Try Tech One Biomedical at or 1-866-497-3033. They do good 
Lynn Burton
Lab Assoc I
Animal Disease Lab
Galesburg, Il
[] On Behalf Of Lyn Stadler 
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: [Histonet] Zeiss Microm Rotary Microtome HM 325

Curious if anyone out there has one of these microtomes?  We have one that 
needs repair of the "Trimming Lever".  The warranty has expired and I am trying 
to determine the most cost effective way to deal with it?  Pay for the service 
call or purchase a service contract.

Any information/suggestions/comments would be GREATLY appreciated!

Lyn Stadler
Histology Technician
Department of Histopathology
Cleveland Biolabs, Inc.
73 High Street
Buffalo, NY 14203

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