[Goanet] We Need To Rewrite The Christmas Story ....TOI 23 Dec pg 18

2014-12-25 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


Dec 23 2014
The Times of India

the speaking tree -   
We Need To Rewrite The Christmas Story   

Janina Gomes 

Every time in life we are tempted 
to throw in the towel, Christmas reminds us that God
 is still working on us. Through the rough and tumble, through pain and 
suffering, we are being reborn, reshaped, made into worthy vessels to 
receive Grace. Every Christmas reminds us that God has not yet finished with 
us. He is still moulding and shaping us like a clay pot – all the tossing and 
turning, and then the master strokes,
 the finishing touches. When he has finished with us, we will be like 
beautifully crafted pots, ready to hold all the love and beauty that he 
will pour into us. 
Originally, Christmas was a quiet family feast, when people came home
 from far and near, just to be with the family and to eat together, 
sharing not just food but also so many memories and experiences. 
Today, many people are lonely at Christmas because they have no one 
to celebrate the feast with. For some it has become simply a ritual of going to 
church in one's best clothes and finery  , and a few handshakes at the end of 
the service.
   Christmas carol-singing groups bringing Christmas to our doorstep is hardly 
there anymore. When we were college students, we would be packed into a bus and 
we would move around the neighbourhood singing carols just for the joy of 
   Many traditions have developed around Christmas ­ the mistletoe, the advent 
candles, the feeling of anticipation, of welcoming a great event
 ­ the birth of Jesus, who is Emmanuel, God with us. As a lonely 
traveller, these have been a great boon to me. I know that Jesus walks 
through life 
with me even though i might not be part of the fun events in the Parish 
with parties and Santa Claus organised for children ­ but i can still be  part 
of the spirit of giving 
that Christmas evokes. Maybe a gift of wheat will  enable some poor 
family to put chapattis on the table; maybe a packet of dal  will help 
the afternoon lunch; a cake  of soap and washing powder may help  a poor
 family to keep themselves and their clothes clean, at least
 for a while.
   I often wonder how some famil

[Goanet] CHRISTMAS (IS) CENTERED ON CRIB! by Fr. Cedric Prakash sj* (241214)

2014-12-25 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com

From: sjprashant...@gmail.com
To: sjprash...@gmail.com


-Fr. Cedric Prakash sj* 

the world of today, we are driven and governed by a market which only
emphasises crass consumerism with Santa Clauses and Christmas trees,
decorations and illuminations, drinking and dancing, new clothes and gifts.
These often remain the only focus of our celebrations.  It is indeed human
to want the material trappings of a festival, however a true Christian will
never lose sight of the fact that Jesus, our Saviour is born on Christmas day 
that too in a crib. Christmas is therefore all about CRIB! 

is the heart of Christmas and is the greatest act of a God who shows compassion
on every single woman and man of His creation.  Because of this
compassion, Jesus comes down to this world as our Saviour, giving us the
message of love, and teaching us to reach out to others in acts of total
giving.  The most profound way in which we can celebrate Christmas is by
reaching (X) out in compassion to the poor, the lonely, the rejected, the 
of a society which is becoming more and more insensitive and uncaring. 

is the moment of grace which is gifted to each one of us at Christmas. This
renewal is preceded by a realisation that Jesus comes into the world for me and
He invites me to enter the dynamic of reconciliation with Him, with others,
with creation and (X) with myself; allowing His healing touch to make me a new
person again. Renewal is above all the ability to start afresh and to be a
meaningful instrument in communicating God’s peace, love, hope and joy to all
whom I encounter in this journey of life. 

is fundamental to Christmas; like Mary who treasured all things in her heart.
Jesus is the priceless treasure and making Him an indispensable part of our way
of proceeding(change) is what Christmas is all about. That’s what the shepherds
did when they left their flock and ran in haste to worship baby Jesus. The Magi
too travelled long distances to meet the true King as they realised that it is
only Jesus that matters and not the Herods of this world. 

is what the angels sang about on that first Christmas night – “Glory to God
in the highest and peace to all men and women of goodwill”. It is what
Jesus constantly reminds us of during the sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are
you”, He tells His disciples who wish to follow Him; a blessedness which is
epitomised by St. Joseph who not only takes care of Jesus and Mary but also
proves that he is a just man. It is a call to each one of us to radiate this
blessedness always. 

as we celebrate yet another Christmas, we need to make every effort to put
Christ back into Christmas and to centre Christmas on crib, a call to 
compassion, renewal,
interiorisation and blessedness! 

24th December,


(* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director
of PRASHANT, the
Ahmedabad-based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace.)


Address: ‘PRASHANT’,
Hill Nagar, Near Saffron Hotel, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 380052

Phone: (079) 27455913, 66522333
(079) 27489018  

Email: sjprash...@gmail.com   www.humanrightsindia.in




[Goanet] Saldanha Christmas Fruitcake Is Big In Calcutta

2014-12-25 Thread eric pinto

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|  ericpin...@yahoo.com has sent you the following story: A Punch Line In The 
U.S., Christmas Fruitcake Is Big In Calcutta  |



|   eric pinto thought you would be interested in this story  |
|   |

A Punch Line In The U.S., Christmas Fruitcake Is Big In Calcutta
  Seen as indestructible in the West, fruitcakes are indispensable in the 
bustling Hindu city. Bakers of all faiths have the ovens running round the 
clock to feed Calcutta's appetite for the cakes.   Read this story   |  |


|  This email was sent by: NPR, N. Capitol St. NE Washington, DC, 20002, 
United States. This message was sent to ericpin...@yahoo.com.   |







[Goanet] No X-rated Morality for the X’mas Season!

2014-12-25 Thread Joao Barros-Pereira
No X-rated Morality for the X’mas Season!

Every year during X'Mas season, we Roman Catholics celebrate with a surge
of morality and self-righteous behavior a professional politician will envy!

How about celebrating this X'mas season sans x-rated morality? Let's listen
more attentively to Jesus who says in the King James version of the Bible:
But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand

None of the "good works" business of which our community bristles with
pride at this time of year and is more popular among us than Christmas
cake: it is also an excellent technique to inflate our egos and make us
feel superior!

We should not fool ourselves: charity is never a substitute for justice. We
need to fight against injustice of every variety - a boring and tedious
task - during the year, 364 fights in a year, and maybe rest on X'mas day?
A senior BJP Roman Catholic politician reveals people from outside Goa are
not the only ones who are corrupt. We Goans are also corrupt! Maybe it is
time to adjust the accusing finger of corruption? We all know, in the
previous half century, we Goans of all communities shamelessly have lowered
the bar against corruption and today it is so low even a toddler will be
able to go over it!

During this X'mas season we need to feel grateful to the people who are
humble enough or have to accept gifts because they are poor as church mice
- and often have to say yes! Let's be grateful to them for being kind
enough to allow the giver to share the joy of giving! Giving and sharing is
an ordinary activity which brings human beings a lot of joy if we are still
human! And, another good reason is, we cannot take our wealth with us
beyond the grave or funeral pyre, and so why not have a bit of fun sharing

Let's not drag heaven and hell and after-life into it. Let us try to be
more human this Christmas, that's all! Maybe invite a Muslim or a Hindu to
our Roman Catholic houses to share a meal? Remember, even if we believe in
God it is no guarantee that God believes in us!

Spirituality is not a business transaction where we get something from God
for being generous or good or whatever. That is simply our everyday
business way of thinking which we are unable to give up on a Sunday or even
during the X’masseason. Enjoy!

appeared in Gomantak Times, Dec 25

[Goanet] Julio Ribeiro : Preparing for 'Ghar Wapsi'

2014-12-25 Thread Robin Viegas
From: bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com


As Christmas Day approaches, I am readying myself for 'Ghar Wapsi'. Normally it 
would be celebration time, but there has been a dramatic shift in interest and 
emphasis, what with the mass re-conversions planned on that day atAligarh and 
the observance of Good Governance Day in schools across the country!A BJP vice 
president (for the state of Maharashtra) stays in my building and I meet him 
quite often in the elevator or in the building compound during my morning walk. 
When I told him that I was ready for 'Ghar Wapsi' he was visibly excited. I 
asked him what caste I would be assigned to on reconversion, but he said he 
would have to find out. After a brief pause he wanted to know the caste to 
which my Hindu ancestors belonged. I mentioned that they were Saraswats, so he 
opined that I would revert to that caste. In reply, I asked him how he could be 
so sure since my forebears had eaten all sorts of prohibited meat. That stumped 
him and he reverted to his stance of the need to consult someone about the 
same.It is a historical fact that Hindus of different castes were converted by 
Portuguese missionaries 400 to 500 years ago at a time when faith dominated 
political discourse. Some sort of coercion must necessarily have been used. The 
Ottoman Turks had done the same in the Balkans despite resistance from the 
Austro Hungarians and Czarist Russia. The detritus of those conversions still 
linger in the surcharged atmosphere of embattled Bosnia and neighbouring 
Kosovo.Religion has always been used as a tool by State players from the dawn 
of history. It has led to numerous religious wars, the most prominent of which 
were the Crusades which pitted the Muslims against the Christians in Jerusalem 
and the Middle East. Everyone forgets that religions did not exist when man 
first appeared on Earth. Different theories were put forth by different people 
in different corners of the world to explain the mystery of life and death, of 
the wonders of nature and events that could not be explained by human 
intellect. Different theories were soon turned into beliefs and ultimately into 
religions. Fortunately, all religions speak of the necessity of being just and 
good and condemn that which militates against peace and order in society.Five 
centuries ago, in the Age of Faith, Christian missionaries just like Arab 
traders and Ottoman soldiers went around the world propagating a one true 
religion. That epoch has long gone but diehards abound and they in turn have 
given birth to extremists in more moderate religions like Hinduism. Mass 
conversions disturb social order and need to be discouraged. Individuals 
seeking spiritual solace in another religion different from the one in which 
they were born is common all over the world. In Portugal I came across 
descendents of those who converted my forefathers who had now adopted Krishna 
as their preferred god!There can be no justification for killing innocent 
people in the name of God and no plausible reasons for hating individuals who 
hold beliefs about God that are different from theirs. Unfortunately, we are 
now confronted with 'Ghar Wapsi' which is just an excuse for divisive politics 
and is not going to help the country to advance. I have no quarrel with the 
concept of Hindutva or cultural nationalism as the RSS describes it. As I have 
said earlier, I admit that my ancestors were Hindus and incidentally I have 
never failed to proclaim it. Probably, because my forefathers belonged to the 
higher varna of Hindu society as compared to many other compatriots who had 
been liberated from an inferior status ascribed to them in the Hindu social 
order.Here's a historical tidbit which most Goan Christians, including priests, 
do not know will be of interest to them as well as to our Hindu brothers in 
Goa. The first Goan Catholic Priest to be ordained Bishop (of Bijapur) was 
Mateus de Castro of Chorao in Diwad. He insisted on being ordained as Mateus de 
Castro Mahale because that was the Hindu surname of his family prior to 
conversion. The Priest who baptized his forefathers was a Castro and like all 
Goans (even East Indians from Mumbai and Vasai) converted en masse they were 
given the surname of the priest who baptized them. Portuguese surnames are to 
be found all along the coast of India and even Sri Lankan test cricketers 
Mendis, Pereira, Vas and De Silva are Sinhalese whose ancestors were converted 
by the Portuguese. I have also come across a Ribeiro in Quilon in Kerala who 
spoke only Malayalam.So, as I await December 25, the day ear-marked for 'Ghar 
Wapsi', I am trying to figure out what my old Hindu surname was. I will have to 
go to Goa, to my taluka of Bardez, to my village of Socorro and diligently dig 
out old Church records. But the Sangh Parivar is giving me very little time to 
do that. They are obviously in a mighty hu

[Goanet] 'Ghar Wapasi': Those Who Converted Speak up

2014-12-25 Thread Marshall Mendonza


2014-12-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
The move by the BJP Government in Goa to give a six month extension to the
Goa State Chief Information Commissioner Leena Mehendale is condemnable and
has to be strongly opposed.

After her disastrous performance Leena Mehendale who is due to retire on 31
st January 2015 on completing the age of 65 has made an application seeking
a six month extension. Leena Mehendale with the close RSS links is trying
to get the very tainted Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni to give a custom
made legal opinion to pave her extension. Atmaram Nadkarni is known to
twist and curve the law in giving opinions that suit his political masters
and the powers to be.

As Section 16(1) of  the Right to Information Act prohibits the Chief
Information Commissioner from holding office after attaining the age of 65,
any extension that may high-handedly be  given to Leena Mehendale would be
absolutely illegal and contrary to law.

A  similar  move to give an extension to the then State Information
Commissioner Afonso Araujo who retired on August 3, 2010 was  turned down
by the Government after seeking the opinion of the Law and Finance

The Goa Government must take immediate steps on a priority to select the
next Chief Information Commissioner and also fill the long overdue post of
State Information Commissioner which is lying vacant since 2010.

The selection process should however be in a very transparent manner and
strictly in accordance with law. There is need of independent minded
persons of eminence who would not succumb to political pulls and pressures
to be selected for ensuring the proper implementation of the Right
to Information Act in Goa which this government has conveniently scuttled
and sabotaged.

Unlike Leena Mehandale who then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had brought
from Maharashtra despite all his loud talk of Special Status for Goa, the
next Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioner must be
from the Goan soil. We have no dearth of competent and outstanding
personalities to don the mettle.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


[Goanet] Goa news for December 25, 2014

2014-12-25 Thread Goanet News Service
Goa News from Google News and Goanet.org
Visit http://www.goanet.org/newslinks.php for the full stories.

*** Goa police launch helpline for lonely senior citizens - The

*** Sunburn Adds Another Day To Its Festivity in Goa - The New
Indian Express

*** Petrol prices to hike in Goa; government to impose VAT -
Daily News & Analysis
prices to increase in Goa; government to impose VAT

*** Ranji Trophy, Group C: Himachal earn 3 points against Goa;
Hyderabad vs ... - IBNLive
Trophy 2014-15 Round 3, Goa vs Himachal Pradesh: Himachal secure

*** Sunburn Goa 2014 adds one more day- 'Sunburn Surprise' -
Sunburn Goa has surprised its fans by adding an additional day
to its annual three-day event. The festival will start on 26
December and end on 30 December this year. The announcement was
made by Goa tourism ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNGZ3M29gH8mcwaZXJYCMsLh_ujs6w&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=kVqbVNGDBMaYgwfsxYG4DA&url=http://www.radioandmusic.com/entertainment/editorial/news/sunburn-goa-2014-adds-one-more-day-sunburn-surprise-141223

*** Enforcement Directorate to hold camp in Goa for NRIs/PIOs
under FEMA scanner - Economic Times
to hold camp in Goa for NRIs/PIOs under FEMA scanner

*** Rave parties in Goa lose shine due to dwindling number of
tourists - Daily News & Analysis
aced rave parties would be a thing of past at least this New
Year as dwindling number of foreign tourists coupled with
enforcement of stringent laws are proving to be a dampener for
celebrations to ring in 2015. The most popular shacks ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFChhKAzD-2Pmr_razxSG4AWrRpvA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778691921872&ei=kVqbVNGDBMaYgwfsxYG4DA&url=http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-rave-parties-in-goa-lose-shine-due-to-dwindling-number-of-tourists-2046735

*** Special train to ferry 1300 devotees from Chalakudy to Goa -
The Hindu
elp group of St Francis Church, Sambaloor.http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNG8HmdRR4cO1dymrJuxzGUN4zQsXw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&cid=52778691631193&ei=kVqbVNGDBMaYgwfsxYG4DA&url=http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Kochi/special-train-to-ferry-1300-devotees-from-chalakudy-to-goa/article6721558.ece

*** Livelihoods shatter after Supreme Court's ruling on iron
mining in Goa - Economic Times
even year old Rajesh Sulebhavikar, hailing from the mining belt
of North Goa, is still struggling to cope with the professional
and personal void created by the September 2002 mining ban in
the state. On the professional front, his income ...http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFPLcTgyUVbifVlxakZJajvZmIszw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=kVqbVNGDBMaYgwfsxYG4DA&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/indl-goods/svs/metals-mining/livelihoods-shatter-after-supreme-courts-ruling-on-iron-mining-in-goa/articleshow/45635250.cms

*** Working with spl kids not a

[Goanet] BJP is silently promoting RSS ideology

2014-12-25 Thread Nelson Lopes
BJP is now trying to do  at a fast pace

Mr Modi in his elections speeches mesmerized the voters with their
aspirations and expectations He mowed down UPA and Congress with no holes
barred blame game. The issue of corruption, scams, unemployment,
polarization, reforms in police, Judiciary. The massive mandate has been
turned upside down with hapless voters repenting of misplaced trust and
faith. The voters were disappointment and disillusioned with the past
rulers and hoped that change would usher in for the good of the people

Taking every one to-gether,”sab ka vikas, sab ke sath” and gave the
impression that things would change and change fast. The RSS is emboldened
to carry out their planned agenda through various fringe groups close to
the masters. People were always apprehensive about the hidden agenda and
RSS ideology, Voters thought that with assurances of Modi,  good sense will
dawn on them after hard earned victory

The priority of BJP through RSS backing has been totally misplaced. Modi is
more than a silent spectator. Is  it possible that hawks in RSS are trying
to dilute the position of P.M.? Do have a replacement for Modi, in case he
throws in his hat in disgust? It is now or never feeling that makes RSS act
with arrogance. The religious conversions are taking centre stage, The BJP
must swear by secular Constitution, in stead of laying the whole blame at
the door of RSS. The polarization taking place to win votes is a dangerous
precedent. No  steps to bring back the black money, Corruption has not been
ushered in by implementing LOK Pal bill. Gita is being promoted as the book
of India hurting the sentiments of the minority,. Sanskrit is being
promoted as the language with cultural overtones. The construction of Ram
Mandir is raising its head, with the   main Muslim litigant most willing
and wanting talks and mediation. Now a fresh controversy about good
governance day on 25 December and threading on the sensitivity of the
feelings of Christians with all types of rationalization

The Raja Shaba is being paralyzed by the opposition without being able to
pass any legislation, washing out the winter session. The  Govt is forced
to bring in two ordinances on Insurance Bill and coal bill on  the close of
both Houses, when earlier BJP strongly opposed to these back door measures,
subverting the democracy The  BJP has not been able to reign in the
hardliners or issue denial, who  are openly challenging and daring the
Government even to indicate  mere displeasure

The fears of the voters are being confirmed that RSS ideology and actions
are at play in flagrant violations of the Constitutions. While Mr Modi is
enhancing his image outside the country and being looked upon favourably as
the Head of India sincerely wishing to usher in reforms

The RSS is not strengthening the hands of the P.M, who has catapulted BJP
to the central stage with a massive majority, beside winning  and making
inroads in new states Hence Mr Modi is not receiving the due   praise ,
recognition and acknowledgement for his performance under his direct

At this state disillusion is setting in that BJP is the alternative to
secular parties, The fact is that there is no effective opposition in Lok
Shaba. The combined opposition in Raja Shaba is resorting to disruptions
methodology, thus giving the BJP the taste of its own medicine of their
strategy, now crying hoarse

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim


2014-12-25 Thread Stephen Dias
Dear Mayor of Panjim



Let me wish you and your family  a Merry Christmas.

Today is our Christmas day 2014 and it is sad that the roads are found
dirty with garbage stinking whole of city of Panaji. This is the first time
which I have come across after my 70 years of residing in Panjim and
D.Paula with the garbage problem, and the roads are in deplorable condition
and dirty. It is noticed in these days that everywhere we find bags
collected by the new contract workers without disposing them. The strike by
CCP contract workers was unfortunate and sad to see the whole Panjim city
stinking especially on this day of Christmas.

Today our Don Bosco priest made an announcement for the midnight Mass on
behalf of the Mayor requesting Panjimites that people must keep the city
roads clean and avoid throwing garbage on the roads.  Who has dirtied the
city and why the garbage is not removed by the workers of CCP?  Whose fault
for the workers to go on strike in this crucial time?

Hopefully we have clean roads for the next Christmas to come 2015.

Stephen Dias


[Goanet] Rally on 26th December

2014-12-25 Thread jatin naik
On Friday 26 th December 2014,  at 3.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m., all the children
of our comrades in Vasco Hutments Dwellers Association,  will hold
demonstration (and rally)  in front of the Municipal Bldg, Vasco for
protection of their right to housing. It will be a special occasion. Please
attend and give your solidarity.

[Goanet] Carols singing..

2014-12-25 Thread JoeGoaUk


 Institute Menezes Braganza Hall, 23.12.14



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2014-12-25 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Is it not an irony that on a day which the government has declared as “Good
Governance day” one has to seek the Prime Minister’s intervention to the
blatant misuse in Goa of the naval helicopter and criminal waste of public
funds by none other than his own Finance Minister Arun Jaitley?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has today been urged to order an inquiry into
this misuse of a naval copter by the family of Arun Jaitley.

In a complaint faxed to Narendra Modi today it has been pointed out that
Arun Jaitley’s wife Sangeeta and daughter Sonali who arrived in Goa from
Delhi on 23rd December by Indigo flight 6E -335 on a private visit to
attend a wedding were high-handedly flown by a naval copter from Dabolim
airport to the five star Lalit Golf & Spa Resort resort at Canacona in
South Goa.

This misuse of the naval copter at the instance of Defence Minister Manohar
Parrikar was clearly a gross abuse of power and an unnecessary burden on
the Exchequer. It was also contrary to the government’s mantra of good
governance and high probity in public life. Those in power are expected to
be sincere custodians of the State and should under no circumstances abuse
and misuse their authority.

It would be appropriate that Arun Jaitley tenders a public apology for this
unbecoming act and that the Government also recovers from him the undue
expenditure incurred in ferrying his wife and daughter by that naval copter.

While seeking action against Arun Jaitley within 15 days, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi has been informed that if no action is taken one would be
constrained in public interest to move the Bombay High Court at Goa for
appropriate orders.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



2014-12-25 Thread Sam Furtado
*Dear All,*

 *I take this opportunity to wish one and all and especially to the Goanet
CARE TO ALL HUMANS ON EARTH…let** the LIGHT of WISDOM dawn upon all men who
have gone astray and need true Guidance to follow THE true path of

*Three Cheers,*

*Sam Furtado *

[Goanet] EventsInGoa: Words from the Kristapurana * Goanet meet on Dec 29 * Aparant Maand postponed * Britto OBA dance tonight * Goapex prizes

2014-12-25 Thread Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
  TODAY is Dec 25, 2014. * Christmas Day: 25
  December: one of the most celebrated holidays
  around the world, increasingly celebrated by
  Christians and non-Christians alike.  * Anastasia
  of Sirmium feast day: 25 December * Twelve Days of
  Christmas: 25 December-6 January * Las Posadas:
  16–24 December -- procession to various family
  lodgings for celebration & prayer and to re-enact
  Mary & Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.  * Dies
  Natalis Solis Invicti (Day of the birth of the
  Unconquered Sun): 25 December - late Roman Empire.
  * Malkh is a festival dedicated to the Deela-Malkh
  in Vainakh (North Caucasus) mythology.  25 December
  was the birthday and the festival of the Sun. *
  Quaid-e-Azam's Day (Pakistan).

A scholar of Bengali origin Dr Ananya Chakravarti
[ananya.chakravarti at aucegypt.edu] translated and shared
via Facebook the centuries-old words of the Kristapurana:

  "To give us the wealth of your mercy, lord of
  Vaikuntha [heavenly abode of Visnu],
  you have come to take birth on this earth as a
  frail man
  Now take the wretch’s garment and cover your pure body
  and pass safely through the difficulties of winter."

  Thus did Mary speak and, taking freshly washed clothes,
  she covered the infant Jesus.
  Then, like unadulterated marble, like a precious pearl,
  she took out her lustrous breast to nurse him.
  Holding the infant Jesus to her heart, she placed
  her breast in his mouth.
  He drank: ghutughutam.
  Jesus drank Maria’s milk, while Maria did dhyana
  [meditation] of Jesus
  and received the amṛta [other-worldly nectar] of
  Vaikuntha in her heart.
  Jesus’s pure bhakti-face alone arose before the Virgin.
  Giving him amrta-milk, she gazed at her child.

[Stephens, Kristapurana, Book II, chapter 7, verses 81-88]

More about the Krista Purana on Wikipedia:

Krista Purana Krista Puranna (1654).jpg
The third edition of the Krista Purana (1654)
Author Fr. Thomas Stephans (1549-1619)
Country   India
Language  in a mix of Marathi-Konkani
Subject   Christianity
Publisher College of Rachol, Goa
Publication date  1616
Media typemanuscript
Preceded by   Krista Purana (first edition) in 1616
Followed by   Doutrina Christam em Lingoa Bramana Canarim

Krista Purana ("The Christian Puranas") is an epic poem on
the life of Jesus Christ written in a mix of Marathi and
Konkani by Fr.Thomas Stephens, S.J.  (1549–1619).  Adopting
the literary form of the Hindu puranas it retells the entire
story of mankind, from the creation days to the time of Jesus
in lyrical verse form.  The Christian Puranas -- 11,000
stanzas of 4 verses -- were very popular in the churches of
the area where they were sung on special occasions up to the
1930s.  Although no copy of the original edition has yet been
discovered, it is believed to have been published at Rachol
(Raitur) in 1616 (while the author was still living), 1649, and 1654.

  GOANET SPECIAL: Goa Old Book Digitisation Project
  Dr Ananya Chakravarthi has been working on a
  project to digitise old records from Goa.  On
  December 22, 2014 she outlined the work done in
  this direction and what could be done ahead.  A
  recording of the talk.  Part 1 of 2.  This has been
  taken up under the aegis of the British Library
  Endangered Archives Programme.  It is hoped this
  work would prove to be a useful resource for
  scholars and others interested in the history of Goa.

Stevens, the Kristapurana ... and negotiating religious
space in past centuries
Ananya Chakravarti holds a PhD in History by the University
of Chicago. Her dissertation, The Empire of Apostles: Jesuits
in Brazil and India considers the lives of six Jesuits in
Brazil and India during the sixteenth and seventeenth
century. Her research interests include the intersection of
religion and empire in the early modern Portuguese world and
cross-cultural encounters in colonial Brazil and early modern
India. Here she talks about her PhD and also Thomas Steven's
Kristapurana. The text is so rich and the poetry is
beautiful, she says.


* DEC 29: Goanet is a volunteer-driven project that completed
* 20 long and meaningful years a few months back, after it
* was set up by Herman Carneiro (now Dr) in 1994.  We have an
* annual Goanetters' meet at the year-end festive season, and
* this year's is on Dec 29, 2014 at 11 am at th