[Goanet] Encounter Killings

2013-10-08 Thread roland.francis
This euphemism is a phrase widely used by the Bombay (Maharastra) Police to 
describe extra-judicial police-sanctioned assassinations of notorious gangland 

Reputed to be the original brainchild of ex Police Commissioner Julius Ribeiro 
as a means to decimate Bombay's once powerful organized criminal gangs, it 
proved so effective that not only helped to set Ribeiro for national fame, but 
was seen as such a useful tool that all sucessive Bombay CPs carried on with it.

A dreaded criminal is identified and a police "party" is sent after him. 
Usually this person has committed several murders but escaped justice in the 
courts either due to a good lawyer or due to the police's own shoddy 
investigation and presentation of evidence. The posse gets information from 
their confidential informants that he is expected at such and such place at a 
given time. He is surrounded and shot in cold blood even when he presents no 
danger to them. His revolver is put in his dead hands to show that he tried to 
resist, often after the police shoot off some rounds from it. If he had no 
sidearm,  the police use one that they have brought for the purpose.

Encounter specialists like Inspectors Daya Naik and Pradip Sharma are known to 
have knocked off more than a hundred such criminals in this manner. 
Unfortunately, they ultimately face allegations of doing the work of one rival 
gang against the other, have accumulated huge wealth from such corruption and 
are arrested and tried.

This taint of evil that such activity engenders seems to affect other police 
forces too. Todays news in Canada mentions about a Hells Angels biker gang 
police specialist tipping off the hoods about a Montreal surete de Quebec 

As the crime in Goa increases and the police are unable to tackle it, all it 
takes is the transfer of one bold and upright IPS officer to bring encounter 
killings to Goa.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

Re: [Goanet] Neighbours, but foes

2013-10-08 Thread Gabe Menezes
On 8 October 2013 03:58, Mervyn Lobo  wrote:

> Gabe Menezes,
> Goanet never fails to amaze me. I am always entertained when people choose
> to turn into contortionist, trying to worm out of a situation, instead of
> accepting responsibility for their occasional mistrakes. Yet others, to my
> bewilderment, publicly ask on the forum why no one is pointing out the
> blunders they repeatedly make.
> Now for the mater in hand, here is my original post:
> "To end this on a positive note, here is a video of the Christmas Tree
> Party at the DI, circa 1967.
> 1967 folks. The kids in this video are 45 years older today."
> I accept that people here will have difficulty comprehending English. I
> also understand that a lot of people have difficulty with any number other
> than 1961. However, anyone who has a Standard Four or above proficiency in
> the English language and math, has understood that no kid in the Xmas video
> can be 46 years older today.
> Here is the math: 1967 + 46 = 2013
> We are in the month of October. The video was shot during December - the
> Christmas period  - of 1967. There are still two months to go to the
> December Christmas period of this year. In other words, the kids in the
> Xmas video are 45 years and ten months older today. Your calculation of 46
> years is incorrect.
> I could have, like I often do, let your opinions slide. It is more
> difficult to let your math slide. It is even more difficult to let your
> math slide when I know that a few years ago you would have been on top of
> your game. You would never have made a two month blunder. After all, you
> dealt with money markets and instruments with maturity dates. The all
> important maturity date. Everyone here who has dealt with a money market
> instrument knows that s/he will be subjected to a penalty if she tries to
> cash in two months before maturity.
> I hope this helps in illustrating your math error.
> Mervyn53Lobo

COMMENT: For sure we see two and three month old babes in the arms? I too
could let your mishap slide but alas, who am I to judge your brilliance?


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] visa on arrival at Indian airport

2013-10-08 Thread Sebastian D'Souza
NEW DELHI: India is set to roll out the red carpet for foreign tourists. The 
government on Monday cleared a slew of measures including extending visa on 
arrival (VoA) to 40 countries, establishing an online application system for 
visas and facilitating visa on arrival for pensioners and those attending 

The decision means foreign tourists will be able to apply for an Indian visa 
from the comfort of their homes while citizens from 40 countries including the 
US, the UK, Germany, France, Brazil, Russia and China among others will avail 
visa on arrival when they land on Indian shores. The government has also agreed 
to extend visa on arrival to foreign travelers above 60 years of age from all 
countries and cut down the time taken to give visas to groups that are keen to 
attend conventions.

see for more details

[Goanet] Corruption curse follows Congress to the polls

2013-10-08 Thread U. G. Barad
I thought of sharing the views expressed in the below appended article with
members of Goanet!

U. G. Barad

Read more at:

Public disgust with corrupt politicians is finally starting to bite,
spawning clutch of new parties committed to end corruption

For two decades, Lalu Prasad Yadav was a giant on India's political stage.
He ran a state of 100 million people, he took charge of the country's
massive rail network and his party was a crucial prop for the shaky
coalition government in New Delhi. 

Yadav managed all this despite a constant whiff of corruption around him.
Indeed, he liked to thumb his nose at the law, riding triumphantly on the
back of an elephant after a brief spell behind bars in 1997 as a crowd of
admirers cheered.

Last week, a court sentenced Yadav to five years in prison for his part in a
multi-million-dollar embezzlement case.

It was a landmark moment in a country where public disgust with corrupt
politicians is finally starting to bite. Voters could throw the ruling
Congress party out of power at the next general election, due by next May,
for presiding over one of the most sleaze-ridden periods in the country's

An opinion poll in August said the party's parliamentary strength could drop
to about 125 out of 543 elected seats. Currently it has 206, and rules with
the help of coalition allies.

"Endgame of India's unclean politics," Kiran Bedi, a former police chief and
now an anti-corruption activist, tweeted cheerily after Yadav was bundled
off to jail last week.

The popular outrage has also spawned a clutch of new parties committed to
ending the nexus between politics and crime, and - for the first time in
quarter of a century - it has put corruption firmly on the agenda for
national polls.


Probity has never been the strongest suit of the world's largest democracy.
A staggering 30% of lawmakers across federal and state legislatures face
criminal charges, many for serious crimes such as rape, murder and

Politicians and gangsters have long been bedfellows, not least because of
the dirty money that fuels political campaigns. More than 90% of funding for
the two main national parties, Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party,
comes from unknown sources, according to the advocacy group Association for
Democratic Reforms.

Yet, only once in India's history has the public been exercised enough about
graft to boot a government out for shady dealings. That was in 1989, when a
kickbacks scandal over the purchase of artillery guns from Sweden's Bofors
contributed to an election defeat for Congress and its then prime minister,
Rajiv Gandhi.

The scandals have come thick and fast on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's
watch in the last few years.

There was a huge scam over the sale of the 2G mobile spectrum, which Time
magazine listed as number 2 on its "Top 10 Abuses of Power", behind the
Watergate scandal. New Delhi's botched hosting of the 2010 Commonwealth
Games led to dozens of corruption cases, and then the government was hit by
a furore over the allocation of coal deposits now known as "Coalgate".

All this has prompted the emergence of an anti-corruption movement, one that
swelled in 2011 with huge protests led by Anna Hazare, who styled himself as
a crusader in the mould of independence hero Mahatma Gandhi.

The outcry has continued since then, rattling the government, in part
because much of it comes from the urban middle-class, a traditionally
apolitical bloc whose sudden engagement could shatter electoral

A Lowy Institute poll of Indians in May found that 92% thought corruption
had increased over the past five years, and even more believed that reducing
corruption should be a top priority for their government.
A newly formed party, the Aam Aadmi (Common Man) Party, has tapped into the
angst over sleaze. The AAP chose a broom as its symbol, to suggest it is
sweeping the muck out of politics. In a video game launched last week, the
party's leader navigates the corruption-plagued streets of the capital
wielding a broom.

An increasingly activist judiciary has added to the clamour to rid politics
of criminals.

In July, the Supreme Court decreed that lawmakers convicted of a serious
crime would immediately forfeit their seats, closing off a loophole that had
allowed politicians to stay on during appeals, which can drag on for years
in India.

Last month, the court ordered the Election Commission to introduce a
"none-of-the-above" choice for voters, allowing them to reject unsavoury
characters instead of choosing the best of a rotten bunch.

The AAP, which is expected to disrupt the usual two-party race in a Delhi
state election, next month, is just one of several parties to be set up on
an anti-corruption platform.

Among them is the Nav Bharat (New India) Democratic Party of Rajendra Misra,
who gave up various

Re: [Goanet] Neighbours, but foes

2013-10-08 Thread Jose Colaco
Mervyn Lobo  Originally wrote:

"The kids in this video are 45 years older today."


1: I am NOT in that video.
2: IF I was, I would be circa "45 years older today" than I was on that day.

NEXT ! ! 



2013-10-08 Thread Alfred de Tavares

8 October 2013
Last updated at 13:52 GMT

  Share this page



Costa Concordia wreck: Remains of Indian waiter 'found'



Russel Rebello was working as a waiter on the Costa Concordia

Continue reading the main story 


Cruise disaster

Salvaging ship

Fall in profits


What we know



 searching the wreck of the Costa Concordia off the Italian coast may 
have found the remains of one of two people still missing, officials 
Italy's civil protection agency said it believed the remains belonged 
to Russel Rebello, an Indian waiter.

An Italian passenger, Maria Grazia Trecarichi, is still unaccounted for.

Thirty people had already been confirmed dead after the cruise ship 
partially sank off the island of Giglio last year. 

Salvage teams moved it to an upright position last month.  

"The remains have been found by rescuers on the third deck" 
of the cruise ship, said a civil protection agency spokeswoman, 
Francesca Maffini.

"Several elements make us say that they could relate to the 
body of the young waiter of Indian nationality, Russel Rebello," she 

The agency the results would not be confirmed for several 
days, but said Mr Rebello's family had been informed about the 


Italian officials have made the recovery of the remaining bodies a priority 
after righting the cruise ship
  An earlier announcement by the authorities that they had found the 
remains of two human bodies was subsequently played down.

The search for the two people who remained unaccounted for 
resumed on 24 September, a week after the wreck of the cruise ship had 
been moved to an upright position and stabilised.

Officials have made the recovery of the remaining bodies a priority.

Divers had previously focussed their search for the two 
missing people on the fourth deck of the Costa Concordia, where they had
 reportedly been seen for the last time on the evening of the accident. 

The captain of the Costa Concordia, Francesco Schettino, is on trial 
over the disaster.

He is accused of manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and 
abandoning ship, but says he is being made a scapegoat for the errors of



[Goanet] Colva priest rubbishes instigation charges - goacom.com

2013-10-08 Thread Camillo Fernandes



[Goanet] Dog bites 16 in Margao

2013-10-08 Thread Valmiki Faleiro

A stray dog bit 16 people within about 90 minutes in
the Agalli/Gogol area in Margao this afternoon. Victims
included women and children. A recently-married female
victim had some flesh of her leg so torn off that it left the
bone exposed. Another victim was said to be a migrant 
from the North East who works locally as a *Chinese cook*.

Without meaning to trivialise the tragedy, it might have
crossed the cook's mind that while people eat dogs in
his parts and in China, dogs eat people in Goa.

When will the charade of Goa's animals rights NGOs
begin making a difference to the stray animal menace,
and increase security to innocent passers-by?

(Caveat: for journalistic facts, please await the newspapers
of tomorrow.)

Best, v

Re: [Goanet] Opinion: Why Nina Davuluri matters (Roland Mascarenhas)

2013-10-08 Thread Tim de Mello
Re: "The initial surprise was followed by a sense of satisfaction that 
attitudes were moving in the right direction . . . "

In India too, one hopes.

Tim de Mello

> From: goanet.refor...@bell.net
> To: goa...@goanet.org
> Date: Sat, 5 Oct 2013 19:16:32 -0400
> Subject: [Goanet] Opinion: Why Nina Davuluri matters (Roland Mascarenhas)
> Opinion: Why Nina Davuluri matters
> After Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America, the first of Indian descent in 
> the pageant’s history, the news elicited some predictable reactions. The 
> initial surprise was followed by a sense of satisfaction that attitudes were 
> moving in the right direction, but the feel-good mood was soured by a torrent 
> of racist slurs from social media trolls, who referred to the beauty queen as 
> a “foreigner” and even a “terrorist.”
> Supporters quickly responded with condemnation of these detractors as 
> “ignorant” and “uneducated,” and bolstered Davuluri’s star status. Reactions 
> to her triumph and, to some extent, the spectacle itself, provide insights 
> into our society — specifically, the evolving role of citizens of Indian 
> descent and of the media.
> Beauty pageants, once obsessed with physical attractiveness, have become a 
> platform for rising talents in media and entertainment ­— with Diane Sawyer, 
> Vanessa Williams, Sarah Palin and Halle Berry among the more prominent 
> winners. While in years past, height, weight and the bathing suit competition 
> seemed to matter most, judges today grade contestants on being articulate, 
> polite and confident. A detailed personal interview not seen on television 
> accounts for 25 per cent of the score and the talent segment is worth 35 per 
> cent. Personality, social fluency and distinctiveness are the winning 
> qualities of Miss America. The contest is no longer a parade of pulchritude 
> but rather a screening for a media-savvy celebrity who will assume a high 
> profile representing her country in an inter-connected, and troubled, world. 
> Enter Nina Davuluri.
> Read the entire article: http://bit.ly/NinaDavuluri
> Goanet News
> www.goanet.org  

[Goanet] Goa news for October 9, 2013

2013-10-08 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa illegal mining case: FIR names former Chief Ministers
Kamat, Rane - The Hindu
to retain Subhash Shirodkar as Goa PCC chief: AICC Secretary

*** Goa mining scam: 2 Congress ex-CMs named in FIR - Business
orruption Bureau (ACB) today filed an FIR against two former
Congress Chief Ministers Digambar Kamat and Pratapsingh Rane and
others in connection with the iron ore mining scam in the state.
Besides Kamat and Rane, the others named in ...

*** Goa hand Oman second successive defeat - Zee News
7 Boys` category of the 54th Subroto Cup by defeating NCC (West
Bengal & Sikkim) and BSL, Jhakhand in their respective
quarterfinals at the ...

*** Goa bags award for best beach, culture tourism - Times of
mes of IndiaDilip Parulekar, minister of tourism, government of
Goa, said, "It is a matter of great pride that Goa is being
recognized for beaches and culture; and to receive this from the
editorial board of an established publication only makes our
resolve ...

*** Schoolchildren to clean beaches in Goa - Times of India
unded cleaning programme. Commissioner Sanjit Rodrigues said the
'Waste Wise' ...

*** Top and Flop: Shillong Lajong 0-1 Sporting Clube de Goa -
Goal.com India
tart their season by beating their more fancied hosts in a
closely fought encounter in Shillong... Welcome to Goal's new
I-League feature: Top and Flop. For every game, a candidate will
be put forward, as chosen by ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF3aAq_m-1X7Sv2VGY_vyq99xJMIw&url=http://www.goal.com/en-india/news/1064/i-league/2013/10/08/4318044/top-and-flop-shillong-lajong-0-1-sporting-clube-de-goa

*** HIV cases on the decline in Goa - Times of India
mes of IndiaDr Sachin Govenkar, project director, Goa State Aids
Control society (GSACs), said better surveillance, awareness
programmes and interventions, have helped curb HIV in the state.
The drop in number of HIV cases is significant because the
number of ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGxpIdboGM7_mZANSGbglvuda2Zlg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/HIV-cases-on-the-decline-in-Goa/articleshow/23755833.cms?cfmid=1400

*** Goa schools to be roped in for garbage collection - Times of
oloured trolley bins to 94 schools and educational institutions
in Goa. The four bins are for plastic, paper, metal and glass
and for ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGsp3EKyL_fFxpDK4nmbUaaHTBvLg&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-schools-to-be-roped-in-for-garbage-collection/articleshow/23648241.cms

*** Goa yet to warm up to JNV residential schooling - Times of
mes of IndiaCANACONA: The Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) at
Canacona, set up under a central government scheme, is
struggling to attract student numbers in tune with its capacity,
even though the institute has managed to emerge first in terms
of student ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEmerTpsp7LJhoPAE4V-mcOqO0w_A&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/goa/Goa-yet-to-warm-up-to-JNV-residential-schooling/articleshow/23676802.cms

*** Concern over ban on sand and earth excavations in Goa -
Hindu Business Line
ndu Business LineNarayan R. Bandekar, president of Goa Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (GCCI), has expressed deep concern over
the crisis faced by the construction industry due to the ban on
sand extraction and also a subsequent ban on earth excavations
for bricks ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEANZooaF6rwlaAh3lMVwXItshH9Q&url=http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/states/concern-over-ban-on-sand-and-earth-excavations-in-goa/article5214256.ece

Compiled by Goanet News Service

[Goanet] Fwd: Deputation of the reporters/photographers/cameraman

2013-10-08 Thread Tiatr Academy Goa

Tiatr Academy of Goa will organize a monthly programme dedicated to tiatr
artistes of the yester years who are no more living with us , at 4.00 p.m
at   TAG's Conference Hall, Campal Trade Centre, Panjim

We kindly depute your reporters/photographers/cameraman to cover the said

Thanking you

Yours faithfully

Victor de Sa
Member Secretary

[Goanet] PWD, Health, Tourism portfolios was needed to be shifted to their other senior colleagues as they failed to perform well.This exercise of allocation of portfolios and by retaining them was an

2013-10-08 Thread Stephen Dias
All ministers retain their major portfolios

Published on: October 8, 2013 - 01:08 by Navhind Times

The long overdue portfolio reshuffle in the state cabinet, which was
announced by Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar late Monday evening
threw up no surprises

PANAJI:  The long overdue portfolio reshuffle in the state cabinet,
which was announced by Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar late Monday
evening threw up no surprises, with all ministers retaining their
major portfolios and allotted extra responsibility of one to two

Parrikar retained the portfolios namely home, personnel, finance,
general administration, vigilance and education, besides town and
country planning, and above all, mining and geology.

Deputy Chief Minister Francis D’Souza will continue to hold urban
development, and revenue portfolios, but will no longer be in charge
of craftsman training.  He will now also hold portfolios namely
information technology and NRI.

MGP legislator Ramakrishna Dhavalikar will retain his public works
department, transport and river navigation portfolios, with the
additional responsibility of non-conventional energy.

Laxmikant Parsekar will continue to be Health Minister, apart from
holding panchayat portfolio. He will no longer be in charge of rural
development, but have the new responsibility of Captain of Ports.

Dayanand Mandrekar will retain portfolios namely water resources,
civil supplies and price control, and art and culture, apart from the
newly bestowed portfolio – archaeology.

Ramesh Tawadkar has also been able to keep intact his portfolios
namely sports and youth affairs, and tribal welfare. He will have
additional responsibility of the archives.

Mahadev Naik, Minister for Industries and Social Welfare, will
continue with his portfolios. In addition, he has been allocated
portfolios namely handicrafts, textile and coir, and legal metrology.

Dilip Parulekar too will retain his portfolios namely tourism and
women and child development, besides the newly assigned one –

Milind Naik, the Power Minister now has additional responsibility of
the state electrical inspectorate attached to his important portfolio.
He has, however, lost out the portfolio of housing, in turn being
allotted two important portfolios – information and publicity, and
printing and stationary.

Pandurang Dhavalikar, besides his existing portfolios namely
co-operation, and factories and boilers, will have additional
portfolio, craftsmen training.

Avertano Furtado, Minister for Fisheries, and Labour and Employment,
will now have to look after the rural development agency.

Alina Saldhana will continue with her portfolios – environment and
forest, besides now being Minister for Museum.

The related notification will, however, be issued on October 18, after
the end of the forthcoming six-day assembly session.

[Goanet] Sprite dethrones thums up - firstpost.com

2013-10-08 Thread Camillo Fernandes


Re: [Goanet] Neighbours, but foes

2013-10-08 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Gabe Menezes wrote:

>RESPONSE: Okay dokey; 2013 minus 1967 gives us  46. already above your 45 
>The boy in his First Holy Communion, must be at the very least 7 years old? If 
>you can't 
>figure this out then I have lost it completely! Your 45 years old wasn't born 
>in 1967
>One of us is/was in the wrong biz - try figuring out money markets!

Gabe Menezes,

Goanet never fails to amaze me. I am always entertained when people choose to 
turn into contortionist, trying to worm out of a situation, instead of 
accepting responsibility for their occasional mistrakes. Yet others, to my 
bewilderment, publicly ask on the forum why no one is pointing out the blunders 
they repeatedly make. 

Now for the mater in hand, here is my original post:
"To end this on a positive note, here is a video of the Christmas Tree Party at 
the DI, circa 1967. 
1967 folks. The kids in this video are 45 years older today."

I accept that people here will have difficulty comprehending English. I also 
understand that a lot of people have difficulty with any number other than 
1961. However, anyone who has a Standard Four or above proficiency in the 
English language and math, has understood that no kid in the Xmas video can be 
46 years older today. 

Here is the math: 1967 + 46 = 2013

We are in the month of October. The video was shot during December - the 
Christmas period  - of 1967. There are still two months to go to the December 
Christmas period of this year. In other words, the kids in the Xmas video are 
45 years and ten months older today. Your calculation of 46 years is incorrect. 

I could have, like I often do, let your opinions slide. It is more difficult to 
let your math slide. It is even more difficult to let your math slide when I 
know that a few years ago you would have been on top of your game. You would 
never have made a two month blunder. After all, you dealt with money markets 
and instruments with maturity dates. The all important maturity date. Everyone 
here who has dealt with a money market instrument knows that s/he will be 
subjected to a penalty if she tries to cash in two months before maturity.

I hope this helps in illustrating your math error.


Re: [Goanet] Neighbours, but foes on and off the field.

2013-10-08 Thread Gabe Menezes
Gabe Menezes,
> I am interested to know how your calculations arrive at 53 years.
> Mervyn

RESPONSE: Okay dokey; 2013 minus 1967 gives us  46. already above your 45
years! The boy in his First Holy Communion, must be at the very least 7
years old? If you can't figure this out then I have lost it completely!
Your 45 years old wasn't born in 1967

One of us is/was in the wrong biz - try figuring out money markets!


Gabe Menezes.

[Goanet] Book Club - 24th Oct 8.15 p.m.

2013-10-08 Thread books

The next Book Club will meet on 24th Oct to discuss The Lowland by 
Jhumpa Lahiri

[Goanet] Asian sensational victories.

2013-10-08 Thread Antonio Menezes
Most Goans in Kenya and Tanzania  working in  the Govt offices were given 6
notice of termination of services  and they retired with full pension
benefits. Most of the  retrenched were at the lower level  whereas others
at the middle and executive level
served Govts well  into the seventies. Tanzania and Kenya became
independent in
1961 and 1963 respectively.  It might be said that Goans left for greener
at their own leisurely pace with a touch of honour.

As for Catholics of Goa , one has only to see them at a Sunday  mass. They
are well
dressed and contribute liberally to church collections. The only Catholics
who find Goa
not a salubrious place to live in are those who expect to be addressed as
Bab and Bai. and who today are ignominiously ignored in the modern society