[Histonet] Equipment available to the highest bidder

2012-02-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi list,


On 21 of February we will have the following equipment available to the
highest bidder:


1.   Tissue processor - Tissue Tek VIP-E (still in use)

2.   Tissue processor - SHANDON Citadel 2000 One paraffin tank missing

3.   JUNG AUTOSTAINER LX (still in use)


By the end of the month we will also have available 

4.   Embedding center - SHANDON Histocentre2 (still in use)


If interested please send me an offer.


Michelle Aloni MS HTL Research Specialist

USC Keck School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA



Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] For H&E staining - TBS SHUR/Stain or Leica Autostainer XL

2011-12-02 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
I have and love my old Autostainer XL. 

Now we are offered a new TBS SHUR/Stain unit, which is attractively small,
but I have never used nor seen it in person.

We are a small University based lab and our space is limited. We rarely run
few racks at a time. However, we must be able to run only deparaffination
and only dehydration for our immunos. 


If any one has experience with the TBS unit, or even better, used both of
them, please let me know what do you think.


I would appreciate this very much


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Research and Clinical Labs

2011-03-16 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
For 10 years I ran Histology lab for a large University. We used the same
equipment and lab for both animal and human tissue. 

I had to certify the lab with CLEA for human tissue at one point (and this
took serious work!). If you are already certified for human, using the more
strict regulations which apply to human tissue, won't hurt the rest, nor
increase in any way your time or effort involvement. You do it anyway. I
wouldn't leave anything marked "for research" unless it has proper label
with exp date etc.  

We received everything already fixed and most of the time in cassettes, so
there was not much grossing.

The processor ran the same night and everything was finished the following
day. No one, during any of the inspections had trouble with this. As far as
I remember, there was no question about this in any of the check lists sent
to me. 

It was 11 years ago when I parted with my Histo lab and I am not current on
the latest regulations, but as far as the technical part... there shouldn't
be a problem. 


Michelle Aloni MS, HTL ASCP

USC Keck School of Medicine

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Measure productivity by skill level

2011-03-08 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
THANKS! It worked J


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Measure productivity by skill level

2011-03-08 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
I would also be interested to know that. 

I am not even familiar with Welcan units. 

Would someone please elaborate?


Michelle Aloni

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Need to compare prices

2011-03-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,


We do Histology and Immunology primarily on liver tissue and only for

I need to check the prices of other cores and present numbers for comparison
as soon as possible.


I remember that some time ago there was a question about prices for
Histology in a research environment. Most of the responses, however, must
have been directed to a personal mail.


I would be very thankful if the person who did this research (already) gets
in touch with me ( macve...@usc.edu or 323 442-1188). 

At the same time, I would appreciate very much all the information that
anyone of you can share with me. You can just scan and e-mail your
pricelists if this is easier, and please mention the city and state of your

If you would rather fax it, please write back and I will give you our fax


Have a nice day and thank you ahead of time

Michelle Aloni


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Sirius red stain - picric acid substitute

2011-02-23 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Mia,


I tried few different sources of Picric acid. Unfortunately, not all of them
worked. The one that is working is from Rowley Biochemical Institute -
www.rowleybio.com . I got a small bottle to try - 4 oz. Cat # SO-128. You
can probably find it from one of the large vendors. 


Just a helpful thought


USC Keck School of Medicine

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Oil Red O for FS on Muscle

2011-01-27 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Few more things:


1.   The mixed/working solution is good for 1-2 hours only. If you
filter it for a long time, this might use the good working time and then you
have trouble, because it just won't work well for you. I just poor the stain
and the water in a glass cylinder and shake it. That's it. 

2.   After coverslipping, do not press on the coverslip to chase air
bubbles away or this might displace the lipid droplets from their original

3.   Look at the slides as soon as possible. In few days, you will see
that the stain is changing into ugly black crystals and the longer you wait
the larger the crystals = have to repeat it all over again J

4.   To clean the glassware, spray All Purpose Cleaner, use a brush and
warm water



Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Oil Red O for FS on Muscle

2011-01-27 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Akemi,


Order the stain from Electron Microscopy Sciences - cat # 26503-02.  It
comes as 250 ml solution and is a lot less expensive than some other
sources. I guess you can probably get it through VWR. 


Mix 3 parts of this stock with 2 parts dist. Water and let it stand for 10

Filter through coarse filter paper. I have even used paper towel with no
problem. Anything finer will take forever to filter. 

Fix the sections with regular 10% NBF for few min. 3-5

Rinse slides in dist. Water few times

Working Oil -red-O for 10 min. I use the plastic containers for shipping
slides, because the stain will color the plastic and I can easily and
cheaply replace those, but you can wash them and reuse them multiple times.

70% alcohol - quick rinse to clear background

Dist. Water - 5 min

Mayers Hematoxylin 5 min

Tap water 10 min

Dist. water rinse or up to 1 min

Mount with Aqua Mount


Never had any problems. Normal muscle will have very, very tiny droplets. We
used it on rodent muscle, but it should work the same for human.


Good luck

Michelle Aloni 


Research Specialist

USC Keck School of Medicine


Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Formalin

2010-11-12 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Absolutely not!!! In California.


Safety office picks it up and dispose of it.


Michelle Aloni

Histonet mailing list

RE: [Histonet] Oil Red O control

2010-11-10 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Once you mix your stock solution with water, it is good for only about an
hour. Then you have to discard it. 


Michelle Aloni MS HTL (ASCP)

USC Keck School of Medicine

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Need maintenance contract in LA

2010-10-12 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

We have a very small University lab. We don't work with human tissue, so we 
don't actually need to show record of maintenance. 
We would like to cover our histology equipment with a maintenance contract  
just in case because it is mostly old. 

Does someone in LA area offer maintenance for histo equipment and how much 
would this be. 
Beside all the old stuff we also have a new Leica Bond, which we would like to 
cover with someone different then Leica.

Please contact me off the list.

Michelle Aloni
Research Specialist

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Histomorphometry

2010-09-28 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
We use MetaMorph software. 
It comes with a digital camera for taking the pictures. You can get the 
software only if you have already the micrioscope and the camera. You can 
easily measure anything you want, but it is costly.


USC School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] HM 500 M cryostat

2010-09-23 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Andrew,

I worked on different cryostats and I have memories of chuck going up. 

The section is cold and sturdy and I would just let it follow the chuck up as 
it is still attached to it. Then pull down, touch it to the knife so it sits 
there (it gets attached at the bottom) and pick it up. It is a bit annoying, 
but you get used to it. In your case, you will pay a fortune for service with 
no guarantee that the unit will work the way you want it. Who knows what lese 
will go wrong in the process...

Michelle Aloni
USC Keck School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Is anybody using TBS ATP1 - 120 tissue processor?

2010-09-17 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

Would you please let me know off line what do you think about this unit?


Thank you very much in advance
Michelle Aloni MS HTL ASCP
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Histology stainers

2010-09-09 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi histoneters,

We have an old Jung Autostainer XL, which has been great, but it is very old 
and on its way out.
What kind of newer stainers are you guys using? Should I even look at something 
I also would like to hear from the people using Exelsior tissue processor. Do 
you guys like it and how does it compare to the good old VIP?

Michelle Aloni MS HTL ASCP
Research Specialist
USC Keck School of Medicine LA, CA

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] TUNEL

2010-09-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
We also use Roche kits. The cat # 11 684 795 910 is for fluorescent and cat# 11 
684 817 910 is for loight microscope. There are aditional chemicals to 
purchase, beside the kit. 
Call Roche for more info.

Good luck!

USC School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] How do I subscribe?

2010-05-12 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

Can someone tell me - how does one subscribe to Master Tech Flyer?

Thank you in advance
Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] mouse kidney frozen sectioning

2010-05-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni

Hi Andrew,

You must freeze fast to avoid the needle like crystals forming from the 
water during freezing. Best - freeze in OCT in liquid Nitrogen.
It gets worse if you keep changing the temp of the block. For example keep 
at -80 then bring to -20 cut than bring the temp down to remove the block 
from the chuck and put back at -80. Few of those will make your tissue hard 
to even recognize.

Good luck
Michelle HTL
USC Keck School of Medicine

- Original Message - 
From: "Andrew Burgeson" 

Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 12:31 PM
Subject: [Histonet] mouse kidney frozen sectioning

Having trouble with freezing artifact in the form of tiny
fissures or cracks in mouse kidney on frozen section.

Tissue is paraformaldehyde fixed and infiltrated w 70%
aqueous sucrose OCT solution.

Anyone else seen this and know how to deal with it?


Histonet mailing list

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Does anyone have and use Shandon Excelsior EX

2010-04-16 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

According to the advertisement, this is supposed to be the most histotech 
friendly processor. Does anyone have a comment?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Liver Tissue

2010-02-09 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Soak the faced block in room temp. water for few minutes. This will speed the 
intake of water. I can usually cut it at room temp if I am careful. If your 
paraffin is soft then you will need to soak it in room temp water first and 
then put ice on it and cut it. Pick up the ribbon and place on room temp dist 
water. While you are picking up and stretching the sections, put piece of 
cotton soaked in water on the face of the block as it is attached to the 
microtome. This way it will be soaking in place and you won't be loosing nice 
sections while adjusting the angle for the next ribbon. By the time you pick up 
all good sections, the block will be ready to be cut again. 
If you have good size liver, you can soak it for much longer - 5-10 min, before 
you start  sectioning. This way the water will penetrate dipper and you will be 
able to easily get a very long ribbon.

Good luck
Michelle Aloni BS HTL
Research specialist
USC Keck School of Medicine, LA CA

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Licensing for Massachusetts?

2009-10-07 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

I live in Los Angeles and have HT and HTL from CA.

I would like to move to Cape Cod in couple of years. 

I know that one needs a special Florida license to work in Fl, but do I need a 
special license from Massachusetts to be able to do histology there?

I would appreciate any info
Michelle Aloni

USC Keck School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Frozen Myocardium sections

2009-10-07 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
The OCT cracks if the block remains in liquid N too long.

I use a plastic mold, which holds my tissue in the OCT.
Float the mold on the surface of the liquid N but pull it out of there while 
there is still a little liquid/clear OCT (about 6-7mm in diameter) in the 
middle of the forming block.
Put it on the counter (room temp.). As the block sits on the counter, for a 
minute or two, the freezing of the center takes place. The block will never 
crack if it is pulled out of the OCT on time.

Michelle Aloni MS HTL ASCP
USC Keck School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Overstained Sirius Red...

2009-09-11 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi everybody,

I have been doing Sirius Red for a while with good luck. Today we made fresh 
solutions and after the stain was done, the sections (rat liver) are too red. 
They are positive, the fibrosis is bright pink, but the background is pink as 
well. I got a slide back to water and distained for 2 more minutes with no 
The only difference is the source of the saturated picric acid. On the old 
bottle the manufacturer is listed as Rowley Biochemical Institute (worked 
great) and the new one is Ricca Chemical CO. Could this be the problem? What 
can I do to correct this in the future? I have now 500ml of stain which is not 

Michelle Aloni

USC School of Medicine
GI Liver Department
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: DAB and Nuclear staining

2009-09-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Melissa,

We use Mayer's hematoxylin for 5 min and then rinse in tap water for at least 5 
min (to blue the stain). 
If your DAB stain is weak, you can counterstain for even shorter time. It works 

The other option would be 1% Methil Green in 0.1M Sodium Acetate. My Methil 
powder is extremely old and probably this is the reason the stain is very weak, 
but it makes great contrast with the brown of the DAB.

Good luck

- Original Message - 
From: "Melissa Mazan" 
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 6:18 AM
Subject: [Histonet] DAB and nuclear staining

> Hi all,
> I have been having a problem with counterstaining for nuclei - I'm 
> looking at mouse lung tissues and staining macrophages with F4/80 (rat 
> anti-mouse). I use a negative serum control and a rat IgG isotype 
> control. I see very clear staining of macrophages - but when I 
> counterstain with hematoxylin or nuclear red, everything becomes muddy 
> and I can no longer discern the DAB staining. Can anyone offer advice? I 
> am using the Vector hematoxylin, and have tried as little as 5 seconds. 
> Melissa
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] What do you use for decolorizing after Hematox.

2009-08-06 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

In my H&E staining I always used 1% acid alcohol. (Working with conc. HCl is 
not fun!) 

There is the Orth's solution available already made, but it is 3%. Do you use 
that? How do you use it?

What do you use in your regulat H&E stain? I am using it on an old Jung 

Research Specialist 
USC Keck School of Medicine

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: working with mouse liver

2009-08-05 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Teri,

We have been discussing this option and left it at that. 

I have noticed that the livers, with more lipids look much closer to the 
textbook images.


Could it be what you are seeing is normal healthy (actively feeding) liver in 
mice and the missing cytoplasm is where the glycogen stores are/were?

Teri Johnson, HT(ASCP)QIHC
Managing Director Histology Facility
Stowers Institute for Medical Research
1000 E. 50th St.
Kansas City, MO 64110

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] working with mouse liver...

2009-08-04 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

We have a small liver core and we are having problem with the look/morphology 
of the liver. It looks like large part of the cytoplasm of the liver cells is 
missing. The normal mice are the worst. (It is not fat that is dissolved.)
We use commercially made 10% NBF and tried fixing for different length of time 
with no luck.

The processing time is 1 hour in every station.

Did anybody working with liver has any suggestions?

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: from PLEASE HELP

2009-08-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Delia,

Some time ago I used to work in a lab where I had to cut skin punch biopsies. 
They used to come floating in a special preservative. Unfortunately I don't 
remember its name, but then I had to wash them in a special wash solution for a 
minute. The wash solution was made by Zeus Scientific and was just citrate 
buffer. I am not familiar with the Michael's fixative and don't know do you 
have to wash after fixing.

The trick was to pat dry the biopsies with Kimwipes and immerse them right away 
in the OCT. Then let the biopsy sit there for few minutes. You can even move 
the tissue in the OCT from time to time and then transfer it to a new mold with 
fresh OCT. Freeze in liquid Nitrogen. 

This way, somehow the OCT starts infiltrating the tissue and the tissue cuts 
together with the OCT. I used to cut it at 5 microns. 
Hope that this will work for you too

Research Specialist
USC Keck School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Poly Slides

2009-08-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Diane,

I used poly coated slydes (which we made in our lab years ago to save money). 
Then the plus slides came along but are pricey. 
I just tested and liked a new source for my plus slides which are extremely 
well priced and worked just like the FISHER and VWR slides... only for half the 
price :-)

Try www.LabMed.biz or call LabMed 877 504-7960

Research Specialist
USC Keck School of Medicine

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Immunocytochemistry for Systems biology

2009-08-03 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Vinay,

I am not an expert in this field... 
We use this protocol for frozen sections and it works. For cells grown on 
coverslips you skip step #6.

Try this :


1. PBS 2 x 3min


2. NH4Cl 5 min   (50mM in PBS) (Removes 
the autofluorescence from the aldehyde groups of the fixative)


3. PBS 2 x 3 min


4. 0.1% Tx-100   5 min (Permeabilises the cell walls)


5. PBS 2 x 3 min


6. SDS 5 min  (1% SDS in PBS) 
(works like antigen retrieval)


7. PBS 3 x 5 min


8. Block  1% BSA in PBS10 min or longer

9. Primary Ab40min in 37oC or 1 to 2 hours at room temp


10. PBS  2 x 5 min


11. Secondary Ab  40min in 37oC


12. PBS  2 x 5 min


13. Coverslip with Anti fade medium

  Let dry overnight

Good luck with it


Research specialist

USC Kecl School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Citadel Tissue Processor

2009-07-22 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Atoska,

We do only research and have low volume. We purchased a second hand one and 
used it for about a year. It works and does the job. It is much better than 
having to process manually but:

The alcohols evaporate like crazy! You loose a lot. It must be in a hood.
There is no heating nor vacuum. I was under the impression that there is vacuum 
while reading the brochure, but when the Citadel arrived, I found that it is a 
separate free standing unit that can be connected only with the paraffin tanks. 
We didn't have the room for it so we never used it and sent it back. 
There is no purge/clean cycle. You have to either purchase 2 extra buckets or 
find some other containers for the Xylene and the 100% which you will be using 
to manually wash the basket after the cassettes are out of it. They should also 
be in the hood.

In a year, one of the paraffin buckets burned. The service guy told me that a 
repair was not worth it. A new paraffin bath is about $1200.00.

Something that was good is that you only need about 1/2 gallon per station. 
When we had only few cassettes, we didn't even fill completely the buckets. 
Infiltration was fine.

Hope this helps

USC Keck School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Fat histology

2009-07-17 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Karen,

I had the same problem recently. 
I got very good advise trough the histonet for working with fat. You might want 
to check the arhives.

In my case, I was in a big time crunch with this dog fat, so after all the fat 
was collected and stored for a while in 10% NBF I did'nt have any time to post 
fix it, I just had to put it in the processor. It came out great! 
I used 1 hour in all steps and the steps are:

1Formalin1 hour
280%  1 hour
395%  1 hour
495%  1 hour
5100%1 hour
6100%1 hour
7100 %   1 hour
8Clear Rite  1 hour
9Clear Rite  1 hour
10  Clear Rite  1 hour
11  Paraffin  1 hour
12  Paraffin  1 hour
13  Paraffin  1 hour
14  Paraffin  1 hour

I did it again few days ago (the same way) and again had great result. We also 
did IF on this fat and it worked great as well.

Good luck with it

Research Specialist 
USC Keck School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Working with fat

2009-06-11 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Thank you very much! This sounds perfect! 

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Working with fat

2009-06-11 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Cheri,

Thank you very much for the formula. I will give it a try.
Do you just put the fat into it or it is a post fix?
After the hour into this solution, what do you do? Do you move it to NBF or 70% 
ETOH until you start the processor?
How long can the fat stay in this fixative?
This is a research project and it is just fat that this group is looking at.

Thank you  for your help
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Working with fat

2009-06-10 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

I used to postfix in PenFix the fat specimens and had good luck.

This time we don't have any PenFix :-(
The fat is floating in 10% NBF. What can I do to help the fixation, so I can 
infiltrate well enough, so I can cut the fat and get good morphology?

Any suggestion is welcome


USC Keck School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] microtome vibration:

2009-05-28 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi Ana,

First, I would remove the knife and the knife holder and clean everything from 
even the smallest debris.
After it is all spotless, I would put it together, make sure all screws are 
tight and try it again. More likely this will solve the problem.

Second - look carefully at the knife holder. We have had a problem with a 
notched knife holder that had to be polished patiently with fine sand paper for 
metal (on flat surface) until we removed the damage/notch from it and got it to 
be very smooth again.

Hope this helps

USC Keck School of Medicine
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Leica Bond Max - any opinions?

2009-03-31 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

I am researching the Leica Bond Max immunostainer and I like its features as 

The advertisement however states that the system is completely open, but after 
discussing it in length with the Leica rep I am finding that this is actually 
not so... 

We are a research core and work with mice and rats. Most of the pre-made 
antibody are designed towards human tests, so we won't use them. Then we would 
still be stuck with lots of money for consumables (as I understood all sold as 
kits with the antibodies included). We won't be using any of the antibodies, 
only the rest of the solutions... Is there a way out of this trap? Is there 
something that I didn't understand?

My question is: 
Does anybody use Leica Bond as an open system and use other companies antibody, 
buffers and antigen retrieval protocols? If you do, what have you done so far? 
(Would you share your protocols?) We like the BioCare products and our helpful 
rep :-) 
Did anybody purchase the Research dongle? Do we really need it? How did it help 
you improve your applications? I was told that depending on what I want 
unlocked, we would have to spend $14000 to $27000 extra for it. OUCH!!! This is 
not a hospital where we can charge the insurance or patients for this... 

I need this info ASAP, because we have to make our decision in a day and there 
is no time to demo the unit (nor anything else).
I understand that it is great for pathology, but how about animal research? It 
costs A LOT!!! We better know what are we getting ourselves into.

 Please help! Any advise and suggestions that I can get would be highly 

Michelle Mac Veigh Aloni MS, HTL
USC School of Medicine 
Department of GI and Liver
Los Angeles, CA
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Glicerol jelly with anti-fading agent

2009-03-26 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
We use the ProLong Antifade Kit (P7481) from Molecular probes. 

It comes as:
1. Powdered ProLong antifade reagent (Component A) 20 vials of powder.
2. ProLong mounting medium (Component B) in 2 bottles - 15 mL each.

1mL of component B should be mixed well in a vial of powder.  This should be 
used in 24 hours.
It works great.

Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Need any info for JUNG HISTOSTAINER Ig

2009-01-28 Thread Michelle MacVeigh-Aloni
Hi all,

We do research. We got a hand me down JUNG AUTOSTAINER XL which now does all 
the H&E and it is a blessing! Now I am thinking about purchasing a second hand 
Immunostainer to run some immunos, so we can use our time for something better 
than babysitting the slides. 

There is a very inexpensive JUNG HISTOSTAINER Ig available, but I have no 
experience in this area. (I couldn't even find a picture of it on the 
Internet...) For now we only do a TUNEL stain for apoptosis, but the need for 
more immunos is rising. (Our students use a lot of fluorescent markers if this 
makes any difference.)

What do you think? Do you recommend it or am I just investing in a pricey 
incubation chamber? 

I would appreciate any input
Histonet mailing list