Re: Old IBM protocol IBM 1006

2006-07-11 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

Charles Mills wrote:

Here's a good start:

note in the above referenced archive ... it mentions transmission as 
reverse inverted

> • ALC is transmitted "reverse inverted". For example, capital A is
> 0x31, but it's transmitted as 0x73. This makes it a major PITA to 
read > off the wire.

my off-repeated story of doing our own mainframe terminal controller
at the univ.

and somebody writing an article blaiming four of us for the mainframe 
pcm controller business.

the ibm mainframe channel interface had been reverse engineered and a 
channel interface controller card built for an interdata/3

the second or third bug we encountered was passing ascii from the 
interdata/3 (programmed to emulate 2702 over the channel interface to 
the mainframe) ... showed data was coming in all garbage. it took some 
time to realize that the linescanner on the interdata/3 was taking the 
leading bit off the line and storing it it in the high order bit 
position of the byte ... while the linescanner in the 2702 was taking 
the leading bit off the line and storing it in the low order bit 
position of the byte.

as a result "ascii" arriving in the mainframe memory from a 2702 
(linescanner) was "bit-reversed" ... and the ibm translate tables were 
taking that into account.

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Print PDF to AFP printers

2006-07-11 Thread Kirk Wolf
The IBM "Infoprint Transform" products seem to suggest that you can use 
them to convert PDF documents

to AFP.

Does anyone on list have any experience with this?

I was wondering how you go about initiating this?  Does this facility 
accept PDF data directly from the JES SPOOL?  In other words, can you 
simply write the PDF data to a SYSOUT DD specifying a WRITER, or do you 
have to submit a job that runs some utility program to convert the PDF?

Thanks for any help / experience in this matter.
Kirk Wolf

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Re: Old IBM protocol IBM 1006

2006-07-11 Thread Charles Mills
Here's a good start:


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Bodra - Pessoal
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 4:09 PM
Subject: Old IBM protocol IBM 1006



Where can I found material about an old TPF protocol called IBM 1006?

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Old IBM protocol IBM 1006

2006-07-11 Thread Bodra - Pessoal


Where can I found material about an old TPF protocol called IBM 1006?


Carlos Bodra

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Re: CPENABLE (Was: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults)

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>I would happily settle for a health check.

Your standards are too low.
IBM changes the values from (0,0) to (10,30) and back again.
I have seen no other choices.

They claim the customer knows best, but the flash never talks about workload, 
CP/LP's, channels, or other factors that make up "it depends".

So, why should we health check it.

Just turn it off as a customer option, and let releases and PUT upgrades handle 
the value du jour.

When in doubt.

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Re: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Bob Rutledge

I would happily settle for a health check.


Mark Zelden wrote:

Good news.  Now if IBM could just set the recommended default for
CPENABLE based on procesor model and engine sharing.  But based
on getting my head chewed off at SHARE in NY for suggesting this,
in one of the performance sessions I guess that won't be happening 
any time soon.

Writing this reminded me to check all our LPARs, and I found one
that was moved from a z900 not too long ago to a z9 so the setting
of 0,0 was "wrong".

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Re: Some beginners Questions

2006-07-11 Thread Arthur T.
On 10 Jul 2006 23:59:35 -0700, in 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Vernooy, C.P. - SPLXM) wrote:

I suggest you reserve 1 hour for yourself, enter the 
Edotor, hit PF1 and
start reading. This will quickly learn you most of the 
techniques you

need to work efficiently with the product.

 When I first moved from DOS/VS to MVS, my boss gave 
me about the same advice (but he didn't limit it to 1 
hour).  When you know what ISPF can do, you can be so much 
more productive that the time spent learning it is repaid 
many times over.

Side note to Tom (who started this thread):

 Sign up on the Listserv, even if you continue reading 
IBM-Main via Usenet.  Many more people will see your 
posts.  I'm signed up with options set to NOMESSAGE, and I 
read via Usenet.  There are instructions at the bottom of 
every post made via the Listserv.

I cannot receive mail at the address this was sent from.
To reply directly, send to ar23hur "at" intergate "dot" com

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Re: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>But I wasn't given the impression that the reason IBM didn't want to code for 
>it was "because we have changed our minds too often".  
>More like.. "just something that is better left to the customer who knows 
>their configuration".

I've argued with them before, during, and after my tenure at IBM.

I've always felt that they were see-sawing on this issue.

I used to have a copy of each flash (PDF and dated), but I've misplaced them 
with my separations (wife and IBM).

Some of the performance gurus in Canada would admit (privately) that Washington 
really didn't/doesn't have their complete act together.

But, the real issue is, since the flashes, are absolute with nothing in them 
regarding workload, that the customer know best argument is specious.
Therefore, code it internally, and let's move on!

When in doubt.

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Re: Whoever you are, you have my sympathy

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>Who's top - me or IBM?

Since you are replying without any text from previous messages, it's really 
difficult to understand what you are trying to say.

When in doubt.

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Re: Whoever you are, you have my sympathy

2006-07-11 Thread Tony Harminc
Phil Payne wrote:

> > Get a 1200 gorilla
> Google "IBM MSUS".
> Who's top - me or IBM?

Well, the only hits I see with your name in them are you talking on and such about being top of the list for these
keywords. That's with the above string quoted; as separate keywords IBM is
number 1, and you're number 5.

But as you like to point out, the Google results vary from one try to the

> Their lawyer - their problem.
> (Though I've never known a company maintain such a gross 
> discourtesy this long.)

I think I came in in the middle of this thread.

Tony H.

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Re: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT, Ted MacNEIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Good news.  Now if IBM could just set the recommended default for CPENABLE
based on procesor model and engine sharing.
>It would even be better if IBM could make up its mind as to which setting
is recommended!
>I have worked with PR/SM since GA, and every couple of years the
recommended defaults are changed.
>Even on the same model.
>It started out with (10,30) in basic and (0,0) in partitioned.
>And, then the partition recommendation changed to (10,30), then to (0,0),
then to (10,30), then to (0,0)...
>well you get my point!
>IIRC, it's (10,30) has been the reco for the last two years.
>So, it's due to change.

Not for a z800/z900 - it's still (0,0) for shared engines. 

But you are correct that for at least since z990/z890 (more than
2 years) the recommendation has been (10,30) for shared engines.
But I wasn't given the impression that the reason IBM didn't want
to code for it was "because we have changed our minds too often".  
More like.. "just something that is better left to the customer
who knows their configuration".  I don't agree. And for all the
self tuning / healing talk there is for this platform by IBM
in recent years, I though it was a fair question to ask. 

Anyway... here is the current flash which replaced W9634A a while back.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Whoever you are, you have my sympathy

2006-07-11 Thread Phil Payne
> Get a 1200 gorilla

Google "IBM MSUS".

Who's top - me or IBM?

Their lawyer - their problem.

(Though I've never known a company maintain such a gross discourtesy this long.)

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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Re: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>Good news.  Now if IBM could just set the recommended default for CPENABLE 
>based on procesor model and engine sharing.

It would even be better if IBM could make up its mind as to which setting is 

I have worked with PR/SM since GA, and every couple of years the recommended 
defaults are changed.
Even on the same model.

It started out with (10,30) in basic and (0,0) in partitioned.

And, then the partition recommendation changed to (10,30), then to (0,0), then 
to (10,30), then to (0,0)...
well you get my point!

IIRC, it's (10,30) has been the reco for the last two years.
So, it's due to change.

When in doubt.

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Re: Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 15:27:54 -0500, Brian Peterson

>New APAR OA14409 appears to indicate that IBM has moved away from the
>default values of MCCAFCTH=(400,600) and instead set the default values to
>0.2% (low) and 0.4% (ok) of total real storage for the LPAR.
>For those of us who have coded overrides to IBM's 400,600 default values,
>those overrides will probably no longer be necessary!

Good news.  Now if IBM could just set the recommended default for
CPENABLE based on procesor model and engine sharing.  But based
on getting my head chewed off at SHARE in NY for suggesting this,
in one of the performance sessions I guess that won't be happening 
any time soon.

Writing this reminded me to check all our LPARs, and I found one
that was moved from a z900 not too long ago to a z9 so the setting
of 0,0 was "wrong".

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Heads-Up: OA14409 finally fixes MCCAFCTH defaults

2006-07-11 Thread Brian Peterson
New APAR OA14409 appears to indicate that IBM has moved away from the 
default values of MCCAFCTH=(400,600) and instead set the default values to 
0.2% (low) and 0.4% (ok) of total real storage for the LPAR.

For those of us who have coded overrides to IBM's 400,600 default values, 
those overrides will probably no longer be necessary!


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z/OS R7 IODF Improvements

2006-07-11 Thread Knutson, Sam
Our guys just got finished updating the IODF with z/OS R7.  Cool!

The v1.7 IODF is definitely a HUGE improvement over the previous
Not only is there noticeable performance improvements, but the space
savings are incredible.

Enter "/" to select action  Tracks
SYS2.IODF001545 V1.6 
SYS2.IODF01  90 V1.7

That is a 95% reduction!

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread John P Kalinich
That used to be the default master password for ROSCOE.

<< . . . and the Open Source version would be OPENS/ESAME.
Perhaps it should have said MVS/ESAME V7. :-)

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Jon Brock
 . . . and the Open Source version would be OPENS/ESAME.


Perhaps it should have said MVS/ESAME V7. :-)

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Re: Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron

2006-07-11 Thread Darren Evans-Young
On Sat, 8 Jul 2006, Ed Finnell wrote:

>answer the initial questions,  then at the command prompt,
>type 0 for help. Its got a little bit of a  learning curve, but
>once you get the hang of it, its no problem.
>I  still prefer the version I had that run under VM.
>Haven't tried it since a long time ago...maybe Darren can update  us???

It's still there. Got the last bug out several months ago.
The only drawback, it's no fun when no one else is in the game.
However, that's the best time to learn it so you arent getting
blown up all the time. Learning to dock after leaving a starbase
is crucial. One of these days I'll write a primer to make it easier
to get started.


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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Steve Comstock

Edward Jaffe wrote:

Mark Zelden wrote:

... Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for the
sysplex box label in the middle.

z/OS is just the new name for OS/390, which was an assemblage of the 
most common software components into a single, named package for ease of 
installation. The z/OS BCP is still called MVS. That's why you find MVS 
in the titles of the books and bookshelves e.g., 

Well, I think of z/OS as the 64-bit version of OS/390,
which makes a clear distinction in people's minds. I
know that large portions still run AMODE31 and some
even run AMODE24, but z/OS at least supports AMODE64.

My point is z/OS is a bit more than just a new name
for OS/390: there is a signficant difference in the
product, even though it is based on OS/390.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:17:18 -0700, Edward Jaffe

>Mark Zelden wrote:
>> ... Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for the
>> sysplex box label in the middle.
>z/OS is just the new name for OS/390, which was an assemblage of the
>most common software components into a single, named package for ease of
>installation. The z/OS BCP is still called MVS. 

Yes, but *I* have never seen anything that referred to the z/OS BCP as
MVS/ESA V7?   The product name in the CVT is SP 7.0.?.

Perhaps it should have said MVS/ESAME V7. :-)

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Edward Jaffe

Mark Zelden wrote:

... Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for the
sysplex box label in the middle.

z/OS is just the new name for OS/390, which was an assemblage of the 
most common software components into a single, named package for ease of 
installation. The z/OS BCP is still called MVS. That's why you find MVS 
in the titles of the books and bookshelves e.g.,

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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Updated NJE/IP Bridge Available from BSI

2006-07-11 Thread Jeffrey Barnard

BSI is pleased to announce the availability of version 1.0.9 of the
NJE/IP Bridge package. This update adds new platform support (Windows
2000/XP), additional documentation, and expanded print system
integration for Windows allowing definition of numerous print attributes
and finishing options.

In addition to the new software, a updated version of the white paper
"Using the NJE/IP Bridge" which provides details of sample
implementations and tips on installing the software is available by
contacting Teri at BSI (407-323-4773 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]).

NJE/IP Bridge allows you to interconnect NJE communication services on
unmodified OS/390, VM, z/VM, z/OS, VSE, TPF and -- for the first time --
open systems (such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and AIX) over TCP/IP
networks. NJE/IP Bridge incorporates a complete bi-directional NJE
implementation for a large range of mainframe, midrange, and desktop
computing environments, and supports integration of development
environments, workstation applications, and system management tasks into
a reliable, stable, completely IP-based environment that is transparent
to end user awareness.

31-bit and 64-bit System/390 and zSeries systems (both standard engine
and IFL) are supported along with most popular open systems platforms.

Pricing for NJE/IP Bridge is machine-size neutral, and very affordable
on any platform. NJE/IP Bridge provides an easy method for constructing
system management automation for Linux guests within a z/VM environment
as well as those with external hosts, routing system logging and
messages to central Netview or VM Programmable Operator environments and
dramatically simplifies and consolidates the number and type of
monitoring systems needed to manage a diverse computing environment.

For more information on NJE/IP Bridge, please go to: and
look over the NJE/IP Bridge technical fact sheet or go to the download
page and download a trial version of NJE/IP Bridge.

You can call BSI at 407-323-4773 or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
we can discuss any questions you have in greater detail.

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/11/2006 11:01:36 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

It does  say first draft and it probably wasn't prepared or designed by  z/OS

Maybe we should all hit the "contact z/OS" link (at the  bottom of the page
that Mark referred to) with  updates,

Probably outsourced to Elbonians

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Ray Mullins
It does say first draft and it probably wasn't prepared or designed by z/OS

Maybe we should all hit the "contact z/OS" link (at the bottom of the page
that Mark referred to) with updates,

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Tuesday July 11 2006 08:32
Subject: Re: MVS Poster

On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:17:59 -0400, Bob Shannon

>Available (for free) at
>s lnctr.infocenter.doc/zos_system_overview_poster.pdf

Thanks.  Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for the sysplex
box label in the middle.

The link to the poster is on the right side of this page:

z/OS basic skills information center


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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Dave Jones
a related chart can be found here:

It's a timeline of all non-Unix operating systems, including MVS-z/OS.


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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread John P Kalinich

Or the EACP driver in IOS?

 Ed Finnell
 Mainframe  cc 
 Discussion List   
 .EDU> Re: MVS Poster  
 07/11/2006 10:37  
 Please respond to 
   IBM Mainframe   
  Discussion List  

In a message dated 7/11/2006 10:32:44 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Thanks.  Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for  the
sysplex box label in the middle.

Or Hollerith cards for 'input devices'?

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/11/2006 10:32:44 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Thanks.  Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for  the
sysplex box label in the middle.

Or Hollerith cards for 'input devices'?

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Re: MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Mark Zelden
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 11:17:59 -0400, Bob Shannon

>Available (for free) at

Thanks.  Strange that they chose MVS/ESA V7 instead of z/OS for the
sysplex box label in the middle.

The link to the poster is on the right side of this page:

z/OS basic skills information center

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group
z/OS and OS390 expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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MVS Poster

2006-07-11 Thread Bob Shannon
Available (for free) at


Bob Shannon

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2006-07-11 Thread Jorge Arueira Campos

Hi all

I need information about parms of FTP of IBM. In my proc I assigned a number
in parm of TCPIP.TCPPARMS(FTPSDATA) as below:


When I restart the proc FTPD with changes above, not reflect the changes, in
command of FTP under TSO (LOCSTAT) the display is:

EZA2815I VCOUNT is  50

My question is: How I change the parms in tcpparms for validation ??

Thanks for all

Jorge Arueira Campos and


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Re: tcperror.h

2006-07-11 Thread Bob Henry
Chris & Jim,

No, this is definitely "#include tcperror.h" and as Dave Rivers pointed 
out, "that went away a long time ago". I believe that because the program 
was last compiled in 11/1999. I'll have to attempt to recode that 
function. Wish me luck, I know nothing about "C"!

Bob Henry * Mgr., Rochester IT * SunGard Higher Education * 3000 Ridge Rd. 
E., Rochester, NY  14622
Tel 585-339-2366 * Mobile 585-330-5240 * Fax 610-578-3014 * 

CONFIDENTIALITY: This email (including any attachments) may contain 
confidential, proprietary and privileged information.
Unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited. If you received this email 
in error, please notify the sender and delete
this email from your system. Thank you.

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Re: Operator consoles????

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/11/2006 9:04:13 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Somehow  it was garbled before you tinied.  This seems to  work:

Thanks, I guess I got too many browsers and links transliterated. What I  had 
done was search on google news, opened a likely suspect with pictures  
successfully, but then tried to tiny the displayed link got into  trouble 

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2006-07-11 Thread Rainer Winkel
Hello Giovanni,

your solution for the ISGNQXITFAST exit will be interesting for me because 
I have the problem to protect the data-exchange from one independend LPAR-
complex to an other.
We have different Customers (own Sysplexes because of security reasons) and 
we collect the SMF-records for accounting on our company own production 
For exchanging the SMF-records from each Customer using a shared volume.
To protect the datasets we need this ISGNQXITFAST exit.

Would you be so kind to give me some hints in programming and assembling 
the exit or maybe to send me a example?

My company is the AKDB in Munich (, we have a 2086-A04 and zOS 
1.4 running.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards

Rainer Winkel
AKDB Munich

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Re: tcperror.h

2006-07-11 Thread Jim McAlpine

If it is tcperrno.h you're looking for then it's in TCPIP.SEZACMAC

Jim McAlpine

On 7/11/06, Chris Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Are you sure that isn't #include tcperrno.h?

If it is - and it seems very, very likely - probably the most appropriate
forum/list/group would be the IBMTCP-L one. tcperrno.h applies to TCP/IP
MVS (almost certainly TCP/IP for VM originally), where, of course, TCP/IP
for MVS has become the IP component of z/OS Communications Server, a
subproduct principally served by the IBMTCP-L forum/list/group.

You'll find more information by searching the manual z/OS V1R7.0
Communications Server IP Sockets API Guide and Reference
using the search word "tcperror". You'll see that tcperror() is a call and
it relies upon tcperrno.h to be "included".

If the names of libraries are the same as when I created my presentation
TCP/IP for MVS (last updated 1995), the name of the library, partitioned
data set, which contains the C include files will have SEZACMAC as the

Chris Mason

- Original Message -
From: "Bob Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006 3:27 PM
Subject: tcperror.h

> I'm sure this isn't the right forum for this question so my apologies in
> advance. I have an old pre OS/390 C/C++ program which I'm trying to
> recompile. It has a "#include tcperror.h" statement in it. That gives a
> warning of "tcperror.h not found". Can someone tell me where the
> tcperror.h code is stored or what the name of the C/C++ forum is so I
> ask the question there?

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Re: tcperror.h

2006-07-11 Thread Chris Mason

Are you sure that isn't #include tcperrno.h?

If it is - and it seems very, very likely - probably the most appropriate
forum/list/group would be the IBMTCP-L one. tcperrno.h applies to TCP/IP for
MVS (almost certainly TCP/IP for VM originally), where, of course, TCP/IP
for MVS has become the IP component of z/OS Communications Server, a
subproduct principally served by the IBMTCP-L forum/list/group.

You'll find more information by searching the manual z/OS V1R7.0
Communications Server IP Sockets API Guide and Reference
using the search word "tcperror". You'll see that tcperror() is a call and
it relies upon tcperrno.h to be "included".

If the names of libraries are the same as when I created my presentation on
TCP/IP for MVS (last updated 1995), the name of the library, partitioned
data set, which contains the C include files will have SEZACMAC as the last

Chris Mason

- Original Message - 
From: "Bob Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, 11 July, 2006 3:27 PM
Subject: tcperror.h

> I'm sure this isn't the right forum for this question so my apologies in
> advance. I have an old pre OS/390 C/C++ program which I'm trying to
> recompile. It has a "#include tcperror.h" statement in it. That gives a
> warning of "tcperror.h not found". Can someone tell me where the
> tcperror.h code is stored or what the name of the C/C++ forum is so I can
> ask the question there?

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Re: tcperror.h

2006-07-11 Thread Thomas David Rivers

"tcperror.h" went away a long time ago.

And - the tcperror() function it defined is now simply
a wrapper for a normal perror() function.

Looking at the OS/390 2.10 C/C++ Runtime reference:

It shows that the way to invoke tcperror() is to define 
_OPEN_SYS_SOCK_EXT and include a few different header files,

as in:

  #define _OPEN_SYS_SOCK_EXT

That should get you the tcperror() function properly defined for the
IBM runtime.

The Systems/C runtime also has the tcperror() function (to be 
compatible),  ours is simply a straight-forward wrapper for perror().

- Dave Rivers -

Bob Henry wrote:
I'm sure this isn't the right forum for this question so my apologies in 
advance. I have an old pre OS/390 C/C++ program which I'm trying to 
recompile. It has a "#include tcperror.h" statement in it. That gives a 
warning of "tcperror.h not found". Can someone tell me where the 
tcperror.h code is stored or what the name of the C/C++ forum is so I can 
ask the question there?


[EMAIL PROTECTED]Work: (919) 676-0847
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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Bruce Black

I prefer the web interface for especially for ETR and SIS where I can
open multiple windows, use cut and paste for large text blocks.  If they
want to retire the 3270 interface they need to make VPL available on the
web interface.  While not required by all customers VPL is an important
tool for customers and ISVs who want to do deeper research on problems
or understand OS functions.  I always felt the 3270 VPL tool was
deliberately designed to be difficult to use.  I would relish a VPL tool
in the web that let me pull a whole listing as a download or even in
browser window.  The 3270 mode VPL forces you to painfully page through
modules bit by bit.
Sam, AMEN to all that. 

I find that IBMLINK 2000 is not badly designed.  There is always room 
for improvement but I find it to be responsive and flexible enough to 
meet my needs.  Once I sign on in the morning, it is only one click away 
at any time (I have a quick link on my personal browser toolbar).  
Printing is convenient (compared to the 3270 interface) and as Sam says, 
multiple windows are great. 

VPL is a bear to use, and slow.  Plus so much is now OCO that its value 
is limited.  But I still use it several times a month.

Bruce A. Black
Senior Software Developer for FDR
Innovation Data Processing 973-890-7300
sales info: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tech support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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2006-07-11 Thread Tim Hare
I won't be going to Baltimore since they discovered the following SHARE is 
in Tampa (the taxpayers would rather spend the money "in state" - even 
though it probably flows out of here to Marriott/Hyatt/Days 
Inn/AppleBee's/Chili's etc. HQ). 

That said, however - if you're going, be sure to thank HQ for adding 
improvements to the Personal Itinerary tool (and the other scheduling 
tools)  - there's now an icon for each event in the Personal Itinerary 
that you click on, and if your calendaring program is set up properly with 
your browser (the .ics file type AKA MIME type text/calendar is associated 
to open in your calendar application such as Outlook) you can add the 
sessions directly to your own calendar.  This greatly simplifies, for me, 
the building of my schedule for SHARE; it also makes it easy to get that 
schedule into a PDA or phone calendar if you need to. 

 It's not completely perfect, yet, but they've been doing a lot of work on 
it and deserve some kudos for taking it beyond the "download the complete 
agenda and then sort through it" stage.

All possible because people are starting to pay attention to calendaring 
standards now, and to improve the interoperability among calendar tools - 
an effort which began long ago, at you guessed it SHARE.  I was once the 
OfficeVision/MVS (the red-headed stepchild of Profs and SAA) DPM and 
believe me, calendaring was then, and is now, a critical app for many 
organizations. Inter-vendor operability still isn't that wonderful, but 
thanks to the Calendaring & Scheduling Consortium ( - 
founded by some SHARE folk - and others, there are improvements being 

Tim Hare
Senior Systems Programmer
Florida Department of Transportation
(850) 414-4209

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Re: Operator consoles????

2006-07-11 Thread Paul Gilmartin
In a recent note, Ed Finnell said:

> Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:26:05 EDT
> _,
> a-103-inch-plasma-hits-the-market/_
> (,
> 03-inch-plasma-hits-the-market/)
> Well, I tried to 'tiny it' but the resulting link failed at the %20. Just
> google for Panasonic Big screen
Somehow it was garbled before you tinied.  This seems to work:

Or, in a form recommended in the Appendix to RFC 1738:

(I'm curious what LISTSERV does with the latter.)

-- gil

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Re: OpenSSH installaion question

2006-07-11 Thread McKown, John
> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:23 PM
> Subject: Re: OpenSSH installaion question
> on 07/10/2006
>at 10:46 AM, "McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >I am in the process of installing the OpenSSH product (FMID HOS1110).
> >It wants to install some things in the "/Service" subdirectory and
> >other things in the "live" subdirectories. Is there any reason why I
> >cannot install this product directly in the "live" subdirectories for
> >the running system? It appears that it only ADDS programs, and
> >doesn't change anything that already exists.
> The real zinger is ifreq's. You need to evaluate not only the function
> that you intend to install but also the service that it drags in.
> -- 
>  Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT

Yeah, I just found some. So it looks like I'll be doing this "the right
way". I was trying to approach it as a "new product" install (like a
compiler), but it just won't work that way. 

John McKown
Senior Systems Programmer
Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
Administrative Services Group
Information Technology

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/11/2006 8:21:08 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Seattle  for SHARE? Baltimore is next up!

The banner says last update 3 March 2006? Somebody need to refresh cache or  
clear cookies or is it serve cash and hurl many  choices!

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Re: MVS Licenses/MVS sites

2006-07-11 Thread Nigel Hadfield
When I worked for Amdahl in the 1980s, the salesmen made great use of the
"Computer Users Yearbook". Not sure if this was a UK only phenomenon, but I
think it was compiled by the publisher sending questionnaires to most UK
companies of any size. People seemed happy to answer questions in those


On 11/7/06 01:33, "Kevin Keyes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Charles Mills wrote:
>>> marketing pukes
>> Excuse me?
>>> wondered how they found all that information
>> A number of companies develop or once developed directories of sites by
>> hardware type (AS/400, Univac, S/390, DEC, whatever). If you started with a
>> mailing list for an enterprise software type magazine and had the budget to
>> call every unique shop represented, you could do a pretty good job
>> (especially back in the days when people actually answered their
>> telephones). Once you have the list, it is a somewhat simpler task to
>> maintain it.
>> Such a list could be sold to the marketing, um, people - that revenue might
>> justify the expense involved.
>> I'm a techie at heart but I used to own a software company. Without sales
>> people, there would have been no sales, and no jobs for programmers.
>> Marketing is more than sales. Part of marketing's job is to make sure that
>> the techies are building what the customers want - not an entirely bad
>> thing.
>> Charles
> Now you have done it Charles.  I have been marketing and selling IBM
> mainframe software since starting up in 1980.  There are
> some ego's here that can't handle this logic.
> IBM does not publish customer lists for obvious reasons.  As I am sure
> you know, there are some good alternatives that can be purchased
> and each can be broken down by names,  companies, sites, processors,
> etc., for both vert. and horizontal marketing opportunities.
> Harte-Hanks directly comes to mind but I get packages monthly with other
> companies providing the same service.
> You logic above however will get you some flames due to many that have never
> seen both ends of the gun.
> Goods luck.  (E)JES me off-line what you are specifically looking for, I have
> been around a long time and have a pretty good handle on it.

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2006-07-11 Thread Bob Henry
I'm sure this isn't the right forum for this question so my apologies in 
advance. I have an old pre OS/390 C/C++ program which I'm trying to 
recompile. It has a "#include tcperror.h" statement in it. That gives a 
warning of "tcperror.h not found". Can someone tell me where the 
tcperror.h code is stored or what the name of the C/C++ forum is so I can 
ask the question there?


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Operator consoles????

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
Well, I tried to 'tiny it' but the resulting link failed at the %20. Just  
google for Panasonic Big screen

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Richards.Bob
Seattle for SHARE? Baltimore is next up!

Bob Richards 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Ed Finnell
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

In a message dated 7/11/2006 7:42:34 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Is it  really that much harder to remember than

Hotkeys are nice?
 I hope to see everyone at _SHARE in Seattle_ 
(  where  I will be doing
an updated Fully Wired Hot Topics 
Thursday @ 4:30pm with the  usual news, tools, tips and CD giveaways! 
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Seeing Beyond Money is a service mark of SunTrust Banks, Inc. 

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/11/2006 7:42:34 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Is it  really that much harder to remember than  :-)

Hotkeys are nice?
 I hope to see everyone at _SHARE in Seattle_ 
(  where  I will be doing an 
updated Fully Wired Hot Topics 
Thursday @ 4:30pm with the  usual news, tools, tips and CD giveaways!  

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Re: Google Architecture

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Finnell
In a message dated 7/10/2006 11:39:32 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

excess  of 450,000—racked up in thousands of clusters in dozens of data
centers  around the world.

>> in, google out! Guess the amazing thing is they keep all the  

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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
Works for me also. 

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

We've been seeing this problem from my site too. We have a Enterprise
Extender connection with AT&T. But when we TN3270 direct to
'', we don't see the problem.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

  Or maybe not :(

System Programmer(509) 335-7359
Information Technology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1222

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 1:45 PM
> Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> Working now :)
> Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> Information Technology
> Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-1222
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

> > Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:45 AM
> > Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> >
> > You are not alone
> >
> >
> > Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> > Information Technology
> > Washington State University
> > Pullman, WA 99164-1222

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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Mark T. Regan, K8MTR
We've been seeing this problem from my site too. We have a Enterprise Extender 
connection with AT&T. But when we TN3270 direct to '', we 
don't see the problem.

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

  Or maybe not :(

System Programmer(509) 335-7359
Information Technology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1222

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 1:45 PM
> Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> Working now :)
> Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> Information Technology
> Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-1222
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

> > Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:45 AM
> > Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> >
> > You are not alone
> >
> >
> > Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> > Information Technology
> > Washington State University
> > Pullman, WA 99164-1222

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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
I find it diffcult to jump from function to function. On 3270 I type in
the short name and I'm there. On the web I have to maneuver too many
screens to get to where I want to be. 

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Knutson, Sam
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

I prefer the web interface for especially for ETR and SIS where I can
open multiple windows, use cut and paste for large text blocks.  If they
want to retire the 3270 interface they need to make VPL available on the
web interface.  While not required by all customers VPL is an important
tool for customers and ISVs who want to do deeper research on problems
or understand OS functions.  I always felt the 3270 VPL tool was
deliberately designed to be difficult to use.  I would relish a VPL tool
in the web that let me pull a whole listing as a download or even in
browser window.  The 3270 mode VPL forces you to painfully page through
modules bit by bit.

What attributes of the web interface that you think should be changed?

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Veilleux, Jon L
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

This is IBM's attempt to get us dinosaurs off the 3270 interface and
onto the poorly designed web interface. 

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Knutson, Sam

For more on CBT and TAPE see

Is it really that much harder to remember than :-)

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
(vii) CBT Tapes
Atrociously named site I think it's but a treasure-trove of

Hope this helps,


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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Knutson, Sam
I prefer the web interface for especially for ETR and SIS where I can
open multiple windows, use cut and paste for large text blocks.  If they
want to retire the 3270 interface they need to make VPL available on the
web interface.  While not required by all customers VPL is an important
tool for customers and ISVs who want to do deeper research on problems
or understand OS functions.  I always felt the 3270 VPL tool was
deliberately designed to be difficult to use.  I would relish a VPL tool
in the web that let me pull a whole listing as a download or even in
browser window.  The 3270 mode VPL forces you to painfully page through
modules bit by bit.

What attributes of the web interface that you think should be changed?

Best Regards, 

Sam Knutson, GEICO 
Performance and Availability Management 
(office)  301.986.3574 

"Think big, act bold, start simple, grow fast..."

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Veilleux, Jon L
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

This is IBM's attempt to get us dinosaurs off the 3270 interface and
onto the poorly designed web interface. 

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Tom Marchant
On Tue, 11 Jul 2006 00:00:00 GMT, Ted MacNEIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>(i) Profiles These profiles are dependent on the third-level qualifier 
(in my experience) so EXEC, CNTL, COBOL etc all can have different settings
>It's not the third-level qualifier.
>It's the final qualifier (always).
along with the RECFM/LRECL

>will all have the same profile for the individual ISPF user.
...  as long as they are the same RECFM and LRECL. e.g. FB 80.

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Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

2006-07-11 Thread Veilleux, Jon L
This is IBM's attempt to get us dinosaurs off the 3270 interface and
onto the poorly designed web interface. 

Jon L. Veilleux
(860) 636-2683 

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble

  Or maybe not :(

System Programmer(509) 335-7359
Information Technology
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-1222

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
> Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 1:45 PM
> Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> Working now :)
> Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> Information Technology
> Washington State University
> Pullman, WA 99164-1222
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On

> > Behalf Of Gibney, Dave
> > Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 10:45 AM
> > Subject: Re: IBMLink 3270 Logon Trouble
> >
> > You are not alone
> >
> >
> > Dave Gibney  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > System Programmer(509) 335-7359
> > Information Technology
> > Washington State University
> > Pullman, WA 99164-1222
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send 
> email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO 
> Search the archives at

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Re: MVS Licenses/MVS sites

2006-07-11 Thread Tom Marchant
On Mon, 10 Jul 2006 17:33:58 -0700, Kevin Keyes 

>Goods luck.  (E)JES me off-line ...

Nice plug, Kevin!

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Re: TCP/IP and connecting z to alternate platforms

2006-07-11 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 07/10/2006
   at 12:00 AM, Ted MacNEIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>Where is that documented?

In the manuals for the alternate products.

>I've always found IBM's networking documentation akin to the old
>cartoon, where you have a bunch of parms on the host, a bunch of
>remote devices and a huge cloud in the middle, where:
>"A Miracle Occurs"!

They're the best of a bad lot, at least if you're referring to
mainframe documentation. If you're referring to IBM documentation for
PC networking products, well, it's not my dog.

 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: OpenSSH installaion question

2006-07-11 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
on 07/10/2006
   at 10:46 AM, "McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I am in the process of installing the OpenSSH product (FMID HOS1110).
>It wants to install some things in the "/Service" subdirectory and
>other things in the "live" subdirectories. Is there any reason why I
>cannot install this product directly in the "live" subdirectories for
>the running system? It appears that it only ADDS programs, and
>doesn't change anything that already exists.

The real zinger is ifreq's. You need to evaluate not only the function
that you intend to install but also the service that it drags in.
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see  
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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Re: Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>(i) Profiles These profiles are dependent on the third-level qualifier (in my 
>experience) so EXEC, CNTL, COBOL etc all can have different settings

It's not the third-level qualifier.
It's the final qualifier (always).


will all have the same profile for the individual ISPF user.

Also, you can override the profile on the EDIT entry screen.

When in doubt.

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Re: MVS Licenses/MVS sites

2006-07-11 Thread Ted MacNEIL
>IBM does not publish customer lists for obvious reasons.

I don't believe anybody was asking for a list of customers.
Like a census, we would just like a head-count without details.

How well the market is doing would be a nice indicator as to job opportunities 
and whether the mainframe is truly dying (which I don't believe, but management 

But, IBM is their own worst enemy when it comes to pitching the mainframe!

When in doubt.

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Some beginners Questions - plain text version

2006-07-11 Thread Fenner, Jim
The earlier suggestion to read right thru all the HELP screens
is excellent. 

(i) Profiles
These profiles are dependent on the third-level qualifier (in my
experience) so EXEC, CNTL, COBOL etc all can have different settings

I run an edit macro called SAVEON which sets things up to be convenient
for me

(ii) edit macros
Give you a world of power; I have written hundreds to do all sorts of
You can detect the word under the cursor and assign PF keys to macros
that run in the editor.

(iii) Macros for outside editor
You can also detect the word under the cursor in TSO outside of editor
and assign PF keys to rexxes/programs that run outside the editor.

(iv) No VSAM
as you observe editor does not play with VSAM. Perhaps your company
licences FILE-AID from Compuware? We (Tax Office) actually have it so
that B or E or V in a 3.4 list against a VSAM will invoke FileAid
instead of (inapplicable) ISPF Browse.

(v) ISPF-L and TSO-REXX and IBM-MAIN mailing lists
Are great places for sharing. Are friendly lists. 
Must be read daily to retain your sanity when working in mainframe
You may end up with a hundred or more routines "found" on these lists,
as well as hundreds you write yourself.
A lot of these should have been written by IBM to save us the trouble
but at least we can help each other.

(vi) FTP
We have recently had a long round of FTP-related postings so I won't go
into FTP here. 

(vii) CBT Tapes
Atrociously named site I think it's but a treasure-trove of

Hope this helps,



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Re: Some beginners Questions

2006-07-11 Thread Hunkeler Peter (KIUB 34)
...and to give you some hints where to start...

> 1) The ISPF-Editor has some nice features, but how can I insert text
> in a half empty line without deleting all the spaces first. Is there
> an option to ignore the spaces at the lines end?
> The IBM-Teacher said no. I can't believe that.

NULLS ON | OFF is the command to look for. With  NULLS ON "trailing 
blanks" on the line don't inhibit shifting in insert mode.

Type "PROF" on the editor command line to see other settings.

> 2) In VSE you can copy lines from a member to a clipboard (c) then add
> some more lines from the same or another member (K) and then insert it
> as many times as you like. The clipboard will start from the Beginning
> with 'C' and can be added to with 'K'. I can' find this funktion in
> z/OS. I'am used to create complete programs or large subroutines with
> this funktion.

The "CUT" command is your key ("COPY" was given away long before the
clipboard was implemented in ISPF).

"CUT" line command in combination with "C", "CC-CC", "Cnn" line command
copies some lines into the default clipboard. "CUT APPEND" appends to 
current content. "CUT xyz" puts lines into named clipboard (xyz).
"CUT DISPLAY" lets you work with the clipboards (yes, there can be 
more than one). 

Peter Hunkeler

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