[gentoo-user] Re: gentoo and

2005-01-10 Thread Urs Joss
Dmitry S. Makovey  athabascau.ca> writes:

> [...] during startup I need most of the config files to be substituted 
> before services will start etc., and with quickswitch I still need to write 
> rc script and start it somewhere between localmount and hostname 
> setup [...] 

You can select the quickswitch profiles from lilo. I guess it also works 
with grub  (haven't tested either myself).

Quote from /usr/share/doc/quickswitch-1.05/README.gz:

Using the new kernel parameter feature

Quickswitch can select a profile based on a supplied kernel
parameter. Eg., in the LILO prompt on startup, you can type
"linux SWITCHTO=home".
Optionally you can add the following line to your lilo.conf
Some sample lilo.conf entries would be:
label="linux home"

label="linux work"

To enable reading of the passed parameters, add the line
"/usr/bin/switchto -s"
into your /etc/rc.d/rc.local or similar startup file.  You may optionally
pass the -d2 paramter to enable debugging and the -p2 parameter
to pause for 2 seconds to view the status of the switch.

Late answer but still HTH

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] vmware-config.pl fails

2004-01-25 Thread Urs Joss

On Sunday 25 January 2004 22:51, Alan wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 09:06:14PM +0100, 
> > [...]
> > vmware-config.pl i get this compile error:
> > [...]
> > /lib/modules/2.4.20-gentoo-r7/build/include/linux/module.h:21:34:
> > linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory make[2]: ***
> > [...]
> Check to make sure that your /usr/src/linux points to the current
> kernel, and that you've actually compiled the kernel in that dir. 
> The missing linux/modversions.h sounds like the kernel has been
> extracted but not compiled or something.

I ran into the same issue with vmware-config.pl. After recompiling the 
kernel (gentoo-sources-2.4.22-r5), the script worked again like a 
charm. So, at least in my case, Alan hit the spot right away...

I don't exactly know what has happened to my /usr/src/linux directory. 
However, I have played around with some of the genkernel-3.0.1_beta 
ebuilds without actually knowing what it does (I discovered it doesn't 
do what I expected from the previous versions). So maybe I wasn't 
careful enough there...

HTH, Urs

Urs Joss
4055 Basel

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] vmware has stopped working

2003-07-30 Thread Urs Joss
Hi Bill

On Wednesday 30 July 2003 02:12, William Kenworthy wrote:
> [...]
> Trying to run vmware (from a terminal)  brings up the profile
> selection window, but selecting any profiles causes the error below:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] cur $ /opt/vmware/bin/vmware
> XIO:  fatal IO error 0 (Success) on X server ":0.0"
>   after 3072 requests (3071 known processed) with 5 events
> remaining.
> [...]

I had similar issues but did not track it down to _the_ solution (it 
worked again after some fiddling around... I had neither time nor 
curiosity enough to inspect it in more detail). I believe it has to do 
with some issues in the ~/.vmware folder.

Cheap shot (it might have been it): 
$ mv ~/.vmware ~/.vmware.old
$ emerge vmware-workstation

I don't remember what step re-creates the ~/.vmware directory 
(vmware-config.pl??). Anyhow, move the relevante files back to the new 
folder after it "re-appears" (especially the license file).

If that does not do it, try unmerging the package and then erasing all 
vmware related folders from your system - that's what I did. I believe, 
emerge informs you about the relevant places after unmerging.


Urs Joss
4055 Basel

[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

Re: [gentoo-user] Sudden problems with vmware-workstation

2003-07-06 Thread Urs Joss
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody

On Friday 04 July 2003 16:20, Urs Joss wrote:
> However, a few days ago, I discovered I could not start any virtual
> machines anymore (neither with 3.2 nor with 4.0). 

It seems to work again. I didn't approach it as systematically as I 
would have liked to: I could not make up _the_ culprit (probably it was 
me anyway...). And right now I don't have the time and courage to 
breakt it down any more... :-(

What I did:
Unmerged the following unstable packages (and emerged the stable ones):
- - sys-apps/miscfiles-1.3-r2
- - x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r3
- - media-libs/svgalib-1.9.17-r1
- - media-libs/xine-lib-1_beta12

Then I
- - unmerged vmware and deleted any remaining directories.
- - re-emerged vmware

Now it works again. I will track the problem down later on and file a 
bub report if appropriate.


- -- 
Urs Joss
4055 Basel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

[gentoo-user] Sudden problems with vmware-workstation

2003-07-04 Thread Urs Joss
Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody

I have used vmware-workstation (first 3.2 and later 4.0) without Gentoo 
specific problems for some time.

However, a few days ago, I discovered I could not start any virtual 
machines anymore (neither with 3.2 nor with 4.0). Apparently the thread 
VMX terminates unexpectedly. Due to the abrupt stop, vmware "thinks" 
there are still running machines when I try to re-run it.

> [Extract from vmware.log]
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DICT --- GLOBAL SETTINGS
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE:  
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s001.vmdk" : open successful (17) (cap: 
4192256 size: 1985150976).
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE: 
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s002.vmdk" : open successful (17) (cap: 
4192256 size: 783548416).
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE: 
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s003.vmdk" : open successful (17) (cap: 4096 
size: 65536).
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-DSCPTR: "/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl.vmdk" 
: createType: twoGbMaxExtentSparse
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE: 
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s001.vmdk" : closed.
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE: 
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s002.vmdk" : closed.
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| DISKLIB-SPARSE: 
"/VMWare/Templ/Win2KTempl-s003.vmdk" : closed.
> Jul 04 10:41:00: vmx| MStat: Creating Stat vm.uptime
> Jul 04 10:41:00: mks| MKS IPC closed the connection with thread VMX 
> Jul 04 10:41:00: mks| MKS: Thread VMX exited unexpectedly.
> Jul 04 10:41:00: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 start exiting
> Jul 04 10:41:00: mks| VTHREAD accounting: u=5 k=0 wall=234 ms 2.1%
> Jul 04 10:41:00: mks| VTHREAD thread 1 exiting, 1 left

My first thought about changes on my system was module-init-tools which 
I have emerged in order to test development kernels. But the problem 
remained after unmerging it and remerging modutils.

Maybe the new baselayout has something to do with it. Did anybody else 
experience something alike?

Thanks for any hints and kind regards

P.s. the only unstable packages I have emerged are:

- --
Urs Joss
4055 Basel
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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