Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-08-01 Thread Kevin Saldanha
On behalf of the committee, Thank you Vivian,

Wish you could have been here!



Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:56:07 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Vivian A. DSouza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

Kudos and thanks to the organizers of the Goan convention in Toronto.?
?Unfortunately, family matters prevented me from attending the convention.?
Nevertheless, I want to thank the organizers.? Having been involved in
organizing events in the past, I know how much work must have gone into
organizing the events.? In my experience, the job of organizing is
thankless.? One receives more criticisms then appreciation, and invariably
the organizers end up having to spend a lot of money from their own pockets.
So guys, you know who you are, I for one appreciate all your efforts.? Thank
you and please do not be discouraged.? You organized the convention because
of your love for our beloved Goa.? That's saying a lot.? Thank you again.
? Vivian A. D'Souza


[Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-07-31 Thread Vivian A. DSouza
Kudos and thanks to the organizers of the Goan convention in Toronto. 
 Unfortunately, family matters prevented me from attending the convention.  
Nevertheless, I want to thank the organizers.  Having been involved in 
organizing events in the past, I know how much work must have gone into 
organizing the events.  In my experience, the job of organizing is thankless.  
One receives more criticisms then appreciation, and invariably the organizers 
end up having to spend a lot of money from their own pockets.
So guys, you know who you are, I for one appreciate all your efforts.  Thank 
you and please do not be discouraged.  You organized the convention because of 
your love for our beloved Goa.  That's saying a lot.  Thank you again.
  Vivian A. D'Souza

Re: [Goanet] Goan Convention In Toronto

2008-07-08 Thread Camilo Gomes
International Goan Convention is being held in Toronto under the auspices of 
Goa Netters Assoc. of Toronto who will do their best to make the Convention 
a mega success.  Kudos to Dr Kevin Saldanha , Lizete Saldanha, Francis 
Rodrigues and the entire team for coming together and putting up such a 
great  event.

Folks conventions are not held every year  it's a 20 year event or probably 
even more.  Its about to bring our community together.

This is a golden opportunity for like minded Goans to renew friendship and 
exchange views, business ideas and take part in social events .

One of the major attraction of this event is the Super Hit Tiatro, a 
special presentation and  thought of Dr. Kevin Saldanha who approached 
Ace-Director Jr. Menezes to present the Super Hit Teatro" Adeus " at the 
LIVING ARTS CENRE, Toronto's prestigious Theatre and it's a honor to our 
actors and actresses to perform  at the LAC in  Mississsauga.  Last year 
Adeus was held here in Toronto Micheal Powers to a packed audience of 600 
plus.  Adeus became hit with running scenes, special effects and the movie 
style video projection etc..  The story of  young lovers acted by Joe Vaz as 
Steve, and Shirley by Faria  one of their best performances in Adeus.


In America they call him a living legend, play writer, Ace-Director Jr. 
Menezes won the hearts of people in Toronto as well as in New Jersey.  His 
supper hit Tiatro excelled with state of the art technology, special 
effects, well written dialogues and solid deliveries.  Raymond Menezes 
performs multi-roles, comedian , father and famous tribal Goan Khasti which 
reminded of the late Prem Kumar.He keeps the audience laughing all the time 
with his hilarious comdy.  He keeps  the Palk alive and demonstrated that we 
Goans  are doing our share to keep amchi Konkani bhas alive here in  Canada 
as well as in US. His unique direction is second to none.

As Adeus is scheduled to be staged on 25th July at Toronto's most 
prestigious Theatre The Living Arts Centre in Mississauga. Once again, Folks 
some reasons you guys missed this drama. last year, now it is golden 
opportunity to witness the super hit at a affordable price of 25 cad 

I must say its pretty hard for the actors and actresses ( Goan Arts Troupe) 
to remain in confinement for two months attending Teatro rehearsals  because 
of their family commitments. Keep up the good work guys. The proceeds will 
go towards Goan Charitable Organization. so come and support the good cause.

Camilo  Gomes


Re: [Goanet] Goan Convention in Toronto

2008-01-08 Thread Kevin Saldanha
Dear Gilbert,

Thank you for your wishes and we hope that you will participate in
this event which is practically in your backyard.

There was a certain hesitancy on my part to be so prominently involved
with this convention, given, as you have so rightly pointed out, my
outspoken views on this and other fora.  However, regardless of my
personal beliefs or lack therof, my heart lies with the fact that I am
a Goan first and everything else after.

Many on the executive committee were involved with the earlier
conventions and it will be interesting to see how far we have come as
a community. We are standing on the shoulders of giants and have
comfort in the fact that they have endorsed this effort 100%. The
earlier academic conferences had the benefit of an established
organization but this is the first time that the agenda will be based
on cyber-input from the worldwide Goan community.  We hope to utilize
the state-of-the-art technology at the UTM venue to webcast the
proceedings back to you.  So please don't hold back on what you intend
to see achieved at this event and, putting your money where your mouth
is, ATTEND and CONTRIBUTE to it!  We are only providing the facilities
for you to provide the content.

As a newly formed independent group, we hope to be able to bring
together the dozen or so existing local groups for a common cause.
Historically, most of the larger organized diasporic groups in the
Toronto area are made up of people who have arrived here via some
other country or area, eg. G.O.A. (Africa) and their subset the
Tanzanites, CanOrient (primarily from Pakistan which started out as
the Pioneer Club), Ex-Emirates (Gulf), Bombay Connexion,
Manglorean-Canadian Association etc.

Their focus has primarily been social in the past but we are now
seeing a maturing to include a local support structure for new
immigrants etc. with spin offs like the Goan Charitable Organization
and the International Goan Organization (both originally formed under
the auspices of the GOA).  However, being one or more generations
removed from Goa, in general the land of their ancestors is not
necessarily a priority even if the culture and cusine is familiar.

There are, thankfully, many exceptions within their organizations
which gives us hope that they will be enthusiastic participants in a
convention which aims to focus on what the diaspora can do for the Goa
we yearn to retain.  Change is inevitable but disorganized and
haphazard development, of the type we are seeing today in a land that
is flush with foreign money, needs to be channeled in a way that is
independent of the vagaries of the fickle administration.

To do this effectively, we have to engage our younger generation, who
have to buy into a sustainable future for their motherland.  Many
consider themselves Goan without the slightest idea of what that
means.  We hope to give them a sense of identity with the proposed
workshops and engage them in a constructive way for the betterment of

Reading this list gives me hope that we will have one great
convention.  Please send your suggestions and ideas to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  If you can contribute in any way, would
like to present your views or have a plan that fits with our
G.I.A.N.T. theme (Goan Identity And Networking Today) please feel free
to contact any one of the executive committee from


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.

Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 10:37:03 -0800
From: Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Most faces and names on the web link are veteran goanetters. Yet it is
interesting, they are not using goanet to start a dialogue on the
"Strategic LONG-TERM and SHORT-TERM GOALS" of such national /
international Goan conventions. And how these meetings can build on
successes of past meetings and provide practical direction of future

Kind Regards, GL

Let go of the past and the moments old,
Cast yourself in a brand new mould!
Get set to rise on newer horizons
Let's "develop new dimensions"!!
- Pravin Sabnis

Re: [Goanet] Goan Convention in Toronto

2008-01-07 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Gilbert
   I don't know how on earth the Toronto Goan Convention team managed to get so 
many welcome photographs and even one of me well before I knew a thing about 
the Convention. However, I am not complaining. It really illustrates initiative 
even though I was pained not to see your mug shot. Perhaps we will see it soon.
   As an experienced organiser of international conferences in London, I have 
every confidence  that the managing team for this Goan Convention in Toronto 
will generate an outstanding  one by organising an excellent agenda/programme 
and I wish them well. 
  I do note that, you particularly identified caution on the themes of religion 
and caste and I just wondered why--- but I am not really looking for an 

Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It was good to see the announcement of the Goa Convention in Toronto in 
July in this year. All the best to the organizers.

A look at the very well-designed web link provides some tentative information. 
It is nice, to see the beautiful and handsome faces of some Goanetters. It now 
allows to put a face to a name (of the goanet posts) and provides further 
disclosure. Yet some have tried to be incognito.


Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto - Nelson, Cornel

2008-01-06 Thread Kevin Saldanha
Dear GoaNetters,

The response to the upcoming convention has been overwhelming.  We wan
to make sure that concerns voiced by Nelson are addressed to his
satisfaction and would welcome his suggestions in that regard.

This event, organized primarily by the GoaNetters Association of
Troroto, in co-operation with all the local Goan groups, will be more
than an academic exercise.  Every workshop will be charged with the
duty of producing a white paper outlining a plan of action and a
timeline that can be revisited in the future.  We have identified
several broad categories that we would like to deal with but other
suggestions are more than welcome.  Not sure where we would put the
breast-feeding issue, though.

Please send your comments and suggestions to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Kevin Saldanha
Mississauga, ON.
ps. Venentius, thanks for the compliment, I think :-)  /ks
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2008 12:28:10 +0530
From: "Venantius Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Nelson,
I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
convention could offer. But any convention can offer only so much,
before it turns into a jamboree (meant in the sense of confusion).
There could certainly be a section on small business entrepreneurship,
as well as one on lifestyle and sexuality -- the whole shebang; family
planning, breast feeding, domestic violence/abuse including those that
youngsters are getting into, general sense of values etc.

Hi Cornel,
Kevin Saldanha of Toronto, who attended the Lisbon conference, was
instrumental in offering that the next convention be held in Toronto.
A lot about the Lisbon convention was put out on Goanet, including a
piece by Wendell Rodricks. Between the archives and Kevin Saldanha
(mind bogglingly articulate for the par) , I believe one could have
any question regarding the upcomg Goan convention in Toronto,


Let go of the past and the moments old,
Cast yourself in a brand new mould!
Get set to rise on newer horizons
Let's "develop new dimensions"!!
- Pravin Sabnis

[Goanet] Goan Convention in Toronto

2008-01-06 Thread Gilbert Lawrence
It was good to see the announcement of the Goa Convention in Toronto in July in 
this year.  All the best to the organizers.

A look at the very well-designed web link provides some tentative information. 
It is nice, to see the beautiful and handsome faces of some Goanetters.  It now 
allows to put a face to a name (of the goanet posts) and provides further 
disclosure.  Yet some have tried to be incognito.

Most faces and names on the web link are veteran goanetters. Yet it is 
interesting, they are not using goanet to start a dialogue on the "Strategic 
LONG-TERM and SHORT-TERM GOALS" of such national / international Goan 
conventions. And how these meetings can build on successes of past meetings and 
provide practical direction of future get-togethers.

A public dialogue, prior to the convention, would help lay the ground-work and 
provide publicity to the convention. Such a dialogue on Goanet would be a lot 
more beneficial to Goa, Goans and goanet; instead of a series of postings on 
religion (or lack there off), or caste.  

The Toronto conventions should permit Goans to organize without direct 
government influence.  Most important it should bring Goans together, hopefully 
on many long-lasting productive endeavors, useful to the Goan community.  This 
is the opportunity to showcase that esteemed Goans can together achieve a lot 
more than song and dance.

>From the names of Goans seen on the convention web, they have never been shy 
>to present ideas, even innovative and radical ones, on Goan web forums.  I 
>hope they do not hold back now, when it counts most. I wish the organizers all 
>the best, as this is their opportunity to show they can "Walk the Talk".

Kind Regards, GL

Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto - Topics to be tackled

2008-01-06 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Venantius Pinto wrote:
> I have a feeling having met Kevin Saldanha, and having some knowledge
> of Goan Canadian intelligentsia (long distance observation), that the
> Tononto convention could well be an energizing and constructive one.
> Now that I have my thinking cap on, I also believe it could also be a
> great conference for socializing and matchmaking. Fortunately, there
> are many Goan Candians who are solid thinkers, one Zulema comes to
> mind; a broad spectrum of inputs will raise the stakes in what the
> convention could offer.

Venantius ,
This convention is organized by Goanetters. 

>From our very first meet, more than a year ago, we decided not to organize 
>"just another convention" but one that would produce solid results i.e. both 
>for Goans and for Goa. If you, or anyone else here, has a topic that needs to 
>be tackled, send in your suggestions. Better yet, make plans to attend the 

This is the time to stand up and let your views be known. 
This is also your opportunity to stand up and be counted. 
More importantly, this is your opportunity to network with those who have 
similar views as you AND who want to do something about it. Send in your 
suggestions folks and mark the dates on your calender. 


  Ask a question on any topic and get answers from real people. Go to 
Yahoo! Answers and share what you know at

Re: [Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-01-05 Thread CORNEL DACOSTA
Hi Nelson
   Please could you say what was particularly good about the Lisbon Convention 
and would be useful info for the Toronto Convention?
  Unfortunately, I could not attend in Lisbon.
  Cornel DaCosta

nelson ferrao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear All
Are we going to discuss any matters relating to the state of affairs of
Goa? or it is going to be a pure social gathering!
The one organised in portugal was very good and this one should be
organised on a similar basis. 

[Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-01-03 Thread Eugene Correia
When is the Goan convention in Toronto and who is
organising it?



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[Goanet] Goan convention in Toronto

2008-01-02 Thread nelson ferrao
Dear All
 Are we going to discuss any matters relating to the state of affairs of
Goa? or it is going to be a  pure social  gathering!
 The one organised in portugal was very good and this one should be
organised on a similar basis. The organisers should invite  people from
various faculties to  talk. Invite The NRI COMISSIONER and he should be
given question time to listen to other peoples comments on diff. issues
including the one affecting Goa which indirectly affects the Goans
worldwide.He should not behave the way he did in goa during The NRI Meet in