TSAF - Supported Links

2008-07-20 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I have two z/VM running on different CPCs. They are joined in a CSE compl
The DASD is shared but spool not since I do not have VM/Pass Through
facility. I want to connect now both systems via TSAF as I need to
interconnect IUCV and SFS services. 

After reading the Connectivity Guide (GC24-6118-02) I found out that TSAF

would be the right component for doing this. As far as I can understand t
setting up of TSAF is quite straight forward. 

Nevertheless I would need some explanation about the IEEE 802.3 LAN
subsystem on “rack-mounted processors”. This is in my opinion a quite
description of a feature. What does it mean? Does that mean that the OSA
Express2 adapters on my z990s are not supported for TSAF? Aside from CTCs

and since I do not have VTAM, Token Ring and BSC stuff, the Ethernet link

would be the easiest solution. 

I would need some confirmation on this. Thank you very much in advance. 

Best regards, 

REXEC question

2008-07-17 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I set up the REXEC daemon on z/VM 5.3 and wanted to do a logon of a useri
RVMCP with my own credentials. For this the RVMCP directory entry has a
LOGONBY option that names my own userid. 

When I do a LOGON RVMCP BY myuser then it works well. However when I do t
via rexec such as rexec -l rvmcp.by.myuser remote.host q names this gives
a return code of 1 saying that myuser may not login as RVMCP. 

I didn't find any additional information for eventual additional
configuration of REXECD on this in the documentation, so maybe somebody h
experienced a similar problem and could give me a hint. 
I have RSU 0801 applied on the system. 

Thanks in advance.

Best regards, 

Re: How to see which mdisks are linked by whom

2008-06-20 Thread Fox Blue

Thank you very much. This is exactly what i needed. 

Best Regards, 


How to see which mdisks are linked by whom

2008-06-20 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

May be a stupid beginners question: Is it possible to see who (which virt
machine) actually links currently to mdisks on a certain physical volume?

For example: I do a q dasd VMUSR7  

and get DASD 312E CP System VMUSR7 4. That means 4 machines have a link t
this volume. But which ones??? 

In the directory the VOLUME is not assigend to any MDISK any more. So it
must be something that was changed. Is there a way to access this informa

Thanks a lot 


Re: SIZE of CSE area for dasd models bigger 3390-9

2008-06-12 Thread Fox Blue
That is clear now, thank's a lot. 

BR Fox

SIZE of CSE area for dasd models bigger 3390-9

2008-06-12 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I am not sure how big the CSE Area need to be on DASD bigger than 3390-9.

The planing manual shows only 3390-9, which has in fact 9 cylinders. 

How big the CSA Area need to be on 3390-27 and 3390-54? 

Thank you very much. 

Best regards,

Re: Real device number assignments

2008-05-31 Thread Fox Blue
Also in our organisation we have the same real device numbers on all CECs

and LPARs. 

In order to reduce the number of addresses we are consolidating data on
bigger volumes. 

Best regards,

Move multiple minidisks via dirmaint

2008-05-26 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I would like to move multiple minidisks from several userids to another
physical volume. 

I used DIRMAINT CMDISK operator for doing this. However what makes me
wondering is, if there is a possibility not to re-specify the size of the

respective minidisk. 

I want only to move the minidisk and not to change the size. To specify t
size can cause mistakes as one has to refere to the DIRMAP in order to en
this parameter. 

Is there an easy way such as to specify a '=' or '*' in order to keep t
same size of the minidisk? I didn't find it in the documentation or what
would be the best procedure. 

Thank you very much in advance. 

Best regards, 

Moving multiple minidisk to new volume

2008-05-26 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I have a question regarding the moving of multiple minidisks of several
users via DIRMAINT. 

I saw in the documentation that I have always to respecify the size of th
minidisk in the CMDISK command. I think this is quite errorprone since I
have first to check the size from the dirmap. Is there a posibility just
only to move the address to a new volume with the same characteristics? 

Best regards, 

Re: Extension of MAINT 190 (S-DISK)

2008-05-20 Thread Fox Blue

I would also be interested in SESCOMP.


On Mon, 19 May 2008 18:09:43 +0200, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>You forget the VMSES PARTCAT: I've got entries in VMSES PARTCAT for
>all the things I store on 19E, even y own code gets a dummy prodid.
>VMFCOPY can then be used to copy all files of a "prodid".  And, I
>wouldn't be me if I hadn't coded an exec to help with the task: my
>SESCOMP first compares VMSES PARTCAT with LISTFILE and helps you to
>add missing entries in VMSES PARTCAT.  You do that for the old and new
>disk.  The you can tell SESCOMP to compare the PARTCATs of two
>minidisks; it produces a list prodids and number of files; PF-keys
>allow to copy or FILELIST files of a prodid.  This way, merging two
>minidisks is quickly done.  Ask and you shall be given.
>But, indeed: most products live on a separate minidisk (like GDDM 191,
>DITTO 191, ...), only stuff that needs to be available to everyone
>lives on our 19E.  Examples: RAC, VMBACKUP, VMTAPE, some local

>Kris Buelens,
>IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: Extension of MAINT 190 (S-DISK)

2008-05-19 Thread Fox Blue
Hi Mike, 

Thank you for this hint. Well I am also much more in favour to do the
installation on a separate disks, however in my case IBM install
instructions of the SDO (Semi-VMSES/E Licenced Products) tell to install 
on MAINT 19E. Therefore I do it in the recommended way but only for IBM
products ;-) 



On Mon, 19 May 2008 09:28:11 -0400, Michael Coffin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

>FWIW, I try to keep both the 190 and 19E pretty much as shipped by IBM.
>All "public" programs and files (i.e. other vendor products, locally
>developed programs and files, etc. etc.) all go on a disk accessed by
>all users via an exit in the SYSPROF EXEC (i.e. in my case they live on
>PUBLIC 191).  This way you don't have to worry about trivial file
>changes making a LOT more work for you.   Don't forget, in order to
>change a file on either the 190 or 19E you are SUPPOSED to make the
>changes to the 490 or 49E, test them, and then promote the changes to
>the 190 or 19E.  If you skip this and make your changes directly to the
>190/19E they could be OVERLAID (or lost) the next time you do any kind
>of service that does PUT2PROD and copies the 490/49E to 190/19E.
>Consider a local PUBLIC disk and save your self the grief of resizing
>CMS system minidisks, keeping test/prod CMS disks in synch, and
>constantly resaving the CMS minidisk FST's in NSS.

Re: Extension of MAINT 190 (S-DISK)

2008-05-19 Thread Fox Blue

thank you very much for the info. Focusing now on Y-DISK. Is a simple cop
of the files enough after formating the new Y-DISK or are there onher pit


>Extending the S-disk is seldom done, because not that easy.  Most
>people would place extra
>products on the Y-disk (19E), or yet another disks, accessed by
>SYSPROF.  But, if you insist:
>- FORMAT the new minidisk e.g. as B
>- FORMAT newcuu B nnn (RECOMP
>  makes room for the CMS nucleus, "nnn" is the size of the new
>minidisk minus 7 cylinders
>  (a CMS nuclues is supposed to take at most 7 cylinders nowadays)
>- update DMSNGP, adapt CYLADDR=100 to CYLADDR=nnn
>  regenerate DMSNGP
>  to build the new nucleus load deck in your reader
>- DET 190 #DEF newcuu 190#IPL 00C CLEAR
>As this is not for dummies, I explained briefly.

>Kris Buelens,
>IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Re: Extension of MAINT 190 (S-DISK)

2008-05-19 Thread Fox Blue
On Mon, 19 May 2008 14:43:09 +0200, Rob van der Heij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

OK thank you, correct. But then I would like to extend the question with
regard of the Y-Disk. Is a simple CMS copy enough or is special attention



>On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Fox Blue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
>> it. It can be that we install some products (like DCF) that reside on 
>> S-Disk.
>One does not normally install those on the S-disk but on the Y-disk.
>(the S-disk is being DDR-ed from the 490)

Extension of MAINT 190 (S-DISK)

2008-05-19 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

What is the correct procedure for extending the MAINT 190 (S-Disk)? My MA
190 is 82% full and I would like to prepare myself for the case of extend
it. It can be that we install some products (like DCF) that reside on the


Is allocation of a new mini disk and a DDR to that enough or do I have to

make a CMS format and a copy of all files to that new disk? Please advise
this. Thank you very much in advance. 

Best regards,


RSU Plans

2008-04-07 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I think it would be nice when IBM would update the page regarding
availability of the next RSUs. (http://www.vm.ibm.com/service/rsu/rsuplan

Would be interested when for DIRMAINT or RACF an RSU level will be made

BR Fox

Re: Adding temp space

2008-04-02 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

You were right, of course. I overlooked this totally as my emulation wind
was overlayed by another window. Because of the lot of comments in the MA
directory it is bigger than all my other enties. 

Thanks so much for this help. 

BR Florian


2008-04-02 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I have DIRMAINT now running and try to get familiar with it. I encountere
the following problem with it: 

I use MAINT to issue the dirm commnd to retrieve MAINT directory entry. D
punches me the directory entry to MAINT's reader but it has NO MDISK
statements in it. For all other users I get the complete directory entrie
so this is working. 

Is there some configuration I am lacking or what is wrong with it? 

BR Fox 

Questions on DIRMAINT

2008-03-17 Thread Fox Blue
Hello all, 

I have just set up the DIRMAINT on my system and have following question
regarding the definition of full pack minidisk. 

Up to now (without DIRMAINT) I defined dummy users to own the special are
like cylinder 0 of Volumes, SPACE and SPOOL areas. 

In the USER DIRECT file I coded for example for TEMP disk space: 

 MDISK 50A0 3390 001 END TDSK01 R  


The address 50A0 is a 3390-3 and so coding END should in my opinion cover

the 3338 cylinders of this volume. 

After importing my USER DIRECT and executing a DIRMAP I get following rep

TDSK01   3390 $ALLOC$  50A0 * 0  0  1  
  $TDISK$  50A0 * 1   1112   1112Over
  .TDISK.  50A0 * 1   3338   3338  

This means that the coded statement derived from the USER DIRECT is
interpreted as 3390-1 model having only 1112 cylinders. This is true for 
the full pack minidisks. As the .TDISK. shows the entry should be 3338. 

My question is this works as designed or a bug?  

Another question would be how DIRMAINT handles an adding of a minidisk. F
example: I want to add a new volume to the system. I protect the cylinder
to add a minidisk to the $ALLOC$ user. Would there by a RACF profile be
automatically be created? I thought this would be done. Maybe somebody ca
point me to the required parameters in the DIRMAINT config files. 

Thank you very much in advance. 

BR Fox.

Re: VM source code

2008-03-05 Thread Fox Blue
I succeed to install the source code feature some weeks ago. 

My question would be, if there is some guidence to start working with it?

For instance: how is do I know which source file does what, where to star

Guessing some example: Write code supporting access of a LINUX filesystem

(EXT2/3) in CMS. I mean accessing a minidisk formatted with ext3 and usin
it like e.g. an OS formatted disk. This is a feature I would really like 
see in CMS in order to make maintenance of LINUX installations easier.

As far as I know such thing from a third party vendor exists for accessin
it by REXX. 

BR Fox.  

X Disk in SFS

2008-02-22 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

Thank you very much indeed for your great contributions and hints on this

issue. I appreciate them very much. And I must say that I am very impress
about this mailing list. It will help me really to improve my knowledge o
z/VM. Thanks a lot.


X Disk in SFS

2008-02-22 Thread Fox Blue
Dear all, 

I am currently busy to understand the capabilities of SFS. Started in the

late 80ies as system programmer we had VM/SP but there was no SFS. Since 
year I am working on a z/VM installation and have to catch up with all th
new facilities in VM. 

I am wondering what would be best approach to define an X Disk in the SFS
. I
mean, normally one puts the files accessible to all users on a mini disk
that everybody can access. 

How can you do that with SFS?  Should it be a directory in the file space
MAINT or should I define an extra Virtual Machine for that? What would be

the most common way of achieving this? 

Thanks very much in advance. 


Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-28 Thread Fox Blue
On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 09:28:10 -0600, RPN01 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This is the problem. Normally you can expect that the list is sorted.
Therefore a small hint (usage note) telling that you can not guarantee th
the list is sorted would have been useful. 

BR Fox 

>The obvious answer being overlooked by everyone is Sort the list.
>If the disk has a small number of files (say, less than 1,000), just wri
te a
>bubble sort and put the list in order yourself. If the number of files i
>large, then you might have to write a more complex sort to do it
>I'm not sure what "LISTFILE" you're using, but mine, for my 191 minidisk
>does produce a sorted list of files.
>Also, I just read through the documentation for DMSOPDIR... Nowhere in t
>documentation does it suggest or imply that it might return the list of
>files in any specific order whatsoever. Where did you get the impression

>that it should return them in sorted order?
>   .~.Robert P. Nix Mayo Foundation
>   /V\RO-OE-5-55200 First Street SW
>  /( )\   507-284-0844  Rochester, MN 55905
>  ^^-^^   -
>"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
> in practice, theory and practice are different."
>On 1/27/08 2:04 AM, "Fox Blue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Kris,
>> Well it is a R/W minidisk. It is the 191 of the machine.
>> Yesterday, I was also playing around with the LISTFILE command. It see
>> that it retrieves the file names in the same unordered way.
>> Regarding to your proposal, I wanted to program a CMS module that shou
>> not
>> become dependent on external REXX EXEC(s).
>> I think the documentation (CMS Application Development Guide SC24-6069
>> )
>> should reflect that the directory is not sorted. I was browsing throug
h i
>> t
>> and could not find any hint on this issue. Also the CMS Callable Servi
>> Reference (SC24-6072-02) should contain a usage note referring to this
>> Thanks anyway for your proposal to overcome this problem.
>> BR Fox.
>> On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 20:11:25 +0100, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  wrote:
>>> I have no experience with DMSGETDF...
>>> Is this a R/W minidisk?  Only for R/O minidisks CMS keeps the FST's s
>> ed.
>>> I would make the program call a REXX EXEC that in its turn executes a

>>> PIPE that contains a LISTFILE and SORT stage.  The PIPE could pass th
>>> sorted list of files in the stack where your program retrieves them.
>>> Or, more elegant, your assembler program allocates a buffer large
>>> enough to store the result of the LISTFILE, prepares the PIPE command

>>> with the LISTFILE and SORT, the last stage would be a STORAGE stage t
>>> write the result in your program's buffer.
>>> Kris Buelens,
>>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
>>> ===

Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-28 Thread Fox Blue
>The directory entries MAY be sorted.  The documentation for DMSGETDF is
>silent on the subject of file ordering, so a usage note that say they ar
>NOT sorted would be as inappropriate as one that says they ARE sorted.
>CMS sorts the directory only on ACCESS and RELEASE.  New files added
>always appear at the end of the list.

But this is how you formulate the usage note. 

It should point out that the sequence is NOT guaranteed. It is in case wh
there was no update on the directory. 

BR Fox 

Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-27 Thread Fox Blue

This is very kind of you. Well sure it can wait a week. 

BR Fox

Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-27 Thread Fox Blue
On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 07:42:57 -0600, Mike Walter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Hi Mike, 

This is true. I encountered the following: Since I am still programming, 
am using cms command run to start the program. This produces a LOAD MAP f
and therefore it changes the file directory of the 191 disk. And then the

sorted sequence is destroyed. Now making a module with GENMOD and
re-accessing 191 disk retrieves the files in sorted sequence. 

It is a pity that the DMSOPDIR doesn't have an option to retireve the fil
in sorted sequence. 

>The CMS command ACCESS re-sorts the active file table.  Try issuing, tha
>then running your program.
>If that works, you could just issue the ACCESS command from inside your
>program via a CMSCALL (?).
>Mike Walter
>Hewitt Associates
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Re: CMS Programming: How to sort files entries retrieved by DMSGETDF

2008-01-27 Thread Fox Blue

Well it is a R/W minidisk. It is the 191 of the machine. 

Yesterday, I was also playing around with the LISTFILE command. It seems
that it retrieves the file names in the same unordered way. 

Regarding to your proposal, I wanted to program a CMS module that should 
become dependent on external REXX EXEC(s). 

I think the documentation (CMS Application Development Guide SC24-6069-02
should reflect that the directory is not sorted. I was browsing through i
and could not find any hint on this issue. Also the CMS Callable Services

Reference (SC24-6072-02) should contain a usage note referring to this.

Thanks anyway for your proposal to overcome this problem. 

BR Fox. 

On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 20:11:25 +0100, Kris Buelens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I have no experience with DMSGETDF...
>Is this a R/W minidisk?  Only for R/O minidisks CMS keeps the FST's sort
>I would make the program call a REXX EXEC that in its turn executes a
>PIPE that contains a LISTFILE and SORT stage.  The PIPE could pass the
>sorted list of files in the stack where your program retrieves them.
>Or, more elegant, your assembler program allocates a buffer large
>enough to store the result of the LISTFILE, prepares the PIPE command
>with the LISTFILE and SORT, the last stage would be a STORAGE stage to
>write the result in your program's buffer.
>Kris Buelens,
>IBM Belgium, VM customer support