> Impatient to an answer to my query whether or not I
> could change CHOST and CFLAGS in make.conf after
> having installed everything with reference to Intel
> arch instead of AMD, I went ahead anyway -- and it
> worked! After 7 3/4 tense hrs(!)xorg was emerged
> successfully. Well, almost.

While the switch is possible, it can introduce issues (i.e. one library
built for one architecture being linked against that of another arch), which
is why it is recommended not to be done.

That said, most of the time the issues will relate to what the compiler
optimizes at.  For example, if the 3dnow extensions were used for the amd
builds, those extensions aren't available for the Pentium platform.  Things
will compile and link against the old libraries (because it's the same api
for both platforms), yet you might run into strange issues (i.e. segfaults
et al.) when you attempt to run software that uses those extensions.

The fact that you were successful in rebuilding at this point is
meaningless; whether it runs or not will be the true test.

> In /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts I found two bad links to
> CID and Speedo in /usr/share/fonts. There was nothing
> in emerge.log about this. How did this happen if all
> the checksums worked? Anyone suggest a fix?

The /var/log/emerge.log would report errors on checksums and, when these
occur, emerge bails.  So you probably didn't get any errors on those.

As far as a fix for the links, I'd suggest just building the links manually
to restore them to their proper values.

> I haven't run Xconf yet, I was hoping for some tips
> for setting up my card, a Radeon 9250, mindful of the
> recent debate on the list of the relative merits of
> ATI and nVidia cards. I'm not a gamer and a lot of eye
> candy in not important to me but I would like sharp,
> clear text in the documents I hope to be able to read
> once X windows is startable 8)

The standard output of the xorg configuration should work for you in that
case.  You'll probably need to edit the config to specify your preferred
resolution stuff and might try running the radeon driver over the ati
driver, but for general X usage either should be fine.

> Also, df returns a reading of 29% use on /. But that's
> what is was before. Surely 7 3/4 hours of compilin'
> and installin' would have added a fair chunk to the
> hd.

Well, you really didn't install anything new, you simply rebuilt and
replaced what was already there, so you should not expect any significant
disk usage increase.

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