Re: Again IOCDS and dynamic activation.

2011-07-08 Thread Rick Barlow
As several people have said, the only way to prevent devices from
"appearing" to your z/VM LPAR when a dynamic activation is done is to use
the SET DEVICES NOTACCEPTED command either in your SYSTEM CONFIG or in
AUTOLOG1.  (I recommend using SYSTEM CONFIG.)  If you never, ever want those
devices to show up to your z/VM LPAR(s), then the IOCDS should be coded with
the NOTPART parameter to prevent the devices from ever being visible to
those partitions.

I would be happy to discuss this in greater detail offline if you are

Rick Barlow

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 9:17 AM, Tom Huegel  wrote:

> After IPL everything is fine, the devices I want ONLINE are online and
> those I want OFFLINE are offline.
> But when a new IOCDS is activated the group of devices I am trying to keep
> offline 4xxx become ONLINE..
> <\snip>


2010-11-07 Thread Rick Barlow
As an alternative, you can also use the Dignus System Assembler product in
place of HLASM.

Rick Barlow
Nationwide Insurance.

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Frank M. Ramaekers wrote:

>  I want to convert my IOCP to HCM/HCD, but one of the requirements is
> HLASM, which I do not have and will not be able to convince management to
> purchase for a one time conversion.
> Options?
> TIA,
>  Frank M. Ramaekers Jr.
>   Systems Programmer
> American Income Life Insurance Co.
> Phone: (254)761-6649
> 1200 Wooded Acres Dr.
> Fax: (254)741-5777
> Waco, Texas  76701
>  _ This message
> contains information which is privileged and confidential and is solely for
> the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, be
> aware that any review, disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the
> contents of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
> in error, please destroy it immediately and notify us at

Re: Dynamic IO Gens on boxes without z/OS?

2010-11-07 Thread Rick Barlow
We have z/VM on z10s that are both shared with z/OS and z/VM only (hosting
Linux).  On the z/OS systems, z/OS maintains the IODF and we let z/VM pick
up the changes dynamically.  On the z/VM only systems, we maintain the IOCDS
with IOCP and native CP commands to modify HSA.  In the past, we have also
had a share z/OS and z/VM system where z/OS maintained its IODF (software
view), exported the IOCP source and then we maintained the IOCDS and HSA
using z/VM.

It sounds like you have a situation where z/OS maintains the IODF and
IOCDS/HSA on most CECs but now you are going to have a machine with z/VM
only.  In that case, you could choose the native z/VM solution.  As has been
indicated, another option is to maintain the IODF with z/OS, transfer the
IODF to z/VM and use it with z/VM HCD.  The manual "How to Migrate your
Environment to z/VM HCD" has the deatils of how to do this.  I expect that
we will do something close to this in the near future.

I would be happy to chat more about your specific requirements if you have
more questions.

Rick Barlow
Nationwide Insurance

On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Davis, Larry (National VM/VSE Capability) <> wrote:

> VM HCD will not activate and do all the dynamic commands in VM environment.
> You can use HCD to manage the IOCP but you will have to perform the dynamic
> commands and activate the new IOCP
> Larry Davis
> -Original Message-
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
> Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2010 2:21 PM
> Subject: Dynamic IO Gens on boxes without z/OS?
> Hello VM'ers.
> We have new z196 boxes being installed that will have VM only and no z/OS.
>  z/OS folks have been doing our i/o gens for many years.
> They tell me that they can write the new IOCDS from z/OS but will be unable
> to dynamically activate it from z/OS.  POR's would be required.
> Is this correct?  Is there anyway to do a dynamic gen if we want them to
> keep doing it?   VM HCD perhaps?
> Marcy

VTAM USSMSG10 buffer location assistance

2010-10-21 Thread Rick Barlow
I am looking for someone who can point me to a reference that might help me
to modify a USSMSG10 screen that is coded using screen buffer locations.
Before anyone comments on still having VTAM on VM, let me say that the
reason we are doing this is to add a message to the screen to inform the
users that VTAM is going away - soon.  I know that the declarations probably
include a 3270 data stream command and a location within the screen buffer.
I am trying to locate documentation that might help.  I am including a brief
code snippet.

  DC X'11C14F1D60'   Line  2 Col   1 Normal
  DC C'@'
  DC X'11C16F'   Line  2 Col  32
  DC X'11C2F7'   Line  3 Col  24

Can anyone point me to documentation or a possible contact who might be able
to steer me in the right direction?

Thank you
Rick Barlow
Nationwide Insurance

Re: BookManager format softcopy

2010-09-17 Thread Rick Barlow
Does this mean that IBM will finally create PDFs for all of the old products
that only have BOO files?

Rick Barlow

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Alan Altmark wrote:

> In order to reduce expenses, reduce the amount of time it takes to produce
> softcopy documentation, and eliminate dependencies on
> soon-to-be-unsupported internal tools (nothing to do with BookManager READ
> software), we are thinking about eliminating BOOK (.boo) files from z/VM
> softcopy production.
> The z/VM Information Center and PDF files would still be produced.
> Does this create a hardship for anyone?  If not, no need to speak up.  If
> yes, details please.  If you prefer to respond offline, feel free.
> Regards,
>  Alan
> z/VM Development (T - 13 days)
> IBM Endicott

Re: New standard for networking help

2010-07-23 Thread Rick Barlow
If you choose to create an EXEC like the one Neale proposed to capture all
of the information about your system, you may want to separate the output
into multiple files.  The output from the CP Query ALL and the set of user
commands can be very large.  You should consider how many devices are
attached to your VM system (One of our systems has more than 12,000 DASD
devices.) and how many users are logged on (We have LPARs that host Linux
guests that have more than 150 user-ids logged on.).  The rest of the list
is manageable in a single file.

Rick Barlow
Nationwide Insurance

How to manage multiple LPARs without RSCS

2010-06-24 Thread Rick Barlow
Does anyone have a method they use to manage multiple z/VM LPARs from a
single point without the benefit of RSCS for NJE connections?  We have
always had RSCS and used PROP or VM:Operator with a single logical operator
being able to interact  with groups or all of the LPARs.  There is some
question whether will want to keep licensing RSCS.


Re: Using HCD on an IFL-only Machine

2010-02-22 Thread Rick Barlow
Unless you have some reason why you want to hardcode a software view
of the I/O for VM, I don't see any reason to give z/VM an IODF.  Since
it was available in VM/ESA V2 in about 1994, we have let VM just
accept what the hardware tells it and dynamically manage the software

We have managed the IOCDS with both z/VM Dynamic I/O commands and z/OS
HCD.  We have even managed the IOCDS with z/VM Dynamic commands when
there are z/OS LPARs present.  In that case, z/OS just does a soft
activate after the HSA is updated by z/VM.

On our z/VM+Linux only IFL machines, we use z/VM Dynamic I/O CP
commands to manage the hardware and let z/VM dynamically create the
software view.

If you share any hardware resources - DASD, Switches - with your z/OS
machines, you may want to continue to use z/OS HCD to manage a single,
consolidated view of the entire environment, export either the IOCP
source or and IODF and then you can manage the IOCDS using z/VM on the
IFL-only machines.  The only advantage of using z/VM HCD to manage the
IOCDS is that generating the z/VM Dynamic I/O CP commands from the
IOCP deck can be rather tedious.  HCD will definitely help you avoid

Rick Barlow


2009-12-08 Thread Rick Barlow
On most z machines, you have to enable the system for Dynamic I/O
through the Security Function on the HMC.  I am not sure how to do
that on a z800 but that is one thing I would check.  You also need to
make sure that your SYSTEM CONFIG includes SET_DYNamic in the Features
Enable section.  Another thing to check is whether you have
DYNamic_I/O in the Features Enable section.  If you do, CP will turn
on Dynamic I/O during initialization to verify that the security is
set correctly at the hardware.  You should be able to look at the
OPERATOR console log from the IPL and see whether the messages show
that Dynamic is available.

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Kris Buelens  wrote:
> Yes, it was written with the DYN option: IOCP L911QDIO ( WRTA2 DYN   was the
> command
> 2009/12/8 Gregg 
>> for the POR/CEC Activate was the IOCP in the current slot DYN?
>> On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Kris Buelens 
>> wrote:
>>> I'm working on an old z800 machine for backup Recovery, that is running
>>> in basic mode (no LPARs).  And SET CONFIGMODE ON fails:
>>> set configmode on
>>> HCPCCO6816E Dynamic I/O changes are not allowed on this system
>>> Ready(06816); T=0.01/0.01 16:12:18
>>> On the HMC, I turned on "allow dynamic I/O configuration changes" in the
>>> Activation profile, I performed a Power-on-Reset.  But still, it doesn't
>>> work.  The SYSTEM CONFIG file should be OK: during IPL, CP tells:
>>> 16:03:42 HCPZPQ6857I System is enabled for dynamic I/O changes
>>> When I write the IOCDS, I get an error about the token:
>>> QUERY TOKEN command return code was: 6816
>>> Processing will continue with default token.
>>> 000    WARNING: 0    ERROR: 0
>>> ION: 0    WARNING: 0
>>> ION: 0    WARNING: 0
>>>  TIME 16.57 DATE 09.342 PAGE 507
>>>  0    ERROR: 0
>>> Ready; T=0.37/0.39 16:57:34
>>> query token
>>> HCPCCO6816E Dynamic I/O changes are not allowed on this system
>>> The target channel subsystem configuration token is:
>>> VM-TOKEN11/13/0910:42:28    11/13/0911:44:06
>>> Ready(06816); T=0.01/0.01 16:57:52
>>> What can be wrong?
>>> --
>>> Kris Buelens,
>>> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
>> --
>> Gregg Reed
>> "No Plan, survives execution"
> --
> Kris Buelens,
> IBM Belgium, VM customer support

Looking for someone to SHARE their Disaster Recovery story

2009-08-17 Thread Rick Barlow
I am the Project Manager for the VM Project at SHARE.  We have a Disaster
Recovery panel discussion session planned for SHARE in Denver next week.
One of the participants has had to back out because they are not going to be
able to travel.  I am looking for another customer site who is willing and
able to answer questions related to their experience Disaster Recovery in a
virtual environment.  This will not require a big, formal presentation -
just be willing to share your experience and answer questions.  If you would
be willing to participate with us and will be in Denver next week, please
contact me off list and I can provide more details.

Thank you!
Rick Barlow
VM Project Manager, SHARE

Re: Crytpo personality change

2009-08-13 Thread Rick Barlow
It is true that there is no way to tell z/VM to stop or starting q
crypto adapter. I have run into this same issue twice now.  I have had
serveral conversations with Endicott about this problem. It is
recognized that this needs to be improved but it is not actively being
worked on.

On 8/13/09, Marcy Cortes  wrote:
> Thanks Leland.  That's kind of the conclusion I reached.  I did end up
> IPLing one of the six lpars and now it looks OK.   Was hoping to avoid
> that...oh well.
> Marcy
> "This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you
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> any information herein. If you have received this message in error, please
> advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank
> you for your cooperation."
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
> Behalf Of Leland Lucius
> Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [IBMVM] Crytpo personality change
> On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Marcy Cortes
>  wrote:
>   To see the change our HW guys made to redefine CEX2C to CEX2A, do we 
> need a
> We had to make this change also and we did wind up doing an IPL.  Everything
> that the guy responsible for the hardware tried did not make a difference
> until we IPL'd.  We also reactivated the LPAR too just to be safe.  Don't
> really know if that was needed though.
> Leland

Sent from my mobile device

Re: OSA/SF on z/VM 5.4

2008-10-13 Thread Rick Barlow
I run OSA/SF daily on an LPAR that is running z/VM 5.4.0.  I haven't seen
this problem.

Rick Barlow
Sr. z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 10/10/2008
05:42:01 PM:

> Has anyone tried this on 5.4?  Seems to abend for me.
> Opening a PMR, but I thought I'd check with here as well.
> Marcy
> "This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If
> you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
> addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on
> this message or any information herein. If you have received this
> message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
> and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."

Re: VM RSCS as RJP to JES3, replace current process and last 3745.

2008-09-28 Thread Rick Barlow
Thank you to all who have made suggestions to Mark.  I have shared a lot of
additional researhc with him.

I have discussed this on a couple of different occassions with RSCS
development teams.  The only RSCS link that meets the current requirements
is the MRJE link.  An SNARJE link will not work because the RSCS support is
designed to be the host end of the connection.  It cannot act as the client
end of an SNANJE connection.  NJE connections are also currently being used
but do not provide the capability to modify the disposition that is
supported by the Bi-Sync RJE workstation support in JES.

Rick Barlow
Sr. z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/28/2008
01:37:09 AM:

> On Friday, 09/26/2008 at 10:02 EDT, "Mark T. Regan, K8MTR"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since we have VM/RSCS appearing as a RJP workstation to JES3 using EP
> and a
> > 3745, can it do the same using the SNA protocol to look like a 3770
> device, but
> > minus the 3745?
> Your best bet is to try it.  Create another RSCS link defined as SNARJE
> and create another JES3 link that talks to it.  Leave your existing
> connections alone.
> I *think* the SNARJE link will be treated as local SNA-attached RJE
> terminal.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Re: z/VM, NTP, and the z/10.

2008-05-22 Thread Rick Barlow
The Linux ETR support only applies to Linux running in an LPAR.  Getting 
this to work for Linuxrunning in virtual machines will require VM to 
accept and virtualize the new ETR signals.

Rick Barlow
Sr. z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions, 
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 
05/21/2008 05:08:14 PM:

> We've been running NTP for every with no ill effects.  Our
> authentication product requires it be there (to active directory so
> presumably Kerberos is the reason).
> Now.. Funny this topic should come up.  I was about to ask about this
> which came out the SLES 10 SP2 Release notes:
> ase-notes_sp2.pdf
> * zSeries: ETR (external time reference) Support: Enables Linux images
> to synchronize with parallel
> Sysplex or GDPS by providing z/OS compatible external timer reference
> and maintaining data
> consistency groups for XRC data mover. More info: The ETR support
> introduces a new kernel parameter
> "etr" that is used to set the initial state for the online attribute of
> the two ports. The syntax of the parameter
> is "etr=[on | off | port0 | port1]". The default is "off". The ETR
> support introduces a number of sysfs
> attributes. There are two time synchronization ports etr0 and etr1,
> which can be accessed via sysfs under:
> /sys/devices/system/etr
> Is this for under z/VM as well ?  (we are going to be doing XRC r.s.n.).

Re: Devices Statement

2008-05-22 Thread Rick Barlow
If you have marked devices as NOTACCEPTED in SYSTEM CONFIG, you can use 
the CP SET DEVICES ACCEPTED rdev1-rdevn once z/VM is up and running.

Rick Barlow
Sr. z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions, 
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 
05/21/2008 04:46:24 PM:

> Is there any way to dynamically turn specific devices included in a 
> Devices_Notaccepted statement in the SYSTEM CONFIG file into 
> accepted and usable devices in z/VM 5.2? I know that I can make them
> Sensed via the SET RDEVICE command; however, that looks to be a 
> documented waste of time.
> tells CP not to accept the specified device or devices. 
> Note: CP ignores any devices you specify on the NOTACCEPTED operand,
> even if you have explicitly defined those devices using RDEVICE 
> statements in the system configuration file or using RDEVICE 
> macroinstructions in HCPRIO. 
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh 

Re: z/OS 1.7 on a z/800 Under z/VM 4.4

2008-03-20 Thread Rick Barlow
We have run z/OS 1.7 on z/VM 4.4.0 in the past.  I cannot confirm whether
it will work on a z/800.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 03/19/2008
11:19:41 AM:

> Does anybody have any experience or can anybody verify that z/OS 1.7
> will run under a z/VM 4.4 system on a z/800?
> Thank you,
> Scott R Wandschneider
> Senior Systems Programmer
> Infocrossing
> Office 402.963.8905


2008-01-09 Thread Rick Barlow
There are 11 possible reasons for RC 0105 from DEF CU.  You can find the
reasons in the back of the z/VM I/O Configuration manual.  The z/VM book is
SC24-6100 and you will find the explanations on page 323.  If this is new,
my first guess would be that one or more of the CHPIDs is not defined.  You
will need to evaluate the possible reasons to see if any of them apply.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 01/09/2008
09:40:16 AM:

> Hi all,
> I try to define a new CU on our SHARK and I received the message
> error HCPCCO6806E with o RC 0105.
> Please, can anyone help on this problem?
> The problem is:
> CP DEF CU 24C0 TY ESCON UNITADD 00-32 LINK 85 84 B9 8A AA AB 8B B8
> CUADD B CHPID 85 84 B9 8A AA AB 8B
> HCPCCO6806E Dynamic I/O change request for control unit failed with
> return code
> 0105
> +++ RC(6806) +++
> The scenario is:
> q hsa
> HSA storage currently available:
> Starting address = 7E60, Ending address = 7EDF
> Starting address = 7EE0, Ending address = 7F5F
> Starting address = 7F60, Ending address = 7FDF
> Starting address = 7FE0, Ending address = 7FFF
> Total HSA storage available is 27262976 bytes or 6656 pages
> Ready;
> q dyn
> Dynamic I/O changes are allowed on this system
> Ready;
> q config
> System is in configuration mode for user MAINT
> Ready;
> q chpid 84 ty
> Path 84 is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid 85 ty
> Path 85 is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid 8a ty
> Path 8A is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid 8b ty
> Path 8B is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid aa ty
> Path AA is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid ab ty
> Path AB is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid b8 ty
> Path B8 is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q chpid b9 ty
> Path B9 is an ESCON unswitched channel
> Ready;
> q path 2440
> Device 2440, Status ONLINE
>  CHPIDs to Device 2440 (PIM)  : B8 85 84 B9 8A AA AB 8B
>   Physically Available (PAM)  : +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
>   Online   (LPM)  : +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +
>    Legend + Yes - No
> Other information:
> q cplevel
> VM/ESA Version 2 Release 4.0, service level 9905
> Generated at 07/13/2000 18:52:37 VER
> IPL at 04/22/2007 07:04:13 VER
> Ready;
> Our System is: IBM 9672-R45 in Basic Mode.
> Thanks for your help!
> Regards.
> Nelson Freitas
> "Um pouco de ciência nos afasta de Deus.
> Muito, nos aproxima."


2007-10-29 Thread Rick Barlow
SSKE is not a facto for the way that z/VM uses Crypto.  This would only
affect z/OS using ICSF.
If you have a z/OS guest that has a queue / domain dedicated, you will want
to take a look at this.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 10/29/2007
12:38:08 PM:

> I just received a note from our h/w folks asking if VM is
> susceptible to this problem:
> CMOS MCL FIX G40963.045
> Release Date: 2007/10/17
> Alert: HIPER
> MCL installation: NONDISRUPTIVE
> MCL contents:
> This fix addresses an issue that can result in a system checkstop
> (SRC 24310002 9801Cxxx). The issue involves use of the "conditional-
> SSKE facility" (conditional-Set Storage Key Extended facility). The
> issue can occur during a very narrow timing window when SSKE
> operations are simultaneously executing on multiple processors.
> Exposure to the issue exists when the conditional-SSKE facility is
> supported by the machine and the operating system exploits the
> conditional-SSKE facility. Driver-67L provides machine support for
> the conditional-SSKE facility. The RSM (Real Storage Manager)
> component of z/OS 1.7 (with PTF UA24272), 1.8 and 1.9 exploit the
> conditional-SSKE facility. As such, z9 systems at Driver-67L and
> running z/OS 1.7 (with PTF UA24272), 1.8 or 1.9 are exposed to this
> issue. The conditional-SSKE facility is described in "z/Architecture
> Principles of Operation" (SA22-7832-05).
> Just having returned to work following a bout with the flu, I
> thought I would take the path of expedience and ask the list. My
> inbox is full of unread mail, so I have plenty to do today without
> having to dig too deeply into HIPER MCLs.
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

Re: OSA Speed from VM?

2007-09-14 Thread Rick Barlow
If you have OSA/SF installed and configured, it will also tell you.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/14/2007
10:40:06 AM:

> Hi all...   Is there a way to see what speed an OSA is running at from
> VM?   I don't see anything in things like Q VSWITCH or NETSTAT
> Thanks,
> Lee
> --
> Lee Stewart, Senior SE
> Sirius Computer Solutions
> Phone: (303) 798-2954
> Fax:   (720) 228-2321
> Web:

Re: dynamic IO changes

2007-08-08 Thread Rick Barlow
For your first change, you also need to look at the CNTLUNIT definition to
make sure that the UNITADD range is large enough to expand your devices.
If not, you can use a MODIFY CU command to expand the range.  Once the
CNTLUNIT range is large enough, your DEFINE DEVICE will work fine.

For your CHPID change, you cannot change a converted CHPID.  You would have
to take the devices offline, delete the IODEVICES, CNTLUNIT and CHPID and
then add them all again.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 08/08/2007
01:07:31 PM:

> Hi,
> I need to make a few changes to my IOCP,
> and (obviously) I want to use the dynamic
> I/O commands of VM to do it.
> The changes are:
> a) On two TYPE=OSD cards, I need to increase the
>number of defined devices from 16 to 32.
>The IOCP line now says:
> b) On a reconfigurable TYPE=CVC path, I need to change
>the initial partition. The IOCP line has changed from
> My understanding is that the first change should be a simple:
> Is that enough? In the IOCP source, the associated partitions
> are not listed on the IODEVICE macro (but rather on the CHPID),
> so why does DEFINE DEVICE have a PARTITION operand?
> Should I use it?
> For the second change I thought that a MODIFY CHPID would be
> the correct command, but I do not see appropriate operands.
> The INITIAL_ACCESS looks like what I need, but it only appears
> as a sub-operand of ADD_CSS.
> What do I need to do?
> Thanks,
> Shimon
> --
> **
> **
> Shimon Lebowitzmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> VM System Programmer   .
> Israel Police National HQ.
> Jerusalem, Israel  phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308
> **
> **

Fw: Job name in JES3 from RSCS Store-and-Forward

2007-07-25 Thread Rick Barlow
I found my own answer.  Marcy was on the right track.  It could be done on
each individual file as she suggested.
It can also be done by specifying the JOBNAME=USERID parm on the LINKDEFINE
statement or RSCS-wide by adding JOBNAME=USERID to the OPTION statement.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

- Forwarded by Richard R Barlow/Nationwide/NWIE on 07/25/2007 01:08 PM

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 07/25/2007
12:52:12 PM:

> Haven't done it in a long long while, but I'm vaguely remembering TAG
> DEV pun JOBN=xxx
> Marcy Cortes
> "This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If
> you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
> addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on
> this message or any information herein. If you have received this
> message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
> and delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation."
> -Original Message-
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Rick Barlow
> Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:44 AM
> Subject: [IBMVM] Job name in JES3 from RSCS Store-and-Forward
> I have RSCS running on z/VM with an SNANJE connection to JES3.  My
> second level VM system does not have a direct NJE link but can also send
> output to
> JES3 using store-and-forward through the first level system.  Here is a
> crude drawing:
> VM1  -- SNANJE --  JES3
>  |
>  |
> If I send output from VM1 to JES3, the output shows up in the JES spool
> with a job name that matches the VM user-id on VM1.  However, if I send
> output the same way from VMT to JES3, the job name will show RSCS
> (where  is the spool id from VMT).
> Is there some way to change that behavior so that the files arriving at
> JES3 retain the VM user-id of VMT?
> I haven't found anything in RSCS and I don't know if this might be
> something to specify at JES.
> Has anyone set up anything like this?  (This is probably specific to
> JES3 since JES2 NJE often works differently.)

Job name in JES3 from RSCS Store-and-Forward

2007-07-25 Thread Rick Barlow
I have RSCS running on z/VM with an SNANJE connection to JES3.  My second
level VM system does not have a direct NJE link but can also send output to
JES3 using store-and-forward through the first level system.  Here is a
crude drawing:

VM1  -- SNANJE --  JES3

If I send output from VM1 to JES3, the output shows up in the JES spool
with a job name that matches the VM user-id on VM1.  However, if I send
output the same way from VMT to JES3, the job name will show RSCS
(where  is the spool id from VMT).

Is there some way to change that behavior so that the files arriving at
JES3 retain the VM user-id of VMT?
I haven't found anything in RSCS and I don't know if this might be
something to specify at JES.

Has anyone set up anything like this?  (This is probably specific to JES3
since JES2 NJE often works differently.)

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

Re: Multiple Logical Operator Consoles... how?

2007-07-19 Thread Rick Barlow
Back in the mid-1990s, I wrote some EXECs to extend the capability of PROP
to allow multiple logical operators to interact with a single PROP.  My
colleague Jim Vincent includes this information in his SHARE session
entitled "Automated Linux Guest Monitoring on z/VM using PROP" (Session
9136) in Appendix A.  The extensions make use of a nickname in the standard
CMS NAMES file.  The PROP RTABLE and routines then refer to the nickname
for routing messages.  We have found that this is an excellent way to
authorize multiple users to have authority to do a variety of commands that
would otherwise require elevated privilege classes.  In addition, we gain
the advantage of having all of those commands logged.  All authorized user
who are currently connected as Logical Operators will receive the responses
from any command issued by any authorized user.  My extensions do not
provide the ability to force the response only to the issuer of the
command.  This may not be useful if you want to have a large number of
simultaneously logical operators.

Feel free to contact me off-list if you would like more information.

Rick Barlow
Senior z/VM Systems Programmer
Nationwide Services Co., Web-zLinux Support,
z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 249-3912

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 07/19/2007
12:35:05 AM:

> Hi folks,
> How do you set up multiple consoles in z/VM?
> I've got PROP implemented and use the Performance Toolkit to manage
> the console display of the Logical Operator. This works well... I
> just want more of them!
> In trolling the IBMVM archives, I've seen several references to
> setting up multiple consoles, but none of them appear to be
> accurate. For example, there is one reference that says that you can
> specify a nickname in the LGLOPR statement in PROP RTABLE and point
> this at multiple userids. However, the CMS Planning and Admin manual
> Note: If a nickname is used to identify the logical operator, the
> nickname entry must specify a single user ID. The nickname entry
> must also include node information when the logical operator is
> located on a different machine. Since PROP allows only 1 LGLOPR, the
> nickname entry cannot be another nickname or a list of nicknames or user
> Likewise, the first match in PROP RTABLE is used, so there is no
> chance of sending the same message to multiple userids.
> With the Performance Toolkit, the last match in FCONX $PROFILE is
> used when processing messages, so again, there is no possibility of
> multiple entries for the same message.
> I've tried setting up the FCONX $PROFILE file to send all messages
> to an EXEC, which uses   'CP M OP CMD WNG' 2ndoper msg  to then
> send the message to a secondary userid. This does not work, however.
> When the exec runs, it displays  "Command complete" on the Logical
> Operator console, which in turn gets sent to the secondary operator
> in a never-ending loop.
> I know I can use M OP GET LOG and then view the results in my
> RDRList to see the current log, but that is hardly interactive. I
> also know there are products that do this, but the budget doesn't
> stretch that far.
> I'm no z/VM guru, so please keep it simple and provide some examples
> or manual references.  TIA.
> Regards,
> Fred Schmidt
> Data Centre Services (DCS)
> Northern Territory Government, Australia

Re: Message DMTNTR930E

2007-05-17 Thread Rick Barlow
You shouldn't need STREAMS on a TCPNJE link.  Are you sure you remembered
to change it?

All I have in my configuation is the following:


Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  MB-02-201
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 05/17/2007
04:57:43 PM:

> I converted a link to an MVS system from SNA to TCP/IP a few minutes ago.
> got these messages a few minutes ago:
> DMTNTR930E Request to start stream 2 on link MVS1 for RCB X'A8' has
> been denied, reason code 
> DMTNTR930E Link MVS1 stream 2 denied -- unknown reason
> I am having a little bit of trouble diagnosing the problem because the
> says that the message is related to SNA, not IP, and there is
> nothing telling me what RCB X’A8’ reason code  means.  I have
> drained and restarted the link with “STREAMS=1” added to the parm.
> Is this the right answer to the problem?
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh


2007-05-08 Thread Rick Barlow
I am trying to determine if there is still a restriction that an ESCON CTC
between RSCS and z/OS JES must be defined as BCTC rather than SCTC.  The
last time I looked at this was 1999 and it was still a restriction.  I know
that RSCS V3R2 can handle SCTC between RSCS systems.  I can't find anything
in the RSCS documentation that says there is a restriction.  I am not sure
what z/OS JES book might have the information.  I would also like to
detemine if JES2 is any different from JES3.  I need to do JES 2 today but
may do JES 3 soon.

Does anyone on the list happen to have such an NJE sonnection in use?

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

Re: Devices Offline

2007-03-30 Thread Rick Barlow
Any order will work.  The last statement wins.  So if you have Offline,
Online, Sensed, Offline, the last offline takes precedence.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 03/30/2007
09:34:01 AM:

> I'm curious.  We have "Sensed" as the very first in line. Then we do
> our onlines and offlines. I'm ass/u/me/ing that if the below passed
> the cpsyntax that it would work, but I've always figured you needed
> to "sense" them before you can off or on them. Is this true? If not,
> why?  THANX
> At 09:00 AM 3/30/2007, you wrote:
> You can check by feeding the SYSTEM CONFIG file to CPSYNTAX (lives
> on MAINT 193.  This is something one should do after each change to
> But, I can already say that the second proposal will fail.  The
> trailing comma in the first example signals that the satement
> continues on the next line.  So, the comma in the middle of the
> second alternative would be part of the statement, and CP won't like it.
> 2007/3/30, Mark Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm trying to figure out the correct syntax for having multiple
> device ranges offline at IPL.

>  Devices ,
>Online_at_IPL   -,
>Offline_at_IPL   B000-B05F,
>Offline_at_IPL   B200-B25F,
>Sensed  -
> Or

>  Devices ,
>Online_at_IPL   -,
>Offline_at_IPL   B000-B05F,  B200-B25F,
>Sensed  -

> --
> Mark Pace
> Mainline Information Systems

> --
> Kris Buelens,
> IBM Belgium, VM customer support
> Brian W. France
> Systems Administrator (Mainframe)
> Pennsylvania State University
> Administrative Information Services - Infrastructure/S YSA RC
> Rm 25 Shields Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802
> 814-863-4739

Re: Devices Offline

2007-03-30 Thread Rick Barlow
You only need a comma at the end of a line to indicate continuation.  So
the correct syntax would be most like you second suggestion.

Devices ,
   Online_at_IPL   -,
   Offline_at_IPL  B000-B05F B200-B25F,
   Sensed  -

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Technology Solutions
Mainframe, z/VM and System z Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

Re: IBM ServiceLink greenscreen to be discontinued March 31, 2007

2007-01-04 Thread Rick Barlow
In addition to the issues already mentioned, I know of 2 other problems
with the web interface.

The first one is that there is no way to send (e-mail) anything back to
yourself.  If you want to research 100 PTFs for a product, it is a lot
easier to send the list back to a place where you can manipulate the list.
Lest anyone think that I haven't researched this issue, I know that I could
cut-and-paste or view source or a number of other relatively manual
processes.  However, all of those are much more time-consuming than tapping
the PF key to "print" and send the output back to my VM system.  I will
also miss this function for being able to print and archive old PMR text so
that I can find old problems after IBMLink deletes them (28 days).  The
ability to use a text mode browser might improve this but I am not aware of
a text mode browser that handles https.

The other significant productivity hit is the lack of shortcuts to get
between functions.  The point-and-click option requires a lot more waiting
for transitions between tasks in IBMLink.

I first heard about the probability of the 3270 interface being
discontinued in October 2003 from someone in the IBMLink development team.
I mentioned these issues then and, while the web interface has improved,
these functions still do not exist.  I guess customer requirements aren't
as important as they used to be.  (sigh!)

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

Re: VM web site

2006-12-01 Thread Rick Barlow
Only if you can measure it!  If you can't, I don't think anyone is
interested!   8-}

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 12/01/2006
10:30:52 AM:

> On 12/1/06, Adam Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have often not been in a boat.
> But if a program does nothing, it is helpful if it does that  fast :-)

Re: VM63952 / UM31784 - z/VM v5.2 New Function PTF

2006-09-27 Thread Rick Barlow
UM31784 is really a mini-RSU.  If you order it, you will get maintenance
for all of the same components that you get on a regular RSU.  I ordered it
and found 4 CP PTFs and 1 CMS PTF plus some for other components.  I've
loaded the CP parts and have them running on a 2nd level test system and
one LPAR with no adverse affects.  The CMS PTF is for IOCP and you only
need it for z9.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/26/2006
04:01:00 PM:

> Has anyone installed VM63952 and its z/VM v5.2 PTF UM31784?  Does it seem
> reliable?  Has it caused any problems?  What type of processor are you
> running?
> I'm installing z/VM v5.2 and considering whether to install UM31784
> I'm interested in the PAV support and because a z9 may be in the picture
> next year.  However, it seems to be a pretty significant (and relatively
> new) PTF and I'm wondering if anyone has made the leap yet?
> On a related subject, has anyone made use of the PAV minidisk support (w/
> Linux) yet?  Did it help?
> Any feedback?
> Thanks in advance,
> Dennis Schaffer
> Mutual of Omaha

Re: A rose by any other name... Renaming the RSCS userid...

2006-09-22 Thread Rick Barlow
The first obvious question is did you include GRIZRSCS in the GCS group on
your second system?

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/22/2006
10:47:37 AM:

> This is the first time we've brought up RSCS on our systems, and I
> got it running on one and waiting for the NJE connection from the other
> On the other box, I need to have it run with a different userid
> (common CP Directory), and it starts to come up there, but abends with:
> GCTABD232E Abend 0C2- occurred during abend ESTAE processing
> GCTABD226E Application 'RSCS' failed - System abend B78-
> The B78 CMS description talks about using an invalid subpool for a
> getmain. I couldn't find a GCS messages manual on the CDs.
> Both RSCS and GRIZRSCS have the same amount of memory. Both had the
> same number of links and auths defined; I dropped a bunch of sample
> links from the GRIZRSCS config. I also thought that, possibly, the
> config filename needed to match the virtual machine name, so I
> copied RSCS CONFIG to GRIZRSCS CONFIG, with the same results.
> Would anyone know what I need to do to get RSCS to run under a
> different userid?
> --
>  .~.Robert P. Nix   Mayo Foundation
>  /V\RO-OC-1-13  200 First Street SW
> /( )\   507-284-0844Rochester, MN 55905
> ^^-^^   -
> "In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
>  in practice, theory and practice are different."

Re: Dynamic i/o

2006-09-19 Thread Rick Barlow
There is one key statement in the Features section of SYSTEM CONFIG.  It
could be either in the Enable or Disable section and that will determine
how your system behaves.

"NEW_DEVices_Initialized_When_added" tell CP whether to accept the MCH
interrupts when the configuration gets changed.

You can further restrict some of the actions using the ACCEPTED/NOTACCEPTED

I think the default setup if you don't modify SYSTEM CONFIG is that
everything is anabled and CP will accept the new devices and try to use
Sense to identify them and build the RDEV blocks.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/19/2006
12:15:31 PM:

> z/OS team has decided they want to dynamically define something to on of
> our lpars.  We don't have any of the Features statements in system
> config for anything dynamic.  Will we recognize these devices they add?
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcy Cortes
> "This message may contain confidential and/or privileged information.
> If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the
> addressee, you must not use, copy, disclose, or take any action based on
> this message or any information herein.  If you have received this
> message in error, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail
> and delete this message.  Thank you for your cooperation."

Re: What is an FXREC, and how can I stop it from filling my EREP?

2006-09-13 Thread Rick Barlow
Do you happen to have a new IBM DS8000 disk subsystem.  We had a similar
problem when we got ours.  The subsystem sends a lot records known as State
Change.  CP dumps the into the LOGREC stream.  We opened a PMR and have a
local fix that significantly reduces the number of these FXREC records.
There is no APAR/PTF.  I recommend opening a PMR to z/VM CP.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/13/2006
12:02:13 PM:

> "Nix, Robert P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent by: "The IBM z/VM Operating System" 
> 09/13/2006 10:19 AM
> Please respond to
> "The IBM z/VM Operating System" 

> To
> cc
> Subject
> What is an FXREC, and how can I stop it from filling my EREP?
> After years of never seeing anything useful in EREP, I'm suddenly
> filling its disk in 10 minutes time with records listed as "FXREC"
> and CPEREPXA doesn't report any useful information (I may need to
> bring CPEREPXA up to date...)
> What is this record type, and why am I suddenly getting millions of
> them? What is it that needs to be addressed that we need to look at?
> --
> .~.Robert P. Nix   Mayo Foundation
> /V\RO-OC-1-13  200 First Street SW
> /( )\   507-284-0844Rochester, MN 55905
> ^^-^^   -
>"In theory, theory and practice are the same, but
> in practice, theory and practice are different."
> The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents
> may contain information that is confidential or otherwise protected
> from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient of this message,
> or if this message has been addressed to you in error, please
> immediately alert the sender by reply e-mail and then delete this
> including any attachments. Any dissemination, distribution or other use
> the contents of this message by anyone other than the intended recipient
> is strictly prohibited.

Re: Newbie on SMTP

2006-09-04 Thread Rick Barlow
In addition to the answers already given (automated output from VM
processes, automation, etc) we send and receive e-mail from VM because it
is significantly less overhead than other mail packages.  We can automate
both sending and receiving e-mail using REXX and Pipelines.  One thing we
do with e-mail received at VM is to provision Linux guests based on
information gathered and forwarded to the VM system from outboard
applications.  The provisioning process is almost completely automated (if
the input received is valid).  We also use outbound e-mail from VM to send
information to vendors because it is easy to attach documentation without
all of the hastles of downloading to a PC first.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 09/01/2006
03:49:00 PM:

> Why on earth would someone even do email on VM these days.

Re: IOCP Module

2006-08-10 Thread Rick Barlow
If you are on z/VM 5.2.0, it looks like CMS 22 includes the IOCP support
for z9 EC.  For other releases, look for these APARs: VM63921 and VM63740.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

Re: PDSE Support in CMS

2006-08-10 Thread Rick Barlow
No.  It is currently still not supported and it is not likely to get
support.  Unless it would support Emerging Technologies (aka Linux) not
much enhancement is being done for CMS.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 08/10/2006
01:29:38 PM:

> Is there support for PDSE in CMS these days...?
> I found in the archives back from 1995 that there was no support in
> CMS for PDSE's (the "new" PDS format for MVS datasets).
> That was on VM 1.2 I believe. I can't find that anything has changed
> since then. Has it?
> Thanks!
> Christine Brogan - TPF/VM Systems Support
> Information Technology Services Americas
> Phone: 623-505-5366, Cell: 623-512-5883, IBM tieline 273-4647

Re: IOCP Module

2006-08-10 Thread Rick Barlow
Yes.  You just need to add the appropriate parm to the IOCP invocation to
tell it which parser to use.

IXP is used to cause IOCP to write an IOCDS for an non-EMIF processor
IZP is used to cause IOCP to write an IOCDS for an EMIF-capable processor
IYP is used to cause IOCP to write an IOCDS for a z900 processor
ICP is used to cause IOCP to write an IOCDS for a z990 processor

I don't know the correct option for a 2094 yet but you should be able to
find it in the IOCP manual.  I haven't been able to find a copy of the IOCP
User's Guide for z9 but, if you have a machine, you should have the latest

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 08/10/2006
01:10:45 PM:

> Should I be able to run the IOCP module against an IOCP deck created for
> different processor than I am currently running on?
> I'm currently running on a 2006 and I am migrating to a 2094.  I want to
> make the changes to copy of my IOCP deck and assemble to verify it's
> correct before I move it to the new processor.
> However when I replace SYSTEM=(2066,1)  with SYSTEM=(2094,1) I get
> I found APAR VM63921  and applied that to my z/VM 5.2 system.
> In my IOCP module I see
> But VM63921 says  IOCP 1.4.0   but module still prints out 1.2.0
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!
> Mark D Pace
> Senior Systems Engineer
> Mainline Information Systems
> 1700 Summit Lake Drive
> Tallahassee, FL. 32317
> Office: 850.219.5184
> Fax: 888.221.9862
> This e-mail and files transmitted with it are confidential, and are
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom this
> is addressed.  If you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or
> agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby
> notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this
> communication is strictly prohibited.  If you are not one of the named
> recipient(s) or otherwise have reason to believe that you received this
> message in error, please immediately notify sender by e-mail, and destroy
> the original message.  Thank You.

Re: Draft outline for z/VM New Parents Guide posted

2006-08-01 Thread Rick Barlow
It is easy to see how this could grow to more than one book!  I can see a
couple things that might be worth expanding.

In chapter 4, it might be worthwhile to add Guest LAN and Hipersockets to
the "Connecting Interfaces" section.  I think it would also be useful to
make some reference to Pass-Through somwhat like you suggest for VTAM.

Chapter 6 should probably touch on PROP as the rudimentary automation tool
included with z/VM.  There could also be sections to introduce included
tools like VMUTIL.

Someone already mentioned inclusion of HCD.  That section should probably
also discuss the native z/VM commands and the contrasts between the two

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-20-13
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-0821

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 08/01/2006
04:13:08 PM:

> As promised, I've posted my take on a book outline for new z/VM system
> programmers. I'd appreciate comments and extensions to the topics (and
> if people see sections they'd volunteer to write, I'd be thrilled). I
> think a lot of the material will be reading the IBM stuff and casting it
> into our own words, but we can also improve on same...8-)
> Note that the document is marked copyrighted by the VM Community Trust
> -- this is simply to avoid one of the commercial publishers picking it
> up and misusing it. I would intend this document to be owned by the VM
> community and maintained by same (in the same vein as Melinda Varian's
> classic "What Mother Never Told You About VM Service"). If we get
> further with this, I'll set up a non-profit to hold the copyrights so
> that it remains in the public trust. This was very successful for some
> items on Usenet.
> The proposed outline is available at:
> Comments are welcome, and should be posted to me and to the list.
> -- db

Re: TCPIP problem as it applies to VM 5.2

2006-05-30 Thread Rick Barlow
This normally has nothing to do with clients on workstations.  It us
usually an indication that the client code (from the TCPMAINT 592) that is
accessible to the CMS user is not the same release as the TCP/IP stack.  Is
it possible that you have a copy of older CMS TCP/IP client code on a
shared disk?

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 05/30/2006
09:58:42 AM:

> I've got an emergency here, but I wanted to check with the list
> first before contacting IBM
> We converted to VM 5.2 over the weekend and things have been running
> fairly well.
> I'm getting an TCPIP message below"
>  DTCREQ077I TCP/IP level (0520) does not match unknown level of
> client  
> Then the users seem to drop connection and can't reconnect.
> We use IBM PCOMM as our 3270 product on our pc's
> Has anyone had this problem?
> Thanks,
> Steve

Re: Question about adding devices in z/VM V3

2006-04-18 Thread Rick Barlow
You can find the explanation of the 0106 return code in the VM I/O
Configuration manual.  There are 9 possible reasons.  Your note did not
show the entire CNTLUNIT macro but my first question is whether you really
used CUNUMBR=2 on that CNTLUNIT macro.  That is the only condition that
looks likely.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 04/18/2006
03:29:34 PM:

> Resending...
> Hi,
> I have made a mistake in my IOCP that I need to correct. Specifically,
> I coded my CNTLUNIT UNITADD=((00,176)) for my 2107. I coded my
> IODEVICE ADDRESS=(3800,156). I need to increase the the number of
> devices on my IODEVICE definition. How do I accomplish this?
> I tried to do a
> and I received a 0106 return code.
> A QUERY 389C-38AF shows no devices.
> Any ideas?
> ___
> Jim Hughes
> 603-271-5586
> "Impossible is just an opinion."

Re: PSF printing

2006-04-04 Thread Rick Barlow
If you want the full function of PSF, you can (at least you used to be able
to) order the PSF Command Feature.  We have been doing it this way for many
years.  I believe you now have to order it as though were going to drive
the minumum number of printers directly on VM.  you then install just the
PSF Command and Resource portions.  You will have a PSF command which will
build all of the XAB information that gets sent across RSCS with your data
to control all of the features including PAGEDEFs, FORMDEFs, etc.  You may
be able to do all of that with some creative programming on CMS without the

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 04/04/2006
01:45:53 PM:

> Thanks. I'll try tracking it down that way.
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Behalf Of Alan Altmark
> Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: PSF printing
> On Tuesday, 04/04/2006 at 12:45 AST, "Bates, Bob"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > is there anybody out there doing PSF printing from a VM system to a
> printer on
> > another system running PSF through RSCS?
> >
> > We have a printer hanging off a z/OS system running PSF. We have users
> on z/VM
> > who would like to print using PSF on that printer. We also have PSF
> installed
> > on this system now, but no AFP printers attached. The printer in
> question is
> > half a country away from me so testing isn't terribly easy for me to
> see.
> >
> > So, I was wondering if anybody out there might have a similar setup and

> could
> > give me a clue as to the best direction to tackle this.
> It's been a long time, but if memory serves you can simply spool the
> LIST38xx file to RSCS using a VAFP printer and the correct DEST (PRINT
> with the CC OVERSIZE options).  Make sure it is tagged to go across an
> link to z/OS and z/OS will take it from there.
> If you need PAGEDEFs or FORMDEFs, then you have to set up FORMs in JES to

> map them OR you can use the PSF command.
> No need for SFCMs or PDMs.
> Alan Altmark
> z/VM Development
> IBM Endicott

Re: FCP attached EMC Dasd ?

2006-03-20 Thread Rick Barlow
I posted a similar inquiry recently and received no responses.  I too would
be interested in any experience that someone might be able to share.

EMC finally certified DMX1000 for FCP attach using z/VM 5.1.0 in March.
z/VM 5.2.0 has not yet been certified.

Rick Barlow
Systems Engineering Consultant
Nationwide Services Co., Enterprise Business Intelligence Services
Mainframe, z/VM and zSeries Linux Support
One Nationwide Plaza  3-25-02
Columbus OH 43215-2220   U.S.A
Voice: (614) 249-5213Fax: (614) 677-7681

The IBM z/VM Operating System  wrote on 03/20/2006
07:44:30 AM:

> Cross Posted to Linux-390 and z/VM lists:
> Hello all,
> Does anyone on the list have experience using EMC dasd attached to s390
> Linux or z/VM via  FCP?
> Phil