input validation (was: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?)

2006-11-07 Thread Carlos Nieves Ónega
Moving this thread to geda-dev...

El vie, 03-11-2006 a las 12:47 +, Peter Clifton escribió:
> Peter B and I were looking at the possibility of introducing some
> plugable input validation / auto-complete modules into the gschem
> attribute editing system. The down side of course, is these must be
> configured (by default if you will) to understand what attributes are
> necessary, and what is legal.

I was thinking about this for a while before you post this mail...

My two wishes are:

 1) gschem should know what attributes can have a given object (and hide
the rest in the attribute editor window). Example: if editing the
attributes of a net, don't show the refdes, slot,... attributes as
options in the drop down menu.

 2) user configurable input validation (both for the content of the
attribute, as well as attribute bounds (don't allow to set slot=5 for a
part with only 2 slots), and object checking (don't allow to set the
refdes attribute for a net, for example).

At that time, I thought to:
 1) add a scheme function which takes an object list (a list with the
objects selected), and returned the common attributes of all the
objects. This would be used to fill the attribute name list in the
attribute editor. Of course we need a way to define the object type an
attribute can be attached to, but that's a simple problem.

 2) add a new scheme function to check the attribute. When the user adds
a new attribute, call this function, which would return a string showing
the problem description. Thus, an error window can be raised, and the
message and checks are user configurable. A general regular expression
can be defined for each attribute as well as any other check function.

> One idea was "footprint" (assuming your config states that validation
> and auto-complete for this attribute should be for "PCB", not some other
> layout package).
> The user setting the footprint attribute would auto-complete with a
> drop-down list of the available footprints - obviously requires a
> knowledge of how / where PCB finds its footprint lists, or a library
> interface to this functionality in PCB.

The validation method described above relies on scheme, and maybe it's
not as flexible and powerful as you may want. I don't see how to do the
PCB stuff that way.

Do you have some thoughts about how to do it?



geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-11-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Peter Clifton wrote:
 > The user setting the footprint attribute would auto-complete with a
drop-down list of the available footprints 

This would be useful.  The insertion of proper footprint names in 
gattrib is currently the slowest part (for me anyway) of going from 
gschem to PCB.

Another thought was even to (optionally) bring up the PCB footprint
window with a GUI preview. (Suitably library'fied if possible to avoid
code duplication)

This would be useful.

Phil Taylor

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-11-03 Thread Peter Clifton
On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 09:57 +, Peter Baxendale wrote:
> > >The parser starts at the end, moving towards the start of the string and 
> > >strips off lower case characters until it encounters any non-lowercase 
> > >character, then it stops. Thus Rp4 will be a valid element name. This 
> > >has been documented in the manual for at least 5 years now since I first 
> > >wrote that code. From the pcb manual:
> > 
> > It might be useful to put this information in gEDA/gaf's attribute
> > guide under refdes as well.  Filed bug to remind us:
> Yes, thanks, that's a good idea. It's at the schematic entry stage when
> you're choosing refdes values, so it would be handy to mention it there,
> even though strictly it's a pcb issue, not gEDA/gaf. Sorry I missed the
> pcb manual bit - I could have saved myself and others some time and also
> some noise on this list if I'd seen it.

Whilst this statement may be controversial, I'm inclined to believe that
anything you have to dig deep into a manual to discover isn't obvious
enough in the program :). There are of course exceptions, as no-one
expects a complicated EDA package to be learnt solely through feeling
your way around the gui.. it simply isn't productive to do so. OTOH,
this is how beginners learn, and was exactly how I started.

I like to see what people trip over in real life. Even if there is an
"answer" in a manual somewhere, perhaps there is a better way.

Amusing aside: a few times I found myself poking at the source to see if
I could implement a feature / behaviour in PCB / gschem, only to find it
was there already and I just didn't know how to activate it! Now, the
source-code is my manual!

I had a great computer science teacher at A-Level... when you took a
program to her for testing, rather than inputting the proper numbers
(which as a developer, you do), she would randomly press all the
keyboard keys until something broke. A great lesson in input validation!

Peter B and I were looking at the possibility of introducing some
plugable input validation / auto-complete modules into the gschem
attribute editing system. The down side of course, is these must be
configured (by default if you will) to understand what attributes are
necessary, and what is legal.

One idea was "footprint" (assuming your config states that validation
and auto-complete for this attribute should be for "PCB", not some other
layout package).

The user setting the footprint attribute would auto-complete with a
drop-down list of the available footprints - obviously requires a
knowledge of how / where PCB finds its footprint lists, or a library
interface to this functionality in PCB.

Another thought was even to (optionally) bring up the PCB footprint
window with a GUI preview. (Suitably library'fied if possible to avoid
code duplication)

I already have too much work backed up to get on with this right now,
but if people feed back that this might be useful, it will go higher on
the todo pile. (Right after finishing the DBus support in PCB and making
xgsch2pcb place nice with it).


Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-11-03 Thread Peter Baxendale
> >The parser starts at the end, moving towards the start of the string and 
> >strips off lower case characters until it encounters any non-lowercase 
> >character, then it stops. Thus Rp4 will be a valid element name. This 
> >has been documented in the manual for at least 5 years now since I first 
> >wrote that code. From the pcb manual:
>   It might be useful to put this information in gEDA/gaf's attribute
> guide under refdes as well.  Filed bug to remind us:

Yes, thanks, that's a good idea. It's at the schematic entry stage when
you're choosing refdes values, so it would be handy to mention it there,
even though strictly it's a pcb issue, not gEDA/gaf. Sorry I missed the
pcb manual bit - I could have saved myself and others some time and also
some noise on this list if I'd seen it.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-11-02 Thread Ales Hvezda
>The parser starts at the end, moving towards the start of the string and 
>strips off lower case characters until it encounters any non-lowercase 
>character, then it stops. Thus Rp4 will be a valid element name. This 
>has been documented in the manual for at least 5 years now since I first 
>wrote that code. From the pcb manual:

It might be useful to put this information in gEDA/gaf's attribute
guide under refdes as well.  Filed bug to remind us:


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread John Luciani

On 10/31/06, Peter Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We run a robot design project, subdivided into mechanical, electrical
and software components. The electronics is done basically on strip
board, but that is a sub-section on our PCB(s) with micro-controller
interfaces ready to populate.

I am one of the demonstrators for the electronics part of the lab, and
the desire is (from the project's leader) that the students use gschem
or similar to draw their schematics. We aren't yet at the stage where
these students build custom PCBs, however various ideas for rapid
prototyping (miniature milling setups) have been discussed as a future


 When Dr. Long was at the Freedog meeting in August he gave out copies
of an MDP DVD (Version 0.5.8 Beta). Is that DVD (or a more recent version)
available for download?

(* jcl *)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Harry Eaton

Dan McMahill wrote:

It had never occurred to me to use anything but an upper case alpha
character followed by a numeric value for a refdes, but students have a
habit of trying the unexpected. It threw me for quite a while trying to
understand what pcb was complaining about, since it referred to a "CONN"
part which wasn't in either the schematic or the pcb netlist or the pcb
file. Now I know about the lower case feature I'll know what to look for
next time.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only lower case at the end of a refdes is
ignored by pcb (but not by gsch2pcb), so something like Rp4 is ok.

I'd have to look.  The test would be to load a netlist and then look 
in the .pcb file.  Or look at the netlist parser.

The parser starts at the end, moving towards the start of the string and 
strips off lower case characters until it encounters any non-lowercase 
character, then it stops. Thus Rp4 will be a valid element name. This 
has been documented in the manual for at least 5 years now since I first 
wrote that code. From the pcb manual:

If a NAME ends with a lower-case letter,
all lower-case letters are stripped from the end of the NAME to determine the
matching layout-name name.  For example:

   Data U1-3 U2abc-4 FLOP1a-7 Uabc3-A9

specifies that the net called "Data" should have
pin 3 of U1 connected to pin 4 of U2, to pin 7 of
FLOP1 and to pin A9 of Uabc3.  Note that element name and
pin number strings are case-sensitive.
It is up to you to name the elements so that their layout-name names
agrees with the netlist.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Peter Clifton
On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 13:00 +, Peter Baxendale wrote:
> > I am curious to know if your notes are available online, or are released
> > under such a license that we can make them available to students here?
> > 
> I've put them on my web page
> ( ). They are pdfs but I can
> send you openoffice files if they are any use to you. They are just
> brief notes to support a simple assignment (4x2 hour sessions) so you
> may find them a bit basic. I'd be interested in hearing your own
> experiences using geda with students.

Aha... I am a student myself actually (just starting a PhD), so have no
direct experience with teaching gEDA. My own experience was that the
learning curve is initially steep, but having got to grips with it, I
find it far nicer than other EDA packages I've used. To keep things
simpler, we try and provide symbols and footprints for all parts which
students might be expected to use.

We run a robot design project, subdivided into mechanical, electrical
and software components. The electronics is done basically on strip
board, but that is a sub-section on our PCB(s) with micro-controller
interfaces ready to populate.

I am one of the demonstrators for the electronics part of the lab, and
the desire is (from the project's leader) that the students use gschem
or similar to draw their schematics. We aren't yet at the stage where
these students build custom PCBs, however various ideas for rapid
prototyping (miniature milling setups) have been discussed as a future

I'll show the notes to Dr. Long, who is in charge of the robot design
project. The draw, simulate, layout exercise looks a lot like the sort
of thing he was suggesting for more general ECAD teaching.


Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Dan McMahill

Dan McMahill wrote:

Stuart Brorson wrote:

Note that you can't do this with things like CONNpower and
CONNsignal.  How do you renumber alpha refdeses?  Admittedly,
CONNpower and the like are easier to deal with than J1, J2, etc, but
if you've got a board with thousands of components on it, then you
can't give each a unique alpha refdes, and the above renumbering
scheme is extremely convenient.

Since we can't do backanno in gschem/PCB, this point is moot, however.

We're pretty close to being able to do that.  You can renumber 
automatically in PCB and it produces a file that with probably only a 
few minutes of perl hacking could be used to back annotate to gschem.

Actually, I'll see if I have any energy left after halloween activities 
tonight to code up something.  Since there is already a perl program for 
backannotating from pads all that has to change is the parser and that 
should be easy.

ok, actually spent 10 minutes and cranked it out.

gaf/utils/scripts/pcb_backannotate is in CVS.  Any feedback would be 

To use, *make a scratch copy of your design first*.  Please don't mess 
up your active copy and blame me!  If you use cvs or subversion or 
whatever, its a good time to check in your work first so you can undo 
all of these changes globally.

open up your layout, run the pcb action


and give a log file name.  PCB will renumber your footprints and record 
its actions in the log file.

Now run

  pcb_backannotate [--verbose] renumber_log_file pg1.sch [pg2.sch ...]

and hopefully all of your changes will be back annotated.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Peter Baxendale
> I am curious to know if your notes are available online, or are released
> under such a license that we can make them available to students here?

I've put them on my web page
( ). They are pdfs but I can
send you openoffice files if they are any use to you. They are just
brief notes to support a simple assignment (4x2 hour sessions) so you
may find them a bit basic. I'd be interested in hearing your own
experiences using geda with students.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Dan McMahill

Peter Baxendale wrote:

Thanks for the comment on refdes values. I'll add a few things to next
year's notes for the students.

I'll try to remember to modify gsch2pcb.  The framework exists in 
gnetlist to include rules about the name space of the output format and 
deal with it.  For example, pads seems to convert everything to upper 
case so the pads backend currently converts everything to upper case as 
part of netlisting.  Note that there is some extra magic that makes sure 
you don't create shorts by moving to a more restrictive name space.

It had never occurred to me to use anything but an upper case alpha
character followed by a numeric value for a refdes, but students have a
habit of trying the unexpected. It threw me for quite a while trying to
understand what pcb was complaining about, since it referred to a "CONN"
part which wasn't in either the schematic or the pcb netlist or the pcb
file. Now I know about the lower case feature I'll know what to look for
next time.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only lower case at the end of a refdes is
ignored by pcb (but not by gsch2pcb), so something like Rp4 is ok.

I'd have to look.  The test would be to load a netlist and then look in 
the .pcb file.  Or look at the netlist parser.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Dan McMahill

Stuart Brorson wrote:

Note that you can't do this with things like CONNpower and
CONNsignal.  How do you renumber alpha refdeses?  Admittedly,
CONNpower and the like are easier to deal with than J1, J2, etc, but
if you've got a board with thousands of components on it, then you
can't give each a unique alpha refdes, and the above renumbering
scheme is extremely convenient.

Since we can't do backanno in gschem/PCB, this point is moot, however.

We're pretty close to being able to do that.  You can renumber 
automatically in PCB and it produces a file that with probably only a 
few minutes of perl hacking could be used to back annotate to gschem.

Actually, I'll see if I have any energy left after halloween activities 
tonight to code up something.  Since there is already a perl program for 
backannotating from pads all that has to change is the parser and that 
should be easy.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Peter Clifton
On Tue, 2006-10-31 at 10:04 +, Peter Baxendale wrote:
> Thanks for the comment on refdes values. I'll add a few things to next
> year's notes for the students.

We're hoping to introduce more students to gEDA here at Cambridge, and
as a related project, myself and Peter Brett spent our summers
programming improvements for gschem (and PCB, but nothing user visible).

I am curious to know if your notes are available online, or are released
under such a license that we can make them available to students here?

> It had never occurred to me to use anything but an upper case alpha
> character followed by a numeric value for a refdes, but students have a
> habit of trying the unexpected. It threw me for quite a while trying to
> understand what pcb was complaining about, since it referred to a "CONN"
> part which wasn't in either the schematic or the pcb netlist or the pcb
> file. Now I know about the lower case feature I'll know what to look for
> next time. 
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but only lower case at the end of a refdes is
> ignored by pcb (but not by gsch2pcb), so something like Rp4 is ok.

That should be fine.

Incidentally, we wrote / are writing a GTK frontend to gsch2pcb, since
we identified this as one area where the workflow in gEDA isn't all that
friendly to new users.

It isn't stable enough for production use yet, but once we've got some
back-end features improved in PCB (a patch to allow communication via
DBus), we should be in a position to make a more formal release of the


Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-31 Thread Peter Baxendale
Thanks for the comment on refdes values. I'll add a few things to next
year's notes for the students.

It had never occurred to me to use anything but an upper case alpha
character followed by a numeric value for a refdes, but students have a
habit of trying the unexpected. It threw me for quite a while trying to
understand what pcb was complaining about, since it referred to a "CONN"
part which wasn't in either the schematic or the pcb netlist or the pcb
file. Now I know about the lower case feature I'll know what to look for
next time.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only lower case at the end of a refdes is
ignored by pcb (but not by gsch2pcb), so something like Rp4 is ok.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread Stuart Brorson

On Mon, 30 Oct 2006, John Luciani wrote:

On 10/30/06, Peter Baxendale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another dumb question. I teach a class of undergraduates about ECAD and
this year abandoned commercial tools in favour of geda. Students being
students, they tend to try things I wouldn't think of doing. Today, a
couple of them decided to be creative and on their schematic used names
like "CONNpower" and "CONNsignal" for refdes values. Whilst I thought it
unconventional and probably inadvisable, I couldn't offhand see why they
shouldn't do that.

A reason not to have long refdes values is clutter. Names that are seven and
eight characters get difficult to place (legibly) on dense schematics and
PCBs. A seven character refdes will probably take up more board area than 

of you SMD components.

I'll add a second reason.  In a very common design flow, you first
create a schematic with refdeses R1, R2, R3, C1, C2, C3, etc.  Then
you lay out the board.  Then when the layout is done, the layout
engineer *renumbers* the refdeses from e.g. upper left to lower
right.  The new refdeses are then backannotated into the final
schematic.  The idea is that refdeses with similar number all lie
close to each other so that when it comes time to service the board
(or during DVT) you can more easily find the components.

Note that you can't do this with things like CONNpower and
CONNsignal.  How do you renumber alpha refdeses?  Admittedly,
CONNpower and the like are easier to deal with than J1, J2, etc, but
if you've got a board with thousands of components on it, then you
can't give each a unique alpha refdes, and the above renumbering
scheme is extremely convenient.

Since we can't do backanno in gschem/PCB, this point is moot, however.


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread Peter Baxendale
> Any lower case suffix is ignored. This is so you can, for example, place
> 4 discrete NAND gates on the schematic called U1a, U1b, U1c and U1d, and
> they will netlist into a single footprint / component, U1.

Ah, thanks - that explains exactly what I was seeing - CONNpower became

> I'm not sure of any other restrictions. Spaces are probably unwise " ",
> but I've not tested that.

The students tried that - as you'd expect, spaces are a bad idea.

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread Peter Baxendale
> A reason not to have long refdes values is clutter. Names that are seven and
> eight characters get difficult to place (legibly) on dense schematics and
> PCBs. A seven character refdes will probably take up more board area than most
> of you SMD components.

Yes, I agree entirely. What I meant was that I was surprised that pcb
doesn't work with this kind of refdes. For instance, Ja doesn't work

geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread John Luciani

On 10/30/06, Peter Baxendale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Another dumb question. I teach a class of undergraduates about ECAD and
this year abandoned commercial tools in favour of geda. Students being
students, they tend to try things I wouldn't think of doing. Today, a
couple of them decided to be creative and on their schematic used names
like "CONNpower" and "CONNsignal" for refdes values. Whilst I thought it
unconventional and probably inadvisable, I couldn't offhand see why they
shouldn't do that.

A reason not to have long refdes values is clutter. Names that are seven and
eight characters get difficult to place (legibly) on dense schematics and
PCBs. A seven character refdes will probably take up more board area than most
of you SMD components.

I usually use Jn for connectors. If I want to label a connector
"power" or "signal"
I will add labels to the schematic and PCB. It is usually easier to place two
smaller strings (neatly) than one large one.

(* jcl *)


geda-user mailing list

Re: gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread Peter Clifton
On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 13:59 +, Peter Baxendale wrote:
> Another dumb question. I teach a class of undergraduates about ECAD and
> this year abandoned commercial tools in favour of geda. Students being
> students, they tend to try things I wouldn't think of doing. Today, a
> couple of them decided to be creative and on their schematic used names
> like "CONNpower" and "CONNsignal" for refdes values. Whilst I thought it
> unconventional and probably inadvisable, I couldn't offhand see why they
> shouldn't do that.
> Gsch2pcb happily produced a netlist and pcb file which both looked fine,
> as far as I could tell. But when loaded into pcb, optimising the netlist
> causes error messages such as "Can't find CONN pin 4 called for in
> netlist".
> So does pcb require that all reference designators be in the form of a
> string followed by a numerical value? If so, are there any other refdes
> restrictions I should know about? Given time, they're bound to find
> them...
> Thanks,
> PB

Any lower case suffix is ignored. This is so you can, for example, place
4 discrete NAND gates on the schematic called U1a, U1b, U1c and U1d, and
they will netlist into a single footprint / component, U1.

(The NAND symbols are "slotted", you set the 4 gates to a different slot
number - with the "slot" attribute, and they will each netlist to the
correct pins in the final package.)

So... don't use lowercase suffixes, also:

Don't use the hyphen character "-", in the refdes, as it upsets the M4
macro language used to process generating the footprints. (I think "_"
is ok.

I'm not sure of any other restrictions. Spaces are probably unwise " ",
but I've not tested that.


Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173

geda-user mailing list

gEDA-user: pcb refdes name restrictions?

2006-10-30 Thread Peter Baxendale
Another dumb question. I teach a class of undergraduates about ECAD and
this year abandoned commercial tools in favour of geda. Students being
students, they tend to try things I wouldn't think of doing. Today, a
couple of them decided to be creative and on their schematic used names
like "CONNpower" and "CONNsignal" for refdes values. Whilst I thought it
unconventional and probably inadvisable, I couldn't offhand see why they
shouldn't do that.

Gsch2pcb happily produced a netlist and pcb file which both looked fine,
as far as I could tell. But when loaded into pcb, optimising the netlist
causes error messages such as "Can't find CONN pin 4 called for in

So does pcb require that all reference designators be in the form of a
string followed by a numerical value? If so, are there any other refdes
restrictions I should know about? Given time, they're bound to find


geda-user mailing list