[gentoo-user] changing firebirds default startup page globally?

2003-06-25 Thread Merritt Krakowitzer
when editing the all.js file and changing the following



pref("browser.startup.homepage", "http://www.mysite.org";);

Mozilla crashes on startup with no errors. Am I doing this wrong? All I am
trying to do is change the default startup page. I'm rolling out firebird
to 100 workstations and I dont want to set this manually for each user.

Changing other settings in the all.js file like the proxy have worked like
a charm.

Im using: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030611
Mozilla Firebird/0.6 on gentoo offcourse.

Merritt Krakowitzer

Confucious say "He who play in root, eventually kill tree"

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Re: [gentoo-user] Beeping during emerge?

2003-06-18 Thread Merritt Krakowitzer
> Hi,
> This morning I issued this command:
> # nice -n 19 emerge mozilla-firebird.
> All seems to be going OK. Suddenly, however, my computer starts beeping.
> The beeping is irregular, and the beeps are short. Sometimes there will
> be several seconds gap between beeps; sometimes several will happen in
> the same second.
> I paused the job with ^Z and the beeping stopped so I'm pretty sure it's
> this job that's beeping.
> I've never encountered anything like this before! I've heard emerge beep
> sometimes when it wants attention, but this doesn't sound like that.
> There doesn't seem to be any actual problem (it's compiling quite
> happily as we speak) it's just the beeps are annoying...
> Any ideas?

Um its nothing, It just beeps, let it annoy you for a few hours till its
finished, I have no idea why it does this. I think it has to do with the
firebird source itself rather than emerge.

> Cheers,
> Dan
> --
> spiderplant.net

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Re: [gentoo-user] cloning a gentoo installation

2003-06-18 Thread Merritt Krakowitzer
I didnt catch the begining of the thread so forgive me if Im way off, but
I do the below to clone gentoo, below mine there is another way to do it
using rsync.
cloning disks over the network
I needed to clone a number of notebook hdd's for a small rollout. I'm a
lazy bastard so I thought the easiest way to do this was over the LAN.

Contributed by: Merritt Krakowitzer
Comments on this hack: 0
[05/19/03 | Discuss | Link to this hack]

First boot up the target machine, you need have an sshd daemon running on
the target machine with a network interface. In my case I used the gentoo
linux bootable cd.

start the sshd daemon with
#/etc/init/sshd start
you will also need to change the root passwd
If you need more info RTFM.

next bootup the machine you are going to clone, login as root and type the

#dd if=/dev/hda bs=10k | ssh $TARGET_IPADDRESS
\ dd of=/dev/hda bs=10k

Wait a couple of hours and your done.

Note: The drive geometry needs to be exactly the same. There are probably
better ways to do this.

See also: man ssh man dd

Contributed by: Peter Schillerwein
This clones a running linux-system (really):

rsync -v -r -p -o -g -D -t -S -l -H \
--exclude /mnt/   \
--exclude /proc/ \
--exclude /tmp/ \
--exclude /home/ / /mnt/fireball/

The target-disk is /mnt/fireball in my case. We assume the target-disk is
empty at the first time. My home is on a another disk, so i skip it . The
options are:

# next time(s):

If you want to see first what happens, add:


Boot from a CD-ROM and mount the target-disk. Fix fstab and lilo.conf.
Create /mnt and /proc and set the right permissions (for this
directories). Then run lilo and reboot. Next time you run rsync, add these
option to the command-line:

--exclude /etc/fstab \
--exclude /etc/lilo.conf \

Be carefull. This procedure works with a full-blown woody (~70,000 files).

> Try "ghost for Unix", or g4u:
> http://www.feyer.de/g4u/
> I'm curious to hear if it actaully works myself ;-)
> |
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Merritt Krakowitzer

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