Simon & Simon away

2004-06-10 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones
The reason that Simon and I are quiet this week is that Simon is on holiday and I'm at 
PLDI.  We'll be back in action next week.


| -Original Message-
| From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:glasgow-haskell-users-
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Meacham
| Sent: 10 June 2004 01:15
| Subject: GMP
| I was curious what the best way would be to access the various useful
| GMP functions which are not exported for Integers. I was thinking of
| making my own (strict) Integer type, but it would be much easier if I
| can just use the FFI to import the required functions and get at the
| mpz_t inside Integers somehow.
| I am not positive, but it looks like ghc seems to have primitives which
| call the gmp functions internally rather than using the FFI.. At least I
| didn't see an obvious example poking around in the library.
| Has someone already done this? a Math.Integer.Advanced (or something)
| library would be quite a useful addition to ghc.
| John
| --
| John Meacham - ârepetae.netâjohnâ
| ___
| Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Arjan van IJzendoorn
On 10-jun-04, at 17:33, Gracjan Polak wrote:
foreign import stdcall "windows.h &UnmapViewOfFile"
  funptrUnmapViewOfFile :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
   finview <- newForeignPtr funptrUnmapViewOfFile view
   return finview
Strangely enough my finalizer run always this time, no need to say 
performGC or yield'ing at the end of main. But it crashes my program 
That's why I stopped using the newForeignPtr from Foreign.ForeignPtr. 
It also crashed. I wrote:

foreign import ccall "..." finaliserCreator :: IO (FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO 

and then
finaliser <- finaliserCreator
That's why I wrote: "I don't know how to make a FunPtr". I thought I 
knew, but then it crashed.

Any ideas where to go now?
Sorry. As I said before, the Concurrent ForeignPtr works for me. On 
Windows. But it may be so that the finalisers are not called at the end 
of the program but only at GC time. For my application this is no 

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Alastair Reid
On Thursday 10 June 2004 12:07, MR K P SCHUPKE wrote:
> I don't see why GHC can't have a 'callAllOutstandingFinalizers' call
> as part of _exit() or something...

You can do that if your finalizers are written in C (and don't call back into 
Haskell) but if they are written in Haskell then you potentially finalize an 
object before its last use because one of the other finalizers uses it.

To fix this, you have to run the finalizers in the "right order" but how can 
you tell what the right order is?

Alastair Reid
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Alastair Reid

> BUT: This can make some people unhappy. Isn't there a more deterministic
>   way to schedule finalizers?

I wrote the Hugs version which does try to be more deterministic so I'm 
probably not the best qualified to write about what's wrong with GHC :-)
But, I think part of the problem is that GHC gives the 'main' thread special 
status: the whole program quits when the main thread quits even if there are 
other threads that are runnable.  There'd be less of a problem if the whole 
program quit only when there were no runnable threads _and_ garbage 
collection did not create any runnable threads.

I think there's a reason why GHC gives the main thread special status though.  
They certainly went to some effort to give it special status so I guess there 
must be a good reason that they did so?

Alastair Reid
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Gracjan Polak

Alastair Reid wrote:
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
I couldn't get finalisers to work either with the newForeignPtr from
this module. I didn't know how to create a proper FunPtr.

You create a FunPtr using foreign import:
  foreign import ccall "malloc.h &free" free_ptr :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
foreign import stdcall "windows.h &UnmapViewOfFile"
  funptrUnmapViewOfFile :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())
Basically I'd love to do (in Windows world):
mapTheFileToMemory = do
   handle  <- winOpenFile(...)
   mapping <- winCreateFileMapping(...)
   view<- winMapViewOfFile(...)
   finview <- newForeignPtr funptrUnmapViewOfFile view
   return finview
Strangely enough my finalizer run always this time, no need to say 
performGC or yield'ing at the end of main. But it crashes my program :(

Warnings in compilation are also strange:
$ ghc -package win32  --make interlvIO.hs -o interlvIO.exe
Chasing modules from: interlvIO.hs
Compiling Main ( interlvIO.hs, interlvIO.o )
Linking ...
Warning: resolving _UnmapViewOfFile by linking to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Use --enable-stdcall-fixup to disable these warnings
Use --disable-stdcall-fixup to disable these fixups
I did not find any of those flags. Searching sources downloaded from 
website today also does not say anything about stdcall fixups. Changing 
calling convention from stdcall to ccall in import clause did not help 

At the end of (correct) run my program dies with:
interlvIO.exe: internal error: resumeThread: thread not found
Please report this as a bug to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
So basically I have no idea how to make finalizer out of UnmapViewOfFile :(
Any ideas where to go now?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list


2004-06-10 Thread Serge D. Mechveliani
On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 05:14:45PM -0700, John Meacham wrote:
> I was curious what the best way would be to access the various useful
> GMP functions which are not exported for Integers. I was thinking of
> making my own (strict) Integer type, but it would be much easier if I
> can just use the FFI to import the required functions and get at the
> mpz_t inside Integers somehow. 
> I am not positive, but it looks like ghc seems to have primitives which
> call the gmp functions internally rather than using the FFI.. At least I
> didn't see an obvious example poking around in the library.
> Has someone already done this? a Math.Integer.Advanced (or something)
> library would be quite a useful addition to ghc.

Yes, advanced algebra library for Integer should be very useful.
It is a very mathematical and complex piece of Computation.

For example, my DoCon library for CA suffers of a very slow method for 
factoring large integers greater than 10^10. I cannot just 
study-do-implement all the algorithmic mathematics myself, 
it is better to port pieces from some good open-source library.
They say, there exist libraries (maybe, GMP is one of them) for Integer, 
and generally, for Algebraic numbers (also important). 
Open source libraries written in C, algorithms developed by great 
experts, like Lenstra.
The idea is just arrange an interface to GHC and join to GHC library.
I had not looked into such possibilities, so far, because deal with 
other tasks.

Serge Mechveliani

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
I don't see why GHC can't have a 'callAllOutstandingFinalizers' call
as part of _exit() or something...

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Gracjan Polak

Alastair Reid wrote:
You could give the finalizer thread a chance to run by calling 
Control.Concurrent.yield before exiting:

Thanks, it worked. This is ok for me, because my finalizer only closes 
some handles. Those are closed at program end anyway, so in this case I 
can live with it.

BUT: This can make some people unhappy. Isn't there a more deterministic 
 way to schedule finalizers? I've read about MVars etc, but this seems 
like an ugly hack around GC deficiency.

Do weak references have same problem?
Also documentation about newForeignPtr (in Control.Concurrent and in 
Foreign.ForeignPtr) is lying: "The only guarantee is that the finaliser 
runs before the program terminates." Currently there is no guarantee :)

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Alastair Reid
> [program deleted]
> So, this basically means that my finalizer did not get run :(
> [...]
> It should run, in separate thread or not, it doesn't matter here.
> Any ideas why doesn't it work?

Hopefully the GHC folk will correct me if I'm wrong but I think what happens 

- you allocate object with finalizer
- the object becomes inaccessible
- performGC causes the object to be freed by the garbage collector
- the garbage collector schedules a thread to run your finalizer


- before the finalizer thread has a chance to be scheduled, your
  program exits.

You could give the finalizer thread a chance to run by calling 
Control.Concurrent.yield before exiting:

That is, call yield just after calling performGC.

Alastair Reid
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread MR K P SCHUPKE
For a finalizer to run - the program must be around long
enough for GC to happen. I think your program just exits
and deallocates everything, without any GC.

Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list

Re: Finalizers and FFI

2004-06-10 Thread Gracjan Polak

Arjan van IJzendoorn wrote:
> I couldn't get finalisers to work either with the newForeignPtr from
> this module. I didn't know how to create a proper FunPtr. In
> Foreign.Concurrent there is a newForeignPtr that is easier to use:
> [deleted]
So here is the new code:
{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
module Main where
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.ForeignPtr hiding (newForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Concurrent
import System.Mem
myFinalizer = putStrLn "My finalizer"
subproc = do
(ptr :: Ptr Int) <- malloc
finptr <- newForeignPtr ptr myFinalizer
putStrLn "End of subproc"
main = do
putStrLn "End of program"
This program compiled under GHC 6.2 gives follwing output:
$ ./finalizers
End of subproc
End of program
So, this basically means that my finalizer did not get run :( Strange 
thing to me. Spec says 

"The finalizer will be executed after the last reference to the foreign 
object is dropped. Note that there is no guarantee on how soon the 
finalizer is executed after the last reference was dropped; this depends 
on the details of the Haskell storage manager. The only guarantee is 
that the finalizer runs before the program terminates."

It should run, in separate thread or not, it doesn't matter here.
Any ideas why doesn't it work?
Glasgow-haskell-users mailing list