This isn't really Gentoo related, but my suspicion is that someone here
has seen this and knows the right way to do it.

Here's the deal, I have installed Linux (not Gentoo, sadly) on my Sega
Dreamcast and I compiled the ghttpd webserver on it.  It also has a
broadband adapter in it, so I want to serve out pages from it (just as a

BUT, I'd like to front-end this server with an Apache webserver running
on Gentoo.  I think what I need to do this is the ProxyPassReverse
directive in Apache.  What I want to have happen is that whenever anyone
goes to that it instead displays
content from the Dreamcast (running on a private IP, let's say  I don't want to do redirection, because I don't want the
outside world to really "touch" the Dreamcast box (except to see it's
web content forwarded to them by the Gentoo box).

To accomplish this, I did the following:
1) I uncommented the lines relating to mod_proxy in
2) In my Vhost.conf, I have this for
    ProxyRequests on
    ProxyPassReverse /dreamcast
3) Restarted Apache.

However, when I got to, I get a 404. 
I must be missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Shane Hickey : Nerd 
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