Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

2015-06-24 Thread David Collins
Hello, Peter.

My own personal experience ...

We started off connecting Geoserver to MS SQL Server tables to deliver KML
to Google Earth.  This was because SQL Server was a corporate direction,
and consequently our data warehouse sits in SQL Server.  I was aware that
performance was worse than that of PostGIS but persisted for while, but
then we had an upgrade to 64-bit SQL Server and performance halved.  I then
got approval to install PostGIS on the same servers that were running
Geoserver.  We use FME to replicate data from SQL Server to PostGIS on a
nightly basis, but we are copying only the data that is required (eg.
attributes required for styling and filtering) into PostGIS - so we are
really just using PostGIS to hold simple 'layers' (in GIS-speak) rather
than for a relational data structure.  In some ways conceptually we are
using PostGIS as an alternative to holding layers in shapefiles.  When I
explained it that way, the database people were happy.

The advantage of replicating the data into the Geoserver/PostGIS system, is
that you can trim it right down - it is lean and fit for purpose - so you
should get good performance.

Our systems have been running for about 5 years, and we never have to do
anything much with PostGIS.

David Collins
Senior Geoscientist

On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 9:23 PM, Peter Kovac 

> Dear GeoServer users,
> my company develops systems in meteorology, climatology, radiation
> monitoring etc. It's mostly data collection, storing and later retrieval.
> Our customers started to demand maps, recently.
> What we need is a map client serving customers' data, both rasters (e.g.
> forecasts from GRIB files) and vector (e.g. various values measured by
> stations from a national climatology network). We looked out for some
> options and settled on a combination of a GeoServer & OpenLayers
> integrated into our existing web interface.
> After several weeks of playing with GeoServer I got an impression that
> GeoServer works great in combination with a local PostGIS instance.
> PostGIS fits well into our scenario, too: it would contain metadata about
> our rasters with time dimensions, and whole vector layers.
> The problem is we already have our own infrastructure which does all the
> bookkeeping of all our datasets. E.g. we already store our raster data
> somewhere in the filesystem and there is a table in our database which
> tracks metadata (origin, time, etc.) about these rasters. For climatology
> data, we use Oracle database and have our own schema which stores
> information about weather stations (e.g. name, location) and current and
> historical measured values.
> Because of this, my manager does not want to allow me to create a PostGIS
> instance along with a GeoServer instance. His arguments is it's
> unnecessary duplicity, it won't be consistent with our database unless we
> invest heavily in syncing the two and it needs additional maintenance. His
> original idea was that our system will provide data to a GeoServer
> instance via some Web Service / WFS / whatever and GeoServer will just
> "render" it. The problem is our system does not have a WFS interface
> (yet?) and our existing interfaces are not OGC standardized. Of course, if
> we implement WFS we won't need GeoServer (mostly).
> I tried to explain to him that we should treat the PostGIS store as some
> kind of internal GeoServer store (just like various index files on disk -
> he is a database guy and does not care about all those files created by
> GeoServer - he cares about databases) and not try to mess with it in order
> to speed up development (deadlines are tight, as usual).
> I need either better arguments in this debate or an alternative solution.
> I stumbled upon DataStore Development tutorial on GeoTools (
> ) which
> looks promising, but I'm not quite sure if it's the right thing. I'll try
> to implement a proof-of-concept to see if I'm able to convert our existing
> database schema into a new Data Store type recognized by GeoSever.
> In the meantime I'd love to hear your opinion about the case. Is it common
> to implement custom DataStores from existing databases or mirroring it in
> PostGIS is the preferred way? Are there any other options?
> --
> Peter Kovac
> IMS Programmer
> MicroStep-MIS
> --
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> ___
> Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

2015-06-24 Thread Ben Caradoc-Davies

your proposal to use a PostGIS instance on the same server as GeoServer 
is what I know as the Forward Cache Pattern:

Is your spatial data service read-only? How fresh does the data need to 
be? A forward cache is easiest to implement with read-only data where 
real-time updates are not required.

In my experience, a forward cache is a great way to improve the quality 
of data from disparate sources. I always choose PostGIS as I have found 
it very easy to administer and it seems to run unattended without the 
regular human sacrifice required by Oracle.

Advantages of a PostGIS forward cache:

- Performance: local PostGIS is very fast, and it is much easier to 
diagnose and fix performance bottlenecks in the forward cache rather 
than in a network of sources
- Indices: PostGIS can calculate indices for data sources that do not 
support them
- Constraints: PostGIS can be configured to reject inconsistent data, 
for example, data in a shapefile may reference a feature in a database 
that no longer exists; a PostGIS forward cache constraint will tell you
- Relationships: views/joins that calculate relationships between types 
from different sources; you can also deliver complex types with 
app-schema to make these relationships available to users
- Security isolation, as scheduled tasks can push data into PostGIS in a 
DMZ server, with no need for incoming connections into your internal network
- Confidentiality: data loading process can select only the subset 
approved for publication, reducing the risk of unwanted disclosures
- Redundancy: GeoServer can keep on using PostGIS even when the Oracle 
or remote filesystems are down

Yes, there is an additional cost in implementing a forward cache, but 
the benefits are substantial. I have seen several examples where 
insistence on using a bare corporate database (driven by managerial and 
DBA pressure) has resulted in poor outcomes for web service end users.

If you are not permitted to use a forward cache and need to access your 
non-OGC back end web services, you might want to consider the 
unsupported webservice data store. The webservice data store was written 
to allow GeoServer to consume arbitrary SOAP web services as a back end 
for app-schema complex feature data stores (usual GeoServer OGC front end):

I do not know if there are any current users of the webservice data 
store. It is unsupported. You can run the unit tests by building 
GeoServer with the -Pwebservice profile.

Kind regards,

On 24/06/15 23:23, Peter Kovac wrote:
> Dear GeoServer users,
> my company develops systems in meteorology, climatology, radiation
> monitoring etc. It's mostly data collection, storing and later retrieval.
> Our customers started to demand maps, recently.
> What we need is a map client serving customers' data, both rasters (e.g.
> forecasts from GRIB files) and vector (e.g. various values measured by
> stations from a national climatology network). We looked out for some
> options and settled on a combination of a GeoServer & OpenLayers
> integrated into our existing web interface.
> After several weeks of playing with GeoServer I got an impression that
> GeoServer works great in combination with a local PostGIS instance.
> PostGIS fits well into our scenario, too: it would contain metadata about
> our rasters with time dimensions, and whole vector layers.
> The problem is we already have our own infrastructure which does all the
> bookkeeping of all our datasets. E.g. we already store our raster data
> somewhere in the filesystem and there is a table in our database which
> tracks metadata (origin, time, etc.) about these rasters. For climatology
> data, we use Oracle database and have our own schema which stores
> information about weather stations (e.g. name, location) and current and
> historical measured values.
> Because of this, my manager does not want to allow me to create a PostGIS
> instance along with a GeoServer instance. His arguments is it's
> unnecessary duplicity, it won't be consistent with our database unless we
> invest heavily in syncing the two and it needs additional maintenance. His
> original idea was that our system will provide data to a GeoServer
> instance via some Web Service / WFS / whatever and GeoServer will just
> "render" it. The problem is our system does not have a WFS interface
> (yet?) and our existing interfaces are not OGC standardized. Of course, if
> we implement WFS we won't need GeoServer (mostly).
> I tried to explain to him that we should treat the PostGIS store as some
> kind of internal GeoServer store (just like various index files on disk -
> he is a dat

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

2015-06-24 Thread Phil Scadden
We do have a small POSTGis instance, used largely for "project level" 
databases as opposed to "corporate level", but most of what we serve 
through geoserver is coming from the corporate Oracle database.

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Re: [Geoserver-users] WMS-C (tiled=true) not using GWC's metatiling: How to debug?

2015-06-24 Thread Chris Snider
Hi Jens,

You can check GeoServer logs which are default written to "logs/geoserver.log" 
which is relative to the GeoServer data directory.  You can change the log 
settings under the "Global" option of the administration screen to higher 
levels.  There is also a log viewer in the "About & Status" menu section called 
"GeoServer Logs".  This provides, by default, the last 1000 lines from the 
current log file.

Hope this helps,

Chris Snider
Senior Software Engineer
Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.
[Description: Description: Description: cid:image001.png@01CA1F1F.CBC93990]

From: Nachtigall, Jens (init) []
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 7:24 AM
Subject: [Geoserver-users] WMS-C (tiled=true) not using GWC's metatiling: How 
to debug?


I ran into the problem that text labels are omitted when the labels would go 
over a WMS tile border. So I thought of passing tiled=true and 
tileorigin=minX,minY as part of the WMS request, and use Metatiling this way.

I activated *all* the options as stated on

Still it seems that the WMS request does not pass the request over to the 
integrated GWC. I looked at logs/catalina.out but this still does not give me 
any hint. Any advice on how I could debug this?

Maybe the extent is misaligned or similar, but the log does not say anything 
about this. Tilesorigin is "154224,5219773" for a custom Gridset based on 
EPSG:25832 (used in ol3 and the gridset as minX,minY for Extent). Using 
/geoserver/gwc/service/wms it is working, but for 
/geoserver/gwc//wms the tiled and tilesorigin option seem to make 
no difference.

The used client is OpenLayers3.


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OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors 
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Geoserver-users mailing list

Re: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

2015-06-24 Thread Chris Snider
Hi Peter,

GeoServer has data drivers for both MS SQL Server and Oracle, but I believe you 
have to install them separately as extensions from the download page.
MS SQL Server:

Once you have your appropriate extension installed, you can use them to either 
serve the native tables, native views, or add an SQL View to the GeoServer side 
on the "New Layer" screen from the " On databases you can also create a new 
feature type by configuring a native SQL statement. Configure new SQL view..."

This allows you to define a relatively simple SQL statement that GeoServer will 
execute against the backend for WMS/WFS results.

Hope this helps.

Chris Snider
Senior Software Engineer
Intelligent Software Solutions, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Kovac [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 5:24 AM
Subject: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

Dear GeoServer users,

my company develops systems in meteorology, climatology, radiation monitoring 
etc. It's mostly data collection, storing and later retrieval.
Our customers started to demand maps, recently.

What we need is a map client serving customers' data, both rasters (e.g.
forecasts from GRIB files) and vector (e.g. various values measured by stations 
from a national climatology network). We looked out for some options and 
settled on a combination of a GeoServer & OpenLayers integrated into our 
existing web interface.

After several weeks of playing with GeoServer I got an impression that 
GeoServer works great in combination with a local PostGIS instance.
PostGIS fits well into our scenario, too: it would contain metadata about our 
rasters with time dimensions, and whole vector layers.

The problem is we already have our own infrastructure which does all the 
bookkeeping of all our datasets. E.g. we already store our raster data 
somewhere in the filesystem and there is a table in our database which tracks 
metadata (origin, time, etc.) about these rasters. For climatology data, we use 
Oracle database and have our own schema which stores information about weather 
stations (e.g. name, location) and current and historical measured values.

Because of this, my manager does not want to allow me to create a PostGIS 
instance along with a GeoServer instance. His arguments is it's unnecessary 
duplicity, it won't be consistent with our database unless we invest heavily in 
syncing the two and it needs additional maintenance. His original idea was that 
our system will provide data to a GeoServer instance via some Web Service / WFS 
/ whatever and GeoServer will just "render" it. The problem is our system does 
not have a WFS interface
(yet?) and our existing interfaces are not OGC standardized. Of course, if we 
implement WFS we won't need GeoServer (mostly).

I tried to explain to him that we should treat the PostGIS store as some kind 
of internal GeoServer store (just like various index files on disk - he is a 
database guy and does not care about all those files created by GeoServer - he 
cares about databases) and not try to mess with it in order to speed up 
development (deadlines are tight, as usual).

I need either better arguments in this debate or an alternative solution.

I stumbled upon DataStore Development tutorial on GeoTools ( ) which looks 
promising, but I'm not quite sure if it's the right thing. I'll try to 
implement a proof-of-concept to see if I'm able to convert our existing 
database schema into a new Data Store type recognized by GeoSever.

In the meantime I'd love to hear your opinion about the case. Is it common to 
implement custom DataStores from existing databases or mirroring it in PostGIS 
is the preferred way? Are there any other options?

Peter Kovac
IMS Programmer

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Geoserver-users mailing list

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[Geoserver-users] WMS-C (tiled=true) not using GWC's metatiling: How to debug?

2015-06-24 Thread Nachtigall, Jens (init)

I ran into the problem that text labels are omitted when the labels would go 
over a WMS tile border. So I thought of passing tiled=true and 
tileorigin=minX,minY as part of the WMS request, and use Metatiling this way.

I activated *all* the options as stated on

Still it seems that the WMS request does not pass the request over to the 
integrated GWC. I looked at logs/catalina.out but this still does not give me 
any hint. Any advice on how I could debug this?

Maybe the extent is misaligned or similar, but the log does not say anything 
about this. Tilesorigin is "154224,5219773" for a custom Gridset based on 
EPSG:25832 (used in ol3 and the gridset as minX,minY for Extent). Using 
/geoserver/gwc/service/wms it is working, but for 
/geoserver/gwc//wms the tiled and tilesorigin option seem to make 
no difference.

The used client is OpenLayers3.


Monitor 25 network devices or servers for free with OpManager!
OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors 
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Geoserver-users mailing list

[Geoserver-users] GeoServer without PostGIS, is it a good idea?

2015-06-24 Thread Peter Kovac
Dear GeoServer users,

my company develops systems in meteorology, climatology, radiation
monitoring etc. It's mostly data collection, storing and later retrieval.
Our customers started to demand maps, recently.

What we need is a map client serving customers' data, both rasters (e.g.
forecasts from GRIB files) and vector (e.g. various values measured by
stations from a national climatology network). We looked out for some
options and settled on a combination of a GeoServer & OpenLayers
integrated into our existing web interface.

After several weeks of playing with GeoServer I got an impression that
GeoServer works great in combination with a local PostGIS instance.
PostGIS fits well into our scenario, too: it would contain metadata about
our rasters with time dimensions, and whole vector layers.

The problem is we already have our own infrastructure which does all the
bookkeeping of all our datasets. E.g. we already store our raster data
somewhere in the filesystem and there is a table in our database which
tracks metadata (origin, time, etc.) about these rasters. For climatology
data, we use Oracle database and have our own schema which stores
information about weather stations (e.g. name, location) and current and
historical measured values.

Because of this, my manager does not want to allow me to create a PostGIS
instance along with a GeoServer instance. His arguments is it's
unnecessary duplicity, it won't be consistent with our database unless we
invest heavily in syncing the two and it needs additional maintenance. His
original idea was that our system will provide data to a GeoServer
instance via some Web Service / WFS / whatever and GeoServer will just
"render" it. The problem is our system does not have a WFS interface
(yet?) and our existing interfaces are not OGC standardized. Of course, if
we implement WFS we won't need GeoServer (mostly).

I tried to explain to him that we should treat the PostGIS store as some
kind of internal GeoServer store (just like various index files on disk -
he is a database guy and does not care about all those files created by
GeoServer - he cares about databases) and not try to mess with it in order
to speed up development (deadlines are tight, as usual).

I need either better arguments in this debate or an alternative solution.

I stumbled upon DataStore Development tutorial on GeoTools ( ) which
looks promising, but I'm not quite sure if it's the right thing. I'll try
to implement a proof-of-concept to see if I'm able to convert our existing
database schema into a new Data Store type recognized by GeoSever.

In the meantime I'd love to hear your opinion about the case. Is it common
to implement custom DataStores from existing databases or mirroring it in
PostGIS is the preferred way? Are there any other options?

Peter Kovac
IMS Programmer

Monitor 25 network devices or servers for free with OpManager!
OpManager is web-based network management software that monitors 
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Geoserver-users mailing list