Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for

2008-01-06 Thread Miguel Braganza

First of all, we need to CONDEMN ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE, no matter who
started it and who retaliated disproportionately.

Enquiries by police or CBI or Commissions of Enquiry are no longer
reliable, as we have seen in the post-Godhra violence. We  do not even
know the TRUTH about the train incident at GodhraFIVE YEARS LATER!

John Dayal is a interested party. His views will be as coloured as
that of some Hindu activist. Can a non-Pana, non-Kuwee atheist or
communist comment on it dispassionately?

Otherwise we will be left with ek-ek Kui, Kuwee ani Kwui ani  Tin
Pana [all in Konkani] ;-)

Mog asundi.


Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 14:14:15 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for
--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The "attack on the swami" version of events is
>disputed.  There is a report
>at, which gives details of
>casualties and damages, and calls for a CBI enquiry
>into the whole thing, including especially the
alleged >attack on the swami.

Partisans on the opposite side would always dispute
such events. That is why one should not rely on
propaganda pieces and reports written by activists on
one side or the other of such issues. The above tiny
URL link from the well-known Christian activist John
Dayal is from his own partisan perspective. Please
provide us if you can an impartial report from a CBI,
police or judicial inquiry.



Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2008-01-06 Thread Miguel Braganza


Lighting a match to a tinderbox is bad enough; trying to douse the
fire with gasoline is worse.

Will Kalinga [Orissa] produce another Ashoka? Or will we get another mini-Modi??

What we need to pray/work for is peace in the state that converted
Ashoka to Buddhism.

Asking Catholics to pray for catholics and hindus to pray for hindus
is hardly the best way to go about it. The wrongs have to be either
corrected or forgiven or both. Otherwise there can be no lasting

Religious leaders following the footsteps of politicians is hardly the
best way to do it.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 08:10:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is an obvious dangerous manipulation of the facts
by the other political side in this mess. That is why
it is doubly important for responsible organizations
to report the facts on all sides rather than promote a
partisan agenda. It is a pity therefore that the
religious entity in Goa chose to present a one-sided
picture that served their own agenda and purpose.

This tribal area apparently is a hotbed of aggressive
conversion and re-conversion efforts by both
Christians and Hindus. Imagine two major religions
literally battling with each other in the same
battlefield to indoctrinate people in their competing
esoteric versions of afterlife - simple people whose
entire central concern is basic necessities such as
food and shelter in this one life that they struggle
to live.



From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Jan 6, 2008 2:58 AM
> Is there any truth left in this fundamentalist,
> communalist world?
> Some absolute nonsese at
> Say YES to non-violence and communal harmony. Say NO
> to bigotory and the
> fundamentalists (of all
> types).
> Regards,
> George

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Goanet] From the coming Toronto Convention: Blog - 6 JAN:

2008-01-06 Thread Francis Rodrigues


here's part of the daily blog - click on the link below for
My bald French boyfriend got an Asian wig here, then fled
to India! Can you surmise what'll become of him?  L'Oreal.
Dear L'Oreal:   Hair today, goan tomorrow!
"No, we don't need the airport coach - we have Zico
from Brazil!"
Richest Revlon Supermodel:  SINDHI CROREPHOD !
AMAZING GOA #4: (J.P. Lourenco)

1. Which is the second longest river in Goa?
Zuari river, 67 km in length.
2. What is the traditional rainwear of coconut leaves
called in Konkani?
3. On which day did Goa attain statehood?
30th May 1987.
4. Which folk dance involves the braiding and unraveling
of colourful ropes?
5.  At which major event in Goa is the fire-walking ritual
practiced by the Dhonds?
Shirgaonchi Zatra at Sirigao, Bicholim.


pls. forward to anybody interested in the Convention

Use fowl language with Chicktionary. Click here to start playing!

[Goanet] No shortcuts (monday-muse)

2008-01-06 Thread Pravin Sabnis
MONDAY MUSE (7 Jan '08)


Every visitor to Pedro’s college was treated to the spectacle of his ability to 
jump over ten steps from the mid-landing of the staircase to the landing below. 
However, one visitor was not amused. He was an athlete and sought to prove that 
Pedro’s feat was ordinary.

Pedro pleaded with him not to try it out. It was not prudent for a winner 
athlete to consider an ordinary person’s feat as a challenge. But the athlete 
would have none of it. He went up to the mid landing and jumped off only to 
fall spread-eagled on to the last three steps.

Pedro helped him to his feet and told him an enduring lesson. Pedro had 
initially started jumping off the fourth step. After a few days he moved to the 
next step. One step at a time over four months, he was able to develop the 
skill of jumping from the tenth step. Pedro asked the athlete, “why did you go 
straight to the tenth step?”

Things are not always as easy as they seem. And there are no guaranteed short 
cuts to acquiring the abilities of those who make it seem easy. We can cover 
ground faster by putting in more effort and following a well planned process. 
But things will not happen immediately even if we believe that we are better 
equipped than the one who can do it. Getting better is a process that requires 
time, thought and most importantly confidence that is not clouded by conceit. 

To ‘BE BETTER’ take one step at each instance… 
There are no real shortcuts to cover the distance!

7 Jan 2008, Goa.
Since 2004, the Monday Muse series (based on the annual theme of JCI-India) is 
penned by Pravin Sabnis - a life coach with a passion to connect people to 
their potential. He employs his creative competencies in theatre and trekking 
in his unlearning unlimited workshops conducted for leading corporate & other 

Pravin K. Sabnis 
visit: www.unlearningunlimited

  Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online at

Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto - Nelson, Cornel

2008-01-06 Thread Kevin Saldanha
Dear GoaNetters,

The response to the upcoming convention has been overwhelming.  We wan
to make sure that concerns voiced by Nelson are addressed to his
satisfaction and would welcome his suggestions in that regard.

This event, organized primarily by the GoaNetters Association of
Troroto, in co-operation with all the local Goan groups, will be more
than an academic exercise.  Every workshop will be charged with the
duty of producing a white paper outlining a plan of action and a
timeline that can be revisited in the future.  We have identified
several broad categories that we would like to deal with but other
suggestions are more than welcome.  Not sure where we would put the
breast-feeding issue, though.

Please send your comments and suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
ps. Venentius, thanks for the compliment, I think :-)  /ks
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 12:28:10 +0530
From: "Venantius Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Nelson,
I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
convention could offer. But any convention can offer only so much,
before it turns into a jamboree (meant in the sense of confusion).
There could certainly be a section on small business entrepreneurship,
as well as one on lifestyle and sexuality -- the whole shebang; family
planning, breast feeding, domestic violence/abuse including those that
youngsters are getting into, general sense of values etc.

Hi Cornel,
Kevin Saldanha of Toronto, who attended the Lisbon conference, was
instrumental in offering that the next convention be held in Toronto.
A lot about the Lisbon convention was put out on Goanet, including a
piece by Wendell Rodricks. Between the archives and Kevin Saldanha
(mind bogglingly articulate for the par) , I believe one could have
any question regarding the upcomg Goan convention in Toronto,


Let go of the past and the moments old,
Cast yourself in a brand new mould!
Get set to rise on newer horizons
Let's "develop new dimensions"!!
- Pravin Sabnis

[Goanet] Goa's Security Guards Farce

2008-01-06 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Last evening I was at my ATM machine on the 18th June 
Road in Panjim.  I saw my bank's guard saunter across 
the street to the bank on the opposite flank, to participate 
in the following conference of security guards and their 
loitering colleagues -

This is TEN TIMES WORSE than not having any security.
Who the hell knows who these fellows are.  Note that it
is also encroachment of public pavement space.  This
whole security guards racket is a big sham.  All it does
is contribute more bodies from Orissa and elsewhere
to Goa's swelling migrant population.

The menace of loiterers from all over India grows by the 
hour in Goa.  In Panjim you see them everywhere - around 
those zillion bhelpuri stalls on the riverside promenade, 
around paanwallahs, on pavements, in our jardins, and so 




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[Goanet] Whither goes the SEZs in Goa ??

2008-01-06 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
In American slang parlance, there is a saying "it aint over till the fat lady 
  Now we should not take this literally, the "fat lady" can be anyone who has 
the final say.
  So we need to maintain vigilance.  Of course our valiant Chief Minister, went 
to Delhi and
  demanded the de-notification of all SEZs in Goa.  I find it hard to believe 
that a seasoned
  poloitican like him did not know before the trip to Delhi,  that he did not 
have the power to order a de-notification.
  But it makes good press that the Chief Minister has the interests of Aam Admi 
at heart
  and told the Babus in Delhi off. "  Saab lok tali bajao" or something like 
that,  We are supposed to applaud him for taking this bold step.  Are we a 
bunch of fools to believe this
  boloney ?
  Even if perchance the SEZs are stopped, there is bound to be another 
permutation to pull the wool over Goan eyes.  You can bet your booty that those 
who stand to make a lot of moolah from land deals at the sites designated for 
SEZs-cum-IT Parks-cum Industrial Estate, will not take all this lying down and 
will come up with yet another scheme to enrich themselves.  So continuing 
vigilance is essential.
  Another issue that needs the attention of  GBA and like organizations is the 
  environmental degradation of our forest and arable land by opening up new 
areas for mining
  to meet the insatiable demand for iron ore from countries like China.  Now 
here we are talking about the big boys, the miniing interests with their deep 
pockets and their henchmen.
  The peasants who are directly impacted are a relatively unsophisticanted lot, 
but they know that they are being taken.  They need our support and guidance.  
The areas impacted may be far from the populated areas of the state, but the 
tearing up of the land to get to the
  underlying saleable ore, will impact all of us, through pollution of rivers 
and other water bodies, dust pollution,destruction or arable land and forests 
etc.  This too needs our continuing vigilance and support.
  Let the people prevail !!!

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[Goanet] Valmiki's SEZ Ramayana

2008-01-06 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Valmiki Faleiro wrote:
>You are damned if you do, you are damned if you don’t. 
>That sums up the unenviable situation for Goa’s Chief 
>Minister, Digambar Kamat.
>Digu did.
>Digambar Kamat truly deserves applause – and continued 
>public support.

Why only applause?  Let us mark a new festival to celebrate 
the triumphant return from Dilli of the victorious King Digu 
after vanquishing SEZasura with his own bare hands.  Goans, 
light a lamp in your home and do a little pooja of the valorous 
King Digu, he who put his life at great risk so that you and 
your children could have a better future in Goa.

Warm regards,



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Re: [Goanet] Keeping out-of-state cars out of Goa

2008-01-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Rajan P. Parrikar wrote:
> How can we deter these cars and the hordes they pack
> from swamping Goa?  There are two options.

> One, shoot them at the border.  The problem with this
> option is that a few Goans may object on grounds of
> cruelty to animals.  Therefore, I shall immediately move 
> to option 2.


I am going to give you the same advice I give our friend from Toledo i.e. stay 
off the honey pot when you are writing on Goanet. 

I now know why you never felt "accepted" in the US. 
Had you sent a similar email in the US, you would have been arrested and 


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Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

2008-01-06 Thread Carvalho

--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Selma Elizabeth Carvalho,
> I respect your opinion. But it is wrong to say
> that Bible TEACHES that 
> Eve was created out of Adam's rib. This is a
> symbolic description to show 
> that the woman has equal rights as the male. 

Dear Fr. Ivo,

We are in complete agreement here. The Bible is at
best a quasi-historical and literary document and if
one wishes to imbibe lessons from it, then one is at
liberty to do so. I also imbibe equally powerful
lessons reading the Greek myths, but at no point do I
consider any of them to be divinely inspired.

So to get back to the point I was making, it is
impossible for two differing positions to be tenable
concurrently. One either believes that the Bible is a
book written by earthly writers who are subject to
their own human perceptions and limitations of
knowledge that exist at the time, or one believes that
the Bible was Divinely inspired ergo everything in it
has to be infallible, right down to keeping slaves,
sacrificing your daughters or sons, and so on and so

In sum my point is, Christianity is A religion. It is
not superior to any other religion, infact it hardly
stands the test of wisdom when compared with what say
Socrates or Pythagoras had to offer circa the same
period of time. When we get over the supremacy of any
religion, I think we can embrace spirituality with
much more passion.

On this note I would like to add that by and large,
most Christians have already gotten over the need to
feel superior and are infact quite secular and
tolerant in their outlook.



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[Goanet] Religion, opium of the masses ??

2008-01-06 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
With all the religious bigotry going around, I am beginning to see some widom 
in the words that "Religion is the opium of the masses" attributed to the  late 
Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin.
  I am not an atheist.  I am a practicing Catholic.  But I see dangerous 
elements of fanaticism in many religious beliefs, including intolerance of the 
beliefs or non-beliefs of others. To poor
  unsophisticated people, religion is the ultimate salvation from their 
miseries.  They worship unquestionably, praying to statues and other religious 
icons as though they are a personification of God, rather than symbolic visual 
aids.  At times I admire the blind faith of these simple people, as it is so 
simple and uncomplicated.  But unscrupulous political elements and sometimes 
religious heirachies take advantage of these poor people to further their own 
nefarious activities.
  To me religion helps reinforce one's moral compass.  I am not what has been 
called a 
  "cafeteria Catholic" picking and choosing what I want to believe.  But 
neither am I a moron
  to unquestionably accept every mystery because someone over the years has 
pronounced it to be the unquestionable Truth.  I am after all a rational 

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Re: [Goanet] Beijing Chalo

2008-01-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Philip Thomas wrote:
"Beijing kicks off anti-beggar campaign" HERALD Jan 4,'08. Beggars were a
rare sight in Chinese cities until about 20 years ago when economic reform
and a loosening of social controls allowed a massive influx of migrants from
rural areas. In 2006, Chinese media said Beijing authorities made a pledge
to rid the city of beggars ahead of the hosting of the Olympics with little
apparent effect. They also planned to expel migrant workers but officials
denied the report.

The plan for beggars consists of officers patroling the city 24x7 looking
not just for beggars but also peddlers, pamphlet distributors, tricyle taxi
drivers sans licenes. Police will focus on the city's main boulevard as well
as six key districts. The campaign is intended to promote a "harmonious
[homogeneous?] , civilised and sound urban environment" for the Olympic
Games. Any takers for this approach in Goa? If so, why? If not why not?


This approach has never worked.

It has not worked in Tanzania where the politicians introduced a "head tax" for 
city dwellers in an effort to try and keep people away from the city. Strangely 
enough, these were the same politicians who got support from the farmers, prior 
to independence, because of the farmers hatred of the "head tax" imposed by the 

The approach has not worked in the US or India where people, till this very 
day, sleep under bridges.

The approach will not work for the Communist either.

Here is the reason why. The people flooding to the cities are doing so in 
search of work. They arrive only after facing starvation in the rural areas. 
After near starvation, any option is better.

Let me stick my neck out and suggest how to stem this flow of migrants. The 
only thing that may work is to stop the current system where the farmers are 
getting paid little or nothing for what they produce. The day the farmer can 
earn a living that is comparable to that of a city worker, the migrant flow 
will stop. Or even reverse. Farmers will only get a fair value for their 
produce when the Govt stops the importation of crops from countries that 
subsidize their farmers.

Some 25 years ago, I read a report detailing how the farmers in Tanzania were 
subsidizing those who dwell in the urban areas of Tanzania. The Govt set prices 
for staple and cash crops. The farmers got paid the same price regardless of 
whether there was a glut or scarcity of the crop. The end result? Every time 
there was a drought, farmers moved to the cities to find food for their 
families. What I did not know then was that the US and Europe spend billions of 
dollars a day subsidizing their farmers. As a result, the farmer in India and 
China cannot compete with the US/European farmer. His only escape is to move 
into the city and try to survive. 

  Looking for a X-Mas gift?  Everybody needs a Flickr Pro Account.

Re: [Goanet] Events in Goa...........

2008-01-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Vivian A. DSouza wrote:
> The following weekend will see a series of events organized by alumni of 
> St. Joseph;s Convent School Zanzibar (Tanzania) culminating with a grand 
> Ball at the Marriott Hotel, Goa.


If its a bunch of Zanzibari's, the main event has got to be the fishing 
You better dust off that ol' fishing rod. The prizes for the fishing 
competition, I am told, are one of a kind.

Here are the rest of the events:

PS. In a prior life I dated someone from Zanzibar. I used to call her my 
Zanzibarbie. Fortunately, for her, she got away.

  Looking for the perfect gift? Give the gift of Flickr!

[Goanet] Goa news for January 7, 2008

2008-01-06 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** AIFF gets corporate partner for Goa academy - Hindustan
[Jan 4, 2008]  For starters, a 'world class' academy will be
built in Goa for 100 boys. Dasmunshi said workon the academy
would start by March 31. ...

*** Resist anti-SEZ pressures in Goa - Business Standard
[5 hours ago]  The New Year gift from Goa was the decision not
to allow any Special Economic Zones (SEZ) to come up in the
state. The Commerce Secretary responded by ...

*** SC allows resumption of mining in Goa - Economic Times
[Jan 4, 2008]  GOA: Iron ore extraction at 16 mining sites in
Goa can resume after the Supreme Court gave the go-ahead, on the
condition that they pay a combined Rs 100 ...

*** Elvis Goes - The Manddo Prince of Goa -
[58 minutes ago]  The entire programme was compered by Walter
Menezes from Goa. Kepemchim Kirnnam has the distinction of
giving several scintillating performances at the ...

*** Goa Minister appear before a local court in a threatening
case - Newindpress
[Jan 5, 2008]  PTI PANAJI: Goa health Minister vishwajeet rane
on Saturday appeared before a local court in a case pertainingto
his alleged involvement in threateninga ...

*** Mando Festival in Goa - konkaniworld
[19 hours ago]  The annual Mando Festival, the event of a
colourful form of Konkani music, gets underway at the Kala
Academy in Panjim on Janury 7, 2008 (5 pm) and at ...

*** Benny rout Goa Velha - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  Mapusa, Jan 6: Benny XI Sports Club Mapusa
registered a comfortable 3-0 win over Goa Velha Sports Club in
Vodafone-GFA First Division League at Duler ...

*** Violations of Copyright Act rising in S Goa - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  Even as video libraries have spread all over
south Goa, allegedly most operators carry out business without
obtaining any valid licenses.

*** Goa News claim Vijay Gad trophy - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  Panaji, Jan 6: Goa News scored a 6-wicket
victory against Navhind to emerge champions in Vijay Gad
memorial inter-media cricket tournament at Campal grounds ...

*** Significance of Goa Legislators Day - Navhind Times
[4 hours ago]  by Nandkumar Kamat ON January 9, the Goa
legislature will celebrate the legislators day signifying an
important occasion in the history of democracy in Goa ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

2008-01-06 Thread Miguel Braganza
Dear Dr.Gilbert,

One of the Ten Commandments is, "Thou shalt not bear false witness
against thy neighbour."
Neither Dr. Santosh Helekar not I have written anything about
"original attack". I only mentioned that the term "Unprovoked" is
incorrect ...because I believe that beating up a man, his driver and
his police security is an act of provocation ...specially when
tensions are already running high.

Killing of one man has provoked a World War to erupt. That it was
waiting to happen is exactly the point I want to underscore. Economic
disparity is the surest way to provoke the others. The Regional Plan
and SEZ protests are also manifestation of that divide. What does it
feel when the price of a plot of land soars up to Rs.40,000/- per
square metre or a flat in Miramar costs Rs.15 million?

A MINORITY should never trigger a fight unless they have called in the
reinforcements and they are on stand-by mode .. or summon the US
Sixth or Seventh Fleet at short notice ;-)

family members in Gogo-Margao. They will tell you what is the use of
martyrdom... 20 years after the sacrifice.

Gujarat is a different cup of tea. One does not need to drum up that
example everytime there is a communal fight.

Mog asundi.


Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 6:08:43 -0800
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on his issue.

Both posts below claim of an "original attack".
Even if there was an original attack, this looks like a repeat of the
Gujarat riots saga. Who ever starts it, the chaos spins our of control
with loss of life and property, most of the brunt suffered by the
minority.  Then to claim the government could / cannot "do much to
stop it" is specious.

Do we want another Gujarat or Rwanda type event ... who and however it
was started?

>From the Telegraph:
Though the Swami believes that the 'violence was spontaneous', the
attack on him 'was orchestrated', to eliminate him. And that has put
the region's Hindus on the "defensive," he said, while talking to The

Kind Regards, GL

 Miguel Braganza

AFTER attacking the vehicle with a swami and injuring his driver and
POLICE security officer, can one truthfully claim that the violence
was unprovoked? If the answer is an assertive YES, I am your fairy

--- Santosh Helekar >

The interest of communal harmony would have been better served if this
official religious body had acknowledged  that these horrendous acts
of violence also involved, and were most likely provoked by, an attack
on a swami, as had been mentioned by Miguel and others.

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
Rajvaddo, Mhapsa 403507 Goa
Ph 9822982676 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

2008-01-06 Thread Santosh Helekar
--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>The "attack on the swami" version of events is
>disputed. Even assuming that the anti-Christian
>violence has been "retaliatory" in nature, its sheer
>scale is reminiscent of Gujarat violence of
>2002 in "retaliation" for Godhra. There is a report
>at, which gives details of
>casualties and damages, and calls for a CBI enquiry
>into the whole thing, including especially the
alleged >attack on the swami.

Partisans on the opposite side would always dispute
such events. That is why one should not rely on
propaganda pieces and reports written by activists on
one side or the other of such issues. The above tiny
URL link from the well-known Christian activist John
Dayal is from his own partisan perspective. Please
provide us if you can an impartial report from a CBI,
police or judicial inquiry.



[Goanet] Is Goa a sleeper cell, too?

2008-01-06 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Goa would be an easy target given the many 'Emporiums'
here.  What are the security measures taken by our govt?




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Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

2008-01-06 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Selma Elizabeth Carvalho,
   I respect your opinion. But it is wrong to say that Bible TEACHES that 
Eve was created out of Adam's rib. This is a symbolic description to show 
that the woman has equal rights as the male. The woman was despised. Jesus 
has empowered women in the Jewish society. Bible has to be interpreted in 
the right way. I cannot explain here all in detail. Evolution was not 
rejected, provided that the fact that God is the originator is accepted 
(Pius XII, Humani Generis). Creation is not a scientific theory of origin, 
it is a statement that without God the Big-Bang process could not start. 
Creationism cannot be accepted. No one should try to make us believe that 
Eve was created out of Adam's rib.

- Original Message - 
From: "Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

God is the Originator. Bible

does not exclude theories
of evolution.

With all due respect Fr. Ivo, the Bible would have us
believe Eve was created out of Adam's rib. The Bible
does not leave any room for theories of evolution. It
is infact the Church who subsequently acquiesced that
evolution and Catholicism were not mutually exclusive,
as long as one conceded that God was the Originator.

Fr Ivo wrote:

of us need God's love.
This is divine logic, not human logic. Unfortunately
you seem to have missed
it. Yet do not worry. He is the Saviour of the
This is not "cafeteria religion", but scientific
biblical interpretation.

The concept of a Saviour God was borrowed from
existing agrarian inspired myths of the time. It was
Augustine who later inserted this tricky bit of
theology to justify the need for a Saviour.

*Christian theology did not begin with St.Augustine.

If you are led by Bible to believe that Eve was created from Adam's rib,
why do you reject the teaching on Sin and Grace, which is the biblical 

and is confirmed by human experience?

The concept of sin itself is a product of religion.
For me there is only normative behaviour and aberrant
beviour. Aberrant behaviour maybe the result of mental
impairment, physiological impulses or cultural
moorings. Some of it may be addressed through
treatment, some of it has to be addressed through
negative reinforcement such as prison. In anycase, any
God with the least amount of understanding of human
frailty will not seek redressal harsher than this, and
certainly not an eternity of damnation.

* I do admire you for advising God... You speak of aberrant and deviant 

but forget that human beings have been given the gift of freedom.
In this line of thought, we can choose to sin... It can be frailty as well 
as our decision...
You are raising the problem of "eternal damnation". That is a consequence of 
the misuse of our freedom.
But we do believe also in God's mercy, embodied in his Son, Jesus of 

I do appreciate your point of view is from a
theological perspective but I really am too far
removed from salvation :-)

*Thank you! We do believe that God is Love.

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of religiousinterpretation

2008-01-06 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Dear Fr Ivo
  Re your post,  please enlighten me as to what exactly is "scientific biblical 
interpretation". Does it follow the cannons of modern science? Also, what 
exactly is "divine logic" as opposed to mere human logic?
   Cornel DaCosta

Re: [Goanet] Salvation of caste blind atheists (Bhandare)

2008-01-06 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Nigel,
Sorry for being too 'synthetic' in my answers. Sometimes we can be 
misunderstood. God judges us according to our light. But we have to increase 
our light with God's Grace. As I said earlier, only God can save us, unite 
us to himself. Jesus takes us to the Father. You know Jesus, then you have 
to proclaim his message. But those who have not heard about Jesus or do not 
know him explicitly will live according to their conscience, according to 
their lights, which they imbibe from their cultures, traditions and 

--You say: > If we believe that all will be saved irrespective of whether 
they believe in

Jesus or not, won't it be contradictory to what Jesus said?
*They may believe or not, that depends whether they came to know or not. But 
they are within God's ssaving plan.

--You say: > So if everyone would eventually be saved, why are there so many 
around? Indeed, why does even our Catholic Church have missionaries and 
*The disciples of Christ have the duty of being living witnesses to the 
Gospel of Jesus.

--You say: >Jesus claimed to be

the exclusive means of truth and salvation. People who reject him are also
rejecting God.
*The three wise men (Magi-astrologers) through the Grace of God came to 
faith in Jesus. What about those who do not yet know that Jesus is the 
Saviour? What about those who have not yet made that journey to Jesus? Can 
those who are not Christian get to heaven? Yes, they can. I think we can see 
part of the answer in the account of the wise men. By the Grace of God the 
wise men were led to Jesus. Even though they did not know Jesus, they had a 
desire to meet Jesus. In their own way, with their beliefs, they lived as 
best they could and this eventually led them to Jesus. Vatican II says: 
"Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ 
or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and moved 
by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the 
dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation."(Lumen 
Gentium §16)

--You say: People who claim that there are other ways to salvation are 
wrong, Jesus said.
*Objectively, only God can save. Subjectively, we live in a culture and 
religion and have our 'saviours' and 'healers'. Jesus is the Way, Life, 
Truth. You and I acknowledge it and proclaim it. But what about those who 
did not reach this stage, yet are living in good faith in harmony with their 

You say: > The Christian teaching of exclusive salvation is based on what 
Jesus himself

said, and what the Scriptures teach.
*Yes and no. Yes, Jesus is the Saviour, only he can save. No, because we are 
a 'little flock', those who do not know the Saviour explicitly can be saved. 
Those who live well according to the nature (dictates of conscience), cannot 
be condemned to hell by a God who is not a monster, but a loving Father. 
They can be innerly baptized by the Spirit of God (cf.Jn 3:3.5-6). The 
Church teaches about the threefold baptism: of water, of fire-desire and of 

From: "Nigel Britto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Salvation of caste blind atheists (Bhandare)

Dear Fr.Ivo

>>From what I understand, the Bible makes it very clear that 'Repent and
Believe' is the only way to eternal salvation. At the risk of sounding
fundamentalist here, I'll emphasis another Biblical statement by Jesus
If you don't follow me, you will not be in the kingdom of God (Matthew
7:26-27). If you reject me, you will not be with me in eternity (Matthew

> "I am the light of the world," he said (John 8:12). "I am the way and 
> the

truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you
really knew me, you would know my Father as well" (John 14:6-7).

Truth Liberates

*What is Truth?

Nigel Britto

[Goanet] Check this out...Some more Goan photos

2008-01-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
Check this outSome more Goan Photos..

Mom and kids on the beach (most popular with rediff over 1100 views)

sun has just gone down the Reis-Magos fort

Fish-net, cranes and Dolphin Trip Boat

Check who’s crossing river Mandovi

These two crabs are for sale

Guess this beautiful  Park


A barge, fish net, cranes etc

A little puppy on the beach with cruising boat in the background

Lovers, dogs, puppies, boat etc

A canoe, 4 boatmen, cruise boat etc

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

Support the World Aids Awareness campaign this month with Yahoo! For Good

[Goanet] Goan Convention in Toronto

2008-01-06 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
It was good to see the announcement of the Goa Convention in Toronto in July in 
this year.  All the best to the organizers.

A look at the very well-designed web link provides some tentative information. 
It is nice, to see the beautiful and handsome faces of some Goanetters.  It now 
allows to put a face to a name (of the goanet posts) and provides further 
disclosure.  Yet some have tried to be incognito.

Most faces and names on the web link are veteran goanetters. Yet it is 
interesting, they are not using goanet to start a dialogue on the "Strategic 
LONG-TERM and SHORT-TERM GOALS" of such national / international Goan 
conventions. And how these meetings can build on successes of past meetings and 
provide practical direction of future get-togethers.

A public dialogue, prior to the convention, would help lay the ground-work and 
provide publicity to the convention. Such a dialogue on Goanet would be a lot 
more beneficial to Goa, Goans and goanet; instead of a series of postings on 
religion (or lack there off), or caste.  

The Toronto conventions should permit Goans to organize without direct 
government influence.  Most important it should bring Goans together, hopefully 
on many long-lasting productive endeavors, useful to the Goan community.  This 
is the opportunity to showcase that esteemed Goans can together achieve a lot 
more than song and dance.

>From the names of Goans seen on the convention web, they have never been shy 
>to present ideas, even innovative and radical ones, on Goan web forums.  I 
>hope they do not hold back now, when it counts most. I wish the organizers all 
>the best, as this is their opportunity to show they can "Walk the Talk".

Kind Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria of Religion or Religious Interpretation

2008-01-06 Thread Fr. Ivo da C. Souza

Dear Nigel,
Thanks for your link. It is a good article explaining the four traditions of 
the Pentateuch (JEPD).
We have to understand the religious-symbolic language. There are historical 
elements, but also

theological, midrashic and symbolic.
Since  Christianity is a historical religion, Bible  can  be subjected 
to scientific investigation.
Bible is the Word of  God in human words (language, culture, history, 
mentality and thought patterns).
Jesus  was a Jew of Palestine. Therefore,  his  back­ground has to be 
Also the period of oral  tradition has to be studied. All this belongs to 
biblical exegesis.



From: "Nigel Britto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism 

Maybe this page would clarify the doubts..

On Jan 6, 2008 12:41 AM, Fr. Ivo da C. Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Selma,
1.Bible does not teach that the world was created in seven days. Just 
the two creation accounts of Genesis 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-25, coming from 

different traditions. God is the Originator. Bible does not exclude
theories of evolution.

2.Jesus has a point in his parable about the Prodigal Son (or better the
Elder Son) (See Lk 15:2: Jesus responded to the Pharisees who despised 

common people). Jesus came for the vulnerable. All of us need God's love.
This is divine logic, not human logic. Unfortunately you seem to have
missed it. Yet do not worry. He is the Saviour of the World.
This is not "cafeteria religion", but scientific biblical interpretation.

From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of

> Selma wrote:
> For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
> believe that the world was created in seven days while
> simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of
> mankind.
> Selma wrote:
>>Each person chooses their own untenable positions, for
me it was the rather benign parable of the Prodigal
Son. The reason this parable has such resonance is
because every human being imagines themselves to the
Prodigal Son. >>
> However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
> had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
> son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
> could show such deficiency in his understanding of
> human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
> position for me.
> Mario responds:
 > Clearly, Jesus Christ was not as brilliant or
> insightful or perspicacious as you are.
> Selma wrote:
> If one does believe in salvation resting in just one
> religion...
> Mario responds:
 > Selmabai, even Jesus Christ did not believe this, or
> did your surgeon's scalpel of a mind finally miss
> something in your brilliant deconstruction of the
> Bible:-))


2008-01-06 Thread Carvalho
Everyday I wake up and read yet another horror story
and weep for what India has become. It certainly
wasn't this way in my youth. India's social conscience
is in no hurry to catch up with its economic boom. 

--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is there any truth left in this fundamentalist,
> communalist world?
> Some absolute nonsese at
> Say YES to non-violence and communal harmony. Say NO
> to bigotory and the fundamentalists (of all
> types).
> Regards,
> George


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Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto - Topics to be tackled

2008-01-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Venantius Pinto wrote:
> I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
> of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
> Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
> Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
> great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
> are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
> mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
> convention could offer.

Venantius ,
This convention is organized by Goanetters. 

>From our very first meet, more than a year ago, we decided not to organize 
>"just another convention" but one that would produce solid results i.e. both 
>for Goans and for Goa. If you, or anyone else here, has a topic that needs to 
>be tackled, send in your suggestions. Better yet, make plans to attend the 

This is the time to stand up and let your views be known. 
This is also your opportunity to stand up and be counted. 
More importantly, this is your opportunity to network with those who have 
similar views as you AND who want to do something about it. Send in your 
suggestions folks and mark the dates on your calender. 


  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

[Goanet] Feast of the Three Kings at Cansaulim - Photos

2008-01-06 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar
To Goanet -

Sunday, January 6, 2008: 

The Cansaulim monarch is vested and blessed by the family elders -

The village band was in attendance and the musicians responded to 
my Konkani with their Konkani.  The upper class Sashtikars, on the 
other hand, were all Englishkars -

The procession wends its way through village streets, then through fields -

Hindus from the nearby villages came to the festa -

The Cansaulim King arrives for his rendezvous with the Royals 
from Cuelim and Arossim -

The beautiful Sofia Costa of Majorda -

The final trek up the hill to the Chapel of Our Lady of Remedios -

Warm regards,


Insult of the year: Frankey Fernandes of NDTV mistaking me for 
a bhailo !  The Lord always has a way of getting back at you.


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

Re: [Goanet] Nelson Ferrao

2008-01-06 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 04/01/2008, Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nelson Ferrao has a Facebook page.
> Please ask your children to log in and find out who he
> is.
> Cheers,
> Santosh

RESPONSE: People can use an alias on facebook, although this defeats
the purpose of locating lost friends.

There have been newspaper reports of fraudsters lifting people's
identities - some give too much info; then there are the lurkers who
want to find out about other people surreptitiously.

So all in all facebook isn't all that it's made out to be, although a
very useful tool for many who have made contact through it.

If one is on facebook and has honestly given a profile then there
should be no problem, divulging  their identity on Goanet ?

Gabe Menezes.
London, England


2008-01-06 Thread Santosh Helekar

This is an obvious dangerous manipulation of the facts
by the other political side in this mess. That is why
it is doubly important for responsible organizations
to report the facts on all sides rather than promote a
partisan agenda. It is a pity therefore that the
religious entity in Goa chose to present a one-sided
picture that served their own agenda and purpose.

This tribal area apparently is a hotbed of aggressive
conversion and re-conversion efforts by both
Christians and Hindus. Imagine two major religions
literally battling with each other in the same
battlefield to indoctrinate people in their competing
esoteric versions of afterlife - simple people whose
entire central concern is basic necessities such as
food and shelter in this one life that they struggle
to live.



From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Jan 6, 2008 2:58 AM
> To: Goanet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Is there any truth left in this fundamentalist,
> communalist world?
> Some absolute nonsese at
> Say YES to non-violence and communal harmony. Say NO
> to bigotory and the
> fundamentalists (of all
> types).
> Regards,
> George

Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for Orissa

2008-01-06 Thread Vidyadhar Gadgil
> From: Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Archbishop's Appeal for a Week of Prayer for
>   Orissa
> It is hard to pardon anybody who accuses others of
> resorting to innuendo while admitting his own
> ignorance of the issue. An ignorant man who truly
> wants to find out the details would at least care to
> read Miguel's original Goanet post on it. He would
> learn from the IANS news service report posted by
> Miguel that the Christian Panas people who clashed
> with the Hindu Kandha tribals attacked the swami, and
> the whole thing escalated into mindless violence.

The "attack on the swami" version of events is disputed. Even
assuming that the anti-Christian violence has been "retaliatory"
in nature, its sheer scale is reminiscent of Gujarat violence of
2002 in "retaliation" for Godhra. There is a report at, which gives details of casualties and
damages, and calls for a CBI enquiry into the whole thing,
including especially the alleged attack on the swami.

Question everything -- Karl Marx

[Goanet] SEZ - Creation of Politician

2008-01-06 Thread aura melisa
Hi everyone , congress and bjp , Mathany or any.
  SEZ was not created by the comman man. 
  It was a creation of greedy politicians and their cronies. Mathany or any 
politician deny this and prove yourselves.  
  Let any politiacian or their cronies stand up and say they did what they did 
because  Goans elected them to do what they wanted best. 
  Goa is gone and if the fight to save Goa needs to be continued, politicians 
get out and sincere Goans get in. I know it's a point of not return - Goa is is 
raped and beyond salvage. But as a Goenkar I know hope is there.
  John Colaco

 Get the freedom to save as many mails as you wish. Click here to know how.

Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of religiousinterpretation

2008-01-06 Thread Nigel Britto
Dear all,

Maybe this page would clarify the doubts..

Truth Liberates
Nigel Britto

On Jan 6, 2008 12:41 AM, Fr. Ivo da C. Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Selma,
> 1.Bible does not teach that the world was created in seven days. Just read
> the two creation accounts of Genesis 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-25, coming from two
> different traditions. God is the Originator. Bible does not exclude
> theories
> of evolution.
> 2.Jesus has a point in his parable about the Prodigal Son (or better the
> Elder Son) (See Lk 15:2: Jesus responded to the Pharisees who despised the
> common people). Jesus came for the vulnerable. All of us need God's love.
> This is divine logic, not human logic. Unfortunately you seem to have
> missed
> it. Yet do not worry. He is the Saviour of the World.
> This is not "cafeteria religion", but scientific biblical interpretation.
> Fr.Ivo
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 4:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion/Cafeteria-ism of
> religiousinterpretation
> > Selma wrote:
> >>
> > For instance at some point it becomes untenable to
> > believe that the world was created in seven days while
> > simultaneously believing in the gradual evolution of
> > mankind.
> >>
> > Selma wrote:
> >>Each person chooses their own untenable positions, for
> me it was the rather benign parable of the Prodigal
> Son. The reason this parable has such resonance is
> because every human being imagines themselves to the
> Prodigal Son. Unfortunately even as a very young
> child, I identified with the other son; the good,
> dutiful son who did all the right things. My own elder
> brother was very errant, and my mother went out of her
> way to accommodate his many failings and lack of
> academic interest. Of course, being ten I knew all
> about Law and Justice and little about motherly love.
> > However, the crux of the matter was that Jesus Christ
> > had deeply misrepresented the feelings of the dutiful
> > son and completely misunderstood his angst. If Christ
> > could show such deficiency in his understanding of
> > human nature, than his being Divine was an untenable
> > position for me.
> >>
> > Mario responds:
> >>
> > Clearly, Jesus Christ was not as brilliant or
> > insightful or perspicacious as you are.
> >>
> > Selma wrote:
> >>
> > If one does believe in salvation resting in just one
> > religion,...
> >>
> > Mario responds:
> >>
> > Selmabai, even Jesus Christ did not believe this, or
> > did your surgeon's scalpel of a mind finally miss
> > something in your brilliant deconstruction of the
> > Bible:-))

[Goanet] Edward to regale in 'SIR'

2008-01-06 Thread Goa World
   Edward to regale in ‘SIR’
  Mr. Edward Estibeiro with his mellifluous voice has
created a history on the Konkani stage in Goa by
singing a duet alone, without a female partner by
imitating a female voice with incredible perfection.
It’s indeed a novelty. And now, he will enthrall tiatr
lovers in Kuwait in Comedian Agostinho’s super hit
tiatr ‘SIR’ on Friday Jan. 18th, 2008 at Hawally AC
Auditorium at 3.30 pm. Watch him in action.
  Gate pass: LIMRA CARGO (Tony Golden Goa)
Nicklas-9732917, Philip-9494518, Chequinho-6364366,
Benny-6533229, Laurente-6262597  


Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page.

[Goanet] Happy Feast to all Cansalkars, Velsaokars, Chandorkars and Veremkars

2008-01-06 Thread JoeGoaUk
 Happy Feast to all Cansalkars, Velsaokars, Chandorkars and Veremkars

Chonnem, kaddio-boddio, Reuddio,  Poskotte, Girgirim, Kermes, sortio-housie,
cheuris-paum, Pernim, tamonn, Vhoddlem Mis, Festa mis, Xermao, Daktem Mis,
pirjent,  pursao, umao,  soirim-dairim, dukra-mas, sorpotel, addmas,
san'na-vodde-undde, gaye- mas, asad,  kombea xacuti, nustem, rexad bangdde,
ved'dur-dudhi/bhaji, Kopachem-beer-soro, dans, tiatr, dhirio etc etc

January 6th 2007.
The 3 king feast video clip (Cansaulim/Velsao)
2 kings
 1 king
Our Lady of Remedious Chapel (Main Altar)
A view from the Velsao Lake (Pali-Tollem)
The hillock, the chapel and the 3 kings path/common way to descend
another view of the chapel (new)

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
  For Goan Video Clips

Sent from Yahoo! Mail - a smarter inbox

[Goanet] Query: Information on Nachinola

2008-01-06 Thread Frederick Noronha [फ़रेदरिक नोरोनया]
Dear Albert, Thre's a better chance to get information on such issues
by raising the question publicly -- am copying it to Goanet, and the
two neighbouring village nets, Aldona-Net and Moira-Net. BTW, what's
the link between Friends of Saligao and Nachinola-related information?
Most might not be aware, but Goa has a total of nearly 350 villages
(some so tiny and underpopulated, in parts of the eastern interior,
that you've probably not even heard their name... check the map ). FN

-- Forwarded message --
From: Gabe & Annemarie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 6 Jan 2008 13:32
Subject: Information on Nachinola

Could somebody please send me information about the village of
Nachionola in Bardez.
Also names of distinguihed people from Nachionola.
Any other information of interest would be appreciated.
I need it for a brochure which I am  preparing for The Friends of Saligao
Also contact information of people from Nachionola.
Many thanks
Send to:
Albert Da Cruz

Frederick Noronha Ph +91-832-2409490
Links from Goa:


2008-01-06 Thread George Pinto
Is there any truth left in this fundamentalist, communalist world?
Some absolute nonsese at

Say YES to non-violence and communal harmony. Say NO to bigotory and the 
fundamentalists (of all



Re: [Goanet] Cafeteria-ism of Religion

2008-01-06 Thread Carvalho

--- "Fr. Ivo da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

God is the Originator. Bible
> does not exclude theories 
> of evolution.

With all due respect Fr. Ivo, the Bible would have us
believe Eve was created out of Adam's rib. The Bible
does not leave any room for theories of evolution. It
is infact the Church who subsequently acquiesced that
evolution and Catholicism were not mutually exclusive,
as long as one conceded that God was the Originator.

Fr Ivo wrote:
> of us need God's love. 
> This is divine logic, not human logic. Unfortunately
> you seem to have missed 
> it. Yet do not worry. He is the Saviour of the
> World.
> This is not "cafeteria religion", but scientific
> biblical interpretation.
> Fr.Ivo

The concept of a Saviour God was borrowed from
existing agrarian inspired myths of the time. It was
Augustine who later inserted this tricky bit of
theology to justify the need for a Saviour.

The concept of sin itself is a product of religion.
For me there is only normative behaviour and aberrant
beviour. Aberrant behaviour maybe the result of mental
impairment, physiological impulses or cultural
moorings. Some of it may be addressed through
treatment, some of it has to be addressed through
negative reinforcement such as prison. In anycase, any
God with the least amount of understanding of human
frailty will not seek redressal harsher than this, and
certainly not an eternity of damnation. 

I do appreciate your point of view is from a
theological perspective but I really am too far
removed from salvation :-)



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[Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto_To_Nelson Ferrao_Cornel DaCosta

2008-01-06 Thread Venantius Pinto
Hi Nelson,
I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
convention could offer. But any convention can offer only so much,
before it turns into a jamboree (meant in the sense of confusion).
There could certainly be a section on small business entrepreneurship,
as well as one on lifestyle and sexuality -- the whole shebang; family
planning, breast feeding, domestic violence/abuse including those that
youngsters are getting into, general sense of values etc.

Hi Cornel,
Kevin Saldanha of Toronto, who attended the Lisbon conference, was
instrumental in offering that the next convention be held in Toronto.
A lot about the Lisbon convention was put out on Goanet, including a
piece by Wendell Rodricks. Between the archives and Kevin Saldanha
(mind bogglingly articulate for the par) , I believe one could have
any question regarding the upcomg Goan convention in Toronto,


Cornel DaCosta wrote:
> Hi Nelson
>   Please could you say what was particularly good about the Lisbon Convention 
> and would be useful info for the Toronto Convention?
>  Unfortunately, I could not attend in Lisbon.
>  Cornel DaCosta
> nelson ferrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Dear All
> Are we going to discuss any matters relating to the state of affairs of
> Goa? or it is going to be a pure social gathering!
> The one organised in portugal was very good and this one should be
> organised on a similar basis.

[Goanet] Blog for Goanet

2008-01-06 Thread Francis Rodrigues


here's part of the daily blog - click on the link below for
the rest - incl. the INTERVIEW WITH POPE BENEDICT!! 
My guy went South to pick cotton - no sign of him for
ages! Is he like you at your Goan Convention?   Sadie.
Dear Sadie: Oh, he's goan, but not for cotton!!
"Everybody flu on the plane, we just want runway!"
Prime Minister of Great Britain: GORDHAN BARUN !
AMAZING GOA #3: (J.P. Lourenco)

1.When was the historic Goa Opinion Poll held?
16th January 1967.
2.Which victorious Hindu king is the Musall Nach (pestle-
dance) of Chandor dedicated to?
Hari Hara, King of Vijayanagar in the 14th century.
3. Which fort in Goa was used as a watering station by
Portuguese ships and thus gets its name?
Fort Aguada.
4. Where is the Touxeanchem Fest (cucumber feast)
Church of Santa Ana, Talaulim, Tiswadi.
5.Which tree in Goa is considered the State Tree?
Matti tree (Terminalia 

pls. forward to anybody interested in the Convention

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