Re: gEDA-user: Separate Vcc voltages

2007-07-13 Thread Ryan Seal

> You can force a power pin to be connected to the specified net by adding an 
> attribute to the IC symbol:
> net=netname:pinnumber
> For example if you want to connect pin 14 of U1 to +5V instead of default 
> VCC, add an attribute
> net=+5V:14 
> to U1 (if it is 7400 or so, add this to all gates used on schematic).
> Wojciech Kazubski
I do the same thing. The important part of this process is to toggle the
visibility of the attribute and place it around the component. This way
you can see the value and won't get screwed when dealing with multiple


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Re: gEDA-user: How well does gEDA work on OpenBSD?

2007-06-15 Thread Ryan Seal

> So I am shopping for a new OS. OpenBSD looks quite good and has the
> latest version of gEDA. So, for those who use (or have tried to use)
> gEDA on OpenBSD: how well does it work?
Can't speak for OpenBSD but the current gEDA package on Gentoo is
20070526 and I have no complaints.


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gEDA-user: trace length?

2007-05-15 Thread Ryan Seal
Is there a method in PCB that allows one to measure the trace length so 
that signals can be phase matched if needed? If not, this would be a 
nice feature.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 4-bit_12-LED.png (PNG Image, 1024x768 pixels)

2007-04-10 Thread Ryan Seal

A wire jump tells the reader _explicitely_ "Here are two wires
crossing". Two lines just crossing may trigger the question: "Are
these lines connected or not?". 

And a junction (circle or dot) doesn't do this???

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: gEDA coordinate origin

2007-04-10 Thread Ryan Seal
Is there a way to place the coordinate origin in the bottom left hand of 
the screen? This would match the gerbers produced and make more sense 
when dealing with board house violations. For now I am using the 
relative marker  m to do this.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 274x Gerber Files

2007-04-09 Thread Ryan Seal

I guess I didn't think about it that way. When I fill in my order, I
am required to check the polarity of each file submitted. So you are
telling me that my soldermask would positive then - right?

Welcome to the confusing world of gerber.

The soldermask plots are negatives, so check the negatives box.  The
other layers are positives.

The confusion is that the polarity of a layer is NOT the same as what
the layer ends up looking like.  It's a means of defining the layer;
either by drawing the parts you want or by drawing the parts you don't
want.  In the case of soldermask, we draw the parts we don't want -
the holes.  But the layer is the mask, hence we tell it we're drawing
HOLES in the mask, not the mask itself.  If the layer were positive,
we'd have to draw a lot of complex polygons to define the mask shape.

Also, sublayers within each gerber can have a dark or light polarity,
which basically lets you draw or erase within each layer.  In theory,
we could have had a positive mask layer, drawn a big (dark polarity)
rectangle, then erased (light polarity) the holes.

geda-user mailing list


Thanks for the help,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: 274x Gerber Files

2007-04-09 Thread Ryan Seal

1. The soldermask for both sides of the board appear to be a negative 
image while everything else is positive - is this correct?

Yes.  It defines the mask, not the holes in the mask.

I guess I didn't think about it that way. When I fill in my order, I am 
required to check the polarity of each file submitted. So you are 
telling me that my soldermask would positive then - right?


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gEDA-user: 274x Gerber Files

2007-04-09 Thread Ryan Seal
I am getting ready to send my files out for fabrication and have a few 

1. The soldermask for both sides of the board appear to be a negative 
image while everything else is positive - is this correct?

2. My boss uses Orcad and his inner layers are negative while the 
soldermask is positive - is there a standard?

3. I have seen some users who place a text description containing the 
file name and image orientation above the board outline for each layer? 
Is this necessary and could you do this using gEDA?

I am going to order some no-touch boards from protoexpress and I could 
just imagine no-touch meaning: "we sprayed all your pads with resist 
because you stated the soldermask image was positive - best wishes". 
Anyone ever experience any problems from fab houses over this sort of thing?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: simulation advice

2007-04-03 Thread Ryan Seal

Dave McGuire wrote:

On Apr 3, 2007, at 3:25 PM, David Kerber wrote:
As a windows user who does java programming (which is 
case-sensitive), I can

understand being used to it, but why would you actually prefer it?

  I can tell you why *I* prefer case-sensitivity.  It makes sense.  
'A' is simply not the same thing as 'a'.  Even in something as 
imprecise as the English language, they are used differently.  Making 
things insensitive to case involves expending effort to reduce 
accuracy...and that really seems dumb to me.

I just had a "Windows flashback" thinking of case sensitivity. I was 
recently coerced into reviewing some VC++ code using VisualStudio - what 
a freaking nightmare. People speak of this IDE system as if it fell from 
the sky - it is actually the most unintuitive, complex piece of garbage 
I have ever laid eyes on. Case insensitivity is at the top of the PITA 
list for non-windows developers. Case sensitivity and code development 
(and general file/directory organization for some) go hand in hand.


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Re: gEDA-user: Design Lab Equipment

2007-04-03 Thread Ryan Seal

If you are familiar with C  I'd suggest a microcontroller that is 
capable of being programmed in C, assembly can be tighter and cleaner, 
but that takes practice.
I am fond of the Atmel AVR series, and the GCC tool chain that goes 
along with it,  it is also convient for OS X and Linux users, as the 
basic stamps native environment is windows.
yes they have compilers and such for linux, but the AVRs have better 
OS X support.  With the GCC tool chain you have the ability to use 
both assembly and C

I also like the microchip PIC line. CCS offers a nice compiler in Linux 
for about 80 bucks (with a student discount) - but, if you are new to 
all of this, I would second the motion for the Atmel AVR series as well; 
since they offer the gcc avr compiler for Linux. I purchased the STK500 
kit from digi-key some time ago and am still waiting on a free moment to 
evaluate it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Some Linux distros to consider

2007-03-29 Thread Ryan Seal
The Gentoo install is time consuming and sometimes tricky, but the end 
result beats everything I have tried. Installation of gEDA is as simple 
as "emerge geda" (unless you want the nightly snapshots of course). 
Gentoo has more scientific/engineering packages than  anything I have 
seen ; and, you can stay on the bleeding edge - if you prefer that. 
Additionally, the documentation is, without a doubt, the best set of 
Linux docs on the web. If you can get past the install and learn the 
basics of portage, you have no reason to use anything else.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Layer selection screw-up

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan Seal

Ben Jackson wrote:

On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 04:00:28PM -0400, Ryan Seal wrote:
problem and need to move each trace to the opposite side of the board. 

I did this once.  It's easy, just edit the .pcb in a text editor,
find the block with the lines, and move them around.  So you'll
see something like:

Layer(4 "component")
Line[239000 53000 230900 53000 2500 2000 ""]
Line[259000 38000 254000 43000 2500 2000 ""]

Just move the Line bits (or change the Layer "statement").

It worked. I changed my layer names via emacs and then swapped my 
component-side and solder-side labels in pcb. I suppose I could have 
done this through the pcb interface (as DJ Delorie suggested) but wasn't 
quite sure and I laid down almost 500 traces before catching my obvious 
mistake - so I was a little hesitant.

Thanks again,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Layer selection screw-up

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan Seal

Ben Jackson wrote:

On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 04:00:28PM -0400, Ryan Seal wrote:
problem and need to move each trace to the opposite side of the board. 

I did this once.  It's easy, just edit the .pcb in a text editor,
find the block with the lines, and move them around.  So you'll
see something like:

Layer(4 "component")
Line[239000 53000 230900 53000 2500 2000 ""]
Line[259000 38000 254000 43000 2500 2000 ""]

Just move the Line bits (or change the Layer "statement").


Thanks a million - I'll give it a try.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Layer selection screw-up

2007-03-21 Thread Ryan Seal


I made a mistake when setting up a 4-layer board and grouped my solder 
layer with my components and vice versa. I have now corrected the layer 
problem and need to move each trace to the opposite side of the board. 
The problem with this is that hitting   to move layers now places a 
VIA because the trace is in segments. Can I turn off this behavior; or, 
is their an easier way to correct my mistake.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Re: Flame about XML

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

What we need from you folks, the users, is a description of what

functionality you need and why,

The wiki at is a good place for this right?

Would Design Flows  be a good heading?  Or...   Functionality we Want 
from gschem and PCB and gnetlist?

Or something else?

 Design Flows w/o embedded XML

Design Flows w/ XML plugins...

No XML allowed

John Griessen

How about: Features, Functionality, the Future.

I would like to see a CVS/Subversion library that holds symbols and 
footprints by manufacturer and/or part number. And some sort of sanity 
check to verify the symbol and the footprint (something like Eagle but 
maybe not as strict).


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Re: gEDA-user: Re: Flame about XML

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

Steve Meier wrote:

  I am not saying it is broke I am saying it lacks capabilities that I
need (and by comments on why geda isn't used more in universities i
suspect I am not alone). Now that isn't a reason to rewrite the code to
support xml files. But the other _expression_ is why re-invent the wheel.
If some file format or other does the job and has the parsers

Steve Meier

On Thu, 2007-03-15 at 15:10 -0400, Ryan Seal wrote:
DJ Delorie wrote: 

Good to know. Should we put up a little list on the gEDA home page
where the developers, contributors and users of gEDA can state if they
are pro or con XML?

  I am neither pro nor con XLM per se.  I am against change for its own
sake, especially when it involves a lot of effort for little gain.  So
far, nobody has come up with a compelling reason to switch to XML,
other than it being today's buzzword, which even balances out the
effort required to add and support it, much less exceeds it.


Have you ever heard the saying "If it ain't broke then don't fix it".


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Re: gEDA-user: Re: Flame about XML

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

DJ Delorie wrote:

Good to know. Should we put up a little list on the gEDA home page
where the developers, contributors and users of gEDA can state if they
are pro or con XML?

I am neither pro nor con XLM per se.  I am against change for its own
sake, especially when it involves a lot of effort for little gain.  So
far, nobody has come up with a compelling reason to switch to XML,
other than it being today's buzzword, which even balances out the
effort required to add and support it, much less exceeds it.


Have you ever heard the saying "If it ain't broke then don't fix it".


geda-user mailing list

Re: net vs netname (was Re: gEDA-user: Busses in gschem)

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

Thanks. Looking through the documentation I even found it in the gschem
FAQ. However I'm a bit confused about net and netname attributes. You
and the net attribute mini-howot suggest that I should specify the net
attribute if I want several thing to be in the same net. In other parts
of the documentation the attribute is called netname though. gschem
offers both in it's dropdown list for adding attributes.



I use the bus lines in my schematics. To make a long story short:

1. The bus line is purely graphical; no hidden meaning.
2. Nets are used in the component symbol to select VCC:GND pins. You can 
override them in the schematic.
3. You want to use netname with your data bus. This will connect across 
multiple schematics. My current project uses 8 schematics and works 
perfectly as far as I can tell.

If you have multiple grounds and voltages on a schematic you use the NET 
attribute to override the default VCC:GND.


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Re: gEDA-user: Hi.... first post

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

Can you please help me with one part of my original question?

1.  When I load the netlist into the PCB program, it gives errors
saying that it couldn't find pins with the names given in the
footprints, or some such thing. Just try loading my .pcb file
first, then try loading the netlist, and you will see what I mean.

This problem does not go away even after you

Open your symbol with gschem and check for:

1. proper pinnumber attributes.
2. proper pinlabel.

Make sure the footprint pins match the pinnumber attribute in the 
symbol. The problem does not go away because it shouldn't be there in 
the first place. If you are using pinlabels properly, the 
ExecuteFile(test-schem.cmd) should replace the pinnumbers in the pcb 
layout with the pinlabel names from the symbol. At least it does for me.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Any-to-one connections

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:

I'm currently drawing a schematic using gschem. There's a GAL in it and
some other chips. Since the GAL's outputs /inputs are all equivalent I
don't care which output is used for some task. For example I want to
feed a GAL output into the output enable of an EPROM. So I want one of
the GAL's outputs connected to the OE input of the EPROM, but I don't
care which one is used. Is there a way to tell gschem about this?
Depending on which output is used the resulting pcb would use a
different number of vias, etc.



I do the following:
1. Assign all I/O in the schematic.
2. Generate a pcb file.
3. Look at the layout at point out potential problems.
4. Go back and alter the schematic connections.
5. Regenerate the pcb file (just a new net file).
6. Load the altered net into the existing pcb layout.
7. Repeat until satisfied.

I don't know how you could tell gschem that you don't care about 
connections? What would your final schematic look like?


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Re: gEDA-user: Spurious ratlines in PCB

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal
Could it be possible that your footprint has duplicated pin 2 in place 
of pin 28 ? I think that might cause this behavior. In pcb you can 
mouse over the pad and press  to check the name.

Sorry for the late response; disregard.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Spurious ratlines in PCB

2007-03-15 Thread Ryan Seal

TheOtherSam wrote:

PCB seems to be drawing spurious Rat lines for connections that are not in
the net list. In particular, I have a pair of 34-pin headers and each shows
a connection between pin 2 and pin 28 of the same header. There is a signal
routed to pin 2, but pin 28 is a no-connect. The Net List window in PCB
shows no corrosponding connections, and the *.net file created by gsch2pcb
likewise shows no such connection.

Could it be possible that your footprint has duplicated pin 2 in place 
of pin 28 ? I think that might cause this behavior. In pcb you can mouse 
over the pad and press  to check the name.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Some footprints I tried to create

2007-03-14 Thread Ryan Seal

John Griessen wrote:

Dave McGuire wrote:

On Mar 14, 2007, at 9:29 AM, Steve Meier wrote:

Also, which office suite do you use?


So, do you have a set of gschem borders for the starting template
for your letters and brochures, or do you use PCB for that -- a set of
launch and load layout scripts and starting layouts?
Sounds like a job for XML :-) .  Really, I don't see the big deal. If 
you would like am XML format, write a parser that will take the current 
format and generate XML to and from that. This could be located in the 
File->Export / File->Import menu (or something like that). Now you get 
your XML and others can keep what they currently use.


John G  

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Re: gEDA-user: Questions concerning footprints and libraries

2007-03-09 Thread Ryan Seal

2. Under the pcblib-newlib directory, there are two locations for the 
1206.fp footprint;  1) geda and 2) generic. Is this a problem and how 
does PCB handle this?

PCB doesn't.  When you load from the library, you specify exactly
which one you want.  Once it's loaded, there's no reference to where
it came from any more - it's embedded.  gsch2pcb is the other way to
get footprints into your design; I don't know what algorithm it uses
to choose.


You're right. I was referring to gsch2pcb.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Questions concerning footprints and libraries

2007-03-09 Thread Ryan Seal

What I do is I place all of the footprints I have reviewed in a single
directory and I only use footprints from that directory.

I have a shell script called sch2pcb which contains the lines ---

gsch2pcb --use-files --elements-dir /local/lan/pcb/packages $@

Only footprints from the directory /local/lan/pcb/packages are ever
used in my designs.

(* jcl *)

Thanks for the advice. This appears to be the only safe solution.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Questions concerning footprints and libraries

2007-03-09 Thread Ryan Seal
I am trying to use a "1206" smd footprint in my schematic and have the 
following questions:

1. In the schematic should I use  "footprint=1206.fp"  or 
"footprint=1206" ? Does the ".fp" extension designate the newer footprints?

2. Under the pcblib-newlib directory, there are two locations for the 
1206.fp footprint;  1) geda and 2) generic. Is this a problem and how 
does PCB handle this?

I have noticed there are more than a few duplicated footprints sprinkled 
throughout the footprint libraries ? I can go in and make custom 
footprints for everything but that kind of defeats the purpose. Is there 
a particular directory that I should be choosing my footprints from ?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: gEDA Symbols

2007-03-06 Thread Ryan Seal

Felipe Balbi wrote:

How can I create gEDA symbols for "unsupported" parts ??

Thanks in advance

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: net and netname usage

2007-03-05 Thread Ryan Seal
I am having a little difficulty understanding the differences between 
the "net" and "netname" attributes. I am currently working on a board 
that uses a variety of voltages and a common ground. Currently, I drop a 
part into the schematic and edit the "net" attribute to override the 
hidden power and ground nets. I am also using a few bus lines to clean 
up the schematic. These bus lines span multiple schematics. Here is my 
question: Should I use the "netname" attribute to label the nets going 
to/from the bus lines? Will they be connected when I generate a netlist? 
Am I doing this properly?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: home made hot plate

2007-03-02 Thread Ryan Seal

Dave N6NZ wrote:
Seeing DJ's hot plate photo brought to mind a link I once saw, where a 
guy built a home-brew SMT hot plate.  I can't find the link, but as I 
recall, he used a few low-ohm high-watt power resistors epoxied to a 
piece of aluminum sheet.  He drove it with a 0-30V bench supply and 
controlled the temperature manually by varying the voltage.

Seems to me that one should be able to build a pretty good hot plate 
that way for not a lot of money.  Although I would think that copper 
might give more uniform heat spreading than aluminum (at much greater 
expense, however, unless you get lucky).  And a thermostatic 
temperature control shouldn't be hard.


Why not heating wire?

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Re: gEDA-user: minor PCB annoyance

2007-02-13 Thread Ryan Seal

DJ Delorie wrote:

When selecting a component from the "Select Component" dialog box,

That would be in gschem, not pcb?

geda-user mailing list


Yes, you are right; it is gschem.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: minor PCB annoyance

2007-02-13 Thread Ryan Seal


When selecting a component from the "Select Component" dialog box, you 
must first use the TAB key or mouse click to bring focus to the 
"Filter:" edit line in order for the search to work properly. If you 
simply start typing in the Filter box without first manually bringing 
focus to the edit line, the text is accepted but nothing happens. I 
suspect this is one of those tricky focus problems that plague all GUI 

Anyone else see this.

By the way, thanks for all of the advice with the ground plane 
discussion; I did get the fill to work properly after changing a few 
options as suggested.


geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: ground plane fill

2007-02-11 Thread Ryan Seal


I am new to gEDA and beginning my first non-trivial project. I have 
experimented with different layouts trying to get a feel for the pcb 
program and cannot seem to get the polygon/rectangle fill to work 
properly. It seems other layout programs (eagle,protel) allow you to 
perform the routes, get everything the way you want it, and then apply a 
fill over the existing board. Normally, this will provide proper 
clearance around parts, traces, vias, etc... but the behavior seems 
different when using pcb. Can someone point me in the right direction or 
provide a short answer on the proper usage of the polygon/rectangle fill 


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