the wiki,

If the port net was in1, then the attribute should be net=in1:1, which
indicates that the net in1 is on pin 1 of the port symbol.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint with asymmetric solder mask

2010-04-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I would like to create a footprint where the pad is not in the center, and it 
> is not symmetric for all sides.

Unfortunately not. PCB derives the solder mask from the pad and mask
clearance. The file format needs to be extended to allow for the type
of mask you would like.

I think you might be misinterpreting the diagram though. They are
indicating that there should be a > 18mm^2 copper plane around the pad
which must have solder resist (mask) on it. So set the relevant pads'
mask clearance to 0, and place a polygon down around the pad. Remove
the clear lines/pads flag by putting your cursor over the polygon and
pressing "s" in PCB. Just note that no lines or pads will be cleared
by that polygon. What I usually do is make a small polygon/rectangle
that fits just around the pad and set that to "solid", and then use a
normal polygon around that.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gnetlist

2010-04-11 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Is there any way to create PCAD netlist with gEDA?

In the past I exported a netlist in the tango format which PCAD can import.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Is this type of footprint possible?

2010-03-29 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I want to use a component with the attached footprint.
> Is it possible to make a footprint with an arc inside?

Practically I would approximate the land pattern by creating a pad
with three parts, i.e. a pad for each side and then a long rectangular
pad across the top to connect them. Make them rectangular pads which
stay outside of the 1.80mm diameter. It is unlikely that the small
amount of pad area lost will make a difference IMO.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I agree that the new version is great to use and makes it so much easier to
> find mistakes!  The only thing I miss from the old version is how the
> coordinate locations were displayed.  When you are working on a big
> multilayer board with planes, it can sometimes take a minute to find the
> blue or maroon square the picture is showing.

Double-clicking moves the cursor to the violation.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: pcb DRC

2010-03-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
I am busy completing a board with the latest version of PCB and ran
the DRC - the new DRC is awesome! I know it has been around for a
while, this is just the first time I've used it and it is such a
pleasure compared to the old version. I can actually find the
violations quickly and easily.

Thanks to all the people who contributed to it. IIRC, thanks
especially to Peter C.


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-11 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I'm very bad at following stuff in the sourceforge trackers, partly
> since I _HATE_ the sourceforge site with a fiery passion.

Why not just move to LaunchPad? If it is set up and all the docs point
in that direction then all new bugs/issues will be added there. The SF
bugs just need to be worked through slowly until they are all closed
(moving them is a waste of energy).

Is there some particular developer resistance to LaunchPad?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-09 Thread Duncan Drennan
> If the senior developers are fed projects and requirements, suitably
> discussed and planned, they'd be more likely to work on them.  We
> currently work on our own desires because we know what we want, to
> solve our problems.

That sounds nice, but the reality is quite different (understandably).
Firstly, who feeds the projects and requirements to the developers?
Secondly, raising ideas for discussion often ends (quickly) in the
comment, "If you want it, just develop it yourself." In practice
developers work on their own projects (because it is fun and
fulfilling) and not on user requirements (unless they align). Someone
else's requirement is more like work - why do that in your spare time?
This situation is perfectly understandable, but it does raise some
questions, like,

How are projects identified?
How are important bugs and feature requirements identified?
Do non-developers have a say? (no is a valid answer, someone just
needs to decide)
What is the forum to constructively discuss ideas and requirements?
How should these ideas and requirements be presented? (i.e. raise the
bar for presenting ideas so that it is not as simple as sending and
email saying "It would be nice if...")
What motivates developers to work on projects that are not their own?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: rant: pcb print from command line

2010-03-08 Thread Duncan Drennan
> * A group of non-developers watch for bug reports, either in the
>  mailing list or the SF tracker.

How good are people at actually logging bugs on the SF tracker?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
>        Out of curiosity, how did you go about running gEDA on Windows?
> Which of the binaries are you using or did you build it yourself?

I've been using the gEDA+PCB work flow for all of the projects I have
done since I started my business, and that has been a very successful
choice for me (versus having to find capital to purchase an EDA

Originally I was running on cygwin, and then started using Peter's
Win32 builds, and recently I have been building it using minipack (I
wanted to change the font scaling). I have mingw installed and use a
Makefile as the glue between schematics, PCB, bom, drc etc. (I posted
the makefile here recently). Further to that I use a python script I
have written (and still working on) to generate IPC-7531 compliant
footprints (based on dimensions from the PCBMatric land pattern

I output all my schematics to PDF for printing, and transmission to
clients. Outputs from PCB are gerber files for manufacturers and I
have never had any issues with the format. I also use the XY output
for generating pick and place files.

I didn't really find gEDA any more difficult than learning OrCAD or
PCAD. Everything that most people need can be done - easily.

I suspect the real issues have little to do with the work flow and
more to do with the question, "How easily can I created something

I think gEDA is *possibly* more suited for professionals than
hobbyists, as I has the flexibility to do really useful things (like
scripting repeatable work tasks). I really believe that gEDA offers
the potential to increase productivity dramatically when its features
are fully leveraged. The challenge is to get more professionals to
adopt itwhich means proving its worth with the hobbyists.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb preferences line incr.

2010-02-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I noticed that the preference incremental setting is not working, that
> is if "l" setting, the line increment is changed to 1 ml it still
> increment of 5 ml looks like some other setting is override this
> function. this is true for "s" setting also. I changed the setting then
> reloaded the PCB still not working.

I have (and do) see the same thing. Increments seem to be 5mil
regardless of the setting.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem text line spacing in postscript

2010-02-25 Thread Duncan Drennan
> This one adds a 12% leading to the text spacing for print, causing it to
> pretty well match my on-screen leading. YMMV depending on what fonts
> your system chooses.

This patch works beautifully. I tried it out with the font scaling set
to 1.0 and 1.3 and the result was consistent line spacing between the
on screen and postscript versions. This was with Win32 builds.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem text line spacing in postscript

2010-02-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
> This one adds a 12% leading to the text spacing for print, causing it to
> pretty well match my on-screen leading. YMMV depending on what fonts
> your system chooses.

Thanks Peter, I'll try it out and give you some feedback.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gschem text line spacing in postscript

2010-02-23 Thread Duncan Drennan

I noticed a small issue with the line spacing in the postscript output
of gschem. It appears to be that the text line spacing is not
consistent with the font scaling when output to postscript. Here is a
screenshot to show the difference between the gschem scaling and the
output postscript scaling, see

I'm running a custom compiled version with the cairo/pango font
scaling set to 1.0 and suspect that the spacing issue is linked to
this. Is there another factor which influences line spacing?


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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Is it possible to do square holes in PCB?

2010-02-21 Thread Duncan Drennan
Why exactly would you want square holes?

Set the "hole" flag for non-plated holes (not sure how to do that
through the gui though)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: GUI + make project manager (was:why separate xgsch2pcb?)

2010-02-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
Here is my idea of how it could work

I have a skeleton Makefile which I use as the glue between the various
gEDA programmes (attached). It is a really basic thing as I am not
particularly clued up on the use of make, but it functions well for my
purposes. If it could be useful I'm happy to put the GPL boilerplate
onto it (although that might not be the best choice).

If there was a mechanism to call the file from within a schematic
(gschem) it could do a lot of what people are asking for, as well as
be modified and extended to do all the particular tasks that may be
needed for specific situations.

The Makefile would sit in the schematic directory, and gschem could
have a menu which gave access to the make targets. It could be
something like this (just an example - could even be user

   - Set project files (this would require an extra dialogue that
would set the Makefile variables)
   - Edit attributes (opens gattrib on the whole project)
   - Update refdes' (runs refdes_renum on the project - would require
a reload of the schematic)
   - Create bom
   - Update PCB (runs gsch2pcb)
   - Open PCB (opens the PCB in pcb)

All gschem would need is a mechanism to run a command line program (I
have no idea how difficult that is) and the Makefile technique allows
plenty of flexibility for power users. New users would be happy to
have a useful predefined set of targets for "typical" work flows.

If someone wanted to run a DRC on the schematics and open the output
in a text editor it is just a matter of added the DRC option to the
menu and changing the Makefile to open the output in their favourite

If this kind of mechanism was used it would be helpful to be able to
update a modified schematic from within gschem instead of having to
close and reload (or is there a way to do this and I've just missed

It seems like a way which wouldn't require too much effort and
maintains the work flow flexibility.


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Description: Binary data

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem font scaling

2010-02-01 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Recompile, sorry. See libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c
> Search:
> #define GEDA_FONT_FACTOR 1.3
> You probably want it "1.0"

Recompiled with minipack and the font scaling set to 1.0 - working as
expected under win32. One thing: I used to be able to File -> Print
and then print to a file to get a .ps output, now that has been
replaced with a windows printing dialog. Anyway to get .ps out via the

I'm also having some trouble getting a .ps via the command line, but I
think that is a Vista permissions issue.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem font scaling

2010-01-27 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Recompile, sorry. See libgeda/src/o_text_basic.c
> Search:
> #define GEDA_FONT_FACTOR 1.3
> You probably want it "1.0"

Thanks, I'll give it a try with minipack sometime soon. Is there (or
is there supposed to be) any correlation between the gschem text size
and the actual printed size? e.g. is text size = 10 supposed to render
10pt text when printed?

> One thing I'm absolutely against is introducing separate on-screen, and
> output scalings. gschem is WYSIWYG, and something I think we want to
> keep.

Definitely agree on that.

> I'm not violently opposed to adding a setting for the scaling factor -
> but I'd really prefer it wasn't necessary.

Building with minipack is fairly straightforward (once you've done it
once...). I'm quite happy to sort my particular problem out that way.

>> FYI I am working with the win32 builds.
> Ok, cool - glad to hear they are working for you.

They've been working well for me since you first released an
unofficial build. I use the mingw tools along with them (mainly make)
for automating some of the tasks. I think I raised the issues I had
way back when you first offered a build - since then, pretty smooth
sailing. I've grabbed your Cairo build and installed it earlier today
(schematic time again) so I'll let you know if I see anything
suspicious. I generally output directly to a pdf though, so printing
has never really been an issue to me.

Thanks for making the builds available. Could you please send me the
nsi installer script? I would like to figure out how that works so
that I can package an unofficial build.


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gEDA-user: gschem font scaling

2010-01-27 Thread Duncan Drennan

In geda 1.6.0 the font scaling has changed - is there a way to set the
font scaling differently? Maybe in a gschemrc file, or does it require
a recompile?

A brief background to the question:

Yes, obviously the on screen font has changed significantly due to the
new font rendering, which is great, but what has also happened is that
the scaling in the font of a .ps file has also changed.
Pre-cairo/pango the .ps font was significantly smaller than the
on-screen font, and (IMO) scaled as I would expect it to be. In the
dev versions 1.5.4 the on screen font matched the old .ps font scaling
(and .ps font scaling remained consistent). In 1.6.0 it seems the
decision was to try to approximate the old on screen font size (I can
imagine some reasons for this - namely symbol library consistency),
but this has changed the output font size. The change has "broken" of
my schematics and symbols (my issue, not gEDA's - that's what happens
when you work with a dev version). I prefer the old scaling, and would
like to know what I need to change to build it as I would like. It
would obviously be very nice if this was just a gschemrc setting...

FYI I am working with the win32 builds.


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Re: gEDA-user: Win32 hit list...

2010-01-24 Thread Duncan Drennan
> xgsch2pcb:
> Figure out the following for minipack:
> Building python for Win32
> Building DBus / Win-dbus / whatever the working variant is on Win32
> Building py-dbus (Python dbus binding) on Win32

How about using something like cxfreeze?

Of the python -> .exe builders I tried that was the only one I had success with.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Test gschem bug...

2010-01-18 Thread Duncan Drennan

I tried dumping this into my \bin folder, but it gives and error -
can't find libgeda-38.dll

I'll try rebuilding with the latest sources and see if that sorts it out

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New gaf on Windows and one PCB question

2010-01-17 Thread Duncan Drennan
> I am the author of the windows build script (minipack), and can help to get
> you going.

Cesar, have the patches to minipack for geda 1.6.0 that Peter provided
a while back been merged into the repo?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: New gaf on Windows and one PCB question

2010-01-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
> The latest I packaged was the development version 1.5.4, I've not got
> around to packaging anything later than that.

One gotcha with this version is that it gschem scales fonts
differently to the 1.6 release, so if you use it, just consider
spacing to allow for future migration.

Building a windows version with Ceasar's minipack script is relatively
straightforward, I just don't have the time to figure out how to
package it nicely.

If you are interested in building the 1.6.0 release (requires using
Virtual Box on windows) I can scratch around for the build

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Kudos

2009-11-03 Thread Duncan Drennan
> * gschem magnetic nets - always seem to snap to the wrong thing for me
> so I end up turning them off always. Need to tweak my config file.

You can temporarily disable this feature by holding in the CTRL key. I
guess that should be added to the wiki somewhere

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How do I better proportion objects on screen?

2009-10-24 Thread Duncan Drennan
You can also change the default title block symbol. Put the following
line into your gschemrc file:

(define default-titleblock "title-A3.sym")

Replace “title-A3.sym” with the file name of your favorite title block symbol.

(from the gschem FAQ,

Kind regards,
Duncan Drennan

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Re: gEDA-user: PCB+GL testing

2009-10-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
>  * Pieces of polygon are NOT drawn until you connect to them with:
>    * A via thermal
>    * A "joined" line
>    * (IIRC) Adjacent contact to another "pour" piece which is connected

Are thermals for pads possibly supported in the GL branch? Or to ask
that differently, is there a way for connections to pads to allow the
polygon to extend into allowable areas? I haven't checked this out or
worked with it, just asking out of interest.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB enforce DRC clearance on move

2009-10-17 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Is there a way to enforce drc clearance (and show drc clearance) while
> moving lines (arcs),
> as it is done while drawing a new line or arc.

Under "Settings" select "Crosshair shows DRC clearance" and "Auto
enforce DRC clearance".

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Barred solder mask in PCB

2009-10-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Fedora 11; PCB 20081128: On this board, the solder mask displays in bars on
> my board, which has some components placed at arbitrary angles.

What do the gerber outputs look like? Are they also corrupt?

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Re: gEDA-user: finished hole size vs drill size

2009-10-09 Thread Duncan Drennan
> If most pcb fab houses use this convention,
> maybe the wiki/faq/manual is worth updating with this tidbit.

I think it is quite common to adjust the drill bit size so that the
final size is the size specified in the gerber/CNC files. I know the
manufacturers I use do this.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem snap parameters?

2009-09-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
> You can temporarly disable the magnetic net with the CTRL key.
> I guess that's what you need.

Thanks! That does help :)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem snap parameters?

2009-09-22 Thread Duncan Drennan
> -
> /* define how far the cursor could be to activate magnetic */

What do the values actually mean? Is it 50 grid units, 50 pixels, 50 what?

I've also experience some frustration with this feature, mainly when I
want to route a net and one of the vertexes happens to be close to a
"magnetic" point. Zooming in seems to help avoid the problem.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Net naming

2009-09-13 Thread Duncan Drennan
>    I would like to know why a ":0" is needed to prevent errors when
> naming a net. What does the number after the colon signify?

If I understand correctly the colon-number has to do with linking a
net to a pin number and is only relevant in symbols. I have named nets
in schematics without the colon and it works correctly.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: global delete & global move

2009-09-12 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Is there way to delete, and move more than one element in pcb ?
> it seam natural that should be one, but I can't find.

Select all the items you want to delete and press Backspace (see the
menu Info -> Key Bindings). To move just select all the items, then

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PANGO FONTS MERGED: Call for testing

2009-08-18 Thread Duncan Drennan
On cygwin:

./configure --prefix=/home//geda

configure: error: GLib 2.12.0 or later is required.

The latest official glib2 release on cygwin is 2.10.3 :(

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: placing a connector footprint "out" of a board

2009-08-03 Thread Duncan Drennan
> How do I create that special layer? I'd just use a free layer and rename it?

As others have said, just name the layer "outline" and PCB
automagically knows what to do. Make sure that the layer has its own

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: placing a connector footprint "out" of a board

2009-08-02 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Add a layer called "outline" and place a the outline of the board there.
> Gerber export will produce a separate gerber file, that tells the fab
> where to cut the board. I'd include a README in the zip file of gerbers
> where I explicitely state which file to take the outline from.

If you use the "outline" layer (which is a special layer in PCB), then
the outline will be correct on the .fab gerber too.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB DRC rounding & grid

2009-07-29 Thread Duncan Drennan
> No, this is a "feature" of the way we define the sizes.  "Bloat" is
> how far you can go *without touching*.  If you want a 10 mil space,
> you need to spacify that you can go 9.99 mil without touching.  At 10
> mil, you're touching.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: PCB DRC rounding & grid

2009-07-29 Thread Duncan Drennan
It appears as if there is a rounding error when converting from mm to
mils somewhere in the DRC code. I have the following DRC settings:

0.200 min copper space
0.200 min copper width
0.100 min touching overlap
0.200 min silk width
0.400 min hole diameter
0.250 min annular ring

When I run the DRC checker the first line of the log window reads:

Rules are minspace 7.88, minoverlap 3.94 minwidth 7.87, minsilk 7.87
min drill 15.75, min annular ring 9.84

>From that is looks like the minspace is being calculated incorrectly -
it should be 7.87 along with minwidth and minsilk. If the lines/copper
are very close then it seems like that will erratically cause DRC
errors, even though there are none (setting the DRC to 0.199 then
results in no DRC errors). I suspect the erroneous errors have to do
with that rounding.

A separate minor issue is that the grid size setting is always lost
after a DRC error is found.

This is with PCB 20081128


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Re: gEDA-user: gschem rc file setup

2009-07-27 Thread Duncan Drennan
Something I have noticed before is that occasionally a difference
between the symbol name and the gschem file instantiation case
(capitalisation) appears. This might not be the case at all for you,
but try checking the .sch file to see if the case is the same as the
symbol file.

This is probably not the case in your situation, but you could try checking.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: footprint help please

2009-07-19 Thread Duncan Drennan
> How much pad do you need on the outside of the pin, and how much on the
> inside assuming hand soldering?

I used the PCB Matrix IPC calculator (MOST setting) and the
recommended pads came out as,

7.2mm centre-to-centre
1.75mm pad length
0.45mm pad width

Putting it through my footprint generator I came up with the attached
footprint, SOP65P760X150-30M.

Description: Binary data

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack issues

2009-07-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
I never managed to get this to build in cygwin. It failed on the
freetype build (IIRC). I'm going to try building it in a virtual box
and see how that goes.

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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack issues

2009-07-09 Thread Duncan Drennan
> In the command-line, please type:
> echo passive_ftp=on >> ~/.wgetrc

Thanks Cesar, I'll try that out. I just manually used wget and the
passive ftp option to grab the sources. Busy compiling now (on cygwin)
which seems to be taking quite long. Hopefully I'll actually get some
functional .exe files out.

Once the compilation is done, will the files run "as is" or do the
dll's have to be installed into specific windows directories?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: minipack issues

2009-07-08 Thread Duncan Drennan
> It seems wget is failing to get the source for the JPEG library for some
> reason.

After a bit of searching I found out that if I use the --passive-ftp
option with wget then the download succeeds.

Is there a way via a config or recipe file to set flags for wget?

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: minipack issues

2009-07-08 Thread Duncan Drennan
I've been trying to compile gEDA for win32 using minipack, but it
keeps failing while downloading the packages. It successfully
downloads gettext and libiconv, but then all further packages have
this result:

Downloading jpeg from ...
   => `jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz'
Connecting to connected!
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /graphics/jpeg ... done.
==> PORT ...
Invalid PORT.

I keep getting this "invalid PORT" message. Any ideas what is going wrong?


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Re: gEDA-user: TI's "SOT25" DBV footprint...

2009-07-08 Thread Duncan Drennan
> TI's sn74lvc1g240 part uses what appears dimensionally to be an ordinary
> SOT25 package, but the pin numbering is different.  Am I better off to
> just construct my own footprint, or is there a way to deal with this at
> the symbol level and still show the right pin numbers in the schematic?

I'm pretty sure everyone will have a different way to deal with this.
My personal preference is to keep the footprint consistent and have
different symbols for variances in pin numbering.

My reasoning: the footprint is a physical description of a component
and can represent multiple components. The schematic is the logical
description and the logic (pin numbering in this case) varies for
different components.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: funny gnetlist warning

2009-06-30 Thread Duncan Drennan
> No. And I don't wish to, too.

I actually meant the underscore in "value=RIA_connect" - maybe it is
not the footprint name it is complaining about.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: slotting and power pins

2009-06-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
> This can only fix the special case of slotted symbols with power pins.
> However, the more general case that needs to be solved, is a component
> that is associated with several different symbols. This is the case if
> power pins are dealt with a separate symbol, or if a large component is
> divided into several building blocks.

I wonder if slotdef could point towards a symbol

So, slotdef = 2:fpga_bank1.sym, etc. Although I think this has the
potential to become very messy.

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: slotting and power pins

2009-06-28 Thread Duncan Drennan
Currently the symbol slotting functionality struggles to handle power
pins well (at least that is what some brief googling showed). A
recurring theme with regards to slotting is that power pins show up on
all the slots, e.g. dual/quad opamp which has a single set of power
pins for each of the opamps - if the power pins are visible and not
embedded they show up on each slot.

Some people have a problem with this from a "style" perspective (it is
visually different to other CAD packages). A slightly more important
issue is that if the pins are left unconnected (for more readable
schematics) it messes with the DRC checking, which expects all pins to
be connected (and possibly with the netlister?).

I had a thought which might solve both of these issues. If a special
character was defined for slotting which indicated that the pin should
be excluded from the schematic that character could be used in place
of the power pin slot.

So for a dual opamp with slots defined

slotdef = 1:3,2,8,4,1
slotdef = 2:5,6,8,4,7

it would become

slotdef = 1:3,2,8,4,1
slotdef = 2:5,6,N,N,7

if 'N' was the special character. The 'N' pins would then be ignored
by the rendered, DRC, netlister, etc. Maybe even just slotdef =
2:5,6,,,7 would work too. Maybe this has already been done?

I have absolutely no idea how the internals work for rendering the
symbol and passing the info to the DRC and netlister. Just thought I'd
share the idea in case anyone is interested.


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Re: gEDA-user: funny gnetlist warning

2009-06-26 Thread Duncan Drennan
> CONN1: need new file element for footprint  PLUGCON_383_2PIN
> (value=RIA_connect)
> Warning: argument passing may have been confused by
>         a comma in a component value:

Have you tried taking the underscore out of the value?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: No FreeRotateBuffer in pcb manual

2009-06-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Is it possible to have more than two layer groups?

There are as many groups as there are copper layers. By default each
copper layer gets its own group, but you can group layers together
such as "Component", "Component-VCC", "Component-GND" which will then
be output as a single copper layer to the gerber files.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb wishes

2009-06-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
I'm sure we could all raise list of features that we need/want PCB to
have, but isn't the implied agreement that the next step in the
development cycle is to complete the work laid out in the Linux Fund
PCB project?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: No FreeRotateBuffer in pcb manual

2009-06-22 Thread Duncan Drennan
While we're talking PCB manual issues...

The PCB manual states that the max number of layers is 8, but it
should mention that the default is 16 but that it can be compiled for
more layers.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb: double-sided footprint

2009-06-18 Thread Duncan Drennan
You can use the "onsolder" flag to place pads on the opposite side of the board.

You would have something like this for a PCI connector,

Pad[-45276 -6890 -45276 6890 2756 2362 3228 "B1" "B1" "square"]
Pad[-45276 -6890 -45276 2953 2756 2362 3228 "A1" "A1" "square,onsolder"]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Investigating gEDA for commercial use

2009-06-17 Thread Duncan Drennan
> fwiw, pcb and gerbv release snapshots have had windows installers to go
> with them for the last several snapshots.  On the gerbv end things Just
> Work (as far as I know).  On the pcb end, we do have an issue with the
> way the m4 generated footprints end up named in pcblib-newlib.
> Basically, they are not uniquely named and that causes some issues.  I
> haven't had time to work with it.  The other known pain about pcb under
> windows is the only path to printing is postscript output and then you
> need ghostscript to convert to pdf for printing under windows.

I've been working with the gEDA toolchain on windows for about 6
months now. The only issue with gschem that I picked up is that the
refdes renumbering tool does not seem to work (refdes_renum is a perl
script, and the grenum didn't work correctly - I just drop back to
cygwin to renumber schematics). My desired output is typically PDF, so
the postscript path works happily for me (but would have to be fixed
for a proper release version).

> gaf (gschem, gnetlist, and friends) I think have an extra level of
> challenge which is gnetlist is by design a command line utility so you
> need some sort of shell.  I suspect under cygwin its not so tough to
> make it all work, but this is not the fully self contained windows
> installer that many users want.

The command line stuff can easily be hidden with a thin layer of GUI
if it is really necessary. I really like the flexibility that I can
build into a makefile to run all the different commands.

Installing cygwin and getting it up and running is actually very easy
(just follow the wiki instructions). One "issue" for me with that is
that it creates another barrier for entry - you already have to deal
with migration paths and so on, now you also have to deal with
figuring out how to get it installed. If the installation barrier is
gone it is one point less against gEDA. Another issue is that if I
have a client who wants to manipulate the files the installation
process is more complicated than, "Here is the installer, here are the

If it was a relatively simple process to compile it all into a binary
I would probably do it myself on a regular basis just to keep up to
date with the latest changes (which also makes it easier to report
bugs). I tried grabbing Cesar's minipack and running it (under
cygwin), but there was a failure when fetching the files.
Unfortunately I don't really have the time to figure it out, and think
it might be more efficient (for me at least) to pay someone to do it.
Figuring out how to build the latest versions of gEDA is pretty low on
my priorities list.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Investigating gEDA for commercial use

2009-06-17 Thread Duncan Drennan
> 1. a maintained Windows binary installer; and

Is there anyone who is willing to do this for a fee? e.g. build a
windows snapshot of gschem, PCB, gerbv (and whatever else) once a
month for a fixed fee. If there is someone, roughly what would that
fee be?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: [PCB] trace drawing problem

2009-06-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
I'm not sure what version of PCB you are working with, but I think
this may be a known problem. Next time you start getting this
behaviour try turning on and then off Settings -> Lock Names. This
seems to resolve this behaviour.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: IPC Least/Nominal/Most

2009-06-11 Thread Duncan Drennan
> For hand soldering which footprint variation are people using?

I am currently using the M (most) definitions for both hand soldering
and production. I have found them very reasonable to use. I even
managed to hand solder a QFN package from the "most"
definitionsalthough my pass rate was only about 50% :o

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: geda/pcb for windows download links

2009-05-18 Thread Duncan Drennan
Thanks Kai. Which versions/snapshots are those builds of?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: good books about footprint and land patterns

2009-05-17 Thread Duncan Drennan
> If I buy this document and let somebody make software around it, released
> under GPLv3 and developed in community style will this be possible and
> legal?
> What are the alternatives?

I have considered this myself, but I suspect there might be copyright
issues. An alternative would be to create libraries based on the spec
and make those publicly available, or write a closed module which does
the calculations and have the rest of the programme open source.

It is also worthwhile having a look at the libraries provided with the
LP Calculator from PCB Matrix,

Currently I have a python script (in development) which creates geda
PCB footprints based on the land pattern dimensions as they specify
them in the PCB Matrix libraries.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: good books about footprint and land patterns

2009-05-16 Thread Duncan Drennan
> What are good books that explain how to create good save footprints from
> datasheet specs. I am searching for best practices, math rules and so forts.


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gEDA-user: scaled printing with gerbv?

2009-05-15 Thread Duncan Drennan
Is there a way to make scaled prints from gerbv?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Adding attributes to gschem symbols

2009-05-11 Thread Duncan Drennan
The wiki has the answer,

I hope that helps.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Methods to improve gEDA tools (was: fritzing)

2009-05-10 Thread Duncan Drennan
Sorry, scratch that. I see the page now has the info :o

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Duncan Drennan
> Thanks Stuart. Is there any kind of way to see how far along the total
> donations are? i.e. how many dollars have been allocated, and how many
> there still are to go.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Methods to improve gEDA tools (was: fritzing)

2009-05-10 Thread Duncan Drennan
Thanks Stuart. Is there any kind of way to see how far along the total
donations are? i.e. how many dollars have been allocated, and how many
there still are to go.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: solder jumpers

2009-05-03 Thread Duncan Drennan
I saw something very similar to this on a LCD panel, except it was
made of straight line, kind of in the shape of a fork - one side was a
"Y" and the other a straight line into the middle of the "Y" (and the
"Y" had lines at right angles.

-| ---

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: soldering QFN packages with exposed bottom pad?

2009-04-27 Thread Duncan Drennan
> Spend $20 and buy a cheap hotplate :-)

What hot plate do you use?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Wire to board crimps?

2009-04-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
Do you mean these kind of crimp terminals?;

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gEDA-user: DIY pcbs

2009-04-23 Thread Duncan Drennan
Those of you into homebrew PCBs will probably like this, from Instructables

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: How to photo-export from PCB

2009-04-21 Thread Duncan Drennan
File -> Export layout...

Choose PNG and then select "ben-mode"

It is a little obscure (but I think it may have been changed in latest code?)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: libgerbv DRC help

2009-04-20 Thread Duncan Drennan
> If there is a better approach, or you have any other ideas, please let me 
> know.

I was chatting to a friend and he was telling me about research that
he was involved with which used diffusion maps to determine how fires
spread through a forest. The basic principle is that you can determine
information by only knowing what each "pixel" (or item, or in google's
case webpage) is linked to.

I have absolutely no idea if this could be applied, it is just a thought.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: arcs and circles in PCB via gui

2009-04-10 Thread Duncan Drennan
> It's a nuisance. Can't count the number of times I typed "u" in gschem to
> undo, or "n" in pcb to start drawing a track.

Amen to that! I'm constantly moving things in pcb by trying to pan
with the middle button. The difference in shortcuts can be quite

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