[Histonet] Manual for Sorvall MT-2B Rotary Motor UltraMicrotome?

2012-05-21 Thread Sara Landschoot
Does anyone have a manual for the Sorvall MT-2B rotary motor
ultramicrotome? I have been asked to teach a student how to use it for
their research, yet I have never used this ultramicrotome before.

Thank you,
Sara Landschoot HTL(ASCP)
Medical College of Wisconsin
Orthopaedic Surgery - Research
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Re: Massons Trichrome on decalcified bone

2012-04-05 Thread Sara Landschoot
Hi Gayle,

Thanks so much for your response on Histonet. I have been getting several
different answers that I have been trying to test.

I can give you more details on how we decal our bone here. We deal with
entire sheep or primate spines which are grossed while frozen into slabs.
The slabs are about 5-6mm thick. We take an initial xray to get a starting
point then we decal the slabs in EDTA (after formalin fixation). Xrays are
taken throughout the decal process to check for the endpoint.

As for post fixing in Bouins, I was using the water bath method (60
degrees) for about an hour.

If you don't mind sending me the AFIP methods so I can try then out on my
sections I would greatly appreciate it. My email is sllan...@gmail.com.

Again thank you for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.

 Sara Landschoot
Histonet mailing list

[Histonet] Masson's Trichrome for Bone

2012-04-03 Thread Sara Landschoot

I work at an Orthopaedic research lab and I have been having some trouble
getting our trichromes to work on our bone. I have tried a masson's,
gomori, and goldner's and in all cases the bone stained red.

Our bone is arrive to our lab frozen, we fix them in formalin, embed in
paraffin, and decal with EDTA. I also post fix with Bouins before staining.

Techs that worked in this lab before me were also getting the same red
staining of bone.

Is there something during processing that could cause this reaction? We fix
in formalin, dehydrate through graded alcohols, and clear in xylene.

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