I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has discovered an S100 primary 
antibody that is confirmed to work on frozen sections using a conventional IHC 
stain protocol. This will be utilized in a busy Mohs Surgery laboratory where 
staining time must be kept as brief as possible. 

The commercially available antibodies I've seen for this antigen are intended 
for FFPE tissues and initial attempts to adapt them to frozen sections have 
been unsuccessful. 

our surgeons prefer to avoid post fixation prior to staining although I'm 
willing to re-visit this if it is my only option.

 Thank you everyone.

Vinnie Della Speranza
Manager for Anatomic Pathology Services
Medical University of South Carolina
165 Ashley Avenue Suite 309
Charleston, SC 29425
tel. 843-792-6353
fax. 843-792-8974

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