Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-06 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 06 December 2006 17:03, Evan Lavelle wrote:
> If you want to share knowledge, and you have the courage of
> your convictions, then you give it away, *no* strings
> attached. That's what universities are for. If I write a book
> on a technical subject, then that's precisely what I do.


Can you give us a pointer to a book you have written and given 
away with no strings attached?

Can you give us a pointer to a large project that you did 
yourself at your own expense and gave away with no strings 
attached?  That someone else attached strings, made a big 
profit from, and gave you none?  That brought a lawsuit against 
you for IP theft, when they in fact took from you?

Why do you complain about a "share and share alike" arrangement, 
when you seem to have no objection to really oppressive 
restrictions of proprietary software and contaminated 

You miss a key point in comparing GPL to a patent.  With GPL, 
you actually need to deliberately copy to infringe.  Studying 
it, learning from it, and re-implementing is legal and done 
often.  With a patent, it is considered to be infringing if you 
accidentally do something in a similar way, even with no 
knowledge of existence of the patent, even if the owner of the 
patent took from you.

Can you give us an example of some work you did, perhaps thought 
it was nothing special, but someone several years later got a 
patent on essentially the same work, that today would prevent 
you from using your own work?  

Why does it matter so much to you?  What do you personally have 
at stake?  Why can't you just use it and say thanks?

I do agree with you on one point, I think, that you implied but 
did not explicitly say:  Government funded work should be 
placed in the public domain, which will allow derivative works 
of all kinds, including GPL, proprietary, and public domain.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-06 Thread Evan Lavelle

al davis wrote:

As DJ said ...  "don't talk about a license unless you've 
actually read it and understand it."

Indeed; I agree entirely. I personally have read it, in detail, several 
times, and have also seen a number of (mostly pseudo-)legal commentaries 
on it. I believe that I understand v2 as much as it's reasonably 
possible to understand it, given the ambiguities in its drafting, and 
it's limited legal testing.

Note that I didn't say that you can't make money on a GPL'ed licence; 
the FAQ is clear on that issue. The issue is whether you can use the 
code without strings attached, and you can't. In this respect, it's no 
better than a patent. A patent disseminates knowledge - there must be 
full disclosure - but there are also strings attached. In this case, the 
quid pro quo is that the issuing government grants a limited-time 
monopoly on the exploitation of that knowledge. GPL'ed software also 
disseminates knowledge, with full disclosure. The quid pro quo lies in 
the fine details of how you can use that knowledge, how you can combine 
it with your own knowledge, and the restrictions placed on that combined 
knowledge. In both cases, you can make arrangements with the licensor 
for commercial exploitation.

If you want to share knowledge, and you have the courage of your 
convictions, then you give it away, *no* strings attached. That's what 
universities are for. If I write a book on a technical subject, then 
that's precisely what I do. If I answer a particularly complex question 
on Usenet somewhere, then that's what I'm doing. In none of these cases 
do I add specific riders about how precisely my knowledge may be used, 
nor do I prohibit its use in circumstances that I personally do not 
approve of; that would be absurd. That's *real* freedom. Where is the 
"freedom" that is so continuously talked about in the GPL documentation? 
Why is it necessary to define four different sorts of "freedoms"? Why is 
a large amount of the GPL documentation about detecting violations and 
reporting offenders? In what country, exactly, does all this count as 
"freedom"? Or is just


I've never been involved in (or even seen) a rational discussion of 
software licensing, and I don't want to get involved in a flamefest now. 
I'm only replying to your and DJ's message because of the quote above 
which is, on the face of it, both condescending and irritating, but I'm 
prepared to believe that it was intended as neither. If you or anyone 
else gets this far and wants to reply to me, I suggest you do it offline.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-06 Thread al davis
On Wednesday 06 December 2006 05:03, Evan Lavelle wrote:
> That's what it's for, as you point out. It's not a subtlety.
> Where would Spice be now if it hadn't initially been BSD'ed?
> We'd have got something else, of course, but i suspect we
> wouldn't have heard of 'Spice'.

Actually I  think we would have been better off.  The big ones 
would have been happy to pay some money to buy commercial 
rights.  The smaller parasitic ones probably wouldn't exist. 
Some others that now pay nothing back would actually pay 
something back, supporting more research.  We would likely not 
be using a 15 year old crappy rewrite of what was then 10 year 
old technology today.

> The business of universities is disseminating knowledge, with
> no strings attached. It's not such a big deal if someone
> makes money out of it; we all have to make money. In fact,
> it's essential that the process of giving away knowledge,
> without strings, should create wealth, or there would be no
> universities in the first place.

As I said, it is intentional.  There is nothing wrong with it, 
except that it makes it harder for the university to make 

The problem is that the BSD type license encourages private use 
and litigation from parasitic companies that give nothing back 
to the university, other than legal problems.  Several high 
profile lawsuits in the EDA industry have their roots in this 
BSD license problem.

> The real tragedy is that universities have been continuously
> moving away from this open model, and seeking to close and
> protect their knowledge, primarily through the patent system.

That's true.  It is tragic that false statements about GPL are 
so extreme that they don't realize that something like GPL is 
the solution to their problem.  Fortunately, some universities 
do realize this.

> This is absurd, but the opposite extreme - as exemplified by
> the GPL - is equally absurd. What sort of message is this
> giving out? 

Here's the message:  We want to share with those who share with 
us.  If you want to make a commercial derivative, contact us 
and we can make arrangements.

When you see a license, any license, it says what you can do 
without any additional action.  If you are a business, there is 
nothing stopping you from contacting the owner and negotiating 
a different arrangement.  Legitimate businesses know this and 
negotiate.  Illegitimate businesses whine about it.  A lot of 
GPL software is funded this way.

> Perhaps "see how smart we are, but don't touch - 
> this is what we do with all your taxes"? There are honourable
> exceptions, of course - Antlr, for example, from Terence Parr
> at the University of San Francisco - smart guy, smart
> licence.
> The uncomfortable truth: the GPL is simply pointless
> religious bigotry. Making money is not evil; it's a fact of
> life. There, I said it. Somebody had to.

The GPL says I want to share, but I don't want you to steal my 
work, block it, and use it for your profit without giving me 
any.  I have nothing against making money.

I do have a problem with "business" people who want to steal 
code to make their business, giving nothing at all back to the 
developers of any kind.

As DJ said ...  "don't talk about a license unless you've 
actually read it and understand it."

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-06 Thread DJ Delorie

> This is absurd, but the opposite extreme - as exemplified by the GPL
> - is equally absurd. What sort of message is this giving out?

"You can do what you want with this source, as long as you don't stop
others from doing what they want with it".

Red Hat charges a lot of money for the GPL software we produce, and
most of it is custom.

Please, folks, don't talk about a license unless you've actually read
it and understand it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-06 Thread Evan Lavelle

al davis wrote:

The BSD ver 1 license has an interesting subtlety that the 
closed source developers love to exploit.  Derivative works 
have no strings attached.  You can take the code, edit it into 
a new code block that does the same thing.  Now you can do 
anything you want. .. make it proprietary ... release under 
GPL ...   

That's what it's for, as you point out. It's not a subtlety. Where would 
Spice be now if it hadn't initially been BSD'ed? We'd have got something 
else, of course, but i suspect we wouldn't have heard of 'Spice'.

The business of universities is disseminating knowledge, with no strings 
attached. It's not such a big deal if someone makes money out of it; we 
all have to make money. In fact, it's essential that the process of 
giving away knowledge, without strings, should create wealth, or there 
would be no universities in the first place.

The real tragedy is that universities have been continuously moving away 
from this open model, and seeking to close and protect their knowledge, 
primarily through the patent system. This is absurd, but the opposite 
extreme - as exemplified by the GPL - is equally absurd. What sort of 
message is this giving out? Perhaps "see how smart we are, but don't 
touch - this is what we do with all your taxes"? There are honourable 
exceptions, of course - Antlr, for example, from Terence Parr at the 
University of San Francisco - smart guy, smart licence.

The uncomfortable truth: the GPL is simply pointless religious bigotry. 
Making money is not evil; it's a fact of life. There, I said it. 
Somebody had to.


[Ok, I know you all hate me... going to unsubscribe for a few days :) ]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Igor2
On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Michael Sokolov wrote:

>Andy Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> a) (Most) Hardware guys want to design and implement hardware.  Tools  
>> are the means to that end, not the end in itself, and we'd rather do  
>> our work than deal with tool build failures.
>I just feel like adding one different data point.
>I come into the world of hardware design from a software background.
>And not just any software background, but specifically a religiously
>zealous free software background, and specifically UNIX, all command
>line and non-visual.

It's just like if you were describing me, especially the text-oriented
part, 80x25 (or 80x24 on a vt terminal) forever ;) 

However, I admit I need to use visual tools when the task itself is
visual, which is the case for laying out a PCB. As long as I find the
interface comfortable (for example I can use the keyboard for giving
commands to save time on clicking and use the mouse mostly for entering
coordinates), I'm happy to work with an GUI on the visual
part. Fortunately both gschem and pcb provides an interface I like.

Btw, about the windows users, I think it's important to make the intended
audience very clear. Reading back the rich mailing of the previous
days, yhis mostly happened. As I think this issue would raise from time to
time, it might worth to write a short summary on a webpage or a wiki or
whatever is fashionable nowdays. 

On the other hand, it seems there's need for a windows port while there's
noone has the energy and time to do it, unless paid. Maybe it would make
sense to set up a sourceforge project for a native windows port and ask
for donations. For example get someone who has the skills to do the port,
ask him how much it would cost and then tell: "dear windows user, we
collect money to pay this developer, as soon as X amount comes together,
he starts working on the port." Then if there are really so many windows
users, I guess they could put together the money, if not, they should go
and invest even more money in buying a commercial CAD. 

Finally, about a live cd. Some devs may remember that I made some minor
efforts in creating a working chroot environment for gEDA a few months
ago. It was promoted only on the geda-dev list. Meanwhile I had to put
together a live cd for my students as they have windows at home. I've
spent much time on getting the CD working well, but still it has many
problems. Majority of the problems are not related to gEDA or chroot, but:

- as mentioned above, I'm a text console oriented guy so I don't know much
about GUIs thus I have no idea what a real GUI user needs; mount is so
simple that first I didn't provide a GUI tool to make my students able to
mount their USB pendrives.

- I use old hardware from the pentium I era, so I have no idea what to do
when my kernel fails on one of the user's computer because it's the latest
64 bit processor with n+1 cores and whatever APIC/ACPI/APM/SATA totally
unknown to me :)

If anyone is interested I can share the chroot which can be put on any
live CD or just run from HDD (it's not small, I didn't have to optimize
for size as I had a whole CD). At least if there's user feedback and
enough contributors, I think there's more chance to produce an usable live
CD than a windows port. Windows users also should consider trying colinux
with the live cd or the chroot environment, whichever is possible. The
chroot stuff and/or the live CD offers "you don't need to install, there's
no dependency you need to care about" thing, which is what some users
want, if I got it right.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Ales Hvezda
Hi Dan,

>1)  I do think it would probably make sense to create a more unified top 
>level build and top level distfile for gEDA.  While there may be some 
>users who want to install gschem for schematics and only want to use it 
>for postscript output, most people probably want to install the entire 
>suite.  A single
>   ./configure --prefix=/opt/geda-2006xxyy
>   make
>   make install
>would be useful.  If others agree I can probably create a top level 
>configure script and  I suspect this would make many of the 
>problems go away.

Actually I've been working on a unified and *simple* build and
install scheme for the entire gEDA suite for GNU/Linux and maybe other
Unix systems.  I've almost got it all (gEDA/gaf (C), iverilog (C++),
and gspiceui (C++) to start; rest should be easy) working where I can
generate a set of binaries (contained within a .tar.gz with a trivial
installer) that can be run on virtual any Linux distribution from say
~July 2001 going forward.  I'll generate a demo tarball soon.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Michael Sokolov
DJ Delorie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I'll probably just hire someone else to do [layout] once I'm done with the
> > schematic entry phase and am confident enough in it.
> hmm... ask here first ;-)

That's exactly what I was going to do when I'm done with the schematics.
But I need to get all my schematics captured first, and right now a few
pages are still on the loose. :-)

There's a new development, though -- there is one woman in our coven who
is going through a divorce, needs new career skills, and wants to learn
something related to electronics.  We (the coven) are thinking about
training her in PCB layout.  I don't know yet what if anything will come
out of this plan (is she interested in PCB layout? can we hook her up
with a teacher?), but if we do go down that path, I'll probably give her
my open source hardware designs to practice her layout skills on.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Michael Sokolov
Andy Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> While it's not likely a serious PCB editing tool will be text based  
> (top-shelf PCB layout people have excellent visual and visualization  
> skills and can do a great job of using the least amount of PCB real- 
> estate while getting the least-congested routing),

Yes, that's why I think it would be best for me to simply outsource the
layout step to someone more apt at it than me.

When looking for someone to hire for the layout, I would still prefer
someone who would do it in GNU pcb (or some other free open source tool
with an open text-based file format if there are any) rather than some
proprietary tool -- even if I hire someone else to do the job, I would
still like to "own" the product in the sense of being able to modify it.

> "schematic" design  
> entry can be done, and done well, in a plain-text format.
> At my last day job (before the company was bought out and half the  
> staff shit-canned, but I digress), we used a text-based pinlist  
> design entry method.

Yes, I know of course that this can be done.  Foregoing the graphical
schematics and writing the netlist directly in vi would indeed be much
easier for me and would allow to me work on my design from anywhere and
not just from the one single physical location where I have an X11
display, but there is one big disadvantage.  The traditional schematic
drawing is a really important piece of documentation for a circuit.  I'm
nowhere near a professional HW engineer, so I would certainly like to be
able to show my design to other engineers for review.  A circuit without
schematics would probably be seen by most people the way we software
hackers look at software without source code -- as useless.

For these reasons I've decided to bite the bullet, go outside my comfort
zone and use a graphical drawing program like gschem, and have my
circuit design captured in the traditional schematic form.

And it still comes as a great aid that the .sch files are text-based!
I can maintain them in CVS with no sweat, and I can even edit the vector
graphics by editing the file in vi -- if I want to move an object, I
don't have to drag and drop it with a mouse, I can edit the coordinates
in the .sch file instead.  This is very useful to me, and I'm very
thankful to the gEDA developers for this ability.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Ales Hvezda
>gschem and gnetlist -- should just work under cygwin.  If not it should 
>be pretty easy I'd guess.  In terms of a non-cygwin windows version I 

gEDA/gaf just works under cygwin thanks to a few dedicated

>suspect it is basically not hard except for guile.  There I just 

The mingw version works under Windows as well using the native
gtk+ libraries.  I even got the guile part under control after spending
some time debugging various quirky behaviors.  Mind you, mingw gEDA/gaf
isn't trivial to build, but it's quite doable if you are willing to
spend the time.

>is the bulk of the work.  Even if you ship a mingw bash shell, it won't 
>look and feel like a gui point and click tool.

Yup.  This is my main objection to a Windows "point and click"
type installer.  All of these tools are NOT Windows programs.  They 
do not play nice on Windows.  I don't want negative perceptions of the
gEDA suite to be formed based by users who don't realize the history of
the software.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Ales Hvezda

I guess I forgot to mention that some people have very strong opinions
on this very topic.

>On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
>Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
>places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
>forced to use Windows.

Oh dear.  I certainly did not intend to imply that ALL Windows
users are jerks.  Especially considering that I use Windows (ssshh!)
every single work day... :)  Sorry if I implied such.

>It is quite normal to end up with many "jerks" when you open your
>product to a few thousands more people. Just ignore them because for
>each jerk speaking to you are 1.000 good people on your side.

Indeed.  However, it only takes a few jerks generating lots of
noise to drive away contributors.  Look at some of the sci.electronic.*
groups as an extreme example.

Maybe I can finagle something where the Windows binaries are
included (get one and get another one free type bonus :-) with my super
uber secret (oops) plans for universal Linux binaries package.  That way
people who use Linux can run the Windows version without too much pain.
Benefits of this include:

1) Expectations will be adjusted correctly that the programs in
   the gEDA suite do not follow standard Windows practices.

2) There is some minimal barrier to entry to keep away all
   the difficult users away.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Andy Peters

On Dec 5, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Dan McMahill wrote:

Mike Hansen wrote:

You can also install cygwin under windows and install gEDA under  
cygwin.   I believe there are a multitude of problems with this  
arrangement so you will have to check docs.

I could be wrong but I thought things mostly worked there now.

This is where this thread started!  The problem with the version of  
guile (1.8.1-3) that's offered by Cygwin has a hardcoded path that  
breaks the build.  Apparently, there's a later version (1.8.1-4)  
fetch-able via cygwin setup from but the cygwin  
setup craps out when downloading.  I tried building guile from the  
cygwin source but there was another dependency complaint.  So there's  
something strange going on tonight, something's going on that's not  
quite right, and I've wasted enough time with it so I'll just happily  
use the OS X port and move forward.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 16:43, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > This was when I found out
> > about the real impact of the NGspice licensing problems,
> > which brings up a serious lesson we all need to learn.  I
> > think the NGspice developers still don't understand what
> > the real problem was.
> Ummm, what is the problem?  Is it just the BSD ver. 1 licence
> thing, or something more?

No. It is not the BSD ver 1 thing.  If that was the only issue, 
Debian would put it in as "non-free".

Remember ...  For a long time Debian omitted KDE because of a 
license issue.  KDE was GPL, but linked to a library that was 
licensed QPL, which is not GPL compatible.  QPL and GPL are 
both OK, but not linked into the same binary.  Eventually this 
was solved by changing the license on the library to GPL.

More recently, look at the Firefox issue.  Debian would not 
include the Firefox graphic because of a license issue.  They 
shipped a modified Firefox with the old Free graphic logo.  The 
Mozilla foundation said "the Brand requires our logo, or call 
it something else".  So now we have Iceweasel, which is a pure 
GPL variant of Firefox.  To see the issue, ask  we need a 
logo for Iceweasel.  How about making it by changing the colors 
of the Firefox logo.  Sorry, you are not allowed to make a 
derivative work of the logo.  That was the issue in the first 

With that background ,,,NGspice collects all that is Spice.  
Some of the extras came from unknown places with unknown 
licenses.  Mostly, it was academic stuff where each one made 
its own one paragraph license sort of BSD like, but with subtle 
differences in the wording, just enough to be incompatible, 
like the KDE-QT issue.  Removing all of the offending code puts 
it back to just plain Spice.

The lesson here is just thinking "I want everyone to be able to 
use this", and wording it wrong, you may accidentally inject a 
subtlety that will prevent the users you want most from using 

Debian is extremely strict at being absolutely legal and holding 
the moral high ground.  Comparing the distributions, this is 
the primary distinguishing characteristic of Debian.

So, why don't Gentoo and NetBSD have this problem?  It is my 
understanding that they don't really distribute.  They just 
provide a script that downloads from the official source.

Why do I know this???NGspice was in Debian for a while, then 
was removed.  I discovered it when I was trying to make an 
EDA-Knoppix disk, and "apt-get install ngspice" didn't work.  A 
google search revealed the dirt.

The BSD ver 1 license has an interesting subtlety that the 
closed source developers love to exploit.  Derivative works 
have no strings attached.  You can take the code, edit it into 
a new code block that does the same thing.  Now you can do 
anything you want. .. make it proprietary ... release under 
GPL ...   you can even patent your changes and prevent the 
original author from extending his own work.

Berkeley would not change it because it does exactly what they 
want to do, which is technology transfer.  The goal is to get 
the technology incorporated into products.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread DJ Delorie

> Use  for $5.99 per year.

My local isp is $12/year and... local!  That's where I get all *my*

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Ales Hvezda
>So, isn't Xantrex some kind of mood drug?

Let's try to keep discussions on geda-* somewhat related to
electronics.  Please.  Thanks,


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Andy Peters

On Dec 5, 2006, at 8:53 PM, Michael Sokolov wrote:

For a hard-core UNIX programmer like me, the only way to design  
is to make it look like UNIX software: write the source with vi,  
keep it
in CVS and compile with make, all in the absence of a graphical  

A graphical display won't do me any good because my mind can't handle
it.  I have what's called an 80-column mind, meaning that my brain  

really process anything that isn't ASCII in 80 columns.

The text-based nature of gschem schematic and symbol files is another
life saver for me.  While I do grudgingly use an X11 display while
drawing schematics (the graphical aspect really pushes the limits  
of my

comfort zone), I very often exit gschem, fire up vi and edit my .sch
files directly, right in the centre of my comfort zone.  I love ASCII!
And when I do use the gschem GUI, I make heavy use of the keyboard
shortcuts and use the mouse as little as possible -- I hate mice!

While it's not likely a serious PCB editing tool will be text based  
(top-shelf PCB layout people have excellent visual and visualization  
skills and can do a great job of using the least amount of PCB real- 
estate while getting the least-congested routing), "schematic" design  
entry can be done, and done well, in a plain-text format.

At my last day job (before the company was bought out and half the  
staff shit-canned, but I digress), we used a text-based pinlist  
design entry method.  The interface was emacs with custom menus, and  
the whole thing ran on Solaris (later ported to Red Hat and OS X).   
Basically, you placed components in your design schematic.  The  
components had a "spec file," which had a part number and a list of  
all of the pins on the device (which could be fun for a 456-pin  
BGA).  When placed on the "schematic," you could see the vendor- 
assigned pin number and pin name, and your schematic net name.  The  
"spec files" were pretty smart, as they contained not only pin name/ 
number info, but also loading info, so you could run a "netcheck"  
that ensured that input pins weren't left open, output pins weren't  
overloaded, etc.  The whole system enforced several rules.  All nets  
had to have "useful" net names, instead of like what the graphical  
schematic program which lets you not give a net label and it'd assign  
something like Net_C01 for you.  No-connects had a specific syntax.   
Etc. Being text-based made it a snap to use with CVS.  There were  
also a few post-processing back-ends. One was the "netcheck," a  
second built a Tango PCB netlist, a third used the database of part  
numbers to build BOMs and stuffing guides.

By being custom in-house, it neatly sidestepped the problem of  
vendors changing their proprietary formats, or getting bought, or  
both (Accel to PCAD, anyone?).

It was all pretty remarkable, built in-house and maintained over the  
course of about 15 years.  The biggest downsides to this were that  
there was a lot of tribal knowledge ("how does this work and where is  
it documented?"); it was constantly "in development" so it was not  
uncommon for the maintainer (who was also the company president!) to  
change something which broke everything; and of course in-house tools  
don't look good on a resume ("what schematic capture did we use?   
Uhh, none; a custom text pinlist ...").

PCB layout was still done with a graphical tool.  As I said, PCB  
layout is a visual process, no way around it.  We used PCAD, and  
migrated to Mentor Expedition for the large designs that PCAD choked  
on (24-layer VME boards, anyone?).  But the pinlist schematic front  
end remained until the company was consumed.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Dan McMahill

Mike Hansen wrote:

You can also install cygwin under windows and install gEDA under 
cygwin.   I believe there are a multitude of problems with this 
arrangement so you will have to check docs.

I could be wrong but I thought things mostly worked there now.

It would be great if there was a native Windows port of gEDA.   However 
doing this would be a substantial effort and I would imagine most users 
would want to see new efforts put into new features rather than a whole 
new port.  And it appears most if not all of the developers for gEDA are 
developers concentrating on the Linux platform.

Probably most developers use linux but a few of us don't.  However I 
think we can safely say that all of the developers are using a unix like 
operating system (linux, solaris, netbsd, osx, etc).

> Thus you aren't likely
to get the current group to put any effort into a Windows port.  Perhaps 
we can pull a new group of developers in from the Windows world to work 
on the port(highly unlikely, I am a Windows developer and I have zero 
desire to put any effort into this knowing the magnitude of the effort).

I think the magnitude of the effort (for some definition of "the 
effort") may not be too bad.

gnucap -- my guess is this is pretty simple to build with mingw and 
produce a windows binary that doesn't need cygwin.  Under cygwin I'll 
bet it "just works".  If someone wanted to build a windows installer 
that would probably be pretty easy and there is an example in the pcb 
tree.  Of course gnucap is a command line and text i/o program.  If you 
want a gui with menus and clicky things, well, they don't exist in gnucap.

pcb -- Should just work under cygwin.  The framework is all there to 
build a windows binary including a windows installer.  What is left to 
end up with something fully functional:

  - build the m4 libraries into newlib libraries at runtime.  This is 
easy, nearly all the framework is there.  I should make sure I've 
commited it.

  - use fopen() instead of popen() in a couple of places for file i/o. 
 This is probably also fairly easy.  I'm guessing a couple of hours or 
for someone slow like me a day.

gschem and gnetlist -- should just work under cygwin.  If not it should 
be pretty easy I'd guess.  In terms of a non-cygwin windows version I 
suspect it is basically not hard except for guile.  There I just 
can't comment on the magnitude of the work.  The kicker here is that 
gnetlist is a command line utility.  refdes_renum is a perl script. 
garchive is a python program.  All of these utilities (the "friends" 
part of gschem-and-friends) really want to have a unix sort of a shell 
and have things like perl, python, /bin/sh, etc. around.  I'll bet this 
is the bulk of the work.  Even if you ship a mingw bash shell, it won't 
look and feel like a gui point and click tool.

gwave -- good luck.  Probably works on cygwin, or could be made to work, 
but I'll bet guile-gtk for non-cygwin would be a major pain.

icarus verilog -- probably works out of the box on cygwin or at least 
would be easy.  In terms of mingw, the same comments as gnucap apply.

A live CD version of gEDA would also be a welcomed addition.  Something 
like Knoppix with gEDA installed.  That would be as painless as it 
gets.  Forgive my stupidity if this already exists.

I started on that once with a NetBSD live CD but wasn't that interested 
to follow through on it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Dan McMahill

Adrian Nania wrote:

I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic
components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA
version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are
unbelievable. Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard
working weeks have an installation method working for just a few days
before some "justified" changes in name or settings.

I have two comments about this.

1)  I do think it would probably make sense to create a more unified top 
level build and top level distfile for gEDA.  While there may be some 
users who want to install gschem for schematics and only want to use it 
for postscript output, most people probably want to install the entire 
suite.  A single

  ./configure --prefix=/opt/geda-2006xxyy
  make install

would be useful.  If others agree I can probably create a top level 
configure script and  I suspect this would make many of the 
problems go away.

2)  I have to blame a lot of the problems on packaging systems used by 
the various OS vendors.  For example, it is always as easy to install 
the latest geda on NetBSD as any other software because you just do (cd 
/usr/pkgsrc/cad/geda && make install).  No doubt about it though, it can 
be a pain.

On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
forced to use Windows.

geda, I believe, works alright on cygwin.  To create a non-cygwin 
version certainly requires dealing with guile but also you still need to 
have a shell available.  gnetlist is a command line utility as are 
several of the other components.

I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many
times (both virtually and in person).  Just this last week I was talking
to another OSS developer (for a totally different program and
*significantly* (100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the
moment they released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining,
cluelessness, and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.

I wonder how much this was coupled to them being windows users vs it 
just being a big increase in the total number of users.  I suspect with 
geda there would be a lot of the former because the suite is not a fully 
integrated, do everything only via the mouse, sort of tool.

I'm not opposed in general to doing things which help in terms of 
software working on cygwin or mingw but at the same time it is hard to 
get too motivated on that front.  After all, this is a hobby for me and 
I will probably *never* run the windows version of any of this myself.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread John Griessen

DJ Delorie wrote:
>> Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.
> Do we need a ?
> :-)
Stuart Brorson wrote:

Should I grab the name before some spammer gets it?

Use  for $5.99 per year.

John G
happy customer of

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread DJ Delorie

> I'll probably just hire someone else to do it once I'm done with the
> schematic entry phase and am confident enough in it.

hmm... ask here first ;-)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread John Griessen

DJ Delorie wrote:

Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.

Do we need a ?


No, of course!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread John Griessen

Dave McGuire wrote:

None of the hardware people that *I* associate with use Windows.  None.

Not chip design folks especially.

John G

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread John Griessen

Adrian Nania wrote:

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates 

As you put it here, gEDA project must accessible to a handful of
software developers only.



So, isn't Xantrex some kind of mood drug?

John G
engineer, non SW developer

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread DJ Delorie

> But wait!  I think RedHat has already cornered that market!  :-)

We're open source.  I don't think our market *has* corners.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

This was when I found out
about the real impact of the NGspice licensing problems, which
brings up a serious lesson we all need to learn.  I think the
NGspice developers still don't understand what the real problem

Ummm, what is the problem?  Is it just the BSD ver. 1 licence thing,
or something more?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:27, Mike Hansen wrote:
> A live CD version of gEDA would also be a welcomed addition.
>  Something like Knoppix with gEDA installed.  That would be
> as painless as it gets.  Forgive my stupidity if this already
> exists.

Quantian Linux.

It is not EDA specific, 

A Knoppix / Debian variant tailored to numerical and 
quantitative analysis. 

It is too big for a CD.  You need a DVD.  It has other numeric 
stuff too.  It is not up to date.

Before that, there was "Boreas Linux" .  I have used Boreas in 
teaching, with mixed results.  Quantian is more recent, and 
more complete.

A couple of years ago, I started to make one, but stopped when I 
found Boreas.  It is not hard to do.  This was when I found out 
about the real impact of the NGspice licensing problems, which 
brings up a serious lesson we all need to learn.  I think the 
NGspice developers still don't understand what the real problem 

It is not hard to do.  Making one is a good opportunity for 
someone coming in to make a contribution.  There are detailed 
instructions for doing it on the knoppix web site.  Where there 
are Debian packages, it is really easy.  Where there are not, 
is more work but still doable.  Be careful of licensing.  If a 
package is not in Debian, find out why before including it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Michael Sokolov
Andy Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> a) (Most) Hardware guys want to design and implement hardware.  Tools  
> are the means to that end, not the end in itself, and we'd rather do  
> our work than deal with tool build failures.

I just feel like adding one different data point.

I come into the world of hardware design from a software background.
And not just any software background, but specifically a religiously
zealous free software background, and specifically UNIX, all command
line and non-visual.

I'm very fanatical about free software and use exclusively free
operating systems.  Free as in freedom of course, yadda yadda yadda.

The reason I get into hardware design is simple: I want a platform for
my software hacking, and the platform I like does not exist.  If I want
a toy that does not exist, the only way I can get it is to build it

I am extremely thankful to the gEDA developers for an EDA suite that
runs under UNIX and stores its design files in a simple text-based
format.  I'm a UNIX fanatic and cannot use anything else, so without
gschem and pcb the world of hardware design would have been simply out
of reach for me.

For a hard-core UNIX programmer like me, the only way to design hardware
is to make it look like UNIX software: write the source with vi, keep it
in CVS and compile with make, all in the absence of a graphical display.
A graphical display won't do me any good because my mind can't handle
it.  I have what's called an 80-column mind, meaning that my brain can't
really process anything that isn't ASCII in 80 columns.

This works really well with FPGAs once I have managed to obtain a UNIX
command line version of one vendor's FPGA compiler.  Write Verilog in
vi, type 'make', an FPGA configuration bit image comes out.  Test it,
check the source into CVS.  Yay, just like C programming in UNIX.
Hardware design for software hackers who want toys that don't exist,
way to go!  Open source hardware copying the ways of open source

Regrettably it's harder with board-level designs: unfortunately the PCB
layout and routing technology is not at the point where one can write
the schematic source code, another text file (also treated as source
code) with board mechanical dimensions, etc., then type 'make' and have
a Gerber file come out.  PCB layout is unfortunately a laborious manual
operation unlike compiling a C program or an FPGA.  To be honest I dread
the thought of PCB layout.  I'll probably just hire someone else to do
it once I'm done with the schematic entry phase and am confident enough
in it.

The text-based nature of gschem schematic and symbol files is another
life saver for me.  While I do grudgingly use an X11 display while
drawing schematics (the graphical aspect really pushes the limits of my
comfort zone), I very often exit gschem, fire up vi and edit my .sch
files directly, right in the centre of my comfort zone.  I love ASCII!
And when I do use the gschem GUI, I make heavy use of the keyboard
shortcuts and use the mouse as little as possible -- I hate mice!

OK, this is enough rant for me today.  I just wanted to give a different
perspective, diametrically opposite from the typical 'hardware guy'
asking for a Weendoze version.

Blessed Be,

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

Do we need a ?

Make that

Should I grab the name before some spammer gets it?

Go for it!  Later, if a viable business grows out of gEDA and its many
friends, then you can rent sub-domains to the rest of us on it ... for
a small fee (or other payment in kind), of course!


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:01, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> I think RedHat has already cornered that market!

only for IT like stuff, not EDA.

I can see sort of a cooperative business model, where companies 
would buy in and fund it in exchange for prioritizing what they 

Years ago, all of the big electronics companies that were 
innovators had their own internal CAD groups.  Some still do.  
Some that let their CAD groups go are regretting it.  They are 
finding out that having their own was a significant competitive 
advantage.  Now they are finding that putting a significant 
portion of their "intellectual property" in the hands of the 
likes of Mentor, Synopsys, and Cadence might not be such a good 

Going to a conference like ICCAD, it is interesting to hear the 
opinions of "open-source".  Of course, the big CAD companies 
say it is not an issue.  Others say in 5 years it will be all 

I see a business opportunity in providing "corporate cad" 
services to small companies, based on free tools, with the 
money paying for development of those free tools.

It is interesting to hear the reaction to this from the existing 
companies.  The big EDA companies (except Mentor) do not see it 
as a threat to their business.  The small consulting companies 
do not see it as threat either, they see potential 

The only ones that see it as a threat are the ones the seem to 
have some get-rich-quick scheme.  They have some kind of 
invention and a patent or two and hope to be acquired by one of 
the big guys.  They are furious about it, even though their 
product is often built as a proprietary extension to some BSD 
licensed program.

Another business opportunity is to sell CAD systems, ready to 
go, complete with the hardware.  Each one is custom.  
Considering all of the parts that are available, it seems easy 
to do.  There are already lots of businesses that do this for 
IT applications.

geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

It would be great if there was a native Windows port of gEDA.

Thus you aren't likely to get the 
current group to put any effort into a Windows port.

Not unless we are paid handsomely.  Of course I speak only for myself
here; if somebody wants to put in all that work for free, they are
welcome to do so!

Perhaps we can pull a 
new group of developers in from the Windows world to work on the

port []

If you can get that to happen, wonderful!  The code is GPLed, and is
available for any and all to do what they want with it!

A live CD version of gEDA would also be a welcomed addition.  Something like 
Knoppix with gEDA installed.  That would be as painless as it gets.  Forgive 
my stupidity if this already exists.

Quantian is the most well-known Live CD with  gEDA pre-installed:

The version on the disk is getting a little old, however.  A quick
Google search turns up others too.


geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Mike Hansen

If all you have available is a Windows box there is an easy solution to 
this:  grab a free copy of VMWare, find one of the many images of Fedora for 
VMWare on the net and download it.  Run your VMWare Fedora image on your 
Windows box and go ahead and install gEDA on the VMWare image.  It's simple, 
painless and works well.  That's how I do it here.  Performance is good with 
a relatively decent machine(2GHz+ machine).

You can also install cygwin under windows and install gEDA under cygwin.   I 
believe there are a multitude of problems with this arrangement so you will 
have to check docs.

It would be great if there was a native Windows port of gEDA.   However 
doing this would be a substantial effort and I would imagine most users 
would want to see new efforts put into new features rather than a whole new 
port.  And it appears most if not all of the developers for gEDA are 
developers concentrating on the Linux platform.  Thus you aren't likely to 
get the current group to put any effort into a Windows port.  Perhaps we can 
pull a new group of developers in from the Windows world to work on the 
port(highly unlikely, I am a Windows developer and I have zero desire to put 
any effort into this knowing the magnitude of the effort).

A live CD version of gEDA would also be a welcomed addition.  Something like 
Knoppix with gEDA installed.  That would be as painless as it gets.  Forgive 
my stupidity if this already exists.

From: "Adrian Nania" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: gEDA user mailing list 
To: "gEDA user mailing list" 
Subject: RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 
09:36:29 -0800

I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic
components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA
version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are
unbelievable. Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard
working weeks have an installation method working for just a few days
before some "justified" changes in name or settings.

On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
forced to use Windows.

It is quite normal to end up with many "jerks" when you open your
product to a few thousands more people. Just ignore them because for
each jerk speaking to you are 1.000 good people on your side.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ales Hvezda
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:23 PM
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure


>It is possible for some good Samaritan to compile for windows and make
>available all the updated gEDA packages?

I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many
times (both virtually and in person).  Just this last week I was talking
to another OSS developer (for a totally different program and
*significantly* (100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the
moment they released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining,
cluelessness, and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.

Right now I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the users and
discussions on the mailing lists and I have no intention of crashing a
good thing.


geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

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geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread al davis
On Tuesday 05 December 2006 14:23, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.

To all reading this ..  Please take this as an invitation.  
There are no problems, only unmet business opportunities.

One way to increase the priority of any task is to pay for it.  
Speaking for myself, I would very much welcome financial 
support for my work.  Lots of free software developers would do 
it full time if it paid the bills.

On Tuesday 05 December 2006 14:29, DJ Delorie wrote:
> Do we need a ?

Make that

Should I grab the name before some spammer gets it?

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.

Do we need a ?


But thinking about it, having an e-commerece site for things related
to gEDA, with PayPal ability, credit card processing, etc, isn't
totally far-fetched.  That way users who wanted expedited patches,
custom software features, symbols, and footprints, or clueless newbies
who needed excessive hand-holding could be given a way to get what
they wanted for a price.

But wait!  I think RedHat has already cornered that market!  :-)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread al davis
On Monday 04 December 2006 19:26, Adrian Nania wrote:
> It is possible for some good Samaritan to compile for windows
> and make available all the updated gEDA packages?

To answer this, you must understand how the binary packages are 
made, and who does them.

Speaking as the creator of gnucap, one of the tools ...   I 
develop on a system I like, which may or may not be the same as  
anyone else has.  We try to make the code as portable as 
possible, in hopes that it compiles anywhere but there are 
always surprises.  None of us have a collection of different 
systems, or the patience to use them all.

To do so, we do accept a certain set of tools as standard, which 
basically includes a shell, "make" and a set of compilers with 
a command line interface.  Those who like a graphic environment 
make one by wrapping the tools.  Some common ones include emacs 
and kdevelop.  But we don't require anyone else to have that.  
There is a "configure" script that sets up things like where 
the libraries go and some features that man be in or out 
depending on your environment.  We also use libraries that are 
easily available, such as gtk.

Most of us use all free systems, and we certainly dont require 
anything that isn't free.  We consider the free operating 
systems to be the highest priority, and the makers of the free 
operating systems consider free applications to be their 
highest priority.  By "free" here, I refer to the FSF 
definition, libre, freedom, etc.  not zero cost closed source.

We distribute as source in tarballs, without the libraries that 
you can get elsewhere.  If you have a minimal system, you must 
get the libraries yourself, from somewhere else.

Most users do not compile their own code, but rather rely on 
pre-compiled packages.These packages are usually for a 
specific distribution, and they are maintained by someone else, 
not the same people who create the software.  These package 
maintainers pick up the tarball, compile it, customize it for a 
particular distribution, make sure it gets all the libraries, 
and package it so it is ready to use.  As you would expect, 
these are always a little behind the original source packages.  
I must emphasize again, that these packages are made by someone 
other than the the original creator of the package.  It is a 
serious ongoing committment.  These people are also the first 
contact for the binary package for that distribution.  They 
also provide valuable testing by building in many different 
environments, and feeding back the results.

For the Windows packages to be successful, it must be the same 
arragement.  It is more difficult because Microsoft seems to go 
out of its way to make this difficult.  The first step is to 
put the extra infrastructure in place.  Then you can do 
specific packages.  It isn't just a matter of making a package. 
Someone needs to make a commitment to keep track of the 
updates, and be an active member of our community.  That means 
to be available to answer the flood of questions that will 
certainly come.

For myself, I develop Gnucap, but I just use the Debian 
(unstable) packages for everything else.  I only install from 
source if I must, but I require that I have the option to do 
so.  One reason sometimes I must is to get a later version.  
The packages are based on official releases, not CVS checkouts 
or development snapshots.

Again, for a Windows port to be successful, it must work the 
same way.  Someone new must step up to the task.  The rest of 
us are all too busy with our piece.  If you are willing to take 
on the task, we will all help you do it, in the same way that 
we help those who do the packages for other systems.  We will 
expect the same feedback and cooperation from you, and a 
commitment from you to support your users.  It is a difficult 

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Andy Peters

On Dec 5, 2006, at 11:50 AM, Dave McGuire wrote:

On Dec 5, 2006, at 1:43 PM, Adrian Nania wrote:

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates to  

of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject ourselves to that?
Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite a few) is  
already a
big job which we do exclusively for fun. Better to keep the  
barrier to

entry a little high since it's not fun to support the clueless --
particularly without any compensation.

As you put it here, gEDA project must accessible to a handful of
software developers only. Maybe I am wrong to suspect the main  

for this tool must be on the hardware developing side. You're being
funny to name anyone else clueless fools.

  Adrian, your assumption that all hardware developers are Windows  
users is incorrect.  I'm not even sure it's in the majority  
anymore, at least amongst hardware developers who know anything at  
all about computers.  None of the hardware people that *I*  
associate with use Windows.  None.


I suppose that since I started this thread, I should chime in.

I am a hardware developer, and since I no longer work for a Big  
Company that uses Unix-based tools, I use Windows.  (My OS preference  
is Mac OS X.)

As a hardware guy, I've often been frustrated with my attempts to  
build software from source on the various Unix and Linux boxes I've  
used.  There's always a dependency that's missing or the wrong  
version.  At my previous job, I sat across from the Linux Guy who was  
usually able to help me sort things out (my hardware had to run on  
Linux boxes), but truly, how many hardware guys have a Linux Guru in  
the same room?  As a hardware guy, I want to design my FPGA, I want  
to lay out my PCB, I want to write my microcontroller firmware.  I  
don't want to chase down inscrutable build errors, like the odd hard- 
coded path issue in guile that started this thread.

I come to gEDA because all of my new computers are Macs and I'm  
interested in professional-quality tools for that platform.  I  
recently posted a snarky comment to sci.electronics.cad, basically  
saying that "you get what you pay for with tools."  DJ Delorie asked,  
"Why?" and then I realized that I depend on free, open-source tools.   
The good news is that I was able to build Apache and Subversion for  
OS X without problems and I've got a Mac mini running as the  
Subversion server.  I use emacs.  So I did a little investigating and  
found that one could use fink to fetch and install gEDA on OS X using  
X Windows.  And it worked.  But if it hadn't been "simple" -- meaning  
if it took more than an evening of futzing -- then I would have said,  
"Nope, this doesn't work" and that would've been that.

So I suppose my points are:
a) (Most) Hardware guys want to design and implement hardware.  Tools  
are the means to that end, not the end in itself, and we'd rather do  
our work than deal with tool build failures.
b) I wanted to get gEDA up and running under Cygwin because I have to  
use a Windows box during the day and being able to use the gEDA stuff  
on that platform is useful to me, and perhaps others.

Thanks too the developers for all of their efforts.  It's appreciated.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread DJ Delorie

> Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.

Do we need a ?


geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Adrian Nania wrote:

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates to hords
of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject ourselves to that?
Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite a few) is already a
big job which we do exclusively for fun. Better to keep the barrier to
entry a little high since it's not fun to support the clueless --
particularly without any compensation.

As you put it here, gEDA project must accessible to a handful of
software developers only. Maybe I am wrong to suspect the main audience
for this tool must be on the hardware developing side. You're being
funny to name anyone else clueless fools.

Different people have different opinions on this issue.  One, easily
defendable position is this:  The main target audience for this
software is *ourselves*, the developers.  We do it for our own
amusement, and for our own use.  However, we *do* share it with the
world, and *are* responsive to feature requests and bug reports since
it's part of the fun.  But only as long as the feature requests and
bug fixes are *fun* for us.  Supporting a Windoze port is not my idea
of fun, so I won't do a Windoze port.  But if somebody else
creates a Windoze port, I say: good work!  I just don't want to
support it.

The secondary audience for gEDA is users clueful and resourceful
enough to get it working on their own boxen themselves.  I am
personally happy and proud to have contributed to a project which
seems to have thousands of downloads, and certainly scores -- if not
hundreds -- of active users.  Their enjoyment and productivity is part
of my fun.  For that reason I also try to make it reasonably easy to
install and use the bits of software I have contributed.  I *do*
expect that they require only minimal handholding, however.

In any event, my goal is *not* to emulate a private company and
product software for as many users as possible.  Working on gEDA only 
provides me fun (and not money), so I am only prepared to work on

things which are *fun*.  Producing *commerical* sofware involves doing
many things which aren't fun, like maintaining current documentation,
running lots of regression tests, and supporting angry, cranky,
idiotic users.  I only do unpleasant things when I am *paid* for it
(or if my wife insists).  I don't know why you expect that I -- or any
other open-source developer -- would do something unpleasant just
because it would make your life easier or easier.

Therefore, if you want a Windoze port, try doing it yourself.
Or be prepared to pay my consulting rates.



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Dave McGuire

On Dec 5, 2006, at 1:43 PM, Adrian Nania wrote:

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates to  

of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject ourselves to that?
Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite a few) is already a
big job which we do exclusively for fun. Better to keep the  
barrier to

entry a little high since it's not fun to support the clueless --
particularly without any compensation.

As you put it here, gEDA project must accessible to a handful of
software developers only. Maybe I am wrong to suspect the main  

for this tool must be on the hardware developing side. You're being
funny to name anyone else clueless fools.

  Adrian, your assumption that all hardware developers are Windows  
users is incorrect.  I'm not even sure it's in the majority anymore,  
at least amongst hardware developers who know anything at all about  
computers.  None of the hardware people that *I* associate with use  
Windows.  None.


Dave McGuire
Cape Coral, FL

geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Adrian Nania
I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates to hords
of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject ourselves to that?
Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite a few) is already a
big job which we do exclusively for fun. Better to keep the barrier to
entry a little high since it's not fun to support the clueless --
particularly without any compensation.

As you put it here, gEDA project must accessible to a handful of
software developers only. Maybe I am wrong to suspect the main audience
for this tool must be on the hardware developing side. You're being
funny to name anyone else clueless fools.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Stuart Brorson
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:06 AM
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure 

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Adrian Nania wrote:

> I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic 
> components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA 
> version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are 
> unbelievable.
> Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard working weeks 
> have an installation method working for just a few days before some 
> "justified" changes in name or settings.

Actually, it compiles and installs easily, as many have found.  If you
had a different experience, that's too bad.  If you have a constructive
suggestion to make, or have an install issue to raise, we'd like to hear
about it -- politely.  If you're just feeling cranky, well, go kick your
dog and don't post to geda-user.  We're not interested in your rants,
and they make you look bad to boot.
Remember, this list is archived, so from now on people Googling you will
find your strange rant.

> On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
> Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many 
> places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they 
> are forced to use Windows.

Please remember that gEDA is an open-source project, and is the creation
of volunteers who offer this software to the wider world for free.  The
developers only work on gEDA for fun.  If you want a windows port, you
have the following options:

1.  Try doing it yourself.
2.  If you can't figure it out for yourself, ask *nicely* on the list,
and maybe somebody will do it for you if it looks like fun.
3.  If that fails, you can pay an open-source developer to do it for

Otherwise, you're SOL.  The developers of gEDA owe you nothing, and if
they don't want to devote their time to a Windows port, you're on your
own.  Anyway, its very presumptious of you to think that we will just
jump to it and create cost-free software for you because you asked.

> It is quite normal to end up with many "jerks" when you open your 
> product to a few thousands more people. Just ignore them because for 
> each jerk speaking to you are 1.000 good people on your side.

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the floodgates to hords
of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject ourselves to that?
Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite a few) is already a
big job which we do exclusively for fun.  Better to keep the barrier to
entry a little high since it's not fun to support the clueless --
particularly without any compensation.


geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Stuart Brorson

On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Adrian Nania wrote:

I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic
components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA
version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are

Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard
working weeks have an installation method working for just a few days
before some "justified" changes in name or settings.

Actually, it compiles and installs easily, as many have found.  If you
had a different experience, that's too bad.  If you have a
constructive suggestion to make, or have an install issue to raise,
we'd like to hear about it -- politely.  If you're just feeling
cranky, well, go kick your dog and don't post to geda-user.  We're not
interested in your rants, and they make you look bad to boot.
Remember, this list is archived, so from now on people Googling you
will find your strange rant.

On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
forced to use Windows.

Please remember that gEDA is an open-source project, and is the
creation of volunteers who offer this software to the wider world for
free.  The developers only work on gEDA for fun.  If you want a
windows port, you have the following options:

1.  Try doing it yourself.
2.  If you can't figure it out for yourself, ask *nicely* on the list,
and maybe somebody will do it for you if it looks like fun.
3.  If that fails, you can pay an open-source developer to do it for

Otherwise, you're SOL.  The developers of gEDA owe you nothing, and if
they don't want to devote their time to a Windows port, you're on your
own.  Anyway, its very presumptious of you to think that we will just
jump to it and create cost-free software for you because you asked.

It is quite normal to end up with many "jerks" when you open your
product to a few thousands more people. Just ignore them because for
each jerk speaking to you are 1.000 good people on your side.

I agree with Ales -- a Windows port would open the
floodgates to hords of whining clueless fools.  Why should we subject
ourselves to that?  Supporting the clueful users (and there are quite
a few) is already a big job which we do exclusively for fun.  Better
to keep the barrier to entry a little high since it's not fun to
support the clueless -- particularly without any compensation.


geda-user mailing list

RE: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-05 Thread Adrian Nania
I do believe for more than 98% of people working with electronic
components it is not possible to install and use the latest gEDA
version. The endless compiling errors and flavor dependencies are
unbelievable. Yeah, we can always google around and after many hard
working weeks have an installation method working for just a few days
before some "justified" changes in name or settings.

On the other hand, many times we do not have access to a Linux box.
Windows is unfortunately or not the single available desktop in many
places. Now, I do not believe Windows users are jerks. Usually they are
forced to use Windows.

It is quite normal to end up with many "jerks" when you open your
product to a few thousands more people. Just ignore them because for
each jerk speaking to you are 1.000 good people on your side.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ales Hvezda
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 5:23 PM
To: gEDA user mailing list
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure 


>It is possible for some good Samaritan to compile for windows and make 
>available all the updated gEDA packages?

I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many
times (both virtually and in person).  Just this last week I was talking
to another OSS developer (for a totally different program and
*significantly* (100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the
moment they released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining,
cluelessness, and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.

Right now I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the users and
discussions on the mailing lists and I have no intention of crashing a
good thing. 


geda-user mailing list

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-04 Thread Ales Hvezda

>It is possible for some good Samaritan to compile for windows and make
>available all the updated gEDA packages?

I've had the "make the Windows port available" discussion many many times
(both virtually and in person).  Just this last week I was talking to
another OSS developer (for a totally different program and *significantly*
(100x to 1000x) larger user base) and he stated that the moment they
released a Windows binary: the whining, the complaining, cluelessness,
and general jerk behavior increased *a lot*.

Right now I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of the users and
discussions on the mailing lists and I have no intention of crashing a
good thing. 


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-04 Thread Andy Peters

On Dec 2, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Ales Hvezda wrote:


I'm doing an experiment: I'm trying to see if I can get the gEDA  

running under cygwin.  I started with the instructions at

I've never actually used the cygwin port, but...


so it can't find guile, because it's apparently looking in:


which makes no sense.

libgeda and friends use guile's guile-config to determine paths
for include and library files.  Try:

guile-config compile
guile-config link
guile-config info

I'm guessing that is where the /home/janneke/... is coming from.

Ah, guile-config link and guile-config info both reveal the /home/ 
janneke/ stuff.

Google tells me that there's a newer version of the guile stuff at, but that connection to cygwin's setup is broken  
and the official cygwin mirrors don't have the new version yet.

so, the hell with it.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: strange build failure

2006-12-02 Thread Ales Hvezda

>I'm doing an experiment: I'm trying to see if I can get the gEDA tools 
>running under cygwin.  I started with the instructions at 

I've never actually used the cygwin port, but...

>so it can't find guile, because it's apparently looking in: 
>which makes no sense. 

libgeda and friends use guile's guile-config to determine paths 
for include and library files.  Try:

guile-config compile
guile-config link
guile-config info

I'm guessing that is where the /home/janneke/... is coming from.


geda-user mailing list