Re: [GRASS-user] Horton's streams order - has it sense?

2009-07-28 Thread Francisco Alonso Sarria


I do think it could be interesting, in fact I am using a couple of  
modules that performs Horton and Strahler ordering with my students. I  
just regret not be able to be more participative in this list.

I attach you the code in case it could be helpful.

The code it's a bit of a mess (not to mention that the comments are in  
Spanish ;-)

It assumes that the tables linked to the vector data are in postgresql.

There are two modules:

v.ordena_red (network ordering), performs Strahler or Shreve ordering  
(crit parameter). "desembocadura" means outlet (you have to pass the  
cat value of the oulet reach).

v.str2hor converts an ordering from Horton to Strahler.

They work fine as long as your network nodes have only 3 links.

In case have any problem, you should delete all the created files and  
tables to rerun them.

Good luck.


Jarek Jasiewicz  escribió:

Hi list!

I've just thinked how to create horton stream order based on my  
module strahler module and accumulation file. Hortons stream order  
differs sligty form strahler order, see for example here fig. 1 page  

Because I have some tests results from some of you (many thanks for  
your courage) i'm about to finish module, modify code to meet grass  
requiments and officialy anouce it on grass-dev, but If I will add  
horton stream order it  will may take a bit more time.

So I have 2 question  about that (horton):

Did you think taht horton stream order has already sense (it is  
almost not in use)

Does any body know any program (commercial or not) which calculate  
horton's stream order

Thanks for ansvers
grass-user mailing list

#include "grass/gis.h"
#include "grass/Vect.h"
#include "grass/display.h"
#include "grass/raster.h"
#include "grass/colors.h"
#include "libreria.h"
#include "math.h"

int crea_db(char* nombre_tabla,int *ordenacion,struct Map_info *map);

int main (int argc,char *argv[]){

  struct GModule *module; //Definición del módulo
  struct Map_info map,map2;   //Mapas
  struct Option *input, *output,*crit,*des;  //Opciones de usuario
  struct line_pnts *linea,*linea1,*linea2;  //Secuencias de puntos
  struct line_cats *cats;

  int lev,n1,n2,criterio,desemb,busc;
  int i,ii,l,k,l1,l2,l3,l4,ll,n_lines,n_nodes,fin,p,prev;
  char *mapset, err_msg[200],buf[1024],*name,*name2;
  double *recta,*sinuosidad,*longit,long2,recta2,sinu2;
  int *orden,*sigue1,*sigue2,*tocado,*coming,*desem,*att,*n_lineas,*fuente1,*fuente2,*fuente3;
  double x,y;
  char *colorin;

  //Variables de la base de datos
  char *db_nombre, *driver_nombre, *ordenc;

  dbDriver *driver;
  dbHandle handle;
  dbTable *tabla;
  dbColumn *columna;

  dbString orden_sql;

  ordenc=(char *) malloc(200);
  colorin=(char *) malloc(11);

  G_gisinit (argv[0]);

  // Gestión de la linea de comandos

  module = G_define_module();
  module->description ="Ordena una red de drenaje generada artificialmente";

  input = G_define_option();
  input->key = "input";
  input->type = TYPE_STRING;
  input->required = YES;
  input->description = "Nombre del mapa vectorial que vas a abrir";
  input->gisprompt = "viejo,vectorial,mapa vectorial";

  output = G_define_option();
  output->key = "output";
  output->type = TYPE_STRING;
  output->required = YES;
  output->description = "Nombre del mapa vectorial que vas a crear";
  output->gisprompt = "nuevo,vectorial,mapa vectorial";

  crit = G_define_option();
  crit->key = "crit";
  crit->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
  crit->required = YES;
  crit->description = "Criterio de ordenación (1:Strahler 2:Shreve 3:Crea tabla)";
  crit->gisprompt = "";

  des = G_define_option();
  des->key = "desembocadura";
  des->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
  des->required = YES;
  des->description = "cat del tramo de desembocadura de la red";
  des->gisprompt = "";

  if (G_parser(argc,argv))  exit(1);


  //Inicialización de comandos gráficos
  if (R_open_driver()!=0) G_fatal_error("No hay monitor\n");


  //Establecer parámetros de la conexión  


  //Generar y comprobar la orden SQL de creación de tabla
  db_zero_string (&orden_sql);
  sprintf(ordenc,"create table %s ( cat integer, ",output->answer);
  db_append_string(&orden_sql,"orden integer, longitud double precisio

[GRASS-user] Horton's streams order - has it sense?

2009-07-28 Thread Jarek Jasiewicz

Hi list!

I've just thinked how to create horton stream order based on my module 
strahler module and accumulation file. Hortons stream order differs 
sligty form strahler order, see for example here fig. 1 page 78

Because I have some tests results from some of you (many thanks for your 
courage) i'm about to finish module, modify code to meet grass 
requiments and officialy anouce it on grass-dev, but If I will add 
horton stream order it  will may take a bit more time.

So I have 2 question  about that (horton):

Did you think taht horton stream order has already sense (it is almost 
not in use)

Does any body know any program (commercial or not) which calculate 
horton's stream order

Thanks for ansvers
grass-user mailing list