Re: gEDA-user: Soldering minute smt

2011-01-27 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 01/27/2011 08:47 AM, Rob Butts wrote:

I'm trying to solder a 10 pin MSOP chip to a home made circuit board.
The pitch of this chip is just 0.5 mm.  We tried using the slightests
of dabs of solder across the pins and then used a heat gun the melt the
solder but now I have a chip soldered down with two five pin solder
blobs on each side.  My next step is to use solder wick to try and wick
up the excess but I wanted to see if there is a better way of doing
this first.

If you've already got blobs wick off excess and use liberal amounts of 
flux and reflow - this allows the surface tension of the molten solder 
to separate at the pin/pad breaks and helps prevent bridging.

I've gotten pretty good with the 10-pin MSOPs by hand:

My technique is to apply _no_ solder, plenty of flux gel and just allow 
the existing solder plating on the PCB to reflow. For the board fab I 
use this is sufficient to provide a good meniscus and the IC is well 
attached. I also have a very fine-point iron.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: icarus, fork, and recursive tasks

2010-11-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 11/08/2010 02:00 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

The RX is Renesas's latest chip offering, and they're trying to make
it obsolete a wide range of other chips.  So far so good.

Interesting. I'm looking for an inexpensive embedded processor with 
SDRAM and moderate DSP capability. This may bear closer inspection.

What size of 3AN are you using on it?

Smallest - the XS3S50AN.  The 3AN is only available in one
configuration per package size

That's unfortunate. I've been getting some good mileage out of the 
XC3S200A-VQ100 parts. Too bad Xilinx hasn't made that size available in 
the 3AN family. I suppose that you chose the AN variant because you 
wanted to avoid dealing with the configuration memory.


(hoping this isn't too far OT yet)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: icarus, fork, and recursive tasks

2010-11-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 11/08/2010 12:32 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

Whatcha making? Looks like some sort of FPGA-based video stuff...

It is FPGA-based video stuff.

Sweet little board - lots of useful I/O. RX62N processor looks pretty 
well equipped too.

What size of 3AN are you using on it?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: icarus, fork, and recursive tasks

2010-11-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 11/08/2010 11:56 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

Just for giggles I ran that through my copy of Modelsim.

Try the whole thing:

That worked too.

Whatcha making? Looks like some sort of FPGA-based video stuff...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: icarus, fork, and recursive tasks

2010-11-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 11/08/2010 11:02 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

$ iverilog -o sim -Wall -g1 tasks.v
tasks.v:10: syntax error
sh: line 1: 13425 Done/usr/lib/ivl/ivlpp -L -F"/tmp/ivrlg241f26ea8" 
-f"/tmp/ivrlg41f26ea8" -p"/tmp/ivrli41f26ea8"
  13426 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) | /usr/lib/ivl/ivl 
-C"/tmp/ivrlh41f26ea8" -C"/usr/lib/ivl/vvp.conf" -- -

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module task_test ();

endmodule // task_test

Just for giggles I ran that through my copy of Modelsim.

Seems to work fine there.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Photo mode to the rescue...

2010-09-06 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 09/06/2010 06:51 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

I needed an official photo of a board for a presentation, but the
boards aren't back from assembly yet.  So I used a photo-mode export
of the PCB, and a photograph of a home-etched prototype, and 1-2 hours
of GIMP work...

Whenever I post pix from photo mode I always get questions about what 
tool I used to do them. Surprising that none of the big pro tools out 
there provide that.  Who says OSS apps always follow the lead of the 
proprietary SW world?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: analog/digital partitioning

2010-07-22 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 07/22/2010 09:57 AM, Steven Michalske wrote:

Just make sure that if you've got high-speed digital lines that cross into the 
'cubicles' they have gnd plane underneath them where they enter - don't let 
fast signals cross the cuts because then the return currents have to take a 
different path and that will screw up the signal integrity.

The question is "how fast?". Because you loops may not even matter.  But just 
remember to keep them small. :-)

Good point - that's left as an exercise for the engineer. In my case 
these were 16-bit DAC data buses running at 250MHz, so a few extra 
inches in the return path could cause some noticeable distortion in the 
higher harmonics and splatter the edges.

OTOH, this board has a 5-bit async attenuator control bus that pops 
about once an hour and we didn't give those any priority.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: analog/digital partitioning

2010-07-22 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 07/22/2010 09:37 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:

One idea to consider is to start with a solid plane, and cut slots
around the sensitive analog parts, like big C shaped moats, squares
open on one side.  You retain the "big ground plane" conductivity, but
you prevent stray currents from using your analog area as a short-cut.

Each analog "chunk" can have it's own moat this way, too.  If they're
near the edge, just cut a thin slot from the edge in.

I've used this approach on some relatively high-speed digital/analog/RF 
boards. Seems to work pretty well.

Just make sure that if you've got high-speed digital lines that cross 
into the 'cubicles' they have gnd plane underneath them where they enter 
- don't let fast signals cross the cuts because then the return currents 
have to take a different path and that will screw up the signal integrity.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Strange behavior from Icarus Verilog

2010-07-01 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 07/01/2010 06:10 AM, Patrick Doyle wrote:

When I run the following code in Icarus Verilog:

`define Tnom 140e-9
`define Rele 2e3
`define Cele 0.3e-6
`define Vdd1p8 1.7
`define DrvIstep 1e-6
`define ADCScale (1024/`Vdd1p8*`DrvIstep)

module check_this();

integer pulse_dur = 15;
integer delta3 = 1;
integer drvw1 = -20;
initial begin
 drvw1*(`Rele - (pulse_dur-delta3)*216*`Tnom/`Cele)*`ADCScale,
-drvw1*(`Rele - (pulse_dur-delta3)*216*`Tnom/`Cele)*`ADCScale,
-1.0*drvw1*(`Rele - (pulse_dur-delta3)*216*`Tnom/`Cele)*`ADCScale,
  $rtoi(-drvw1*(`Rele - (pulse_dur-delta3)*216*`Tnom/`Cele)*`ADCScale));

  get the following output:

-24.094118, 0.00, 24.094118, 7

I think that the 4 numbers should be identical.  It is possible that
there is some funny conversion rule, or undefined behavior in the
Verilog spec that might result in the second output being zero, but I
don't understand why I get 24 for the 1st&  3rd output and 7 for the
final output (which is much closer to what I would expect).

So I'm asking for a couple of favors...
1) Can somebody else try this code and see if you get the same sort of results?
I compile and run it with:

$ iverilog -Wall -I.. -y..  -o check_this.vvp check_this.v
$ vvp check_this.vvp

$ iverilog -V
vvp.tgt: Icarus Verilog VVP Code Generator 0.10.0 (devel)
$ vvp -V
Icarus Verilog runtime version 0.10.0 (devel) (s20090923-223-g9fbb12d)

I'm running on a Mac(book).

2) If this behavior is to be expected, could somebody explain why?

3) If it's not expected, I'd be glad to take a crack at figuring out
what went wrong where, or at least to post this to the buglist.  I'd
like to be able to do more to give back, so I'm willing to poke

I ran this through Modelsim LE and got the following result:

# -7.093308,7.093308,7.093308,7

Running it through my copy of Icarus 0.9.2 gives the same answer you got 
above, so I'm guessing that there's something odd going on with the way 
Icarus is parsing complex mathematical expressions.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: nRF24L01+ symbol

2010-05-03 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 05/03/2010 05:29 PM, George M. Gallant wrote:

Attached is a symbol for the NRF24L01. I have not used it because
I lack the tools/skills to populate the QFN package and the assembled
modules are sufficient for my needs.

I've had pretty good luck hand soldering leadless ceramic oscillators 
whose pins look a lot like those on QFNs. Make sure the pads extend far 
enough beyond the body to allow good contact with the iron, use lots of 
flux and it should be fine.  Main problem would be soldering to the 
central ground/thermal pad that most QFNs have though. That might 
require reflow, but a hotplate might work OK for that.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Audio processing

2010-04-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 04/14/2010 03:00 PM, Miguel Sánchez de León Peque wrote:

Hi all,
Does anybody know something about chord processing? What I would like
to do is to know which notes are played in a chord, realtime... Don't
know if this is even possible.

OT for this list, but...

Yes, it's possible. Difficult though - the sort of thing that folks get 
many $$$ for in the commercial software world. For example:

Suggest you ask this question on another list, for instance


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: complete project sample?

2010-04-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Apr 11, 2010, at 2:59 AM, Stephan Boettcher wrote:

> John Luciani  writes:
>> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 6:58 PM, DJ Delorie  wrote:
 I can think of a few uses for your USB GPIO pod!-Patrick
>>> I use it mostly for testing out new components.  I have added a
>>> micro-sd module for it, and most recently it's wired up to a new
>>> ethernet chip from micrel.
>> Do you have uSD code working? I have tried a couple
>> of different cards and have had no luck getting them working on
>> the SPI port. I looked at the timing of the CS, MOSI and SCK.
>> All look good but I don't get a response on the MISO line.
>> I have looked at the spec and I believe I am sending the proper
>> command bytes. Any info would be appreciated.
> microSD are not required to support the SPI protocol.  Do they usually
> do?  What brands?

Interesting. I've tried a half-dozen different brands and haven't had any 
trouble with SPI support. Sandisk, Kingston, PQI, no-name from Deal Extreme, 
etc. If you're interested though, it seems that brand-name doesn't mean much. 
Even some of the big sellers are often re-branded from whatever's cheapest in 
China this week:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: complete project sample?

2010-04-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Apr 10, 2010, at 8:11 PM, John Luciani wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 10, 2010 at 9:48 PM, DJ Delorie  wrote:
>> Yes, I got microsd working.  Next time, though, I'm putting a P-MOSFET
>> on the power line so I can software power cycle it.
> Excellent. Thanks!!! I will give this a try tomorrow.
> I made the same omission of P-MOSFET omission on my board too ;)

I've got a couple of projects that use uSD, both ARM and dsPIC and never needed 
power cycling. I'm using someone else's libraries for the SD card though. FWIW, 
I only read the card after power-up and don't hot-swap them so that might be a 
big factor.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Magnetic bike operation

2010-03-27 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 03/27/2010 01:32 PM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

On Sat, 2010-03-27 at 16:28 -0400, Rob Butts wrote:

I'm having a debate with an ee friend about how the magnetic resistance
works on an excersice bike.

May be something like

Yes, this.

I've had one apart before - they use permanent magnets and a thin 
aluminum rotor that's usually geared up from the pedals so it spins 
pretty fast. To adjust the brake tension a pair of laminated iron poles 
are brought close to the spinning rotor - the narrower the gap between 
them, the more resistance. Note that the pole pieces don't actually 
touch the rotor (except in an old bike I had where the rotor warped from 
resistive heating - then I got a lot of aluminum shavings everywhere).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Looking for my first fab shop.

2010-03-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 03/08/2010 12:28 PM, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

---<(kaimartin)>---(who gets his prototypes done by )

Odd - that resolves to a furniture store for me. Diversification!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Looking for my first fab shop.

2010-03-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 03/08/2010 11:30 AM, Jim wrote:

Are there any fab shops that would be gentle with a very new, very
inexperienced PCB designer? OH and reasonable for a prototype. Last time
I laid up a board I used a drafting table and mylar. I may need a bit of
handholding as I go along.

If you're in US then try BatchPCB if you can stand to wait 3 weeks.

Pretty straight-forward service, reasonable prices for small quantities. 
Can't say how much hand-holding they'll give, but I have had a bit of 
helpful back & forth with them when first getting started.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Need help repairing a damaged FPGA board (GR-PCI-XC2V)

2010-03-01 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On 03/01/2010 03:00 PM, Timothy Normand Miller wrote:

A relatively new professor here at OSU had one of these FPGA boards:

Unfortunately, some students recently fried part of the power
regulation circuit.  We don't have the expertise to repair it
ourselves, and we don't have the budget to buy something new.  This
board was being shared by multiple students, one of whom was using it
for his masters thesis work.  So its loss is rather painful and

I was wondering if anyone could advise us on repairing this.  Perhaps
there is someone whom we could ask to repair it for us?  Trying to get
the original manufacturer to repair it would probably cost more than
it's worth.  The damage was done to at least the C12 and D9 components
(lower left in the picture).

Any suggestions and help would be most appreciated!

That's a fairly old board (Spartan 2), looks like a PCI interface, along 
with some memory, Ethernet and RS-232. Depending on the exact features 
you need, you could buy up-to-date development boards from Digilent with 
an academic discount for less than $150 that would replace it. Take up a 
collection (with some stern looks in the direction of the folks who 
fried the old one) and you may be able to come up with the cash.

Here's  more info:,400&Cat=10


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: I am such a troll for posting to slashdot

2010-02-26 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Feb 26, 2010, at 10:44 PM, Ales Hvezda wrote:

> Let me be the first to apologize. :-)

Don't! It needed to be said.

> Although, a couple people have
> posted that gEDA's documentation lacks in places.  

Don't know what they're complaining about - When I started using gschem & pcb a 
few years ago I just committed to doing it, ran through the tutorials and got 
on with it. Took a few days, but any tool has a learning curve. At about the 
same time I tried Eagle and didn't find it any easier and the closed/crippled 
aspects of it bugged me so I dropped it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: LVS and other pcb related questions

2009-12-01 Thread Eric Brombaugh
On 12/01/2009 11:57 AM, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> However, from what I can tell, there still isn't any concept of lvs
>> in pcb, or am I missing that?
> PCB doesn't know about LVS, stripline, differential pairs, or any of
> that.

I think he means LVS as in Logic vs Schematic - a form of layout 
checking commonly found in ASIC design, not LVDS as in Low-Voltage 
Differential Signaling.

In the ASIC world, LVS is a fairly complex problem that usually involves 
re-creating the netlist from the layout, then comparing that to the 
original netlist. This requires fairly detailed understanding of device 
structures to infer higher-level functionality. For PCB it may be more 
trivial, since all that need be re-created is the netlist itself, not 
the devices. Nonetheless it's not simple.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Kudos

2009-11-03 Thread Eric Brombaugh
On 11/03/2009 12:35 PM, Duncan Drennan wrote:
>> * gschem magnetic nets - always seem to snap to the wrong thing for me
>> so I end up turning them off always. Need to tweak my config file.
> You can temporarily disable this feature by holding in the CTRL key. I
> guess that should be added to the wiki somewhere

By golly, it works. Thanks for the tip!


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Goldmine LCD update

2009-09-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
A few months back I linked a page with a little gEDA project based on a 
very inexpensive surplus graphic LCD:

Since then I've managed to get it working and I've posted pix and source 
on the page. I've had help and encouragement from various sources along 
the way - thanks to all who contacted me about this.

The biggest problem I ran into was getting a reliable electrical 
connection from the elastomer strip that comes with the LCD. Who knows 
how long these displays have been sitting around in a bin, probably in a 
non-air-conditioned warehouse in the Arizona desert. Consequently, I had 
to swab the strips (both sides) with IPA before getting a good 
connection. After that though it was pretty smooth sailing.

Thanks to the gEDA team for tools & help. Comments, questions, etc welcome.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Error building PCB from CVS

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Eric Brombaugh wrote:
> Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
>> On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 15:42:31 -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>>> Probably a dumb question: I'm building PCB from CVS on Fedora 9,
>> Just in case you don't already know: pcb recently switched to git. There 
>> is still a cvs mirror, though. See
> Ah - so I'm working with old stuff here. I suppose that I haven't been 
> paying close enough attention to the list. Time to pull the socks up and 
> start learning git.

Building from git worked w/o disabling documentation.

FWIW, I was using the CVS at, not the new one 
recommended by the wiki page at

Thanks for the help.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Error building PCB from CVS

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Thu, 02 Jul 2009 15:42:31 -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> Probably a dumb question: I'm building PCB from CVS on Fedora 9,
> Just in case you don't already know: pcb recently switched to git. There 
> is still a cvs mirror, though. See

Ah - so I'm working with old stuff here. I suppose that I haven't been 
paying close enough attention to the list. Time to pull the socks up and 
start learning git.

>configure --disable-doc
> or 
>configure --enable-maintainer-mode 
> may help.


 ./configure --enable-doc=no

got me through the install phase. Who uses the local documentation 
anyway? :)

Now I've got nice alpha images in my photo-mode renders. Thanks for the 
imagemagick script.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Error building PCB from CVS

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Probably a dumb question: I'm building PCB from CVS on Fedora 9, 
following the steps described in README.cvs and INSTALL. Mostly works 
until partway through 'make':

pcb.texi:4293: @image file `pad.png' (for HTML) not readable: No such 
file or directory.
/home/ericb/build/pcb/pcb/doc//actions.texi:1513: @image file 
`puller.png' (for HTML) not readable: No such file or directory.
pcb.texi:5819: @image file `thermal.png' (for HTML) not readable: No 
such file or directory.
makeinfo: Removing output file `pcb.htp' due to errors; use --force to 
make[3]: *** [pcb.html] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/ericb/build/pcb/pcb/doc'
make[2]: *** [all] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/ericb/build/pcb/pcb/doc'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/ericb/build/pcb/pcb'
make: *** [all] Error 2

The PCB executable is actually built at this point and runs but none of 
the exporters are available.

How to get further?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter Updates

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Luciani wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 1:55 PM, Eric Brombaugh
><[1]> wrote:
>Anthony Blake wrote:
>> By the way, the LCD project was very cool. Will the board be
>> at some stage?
>  That's my intent. I've got it pretty much ready to go now, but
>  BatchPCB's DRC Bot seems to be down since yesterday afternoon and
>  they
>  still haven't approved the design for purchase. In any case, I'll
>  definitely let the list know if/when I get the LCD working.
>You should post it to dorkbot Boston too. Tim would enjoy seeing it.

I'll do that. I couldn't find Tim's email address anywhere in his blog 
so I posted a link in the comments to the LCD entry, but that topic is 
several years old now and he may not be checking it regularly.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter Updates

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Kai-Martin wrote:

Nice rendering - esp. like the white background visible through the 
holes & the drop shadow. How do you do that?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter Updates

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Anthony Blake wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> BTW - I like the formatting of your web page. Something feels very 
>> familiar about it. ;)
> Well spotted =) Yes I had your cheap graphic LCD project page open when 
> I decided to write up the toporouter stuff. I hope you don't mind!

Not at all - I'm glad you found it helpful. Years ago (wow - more than 
10!) when I started keeping a website for my personal stuff I wanted 
something with minimal complexity that could easily be maintained with a 
text editor. I whittled that format down from something I'd spit out of 
Netscape's old web editor. It's pretty spare, but it works.

FWIW the little "W3C HTML 4.01" button on the bottom is mostly for my 
use in checking that the page is error-free. Handy little thing to add 
after I put up a page years ago that generated more complaints about the 
errors than interest in the topic.

> By the way, the LCD project was very cool. Will the board be available 
> at some stage?

That's my intent. I've got it pretty much ready to go now, but 
BatchPCB's DRC Bot seems to be down since yesterday afternoon and they 
still haven't approved the design for purchase. In any case, I'll 
definitely let the list know if/when I get the LCD working.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Toporouter Updates

2009-07-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Anthony Blake wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I've recently updated the toporouter website with some screenshots 
> showing the recent changes.
> By the way, I could do with some more small to mid sized boards for 
> testing if anyone wants to send one through.


Looks great!

BTW - I like the formatting of your web page. Something feels very 
familiar about it. ;)


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Cheap Graphic LCD project

2009-06-30 Thread Eric Brombaugh
A few weeks ago we discussed an inexpensive graphic LCD that Electronic 
Goldmine has been selling for a few years. It uses an elastomer contact 
and the only footprint available was in Eagle. I dumped some gerbers for 
the device out of Eagle and used the coordinates to build a PCB 
footprint. I've got a little project underway to test this out:

I've got a bit more checking to do before sending the design off for 
fab, but hope to have something going soon. Once I've tested it I'll 
make the design files available for anyone else who is interested.

(Yes, I know there are other sources of inexpensive monochrome LCDs. But 
I've got a bunch of these and want to try them out).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gsch2pcb hangs in m4 - how to get more info to debug

2009-06-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Eric Brombaugh wrote:
> Is there any way I can find out more details about what it was doing 
> when it hit that bad expression so I can debug? I've tried the -v option 
> but that doesn't appear to give any more information.

Never mind. I created a different linkage to the PCB newlibs without the 
m4 directory and re-ran gsch2pcb. That appears to have worked OK.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gsch2pcb hangs in m4 - how to get more info to debug

2009-06-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh
I'm running gsch2pcb from a very recent build (pulled from git within 
the last few days) along with an older version of PCB & libs. I've put a 
link to the older PCB share directory into the new geda/share area. When 
invoked, I get the following output:

Using the m4 processor for pcb footprints
/usr/bin/m4:stdin:88: bad expression in eval: /2

after which the process hangs with the CPU maxed out.

Is there any way I can find out more details about what it was doing 
when it hit that bad expression so I can debug? I've tried the -v option 
but that doesn't appear to give any more information.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gschem's new pretty menus

2009-06-07 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Peter Clifton wrote:

> gschem just got new pretty menus (with some icons). I'd appreciate
> people with different GTK+ versions checking that they work, since I've
> only had a chance to test with GTK 2.16. (Specifically whether you see
> the accelerator text on the right hand side of the menu).

Just built it from scratch via 'git clone' on my Fedora 9 system w/ 
GTK2-2.12. Very nice looking, menus have both icons and accelerator text.

Since we're sending screenshots:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: PCB Drills

2009-06-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Rob Butts wrote:
>Does anyone have a good source for drill bits that you don't have to
>have a tunnel to Fort Knox?  I need sizes .020, .025, .030...

search on 'drill bits' - they've got quite a lot of PC board bits in 
various sizes for reasonable prices.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: geda cygwin package

2009-05-15 Thread Eric Brombaugh
al davis wrote:
> On Thursday 14 May 2009, Joerg wrote:
>> What I bemoan is the utter lack of hands-on experience. Most
>> newly minted engineers can't even solder properly. Pathetic.
> So sad.  
> I recently saw a post on an email list that did a very good job 
> at illustrating, by example, why this is such a problem.  You 
> should read it.

A! The deadpan meta-irony makes my head asplode!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cypress PSoC MiniProg under Linux

2009-05-13 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Chris Smith wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> I also use Xilinx ISE (both full-blown and Webpack) under Linux with no 
>> difficulties.
> I've used that too, and it's a great source of irritation and amazement
> to me that they manage to produce a 1.4GB install file to program a
> device the size of a postage stamp! :(

Yes, and that 1.4GB download balloons out to > 4GB after it's 
decompressed into the final hierarchy. I did manage to strip a whole lot 
of junk out of it and fit it onto a 2GB SD card for use with an eeePC901 
under Ubuntu though.

>> or I copy bitstreams to an SD card which is loaded into the FPGA at
>> boot time via an on-board MCU.
> Would you mind elaborating a little on this 'bitstream' copying and
> loading technique?

I've got a home-made board with an NXP LPC2148 ARM processor driving a 
Xilinx XC3S250E FPGA via one of the SPI ports. At boot time the ARM 
reads the bitstream out of an SD card via a FAT filesystem, strips off 
the header and feeds it to the FPGA in slave-serial mode. After the FPGA 
is configured, the configuration clk/data inputs become a SPI port and 
that's how the ARM talks to the new FPGA design. More info (and source 
code) here:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cypress PSoC MiniProg under Linux

2009-05-13 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Stefan Salewski wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 12:03 -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>>  Since their development 
>> IDE is Win-only I didn't see much point in pursuing it further.
> Maybe my understanding of your comment is wrong, but to make it clear:
> Xilinx FPGA development tools called WebPack are available free of costs
> for Windows and Linux. Downloading code to the FPGA may be a problem, I
> guess the parport cable for the old Spartan-3 boards works. I have not
> already used their WebPack for Linux, but I am sure it works. This was
> the reason why I decided using Spartan-3E for my DSO board, not Altera
> chips. Altera has tools for Linux too, but you have to buy it (It may
> work with Wine under Linux?).

The OP wasn't talking about Xilinx tools. He was asking about the 
Cypress PSoC processor that's also on the Avnet S3A board, and that's 
what my comments were directed towards.

I also use Xilinx ISE (both full-blown and Webpack) under Linux with no 
difficulties. I don't do Xilinx downloads via JTAG under Linux though - 
I either use a Xilinx USB/JTAG pod under WinXP, or I copy bitstreams to 
an SD card which is loaded into the FPGA at boot time via an on-board MCU.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Cypress PSoC MiniProg under Linux

2009-05-13 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Tamas Szabo wrote:
> I just recieved an Avnet Spartan-3A Evaluation Kit. It has the above 
> mentioned interface for downloading configuration. I only found Win 
> based software for it.
> Has anyone any experience with it under Linux?

I did some work with PSoC a few years ago and wasn't able to find any 
Linux drivers for their USB programming dongle. Since their development 
IDE is Win-only I didn't see much point in pursuing it further. I 
believe that their MCU is based on an 8-bit Renesas architecture so 
there may be a GCC-based toolchain available, but you'll have a tough 
time finding any open-source software for setting up the analog and 
digital arrays. Plus, you'd be giving up all the firmware interface 
routines that their IDE automatically links in when you use the Cypress 
tools & libraries.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: HW vs SW tools evolution

2009-05-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Griessen wrote:
> How has SW design gotten farther?  Probably it's just that the development of 
> tools is so close to the development
> of apps for sale is all I can think of.

This is an excellent point. It's a lot easier for someone in their spare 
time to develop usable software. It's a lot more expensive to develop a 
usable chip. I can sit in my office and for the cost of a computer and 
an internet connection code up an embedded software project in my spare 
time that brings in some cash. I can't build an IC.

Imagine how difficult it would be to develop software if every time you 
wanted to test your code you had to spend thousands of dollars and wait 
three months.

FPGA development tools are just now getting to the point where this 
isn't such a PITA, but even so the proprietary nature of the bare metal 
will interfere with open source ethos.

The true revolution won't come until someone can build a 3D printer that 
can print a copy of itself.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
>> The only way these things are at all possible is with a wide variation 
>> in levels of abstraction. They guy designing the transistors doesn't 
>> know about the circuits they go into, while the architect working on the 
>> memory management can't be bothered with the ESD structures of the I/O 
>> pads.
> That's all true.  I just don't think it goes far enough.  I don't know
> if that's because it's a Hard Problem or if it's because engineers have
> expectations that are too low.  As a software engineer I came to the
> party with much higher expectations.

I'd argue that's it's a bit of both - it's a hard problem and we don't 
have the option of holding our breath until someone gives us the 
high-level tools. And it's not because no one is trying either - if you 
look at the research that has gone into creating the tools we have today 
you'd agree that it's not just due to laziness or 'make do'. It's like 
speech recognition or image processing - things that a trained person 
can do fairly easily but are very difficult to implement in machines.

> I would compare the current state of FPGA development tools with my early
> 8-bit computer experience.  On my Commodore 64 I cared about every memory
> location on the system.  I wrote anything remotely important by hand in
> assembly.  Writing Verilog is at the abstraction level of approximately
> a macro assembler.  At the high end it might reach up into the level of

No arguments here. OTOH, if you actually look at what's going on inside 
of an HDL synthesis tool as it turns your RTL into gates, I think you'd 
see that it's at least as complex as what a good optimizing C compiler 
is doing. It's just that the syntactic difference between the ideal HDL 
you'd like to use and hardware gates is a lot greater than that between 
C and machine code (which probably tells you something about C ;) )


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
> Well, that's basically my point.  Working on a large IC requires a huge
> team of people.  I live right by Intel, so I see how many people they have
> swallowed up to do chip design.  My complaint is that the complexities of
> designing chips or FPGAs is very poorly abstracted as compared to software
> at large.  The only reason it's possible to execute those designs at all
> is that on an absolute scale they're fairly simple.  That's no slight on
> the people doing the work -- it's just a reflection of how ineffective
> the tools are.

This is an interesting perspective. Essentially I hear you saying two 

1) A task that requires a lot of smart people to complete must suffer 
from a lack of adequate tools.

2) A task that can be completed with inadequate tools can't be very complex.

 From my standpoint there's a bit of a disconnect between these two 

Coming from a background as a wireless systems engineer as well as a 
chip designer, I'm here to tell you that there's nothing simple about 
the chips I've worked on: the Wifi chipsets I was doing 6 years ago were 
complex enough that no one person understood _everything_ that was 
happening in them. Move up the food chain to something like a modern 
multi-core processor and it's amazing that they work at all.

The only way these things are at all possible is with a wide variation 
in levels of abstraction. They guy designing the transistors doesn't 
know about the circuits they go into, while the architect working on the 
memory management can't be bothered with the ESD structures of the I/O 
pads. I have very little knowledge about how modern large-scale software 
development projects work, but I assume that they're also staffed by 
large teams, each with their own specialties - UI designers, core 
coders, build managers, library maintainers, QA & test. I don't see much 
difference between this and what happens in chip design.

> I would like to be able to express the essence of what I need to do, such
> as an arithmetic operation, without having to understand how it should be
> pipelined, how wide the intermediate results need to be, how it should map
> to the facilities of the FPGA (or hard macros or etc), etc.  I would like
> to be able to take that design and target FPGAs from different families
> or vendors without having to reevaluate the design tradeoffs.  Even if I
> *did* have to make the choices manually (eg where to register intermediate
> values), I'd like to control those aspects independently from the core
> logic, rather than having to mix it in.

Some of these are reasonable goals and a lot of engineers out there 
would agree with you, myself included.

As far as the top-level design of pipelined arithmetic systems, I have 
actually used some tools that approached this level of flexibility - 
Synopsys Module Compiler was doing a lot of this 10 years ago on small 
systems. The big problem is scaling it up to what's normal today. Xilinx 
has taken some stabs in this direction with System Generator and 
AccelDSP, but these also have their shortcomings. Very few tools (any?) 
out there today allow you design complex arithmetic without specifying 
internal details, although many provide libraries of functions that you 
don't have to dig into to use effectively.

Retargeting FPGAs from different families within one vendor is almost 
there - I'm able to port designs across Xilinx Spartan3, Virtex2, 4 and 
5 families without too much pain. Going across vendors is a bit more of 
an issue because there aren't _any_ 3rd-party tools that handle the back 
end PAR processes - the vendors treat that as proprietary and require 
you to use their own tools. The only interface that works is the 
top-level HDL, and while it's possible to make retargetable code you 
give up a lot of performance due to the dissimilar IP structures. 
Nothing wrong with that - it's competition in action.

I'm sure we'll get there. It won't be easy though.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
> Frankly, having come to FPGAs from a long history of softare development,
> the FPGA guys are working with stone age tools right now.  The only reason
> FPGA and ASIC projects get done at all is that their scope is vastly
> simpler than a typical software project.

OOooh! I guess I deserved that, but I can't let it pass without some 
comment. :)

Them's hasty words sir. If your only perspective on modern IC design is 
from an FPGA perspective then you're not seeing the whole picture. I'll 
grant you that FPGA tools come up short in many ways, but ASIC tools are 
much more advanced (and much more expensive). The engineering challenges 
involved are much more complex - not just synthesis, place & route and 
timing, but also signal integrity, electromigration, mask development, etc.

I'll concur that current software projects have enormous scope and 
demand some pretty powerful tools. Don't underestimate the challenges of 
developing a System-on-Chip for high-volume commercial use though. It's 
orders of magnitude more complex than what happens in the FPGA world. 
When doing an FPGA design, I can as an individual manage a project that 
completely fills the largest FPGA available. Working on a large 
commercial IC development project requires the skills of dozens if not 
hundreds of experienced engineers.

As someone with experience on both sides, what improvements would you 
like to see?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-11 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Joerg wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> John Griessen wrote:
>>> How about the code intensive hardware system developers that start
>>> a project with FPGA then migrate it to ASIC?  What language do they use -- 
>>> c++?
>> Typically they'll use a HDL like Verilog or VHDL. Those are generally 
>> compatible across FPGAs and ASICs alike. There have been attempts to use 
>> C++ for hardware design, but they haven't found their way into the 
>> mainstream.
> C++ for hardware design?

Yep - typically involves building a big class library to support things 
like clocked processes and basic RTL structures & methods. The results 
end up looking a lot like most other HDLs and don't really run much 
faster. And of course this requires a translation shim to get it into 
any normal ASIC or FPGA synthesis/PAR toolflow.

As Stuart notes, you can operate at a higher level than some of the 
older spec'd HDLs, but a lot of higher functionality has been rolled 
into Verilog2k in the meantime so it's tough to say how much of an 
advantage it is.

And of course it has the disadvantage of allowing software types think 
that they can design hardware without any additional training. :) (ducks)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Griessen wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> John Griessen wrote:
>>> How about the code intensive hardware system developers that start
>>> a project with FPGA then migrate it to ASIC?  What language do they use -- 
>>> c++?
>> Typically they'll use a HDL like Verilog or VHDL. 
> OK for the HW.  But they are developing code in parallel.
> What  do those types use for code languages is what I'd like to know...
> I've been out of chip design work long enough to not know anymore.

Hmm - not quite sure what you're asking here. If you are referring to 
HW/SW co-development for situations like SoCs which have embedded 
processors, then yes - the folks on the SW side will usually be 
developing in Assy/C/C++ and using simulators/emulators to test code 
prior to getting silicon.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: fritzing

2009-05-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Griessen wrote:
> How about the code intensive hardware system developers that start
> a project with FPGA then migrate it to ASIC?  What language do they use -- 
> c++?

Typically they'll use a HDL like Verilog or VHDL. Those are generally 
compatible across FPGAs and ASICs alike. There have been attempts to use 
C++ for hardware design, but they haven't found their way into the 

There are newer HDLs starting to find more use though - System Verilog 
is becoming popular among some of my colleagues.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: LCD Elastomer contacts

2009-05-03 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Luciani wrote:
>Unfortunately Tim does all his work in Eagle.
>IIRC he was selling a PCB + LCD for apx $7 at the MIT Swap last year.
>few weeks ago he mentioned to me he was working on a little display
>sub-assembly that used that LCD and a PIC.

I though you might know him - looks like he's in your neck of the woods.

Might have to grab his artwork & create a PCB footprint - would make a 
nice little display for some projects I've got in mind. Goldmine is 
close by so it takes about 1 day to get stuff from them (they don't do 
pickup / willcall) and it looks like they still have plenty of these 
available at $1/pair.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: LCD Elastomer contacts

2009-05-03 Thread Eric Brombaugh
I just came across this page:

which describes interfacing to a very inexpensive surplus LCD display 
via a zebra strip elastomer. He seems to have done all his work in 
Eagle, but I was wondering if anyone had a footprint for this in PCB.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: solder jumpers

2009-05-03 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> I added something like that to my page...
> That one *can* be done as an element :-)

Those look like they might also make good switch contacts for 
elastomeric buttons / keypads.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Schematic bundler?

2009-04-15 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> gschlas -e foo.sch
> My Makefiles copy foo.sch to tmp.sch, gschlas *that*, then copy
> tmp.sch to it's final destination.

Thanks - sounds nice and clean. Makefiles = good.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Schematic bundler?

2009-04-15 Thread Eric Brombaugh
John Luciani wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Eric Brombaugh  wrote:
>> I'm sure I've seen this discussed recently, but I can't find any threads
>> to pick up and follow...
>> Is there a way to suck all the gschem symbols into my schematic for
>> archiving and/or distribution?
> I may have been the one that asked the question.
> Select all of the components and then choose embed symbols.

Thanks John - that did the trick.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Schematic bundler?

2009-04-15 Thread Eric Brombaugh
I'm sure I've seen this discussed recently, but I can't find any threads 
to pick up and follow...

Is there a way to suck all the gschem symbols into my schematic for 
archiving and/or distribution?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: chipscope vs. rerouting signals to test pads/pins

2009-04-06 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Michael Sokolov wrote:
> I thought one of those GUI apps was the Webpack installer, and they've
> made it impossible to bypass it by putting all the bits in encrypted (!)
> ZIPs.  At least this was the case the last time I looked at it in late
> 2005, and this problem (the inability to bypass the installer) was what
> made me choose Altera over Xilinx.
> How did you get around the installer block?

I've had no trouble installing the full ISE on Fedora and I've been 
using it since 2005 or so. Webpack's installer is limited to 32-bit 
systems though, so if you're on a 64-bit system that might be getting in 
your way.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: chipscope vs. rerouting signals to test pads/pins

2009-04-06 Thread Eric Brombaugh wrote:

> OK, I was right, it is fpgaeditor.  You will be using the 'probes' portion of 
> it.  Here's the run down:

> If you need some screen shots, I could probably provide some.

Thanks for checking this. I've never tried it myself, but can see it 
would be useful.

There's one little bit of advice you might be able to help with - I'm 
running ISE 10.1.03 on a Fedora 9 system and several of the GUI apps are 
impossible to run because they're linked against which isn't 
in any of the standard Fedora repositories. I've tried installing the 
CCRMA openmotif package, but that provides Do you have any 
suggestions on how to get around this?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: terminators

2009-04-04 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Apr 4, 2009, at 11:08 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

>> but the GUI application is DRMed.

And it's also Windows-only from what I recall. I only use it on XP  

> Well, that may not work for me then, as I have to funnel the data
> through an MCU, then USB, then to the Linux box.  I also have nothing
> connected to the jtag port, although I suppose I could wire that to
> the mcu too.
> What would be cool is getting the LA data into a gtkwave-compatible
> format.

I've had good luck capturing data inside the FPGA in BRAM at the full  
clock speed, then reading it out slowly over SPI to an ARM processor  
where it gets formatted & sent via a USB CDC interface to code running  
on a PC. It's not screaming fast, but then neither is Chipscope via  

It would probably be straight-forward to write C/Perl/whatever to  
format data dumped from BRAM as a VCD to load into gtkwave.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: terminators

2009-04-04 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Apr 4, 2009, at 10:25 PM, Ben Jackson wrote:
> Why not just use chipscope?  I thought you could get that for free
> these days (although admittedly I use Altera mainly for free Signaltap
> myself).

I use Chipscope pretty much constantly, both on my day-job designs  
(Virtex 5) and on personal projects (Spartan 3E). It's a great way to  
get visibility & control inside the design and I'd recommend it. As  
far as I'm aware though, it's not free. IIRC, Xilinx provides a free  
60-day trial, but to use it beyond that requires about $700 outlay for  
the permanent license. The hardware library elements to support it are  
free, but the GUI application is DRMed.

There was an open-source (ish) work-alike that got a write-up in  
Xilinx's X-cell magazine a few years back that used the Xilinx JTAG  
library elements along with an external JTAG access API, but it's been  
pulled from all the websites mentioned in the article. It mainly  
provided register read/write access via JTAG and an external TCL-TK  
UI. As far as I know there was no internal logic analyzer provided. It  
probably wouldn't be too tough to duplicate and expand to include that  
functionality though.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Symbol style recommendations

2009-03-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Peter TB Brett wrote:
> We'll have to agree to disagree. When I look at a schematic, I want to be 
> able 
> to quickly and easily work out what the circuit is designed to do, and having 
> the pins on my symbols arranged by function and bus offset rather than by 
> physical position helps a great deal.

I find myself doing both approaches depending on what kind of components 
they are. Often I do physical position symbols just to "git 'er done" 
and I've found that this helps me think about layout issues earlier in 
the design process, as well as aiding in finding signals during hardware 

> What do you do about parts that have different pinouts depending on what 
> package they're in?

True. The other side of this coin though is complex parts like MCUs or 
FPGAs where the pins can have different functions depending on 
programming. For these parts, functional grouping is somewhat more nebulous.

Isn't it nice to have the option to do either?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: sd card

2009-03-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:14 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> Anyone done any sd-card designs?  Looking for symbols, footprints,
> connector recommendations, schematics, anything I can leech off  
> you :-)
> Note: SD, not mini- or micro-SD.  Surface mount preferred.

Sorry - I used micro-SD. Symbol & SMD footprint available though. Any  
particular reason why? I've been getting the cards with SD adapters  
for cheap, so it  doesn't seem to make any difference for  
compatibility and the size advantage of the micro- format is nice.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: mcu to sdram interface project

2009-03-17 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I'd definitely recommend putting an SD slot on. The hardware is
>> cheap, the interface is simple and there's so much you can do with
>> it. I store my FPGA bitstream on the SD card, so updating the the
>> hardware design is just a matter of copying the file onto the card
>> and clicking it into the board.
> Hey, neat idea.  I figured the ethernet was the other option; tftpboot
> or the like.

One other nice thing is that the DIN/CCLK pins of the FPGA become user 
I/O after configuration, so when you're done loading the bitstream the 
MCU can use those pins to talk to the FPGA code you just installed. My 
design has a SPI slave port on those pins so I can monitor/control with 
the same SPI port I used to load it up. Good for flexibility so I don't 
have to resynthesize just to tweak parameters in the hardware.

Ethernet would be pretty nifty. A bit outside my comfort zone right now, 
but it would speed things up a lot.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: mcu to sdram interface project

2009-03-17 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> For FPGA configuration I used slave serial mode and drove the DIN/CCLK 
>> direct from a SPI port on my MCU - saved having to use Xilinx's special 
>> configuration flash parts. Does mean that the start-up process is a bit 
>> more complex though.
> I thought of doing that, but the advantage of using a separate eeprom
> is that I can use the mcu to download the bitstream to it faster than
> I can reprogram the MCU to have a built-in bitstream.  Plus I can
> learn something new in the process ;-)

It was the reverse for me - I've always used the Xilinx config flash 
parts in the past and I wanted to see how well the other approach would 
work. Turns out to be pretty easy, although there are a few minor 
caveats about the configuration process that I learned along the way.

> I also thought about adding a serial port, ethernet chip, and sdcard
> slot to the test board, but then I decided "one step at a time".  If I
> were using a 32 bit mcu I'd reconsider - big RAM is a key to uclinux
> support.  The m32c is only a 16 bit MCU.  Maybe I'll add them anyway,
> though, just for fun.

I'd definitely recommend putting an SD slot on. The hardware is cheap, 
the interface is simple and there's so much you can do with it. I store 
my FPGA bitstream on the SD card, so updating the the hardware design is 
  just a matter of copying the file onto the card and clicking it into 
the board.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: mcu to sdram interface project

2009-03-17 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> I finally got a verilog module that does a basic SDRAM interface (I
> talked about this a little at the last freedog meeting) so I started
> uploading stuff:
> Nothing fancy yet; it does an activate/transfer/precharge for every
> access the MCU makes.  Perhaps later I'll add some smarts to it to get
> rid of the *one* read wait state it requires - the MCU has a 35ns
> setup time, so there's not much time to get the data out (and yes,
> that's an obvious spot to add a burst cache).  The MCU only runs at
> 24MHz, the SDRAM is 133MHz (potentially asynchronous).
> Board's not done yet, but the interesting signals are routed
> (mcu-fpga-sdram).

Nice design - should be handy for giant RAM on small MCUs. I've 
considered trying to hook SDRAM up through an FPGA as well, but the 
complexity looked like it would eat up too many of the resources that I 
wanted for other things.

It's interesting to compare the S3A with older parts. Nice that it can 
get by without the 2.5V VCCAUX - generating & routing that on the 
2-layer S3E design I did recently was a bit of a nuisance. I ended up 
running the three supplies in a kind of 'snail-shell' concentric 
topology in the back-side of the board directly under the FPGA package 
which worked out nicely.

I'm a bit curious what happens if you forget to set the 3.3V 
configuration bit - does it damage the part?

Xilinx docs have all sorts of dire warnings about proper decoupling of 
the various supplies. I ended up putting a fair number of caps on the 
back side of the board just to get them close enough to the package 
pins. I haven't seen any issues with this in operation though, so it may 
just be CYA.

For FPGA configuration I used slave serial mode and drove the DIN/CCLK 
direct from a SPI port on my MCU - saved having to use Xilinx's special 
configuration flash parts. Does mean that the start-up process is a bit 
more complex though.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Another gEDA-based project working

2009-02-27 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Jelle de Jong wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> I've just finished assembling a new board that I did with gschem / PCB. 
>> Web page with description, photos & design info here:
> Great work! Keep up the good work.
> Would it be possible to order it as demo kit for gEDA demonstrations that
> I like to start doing.

Thanks. It's been a fun little project and I haven't even tried out the 
real applications yet. A few of the things I've learned about on the way:

* Hot plate reflow (for the USB connector, micro SD socket and dual LDO 
with heat-slug). I'm using one of those circular cast-iron ones similar 
to what DJ has on his website. Works pretty well.

* Contaminated solder paste - the first bit that came out of the 
syringe-full I bought wouldn't stick to _anything_. I had to squirt a 
fair amount out before getting to the sticky stuff. My best guess is 
that it must have been the silicone lube that they put in generic syringes.

* Dangers of violating minimum line width. :)

* Reliability of low-cost fabs. I found a short from USB +5 to ground on 
one of my boards. A clear failure in the fab since it's not in the 
gerbers or on the other board I got.

* USB interfacing - fairly simple if you use someone else's code on a 
popular processor.

* SD memory interfacing - see above.

* I2C interfacing. Watch those clock speeds.

I'm sure there are a bunch of other things that will rise up to meet me 
as I continue with it...

As far as kits go, sorry. I'm not set up to sell parts (there are 
probably about $70 worth on this board if bought in small qty). If you'd 
like to take the gerbers to your own fab though feel free to do so. It 
cost me about $80 for two boards shipped from BatchPCB.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Another gEDA-based project working

2009-02-27 Thread Eric Brombaugh
I've just finished assembling a new board that I did with gschem / PCB. 
Web page with description, photos & design info here:

Thanks to all the contributors to gEDA for helping to make this possible.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Digilent USB-JTAG and Lattice

2009-02-18 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Eric Winsor wrote:
> I have been using the Digilent USB-JTAG cable to program Xilinx devices 
> and now am working with some Lattice CPLDs in a new project.  Does 
> anyone know of some JTAG programming software that will recognize the 
> Digilent USB-JTAG cable and allow me to program Lattice parts?

AFIK, no software in the world supports the Digilent USB-JTAG cable 
except for Digilent's Adept suite. Digilent doesn't make their protocols 
available for others to use, and since this cable uses a variation of 
the Cypress FX2 8051+USB 2.0 interface it's difficult to reverse engineer.

A few years back, there was one fellow on comp.sys.fpga who claimed to 
have an open-source tool that would talk to the Digilent cable, but 
after trying it I wasn't able to get it to work. Subsequent attempts to 
contact the original author were unsuccessful. Maybe you would have 
better luck - find it here:

I believe that Digilent's Adept suite can 'play' SVF files, so if your 
Lattice tools can generate a JTAG SVF file, you may be able to load that 
into Adept. FWIW, Xilinx's Impact can be do this, so it's not unheard of.

Let me know how it goes...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Interesting board defect

2009-02-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 06:09:36PM -0500, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Yeah, it looks like you violated the "minimum trace width" on the
>> hairline copper traces between the two pads, and they broke off and
>> got glued down by the solder mask.
> Yep.  If you have an unpopulated board and a stout bench supply I'd try
> hooking it up and ramping the current limit to try to burn those traces
> off.  I've even managed that on boards where there were already
> components and I could pump enough amps at the target VCC.

That would have been interesting, but the x-acto approach worked fine. I 
was even able to use the ohmmeter to narrow down the location - a few 
~0.2 ohm delta between the resistance at the short and a few cm away.

Anyway - all fixed now & starting to build up the board. So far so good.

Thanks to all for comments & suggestions.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Interesting board defect

2009-02-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> I usually go through all my 0603's and increase the clearance just
> enough to not have those slivers.

Good idea - one more thing to add to my customized footprint library.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Interesting board defect

2009-02-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh

I just got a couple of new boards back from BatchPCB and found that one 
of my power supplies was shorted to ground. A close inspection revealed 
numerous hairline traces from the pads of some SMT capacitors which had 
been placed in a surrounding ground plane. A photo is available here:

Looks like just a tad more clearance around those pads would have 
prevented those fine traces of ground plane from forming, floating free 
and shorting to the supply pad. I can probably get out the x-acto and 
scrape these away but it'll be tedious.

Learn something new every day...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: GTK RANT

2009-01-25 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Jan 25, 2009, at 10:10 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> The ideal would be to support the standard accelerators (like Ctrl-C
> for Copy, etc) as well as two-key ones (like E E) for actions that
> don't map easily to gtk standard actions.  Non-modified keys are
> normally not used as accelerators in applications, because most
> applications include heavy use of text entry (word processor,
> spreadsheet).  gschem doesn't, so it can use unmodified keys for
> gschem-specific purposes.

This makes a lot of sense. I'd really like to see more of the  
traditional Ctrl-based accelerators implemented - especially for the  
more common file & edit menu operations. Two key accelerators for  
operations unique to schematic editing are fine though.

>> (although pcb also uses unmodified keys as accelerators)

Getting rid of the 'f s' sequence in gschem (or at least providing an  
alternative) would go a long way toward alleviating some of my mis- 
keys. The number of times I've turned my PCB layouts green as a result  
of using the gschem file save sequence in pcb...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Convert unplated->plated holes?

2009-01-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Like that. Is there a recommended best-practice (other than avoiding
>> elements with unplated holes?)
> Plot gerbers.  If you get an unplated-holes gerber, you missed at
> least one.  Grep the .pcb file for the word `hole' to fine them.

Cool - that's almost what I did. I exported PS & viewed in evince for 
the unplated holes sheet. Your way is a bit less work.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Convert unplated->plated holes?

2009-01-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Just looking at the .pcb file it seems it might be as simple as:
>> s/\"hole\"/\"\"/
> It would have taken you less time to try it, than to send the email...

D'oh! Watch out for the LART! :)

Actually, I did try it first. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't 
overlooking some other subtleties.

> Yeah, that might work, if none of the holes have other attributes.

Like that. Is there a recommended best-practice (other than avoiding 
elements with unplated holes?)


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Convert unplated->plated holes?

2009-01-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh
This seems like a FAQ but digging through the last year's worth of mail 
list history hasn't turned up the answer:

What is the best way to convert all unplated holes in a design to plated?

Just looking at the .pcb file it seems it might be as simple as:



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2009-01-14 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Larry Doolittle wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 02, 2009 at 09:40:08PM -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> I've been glancing over some of the inexpensive Linux-based  
>> netbooks lately - a tad underpowered, but potentially useful and cheap  
>> enough to take a flyer on. I'm curious how useful a 1024x800 screen  
>> would be for gEDA/PCB.
> 1024x800?  Where?  They're all widescreen now.  The lightweight,
> inexpensive ones are 1024*600 or so.  The larger, heavier, cheap and
> modern notebooks get up all the way to 1280x800.
> The lack of height would hurt me, at least.  I now use a 1024x768
> Thinkpad X40 (which I have promoted here before: US$400 on eBay).
> I couldn't stand going any smaller in screen size.

Dredging up this old thread again...

I found an ASUS EEE PC 900A at a local big-box last week for $200. After 
a few false starts with the pre-installed Xandros distro, I loaded up 
Ubuntu eee which seems to be working well. gEDA/PCB were easily added 
with apt-get (although the Ubuntu repositories are still on 20080202 
unfortunately) and gschem + PCB work fine. Surprisingly usable, even on 
the small screen.

I do wonder if there is any way to get a newer package though. Fedora 
9's yum repository is pretty much up-to-date. I guess compiling from 
source is the only way for now.

Overall not bad though. It would work in a pinch.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 45deg rotation?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> Cut the part
> :FreeRotateBuffer(45)
> Paste the part



geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: 45deg rotation?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Brombaugh
I'm seeing a lot more boards coming out lately with BGAs, QFPs, etc. 
placed at 45deg from the grid. Is this possible with PCB?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint with thermal paddle

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> Hmmm... you might want to look in src/draw.c and see if you can bypass
> the whole mask drawing operation when the mask size is zero, then.
> "Patches welcome" :-)

I'll put that on the to-do list & deal with the notches for now.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint with thermal paddle

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> Edit the file with a text editor and change it to zero.

That's what I've been doing. Here's what the pads lines look like:

# Back copper pad with full mask: 7.8x3.4mm
Pad[ 0 -8660
  0 8660
  13385 0 0 "25" "25" 0x0100]

# exposed copper on top: 3.4x4.48mm
Pad[ 0 -4094
  0 4094
  9448 0 9448 "25" "25" 0x0100]

Even when I comment out the second pad I still get a narrow stripe of 
exposed pad down the center of the first one.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Footprint with thermal paddle

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I wonder if a couple of overlapping pads would work.
> That's what I did.  One pad for the copper extent, and a set of
> smaller pads to define the paste and mask.  You just have to number
> them all the same.

Thanks - I'm coming close to a solution this way. The trouble is that it 
seems like it's not possible to define a pad with no mask opening at all 
- there seems to be a minimum opening in the copper extent even when the 
mask and clearance are set to 0. This results in a slight notch in the 
desired mask when combined with the mask pad that I put on top of it. 
It's not much of a notch and I might be able to live with it, but it's 


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Footprint with thermal paddle

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh

I'm using a high-power TSSOP24 that needs a thermal paddle under it. The 
unusual thing about this is that the recommended solder mask on the 
paddle has less clearance in the X direction than in the Y direction. 
How would one do this in PCB?

MFG dimensions for the pad are 3.4 x 7.8 mm, while the mask opening is 
supposed to be 2.4 x 4.48 mm.

I came up with this pad specification:

Pad[ 0 -8660
  0 8660
  13385 1000 9448 "25" "25" 0x0100]

which has the proper amount of copper, but allows the mask opening to be 
taller than it's supposed to be.

Thanks for any insight,


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Dumb PCB question - smd parts on back of 2-sided board

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
It's been about 6 months since I did a 2-sided board with smd parts on 
the back side and I seem to have forgotten the magic incantations.

Stuff I know:

* 'shift-B' flips an element to the opposite side from which it is 
currently on.

* 'B' seems to toggle the back side silk to visible on the previous 
board I did. Oddly, the front-side silk is also still visible.

What I tried:

I flipped a few caps from the component to the solder side. This seems 
to change their position too, and their refdes becomes faint. 'B' 
doesn't seem to have any effect on this board though.

I moved them to the location where I want them, opposite a large LQFP. 
Now when I try to rotate them the LQFP on the other side rotates instead.

My questions:

* Why doesn't the 'B' work on my new project?
* How to prevent edits to elements on the solder side of the board from 
operating on component-side elements?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Dumb PCB question - smd parts on back of 2-sided board

2009-01-08 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Replying to myself:

I did a bit more digging and found the magic 'Tab' key. Now everything 
works as I remembered. Thanks to DJ's tutorial!

Further question though: what's the difference between 'B' and 
'shift-B', other than 'shift-B' does odd things to the position?


Eric Brombaugh wrote:
> It's been about 6 months since I did a 2-sided board with smd parts on 
> the back side and I seem to have forgotten the magic incantations.
> Stuff I know:
> * 'shift-B' flips an element to the opposite side from which it is 
> currently on.
> * 'B' seems to toggle the back side silk to visible on the previous 
> board I did. Oddly, the front-side silk is also still visible.
> What I tried:
> I flipped a few caps from the component to the solder side. This seems 
> to change their position too, and their refdes becomes faint. 'B' 
> doesn't seem to have any effect on this board though.
> I moved them to the location where I want them, opposite a large LQFP. 
> Now when I try to rotate them the LQFP on the other side rotates instead.
> My questions:
> * Why doesn't the 'B' work on my new project?
> * How to prevent edits to elements on the solder side of the board from 
> operating on component-side elements?
> Thanks,
> Eric

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2009-01-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Jan 2, 2009, at 9:02 PM, der Mouse wrote:

>>> I just can't say enough good things about my Mackbook Pro.  [...]
>> I've been happy with Apple laptops for a few years now.  [...]
> To offer a slight counterweight to the Apple gushiness...I wouldn't.

Despite being one of the earlier 'gushy' folks, I'll grant you've got  
some valid criticisms:
  - their dialect of *NIX is different. I liked your comparison to AIX  
- I remember that!
  - Closed source OS rubs some folks the wrong way - even when they  
provide free development tools & documentation for coding on top of  
the OS, not having access to the guts is annoying.
  - Hardware is more expensive than commodity PCs.
  - Apple's sales & support has a certain attitude that can be grating.

So given you don't like Apple, what do you recommend for a good  
laptop? I've been glancing over some of the inexpensive Linux-based  
netbooks lately - a tad underpowered, but potentially useful and cheap  
enough to take a flyer on. I'm curious how useful a 1024x800 screen  
would be for gEDA/PCB.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: Recommendations for laptop?

2009-01-02 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Stephen Williams wrote:
> I just can't say enough good things about my Mackbook Pro. The
> only glaring issue, is the price.

I've been happy with Apple laptops for a few years now. I got an iBook 
back in '03 which is still in daily use and a newer Macbook about a year 
ago which is working well. *NIX compatibility and the fink package 
system make it great for development. gEDA/PCB work well and the 
packages seem to stay current. Agree that extra memory is helpful, but 
3rd-party chips from a reputable vendor are easy to install and more 
reasonably priced than Apple's. Apple hardware is a bit more expensive, 
but the polish in hardware & software is worth it to me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: OT: OpenOCD?

2008-11-01 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Nov 1, 2008, at 5:58 PM, John Doty wrote:

> Anybody using OpenOCD? I looking at an Atmel AT91SAM7X-EK board for
> prototyping a data acquisition device, with the eventual intention of
> designing a custom board around the AT91SAM7X256 processor with gEDA.
> I need to program it somehow, and Windoze is alien to both the end
> users and me.
> I'd be interested in any experiences. There are no doubt other places
> to inquire, but I feel I understand the viewpoints of folks on this
> list, and they are more likely to be close to mine.

I'm using OpenOCD with an Atmel AT91SAM7S64 processor (home-made  
board) and an Olimex USB-Tiny USB/JTAG converter under Fedora 9. It  
took a bit of fooling around to get it up and running reliably, but it  
has been working well since then. The important step for me was to use  
the FTDI driver.

I haven't gotten the gdb stuff working 100% yet - something about the  
RAM/Flash specifications that OpenOCD is supposed to send to gdb is  
wrong so breakpoints don't work quite right. OpenOCD works great for  
downloading code into the ARM flash though, and that's mainly what  
I've been using it for.

Getting it all installed is a bit of a chore - tracking down all the  
code, drivers, various application scripts, documentation, etc. can  
take a while. The WinXX users have a lot of pre-packaged installs like  
Yagarto available, but if you're on Linux then there's a bit less hand- 
holding available.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: powermeter board, with less ground planes :-)

2008-10-31 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> At the end of the day the only thing that counts is whether it's
>> good enough and it looks like DJ's board should perform pretty well
>> now.
> And yet I keep improving it anyway.

If there's one thing I've learned about working on layouts it's that 
you're never really done - you just have to stop sometime. There's 
always room for one last tweak!

I run PCB on my MacBook - sitting on the couch, watching TV & fiddling 
with board designs is almost like playing solitaire...

I know - sick...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb, howto partition power planes?

2008-10-29 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>>> I have one I use every day, but it's in my watch.
>> So that watch isn't on a wrist band it is on an adjustable crane hook. 
> Heh, I suppose.
> FYI it's a Timex Ironman USB.  Very useful watch.

But can you talk to it with Linux?

Eric (who still uses a VR3 - mostly to play DJ's Ace of Penguins Freecell)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: the peril of ascii file formats

2008-09-20 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Sep 20, 2008, at 7:15 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:

> Today I sat down to work on my latest project.  Next step, rearrange
> some of the signal wires.  I type "vi mcu.sch"... er, no,
> backspace... "gschem mcu.sch", yeah, that's right.

That's not a bug, that's a feature. It _would_ have worked. Just  

Eric (who appreciates being able to textedit the databases when  

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Deformed undesired tiny square

2008-09-19 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Andrea Grillini wrote:
> It happened to me at least twice. I draw a pcb or a footprint and then I
> keep seeing the square mentioned in the subject and a can't get rid of
> it. It looks like a tiny square hole and apparently it has no connection
> with the rest of the drawing, it simply stays there. Any explanation?
> Any solution?

I've seen this before in some of my designs and it was driving me 
bananas. I finally figured out what it was by noting the XY coordinates 
of the 'hole' and searching the .pcb file for similar values. It turned 
out to be a text object with null string data. I just used a text editor 
to delete it from the .pcb file and it went away.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Another PCB from the gEDA tool flow

2008-08-25 Thread Eric Brombaugh
A tiny little SMD board for use with FPGA development systems. Fabbed at 
BatchPCB - I ordered 5, they sent me 10. Haven't fully tested it yet, 
but powering it up didn't let out any magic smoke.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: sparkfun 4 layer boards

2008-08-23 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Aug 23, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:
>> So, how much mileage could we get out of a cheap digital camera and
>> replaced the IR blocking filter with a visible light reducing filter?
>> There might be a cheap hackable camera that is suitable, since a  
>> lot of
>> the low-end imagers are quite sensitive in IR.  Old camcorders  
>> might be
>> another bet.
>I'd be shocked and amazed if they could detect thermal IR.

Agree - there's a big difference between the short-wave IR that's used 
by common IR remote controls (which is easily seen on most any webcam) 
and the long-wave IR used in thermal imaging.

You might be able to get a cheap CMOS imager to do it, but you'd 
probably need a fairly unobtainium long-wave IR filter, and possibly 
some sort of cooling rig. Maybe mount it on a Peltier junction - of 
course then you'd need some crazy insulation & sealing to keep it from 
frosting over. Gets complicated pretty fast.

Go here for more info on thermal imaging:

Looks like most of their stuff works in the 7 - 14 micron wavelength.

I've got an inexpensive IR thermometer though - $25 from SparkFun:

You might be able to use something like that to hunt down hotspots, 
except that the response time is slow enough it would get pretty tedious.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: sparkfun 4 layer boards

2008-08-23 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Mark Rages wrote:
> I've had moderate success clearing blind shorts with the 5V bus of a
> high-power computer power supply.  (This can be hazardous to other
> parts on an assembled board)  Otherwise, use a current-limited power
> supply to put a few amps into the stuck node.  Use a millivolt meter
> to measure different places on it.  Lower voltage means closer to the
> short.

An IR camera to look for the hotspot would probably be a handy way to do 
this too. Who's got an IR camera though?

FWIW, strange shorts can happen on high-end board mfg. lines too. I 
recently had a fairly large board used in my day job start smoking after 
several hours of use. Tracked it down to a power via that internally 
shorted to a ground layer. Destroyed the via, carbonized the board and 
de-laminated the top layer in the vicinity, but after I drilled it out, 
removed debris and sealed with solder-mask touchup the board is usable 
again (one-off prototype with several hundred dollars worth of fast 
ADCs, so we preferred not to junk it).


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: sparkfun 4 layer boards

2008-08-22 Thread Eric Brombaugh

On Aug 22, 2008, at 9:31 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Quality has been variable. Until recently I'd have said mostly  
> good.  In
> an earlier order I had a bad board, but in my last batch (of 4  
> designs)
> I ordered 4 copies of one design, a 48mm x 72mm 2 layer board, pretty
> simple, all through hole.  I got back 6 copies (I'm thinking "bonus!")
> but the first one I assembled had a short in it :(  I buzzed out  
> another
> one and it was good so I assembled it no problem.  A friend wanted  
> one,
> so I buzzed out another one and found another shorted board :(  so I
> buzzed out yet another one pretty thoroughly for shorts (but not 100%
> connectivity) and gave it to him.  He found an open trace which he had
> to jumper around.

What sort of shorts are you seeing? I'm assuming that on a 2-layer  
board they would ordinarily be pretty easy to correct by appropriate  
use of an knife. Or are they internal/inaccessible? Is that even  
possible on a 2-layers?


who has one successful design through Batch PCB (3x6 board, ordered  
one copy & got two) and is waiting for another to come in the mail (5  
copies of one small board) - hopefully next week.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Well, that's enough reason to use the proper grouping. Would
>> 'Optimize Rats' and DRC catch the short, or would it be undetected
>> until you built the board and smoked a part?
> In the few cases where I'd seen it, the gerbers are just solid black.
> Really hard to miss.
> More common is polygons on their own layer, with no electrical
> connection at all.
> Yeah, most of the time drc or rats would catch it.

Thanks to DJ & Ben for all the help. The design is looking much nicer now.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Thanks - I've made that change. Just out of curiosity, what's the
>> impact of the incorrect grouping?
> Worst case?  Polygons shorting your SMT pads.

Well, that's enough reason to use the proper grouping. Would 'Optimize 
Rats' and DRC catch the short, or would it be undetected until you built 
the board and smoked a part?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Interesting. I believe that this grouping came from the default 
>> generated by gsch2pcb that 'ships' with the 20080202 rpm from fedora. 
> In my tutorials, I have the user create a blank board first, then use
> gsch2pcb *only* to add elements and update the netlist.

Aha - now I see the price paid for following the wrong tutorial. I 
started with this one:

Now that you mention it, I do recall some discussion on the list a while 
back about the problems with using the defaults created by gsch2pcb. Any 
particular reason why that hasn't been corrected?

>> Can I fix it simply by editing the 'Groups' block in the .pcb file?
> Yes.

Thanks - I've made that change. Just out of curiosity, what's the impact 
of the incorrect grouping?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 09:45:04PM -0400, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> I've reproduced this, it's the usual b->contours bug.
> It is crashing because the polygon dicer is trying to cut a polygon
> through its first hole
>  It's caused by the
> cluster of vias near C109.  If you draw a small poly on the solder side
> just over that "southern cross" of vias you can see it clears badly.
> The problem line appears to be the "C" shaped trace on the solder layer.
> If you delete it and redraw it (at least the way I happend to redraw it)
> you can have the polygon
> Aha!  The longest 45 degree line in that trace is actually two co-linear
> lines.  It's not supposed to be possible to create them, and I've known
> it to cause trouble with the polygon code before.  You can easily see it
> if you use the move tool on it.  If you move them out of a straight line,
> or get rid of the vertex, or just totally redraw it, everything works.

Indeed - Upon closer examination of that area I see that even the latest 
CVS version is having trouble with the geometry in that area, shorting 
some of it out to the plane. Replacing the co-linear lines with a single 
line appears to fix the problem.

> I'd be curious to know how you drew that line, if you recall :)  If you
> have a lot of cvs revisions I'd also like to know if it got split at
> some point along the way after the initial drawing.

Oh - now you're asking _me_ to do some work. :)

Unfortunately my CVS versions aren't fine-grained enough to catch how 
that happened. Knowing me though, I was editing a more complex set of 
lines and just straightened out a vertex.

Thanks for looking into this in such detail - I'm learning a lot by 
trying to follow along...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> Quick notes:
> One big rectangle is better than five overlapping rectangles.

Indeed - that's what I'd prefer too. My experience with 20080202 however 
was that one big rectangle had a tendency to fill incorrectly and leave 
large gaps. Multiple overlapping rectangles were my answer to that. Now 
with the CVS version I see that one big rectangle works correctly, so 
that's what I'll do from here-on out. Of course now I need to figure out 
how to get my Mac OS X Fink installation of PCB updated to be in sync 
with CVS.

> I don't know how, but you have two groups containing the "component"
> side, and two containing the solder side:
>   Groups("1,2,3,s:4,5,6,c:s:c")
> The last :s:c should be :7:8

Interesting. I believe that this grouping came from the default 
generated by gsch2pcb that 'ships' with the 20080202 rpm from fedora. 
Can I fix it simply by editing the 'Groups' block in the .pcb file?

Thanks for checking! It seems that I've acquired a lot of bad habits 
from to the rpm version...


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> Yeah, just delete the polygons from the .pcb and it should go away.
> I'll poke at it and see what I can do with it.

That worked. Thanks a bunch!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
DJ Delorie wrote:
> I've reproduced this, it's the usual b->contours bug.

Aha - any way I can hand-edit the .pcb file to recover from this? If 
it's just the rectangle fills I wouldn't mind deleting them to get my 
routes & moves back.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Dan McMahill wrote:
> Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> the README.cvs document appears to be out of date
> I just fixed the README.cvs document to have the right server name.


>> Note that 
>> building bombs out on documentation due to lack of some files:
> Yep.  When building from cvs, you need either --enable-maintainer-mode 
> or --disable-docs.  Thats covered in README.cvs.  This headache is the 
> price we're paying for allowing users building from a tarball to not 
> need latex for building documentation.

Sorry - my bad for not reading all the way through the dox.

For those who are interested, the new version I just built did spit out 
a bugreport when crashing on my design. It's available here:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Eric Brombaugh wrote:

> I've been trying to get logged into the sourceforge CVS server 
> for a while now but it seems to be hung (just sits waiting after I hit 
>  for the PW prompt). I'll try again later tonight.

That's solved - the README.cvs document appears to be out of date and is 
giving incorrect checkout information (the server name is wrong). 
Instead, use the information on the PCB CVS information page.

Built from CVS OK after installing intltool & gettext-devel. Note that 
building bombs out on documentation due to lack of some files:

pcb.texi:4293: warning: @image file `pad.txt' (for text) unreadable: No 
such file or directory.
/home/ericb/build/pcb/pcb/doc//actions.texi:1509: warning: @image file 
`puller.txt' (for text) unreadable: No such file or directory.
pcb.texi:5819: warning: @image file `thermal.txt' (for text) unreadable: 
No such file or directory.

The new executable is able to load the previous version but still bombs 
out on loading the design. I've put a compressed zip of the bombing 
design here for your debugging pleasure:

Thanks for any suggestions/help.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
Ben Jackson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 05:26:20PM -0700, Eric Brombaugh wrote:
>> I'm using pcb version 20080202 installed from rpm for Fedora 9 with the 
> As always it's worth trying the CVS, since PCB improvement has been
> rapid in the last year or so.

Thanks - I've been trying to get logged into the sourceforge CVS server 
for a while now but it seems to be hung (just sits waiting after I hit 
 for the PW prompt). I'll try again later tonight.

> You could also make the file available to the core developers to debug
> the problem.  I think anyone here who has posted a PCB that gave them
> problems has gotten extremely good support!

That's last resort if CVS doesn't help.

I have a feeling this is related to rectangles - 20080202 has some real 
heartburn area filling with complex keepouts and I had just added some 
new flood-fill to the backside before saving.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Halp! PCB crashing on my design

2008-08-21 Thread Eric Brombaugh
PCB Gurus,

This morning I made some edits to a design, saved the results, quit and 
checked them in to CVS. Now when I try to open the design up in PCB the 
application bails out without issuing any errors. Running pcb without 
arguments brings up the application, but attempting to load the design 
from the File menu also crashes it. Running pcb with the --verbose 
switch doesn't give anything particularly useful either:

Action: RouteStylesChanged()
ChangeGroupVisibility(Layer=0, On=1, ChangeStackOrder=1)
Action: LayersChanged()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: PointCursor()
Action: RouteStylesChanged()
ChangeGroupVisibility(Layer=3, On=1, ChangeStackOrder=1)
Action: LayersChanged()
Action: PointCursor(True)
Action: PCBChanged()
Action: PCBChanged()
Template: /usr/bin/../share/pcb/ '%p' '%f'
Path: .:/usr/bin/../share/pcb
Filename: pcblib
Parameter: (null)
EvaluateFilename: /usr/bin/../share/pcb/ 
'.:/usr/bin/../share/pcb' 'pcblib'
Action: LibraryChanged()
Action: PointCursor(True)
Action: PointCursor(True)
ghid_layer_buttons_update cur_index=0 update_index=3
Activating button 3
Action: PointCursor()


This isn't a killer - I've got the previous version of my design in CVS 
and can revert to that so I would lose a bit of work, but it's not too 
bad. The question though: is there any way to find out what went wrong?

I'm using pcb version 20080202 installed from rpm for Fedora 9 with the 



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