Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-18 Thread Darryl Gibson

DJ Delorie wrote:

I'm monitoring a coal stoker furnace, which is in the basement, and
I'm on the third floor of the building.

Thanks DJ, I certainly be taking a closer look at that project.
Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

“Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the 
distinction of a free man from a slave.”   --  Andrew Fletcher, A 
Discourse of Government with relation to Militias (1698)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-18 Thread DJ Delorie

> I'm monitoring a coal stoker furnace, which is in the basement, and
> I'm on the third floor of the building.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-18 Thread Darryl Gibson


Darryl Gibson wrote:
I'm under time constraints to get this project done. So I'm cheating, 
and using RCY100 for the resistors.

uh ... what's rcy100?

I don't know! :)

But, an RCY100, is a radial lead component, that occupies two adjacent 
100 mil holes in a perf. board. Which is _almost_ what I was looking for.

I'm doing my best to get my working project off the bread board, and 
hard wired on perf board. Using as little perf. board as possible.

I did get a very good suggestion from the LVLUG list, to use surface 
mount footprints for stuff you want to conserve space with.

I may try that in the future, but at the moment, I want to get this 
project up and running ASAP!

I'm monitoring a coal stoker furnace, which is in the basement, and I'm 
on the third floor of the building.

This circuit eliminates the need for me to run up and down the stairs to 
check the stoker.

I have a thermistor in the chimney, that gives me an indication of 
whether the stoker is running, idle, or burnt out.

I'm familiar with thermostats, and we have one, ONE, for all three 
floors of the building, and it is on the first floor.

So when the folks with control of the thermostat set it to 70f, it is 
90f up here.

Which leads into why I want my bread board space back.

My next project is replacing the old thermostat with a Dallas/Maxim 
DS1620 chip. Which is a remotely controlled/programmables 
thermostat/temp. sensor.

Then I can control things from here.

Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

“Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The possession of arms is the 
distinction of a free man from a slave.”   --  Andrew Fletcher, A 
Discourse of Government with relation to Militias (1698)

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Darryl Gibson wrote:
I'm under time constraints to get this project done. So I'm cheating, 
and using RCY100 for the resistors.

uh ... what's rcy100?


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-17 Thread Darryl Gibson


Darryl Gibson wrote:
But, I would really, really like my resistors, and diodes standing up, 
not laying down. 

Darryl here are three vertical footprints.  I've used them before.  I 
just cleaned them up a little.  Let the list know if they work for you.

These foots are named withing the Element tag.  --phil

Phil and DJ,

Thanks for the footprints, I'm filing them away for future reference.

I'm under time constraints to get this project done. So I'm cheating, 
and using RCY100 for the resistors.

When I'm finished with this project, I'll delve into learning how to 
make my own footprints.

Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Darryl Gibson wrote:
But, I would really, really like my resistors, and diodes standing up, 
not laying down. 

Darryl here are three vertical footprints.  I've used them before.  I 
just cleaned them up a little.  Let the list know if they work for you.

These foots are named withing the Element tag.  --phil

Element[0x "R-0W25-vertical.fp" "R?" "" 172500 127500 -5500 4550 
0 100 0x]

Pin[-3900 0 7000 2000 8200 2900 "" "1" 0x01]
Pin[3900 0 7000 2000 8200 2900 "" "2" 0x01]
ElementLine [-3900 -4050 3700 -4050 1000]   
ElementLine [-3900 4050 3700 4050 1000] 
ElementArc [3900 0 4050 4050 90 180 1000]
ElementArc [-3900 0 4050 4050 270 180 1000]

Element[0x "R-0W5-vertical.fp" "R?" "" 143000 84000 -7500 5100 0 
100 0x]

Pin [-5200 0 7800 2000 9000 3600 "" "1" 0x001]
Pin [5200 0 7800 2000 9000 3600 "" "2" 0x001]
ElementLine [-5200 -4400 5200 -4400 1000]
ElementLine [-5200 4400 5200 4400 1000]
ElementArc [-5200 0 4400 4400 270 180 1000]
ElementArc [5200 0 4400 4400 90 180 1000]

Element[0x "DIO__DO-41-vertical.fp" "D?" "" 172500 127500 -9900 
6050 0 100 0x]

Pin[-6200 0 9500 2000 10700 4200 "" "1" 0x0101]
Pin[6200 0 9500 2000 10700 4200 "" "2" 0x01]
ElementLine [-11450 -5300 6200 -5300 1000]  
ElementLine [-11450 5300 6200 5300 1000]
ElementLine [-11450 -5300 -11450 5300 1000]
ElementArc [6200 0 5300 5300 90 180 1000]

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-16 Thread DJ Delorie

> But, I would really, really like my resistors, and diodes standing
> up, not laying down. I've Googled for hours trying to find
> footprints that would let me do that, with no success.

Not too hard to do it yourself.  Bring up PCB, add two vias and some
silk, select all, "convert buffer to element" then "save element data
to file".  Poof, done.

Here's a sample I tossed together for you:

Element["" "" "" "" 7 9 0 0 0 100 ""]
Pin[0 0 6800 3000 7400 3800 "" "1" "edge2"]
Pin[1 0 6800 3000 7400 3800 "" "2" "edge2"]
ElementArc [0 0 5000 5000 0 360 1000]

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: Hello list

2006-11-16 Thread Darryl Gibson

Hello list,

A new subscriber here.

I I've been using geda for about twelve hours, and linux for about four 

I've drawn my first schematic, and loaded it into pcb, and 90% of what I 
want to do is done.

But, I would really, really like my resistors, and diodes standing up, 
not laying down. I've Googled for hours trying to find footprints that 
would let me do that, with no success.

Darryl Gibson N2DIY
RLU X 182668/379552

geda-user mailing list