Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goan with the wind (Pamela D'Mello)

2010-12-30 Thread Therese Almeida


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

What Goa had was good land management, good water management and a 
vastly better health and social management which was people centric and 
eco sensitive... those living habits are no longer alive and Goa has 
been rendered bankcrupt and feeding on its own  remains.

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 2:43 AM, Goanet Reader wrote:

Goan with the wind

Pamela D'Mello

With holiday homes and resorts
mushrooming all over Goa, the
popular New Year destination is
losing its quaint flavour and
unique charm, fear locals


2010-12-30 Thread Carmen Miranda


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dear Kevin

What I have been trying to do is precisely what you suggested - 
concentrate on bite -size chunks of problems in Goa. Goa has too many 
big problems to be solved and everyone cannot be involved in every 
movement and every action. This does not mean lack of unity. It means 
being realistic. Having analysed the situation in Goa and taken into 
consideration what my expertise and area of interest is I decided to 
focus on the mining issue in Goa. I am therefore giving all my support 
to people working on this issue in Goa.
That is why I visit Goa frequently and work hands-on with relevant 
people in Goa and surrounding states , and even lobby ministers in 
Central Govt. in Delhi, as I do not like to waste my time with Goa 
government politicians for obvious reasons.

However in my experience, trying to lobby Goans to do anything,  is more 
difficult than fighting the powerful mining lobby in Goa. Even trying to 
get people to sign a petition on the internet world-wide about the 
moratorium on new mining leases, after begging and imploring and 
reminding people over and over again I got only 1499 signatures from 
Goans world-wide to be sent to the Minister of Environment  and Forests 
in New Delhi.

Trying to get Goans to come out on demos in Goa is a hugely difficult 
thing to achieve, and that is why I wish you all especially Marion and 
Oscar, the best of luck with the vigil !  Let me tell you that if you 
are not there in Goa to organise these things I will be very surprised 
if something will happen. I tried to get an anti-corruption movement off 
the ground when I was last in Goa, but the moment I returned to 
Londonnothing much happened.

Anyway, as long as you don't bring religion into it, and you have all 
Goans of all types and religions equally involved, I will give my support.

Best wishes to all

2010/12/30 Kevin Saldanha

Dear Oscar and Rene,

Being on vacation for this week, I am enjoying the luxury of 
participating in these threads.  My apologies to those who are being 
hijacked for the ride as I am just 'Replying All' in my response.

I still think that the success of our efforts lies in breaking the 
catch-all 'Save-Goa' impetus into bite-sized chunks and create a forum 
(NrGO?) where those interested/involved/conversant with the various 
issues can put their minds and hearts together with their counterparts 
in Goa without it becoming a case of 'too many cooks in the kitchen'.

If such a system is already in place, let us know.  Eventually there 
will be a groundswell of support that will be difficult to ignore. 
Until then we are 'shooting in the dark' (specially those of us from 
afar, who have been given 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth but TWENTY digits by a 
God who never envisioned the internet).

I don't expect any miracles on 1.1.11 but we need to take this 
opportunity to regroup and reformulate our thoughts without undue 
criticism of those who are at the forefront.  They need our support.



Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goan with the wind (Pamela D'Mello)

2010-12-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

 Rajan P. Parrikar  wrote: Gee, Ms D'Mello, you
must have acquired a new telephoto lens!  I thought that not long ago
I was the only one with a telephoto lens going around "exaggerating"
the rampant construction taking place all over Goa (vide Admin
Noronha's copious droppings here).


Dear Mr. Parrikar,

May I advise you that both you and Mrs. Noronha (nee D'Mello) have got it wrong?

Those concrete structures were always there. (They were meant to be
quarters for NATOE trups; the Purtuguez were planning to sell Goa to
Natoe. That is why intervened)

It is just the the developers have cleared the unsightly forests that
now we are able to see the majestic concrete creations.

So please, please check with Admin's Weak-e-pedia before you cast such
aspersions on our Admin-Noronha.


Re: [Goanet] CHRISTmas eve attack + Official Celebrations in AP & MP

2010-12-30 Thread Oscar Lobo


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

The In charge of

Mary’s Christmas to you and all your staff who render magnificent 
services to people in Christ.

As we in India are in minority (2% or thereabouts of the population) and 
the Christians brotherhood are contributing to the down trodden, is it 
not time for the Christians to take a delegation and

have some protection for spreading the word of Goa.

Lot of stories of Christians murders, lighting people on fire while they 
are asleep in the car) etc all coming out to help the poor.

Also we need to be careful that by helping our poor we should not go to 
convert them.  I hope this is not the case.

It is time that we Christians are recognised by the rest 98%.

Yours in Christ

Oscar C. Lobo.

Re: [Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

To Goanet -

J. Colaco wrote:
>Frederick is a step-too-fast ahead of himself wrt # [1] above.  Is he 
>that IF all Goans, who have emigrated post 1961, had stayed put in 
Goa,  then

>Goa would be a less dirty place?


Time to shove into the trash all this humbug from Admin Noronha and his 

Let's first consider the trash talk about Goans who have left Goa having 
no further claim to their hometown.  One word - bu...@$t.  And one 
finger - you know which one.  You can no more disown Goa than you can 
your own mother simply because you went off elsewhere.

But you have to see them for the two-faced wussies that they are.  When 
I was in Goa for 2 years, on the ground virtually everyday, they 
couldn't give me this doo-doo about talking from a remote place.  So 
what do they do? They instead start a whisper campaign, post chits to 
Goanet with insinuations imputing unholy motives, secret BJP funding, 
this and that, all supposedly figured out from their potty perch at Cafe 

None of this worked, of course, since I turned out to be 100 times the
rascal that Admin Noronha thought I was.  But you can see that a more
sensitive soul would have been easily thrown off the track.

Let us also briefly recognize the larger context, this strange Indian 
tendency to run down other Indians who have emigrated.  We can identify 
two primary classes of these folk.

One, the 
"I-would-have-gone-abroad-if-I-wanted-to-but-I-chose-to-stay-back" guy 
or gal.  Their claim to an exalted existence is that they made the 
supreme sacrifice whereas you bolted to the white man's land.  In their 
mind, you are now the white man's slave whereas they remain virtuous and 
free (except for the Brut perfume he reeks of, and that Blackberry, and 
oh, the KFC chicken he just stuffed into this mouth).  The truth in 
99.9% (statistics obtained from my scientifically conducted research) of 
these cases is that if they had the opportunity you had, they would have 
been outta there in less than a nanosecond.

But don't tell him (or her) that.  You and we all desire peace in the world.

Two, the guy who went abroad and then returned.  This, in his view, 
gives him the ultimate bragging rights over NRIs, and he lives solely to 
exercise this right.

Now, in the interest of fairness, we must also mention that some NRIs do
nothing to inspire affection.  I am talking about those who come to 
believe that the very act of crossing the seven seas endows them with 
superior abilities etc etc.  I guess this is much less of an issue now 
than it was say, over a decade ago, with spread of the internet and of 
course, the spread of wealth and consumer goods in India.  I mean, today 
nobody back home gives a sh*t to the NRI for being an NRI, and rightly so.

This completes my contribution to the dept of social sciences on Goanet.



Re: [Goanet] Ab tera kya hoyega Porikar?

2010-12-30 Thread rajendra kakodkar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Someone wrote: Ab tera kya hoyega Porikar?   Babush all set to contest from 
Panjim and his wife from Taleigao. Given up on St. Cruz.
Rajan replied: Looks like Manohar's goose is cooked. Babush + wife, Churchill + 
daughter + brother, Rane + son, Dhavalikar + brother. At this rate we will have 
about 4 or 5 families ruling Goa.
My response: Does this looks like AB TUMHARA KYA HOGA Porikar+Digu? But only 4 
families have been ruling Goa, since the Opinion Poll. Recollect frequent 
changes in CMs in 90s? Who done it? Now there are only three! They would not 
allow Digu to loose out to Churchill or Babush. Only possibility is Vishu, a 
family member in Law!

[Goanet] "Hosa Varshada Shubhaashayagalu" (New Year)--> hoyega Porikar?

2010-12-30 Thread Pandu Lampiao

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Not very soon- it's now!  -->" situation, for soon the ghatis will
have the numbers to take over"

I think Batekar (former chairman of MPT) and Prudent Media
commentrator, says the numbers don't look good.
Local population (what ever one wants to call them) is about 15% give or take.

How does one arrive at such a figure?

Hang around the Vasco/Margao train station and do the math: about 3K
arrive on the Nizzamudin daily, say another 3K on the weekily Patna +
Howrah 6K +. Not forgetting the folks arriving from Hubli. So the
Batekar's math does add up.

Now politics is a game of numbers and as long as there is a slum in
the constituency, a friend in politics gave me the low down: spend
minimum 4c's and you are assured of winning. Most winning candidates
do not need a single 'local' vote.

Going back to the arrivals from Hubli, in the Murmagao district
(Selma's hood) is where a certain community purchased a large tract of
land, set up house (not a slum) and a place to
pray.nowwoosh..the demographic has changed, one cannot use
the outsider wordlocals if there are but a few are under
watchone wrong move, it only takes one cel phone call to get you
to the cottage hospital with broken bones. The police won't register
an assault report...why bother.

So, the few jornos sucking a la-la-lollypop, some hairy commies trying
to save they don't know what or the posting politician and the posters
in diaspora with coloured glasses...hosa varshada
shubhaashayagalu> kannad translated in
Concani--->Soglak Novi Orchie porob!

jan P. Parrikar  wrote:
> ---
> ---

> Let's see - Babush + wife, Churchill + daughter + brother, Rane + son,
> Dhavalikar + brother.
> At this rate we will have about 4 or 5 families ruling Goa.  But this will be 
> an
> interim
> situation, for soon the ghatis will have the numbers to take over.
> Regards,
> r

[Goanet] Churchill and India.

2010-12-30 Thread eric pinto

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Rolly - The only Indian in Parliament then was Saklatwalla, the lifelong 
Communist, and mentor of Nehru and Menon, both of whom interned at Saklat's 
legal clinic.  They were a thorn in Winnie's side, for decades.
 Times have changed, we now grace the House of Lords, no less, and occupy front 
seats in the Commons, not the 'back benches.'

From: Roland Francis 

[Goanet] Fwd: A collection of Goan Voices, vol 1

2010-12-30 Thread Bosco D


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Please assist if possible.

- B

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nelson Dias 
Date: Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 9:24 PM
Subject: A collection of Goan Voices, vol 1

I have been looking for a copy of the above book for ages.
To date I have failed in my quest so , in desperation, I am turning to you.
Can you help me to complete my volumes.


Nelson Dias

[Goanet] TAG: Sabina narrates experiences of yester years

2010-12-30 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Sabina Narrates Experiences of Yester Years

Smt. Eusebia Feliciana Fernandes popularly known as Sabina Fernandes 
stated that the tiatr fraternity has worked painstakingly to create 
awareness against the merger of Goa into Maharashtra during the historic 
Opinion Poll of 1967 through their songs and tiatrs. She disclosed that 
none other than the late Dr. Jack de Sequeira, Father of Opinion Poll 
requested them to convince the people of the need to preserve Goa as a 
separate identity. The tiatr artistes sincerely and faithfully worked in 
that direction and helped to reject merger of Goa into Maharashtra in 1967.

Recounting her experiences on the tiatr stage she informed the audience 
that it was very difficult for a girl to step on the tiatr stage that 
time because of social constraints. She praised her late mother for 
giving her the required encouragement to act on stage inspite of 
objections from all quarters. She fondly remembered the female artistes 
of that time namely late Cecilia Machado, Betty Ferns, Betty Naz and 
others who could act along with her on the tiatr stage inspite of social 

Answering numerous questions from the audience she disclosed that acting 
on tiatr stage at that time was very difficult because besides social 
constraints there were no required facilities particularly for women 
artistes. Performing the tiatr at night they would go home the next 
morning. However they endured all these hardships due to their inborn 
love for the art of tiatr.

She expressed her gratitude to TAG for giving her the opportunity to 
express her feelings before her fans and advised the modern generations 
to take up tiatr acting and singing seriously. “If you are sincere to 
your work you will always shine, thereby contributing to the overall 
growth of tiatr”, she concluded.

Earlier Shri. Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG welcomed and 
introduced Sabina Fernandes to the audience. Later Shri. Victor de Sa, 
Member Secretary proposed a vote of thanks. The function was compered by 
Shri. Joy Fernandes.

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] Happy New Year 2011

2010-12-30 Thread Dias, Salvador


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Kuwait Goan Association

wishes one and all

A Very Happy New Year

2 0 1 1

Salvador Dias, President
Members and Players

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goan with the wind (Pamela D'Mello)

2010-12-30 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

To Goanet -

>Goan with the wind  
>Pamela D'Mello Mid-Day  
>With holiday homes and resorts 
>mushrooming all over Goa, the popular New Year destination is losing its 

>flavour and unique charm, fear locals

Gee, Ms D'Mello, you must have acquired a new telephoto lens!

I thought that not long ago I was the only one with a telephoto lens
going around "exaggerating" the rampant construction taking 
place all over Goa (vide Admin Noronha's copious droppings here). 



[Goanet] FACTOID: Attempting to buy Goa, 1947

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

SOME OF THE large princely states still had ambitions for sovereignty: the
largest, Hyderabad, was a landlocked state the size of France in south
central India with a population of eighteen million. Its ruler, the Nizam,
harboured ambitions for complete independence and, equipped with a private
army, had made plans for ward. In early 1947 he unsucessfully pressed the
Portuguese to sell him Goa, a prized seaport. --Maria Misra, in Vishnu's
Crowded Temple: India since the Great Rebellion, p 241.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Some books from Goa,1556

Re: [Goanet] Dirt... and us. Was: The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

I suggest you also read what Mahatma Gandhi wrote about his travels in Third 
Class in Indian trains. Little seems to have changed since then, wrt to 
cleanliness and habits.

- Original Message 
> From: Frederick Noronha 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Fri, 31 December, 2010 4:47:47 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Dirt... and us. Was: The Ugly Indian
> A 1987 article, interesting. Found the mid-section a bit problematic
> (in its implications), but the ending is, again, insightful:
> by M MILNER JR -
> 58 THE VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW entertainment takes on special
> importance. Even many ... My thesis is that dirt and development are
> two of the most ...


[Goanet] ALEXYZ Daily Cartoon (31Dec10)

2010-12-30 Thread alexyz fernandes


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

***  Greed, Power, Materialism, Alcohol, DrugsNo Values  ***

**  Dishonesty, Casteism, Hate, Envy, Hypocretes  **

"Goa Today!"

To enjoy the visual cartoon please visit:
Site sponsored by

[Goanet] COLUMN: Controversies hogged Mickky Pacheco for most of the year

2010-12-30 Thread Nisser Dias


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Controversies hogged Mickky Pacheco for most of the year

By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at
SMS to 9422437029

As the world welcomes the new year, I would like to reminisce about some 
important events involving our elected representatives and officials 
during 2010. Topping the list is bandanna sporting MLA who has been in 
news for all the wrong reasons.

Every end of the year while the world readies itself to bring in the new 
and wring out the old, Benaulim MLA Mickky Pacheco seems to have 
attracted only controversies. To make my point clear, last December 
(28th Dec 2009) it was alleged that the former Tourism minister was the 
mastermind behind the stoning and ransacking the house of a Colva panch 
for producing a CD based on the lifestyle of a politician and a priest. 
From then on for one complete year controversies have dogged the 
legislator. And this week we have heard that the Congress led government 
has closed doors on his reinstatement as a minister.

The year started with the South Goa administration or rather the 
district collector G P Naik who is a crony of the politicians issuing an 
order in January to ban the controversial CD without even hearing it. 
Worse still he issued a gag order on the media particularly the 
electronic media of playing the CD on their channels. Subsequently the 
court struck down the order of the Collector terming it irrational. 
Infact, the ban order of the Collector helped the sales of the CD to soar.

In the same month Home minister Ravi Naik made a startling statement 
that drugs were not available in Goa. So illogical was the statement, 
given the fact that drugs and the first tourists made their entry 
together into Goa in the 70’s. Worse still the statement was so 
ill-timed when there were allegation of his son Roy Naik being the 
kingpin in the drug trade along the coastal belt. Subsequently the can 
of worms opened to reveal the involvement of police officers in the drug 
trade which was followed by their arrest and dismissal from office.

In the third week of January, Babush Monserrate revived the ‘Gang of 7’ 
namely the NCP trio, MGP duo, Vishwajeet Rane. Churchill Alemao also had 
talks with the G7. Chief minister Digambar Kamat took the easy way out, 
inducted Babush as the Education minister by dropping equally 
controversial minister Dayanand Narvekar. The month of January 2010 
ended with the scion of the Gandhi family Rahul Gandhi visiting the 
state. Besides the controversy he created with his political meeting at 
the Goa University, he left state with food for thought for the Goan 
youth. He said, “You either play the game or go home. Don’t be a 
commentator be a player”. With this words he was urging the youth to 
join main stream politics.

The month of February saw Coastal Regulation Zone authorities executed 
High Court orders and demolished structures built in violation of the 
CRZ rules and regulations. While temporary structures of traditional 
fishermen and small encroachments of small entrepreneurs faced the axe 
the big fish like owners of five star hotels got away. Ironically hotel 
industrialist are the ones who have changed the demography of the 
coastal line and done much damaged to our shores.

It was also the month when Fatorda MLA sought personal details of all 
the students in the state studying in first to fourth standard and from 
tenth to12th. And the director of Education who is more of rubber stamp 
of the politicians willingly made it available it to him. Nothing must 
have happened now but one can be sure that if the BJP comes to power 
they will use this information to target the minorities.

In the month of March the Tourist Taxi Operators indicated how unruly 
lot they are. It is open secret that these clan fleece tourists left, 
right and centre and want to monopolize this type extortion. They do not 
to share the spoils with


2010-12-30 Thread Kevin Saldanha


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dear Oscar and Rene,

Being on vacation for this week, I am enjoying the luxury of 
participating in these threads.  My apologies to those who are being 
hijacked for the ride as I am just 'Replying All' in my response.

I still think that the success of our efforts lies in breaking the 
catch-all 'Save-Goa' impetus into bite-sized chunks and create a forum 
(NrGO?) where those interested/involved/conversant with the various 
issues can put their minds and hearts together with their counterparts 
in Goa without it becoming a case of 'too many cooks in the kitchen'.

If such a system is already in place, let us know.  Eventually there 
will be a groundswell of support that will be difficult to ignore. 
Until then we are 'shooting in the dark' (specially those of us from 
afar, who have been given 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth but TWENTY digits by a 
God who never envisioned the internet).

I don't expect any miracles on 1.1.11 but we need to take this 
opportunity to regroup and reformulate our thoughts without undue 
criticism of those who are at the forefront.  They need our support.



2010/12/30 Oscar Lobo

Dear Rene!

Wish you a Happy New Year 01-01-11.

You may wish to review your stand on Unity.  It is not possible if Goans 
have their own agenda and are not willing to LISTEN.

God has given us 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth; if only we knew why, then 
we could get Unity in Community.

I hope in 2011 you can come up with something new like educating each 
one of us on how each Goan needs to be recognised by the President of 
India; if I was the President I would honour each
Goan with a Medal, for cheating Goans and in addition giving away our 
properties to the tillers and Mundkars!

I am sure Nehru is learning something from Mahatma as we speak as he 
could not learn when he was on earth.

Too much time is spent on culture; some of which is hurting our unity. 

Mogh sodanch assum

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo JP

[Goanet] Goa news for December 31, 2010

2010-12-30 Thread Goanet News Service

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in India’s Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel D’Silva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manney’s (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Goa News from Google News and
Visit for the full stories.

*** Sunburn 2010 concludes at Goa beach - indiablooms

*** In sombre times, Goa flashes a '1000 smiles' - Sify

*** Goa archbishop quotes from Vedas in pre-New Year address -
ew Year address ...

*** Bharathi Cement announces second line of production - India">Bharathi
Cement commissions Phase II

*** Dropouts drop your frowns, Goa to get own open school -
Times of India
mes of IndiaPanaji: Goa is set to get its own open school when
the new academic year begins. The Goa board of secondary and
higher secondary education deliberated on ...

*** CCIS: 3012 Aires asks Union law minister not to inaugurate
arbitration centre - Times of India
QJM">and more »

*** Facebook helps Goan couple turn hobby into enterprise -
">and more »

*** CCIS: 3112 Up to 1 cr govt loan to institutes of higher
learning - Times of India
mes of India"Most of the 46 institutes of higher education in
Goa have been covered under another scheme of the directorate
where we were providing 50% amount as grants ...

*** Goa whistleblower on cricket nepotism alleges victimisation
TV.comShekhar Salkar, who filed a first information report (FIR)
against Goa Cricket Association (GCA) president and former
deputy chief minister Dayanand ...

*** Happy¦ hic¦ New Year! - Times of India
mes of IndiaThe alcohol industry says Goa drinks close to 12
crore worth of liquor in the last week of December alone. Take
wines for instance, while Sula Wines sells ...

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Dirt... and us. Was: The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Roland, Sorry, there is some confusion below (I should have made it earlier
in my earlier post): the views quoted below belong to M. Milner Jr and are
not mine.

First, a request: please read the paper.  It really challenges our biases
and traditional understanding on this. A tragedy indeed that we need to
depend on Western analysts to write somewhat sensitively on our problems.
Second, a suggestion (maybe to the wrong forum): Milner might now need to
speak of both Western tourists *and expat Indians* find *dirt* a cause of
misunderstanding India.  There were obviously fewer know-it-all expat voices
around when he wrote.

Thirdly, am reverting to a more neutral subjectline *Dirt... and us.* This
is not about *misunderstanding dirt* but about seeing dirt and
*misunderstanding societies* in a position like that of India. FN

> Comment:
> FN, I hope by this you do not imply that western tourists misunderstand
> dirt.
> And here were we, thinking dirt is dirt.

A 1987 article, interesting. Found the mid-section a bit problematic
(in its implications), but the ending is, again, insightful:


58 THE VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW entertainment takes on special
importance. Even many ... My thesis is that dirt and development are
two of the most ...

My description of traditional concepts of pollution is not meant to imply
that Indians are ignorant yokels who need to learn about Western notions of
cleanliness. Rather, the point is that Western concepts of cleanliness
interact with and are modified by more traditional notions, and this is what
we should expect when "a great tradition modernizes" -- to use the title of
Milton Singer's important study of India. The enormous social transformation
that India -- with its rich and complex civilization of more than 3000 years
old -- is undergoing involves not merely copying the West but transforming
itself in ways that in some respects may make it quite different from
Western societies.

The focus of this essay has been on dirt because I believe it is one of the
causes -- perhaps the principal cause -- of Western tourists'
misunderstanding of India. They thus may overlook the very real and
important change and development now taking place in the subcontinent. In
the future, India may well be one of the most prominent and powerful
societies in the world. A failurel to grasp this possibility because of a
limited and provincial understanding of dirt would indeed be tragic.


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Nirmal Kulkarni's The Goa Jungle Book
Sharmila Kamat's Mango Mood
Some books from Goa,1556

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Santosh Helekar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Prejudice by definition is a holier than thou judgment. Indeed, it is worse 
than a judgment. It is a prejudgment based on a belief in the superiority of 
one's own perceptions, anecdotal experiences and attitudes, or worse, based on 
nothing more than the color of someone's skin, his/her ethnicity, his/her 
religion or lack of it, food habits, dress patterns, etc. But it is a fairly 
common human trait, and is very hard to eradicate. So to me the important thing 
is to recognize it in oneself, and try not to let it intervene in finding 
practical solutions to problems. The worst thing about prejudice in the current 
context is the fact that rationales derived from it are being used to explain 
away day to day problems in India such as corruption and filth.

Prejudice is therefore an excuse to do nothing about these problems. If your 
prejudgment is that filth is an innate Indian trait or a uniquely integral part 
of its age-old culture or its native religions, then there is no easy solution 
to the problems. In the former case, you cannot change the genes. In the latter 
case, you have to wipe out India's history and culture, denationalize its 
people, and convert the entire Indian population to whatever religion, or lack 
it, that you think is the best one. If your prejudice is that colonialism is 
responsible for India's present day problems, then you have to invent a time 
machine and kill Timoja, Albuquerque and Robert Clive. 

Prejudicial attitude is a fundamentally fatalistic enterprise. This is very 
evident in most of the posts in this and related threads on Goanet. All you 
have to do is read the overblown rhetoric.



P.S. BTW, I really would like to know what Charudatt meant by Hindu politics.

Charudatt Prabhudesai wrote:

> Selma has been accused by some of
> being prejudiced against Indians for her views
> on the India's hygiene-habit. I feel that this prejudice is
> justified somehow, and I would 
> side with it only if there is something to be done about
> the issue of national attitude to filth
> and not just point judgmental and holier than thou
> fingers.
> The fact is that there is more dirt around/ about people in
> India; Indians are blaze about 
> squalidness and dirt. We may try to justify it by giving
> several reasons if we want to, 
> but since that does not help, there is no point in doing
> so. ( We must also realize that this nation
> has suffered many a dictum like "brahma sttyam
> jaganmitthaa" = only Brahman is truth, 
> all else that is manifest is false. Buddha and Shankara
> have done more harm to the vitality of this
> great nation than a Micky Potcheko can ever hope to!)
> I wonder if anything might actually work except by
> improvement in living 
> conditions by eradication of poverty by effectively
> imposing a forked agenda of pragmatic, 
> good and relevant education and control (for some years at
> least) of our national breeding
> habit. It was there in place during India Gandhi's rule,
> perhaps it is still there but there is no 
> way of implementing it effectively and yet be a democracy!
> (remember nasbandi during 1975?)
> Also without the threat of going out of power. So it is
> catch 22. Besides, with a diversity like 
> ours in a democratic set up only an impossible idealist can
> hope to get results, I guess.
> I am ashamed to admit that we Indians have acquired a
> degenerate sense of hygiene than the 
> rest of the world and, perhaps because of the high world
> standard of hygiene and 
> cleanliness, India's own is way, way below substandard. (We
> may feel proud of the fact 
> that these conditions can/could produce a Mother Teresa!
> Indeed there are great minds who 
> actually feel proud of this fact. Lapierre's romantic
> flattery in "city of love" perpetuate all this)
> I tend to agree with Selma regarding her reference to

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Yep, that happened to me too, on a couple of occasions. 

Please guys, it is unethical to put someone on a private discussion list 
uninvited, especially if that list includes other fora which that person is not 
a member of. 


- Original Message 
> From: Tony de Sa 
> To: "Goa's Premiere Mailing List, Estd 1994" 
> Sent: Fri, 31 December, 2010 1:14:50 AM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian
> @ All Netters
> After this post of mine, I have been subject to a few unsolicited posts of a
> private mailing list. I have written to a couple of these 'gentlemen' that I
> am not interested in unsolicited mail which is the off shoot of a private
> discussion.


Re: [Goanet] Ab tera kya hoyega Porikar?

2010-12-30 Thread Rajan P. Parrikar

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

To Goanet -

>Ab tera kya hoyega Porikar?   Babush all set to contest from Panjim and his  
>wife from Taleigao. Given up on St. Cruz.

Looks like Manohar's goose is cooked.

But the real question is, "Ab tera kya hoga Goemkar?"

Let's see - Babush + wife, Churchill + daughter + brother, Rane + son, 
Dhavalikar + brother.
At this rate we will have about 4 or 5 families ruling Goa.  But this will be 
situation, for soon the ghatis will have the numbers to take over.




2010-12-30 Thread Oscar Lobo


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dear Rene!

Wish you a Happy New Year 01-01-11.

You may wish to review your stand on Unity.  It is not possible if Goans 
have their own agenda and are not willing to LISTEN.

God has given us 2 ears, 2 eyes and 1 mouth; if only we knew why, then 
we could get Unity in Community.

I hope in 2011 you can come up with something new like educating each 
one of us on how each Goan needs to be recognised by the President of 
India; if I was the President I would honour each Goan with a Medal, for 
cheating Goans and in addition giving away our properties to the tillers 
and Mundkars!

I am sure Nehru is learning something from Mahatma as we speak as he 
could not learn when he was on earth.

Too much time is spent on culture; some of which is hurting our unity. 

Mogh sodanch assum

Cr. Oscar C. Lobo JP

[Goanet] Goanet Reader: Goan with the wind (Pamela D'Mello)

2010-12-30 Thread Goanet Reader

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Goan with the wind

Pamela D'Mello

With holiday homes and resorts
mushrooming all over Goa, the
popular New Year destination is
losing its quaint flavour and
unique charm, fear locals

Mumbai's well-known couple, Deveika and Suresh Bhojwani are
part of a tribe of people that are referred to as, "old Goa
hands". They told acquaintances that since they discovered
the place, the Bhojwanis returned often to Goa, rented a
quiet Goan house in Saipem and spent rustic vacations away
from the madding Mumbai crowds.

They were then part of a small clique of Goa lovers, who had
discovered the region's indolent charm, along with a
spattering of hippies, and Westerners who long leased houses
from locals and braved the hardships of a back-to-basics
existence for the mesmeric charm of virgin beaches and sheer

PHOTO: Fashion designer Wendell
Rodricks (l) reads an excerpt
from a book on Goa by the late
Frank Simoes at a function at
the National Centre for the
Performing Arts (NCPA) in
Mumbai a couple of years ago.
Gerson Da Cunha (in white) and
food columnist Asit Chandmal
look on. Wendell spoke about
the need to preserve beautiful,
old Goan bungalows at the event.


This year, the Bhojwanis returned, and rented their usual
cottage. Part of a pretty ward that is tucked away from the
main Candolim tourist hub has been nicknamed by someone as,
'millionaire's row' because it is lined with the second home
or holiday pads of India's rich and famous.  Deveika Bhojwani
confirmed that they are about to begin designing their own
holiday home in Goa, on a plot of land they acquired across
the river in Nerul.


The Bhojwanis will share their new neighbourhood with Mumbai
industrialist Jaydev Mody, whose house stands near by, on
land he purchased two decades ago. In 2005, Mody made major
investments in real estate in North and Central Goa. Nearly
80 per cent of Mody's interests are in real estate, while 20
per cent is in gaming including ownership of three of Goa's
off shore casinos.

"I saw Goa as the only potentially international class
destination in India with a great hospitality sector, culture
and people. It could have developed into something big," says

  Other corporates that invested at the time,
  included the Peninsula group and the Rahejas. The
  tide of land deals that escalated from 1995 to
  2004, appear to be a third tranche of major sales
  in Goan real estate. Iron ore mine owning companies
  from the region set up their real estate arms in
  the late 1980s, following local politicians and
  senior bureaucrats in two earlier rounds of hectic
  purchasing and land conversions -- a number of
  these illegal purchases subverting the intent of
  the agricultural tenancy act.


In the surrounding bay area of Quegdevelim and Reis Magos,
Spark Healthline and its director Benoy Berry picked up
30,451 sq m of land from local landowners, the Naique

  While the media spotlight has focused on the big
  bad Russian 'mafia' bogeymen allegedly holding sway
  in Morjim, in North Goa, what is less known is that
  government records that emerged in the Goa Assembly
  show that Ravina Kohli of Bandra, Mumbai purchased
  13,853 sq m in Morjim, Padmashing Finevest Pvt Ltd,
  Mumbai bought another 18,221 sq m in the same
  village in Goa's northernmost taluka of Pernem,
  Sigrun Realties of Mumbai purchased 2,64,137 sq m
  in neighbouring Chopdem, 20 lakh sq m in Mandrem
  was picked up by a Bengaluru based company, while
  the Saibaba Family Trust through its director Shyam
  Luthria bought 1,05,931 sq m in seaside Mandrem in


[Goanet] Indian Company Could Have Employed a King of Great Britain

2010-12-30 Thread Roland Francis

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

OK this is far-fetched and in the realms of imagination but I lick my chops
thinking of it.


Peter Phillips son of Mark Phillips (first husband) and Princess Anne,
daughter of the Queen, is in today's news. A favorite of the Queen, he is
married to former Canadian Autumn Kelly (she's British now) and they have
just given birth to a baby girl who is the Queen's first great-grandchild.
The child is twelfth in line to the throne.


Peter Phillips eleventh in line to the throne, was employed by Jaguar which
is now owned by Tatas. He together with his wife Autumn currently work for
the Royal Bank of Scotland. 


If Peter Phillips by some quirk of fate would have become the King of
England while in Jaguar's employ, the headlines especially in the Daily
Mirror would have been:


And Winston Churchill would have turned in his grave. He of the fame of
calling Gandhi a "naked fakir" and "I am not Her Majesty's Prime Minister to
preside over the dissolution of the British Empire" when asked if he would
give India her freedom.




Re: [Goanet] Masquerade - 31st December 2010

2010-12-30 Thread eric pinto

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dilli/Bambai new money, Roland, the 'old crowd' knows better, far better.    

From: Roland Francis 

[Goanet] The Not-So-Ugly Indian; A Responsible Road Users Club

2010-12-30 Thread Roland Francis

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

>From a favorable comment I made to an article in a Bombay newspaper, there
were the following two prompt replies.


I am forwarding them in toto with the hope that some local resident may pick
up the gauntlet for Goa and form an alliance with the Bombay group. Who
knows if it can help to save some precious lives.


Any suggestions on how we Diaspora Goans can pitch in? Let's take up at this






Dear Road Users,
I hereby take this opportunity to thank each of you individual who has
bothered to read the "Responsible Road Users Club" article dated 27th Dec
Mumbai Mirror and spent some time to ponder and comment on it. This concern
itself is evident of how much are we in need of some degree of discipline on
our roads where we spend time everyday, in whatever form, be it on foot,
cycle, motor bike or car. It's time we hold ourselves responsible as much as
we try to blame the authorities for the chaos that we face every single day
on our roads. 
At this point of time, we are focused towards the launch of this movement.
We also meet from time to time from our busy schedules to discuss our future
course of actions/plans. We would be doing this event in the coming days and
would want you to keep a tab on the face-book wall  for more details. We
intend to move ahead with the commitments stated on our website and more
Road Safety Programmes creating higher degree of awareness in our minds
regarding driving habits and it's impact on Road Safety (where we have the
worst records as per WHO reports). Once again a sincere thanks on behalf of
all members at RRUC.
With Regards
Amardeep SIngh Hora  

Dear sir,

Excellent. I appreciate the determination of all the members to go ahead and
forge a Road Users Club which could eventually emulate the discipline of
Road Safety in general and inculcate the meaning of common transport among
all concerned.

Of course, if everyone can understand the true meaning and follow the
underlined principles it would create a big impact among the common man.

Apart from promulgating an agenda of awareness among road users, an equally
crucial factor is of starting to educate and convince the hard core and
stubborn Road Transporters and Police Authorities who care less for the
human value.

Any way let us hope for the best and do whatever we can do..

Best rgds



[Goanet] Misunderstanding Dirt

2010-12-30 Thread Roland Francis

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

FN wrote:

The focus of this essay has been on dirt because I believe it is one of the
causes -- perhaps the principal cause -- of Western tourists'
misunderstanding of India.



FN, I hope by this you do not imply that western tourists misunderstand

And here were we, thinking dirt is dirt.


Happy New Year with less dirt everywhere,



Re: [Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

[1] JC: Is he suggesting that IF all Goans, who have emigrated post
1961, had stayed put in Goa,  then Goa would be a less dirty place? Is
it his  position under that scenario,  these 'bhaille' would not have
come to Goa and would not have filthied up the place.
[2] FN: There would have been less money in Goa, less affluence, and
less dirt*! We could have been more of a sleepy, green 16th century
colonial backwater, then.

[3] JC:  FN must be Churchill's brother.
[4] FN Actually, I am Ricky's brother. FN

[2b] * Mrs G once said that poverty was the biggest polluter; and
never quite explained what she meant, though it made for a good
rhetorical argument. Today, we're actually suffering from affluenza.

JC's comment:

re # [1] and [2] FN has conveniently ducked the question and placed a
subverted answer in situ. Besides, something significant happened
between the 16th century and 1961.

Having noted that, in 2010 (and beyond) moneyed developers are (and
will be) gobbling up under-developed (green) land, concretizing it and
re-selling it at a premium. So Frederick's argument is a flat as a
limboo-sodh which remained out in the open for a whole day.

re # [3] and [4] FN is ducking his actually relationship with Churchill.

wrt # [2b]: All I will say to Mrs. G is "talk is cheap".


[Goanet] Masquerade - 31st December 2010

2010-12-30 Thread Roland Francis

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Wow, Rs7,000 per adult for a night out in Goa on New Year's Eve.

That's how much it would cost for a similar occasion in a plush Toronto
venue (for example the Royal York).

And here we are talking about dirt and poverty in India and how western
tourists should not misunderstand it all. Personally I don't see why if Goa
charges what Toronto does, they cannot keep the place as clean as Toronto

OK, I forgot - there are two Hindustans. The one of Rs7000 an evening at
Cidade de Goa and the one of a five-rupee tea at Café Prakash. And the good
thing is the average Goan can move freely from one to the other.

Hurrah for progress. 


Dear Guest,
The ultimate escape…the thrilling experience of losing yourself completely
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DJ will belt out music that will bring alive all the most hip shaking
elements of this most groovy genre of music and dancing..
Date: 31st December 2010
Venue   : Party Lawns
Time: 8.00pm Onwards
Regular (per Adult):7,000/- plus taxes
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Club Cidade de Goa Members (per Adult): 6,375/- plus taxes
Club Cidade de Goa Members (per Child): 2,975/- plus taxes
Wishing you yet another Fun filled event
For further details and reservations call 0832 2454545 Extn 5801.
Team Cidade de Goa

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Re: [Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

> Frederick is a step-too-fast ahead of himself wrt # [1] above.
> Is he suggesting that IF all Goans, who have emigrated post 1961, had
> stayed put in Goa,  then Goa would be a less dirty place? Is it his
> position under that scenario,  these 'bhaille' would not have come to
> Goa and would not have filthied up the place.

There would have been less money in Goa, less affluence, and less
dirt*! We could have been more of a sleepy, green 16th century
colonial backwater, then.

> FN must be Churchill's brother.

Actually, I am Ricky's brother. FN

* Mrs G once said that poverty was the biggest polluter; and never
quite explained what she meant, though it made for a good rhetorical
argument. Today, we're actually suffering from affluenza.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

[Goanet] Dirt... and us. Was: The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

A 1987 article, interesting. Found the mid-section a bit problematic
(in its implications), but the ending is, again, insightful:

58 THE VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW entertainment takes on special
importance. Even many ... My thesis is that dirt and development are
two of the most ...

My description of traditional concepts of pollution is not meant to imply
that Indians are ingorant yokels who need to learn about Western notionso f
cleanliness. Rather, the point is that Western concepts of cleanliness
interact with and are modified by more traditional notions, and this is what
we should expect when "a great tradition modernizes" -- to use the title of
Milton Singer's important study of India. The enormous social transformation
that India -- with its rich and complex civilization of more than 3000 years
old -- is undergoing involves not merely copying the West but transforming
itself in ways that in some respects may make it quite different from
Western societies.

The focus of this essay has been on dirt because I believe it is one of the
causes -- perhaps the principal cause -- of Western tourists'
misunderstanding of India. They thus may overlook the very real and
important change and development now taking place in the subcontinent. In
the future, India may well be one of the most prominent and powerful
societies in the world. A failurel to grasp this possibility because of a
limited and provincial understanding of dirt would indeed be tragic.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Nirmal Kulkarni's The Goa Jungle Book
Sharmila Kamat's Mango Mood
Some books from Goa,1556

Re: [Goanet] SC on India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Selma Carvalho wrote:  What you (FN) and Tony are actually saying is
that anyone who lives outside of Goa doesn't have the right to an
opinion because immediately it is because they are condescending -
they can have no other reason but this one. If that is the case, then
WHY have a forum where Goan NRIs can join in. Just make it clear that
Goanet is for Goans residing in Goa only.


Yes .Frederick has consistently stated that view. One of his posts
also stated that it was people like him (FN) who was at the proverbial
Ground "Jero"

wrt the WHY: I do not have a clue but it is possible that
NRI-contacts are helpful for Goan business. It is the age-old Goan
story from the times of the "Shippies, Africanists and the Gulfies":
Xapotam sodd, Poixe dhaad.


Re: [Goanet] Hubert Mickky Valanka Alemao

2010-12-30 Thread soter


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Arwin wrote:
"I welcome the recent publicised support, by Benaulim Seat Aspirant Dr.
Hubert Gomes, towards removing the "dubious" additions to RP2021"

Why does Dr. Hubert Gomes feel compelled to ride piggy back on the Village 
Groups of Goa and the CSJP to make his statement about the RP-2021?
What is this aspiring MLA doing differently that other politicians have not 
done before?
a.  Contesting on his own strength without riding piggy back on any 
politican(s) or social action group(s)?

b.  Presenting his unique and researched road map for Goa?
c.  Not using advertisements to gain public recognition?
d.  Being transparent about his sources for political funding?
e.  Setting a time frame for acomplishment of promises?
f.   Building grass-root democratic institutions?
g.  Not exploiting public emotions to propel oneself into public focus?
What? What? What is his USP?

[Goanet] SAG State Badminton Championship 2010

2010-12-30 Thread Sandeep Heble

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Photographs available at:


Re: [Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread J. Colaco < jc>

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

 Frederick Noronha  wrote:
[1] I guess if all those people so concerned about dirty in India
(and, by extension, in post-1961 Goa) had to stay back at home, ours
would have been a less dirty place!
[2] There was an online question recently: "Why is africa and many
third world countries so dirty and underdeveloped?"


Frederick is a step-too-fast ahead of himself wrt # [1] above.

Is he suggesting that IF all Goans, who have emigrated post 1961, had
stayed put in Goa,  then Goa would be a less dirty place? Is it his
position under that scenario,  these 'bhaille' would not have come to
Goa and would not have filthied up the place. FN must be Churchill's

wrt # [2] above, the answer can be determined by examining the
following two parts:

(a) If these third world countries were previously colonies, were they
always dirty. As a case and point, ask yourself this Q: Was Bombay
dirty under the British? (BTW: Was Southhall (in W London) always this

(b) Have you checked the Swiss-bank accounts of the leaders of these
third world countries?

BTW: We can always fool ourselves with the notion that Portugal ripped
resources (and personal gold) from Goa; We may, however, wish to check
out the former Portuguese citizens who became post-1961 Freedom
Fighters and owners of newspapers for the Fredericks and Nandkumars of
this world to ply their brilliant revisionism and half-truths.


Re: [Goanet] Merry Christmas or Compliments of the Season?

2010-12-30 Thread Jerry Fernandes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


I bet every household which celebrates Christmas plays the Christmas songs
for the whole season, and not only on first day, so why not wish others the
same everyday? Although younger age I spent with compliments of season,
without knowing its actual meaning, now I find it strange that people do
wish each other only one the first day. Seems the joy of the birth of Jesus
lasts only for 24 hours, when people have waited for it for eons. I feel the
Christmas season has become so commercialized that we have forgotten what
waiting for Jesus was in reality, and that can be found only on Simeon’s
face when Jesus was taken to the temple.

In the book of Luke

Chapter 2: 25 Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and
this man was righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26 And it had been revealed to him by the
Holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's
Christ. 27 And inspired by the Spirit he came into the temple; and when the
parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of
the law, 28 he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said, 29 "Lord,
now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word; 30 for
mine eyes have seen thy salvation 31 which thou hast prepared in the
presence of all peoples, 32 a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for
glory to thy people Israel."

God Bless


Message: 12
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2010 09:40:37 +
From: Gabe Menezes 
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Merry Christmas or Compliments of the Season?

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 29 December 2010 03:02, Cecil Pinto

> While growing up in Goa I was led to believe that it was correct to
> greet others with 'Merry Christmas' only on 25th December itself and
> that on subsequent days the phrase 'Compliments of the Season' should
> be used.
> Just this year I learned that some Catholic priests in their Christmas
> sermons have urged parishioners to use the greeting 'Merry Christmas'
> right up to the New Year as the term 'Compliments of the Season' is
> generic and does not specify that these are Christmas greetings. You
> might as well be saying 'Compliments of the Winter Season'
> I tend to agree with the priests but I am no expert on these matters,.
> Could someone throw light on the linguistic, religious and logical
> argument for the correct greeting? And what is the phraseology used in
> other countries?
> Cheers!
> Cecil

RESPONSE: We too, Goans brought up in East Africa were taught the same
thing. I tend to disagree; there are twelve days of Christmas, which takes
up to January 6th when we take down the Christmas tree and decorations -
Epiphany, it is common sense to wish everyone a Happy New Year on January

Here it is sung by Natalie Cole - daughter of Nat King Cole:-

[Goanet] Christmas season song.

2010-12-30 Thread Gabe Menezes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Baby it's cold outside - Dean Martin.


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Tony de Sa

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

@ Selma

Selma, it gave me quite a lift when you called me nice. But then, I always
try to be nice to the ladies.  ;-)

With regard to Indians being filthy various views and explanations have been
offered in this discussion. In defense of the points I have tried to raise,
I want to point out that people who condemn Indians en masse  are those who
are literate, educated and well to do. It has been pointed out that there is
a dire lack of facilities and where such facilities exist, people have to be
educated to use these facilities. To give you an example, when paying a
friend at GMC, I saw people dump left overs of their meals in the drip tray
of a water cooler. That too despite there being a notice (ironically in
English) which a relatively small proportion of Indians read Angrezi. Again,
there are people who have never seen a water cooler and so what do you
expect? Remember that one has to think of the great unwashed per diem 1.25

What sets me off is that it is people of Indian stock who are quick to

Mog assundi

@ All Netters

After this post of mine, I have been subject to a few unsolicited posts of a
private mailing list. I have written to a couple of these 'gentlemen' that I
am not interested in unsolicited mail which is the off shoot of a private
discussion. If you wish to argue the points I have raised to kingdom come
among yourselves, then be my guests. But for cripes sake don't include me.
My mail box overflows as it is and I have no time nor wish to waste
bandwidth on cyber garbage. Otherwise, thank ye heavens that gmail has
effective filters to summarily condemn these mails to oblivion.

I have posted the mail on Goanet, please be kind enough and have the
courtesy to reply in the same forum.


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


[Goanet] Happy New Year

2010-12-30 Thread Freddy Fernandes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dear All


Wish you and your families a very happy New Year 2011


May the dawn of the New Year bring good health, love, joy, peace, happiness and
prosperity to you and all around you and may all your dreams and aspirations be
fulfilled in this coming year. God bless you and your families.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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Re: [Goanet] Did your central heating break down in the big freeze?

2010-12-30 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

One would have thought that any sizeable corrosion would have been picked up by 
the service technician during the annual service? 

But as you say, perhaps a combination of bad design (possibly inappropriate 
materials used in construction) and the extreme cold caused the issues you and 
your countrymen are currently facing. The only time I faced a similar but very 
minor crisis was when the inlet mains pipe froze at the bend under the eaves 
London winter probably in  '91. But that boiler kept on chugging nevertheless 
and kept us warm, only we couldn't have a wash ...  I suppose they made those 
things differently those days (the boiler and pump were newly fitted when we 
moved into our Mitcham house in 1986 - lived there until Nov 1992 FYI). 

Take care.


- Original Message 
> From: Gabe Menezes 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Thu, 30 December, 2010 10:22:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Did your central heating break down in the big freeze?

> RESPONSE: Combination boilers; which are becoming the norm here in the U.K.
> are not seasonal i.e. they also heat up the hot water throughout the year.
> Having a boiler on Service Contract, also entails a yearly service. Me
> thinks because the really cold weather and the faulty newfangled condensing
> boilers - even German ones, are not up to scratch. My old boiler lasted 19
> years and the only occasional problem was, we had to change the pump about 4
> times during its lifetime. The Heat Exchangers of the newfangled contraption
> corrode due to the acidity of the condensate?
> -- 
> Gabe Menezes.


[Goanet] Masquerade - 31st December 2010

2010-12-30 Thread clubcidade

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Dear Guest,

The ultimate escape…the thrilling experience of losing yourself completely
behind a mask,  assuming a new and exciting identity, the opportunity to
be anything you want… indulge in your fantasies as you party like never
before. Out of the world dancing by the professional dancers will sweep
the crowd off their feet and keeps them dancing through the wee hours. Our
DJ will belt out music that will bring alive all the most hip shaking
elements of this most groovy genre of music and dancing..

Date: 31st December 2010
Venue   : Party Lawns
Time: 8.00pm Onwards

Regular (per Adult):7,000/- plus taxes
Regular (per Child):3,500/- plus taxes

Club Cidade de Goa Members (per Adult): 6,375/- plus taxes
Club Cidade de Goa Members (per Child): 2,975/- plus taxes

Wishing you yet another Fun filled event

For further details and reservations call 0832 2454545 Extn 5801.

Team Cidade de Goa

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[Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread Carvalho

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Frederick writes:
I guess if all those people so concerned about
dirty in India (and, by extension, in post-1961 Goa) had to stay back
at home, ours would have been a less dirty place!

Response: What you and Tony are actually saying is that anyone who lives 
of Goa doesn't have the right to an opinion because immediately it is because 
they are condescending - they can have no other reason but this one. If that is 
the case, then why have a forum where Goan NRIs can join in. Just make it clear 
that Goanet is for Goans residing in Goa only. 



Re: [Goanet] Did your central heating break down in the big freeze?

2010-12-30 Thread Gabe Menezes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

On 29 December 2010 23:36, Gabriel de Figueiredo  wrote:

> As the paper says, Gabe, servicing the boiler (or for that matter, any
> piece of
> equipment that is used seasonally) requires to be serviced regularly (once
> a
> year or every two years) to prevent failures. This includes gardening
> tools,
> push-bikes, etc

RESPONSE: Combination boilers; which are becoming the norm here in the U.K.
are not seasonal i.e. they also heat up the hot water throughout the year.
Having a boiler on Service Contract, also entails a yearly service. Me
thinks because the really cold weather and the faulty newfangled condensing
boilers - even German ones, are not up to scratch. My old boiler lasted 19
years and the only occasional problem was, we had to change the pump about 4
times during its lifetime. The Heat Exchangers of the newfangled contraption
corrode due to the acidity of the condensate?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] India (or Goa)... and dirt

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Interesting debate. I guess if all those people so concerned about
dirty in India (and, by extension, in post-1961 Goa) had to stay back
at home, ours would have been a less dirty place!

There was an online question recently: "Why is africa and many third
world countries so dirty and underdeveloped?"

The answers are most interesting. Like the India/Goa debate, it says
more about us (and our attitudes) than about the reality itself:

* Many countries are without support systems such as welfare and Non
Government organisations for those without jobs or those who are sick.
Without employment or any government assistance, many people cannot
afford basic living standards that we take for granted such as clean
water and housing.

* The only people that say that are the people that read the negative
propaganda we hear and read today.

* Africans are the most useless things in the history of the world.
They have the same resourses as any other country but the leaders
steal everything and the people are too lazy to do anything for
themselves, preferring to hold out the begging bowl with the typical
sense of entitlement. If Dubai can do something with themselves and
all they have is sand, there's no excuse for anyone else. I spent 20
years in Africa (Malawi) so speak from experience. Watch all the
liberals here shriek 'racist' when confronted with facts.

* Suppression by those countries leaders!!! THEY have the technology
and use towards their own ends!

* take your pick from colonialism, corruption, traditional tribal and
class structures, lack of investment, lack of infrastructure,
exploitation by developed nations, lack of natural resources, poor
governance, civil war and ethnic conflict... all of these contribute
but it is important to remember that the specific reasons differ from
country to country. parts of africa are booming though- 10% growth in
nigeria this year for a start

* You can't possibly believe you've seen Africa on TV- it's huge and
includes all kinds of things. There is a real history of colonization
of Africa, though. Most of the nations on the map of Africa had to
fight for their independence from European colonizers in the twentieth
century- not long ago. That might be  the only generalizable effect
for the continent's many nations.


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
Nirmal Kulkarni's The Goa Jungle Book
Sharmila Kamat's Mango Mood
Some books from Goa,1556

[Goanet] Save Goa.

2010-12-30 Thread eric pinto

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


"20 lakh sq m in Mandrem was picked up by a Bengaluru based company, while the 
Saibaba Family Trust through its director Shyam Luthria  bought 1,05,931 sq m 
seaside Mandrem in 2005." writes Pamela D'Melo in the MID DAY quoting the Goa 
Legislative Assembly data. 

Morjim beach, the Olive Riddley Turtle nesting site at the mouth of the River 
Chapora [which will soon have a 'minor port' and a 'marina' to boot!], has its 
own story. So does Chopdem, the ferry point before the bridge linked the sleepy 
village of Siolim in Bardez  to Pernem taluka.Thus writes Pamela D'Melo:

Tags:village plan|Regional Plan Committee|Mandrem Regional Plan Committee
>"We had drawn up the plan in consultation with villagers and demanded land for 
>settlement to cope with their requirement, after ensuring that our fields and 
>hills be protected," Mandrem Regional Plan Committee 2021 chairman and former 
>member, Shridhar Manjrekar said. 
>Villagers have alleged that the government has rejected their demands and 
>instead planned everything according to its wishes. 
>Manjrekar cited several examples wherein property under survey no. 211/212 
>was reserved for cattle grazing or garbage treatment plant has been shown as 
>settlement area. Manjrekar claimed that this property is actually a 
>Read more: Mandrem locals allege SLC altered draft village plan - The Times of 
>Govt go-ahead for Chapora port
>TNN, Nov 24, 2010, 05.47am IST
>Tags:James Braganza|Chapora-Bardez|Chapora port
>PANAJI: The state government has given its nod in principle to set up a minor 
>port at Chapora-Bardez. The port may serve the dual purpose of cargo handling 
>and cruise berthing. Chapora's picturesque waterway and its proximity to 
>areas in the north could make it an attractive cruise jetty. 
>Some months back, the government had proposed Chapora as a minor port to link 
>to Mopa international airport. Cruise boats in Chapora could do well in 
>tourists staying in Arambol, Morjim, Mandrem and northern parts of Bardez like 
>Anjuna, sources said. 
>Read more: Govt go-ahead for Chapora port - The Times of 
>Panel allays fears over settlement zones
>Published on: November 25, 2010 - 00:55 
>Besides, sports city and film cityhave been proposed at Dhargalim in Pernem 
>taluka and Durbhat in Ponda taluka.
>Mr Digamber Kamat , however, did not specify exact date by which the whole 
>would be finalised.  


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Re: [Goanet] Errant Loan Names, etc.

2010-12-30 Thread Oscar Lobo


   NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
   former Chief of Indian Army Staff
  and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Sub: Errant Loan Names etc/D you wonder why the indian population keeps

Are yar pyar Eric!

Hum tum ek kamre meh bund ho! Aur...

Why are you envying Matilda's hips?  Stick to Eric Clapton songs and 
choose one of 399 hits.  Why Christian names if our parents did not like 
the King.
We need to get over our knee jerk reaction.  I am unsure what time of 
the day you went on the key board.

It is time to unite and accept the fact and move on. Some one said to me
that our Goans need to put their minds in gear before putting the mouth 
and fingers in gear/keyboard. We have many of you in Berwick.

Dear Joe,

India's population has grown four times for many reasons and some of the
main ones are:

1. Illiteracy rate and the cost of democracy, a pint of nautang and lagau
  On the footpaths and joeparpathi.
2. Pre-creation is with many recreation.
3. Competion between Muslims and Hindus.
4. The euphoria of getting a son instead of daughters.

Need I add more?

The question is, is democracy fit for India in today's days and age? 
Ask the souls of the late Indira Gandhi and her sons - Rajiv and Sanjay.
IG was the cause after her uncle to snatch our properties i.e. fields et 
al and gave it to the tillers.

If the King was there would our properties go

How long will you be depending on the feeding bottle?

Happy New Year.

Oscar C. Lobo.

[Goanet] Talking Photos: Cribs, Stars, Castles, XMas fathers, St. Peter Square, bullock carts etc etc

2010-12-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Cribs, Stars, Castles, XMas fathers, bullock carts etc etc
Cansaulim, Arossim, Tonttem, Utorda, Nuvem, Raia, Zunvem/Ille de Rachol, 
Rachol, Fatorda, Margao etc

Looks two but it’s one Star
Ilha de Rachol
This star is made from unused match sticks
Tonttem, Cansaulim

This Star in between the coconut trees
(Bacardi Boys of Cottar,  near Cansaulim church)
a beautiful Palace
Crib with Stable, ladder, bullock cart  etc
‘Soria Bhatti’ distillery
This castle is made from Oysters Shells
Margao Agali
Little baby Jesus in the Star of Arossim
whole world is in this Star and its revolving
Agali, Margao
Holy bible in the water
Look who’s riding in the air (at night)
NH Fatorda, Margao
Not just one or two but three Christmas fathers riding 
on a bullock cart
St. Anthony Boys of Agali, Margao
St. Peter’s Square, Rome
Agali Margao
Castle made from pine wood?
Agali Margao
of marble stone
Ilha de Rachol, Zunviar
Large  crib set in the Lake
Castles from Utorda

Castle and the spring at Nuvem, Raia Road
A  florescent crib at Rachol
A crib in the water (opp Raia Church)
Agassaim Church Crib

and the same is sponsored by Politicians? 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc

Re: [Goanet] PIO, OCI, etc

2010-12-30 Thread Gabriel de Figueiredo

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Possible reasons for problems are the same reasons regarding obtaining 
Portuguese nationality: the need for verification of the various diplomas and 

Corruption and cheating being endemic in India, any document not issued by a 
recognised authority is probably treated with suspicion. Therefore, 
certificates/diplomas from Goan colleges (ITIs and the like) might not be as 
well received as, say, the expired or cancelled passport. If one still retains 
the old Indian passport, expired or not, it is plain sailing. 

Note though, that when the expired Indian passport is shown to the authorities, 
even if it was never renewed, they will still insist on one paying a hefty 
price for its "cancellation".  

In any case, the old Indian passport, even if expired aoens ago, is the 
"gateway" for a smooth transition to the OCI. Those who have destroyed or got 
rid of their old Indian passport would probably face the issues your friends 
having.  What is commendable on part of the VFS (the outsourcing company which 
handles these things), however, is the vetting of all documentation and 
certifications prior to going to the counter and handing over your money (the 
duplicates of all documents and paperwork can be a nightmare for a large 
family!).  Once the documentation is acceptable and money paid over, it takes a 
liitle over two months before you get your new OCI visa stamp.



- Original Message 
> From: Frederick Noronha 
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" 
> Sent: Mon, 27 December, 2010 3:03:21 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] PIO, OCI, etc
> Goanetters annual year-end meet is on Dec 27, 2010 (Monday) from 4-6 pm at 
>Institute Piedade (near Hotel Mandovi, opp Bread & More) in Panjim. Do come 
>along. RSVP via SMS 9822122436, or 2409490 (after 2 pm).
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
> A senior friend of mine recently wrote in to say that, despite all the
> promises about overseas Goans getting PIO or OCI (person of Indian
> origin or overseas citizen of India) status, the reality was
> different. She wrote: "The small fry at the embassy counter make
> things impossible, even when we show them our diplomas from Goan
> colleges. I intend applying for a PIO as we have property in Goa."


[Goanet] Childhood dream comes true for Khawaja

2010-12-30 Thread Gabe Menezes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

First Muslim to play Cricket for Australia!


Gabe Menezes.

Re: [Goanet] Why Do Goans Not Pay A Fair Price?

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Hi Mervyn, When did I say this? In what context? Or is it just
short-term memory loss and/or an early touch of Alzheimers? FN

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 30 December 2010 07:46, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

> Heeheehee, Roland,
> FN recently publicly pointed out that you have a problem with sentence
> construction.


2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

With a whole lot of gerrymandering and politicking going on over such
issues, please take it seriously. This is not to suggest that voters
have control over those elected, or who are given tickets in the first
place. --FN

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 29 December 2010 17:26


Panaji, December 29, 2010

    The public and Political Parties of the Goa State are
hereby informed that The Final Photo Electoral Rolls with reference to
January 1, 2011 as the qualifying date has been placed for inspection
at all designated locations/polling stations of the Assembly
Constituencies for a limited period of one week with effect from
January 5, 2011 onwards.

    The public and the Political parties are requested to
verify their entries in the finally published roll.


FAX 0832-2224211


2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


(1) For the record, Catholics *were* a majority in Goa, till around 1925 or
a few years earlier.

(2) This was changed not by in-migration, but by the outmigration mainly of
Catholics during Portuguese times caused it to tip below the half-way mark.
So did extending the boundaries of Goa less than two centuries earlier, to
include regions which didn't undergo the kind of "conversions" the so-called
Old Conquests went through.

(3) I do not however believe that merely sharing a religion makes an entire
"community" sail in one boat. Divisionis were rife within Catholics (as
within the other communities in Goa). Larger the community, ironically, the
more divisions show up. Whether Catholics are or were a majority is not
relevant to the debate in my view, but the statement in your first para is
factually incorrect and I'm only seeking to correct this.

(4) There has been inter-religious (and even intra-religious) conflict and
strife in Goa too. The recent anti-Muslim violence in Curchorem is a case in
point. Anti-migrant violence has also flared up in Vasco in the early 1980s,
after they were scapegoated in a section of the local media.

(5) If Bombay Catholics being stereotyped is not a problem for the rest of
us, why are the environmental problems of Goa relevant to those who live
many thousand miles away? I am just questioning the logic of your argument.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490

On 29 December 2010 19:51, Salus Correia wrote:
> Being a Goan does not mean being Catholic.  Catholics were never a majority
> in Goa, even during pre 1961 times when the Portuguese were here.
> Incidentally, besides Catholics and Hindus, there are also Moslems and
> people of other religions or sects in Goa.  And all these communities live
> in harmony with one another, unlike the case of other places in India.
> Incidentally, Bollywood depicts Bombay Catholics, not Goans as drunkards
> etc., and the reasons are quite obvious.  Sadly, many mistake the drunks in
> Bollywood films as Goans.  However, there may be an exception here and
> there.

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian (Santosh Helekar)

2010-12-30 Thread Charudatt Prabhudesai

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


Quoting Selma Carvallo: 
"Lastly, coming to the matter of hygiene. I'm sorry but Indians have the worst 
hygiene standards, I personally have come across. I don't need statistics or 
surveys to back me up"...
Selma has been accused by some of being prejudiced against Indians for her views
on the India's hygiene-habit. I feel that this prejudice is justified somehow, 
and I would 
side with it only if there is something to be done about the issue of national 
attitude to filth
and not just point judgmental and holier than thou fingers.

The fact is that there is more dirt around/ about people in India; Indians are 
blaze about 
squalidness and dirt. We may try to justify it by giving several reasons if we 
want to, 
but since that does not help, there is no point in doing so. ( We must also 
realize that this nation
has suffered many a dictum like "brahma sttyam jaganmitthaa" = only Brahman is 
all else that is manifest is false. Buddha and Shankara have done more harm to 
the vitality of this
great nation than a Micky Potcheko can ever hope to!)
I wonder if anything might actually work except by improvement in living 
conditions by eradication of poverty by effectively imposing a forked agenda of 
good and relevant education and control (for some years at least) of our 
national breeding
habit. It was there in place during India Gandhi's rule, perhaps it is still 
there but there is no 
way of implementing it effectively and yet be a democracy! (remember nasbandi 
during 1975?)
Also without the threat of going out of power. So it is catch 22. Besides, with 
a diversity like 
ours in a democratic set up only an impossible idealist can hope to get 
results, I guess.
I am ashamed to admit that we Indians have acquired a degenerate sense of 
hygiene than the 
rest of the world and, perhaps because of the high world standard of hygiene 
cleanliness, India's own is way, way below substandard. (We may feel proud of 
the fact 
that these conditions can/could produce a Mother Teresa! Indeed there are great 
minds who 
actually feel proud of this fact. Lapierre's romantic flattery in "city of 
love" perpetuate all this)
I tend to agree with Selma regarding her reference to mindsets. That is so 
obvious from
our general  quality control standards. Take anything, from match sticks to 
machines, Indian quality
is substandard. Why, is that a fact? I may agree that we are improving by and 
by, and perhaps 
that is because we are also becoming reasonably richer collectively. 
So I believe that since all those who have commented on this thread have cut 
close to the aching nerve,
we are all aware of this situation(!) But rather than single one cause to blame 
I would try to understand 
India as a continuum, a civilization which is a palimpsest. To sort out its 
evils and eradicate them we need 
a couple of things: psychic Love for this wonderful nation ( no place for 
prejudice or prejudiced judgment there), and indefatigable patience with Indian 
people, who, 
fundamentally, are lovely people.

My thoughts above are loosely arranged without any attempt at making it a 
valid, analytical thesis. 
So, PLEASE, do not ask silly questions like what I mean by "Hindu politics" and 
the like.


[Goanet] Hubert Mickky Valanka Alemao

2010-12-30 Thread Arwin Mesquita

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

 I welcome the recent publicised support, by Benaulim Seat Aspirant Dr.
Hubert Gomes, towards removing the "dubious" additions to RP2021 i.e.
Eco-Tourism zones, Growth Hubs, Micro Industrial areas. From what I
understand, these was never proposed by the respective areas/villages of Goa
and was not even put forward, by the eminent personalities in the Task
Force. Certain survey numbers of some Eco-Tourism zones are already
confirmed to be purchased by vested interests and it appears that the
Government is trying to give these lobbies a Back door entry. Can I request
(A) Benaulim MLA Mickky Pacheco and the other Benaulim Seat Aspirant (B)
Valanka Alemao to clearly state their views and immediate support; to
reverse this fraud on Goa & Goans.

Arwin Mesquita, UAE.
Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. For the Love of Konkani:
6. Goa's Identity Movement website:
7. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
8. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):

Re: [Goanet] Thank you, JoeGoaUk (Really?)

2010-12-30 Thread E DeSousa

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Mr. R Kakodkar writes:
"Wikipedia excerpts about India poverty:
Poverty is widespread in India, with the nation estimated to have a third of 
world's poor.By World Bank estimates, 80% of India's population lives on less 
than 2$ a day.[1] According to a 2005 World Bank estimate, 41% of India falls 
below the international poverty line of US$ 1.25 a day"

A contributing factor to the endemic poverty is the very large increase in 
population of India.
The  population almost doubled  from  440 ,000,000 in 1961 to est. 1,191,000 
million in 2010. Also consider the Urban to Rural ratio changes in this time 
frame:   18% of the population was  Urban in 1961 . By 2001 that number was 
What it means is there were 79,200,000 city dwellers in 1961. By 2001 there 
331,098,000 dwelling in the same cities + Goa.

It appears China's one child policy has enabled  India to be on track to assume 
 the  "Most Populous Country In the World"  spot by 2025. 

 (Sources:; ) 

Re: [Goanet] The Ugly Indian

2010-12-30 Thread Tony de Sa

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

There was a typo in my post.

Sermons on Goanet are NOT a solution.

Remember: Sermons and Soda the day after.


Tony de Sa.  tonydesa at gmail dot com


[Goanet] Almonds good for health

2010-12-30 Thread Camillo Fernandes

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,


Eating almonds could help prevent diabetes and heart disease, say scientists

By Daily Mail Reporter  - Daily mail 30/12/10


Insulin injection: Diabetes is one of the fastest-growing conditions in the 
world with Type 2 by far the most common
Preventing diabetes: Study showed an almond-rich diet could prevent the disease 
from developing
Eating almonds could help prevent diabetes and heart disease, according to a 
Researchers found that incorporating the nuts into our diets may help treat 
type 2 diabetes, which accounts for 90 to 95 per cent of all cases.
As well as combating the condition, linked to obesity and physical inactivity, 
it could tackle cardiovascular disease, said the report published in the 
Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Diabetics have a shortage of insulin or a decreased ability to use the hormone 
that allows glucose to enter cells and be converted to energy. 

When diabetes is not controlled, glucose and fats remain in the blood and over 
time, damage vital organs.
The study found that a diet rich in almonds may help improve insulin 
sensitivity and decrease LDL-cholesterol levels in those with pre-diabetes, a 
condition in which people have blood glucose levels higher than normal but not 
high enough to be classified as diabetes.
The study – conducted at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey 
– looked at the effects of consuming an almond-enriched diet on 65 adults with 
The group on the almond-enriched diet showed greater improvements in insulin 
sensitivity and significant reductions in LDL-cholesterol compared with the 
nut-free group.
Lead researcher Dr Michelle Wien said: ‘It is promising for those with risk 
factors for chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular 
disease that dietary changes may help to improve factors that play a potential 
role in the disease development.’
An estimated 55 million people in Europe have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Read more:

[Goanet] SMILE...................... IT'S WEEKEND (30/12/2010)

2010-12-30 Thread CAJETAN DE

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

One fine Sunday morning Ladru and his wife (Remediana) were just returned home 
from the church, within few minutes Ladru's friend (Andru)  dropped 
in unexpectedly. Ladru asked his wife Remediana to get some tea for him and his 
friend Andru.
Remediana goes to the kitchen and from the kitchen she says:-
Remediana: Ladru darling?
Ladru: Yes honey!
Remediana: Could you please come here for a minute?
Ladru: Yeah sure.
Ladru goes to the kitchen
Ladru: Yes, what is it?
Remediana: I told you yesterday to bring sugar but as usual you forgot.
Ladru: Oh sorry darling!
Remediana: Now there is no sugar in the house and the shops are closed because 
of a Goa-bandh and I don't want to borrow it from the neighbors.
Ladru: Okay, you don't worry about it, instead of a spoon of sugar, you can 
me a sweet sugary kiss.

Remediana: What about Andru? He usually takes two spoonfuls of sugar.
A Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year 2011 to All.
Cajetan de Sanvordem



2010-12-30 Thread Aires Rodrigues

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Every State Law Commission in the country has been headed by either a
retired Supreme Court or High Court Judge. Against all established norms and
practice the Law Commission in Goa is headed by Mr. Ramakant Khalap an
active politician who is also a spokesman of the State Congress party
besides being the Chairman of the Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank of Goa. That
he was charge sheeted in various corruption related cases which were later
politically withdrawn is another issue. If the government wanted to
politically rehabilitate him with cabinet rank and status they should have
found another position rather than degrade the sanctity of the Law
Commission. Being a former Union Law Minister is no qualification or
criteria to head the State Law Commission. Is this the Goa Law Commission or
the Congress Law Commission?

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

[Goanet] OFFTOPIC: Wikileaks... and Jacob Appelbaum

2010-12-30 Thread Frederick Noronha

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Talking about Wikileaks, this is about the most interesting piece I've read
about the people involved, their perspectives and their lives

A couple of YouTube interviews here, when I actually met "Jake" in
Bangalore, a couple of years ago. That was before Wikileaks was taken
seriously as it is now:

Tor, Tor, Tor... keeping you safe and secure [Jacob R Appelbaum]

Wikileaks, what's it all about?


Frederick Noronha :: +91-9822122436 :: +91-832-2409490
NEW BOOK from Goa: Nirmal Kulkarni's THE GOAN JUNGLE BOOK
SHARMILA KAMAT'S Mango Mood, satirical short pieces from Goa...

[Goanet] Talking Photos/Video: Candolim Beach

2010-12-30 Thread JoeGoaUk

NEW BOOK:  'PATRIOTISM IN ACTION: Goans in Indias Defence Services'
 With Foreword by Gen SF Rodrigues, PVSM, VSM, ADC (retd)
former Chief of Indian Army Staff
   and Governor, Punjab & Administrator, Chandigarh UT

Copies now available at:

GOA: Literati (2277740), Other India (2263306), Broadway (6647038),
Mandovi (2427904), Noel DSilva & Associates (9823120454 / 9096781714),
Confidant / Golden Heart Emp (2732450), David & Co (2730326), Vardaan 
SERV / RETD Def Offrs in Goa: O/o Sainik Co-op Hse Bldg Sty, Def Col, Porvorim 

MUMBAI: David & Co (22019010)

PUNE: Manneys (26131683), Popular (25678327)

BENGALURU: Narayan (22865800)

DELHI: Ritana (24617278)

ONLINE (worldwide delivery):,

Talking Photos/Video: Candolim Beach
Busy Candolim beach
Full of  
beach tourists
beach beds
beach umbrellas 
Beach shacks 
Beach Lamanis

A clip
cheap massage?
This one also appeared in GT Today
With River Princess/ Sunset
Sunburn music festival that took place here


While waiting for bus, we had this Cha-bhaji Paum 
Lot of NRIs also spotted inside
Candolim main road
Lot cheaper than Panjim 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc