Re: Any idea? Dirmaint error by detach 123 disk(540RES)

2009-05-28 Thread Rob van der Heij
On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:12 AM, Yoon-suk Cho  wrote:

> I found it in SYSTEM CONFIG file. it has been disabled.(z/VM 5.4)
> Do i need IPL of z/VM after enable privclass ?

Yes. There is no dynamic command to enable 'set privlcas' (but you can
now change the default class in the directory for those where you need


Re: Any idea? Dirmaint error by detach 123 disk(540RES)

2009-05-28 Thread Yoon-suk Cho
I found it in SYSTEM CONFIG file. it has been disabled.(z/VM 5.4)
Do i need IPL of z/VM after enable privclass ?


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 9:25 PM, Alan Altmark  wrote:
> On Thursday, 05/28/2009 at 02:21 EDT, Kris Buelens
>  wrote:
>> Strange that MAINT cannot issue SET PRIVCLASS
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Rob van der Heij
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 6:56 PM, Mark Bodenstein  wrote:

> I don't understand what you mean by "prevents the pipeline from having an
> actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in."  Could you explain?

CMS Pipelines is multi-tasking. If you use something external to wait
for the device, you can't talk to other devices at the same time.
When you really just need to barf a message to the dialed terminal and
then let them break the connection, that might be sufficient. I was
thinking about something more flexible that takes input from the
terminal and builds a response based on that.


Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Michael Coffin
Drop the .txt from each of the two attached files, double check the EXEC
to make sure the 3270 NOT character translated OK and put them on the
191(A) disk of any virtual machine and run DIALAWAY.  Try dialing the
virtual machine and you'll see the contents of the LOGMSG file, press
ENTER or any ATTN key and your DIALed session will be dropped.

Customize both the EXEC and LOGMSG as necessary, but it should work OK
"right out of the box".


Michael Coffin, President
MC Consulting Company, Inc.
57 Tamarack Drive
Stoughton, Massachusetts  02072

We employ aggressive SPAM filters.  If you cannot reply or send email to go to

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Rob van der Heij
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: CP DIAL question

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein 

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at 
> having to create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody

> had something coded already that we could use.)  I just took another 
> look and there's a sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we 
> want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The
plumber's nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it is
not yet dialed into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will help
you to recognize that someone knocked on the door. And polling undialed
devices does not match my desire for elegance. You could used an
external command like WAKEUP ( IO but that prevents the pipeline from
having an actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to
add this function)

You have dialed the VTAM SNA virtual machine, which has been retired.

In order to access system XYZ, you need to configure a TN3270 session
to connect directly to

If you require assistance, please call the Help Desk at 617-555-1212.

Press ENTER or any attention key to terminate this dialogue.

/*  Program Name   ===> DIALAWAY EXEC */
/*  Version===> 2009-05.28*/
/*  Author ===> Michael Coffin  ( */
/*  Maintained By  ===> Michael Coffin  ( */
/*  Creation Date  ===> 05/28/2009*/
/*  Last Update Date   ===> 05/28/2009*/
/*  Resides===> MCILIB   192  */
/*  Application Name   ===> Dialed GRAF Notification Manager  */
/*  Dependencies   ===> PIPE, WAKEUP  */
/*  Filename Filetype  -  Userid   Cuu*/
/*  Input  ===> DIALAWAY LOGMSG   *191*/
/*  Filename Filetype  -  Userid   Cuu*/
/*  Output ===> DIALAWAY mmdd *191*/
/*  Filename Filetype  -  Userid   Cuu*/
/*  Subroutines===> None None None None   */
/*  Function   ===> This program runs as a disconnected   */
/*  service virtual machine to monitor users  */
/*  who DIAL GRAF devices on channel F.  The  */
/*  contents of the DIALAWAY LOGMSG is written*/
/*  to the DIALed console and the user is */
/*  then disconnected.*/
/*  Invoked As ===> COMMAND   */
/*  INVOCATION:   */
/*  DIALAWAY  */
/*  0 Normal Completion.

FW: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Michael Coffin

I'm not sure if you can send posts with attachments to VMESA-L, so here
are the two files needed via hyperlink:



-Original Message-
From: Michael Coffin [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 1:50 PM
To: 'The IBM z/VM Operating System'
Subject: RE: CP DIAL question

Drop the .txt from each of the two attached files, double check the EXEC
to make sure the 3270 NOT character translated OK and put them on the
191(A) disk of any virtual machine and run DIALAWAY.  Try dialing the
virtual machine and you'll see the contents of the LOGMSG file, press
ENTER or any ATTN key and your DIALed session will be dropped.

Customize both the EXEC and LOGMSG as necessary, but it should work OK
"right out of the box".


Michael Coffin, President
MC Consulting Company, Inc.
57 Tamarack Drive
Stoughton, Massachusetts  02072

We employ aggressive SPAM filters.  If you cannot reply or send email to go to

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
Behalf Of Rob van der Heij
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: CP DIAL question

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein 

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at
> having to create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody

> had something coded already that we could use.)  I just took another 
> look and there's a sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we 
> want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The
plumber's nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it is
not yet dialed into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will help
you to recognize that someone knocked on the door. And polling undialed
devices does not match my desire for elegance. You could used an
external command like WAKEUP ( IO but that prevents the pipeline from
having an actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to
add this function)

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Mark Bodenstein


I coded this using WAKEUP as suggested by Harry Williams and have a working 
prototype which I've included below.  It's not quite bullet-proof (if a 
DIAL happens while processing another DIAL this won't handle it) but it's a 

I don't understand what you mean by "prevents the pipeline from having an 
actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in."  Could you explain?


Mark Bodenstein  (
Cornell University

At 09:40 AM 5/28/2009, Rob van der Heij wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein  wrote:

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at 
having to

> create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody had something
> coded already that we could use.)  I just took another look and there's a
> sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The
plumber's nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it
is not yet dialed into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will
help you to recognize that someone knocked on the door. And polling
undialed devices does not match my desire for elegance. You could used
an external command like WAKEUP ( IO but that prevents the pipeline
from having an actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to
add this function)

NOTSNA EXEC: This is the driver EXEC

/* EXEC to handle CP DIALs from users trying to get to MVS */
/* Mark Bodenstein  28May09*/
address command
signal on novalue

/* Set up to handle messages - used for stopping */

do forever

  when rc = 7 then do

 /* handle I/O interrupt */
 /* on stack: *IO devaddr CSW: csw1 csw2 */
 parse pull . devaddr . csw1 csw2 .

 /* handle Device End */
 if left( csw2, 2) = '04'  /* Device End */

/* write message to the device */
/* wait for user to hit Enter  */
/* then reset the device   */
then 'EXEC WRRD3270' devaddr

  when rc = 5 then do

 /* handle message  */
 /* on stack: *type userid message-text */
 parse pull '*'type userid msg
 msg = strip( msg)
 say type 'from' userid '('msg') - ending'
 rc = 0
 signal exit

 say 'Unexpected WAKEUP return code:' rc
 signal exit
  end   /* select */
   end  /* do forever */

/* termination processing */

/* save return code */
saverc = rc

/* Clear MSG setting */

/* exit */
exit rc

WRRD3270 EXEC: This is the EXEC that writes a message to the DIALed device

/* WRRD3270 EXEC */
/* Write to a 3270 device and then read from it, discarding the result */
/* and then resetting the device.  */
/* Based on examples in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN   */
/* Mark Bodenstein  28May09*/
address command
signal on novalue
arg devaddr

/* define constants */
EraseWriteAlt = 'C0'x /* Erase Write Alternate command */
WriteControlChar = '03'x  /* Write Control Character */
SetBufferAddress = '11'x  /* Set Buffer Address order */
InsertCursor = '13'x  /* Insert Cursor order */
StartField = '1D'x/* Start Field order */
AttrProtect = '28'x   /* Protected attribute byte */
AttrNoProtect = '00'x /* Unprotected attribute byte */

/* create 3270 data stream */
DataStreamOut = EraseWriteAlt||WriteControlChar||SetBufferAddress||,
   ''x||StartField||AttrProtect||'You have connected to',
   userid()'.  Hit Enter to close this session.',

/* do the write and read */
   'var DataStreamOut',   /* Get outbound data stream */
   '| fullscreen' devaddr,/* Write it and then read   */
   '| hole'   /* discard the results  */

/* reset the device */
'CP RESET' devaddr
exit rc   /* Exit */ 

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Huegel, Thomas
I just had to play with this one a bit.
This is what I came up with.. Mostly from the example in the book.
Are there others?
 /* WRIT3270 EXEC */
 trace o
 termtable. = ''
 termtable.0 = 0
 do forever
   wakeup '(io quiet'
   if rc ¬= 07 then signal done
   pull . termadr .
   'pipe stem termtable. | locate 1-* /'termadr'/ | var tfound'
   if tfound = termadr then do
 reset termadr
 'pipe stem termtable. | nlocate 1-* /'termadr'/ | stem termtable.'
 'pipe var termadr | stem termtable. append'

  EW   = '80'x/* Erase/Write command */
  WCC  = '03'x/* Write Control Character */
  SBA  = '11'x/* Set Buffer Address order */
  BA   = ''x  /* Buffer Address RRCC */
  IC   = '13'x/* Insert Cursor order */
 EW   = '80'x/* Erase/Write command */
 WCC  = '03'x/* Write Control Character */
 SBA  = '11'x/* Set Buffer Address order */
 BA   = ''x  /* Buffer Address RRCC */
 IC   = '13'x/* Insert Cursor order */
 SF   = '1D'x/* Start Field order */
 ATTR = '28'x/* Protected attribute byte */
 MSGLINE = 'You have connected to' userid() termadr 'Hit ENTER to 

 DataStreamOut = EW||WCC||SBA||BA||SF||ATTR||,
 /* Build the data stream */
  'var DataStreamOut',   /* Get outbound data stream */
  '| fullscreen' termadr noread,/* Write it to device 0500 */
  '| hole' /* Discard the results */
   'pipe stem termtable. | specs /RESET / 1 1-4 10 | CP'
   exit rc   /* Exit */ 

-Original Message-
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On Behalf 
Of Rob van der Heij
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: CP DIAL question

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein  wrote:

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at 
> having to create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody 
> had something coded already that we could use.)  I just took another 
> look and there's a sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The plumber's 
nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it is not yet dialed 
into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will help you to recognize that 
someone knocked on the door. And polling undialed devices does not match my 
desire for elegance. You could used an external command like WAKEUP ( IO but 
that prevents the pipeline from having an actual conversation with the other 
terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to add this 

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Rob van der Heij
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 3:19 PM, Mark Bodenstein  wrote:

> I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at having to
> create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody had something
> coded already that we could use.)  I just took another look and there's a
> sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we want.

Writing to the terminal should be the least of your problems. The
plumber's nightmare here is that you can't fullscr to a GRAF when it
is not yet dialed into. There's nothing in the pipeline now that will
help you to recognize that someone knocked on the door. And polling
undialed devices does not match my desire for elegance. You could used
an external command like WAKEUP ( IO but that prevents the pipeline
from having an actual conversation with the other terminals dialed-in.

Rob (talking to the Piper right now to see if he could be inspired to
add this function)

Re: IBM 1401

2009-05-28 Thread Anne & Lynn Wheeler

rschuh wrote:

The smaller systems, the 360-20 and 360-30 had a 1401 emulator mode. It was=
  a h/w or mc based feature. I don't know whether larger machines had it. Th=
ere was also a 1410 emulator mode on the -40. I do not know of any 1401 sup=
port that ran under DOS, but my DOS experience is miniscule.=20

360/30 had 1401 microcode emulation ... actually 360/30 front panel switch that
selected 360 microcode "emulation" (since 360 was implemented as microcode on
360/30) and 1401 microcode "emulation"

recent stories in ibm-main mailing list about univ. getting 360/30 to replace
1401 (in staged processs of replacing 709/1401 combo with 360/67 which was 
to run with tss/360). IBM Mainframe: 50 Years of Big Iron 
Innovation Book on Poughkeepsie

709 ran ibsys, tape->tape, a lot of fortran student jobs. 1401 was front-end 
handling card reader-> tape & tape->printer/punch for the 709 ... with tapes 
manually moved from 1401 tapes and 709 tapes.

Even tho the 1401 "MPIO" program ran perfectly fine on 360/30 in 1401 emulation
mode (switch to emulation mode and boot MPIO from 2504 reader, effectively same 
if running real 1401) ... I got a student job to re-implement it in 360 ...
I got to design my own monitor, interrupt handling, device drivers, storage 
console interface, etc. Eventually was 2000 card program with assembler
directive that would either generate a "stand-alone" program or
version that ran under os/360. Stand-alone version took approx. 30
minutes to assemble ... version that would run under os/360 took
nearly an hour to assemble since it took approx. five minutes
elapsed time per DCB macro.

The univ. eventually got a 360/67 ... but since tss/360 wasn't ready, it
spent nearly all its time running os/360 as 360/65. 360/65 (and 360/67)
had 709x microcode emulation support (as opposed to 1401 emulation available
on lower-end 360s).

Last week of January 1968, three people from the science center ... some
past posts

came out to the univ. to install (virtual machine) cp67. at the time, cp67 
really up to the univ. os/360 production workload ... but I got to play with
it quite a bit on weekends. some discussion detailed in these posts: Book on Poughkeepsie Book on Poughkeepsie

misc. other recent related posts in ibm-main mailing list thread IBM Mainframe: 50 Years of Big Iron 
Innovation Book on Poughkeepsie Book on Poughkeepsie

360/30 functional characteristics has reference to 1401/1440/1460 compatibiilty
feature (GA24-3255)

1401 simulator for os/360 contributed program:

it might not have been all the difficult to port above to CMS???

1401/1440/1460 Emulator Programs (under dos/360)

360/65 functional characteristics
360/67 functional characteristics

lists optional feature: 709/7040/7044/7090/7094/7094II Compatibility

single processor 360/67 was nearly identical to single processor 360/65 except
with addition to virtual address translation hardware.

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Mark Bodenstein
I previously looked at PIPE FULLSCREEN but was a little daunted at having 
to create a 3270 data stream.  (I was also hoping that somebody had 
something coded already that we could use.)  I just took another look and 
there's a sample in HELP PIPE FULLSCREEN that does what we want.

We would also need to use WAKEUP to wait for and handle the interrupt for 
the DIAL and invoke the EXEC that writes the screen, but that should be 
pretty straightforward.


Mark Bodenstein  (
Cornell University

At 11:05 PM 5/27/2009, A. Harry Williams wrote:

I thought I had a sample, but I couldn't find it after looking.
you could write a small exec using PIPE's fullscr.  It supports DIALed
devices, and you could have it simply display a page of info, and then
RESET after the person hits enter or some period of time.  Could be a cheap
informational display


Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Mark Bodenstein
We have many more people that logon to VM rather than DIAL to MVS, and we 
wouldn't want to confuse them, but this is an interesting idea.


Mark Bodenstein  (
Cornell University

At 05:01 PM 5/27/2009, Jim Hughes wrote:
Why not just change the ZVM Logo screen to contain the instructions or 

Re: CP DIAL question

2009-05-28 Thread Hughes, Jim
Why not just change the ZVM Logo screen to contain the instructions or

Jim Hughes
"It is fun to do the impossible."

==>-Original Message-
==>From: The IBM z/VM Operating System []
==>Behalf Of Mark Bodenstein
==>Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:01 PM
==>Subject: Re: CP DIAL question
==>Changing the MSG10 screen while we still have VM VTAM is a good idea.
==>we want something for afterwards that will direct users to helpful
==>Thanks to everyone for your suggestions!
==>Mark Bodenstein  (
==>Cornell University
==>At 01:30 PM 5/27/2009, Tom Duerbusch wrote:
==>>The easiest way of doing this, and perhaps the less costly, is to
==>>license for VM/VTAM an extra month or two and use MSG10 to inform
==>>After that, it's the help desk problem .
==>>Tom Duerbusch
==>>THD Consulting
==>>(RIP Grey Stripe, a great cat and my buddy for, just shy of 19
==>> >>> Mark Post  5/27/2009 12:07 PM >>>
==>> >>> On 5/26/2009 at  6:08 PM, Alan Altmark

==>> > On Tuesday, 05/26/2009 at 05:54 EDT, Mark Post 
==>> >> So, why don't you just update the message put out in MSG10 to
==>> > you want?
==>> >
==>> > That won't work if he gets rid of VTAM!  :-)
==>>My reading was that he was trying to provide a transition period for
==>>Mark Post

Re: Any idea? Dirmaint error by detach 123 disk(540RES)

2009-05-28 Thread Alan Altmark
On Thursday, 05/28/2009 at 02:21 EDT, Kris Buelens 
> Strange that MAINT cannot issue SET PRIVCLASS


Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

Re: Any idea? Dirmaint error by detach 123 disk(540RES)

2009-05-28 Thread Bruce Hayden
The ability to issue the SET PRIVCLASS command has to be enabled in
the SYSTEM CONFIG file.  The config file supplied with a new
installation of z/VM has it disabled.

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Kris Buelens  wrote:
> Strange that MAINT cannot issue SET PRIVCLASS
>   Privilege classes for user DIRMAINT
>       Currently: ABDG
>           Directory: BDG
>   The privilege classes are not locked against changes.
>   Ready; T=0.01/0.01 08:16:28
> Maybe someone changed the command classes to place PRIVCLASS in a special
> class.  Try
> and look what it tells about PRIVCLASS.  I get this
> I my eyes, MAINT should be permitted to all commands, hence have all CP
> classes.
> 2009/5/28 Yoon-suk Cho 
>> Thanks for your help. I re-defined the 123 minidisk to maint and then
>> fix the Dirmaint  in successfully.
>> First, I tried to put the PRIVCLASS to DIRMAINT user by maint. It was
>> not available , however,  option as following errors.
>> Invalid option - PRIVCLASS
> --
> Kris Buelens,
> IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Bruce Hayden
Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
IBM, Endicott, NY