Re[2]: [hlcoders] Steam HL1 custom menu

2006-09-12 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Jeffrey,

Tuesday, September 12, 2006, 1:27:03 AM, you wrote:
JbB>  From what I remember, there isn't any way to customise the menu
JbB> interface in HL1.
Uhm I am talking about STEAM version of HL1, which has "resource"
folder containing various .res files which can be modified and you can
add buttons and all that stuff, but as I see you can't write your own
event handlers for those buttons, etc. Why it is here then anyway? :(
Just to move position of buttons?

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] Steam HL1 custom menu

2006-09-11 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura

  Is it possible to make custom menues for generic Steam Half-Life?
  For example I want to modify multiplayer create server menu so that
  it displays thumbs for maps, or actually resembles chapter selection

Best regards,
 Slava  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] HL1 CBasePlayer - wierd things happening

2006-09-09 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura

  In my game rules entity I have array which holds all players which
  do join game (through ClientConnected event of my game rules
  entity)... I have added int m_iPlayerId to CBasePlayer class and
  when I gather all connected players I assign them some id to check
  it in triggers. The problem is that all the bot clients do store
  this value, while real player somehow resets it to zero though I DO
  NOT TOUCH this variable anywhere in the code! I've chekced everyone
  - what can be wrong? :(

Best regards,
 Slava  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [hlcoders] Half-Life: Source source code

2006-09-09 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Garry,

Saturday, September 9, 2006, 1:39:08 PM, you wrote:
GN> I'm sure it'd make a lot of modder's lives easier if they gave out the
GN> source code to CS:S too - but I don't think that's going to happen..
but hey! They didn't release code of original - not Source
Counter-Strike, but they did release code of original Half-Life. So
basically it's just not fair!!! :)

If it's not hard - can someone from Valve explain why they don't want
to include first Half-Life's Source version code into SDK right NOW?

Best regards,
 Slavamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] Half-Life: Source source code

2006-09-09 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Tony,

Saturday, September 9, 2006, 4:13:50 AM, you wrote:

ToS> Here's my convo a year ago I left it alone after this, I'm just going to
ToS> assume the same thing stands:
Thanks! :) though it's still stupid, especially THIS->>>
"Lots of reasons, one big one being that HL1:S is a product we are
selling that we don't want to then start giving away for free"
Hey ***That's really greedy*** ! Taking the fact that those .bsp's are even not
much improved, unlike PS2 version Half-Life... And those old ugly
models... THAT can't be called "collectible edition".
I like it but absolutely don't understand why keep source code in
secret, that would really help guys who port HL1 mods to source...

And I myself bought Half-Life 2: Collectors edition package (though I
already have 3 HL2's) just to try this beast :| And I do not deserve
for source code???

Best regards,
 Slavamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] Half-Life: Source source code

2006-09-08 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Jeffrey,

Friday, September 08, 2006, 10:05:16 PM, you wrote:
JbB> But they did originally release the HL1 game source code
JbB> It's not like there's anything "super-secret" in the HL1:Source single
JbB> player code anyway.  It's just a conversion of the original HL1 single
JbB> player source.
That's what I'm talking about! Just that would be great base for
porting HL1 mod to Source... Not telling about how coder familiar with
old SDK would be able to see how all that is done in new engine. It
would speed up understandment (is there is such word? :P)... at least
for me :)

Best regards,
 Slavamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] Half-Life: Source source code

2006-09-08 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello everybody! :)

  Is there any source code released for Half-Life 1: Source?
  I just don't believe Valve didn't do that :(

Best regards,
 Slava  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] hl1 question - switching between players

2006-09-08 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Aaron,

Yes, I also figured out that :) the weird thing is that after "switch"
being done you still look at the same direction :|

I create tempPlayer (which is not even a client), copy to him params
of first player, then copy from 2nd to first and from temp to 2nd...

Friday, September 08, 2006, 4:12:24 AM, you wrote:
AS> Rather than a system rewrite, you should just use teleportation and
AS> hide/show & disable/enable functions for the fake client (or NPC)

Best regards,
 Slavamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] hl1 question - switching between players

2006-09-05 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Everyone!

  I am trying to figure out how to do switching of active player
  between player and fake client - bot. Main probablem is that I don't
  know where to start - where is the code which processes input of
  player? where is code which attaches view camera to the view of
  current player? seems pretty straightforward but I can't find
  anything that would help do that :( Any help appreciated, thanks! :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] GCF .Cache Extraction

2006-07-30 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Ben,

Sunday, July 30, 2006, 9:34:41 AM, you wrote:
BE> There is also GCFScape.
and VTF Explorer :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] steam issues

2006-06-07 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello John,

Wednesday, June 07, 2006, 7:27:46 AM, you wrote:
JS> Besides the risk of annoying a bunch of coders, you might also consider
JS> (preferbly before posting) that we really can't help you here.
I perfectly know that! I wrote in beginning of my email that I am
aware of what I am doing, still worth trying.

JS> As to getting access to a Valve answer by posting here; your
JS> mileage may vary.  Personally, I doubt it.  But then again, Alfred might
JS> surprise me here.
I hoped for that because on Steam forum exists thread with a lot of (>
50) reports of this problem but no reply from Valve on how to fix that.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav "Hoaxer" Dzhura   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Grab the latest VTF Explorer from here

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[hlcoders] steam issues

2006-06-06 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello all,

  I perfectly know that this is programming forum, but I'll still post
  that here cos I already saw [and felt on myself] how Steam support
  works and maybe you guys (from Valve, or other) will read that and
  know the answer...

  1. I've installed Steam at work and only on my machine it doesn't
  launch at all! Just gives me 'exception can't load Steam.dll'
  without even displaying progress window or trying to connect
  anywhere! On other machines it first displays progress window, tries
  to connect and then gives that error. Steam forum has no answers
  regarding that, only questions from hundred of users.

  I [and everyone from work] go to Internet through our company's
  proxy, but it even doesn't try to connect on my machine. There is no
  ports issue

  2. You've made regional protection together with Buka company
  regarding CIS countries [some people here were joking why there were
  no writings on walls in game "This is version for poor countries"
  )))] and the question is:

  I always used only western Half-Life 2 activation keys, western
  Half-Life generations key. If I'll use Buka's activation key, will
  it work with my account? My Steam's language setting is English and
  I don't want make it russian because:
  1. this isn't my native language
  2. I don't need those russian game cache files.

  Hope for reply, please understing me right that I wrote here. Thanks

Best regards,
 Slava "Hoaxer" Dzhura  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] Lost Coast texture anomalies

2005-10-29 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura

  Unfortunately I don't have Lost Coast at the moment and we are
  testing new version of VTF Explorer (with .VMT support) and we have
  found several strange things happening.

  First this one:
  Error converting from RGBA16161616F to BGRA. I use standart
  Valve converting routines through separate DLL.

  Also, low mips for console textures look weird:

  Though mip 0 looks pretty normal:

  Anyone knows what can be wrong?

  Thanks a lot! :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[5]: [hlcoders] list of Shader Parameters

2005-08-14 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Adam,

Sunday, August 14, 2005, 2:55:40 PM, you wrote:
AaM> If you open the sln/vcproj in the same file, you will
AaM> be able to edit the shaders direct, and find there
AaM> params
I seem to somehow misunderstood you, soory, but there are only sources
for most common shaders i.e. LightmappedGeneric and

What about params for all these shaders:

Or other shaders can't have own unique parameters :| ?

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[3]: [hlcoders] list of Shader Parameters

2005-08-14 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Adam,

In addition to previous letter - but what to do if I need params of
shaders such as glass, water, etc. SHADER_PARAM stores somewhere all
params of the shader, so this can be possible to make some console
command to enumerate params of the specified shaders. I guess this can
be implemented only by Valve?

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] list of Shader Parameters

2005-08-14 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Adam,

Sunday, August 14, 2005, 6:19:35 AM, you wrote:

AaM> You can look if you wish, how ever i will copy and
AaM> paste
AaM> src\sdkshaders\advanced\sdk_shaders_advanced.txt
My God! :) Never noticed that they were in SDK!

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] list of Shader Parameters

2005-08-13 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura

  Is it possible somehow to get list of ALL specified shader's
  parameters? So that I can know what vars can be used with this

  I am making something like .fgd but for VMT's for the new version of VTF
  Explorer and that would be great help.

  Thanks a lot! :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] HPB bot in Steam

2005-08-01 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Jeffrey,

Monday, August 1, 2005, 5:18:33 PM, you wrote:
JbB> Use the metamod version, which is Steam compatible?...
Thank you very much, trying... :)

JbB> ...Vyacheslav, I thought you didn't have Steam due to network bandwidth
JbB> issues?
I've asked my friend who lives in UK to make DVD backup and send me
via airmail. Took 3 days to deliver here but I still had to download
CS update for 2.5 hours. This time I kept myself calm...

Though there was one thing that irritated me - after Steam gets almost
all files, it enables game and continues to download few left files.
I've checked with my VTF Explorer how many broken files were left in
cs-shared.gcf and it said 202 - merely ini files but there was also
.so and several 500 kb files (though all that in sum was nearly 20mb).

All in all after other 20 minutes and info that "CS is ready to play"
it finished downloading and now I am very happy to try the SDK
(bwughahahahahaha) and everything though I am afraid it will again ask me to go 
someday... :(

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] HPB bot in Steam

2005-07-31 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello all,

  Always wanted to ask - how it is possible to make Botman's HPB to
  work in Steam version of Half-Life?

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] Source .PHY files. Anyone knows? Valve please help!

2005-06-28 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Jay,

Monday, June 27, 2005, 8:23:40 PM, you wrote:
JS> The only other bit of information is how they are positioned. There's
JS> an attachment point called "placementOrigin" that tells the code where
JS> to put them.  Usually we modeled these pieces in place over the original
JS> object, then used the $autocenter command in their qc files.

Is there just one attachment point?
Are gib models just randomly spawned at the places where object was
hit? Does engine understand what break model it should spawn at some
hit? Does these break groups are in some order which is somehow
connected with model parts?

Again, big thanks for reply! :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] Source .PHY files. Anyone knows? Valve please help!

2005-06-27 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello everybody,

  I want to fully understand how breaking of objects works in Source
  engine to make my own breakable objects like tables, computers (like
  in CS: Source), etc. I figured out that all that is stored in .phy files of 
  in a manner of script but I've found no info about that in Source
  SDK documentation. And what about physics mesh??? How break entries
  of script are connected with it???

  Please, HELP!!! :)

  Sample script of breakable table attached.

solid {
"index" "0"
"name" "FurnitureTable003a_physbox"
"mass" "40.00"
"surfaceprop" "Wood_Furniture"
"damping" "0.00"
"rotdamping" "0.00"
"inertia" "1.00"
"volume" "2243.082031"
editparams {
"rootname" ""
"totalmass" "40.00"
"concave" "1"
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib01" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib03" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib04" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib05" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_Shard01" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] Source .PHY files

2005-06-26 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello everybody,

  I want to fully understand how breaking of objects works in Source
  engine. I figured out that all that is stored in .phy files of model
  in a manner of script but I've found no info about that in Source
  SDK documentation. And what about physics mesh??? How break entries
  of script are connected with it???

  Please, HELP!!! :)

  Sample script of breakable table attached.

solid {
"index" "0"
"name" "FurnitureTable003a_physbox"
"mass" "40.00"
"surfaceprop" "Wood_Furniture"
"damping" "0.00"
"rotdamping" "0.00"
"inertia" "1.00"
"volume" "2243.082031"
editparams {
"rootname" ""
"totalmass" "40.00"
"concave" "1"
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib01" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib03" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib04" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_gib05" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }
break {"model" "gibs\furniture_gibs\FurnitureTable003a_Shard01" "health" "10" 
"fadetime" "10"  }

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] shareware?

2005-05-09 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello tei,

Monday, May 9, 2005, 4:50:08 PM, you wrote:
t> note to self: Never run on bankrupt tryiing to get money from shareware
t> *tools*, users are too greedy. *tools* dont fit the shareware model.
I hope there will be some percentage of people who will agree to
support further development. Who knows :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[6]: [hlcoders] shareware?

2005-05-09 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Ian,

Monday, May 9, 2005, 11:29:37 AM, you wrote:
IW> Can't you just ask for donations?
Nope. PayPal doesn't work in my country plus it is not so effective.

Valve programmers, you read this list, please advice me whom should I
contact asking this question or I am allowed to do so?
e.g. making VTF Explorer next releases shareware because it is written
in Delphi and doesn't contain any of your code.

Thanks very much for reply.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [hlcoders] shareware?

2005-05-08 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello john-sheu,

Sunday, May 8, 2005, 2:37:57 PM, you wrote:
jsarc> A good idea in any case.  I don't see why they would have a problem with
jsarc> it, but it's polite to ask anyways.
Ok, but whom should I contact? It is really hard to get some reply
from them, though they read this list.

P.S. "Sharewareness" of this program would be in "UNREGISTERED" sign in the
caption bar and logo screen (maybe 5 second delay before logo will
dissapear). That's all. Like Quark or TotalCommander. All functions will be 
enabled. I just want to
receive some small benefit to continue development - it eats precious
free time :P

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] shareware?

2005-05-08 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Michael,

Sunday, May 8, 2005, 12:19:33 AM, you wrote:
MAH> If you use any Valve Software source code in your utility,
MAH> you may not charge money for it at all, as far as I can
MAH> tell. Not linking to Valve DLL's is not sufficient.
I am not going to use ANY of Valve's code. VTF Explorer is written
entirely in Delphi and in new version I am going to use my own code
for loading .vtf's. Is that ok?

In current release it uses my srcwrapper.dll which uses Source's
ImageLoader for all .vtf related functions.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] shareware?

2005-05-07 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura

  I am going to make next major releases of VTF Explorer shareware same way 
that Quark does.

  I guess there won't be any legal issues if I'll get rid of using
  Source Engine's .dll for loading .vtf's?

  If I am not right, please correct me.

 Vyacheslav Dzhura
 Webmaster,  Half-Life 2: Online Source

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Re[6]: [hlcoders] Vtex.exe source?

2005-04-30 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello Tony,

Saturday, April 30, 2005, 8:12:07 PM, you wrote:

ToS> Wtf? Requires cs:S?
ToS> No it doesn't.
ToS> And if you own hl2, you already own cs:s so money shouldn't be an issue in
ToS> this, unless you mean for a better net connection.
Yes, I mean better connection and my Steam doesn't allow me to turn
off auto updated of CS:Source and other products. I am shouting about
this too long and still no one responds. Let us doesn't start Steam
discussion again.

So erm. Can anyone send this or this doesn't exists? Thank you very
very very much! :)

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[4]: [hlcoders] Vtex.exe source?

2005-04-30 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello NuclearFriend,

Saturday, April 30, 2005, 5:41:32 AM, you wrote:
N> You may be able to get enough source from vtf2tga to reverse the process
N> (tga2vtf). The updates to the Source SDK shouldn't take that long either..
N> And are worth it.
I am sure that it worth, but SSDK *REQUIRES* CSSOURCE and that is too
heavy. I don't have neither money nor willing to do that.
If someone has it, please send me, that would be great.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: [hlcoders] Vtex.exe source?

2005-04-29 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello NuclearFriend,

Also can someone please send it to me? I'd like to add VTF creation to
VTF Explorer and I have no opportunity to update my Steam SDK - I have
dial-up and didn't do that process for several months. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
 Vyacheslavmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[hlcoders] VTEX source code

2005-04-24 Thread Vyacheslav Dzhura
Hello coders,

  Can someone please send me zipped source code of vtex?

  I can't use SDK because I haven't launched Steam for a month and I have 
  Thanks a lot for the response.

Best regards,
 Vyacheslav  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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