Re: [gentoo-user] used computer

2005-03-31 Thread Antoine
A. Khattri wrote:
On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Joel Merrick wrote:

Plus the fact that I can sit next to my girlfriend and work, while she
yaps on, has increased my scoring on the boyfriend points chart ;)

Yapping? How do you get any work done?! :-)
It's a technique my father perfected and I am in training. You simply 
ignore everyone and everything. Someone asks you a question or to do 
something and you don't even hear it. I have not yet perfected the 
automatic "reasonable answer" (i.e., you give the impression of having 
heard and replied but you really have not even registered it) but am 
working on it. It takes time and perseverance but is well worth it ;-).
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [VERY OT] A Windows shell Im creating

2005-03-29 Thread Antoine
Ivan Yosifov wrote:
I asume you know M$ is dropping support for non-.NET VB...
Could someone tell me exactly what this means? I am trying to convert 
the boss to Java and if this was something serious then I might have a 
better shot. Does it mean that non .NET will not run properly on their 
forthcoming pieces of vomit OSes?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] fix your client, please

2005-03-28 Thread Antoine

   Anyway, I'll do my bit to remember that this list and only this
list requires me to hit reply where as all the others I'm all require
me to hit reply-to.
Heat suit on,
I have never really been able to work out what goes on with these 
things... FWIW, I can certainly say that more than 70% of the lists I 
subscribe to have the gentoo behaviour - and it annoys the hell out of 
me to use the others...
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: What an average gentoo user does over 6mnth period

2005-03-28 Thread Antoine
Gabriel M. Beddingfield wrote:
Harry Putnam wrote:

different.  But for now, I end up wanting to use emerge but can't
because of these massive chunks of time needed to compile things like
mozilla or kde.  Not sure I understand why binaries for such things
aren't commonly used.

IMHO, use the '-bin' (binary) packages for mozilla, firefox, and openoffice. 
They are usually available, and work pretty good.  On my 1.6GHz PentM, OOo
takes about 4-5GB of filespace (tmp) and a day.  Not worth it to me.

I don't think KDE packages are avail with a binary package.
Just because you use Gentoo doesn't mean you can't use binary packages. 
Some are in portage, and some are not.

And yes, the install takes days of tweaking.  But look it at as an
investment.  Unlike other OS's (e.g. Fedora), you'll only need to install
Gentoo *once* and still be up2date.
About once a week I run:
# emerge --sync
# emerge -a --update world
And go to bed.  In the morning it's usually done.
And/or you can be pragmatic and say that both kde and OO only get 
updated every 2-4 months... In any case, what needs to be realised is 
that if you do weekly or by-weekly sync+updates then you never have to 
wait that long. It is when you get complacent and don't do it for 6-8 
weeks that you can get emerge worlds taking a day (excepting kde and OO 
of course).
In general, the question is a little poorly put - gentoo people 
(generally) like to be up-to-date, and will spend sometimes ridiculous 
amounts of time to be that way. If you just want all the benefits of 
portage and don't want to spend silly amounts of time - then don't! Just 
be satisfied with 6 week old packages and do an emerge world every 
couple of months before going to bed. This will require making sure that 
you have enough space for things like OO and kde to compile (well OO 
anyway) but with disk space as cheap as it is... I now sync only every 
month or so and spend very little time on system maintenance. I still 
run a 2.6.8 for pete's sake! ;-).

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] [VERY OT] Skining Windows 98 or ME

2005-03-06 Thread Antoine
Pupeno wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Je Sabato Marto 5 2005 22:28, Ian K skribis:
Oh, I know, but all of you guys are geniouses! I do apologize,
but you are the most intelligent people I know, to ask.
I ask the question again though.
If 'we' are so intelligent, and we are mostly using Gentoo, why don't you just 
follow the path the geniouses have drawn for you and use Gentoo instead of 
Windows ?
Because I suspect he is like me - he is forced to work with doze at 
work, and would like to be able to make it more Gentoo-like.
In any case, in a slightly related topic... with a GPL version of QT 
coming out for doze, it is going to be possible (though maybe not 
feasible) to port kde to doze (or so I have read). Apparently this is 
going to mean that it will be able to use the doze kernel, and kde as 
your desktop. That would be huge! Pure kde/qt apps would then be 
immediately xplatform.
On another count, it seems there is already a gtk port, so does that 
mean it would be possible to port Gnome (I can't see anyone jumping up 
for that but you never know...) also?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] eclipse and memory

2005-03-01 Thread Antoine

In short, you'll probably notice some slowdown, but Eclipse is the best
IDE I've ever used and it's worth it :) [*]

The intention of my post is to tell Antoine to get the most out of his
system. I agree, physical limits are limits. :)
Thanks for that - it is the garbage collector I am supposed to be tuning?
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] eclipse and memory

2005-03-01 Thread Antoine
I am wondering whether it is worth trying to install eclipse with 256meg 
of RAM. I have tried netbeans and it was a complete dog. Has anyone got 
any experience with this?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Two Distros, One Drive

2005-03-01 Thread Antoine
Bo Grimes wrote:
Bill Davidson wrote:
Yes, you can do this. In fact, if you follow the alternate install 
guide in the gentoo handbook, you can install gentoo from your other 

Thanks to all for the input thus far.  I knew I could dual-boot, because 
I am, but I have never run two Linux versions on the same drive, but it 
doesn't sound vastly different, so thanks again for the help, especially 
some of the partitioning examples.

Regarding the above, I have been reading the handbook and saw that 
possibility.  My primary concern right now isn't to just get Gentoo 
running; it's to get a real Linux education.  Would installing from my 
current distro accomplish that just as well, y'all think?
I would definitely suggest this path. That way you can have a window 
open with the handbook. If you have a laptop or another machine that 
might do but I would install this way next time (you won't be 
reinstalling gentoo very often, that is for sure!).
Installing Gentoo, in any manner, will teach you more about linux in a 
day than you would learn in many moons with anything else (except maybe 
LFS, but that wouldn't take a day!). Just get stuck in. It is one of 
those never look back things. Have a bootable (knoppix or the Gentoo 
livedisk) handy in case you install over the bootloader. I have never 
really been interested in Grub cos it is more complicated than lilo, and 
lilo has never given me any probs at all (I always install to mbr as well).
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Installing Oracle 9iR2

2005-02-28 Thread Antoine
Chris Boot wrote:
If I remember correctly, you'll have a hard time installing the database 
unless you can run the older version of Java: the NetCA that runs to 
create your database and setup your tnsnames.ora file requires JDK 1.1 
and won't work on any newer version (it will complain about permissions 
or something). Unless you really have to stick with Gentoo, I would 
recommend going to an older version of some other distro (with a 
compatible libc), or upgrading to Database 10g. That being said I have 
managed to install DB 9i on Gentoo, but only after installing gcc 2.95, 
compiling an older glibc somewhere else without NPTL, and I still had to 
build my tnsnames.ora manually.

Good luck!
PS: I'm doing an internship at Oracle, if that's any help.
Frank Schafer wrote:
did you check all the Oracle prerequisites? I had very similar behaviour
on a machine with insufficient amount of (physical) memory.
PS: You could try installing via ``automatic response file'' avoiding
the ``Universal Installer'' which is (hmm, Java) simply a ressource
On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 21:19 +, Konstantinos Agouros wrote:

I am trying to install Oracle 9i Release2. I had to change the 
and replace it with a link to the blackdown jdk because of LIBC 
incompatibilities. Now when I start runInstaller a window opens after 
the splash screen, I have a whole lot of java processes of which 
(according to top) none is doing anything, and the window stays grey 
(remotelogin via ssh).
Did anybody install this and have success?
There is a guy that works at oracle that uses Gentoo. He has got it (9i, 
I guess R2) running fine and has instructions somewhere. He may mention 
something cos I think he reads this list. It certainly doesn't require 
gcc 2.95. I think I had it completely installed but seeing as I know 
extremely little about oracle couldn't import the database I wanted to, 
so couldn't really test it.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PDF document 1.4 created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0

2005-02-26 Thread Antoine

I just emerge it.
Makes no difference.
Sounds like a great opportunity to get down and dirty... 8.5 is 
available as source from:

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PDF document 1.4 created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0

2005-02-25 Thread Antoine
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 13:40:12 -0700, Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 19:47 +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
> > On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Joseph wrote:
> >
> > > I have a problem printing document created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0
> > > PDF document, version 1.4
> > >
> > > Are there any solution besides emerging Acrobat Reader?
> >
> > Can you see it on-screen with gv?
> >
> > Best regards
> >
> > Peter K
> No, gv is giving me an error:
> Error: /syntaxerror in readxref
> Operand stack:
> Execution stack:
>%interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
> --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
> --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1
> 3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
> --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
> Dictionary stack:
>--dict:1051/1417(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:73/200(L)--
> --dict:73/200(L)--   --dict:97/127(ro)(G)--   --dict:229/230(ro)(G)--
> --dict:14/15(L)--
> Current allocation mode is local
> ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1

Do you have any philosophical objection to afpl (not so libre)
ghostscript (8.5)? It is many versions ahead...
G System, The Evolving GUniverse -
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PDF document 1.4 created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0

2005-02-25 Thread Antoine
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 23:05:25 +0100, Marc Ballarin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005 14:49:43 -0700
> Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It seems to me we are on a mercy of proprietary vendor "Adobe" who seems
> > to dictate the standard via ignorant company and people who use them.
> The PDF-specification is available freely. (Download from Adobe.) Adobe
> even grants permission to use its relevant patents.
> So, if there are problems, the software is to blame. ghostview's support
> for pdf is horrible. You might try xpdf. That's by far the best open source 
> pdf
> viewer.
Yip, seriously in need of more devs though. I wrote to the author
several months ago and he said that he had already written the code
for continuous scrolling. Well... he said he didn't have time to
integrate it, but would get around to it for 3.0.1. Hmmm. That was
months ago! It is so widely used I just can't understand why no one
else is interested... If my c was any good...
ps. there are *heaps* of project that base their code on xpdf - why
don't they pull their heads in and have a go at making the core work

G System, The Evolving GUniverse -
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] PDF document 1.4 created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0

2005-02-25 Thread Antoine
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 17:01:14 -0700, Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem printing document created with Acrobat Distiller 6.0
> PDF document, version 1.4
> Are there any solution besides emerging Acrobat Reader?

You could also try the beta of Acroread 7 for Linux.

G System, The Evolving GUniverse -
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] "Best java in Gentoo"

2005-02-19 Thread Antoine

The sun-jdk ebuild is as stable as Sun's since it just downloads (asks you to) 
the file from Sun's site. 
From your second sentence I assume you're not a proffesional Java programmer.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] "Best java in Gentoo"

2005-02-19 Thread Antoine
Colin wrote:
Ivan Yosifov wrote:
I suggest blackdown-jdk- ( or later :) ). It is based on sun
1.4.2_07 code , contains linux-specific improvements , and is not fetch
restricted. Just my 2c.

I have to program in Java for my computer science class, so is there a 
stable version of JDK 1.5 for Gentoo?
Just download from Sun. I wouldn't bother waiting for a stable ebuild. 
Java doesn't seem to be as integrated as c/c++ so it shouldn't pose any 
problems at all.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: DVD copy?

2005-02-19 Thread Antoine
Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
-- quoting Antoine --
I can't understand why people don't take dvd::rip more seriously. It is
really great (though doesn't do menus but none of the other solutions
seem to either). People think that you only do cds with it - silly. You
just specify the size you want the output avi and it calculates
everything for you. You can do multiple languages and subtitles all
there and there is no need to do things manually like with mencoder. You
probably get better control and quality with mencoder but to do things
properly (crop, multiple langs, etc) you spend so much time. Writing
a tool to do it will always fall short of dvd::rip for me - they have
already done almost all of the hard work. Give it a proper go (i.e., 10
copies or so) before knocking it.

Can it handle 5.1 audio?
A modest google gives this from the dvd::rip site:
DVD audio streams are usually encoded using the AC3 format. You can 
passthrough the AC3, so no re-encoding is necessary, which gives best 
audio quality. Also you keep 5.1 surround sound (if it's 5.1 AC3).

But AC3 streams need considerably more space than MP3 or Vorbis streams, 
so if you don't need the 5.1 format you should re-encode the audio to 
one of these. dvd::rip supports both MP3 and Vorbis. The (S)VCD 
specification defines MP2 as the audio format, so you have no choice here.

So yes it can if it's AC3 (don't know much about that...),
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: DVD copy?

2005-02-19 Thread Antoine
Spider wrote:
On Sat, 2005-02-19 at 11:31 +0100, Antoine wrote:
Aleksandar Radovic wrote:
This is anything but proper Linux solution: DVD shrink under wine works
perfectly for me. 

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 09:34 +0100, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:

Hi all,
I want to make a backup copy of my DVDs, but since they are copy protected 
I can't just copy them via k3b. I thougt I could rip it with dvd:rip and 
then burn it to DVD, but it seems that dvd:rip is only for backups to 
CD-ROM (or did I miss something?).

Isn't there a CloneDVD-like tool for Linux, which I can use to make backup 
copies of my copy protected DVDs?
I can't understand why people don't take dvd::rip more seriously.

Because it looks like a UI written by a Perlmonger? 
Sexy to boot.
 Mostly, thats the
reason to discard it. It makes fancy commandlines, but it doesn't help
you, you still need to know that hrez vs vrez must be even multiples of
16, and so on.
It nicely calculates just these values, and if you decide to change them 
to non-x16 multiples then it will tell you so, and that this is 
sub-optimal. Please explain to me how this is unhelpful. It is an 
excellent piece of software that helps you to get very good results in a 
very short time. As I said, if you want to spend the time optimising 
then you might get better results with mencoder (or straight transcode). 
It will *certainly* take you far longer though.

for a commandline tool, dvdread can store a dvd, unfortunately most
dvd's sold are 6.x gig or so, and wont' really fit on your average
single-layer burnables.
Which is the point in further compressing it...
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: DVD copy?

2005-02-19 Thread Antoine
Aleksandar Radovic wrote:
This is anything but proper Linux solution: DVD shrink under wine works
perfectly for me. 

On Fri, 2005-02-18 at 09:34 +0100, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
Hi all,
I want to make a backup copy of my DVDs, but since they are copy protected 
I can't just copy them via k3b. I thougt I could rip it with dvd:rip and 
then burn it to DVD, but it seems that dvd:rip is only for backups to 
CD-ROM (or did I miss something?).

Isn't there a CloneDVD-like tool for Linux, which I can use to make backup 
copies of my copy protected DVDs?
I can't understand why people don't take dvd::rip more seriously. It is 
really great (though doesn't do menus but none of the other solutions 
seem to either). People think that you only do cds with it - silly. You 
just specify the size you want the output avi and it calculates 
everything for you. You can do multiple languages and subtitles all 
there and there is no need to do things manually like with mencoder. You 
probably get better control and quality with mencoder but to do things 
properly (crop, multiple langs, etc) you spend so much time. Writing 
a tool to do it will always fall short of dvd::rip for me - they have 
already done almost all of the hard work. Give it a proper go (i.e., 10 
copies or so) before knocking it.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: CVS gentoo tutorial

2005-02-18 Thread Antoine
Thomas Kirchner wrote:
* On Feb 18 19:21, James ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
I can more easily learn Subversion, and use it to check in code from a cvs 
respository, modify the code and send it back to a CVS repository (one that 
I do not control, such as ffmpeg) easier than actually employing CVS?
That is, It's easier to use Subversion with an existing CVS project, than to
actually use CVS?

No, Subversion does not operate with CVS repos, only SVN-specific repos.
He was just saying that SVN is the better project (it is) and that the SVN
book is fantastic (it is) so it'd be beneficial to learn SVN.  Your SVN
knowledge will apply to CVS, though, because the two systems are similar -
SVN is intended as a CVS replacement.  Plus, when SVN one day takes over
the world, you'll be in a better spot.
All we have to do now is convince my boss! ;-)
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: CVS gentoo tutorial

2005-02-18 Thread Antoine
James wrote:
Karsten Baumgarten> writes:

James wrote:
| Third, I want to use an IDE such as Eclipse, Anjuta or whatever. Any
| on which IDE to use?  Any examples or Tutorials on using the IDE with CVS?
| Fogel's book nor any docs/tutorials I've found do not address the use
of an
| IDE with CVS.  Thoughts or suggestions?
I suggest you forget CVS for the moment and try subversion 
(, if only for the book 
( Subversion is a better version of CVS 
and everything that could be done the same way was. The book is simply 
fantastic. It takes you from complete beginner to expert, in a very 
gentle way. While CVS is much more common there are still plenty of 
subversion reps around. Once you are comfortable with subversion you 
will be fine with CVS. There is also a section in the book which 
explains the differences between the two.

Since you want to use an IDE anyway... Eclipse and Anjuta both have CVS
support built in. Using one of these avoids messing around with cvs
commands (though you won't learn how to deal with it).
Most IDEs have some support (kdevelop, netbeans,...)

So what your are inferring/suggesting is to learn CVS, which is my current goal, 
use traditional command-line methods to code, compile, and manage
my work, while issuing CVS commands from the command line
Certainly best for the beginning, then when (if) you start using an ide 
and get interesting results you can either do it from CL or understand 
what the ide is doing

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] ntfs vs *nix fs

2005-02-17 Thread Antoine
I had a google but didn't find anything. Anyone know of any 
investigations trying to measure ntfs vs other *nix fss? I know that it 
is a bit like comparing apples with oranges but might be nice.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] OT - making thick tiffs in GS from vectorial pdfs

2005-02-17 Thread Antoine
I can't seem to find any parameters for the algorithm for the tiff
devices that would enable me to thicken the lines produced in the tiff
(i.e., more than one pixel across for a line, I understand that GS is
doing the right thing, just wanted to make the tiff look more like the
pdf-without-smoothing, seeing as the client isn't as image-savvy as we
are!). I am assuming that this is possible just by passing a
parameter... If not, any other tools do this? I assume I can do this
with imagemagick.
G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] Re: libppm

2005-02-12 Thread Antoine
On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 19:11:12 +0100, Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> anyone know where I can get this library?
> Cheers
> Antoine

I found a copy in netpbm 9.14 don't know why it isn't in the latest -
factored into other libs maybe? In any case, anyone know why
subtitle2pbm can't find it? I put links to it in /usr/lib and
/usr/local/lib and reemerged transcode but sub2pbm still can't find
Any ideas?

G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] libppm

2005-02-12 Thread Antoine
anyone know where I can get this library?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gmail question

2005-02-12 Thread Antoine

I like GMail but it comes with its own way of working.
- Mark
AFAICT you do get the mail in the thread. IIRC it didn't used too and 
now will show your message if you start a thread. The thing is that 
there may be some in this thread that use gmail pop (like me). What 
gmail does *not* do is mark your message as new (cos it's not), so you 
won't get it with the other new pop messages in your (for example) 
thunderbird inbox.
I might be wrong about it showing up in the web interface but the rest 
is good.
ps. This is still quite annoying!

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] deltaV servers

2005-02-11 Thread Antoine
I don't really know much about this but are there any OSS servers that 
implement deltaV (with webdav of course)? The boss wants something with 
versioning but turned his nose up at subversion today. I would like to 
be able to provide an alternative to the vpn access with zero versioning 
that we have for our three sites currently.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Filesystem Choice

2005-02-11 Thread Antoine
Heinz Sporn wrote:
Reading all the posts to your question I found it rather strange that no
one seems to be interessted in some basic facts:
1. How will this kind of file server being used? What is its main
2. How many users are we talking here?
3. What are the most important operations you'll expect? Is it like
moving lots of files around or copying entire directory structures?
4. Length of pathnames may be an issue here
5. and so forth ...
Given your unique architecture plans IMHO _any_ recommendation for a
specific FS is based on plain, gray theory.
I read all the replies to this before getting to the only really good 
one! The benchmarks are not going to be much use if you don't have this 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT ghostscript

2005-02-09 Thread Antoine
Peter Eis wrote:
Antoine wrote:
Does anyone know why converting a standard a4 pdf to tiffg4 with 
postscript would give me tiffs of about a1 size?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ gs -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=wow.tif 
-sDEVICE=tiffg4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=a4 general.pdf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ tiffdump wow.tif
Magic: 0x4949  Version: 0x2a
Directory 0: offset 8 (0x8) next 1740 (0x6cc)
SubFileType (254) LONG (4) 1<2>
ImageWidth (256) LONG (4) 1<1728>
ImageLength (257) LONG (4) 1<2292>
BitsPerSample (258) SHORT (3) 1<1>
Compression (259) SHORT (3) 1<4>
Most annoying! I get reasonable values if I set the DPI to 72 (normal 
size) but I need 300. I guess I need to do some kind of resampling - 
or do I?

to create a tiff mith 300 DPI you could use
gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -g2480x3508 -r300 -dTextAlphaBits=4 
-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=wow.tif a4job.pdf

# tiffinfo wow.tif:
 Image Width: 2480 Image Length: 3508
 Resolution: 300, 300 pixels/inch
The width and length tell you how many pixel the image contains.
Now if you calculate
2480 dots / 8.267717 inch = 299,96 dots/inch
3508 dots / 11.692913 inch = 300,01 dots/inch
So if you print the image on a A4 page the resolution is 300 DPI.
AFAIK there is no way to tell a TIFF that it has a specific page size. 
But most imaging programs like gimp for example will also calculate the 
resulting print size based on the resolution and the pixel dimensions.
Thanks, looks like I got myself thoroughly confused here... of course it 
should be that width and height!
Thanks for your help.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] OT ghostscript

2005-02-08 Thread Antoine
Does anyone know why converting a standard a4 pdf to tiffg4 with 
postscript would give me tiffs of about a1 size?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ gs -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -sOutputFile=wow.tif -sDEVICE=tiffg4 
-dFIXEDMEDIA -sPAPERSIZE=a4 general.pdf

[EMAIL PROTECTED] doc $ tiffdump wow.tif
Magic: 0x4949  Version: 0x2a
Directory 0: offset 8 (0x8) next 1740 (0x6cc)
SubFileType (254) LONG (4) 1<2>
ImageWidth (256) LONG (4) 1<1728>
ImageLength (257) LONG (4) 1<2292>
BitsPerSample (258) SHORT (3) 1<1>
Compression (259) SHORT (3) 1<4>
Most annoying! I get reasonable values if I set the DPI to 72 (normal 
size) but I need 300. I guess I need to do some kind of resampling - or 
do I?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] mplayer is broken

2005-02-08 Thread Antoine
Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 09:06:04 -0500, Bill Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 13:25 Mon 07 Feb , Nelis Lamprecht wrote:
mplayer is also broken on my machine after update but my error is different:
gmplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory
I got this also. Re-merging mplayer fixed it.

Trying to re-emerge mplayer gave me the following error:
SET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/include/glib-1.2
-I/usr/lib/glib/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I../loader 
-I/usr/include/gtk-1.2 -I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/lib/glib/include
-I/usr/X11R6/include -o demux_gif.o demux_gif.c
demux_gif.c:21:21: gif_lib.h: No such file or directory
demux_gif.c: In function `demux_gif_fill_buffer':

So I re-emerged giflib first then mplayer built cleanly afterwards.
It affected both mplayer, xine and transcode, so I reemerged a bunch of 
things -libdv and the above and a couple of others. Quite annoying. 
Anyone know what it actually was, cos I don't think any of the first 
ones were emerged with my emerge world...

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] migrating installation from one disk to another

2005-02-05 Thread Antoine
Nick Rout wrote:
On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 08:38 -0700, Kumar Golap wrote:
Hi All,
I am thinking of migrating my system disk (/usr   etc..) to a bigger one
Any ways of how to do that withuot doing a fresh install...
May be its similar to how people may want to clone a system
And more important is that my portage state needs to be remembered so
that i can update later without a hitch.

if you can fit the old disk and the new disk in the same machine its a
back up!
partition the new disk
make a file system on the new disk
mount the new disk as (say) /newusr
copy the contents of /usr to /newusr, makng sure to preserve ownership
and permissions and symlinks
rename /usr to /oldusr
unmount /newusr and mount it as /usr
edit fstab to add the new mount for /usr
reboot to chack it all works as expected
once you are 100% happy, delete /oldusr to free up some space.
I did something similar not t long ago. I would boot to a live disk 
to do it (someone suggested single user, I guess that might work too, 
but what about root...). There are a couple of gotchas which the 
tutorial someone suggested might help you with, but it is pretty 
straightforward. Just don't forget fstab and boot, and you can do 
everything no probs. I did it with a gentoo live disk I think but it is 
probably even better with a knoppix. In any case, I lost nothing, and am 
not an admin, so if you have a backup just give it a crack Nigel.
ps. remember we are linux and not doze here - so no nasty files hiding 
somewhere "because the user doesn't know how to take care of his own ..."

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] way OT - libtiff c help

2005-01-31 Thread Antoine
Jason Cooper wrote:
Antoine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) scribbled:
I can't seem to get any bites on the more appropriate lists I am on...

Have you tried ?

I am almost finished hacking libtiff into something we can use to make 
tiff ATA2100 compliant files and am sure that the last hurdle is 
understanding what the following means:

tif->tif_diroff = (TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) 0, SEEK_END)+1) &~ 1;
(from tif_dirwrite.c)
TIFFSeekFile is
#define	TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, whence) \ 

basically all I need to know is what the &~ 1 does at the end of the 
first line 

whitespace doesn't matter in C, this is taking the output of
TIFFSeekFile and and'ing (&) it with ~1 == 0xfffe .  The type of '1'
will be determined by the type of TIFFSeekFile.  The end result is that
the output of TIFFSeekFile will always be even.

and what the effect of
is. It doesn't look to me much like a function call... but then again, I 
only started really looking at c a week ago :-).

Sure looks like it to me.  grep through the source for 'tif_seekproc',
it'll be a member of a struct and should be a function pointer (this
should be in an include file).  Then look for some sort of an
initialization routine where 'tif_seekproc' is assigned a function
pointer.  The function it is assigned will be what is used when the
above macro 'TIFFSeekFile' is called.
Cheers for that... I ended up being given the low down on the likelihood 
of me being able to do what I wanted and was told it wasn't a starter... 
I ended up doing something much simpler (accessing the tiffs using 
binary file access in VB). Wow, now I can see why learning c by oneself 
is a mission and a half - function pointers... they are scary things...
Thanks heaps, cos I sure wouldn't have got that on my own!

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Java IDE's, (problems with) executing java .classes and you

2005-01-31 Thread Antoine
Phill wrote:
Manuel McLure wrote:
Phill wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] java $ java Test.class
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Test/class/

   java Test
When you run the Java class, you give it just the name of the class 
without the extension. If you say "java Test.class" it's going to try 
to find a class "class" in a package "Test" - i.e. "Test/class.class" 
as the filename to run.

... D'OH.
Thanks for that and for the eclipse suggestion, which is merging as we 
I seriously suggest you have a go at netbeans (the opensource basis for 
Sun's One studio) too. The latest and greatest daily build of the 4.1 
will have most of the functionality of eclipse and I have found it works 
better out of the box. I like it more, to be quite honest, and it is a 
real shame that the ebuild maintainer has not really kept up with 
releases (in a few months when I start working in Java every day I will 
maybe take it over...). It is more friendly I find for beginners and the 
site is more oriented towards users than company advertising people - 
everyone and his dog seems to want to be on the board, and that seems to 
be all the website caters for. Netbeans is almost exclusively a Sun + 
OSS affair (much like and so seems to me to have more 
continuity. It may be a permissions thing (seeing as eclipse was 
emerged, and netbeans was just untarred) but heaps of things just simply 
don't work for me in eclipse.
You are probably aware of the IBM vs Sun rivalry over Java, and with all 
the publicity eclipse has been getting Sun finally decided they would 
throw some money at packaging (website et al) and a few more 
programmers. They are basically the same principle though...
ps. Netbeans has moved more in the last 6 months (since the money 
started...) than in the previous 3 or so years. It is really racing 
forward. Keep an eye out even if you decide not to try it now.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] way OT - libtiff c help

2005-01-30 Thread Antoine
I can't seem to get any bites on the more appropriate lists I am on...
I am almost finished hacking libtiff into something we can use to make 
tiff ATA2100 compliant files and am sure that the last hurdle is 
understanding what the following means:

tif->tif_diroff = (TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) 0, SEEK_END)+1) &~ 1;
(from tif_dirwrite.c)
TIFFSeekFile is
#define	TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, whence) \ 

basically all I need to know is what the &~ 1 does at the end of the 
first line and what the effect of
is. It doesn't look to me much like a function call... but then again, I 
only started really looking at c a week ago :-).

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Re: OO vs OO-Ximian

2005-01-28 Thread Antoine
Jan Callewaert wrote:
* Janne Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-01-28 09:32:08 +0200]:

On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 12:42 -0600, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
Probably not, it probably just puts an icon in the Kmenu. 
I'm still not really sure, but at least Jan Callewaert just said in this
thread that:
"If you use the kde use flag, you have also kdeified menu's and icons
and it uses kde dialogs, etc. I think it's in fact patched like the 
SUSE Openoffice version, which is also kdeified. It's really nice."

I don't think anyone's come up with a sed+awk/perl/python script to
automagically convert GTK/Gnome apps to QT/KDE.
I don't think so either, but OpenOffice-Ximian is neither GTK nor Qt app
and I know it has been themed to match both.
Most of the icons in openoffice can be changed. There is a quite simple 
procedure to get new ones, with a website and instructions (you will 
have to google...). You don't need openoffice-ximian for that. If I 
remember they ones I installed looked quite kde-ish, though it was a 
while ago. I think this will be obseleted quite soon though - OO2 is 
just around the corner and is absolutely brilliant (though pretty slow 
for a lot of things). It is even sexy - something you can not accuse the 
vanilla OO of!

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] RE: little crusade for Gentoo to compile with InnoDB

2005-01-28 Thread Antoine

MySQL is ok for data presentation on a Web site, as it's quick and 
stable. But if you want transactions and foreign keys, you really need 
a whole lot more than what MySQL is capable of delivering.
Or maxdb if you really like the mysql folks, even though the ebuild is 
not in portage.

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Where to specify languages ?

2005-01-24 Thread Antoine
On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 13:12:15 +, Pupeno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Je Vendredo Januaro 21 2005 20:58, Antoine skribis:
> > Pupeno wrote:
> > > I'm currently defining the language to use in my gentoo installation by
> > > adding LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
> > > LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
> > > export LANG LC_ALL
> > > to /etc/profile, which afaik, it's bash only, is there a better place to
> > > specify it ? a better way to do it ?
> >
> > If you want anything but US English then you should also put it in
> > make.conf - put the line
> > LINGUAS="fb"
> > (where fb is the language you want, in your case "en") in somewhere. You
> > shouldn't need to though, as this is, bien evidemment, the default.
> > Cheers
> > Antoine
> > ps. this will compile with the language specified if it exists. I don't
> > think there would be many packages that didn't have English though!
> Hello, thanks for the reply.
> I'm already doing that. I have more than english in my LINGUAS variable and
> there's a package that has the english strings as optional: mplayer (or so I
> was told). Anyway, that's about compiling, and not running.
> Thank you.

You mention "running" in your email? I read "language to use in my
gentoo installation". Sorry if I am not quick enough...

G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] maxdb not in portage?

2005-01-23 Thread Antoine
It seems to be available under the gpl, but not in portage. Is there 
something wrong with it?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] distfile locations

2005-01-23 Thread Antoine
PK wrote:
please do the following :
nano -w /etc/make.conf
copy the contents and mail it back please
I would like to take a look at what the problem could be
I am suspecting that your distfiles directory is not correctly set or 
possibly may have been omitted


CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer"
LINGUAS="fr en"
USE="scanner dvd apache2 innodb doc 3dnow mmx sse dvdread network xvid 
offensive firebird odbc curl ftp interbase mysql tiff xsl flash sqlite 
gd dba session java jikes bash-completion pcre nvidia videos"

Antoine wrote:
I recently posted a bug which was closed as a non-issue. I have not 
played with make.conf or portage settings very much, so am confused. 
When I attempted to emerge the latest stable imagemagick it attempted 
to get it from The file no longer being there, it 
failed. I don't really know how ebuilds work, but it didn't look 
anywhere else. I searched google for the file but it didn't appear 
anywhere that still had a viable link. So I get told by the bug 
reviewer that it is on the gentoo mirrors, which indeed it is.
I guess google doesn't connect to ftp (or rsync?), so that must be why 
it didn't show up, and I guess there are no http mirrors for gentoo. 
My question is this. Why does the ebuild try and get the file from, when they clearly don't keep old versions. This 
problem is not new, as a (in addition to mine) comment on 
gentoo-portage suggests. Can I tell portage to ignore ebuild locations 
and always get files from mirrors? The bug reviewer suggested my 
config was "broken", is that so? Howso?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] distfile locations

2005-01-23 Thread Antoine
Richard Foltyn wrote:
There are dozens of HTTP mirrors for Gentoo, just look at and find several close to you.
Google must not search mirror sites? Why? How? Nevermind...
Then add them to your /etc/make.conf using the GENTOO_MIRRORS option.
This could look something like this:
Maybe you should emerge sync as well, since portage seems to try
downloading already outdated files.
You miss my point... having different mirrors makes no difference - it 
is not trying to download from a mirror, it is trying to download from My portage tree is perfectly up-to-date as, if you have 
a look at the latest stable imagemagick ebuild, it is for  This 
file is not on the imagemagick site.
Any other ideas?

On Sun, 2005-01-23 at 11:01 +0100, Antoine wrote:
I recently posted a bug which was closed as a non-issue. I have not 
played with make.conf or portage settings very much, so am confused. 
When I attempted to emerge the latest stable imagemagick it attempted to 
get it from The file no longer being there, it failed. 
I don't really know how ebuilds work, but it didn't look anywhere else. 
I searched google for the file but it didn't appear anywhere that still 
had a viable link. So I get told by the bug reviewer that it is on the 
gentoo mirrors, which indeed it is.
I guess google doesn't connect to ftp (or rsync?), so that must be why 
it didn't show up, and I guess there are no http mirrors for gentoo. My 
question is this. Why does the ebuild try and get the file from, when they clearly don't keep old versions. This problem 
is not new, as a (in addition to mine) comment on gentoo-portage 
suggests. Can I tell portage to ignore ebuild locations and always get 
files from mirrors? The bug reviewer suggested my config was "broken", 
is that so? Howso?

-- mailing list

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] distfile locations

2005-01-23 Thread Antoine
I recently posted a bug which was closed as a non-issue. I have not 
played with make.conf or portage settings very much, so am confused. 
When I attempted to emerge the latest stable imagemagick it attempted to 
get it from The file no longer being there, it failed. 
I don't really know how ebuilds work, but it didn't look anywhere else. 
I searched google for the file but it didn't appear anywhere that still 
had a viable link. So I get told by the bug reviewer that it is on the 
gentoo mirrors, which indeed it is.
I guess google doesn't connect to ftp (or rsync?), so that must be why 
it didn't show up, and I guess there are no http mirrors for gentoo. My 
question is this. Why does the ebuild try and get the file from, when they clearly don't keep old versions. This problem 
is not new, as a (in addition to mine) comment on gentoo-portage 
suggests. Can I tell portage to ignore ebuild locations and always get 
files from mirrors? The bug reviewer suggested my config was "broken", 
is that so? Howso?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] hey

2005-01-23 Thread Antoine
Eric Thompson wrote:
Ditto that about true english ... 
However, I think he's wanting a graphical installer, which, if I
remember correctly from a few GWN's ago, is in the works for gentoo. 
It won't be ready for 2005.1, which will be in July (i think), but it
may be ready for 2006.0 ..
That's only as far as I know ..

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 04:06:54 +, Douglas James Dunn
First Real English would be helpful. But Gentoo is Based around portage
for an installation program.  I really like it very similar to BSDs
ports tree.  Even in gentoo as we believe in choices no one is forcing
anyone to use portage and we have the choice to use DarkX and or
On Sat, 2005-01-22 at 19:58 -0800, Janith Seneviratne wrote:
is'st is gud if u ppl make an installation program 4 gentoo like
DarkX, anaconda,
To be quite honest, I think you should all lay off the calls for "Real 
English". Every post in this thread, probably even this one, contains 
"errors". These errors may be related to spelling or grammar, or might 
simply be a departure from common usage. We won't even get into style.
At the end of the day, most people on this list who consider themselves 
native speakers don't even speak proper English - they speak a 
more-or-less degenerate antipodian variety.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] ignore update of one package in world

2005-01-22 Thread Antoine
There is currently a bug ( 
that is stopping me from emerging world, is there any way to specify 
when emerging world not to update one of the packages, so the rest will 
attempt to pass? If not, what should I do?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] gaim and msn

2005-01-22 Thread Antoine
Frédéric Grosshans wrote:
I try to connect to msn using gaim (v1.1.1), but I do not manage to send
messages. After  minute, i receive the following error message :
Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard
Everything works fine with AMSN, but I'd prefer the "all in one" aspect
of gaim.
  Did I make a mistake, or is gaim simply broken ?
it works fine here.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Where to specify languages ?

2005-01-22 Thread Antoine
Pupeno wrote:
Hash: SHA1
I'm currently defining the language to use in my gentoo installation by adding
export LANG LC_ALL
to /etc/profile, which afaik, it's bash only, is there a better place to 
specify it ? a better way to do it ?
If you want anything but US English then you should also put it in 
make.conf - put the line
(where fb is the language you want, in your case "en") in somewhere. You 
shouldn't need to though, as this is, bien evidemment, the default.
ps. this will compile with the language specified if it exists. I don't 
think there would be many packages that didn't have English though!

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] fonts and thunderbird look weird since upgrade to xorg

2005-01-20 Thread Antoine
I upgraded to xorg 6.8.0 (it wanted to do it for an -upgrade world, and 
though it pissed me off a little, I thought I had better bite the 
bullet) and let it change most of the config files. I have heard lots of 
nasty things about the change (not from everyone of course) and didn't 
want to force it too much. So I made sure that I put the fonts back, and 
they seem to be there. I did also upgrade to kde 3.3.2, so that may play 
some part. I do get " for ' in firefox though on lots of French pages...
Also the colour of thunderbird has changed to a much darker grey.
Anyone have any feedback on these?

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] tiff tag editor?

2005-01-20 Thread Antoine
Anyone know of a programme that will let me edit tiff file tags?
Adding and deleting is necessary also.
G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] turning the number pad on in kde automatically

2005-01-17 Thread Antoine
On Wed, 5 Jan 2005 18:47:26 +, Peter Ruskin
> On Wednesday 05 January 2005 18:06, Antoine wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Can anyone tell me how to do this? It used to happen
> > automatically under mandrake (I think) and I haven't been bother
> > to check how to do it... I wouldn't know where to start.
> Control Centre -> Peripherals -> Keyboard -> NumLock on KDE Startup
> --
> Peter

Belated thanks!

G System, The Evolving GUniverse -

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] more kde sound...solved

2005-01-16 Thread Antoine

Oh yeah, also make sure the Wave Capture control is turned up, and you might 
try turning on Mic Boost, ie, make sure it's not muted.
The problem was that the second to last bar in alsamixer, the first 
"digital", was at zero. The second digital has no effect. Turned up now 
it works, turning it off stops it from working. At least it is working!

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] more kde sound...

2005-01-16 Thread Antoine
Christoph Eckert wrote:
My problem is that I can't get
kde to register the input from the mic properly. When I
turn both mic and speakers on and put the volume up I can
hear myself correctly on the speakers (from the mic).
However, neither krec nor skype will record (forward) the
input from my mic

You can hear the sound because it is routed directly from the 
input of the card to the output.

Try alsamixer to select the mic input as capture source and 
rise the input level.
Doesn't seem to have any effect... alsamixer has the right mic selected 
(if I select mic2 then there is no sound from the speakers), has the 
word "capture" at the top of the mic level bar, and mic is at 90%. 
Nothing has changed. I tried the other capture options, not knowing what 
they might do - still nothing. I have also tried with audacity, and get 
nothing there either.

-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] more kde sound...

2005-01-16 Thread Antoine
I have looked at most of the recent threads on kde and sound but can't 
seem to figure out where to go from here. My problem is that I can't get 
kde to register the input from the mic properly. When I turn both mic 
and speakers on and put the volume up I can hear myself correctly on the 
speakers (from the mic). However, neither krec nor skype will record 
(forward) the input from my mic. In the control centre it is duplex and 
all... Any ideas?

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT - Gentoo course on paper

2005-01-15 Thread Antoine
Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 15:31:18 +0100
Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is it originally in French or Vlaams (Flemish/Dutch)? Dunno how many 
French readers are here, but there are several Dutch-literate souls 
around, so you might want to post both versions.

I think the numbers would probably be heavily in favour of French 
actually... after all there are a *lot* more people who speak French 
than Dutch, and I suspect (from the lack of traffic on the French Gentoo 
list) that most of them hang around here.

Its in Dutch (my native language), but its for French people.
I can speak French but don't write it, its going to be translated at
I will post both versions after the translation.
Or do you mean three? After all for some real feedback you will want to 
post in English also...

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] where is the best university to study security and networks w/ gentoo like system?

2005-01-13 Thread Antoine
Seung Hyun Cho wrote:
I am looking for the best university to study.
I am interested in security ,networks and open-source solution & mind.
I've heard that the leader of Debian project is studying in cambridge.
He is majoring... something like... 'the way to manage open-source
based project...'
Me is also like to study that or networks.. for my masters & PhD.
Can anybody recommend me a good university? or the best?
(in the states or in england... or somewhere else)
These are surely two pillars of international-quality education.
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: GMAIL accounts

2005-01-11 Thread Antoine

Can we please cease this Gmail invite thing / kill this thread ?
It is the new spam, every list gets flooded by it...!
Not a slight exaggeration there? This is the first gmail thread in a 
couple of months. If I got only one thread of useful spam every two 
months (given that likewise, some people really *do* want/need penis 
enlargers), I would not be too worried...

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] OT: GMAIL accounts

2005-01-10 Thread Antoine
Martoni wrote:
On Mon, 10 Jan 2005 16:46:48 +0100, Beber [Gentoo]
I have 15 invite if some want too

Another 10 ...

6 here. I think they must be getting to saturation point by now...
-- mailing list

[gentoo-user] turning the number pad on in kde automatically

2005-01-05 Thread Antoine
Can anyone tell me how to do this? It used to happen automatically under 
mandrake (I think) and I haven't been bother to check how to do it... I 
wouldn't know where to start.

-- mailing list