RE: Integrating a CMS with J2

2005-04-20 Thread Christophe Lombart
FYI, available portlets are :
* Content tree and document viewer (readonly)
* Content Admin browser from which you can manage folders & documents.
There is an html editor (kupu) integrated within Graffito and I'm
working on the permissions administration for this portlet.

Of course, you can write your own portlets and others will be
developed ASAP like server management, news, ... .


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Re: News-Portlet, Messageboard-Portlet

2005-03-31 Thread Christophe Lombart
This kind of portlets will be present in the Graffito project 
(  Graffito is already integrated 
with Jetspeed 2.
I think the foundations are there to build this kind of portlets with a 
minimal effort. If you want, I can help you and start the developement 
of thoses portlets with you.


Clemens A mensik wrote:
does anybody know if theses Portlets exist? or maybe a
portlet-download page I cound finde these?
Currently my company would like to use JetSpeed as Portal
and OpenCMS for news- and messageboard- administration.
But it would be much better not using OpenCMS having the
right portlets for JetSpeed. (because I'm unable to find
a working news- or messageboard- module for OpenCMS I could
access thru a Portlet!)
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Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-17 Thread LOMBART Christophe
Fabrice Dewasmes wrote:

> I've tried to use it. In fact the maven scripts don't work 'out of the box' 
>for hsql. There are a few bugs. Here are those that I remember :

Until now, the complete Graffito team is using MySql. We have to make more 
tests with other DB. We are still under dev :-)
That's the same for Fusion. We have to review maven goals to support HSQL & 
fusions. Another issues to check for the fusion integration is the security. 
Jetspeed 2 & Graffito are using JAAS which is not the case for Jetspeed 1. 

> - empty password for  DB is not valid

What do you mean ? 

> - torque SQL scripts generation doesn't generate a good script for creation 
>of content table because of the BLOB field (the field has no type) -- should 
>have been set to OBJECT type ?

If I'm remember correctly, it should be OBJECT.  Same issue here, That's 
strange ! Torque doesn't support blob for HSQL ?

> - SQL scripts are maybe not generated at the right place (src/sql/... vs 
> >target/src/sql/...)

Scripts in src/sql are not generated scripts. They are usefull scripts like 
inserting rows, delete DB, ...
All torque scripts are in target/src/sql.

> - J2 deploy doesn't deploy assembly at the right place (WEB-INF/assembly 
>instead of WEB-INF/conf/assembly)

WEB-INF/assembly is mandatory for Jetspeed 2. We have to write a fusion deploy 
goals in order to deploy in WEB-INF/conf/assembly.

> At the end, everything deploys well within JS1+Fusion. BUT I don't 
> >understand how to use the portlet. When in view mode, the portlet tells me 
> >that i'm connected to [server]jetspeed but that there is no content and I 
> >should use edit mode. But in edit mode the portlet appears empty and no log 
> >in the console What did I miss ?
You should see in the edit mode buttons "Add Document" "Add folder".
That's strange that you don't see them.

I'm going to add all theses issues in Graffito Jira.

Please, can you use the Graffito dev mailing list to send all bugs, issues & 
comments on Graffito ?


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Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-15 Thread Christophe Lombart
Fabrice Dewasmes wrote:
This is great news. My first question would be : do you think it can 
work within JS1 with fusion ?
In Theory yes :-)  Graffito portlets use some portal service (the 
Graffito components themself). I never used Fusion but I expect it is 
possible to access to some Jetspeed 2 portal services.
If not, it is possible to start the Graffito engine when the portal 
server is running.

In fact we are planning to integrate a CMS solution in Jetspeed 1.6 
using fusion. It could be a good opportunity to work with you if this 
can fit our environment. In fact we were planning to integrate slide 
within jetspeed and develop a set of JSR 168 portlets to interact with 

Please join the Graffito mailing list and explain us your environement. 
The WEBDAV plugin was build for a customer but not yet intragrated in 
Graffito code. A couple of weeks ago,  JackRabbit announced a Webdav 
support. So, maybe this webdav plugin is not necessary.

Le 15 mars 05, à 17:20, LOMBART Christophe a écrit :
Of course, we want to support JSR 170. Oliver Kieesler is working on 
a cms object mapping for a JSR repository. Now, I'm going to work 
with him and check how we can integrate his work into Graffito.

If you join the Graffito dev mailing you will see a JCR proposal for 
Graffito   ASAP. You are welcome to join the team and exchange with 
us some idea and experience.


-Original Message-
From:Marky Goldstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:Tue 3/15/2005 4:30 PM
To:Jetspeed Users List
Subject:Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework
propably you should also have a look into

They have integrated the JackRabbit adapter
into their CMS efforts.
Maybe the two efforts could be joined.
I myself can help, but more on a project management
level such as organization, documentation, etc.
Raphaël Luta wrote:
Marky Goldstein wrote:
Great. Please also support JSR 170 (Content Repository Standard).
We are interested to join the effort.
Given the very reduced number of active developpers on Graffito
right now, the best way to see this happening quickly is to join
the graffito-dev list, and start to work with us on
supporting JCR (probably through a JackRabbit adapter)
The more and the sooner interested parties can collaborate on
getting this done, the better the end product will be.
Christophe has done a great job so far on UI/portlet components
and slide support but we definitely need help to accelerate the

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RE: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-15 Thread LOMBART Christophe

Of course, we want to support JSR 170. Oliver Kieesler is working on a cms 
object mapping for a JSR repository. Now, I'm going to work with him and check 
how we can integrate his work into Graffito. 

If you join the Graffito dev mailing you will see a JCR proposal for Graffito   
ASAP. You are welcome to join the team and exchange with us some idea and 


-Original Message-
From:   Marky Goldstein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 3/15/2005 4:30 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject:Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework
propably you should also have a look into

They have integrated the JackRabbit adapter
into their CMS efforts.

Maybe the two efforts could be joined.

I myself can help, but more on a project management
level such as organization, documentation, etc.


Raphaël Luta wrote:

> Marky Goldstein wrote:
>> Great. Please also support JSR 170 (Content Repository Standard).
>> We are interested to join the effort.
> Given the very reduced number of active developpers on Graffito
> right now, the best way to see this happening quickly is to join
> the graffito-dev list, and start to work with us on
> supporting JCR (probably through a JackRabbit adapter)
> The more and the sooner interested parties can collaborate on
> getting this done, the better the end product will be.
> Christophe has done a great job so far on UI/portlet components
> and slide support but we definitely need help to accelerate the 
> development.

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Re: Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-14 Thread Christophe Lombart
Mailing list are running. Can't you subscribe with the following page : ?
Only the dev mailing  is defined. Feel free to use it to send your 
comments, info,....

Duong BaTien wrote:
Please activate the mailing list from Graffito. The link in 
incubator's project is not active.

Christophe Lombart wrote:
Hi All,
If you are looking for a CMS framework for Jetspeed, you are welcome 
to join the Graffito project (
Graffito is a new "incubated" project which is focusing on content 
and document management. Graffito is still under developement but you 
can test the first JSR-168 browser portlet and see how is it 
integrated into Jetspeed 2.
With the current Browser portlet, you can :
* In the view mode : navigate across the content tree and view 
documents (HTML, text & binaries).
* In the edit mode : manage folders (add, delete, update) and 
documents (add, delete, update). Kupu, an html editor is integrated 
into Graffito.

If you want to test it, see the getting started section from the 
Graffito web site 
( and

Now, we plan to :
* Add Security setting and workflow
* Provide a better integration with Jetspeed 2
* Support JCR/Webdav repositories.
* Build a server manager portlet.
* Add other portlets (treeview content, search,...).
* Support other content type.
Later, some specific applications will be build on this foundation 
like forums, news management, ...

Please use the Graffito mailing and Jira to send us comments and bugs.
Kind regards,

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Graffito - Jetspeed CMS framework

2005-03-14 Thread Christophe Lombart
Hi All,
If you are looking for a CMS framework for Jetspeed, you are welcome to 
join the Graffito project (
Graffito is a new "incubated" project which is focusing on content and 
document management. Graffito is still under developement but you can 
test the first JSR-168 browser portlet and see how is it integrated into 
Jetspeed 2.
With the current Browser portlet, you can :
* In the view mode : navigate across the content tree and view documents 
(HTML, text & binaries).
* In the edit mode : manage folders (add, delete, update) and documents 
(add, delete, update). Kupu, an html editor is integrated into Graffito.

If you want to test it, see the getting started section from the 
Graffito web site 
( and

Now, we plan to :
* Add Security setting and workflow
* Provide a better integration with Jetspeed 2
* Support JCR/Webdav repositories.
* Build a server manager portlet.
* Add other portlets (treeview content, search,...).
* Support other content type.
Later, some specific applications will be build on this foundation like 
forums, news management, ...

Please use the Graffito mailing and Jira to send us comments and bugs.
Kind regards,

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Re: JS2 - Getting Started - Maven errors

2005-02-24 Thread Christophe Lombart
Did you defined correctly all Jetspeed 2 parameters in the ? 

\\shared\lib\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar (The network path was not found) is not correct path 


Ramin wrote:
Hello all, im new here.. pardon me if this has been covered before.
Just did a fresh checkout of JS2 from CVS and tried to follow the
"Gettin Started" guide on the website. Opened up 2 shells, started the
test.server and then tried to run maven allClean allBuild.
Got this error:
File.. e:\development\projects\jetspeed\jakarta-jetspeed-2\maven.xml
Element... maven:reactor
Line.. 181
Column 40
Unable to obtain goal [catalina:base-shared] -- e:\development\projects\jetspeed
\jakarta-jetspeed-2\portal\maven.xml:524:115:  Failed to copy C:\Documents
and Settings\ramin\.maven\repository\pluto\jars\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar to \\shared
\lib\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar due to \\shared\lib\pluto-1.0.1-rc1.jar (The network pa
th was not found)
Total time: 4 minutes 14 seconds
Finished at: Wed Feb 23 19:35:57 EST 2005
I noticed some packages would not download.. could be the cause of the problem?

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Re: File upload using commons fileuploader not working

2005-02-24 Thread Christophe Lombart
I'm using the same component in Graffito and it works with Jetspeed 2.
Your code seems correct. Maybe an issue in the html form.
nik gonzalez wrote:
By the way, its a JSR 168 portlet that i deployed  in Fusion.

-Original Message-
From: nik gonzalez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 5:05 PM
Subject: File upload using commons fileuploader not working
I ran the following code in my portlet.
	PortletFileUpload dfu = new PortletFileUpload();
   //get the FileItems
   List fileItems = dfu.parseRequest(request);
   Iterator iter = fileItems.iterator();
   while (iter.hasNext())
   FileItem item = (FileItem);
   if (item.isFormField())
   //pass along to render request
   String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
   String value = item.getString();
   response.setRenderParameter(fieldName, value);
   //write the uploaded file to a new location
   String fieldName = item.getFieldName();
   String fileName = item.getName();
   String contentType = item.getContentType();
   long size = item.getSize();
response.setRenderParameter("contentType", contentType);
   String tempDir = 
   System.out.println("tempDir: "+tempDir);
   String serverFileName = fieldName + 
   File serverFile = new File(tempDir, 
   "serverFileName : " + tempDir + "/" +

Once i submit the multipart form, it does not enter the while 
loop meaning
that the iterator is empty.  Is this a bug?

I attached the rest of the source code. got this from one of 
the messages in
this mailing list.


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Re: Force restart/reload

2005-02-24 Thread Christophe Lombart
I had similar issues with my portlets.
There is a bug in tomcat 5.0.28 with the autoDeploy. It is not used 
correctly in this version.
Now, I use tomcat 5.0.30 and hot deploy works fine.

Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
Is there a quick and easy way to force Jetspeed to restart?
I'm hot deploying a small portlet into Jetspeed.
I believe (not 100% certain) that it is picking up changes to my
Portlet instance after the hot deploy.
It does not appear to pick up changes to a static helper class.  I see
Portlet is Not Available: ClickLink
Reason: Node has been removed.
At the bottom of my portlet's window.
I'm having to stop/restart Tomcat to pick up such changes and I'm
hoping for something a little quicker and easier.

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[Jetspeed 2] Process Action

2004-12-30 Thread LOMBART Christophe
I'm using the GenericVelocityPortlet and I want to change the velocity template 
in the processAction method. Since the processAction in the 
GenericServletPortlet is not complete (see @task in the code), I'm just 
wondering what should be the best way to select another template when 
processing some actions.

This problem should be the same for other portlet types (jsp, jsf, ...).

Kind Regards, 

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Re: Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
David Sean Taylor wrote:

> I've started on converting a J1 portlet that can navigate of a JCMS-1 >hierarchy. 
> The portlet is velocity-based, it will need the base Velocity bridge >in place first.

Ok -  What kind of convertion are you doing. If I remember the portlet, it was great. 
Are you migrate it in order to support the new JCMS 2 API ?

What about the JSF support in J2 ? 
When I'm trying to expend the JSF tree view demo, it doesn't work. I didn't see the 
children element on third level.


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Re: Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
David Le Strat wrote:

>I believe, that it would make great sense to have a
>workflow service in J2 as well.  We may want to have
>some cross-over here.

Agree ! My point of view is to integrate existing open source workflow project instead 
of build a new one for Jetspeed. 

>I would definitely would love to help.

I will be very happy to see you in the JCMS team !

I will start this kind of discussion on the JackRabbit mailing list in order to see if 
a JCR expert want to join JCMS. 


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Jetspeed Content management - JCMS

2004-10-28 Thread LOMBART Christophe
Hi All, 

As you certainly know, we are building the CMS solution for Jetspeed 2 (JCMS). This 
project should availabe in Incubator ASAP. In this context, I want to start a 
discusion thread on this topic. My goal is to check with committers & the  Jetspeed 
users if JCMS fits your needs. So, this mail will resume the main JCMS features and 
explain a little bit the service architecture. 

Free freel to ask all questions or suggestions you want.  JCMS will certainly offers 
an great perspective to your Jetspeed application. So, you are welcome to contribute.

Kind regards,

JCMS Overview and features :

See on

JCMS Service Architecture : 

* The JCMS components can be running on a Spring engine or any other kind of IOC 
container. So, it is quite easy to integrate JCMS into Jetspeed 2.
* JCMS is divided into different layers : 
+ JCMS Services: There is one service per CMS activities : Structure/model, 
versionning, searching/indexing, security, workflow, 
+ The Persistence Service : All JCMS services delegates requests like create 
document, get folder children,...  to the persistence service. Depending on the 
requests info, the persistence store try to find the correct JCMS store & dispatch the 
request to this one (see below).
+ The JCMS Stores :  A JCMS store is a plugin used to by the persistence store 
in order to used the correct API with the desired content server. For example, we can 
imagine to have a webdav store plugged into JCMS and another one which is used to 
access to a propriatary content server. Currently there is a simple OJB store. a 
Webdav store is under construction. Later, we will be build a JCR store.

* The security service is completly based on J2 security services. You will find in 
the JCMS project a small document which explain in more details the security 
implementation (fine grained access control, ...). 

Notes : 

* It is important to note that the JCR integration will be done across a new kind of 
store. Another solution is to replace the persistence service by a complete JCR 
In short term, we choice the first solution because JCR implementations are quite new 
and we want to support a large kind of content store API. Providing our own 
persistence service is a garantee to support a more important number of content store 
type (webdav, commercial product API, ...). Maybe later, this part of the design will 
be changed. 

* Gouping together different kind of store is a great challenge. We are looking for 
guys who can help with the JCR integration. 

JCMS Status :
Cerainly, the first question is : what about the developement status ? Hum ! it is a 
good question, we NEED committers. Again,  you are welcome to contribute.
The most important services are almost done. We have to fix some bugs and makes more 
unit tests.
What is currently missing : 
* Services : workflow + Event handler
* Portlets : Plan to start some admin portlet and simple content editor ASAP. A 
Jetspeed demo application will be provided. We want also to build some specific 
portlets application like JcmsNews, JcmsForum, ...
* Stores : Webdav & JCR implementation have to be developed. The default OJB 
implementation is done.

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Re: CMS Portals

2004-06-23 Thread Christophe Lombart
Ian Wilson wrote:
I work in a university lab that needs to handle role
based access to clinical data. We also have a number
of (portal based-web services) analysis tools that
would need to exchange data with this CM/DM layer. So,
a researcher would upload experimental data to a
repository (through a CM/DM portal), and then interact
with the repository using other portlets. 

I read on this list that some people were developing a
portal (Jetspeed) interface to slide (and other CM/DM)
Is this code available? Is it developed on jetspeed 2
or 1?

I would be willing to contribute to this effort if it
would fit our needs.

Good ! I can send you a features list in order to check if it fit tou 
your needs and the current code.
After, we will see how to work together.

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RE: Jetspeed 2 - Sample files for Windows, Tomcat 4.1

2004-06-18 Thread LOMBART Christophe

It seems the paramater "org.apache.jetspeed.portal.dir" is not mentionned into the 
getting-started.html which is used in the J2 plugin.
I just added this parameter  which point to the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jetspeed. Now, 
everything is ok when I deploy jetspeed application into Tomcat.

I'm not sure if other parameters are still used.


-Original Message-
From:   Ate Douma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Fri 6/18/2004 1:21 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject:Re: Jetspeed 2 - Sample files for Windows, Tomcat 4.1
I've updated the logic for the J2 maven-plugin installation.
Now, if the plugin hasn't been installed yet (or an older version)
it will be installed instead of deployed.
Checkout the new maven-plugin/maven.xml deploy-plugin goal.

Note: their are a few new, yet undocumented, properties you have to
provide in your ${USER_HOME}/ to get portlets
in the current version of J2 properly deployed.
You can read about it here:

I will see if I can properly update/fix today the
definitions and the instructions in

Ate Douma wrote:
> David Sean Taylor wrote:
>> On Jun 17, 2004, at 4:33 PM, Bob Fleischman wrote:
>>> I am trying to build Jetspeed 2 from source using the steps in
>>> on a Window 
>>> XP PC.
>>> However it seems that the instructions differ slightly from the current
>>> files. For example, they point at apache/tomcat5 in the 
>>> files; the paths are in 'Linux Speak' ${USER_HOME}/, 
>>> which
>>> turns out to be the file in the Jetspeed2 home dir; the
>>> instructions say that catalina.home should point to $(CATALINA_HOME}/ 
>>> and in
>>> the existing properties file it points to tomcat/Jetspeed; and 
>>> finally, the
>>> files has references to Oracle. I found that I had to
>>> remove those to get the project to build.
>>> When I try to deploy I am being stopped with
>>> File.. C:\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-jetspeed-2\maven.xml
>>> Element... maven:reactor
>>> Line.. 485
>>> Column 40
>>> Unable to obtain goal [fullDeploy] --
>>> C:\eclipse\workspace\jakarta-jetspeed-2\portal\maven.xml:250:41:
>>>  No goal [jetspeed2:deploy]
>>> Total time: 33 seconds
>>> Finished at: Thu Jun 17 19:32:25 EDT 2004
>>> I would be glad to write the Windows version if I could get 
>>> everything to
>>> work.
>> The document is not specific to any operating system
>> You can always specify forward slashes in your paths in property 
>> files, and they will be interpreted correctly
>> Make sure to edit your in your home directory
>> These props will override the settings in the J2 project
>> On Windows that can be found somewhere like c:\Documents and Settings\bob
>> The error you are getting means that the plugin didn't get installed
>> That was fixed recently. I built J2 yesterday on a clean system (empty 
>> local repo) and I didn't get that error
> I did a new build on a clean system yesterday and I can confirm this error.
> To solve this go to the J2/maven-plugin directory after the allBuild and 
> issue:
>   maven plugin:install
> Then navigate back to J2/ and run fullDeploy.
> The plugin:install only has to be done once and it installs the plugin 
> in the
> $MAVEN_HOME/plugins folder. It has *nothing* to do with the local 
> repository.
> I'll see if I can get this be done automatically after allBuild (but 
> only when
> needed). It has been discussed last week but not fixed by anyone yet.
> Regards,
> Ate
>> -
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RE: Doubts on Jetspeed

2004-06-18 Thread LOMBART Christophe

> If Jetspeed provides sigle signon feature or planning to provide?

Don't know - Maybe someone else can gives more info on this topic ?

> If Content Management feature is provided or planning to provide?
> If provided, to what extent?

It is under construction. 

> Will it allow admin to publish the content that can be made available
>to all the users  without any user intervention?

We need a "customizable" publication workflow in order to support this scenario and 
many others depending on the user needs. We plan to do.


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Re: Doubts on Jetspeed

2004-06-17 Thread Christophe Lombart
Srinivasarao Salla wrote:
 May I know, in JetSpeed
  1) If there is any separate content management feature provided to
publish the content

JCMS will be the default CMS components for Jetspeed. It under 
construction. David is trying an home for JCMS in the;

  2)Is it preferable to run jetspeed on JBoss?

You can but Tomcat is pretty good to support a Jetspeed application.
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Re: Oracle connection problem

2004-05-26 Thread Christophe Lombart
Did you read the following page : ?
What do you means by "it fails" ? it there an exception ?


Claire.lee wrote:

>JetSpeed1.4 works fine with MySQL, but when I try to run it with Oracle( I only 
>change the JDBC driver), it fails
>I have been trying many ways. 
>Any hint will be very appreciated!!
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Re: search examples anyone?

2004-05-24 Thread Christophe Lombart
See the search service interface. The API is quite simple ( see
What you need is :
1. get a reference to the Search service.
2. add some object into the Lucene index via the SearchService methods ( 
3. Later, search objects via the search method.

Vince Taluskie wrote:
I'd like to add search capability for our jetspeed portal, but I'm not
finding much in the way of articles about doing this - does anyone have
some examples or pointers that they can share on using the lucene search
service within jetspeed?
I'm having excellent results on our non-portal content with nutch, but I'd
like to provide that kind of search capability within the portal too...
Thanks in advance,

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Looking for Jetspeed experts

2004-05-21 Thread Christophe Lombart
Hi All,
I'm looking for Jetspeed/CMS experts for an important project in Europe 
- Brussels/France (french or english speaker).
The following knowledge are required :

* Jetspeed or any other portal solution.
* Red Hat WAF - content management solution (very important).
* Lucene or any other indexing/search tools
* Eclipse.
* Oracle.
If you are interesting, please send me a mail in order to give you  more 
details ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

Kind regard,
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RE: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

2004-05-05 Thread LOMBART Christophe

What about the issues like authentication, managing CMS permissions via some portlets  


-Original Message-
From:   Santhosh Nair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Wed 5/5/2004 2:06 AM
To: Jetspeed Users List; "Sezmillenium"
Subject:Re: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

Integration with Jetspeed and OpenCMS is not difficult - we did and this is using Jetspeed 1.4 integrated with

You can prepare the content - using OpenCMS.  The authoring can use OpenCMS
templates.  The published the contents can be brought into portlets.

Santhosh Nair
The Open Source System Integrators
Phone: +65-65883343
Fax: +65-65883001

- Original Message - 
From: "Sezmillenium" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 11:33 PM
Subject: RE: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed

> Hi again!
> I found the Apache Project Slide. Is Slide a solid product?
> -Mensaje original-
> De: Sezmillenium [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Enviado el: martes, 04 de mayo de 2004 16:44
> Asunto: Difference between opencms and Jetspeed
> Hi people!
> I am working in a project with jetspeed. Now, I want implement a document
> container. Jetspeed don't have this feature. I am looking a document
> container and i found opencms.
> What difference are between this two Technologies??
> Somebody work with this? Integration is easy??
> Thanks
> -
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RE: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic

2004-04-29 Thread LOMBART Christophe
unwar the jetspeed application.
It is a Turbine limitation.

I'm wondering if it is possible to replace the getRealPath calls.
If I remember getRealPath is centralised in a Turbine service.

I'm also interested if someone have solved this issue.


-Original Message-
From:   Nick Faiz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 4/29/2004 8:37 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject:RE: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic
Sorry, no.

I ran into the problem, while using Weblogic 7.2, a few months ago and did
not solve it. Nor did the solution someone suggested to me solve it. 

-Original Message-
From: Henry S. Isidro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 29 April 2004 4:44 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: jetspeed1.5 in weblogic

Okay this is a very old issue but I can't find any concrete solutions to 
this problem. I need to deploy jetspeed as a WAR archive in Weblogic. So 
far, I've found out that the problem originates from the getRealPath 
call used in Turbine (from the various posts in the mailing lists). 
Anyway, has anyone figured out how to fix the problem?

Thanks and regards,

Henry S. Isidro

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Re: Jetspeed and CMS

2004-04-07 Thread Christophe
How get the content from opencms ? via a Java API,  an http requester or 
... ?
Can you give more info on the architecure ?

Santhosh Nair wrote:

Hi Carlos,

Lenya is still under development integrted with Cocoon.  Therefore we choose
OpenCMS and integrated this to Jetspeed.
You may take a look at the URL

This runs on Jetspeed 1.4 and uses OpenCMS as the content management system
for publishing package content.
The integration efforts vary depending on the CMS you use. First you need to
choose a CMS - then you need to find a type of portlet that can present the
content from CMS.
Santhosh Nair
The OpenSource System Integrators
phone: +65-65883343
cell: +65-98166158
- Original Message - 
From: "Carlos Roberto Yaconi Hitschfeld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 5:17 AM
Subject: Jetspeed and CMS

Hi ppl...
I need to take a definition on wich framework to use to build a little
intranet. Initially, we need just a CMS, just like jakarta lenya, but
this intranet will grow on the future and surely it will transform on a
Well, thinking in that, I want to start using jetspeed, but I don't know
the CMS potential of it.
Can anybody tell me his experience integrating jetspeed with a CMS??
Can I integrate Lenya inside Jetspeed??
Thank you very much!

Carlos Yaconi Hitschfeld
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Re: [J2] Status Cornerstone & Avalon

2004-03-15 Thread Christophe
Is there a document which explain how all theses frameworks are linked 
together ?
So, if I understand, Conerstone is used only for customizations and 
PicoContainers replace the well know Turbine service framework in J1.
Is it correct ?


Weaver, Scott wrote:

Hi Felix,

We have yet to merge J2 Cornerstone into J2.  We hope to use Cornerstone for
mass customization and JMX support.  As IoC and components go, we have
settled on using a combination of PicoConatiner for components and
NanoContainer for assembling those PicoContainers using the groovy scripting
language.  Our eventual goal is to eliminate as many factories and static
singletons as possible and make a sure all components are constructed at
assembly time with all of there dependencies in place, i.e. no inconsistent

| Scott T Weaver |
| Apache Jetspeed Portal Project |
| Apache Pluto Portlet Container |


-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2004 3:45 PM
Subject: [J2] Status Cornerstone & Avalon

can anybody provide me some informations about the cornerstone-framework
and his disposal in jetspeed2?
i took a short look at the cornerstone-docs in j2 cvs and it seems, that
cornerstone fits nice in j2, because cornerstone will allow "mass
customization" - which sounds very helpful if you develop your own
portal-solutionn based upon j2 framework.
but i don´t understand the difference between avalon and cornerstone.
both are component frameworks (?) and it sounds to me, that they are
having the same intention (meet the requirements for
framework-development, e.g.: low coupling between components, scalable
architecture, customize the framework, providing some tools and
thanks in andvance,

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Simple Jsp Action

2003-12-09 Thread Christophe Lombart
I'm trying to start a simple turbine action from my site (not a portlet 
action, a classic turbine action).
Everything is good with a velocity template but not with a jsp template.

Here is the log :

2003-12-10 00:10:55,144 [Thread-10] DEBUG JetspeedTemplatePage - 
JetspeedTemplatePage: Setting type to: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
2003-12-10 00:10:55,144 [Thread-10] DEBUG JetspeedTemplatePage - 
JetspeedTemplatePage: requested template = demo.jsp
2003-12-10 00:10:55,145 [Thread-10] DEBUG JetspeedTemplatePage - 
JetspeedTemplatePage: calculated template = /html/demo.jsp
2003-12-10 00:10:55,145 [Thread-10] DEBUG JetspeedTemplatePage - 
JetspeedTemplatePage: layoutTemplate is finally /html/default.jsp
2003-12-10 00:10:55,150 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: set response content type to text/html; charset=UTF-8
2003-12-10 00:10:55,151 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: set 'screenJSP' to: 
2003-12-10 00:10:55,151 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: forward request to: /layouts/html/default.jsp
2003-12-10 00:10:55,186 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: set response content type to text/html; charset=UTF-8
2003-12-10 00:10:55,188 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: set 'screenJSP' to: null
2003-12-10 00:10:55,188 [Thread-10] INFO  JetspeedJspLayout - 
JetspeedJspLayout: forward request to: /layouts/default.vm

it seems that the JetspeedJspLayout is calling 2 times. The second time, 
screenJSP is set to null. Certainly, it is the origine of my problem. 
Seems to be a bug no ?

So, I'm calling this action with : 

and my action code is :

public class MyAction extends Action
   public void doPerform( RunData rundata ) throws Exception

Here is the stack trace

Error encountered processing a template: 
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader.exec(
at org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage.doBuild(
at org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader.exec(
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardPipeline.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.invoke(


2003-10-23 Thread Christophe Lombart
Maybe it is not the good place to speak on Open Office here, you can 
send me more info directly to my email adress.

Our documents are not complex. What are calling complex documents ?
I know someone who is not able to open a word 97 document in Office 2003 
and can open it in Open Office.

Leszek Szlachetka wrote:

Hi Christophe,

Thank you for your reply.
I'm glad to hear that your are working on it. I just wonder if using Open
Office is a good solution. I know that Open Office is not able to convert
more complex MS Office documents. Recently, I just read that even Star
Office can't handle complex documents. Correct me if I'm wrong.
- Original Message -
From: "Christophe Lombart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: Re: DMS

This is exactly what I'm doing for one for my customer.

The end-users have a secure access to a documents hierarchy (folders)
via a portlet. A word document can be edited and save back to the server
after some validation.  Documents are stored into a repository (Slide)
which can be used for CMS or DMS solution.
In order to validate word documents, we are using open office which is
running in server mode. Open office is  nice  because it support the XML
file format and can convert one document in many content type (RTF, PDF,
HTML, Word, Excel, ).  Convertions via open office are more simple
than using a series of XSL templates. It is just one method to call.
At the end, there is an official publication wich group together all
documents edited by the 400 users. This is the most complex part.
We are not using webdav because some users can edit their documents with
word 97 :-) . So we are developing a word macro which can send a  http
put method to the server.
We are still under test. It is not a simple solution (jetspeed + slide +
open office + EJB). So it takes time and I have not all my time to
donate the CMS repository layer. After some common work with David, I'm
trying to do it with some enhancement in the code.
If you want to help at least for the repository, you are welcome :-)
Leszek Szlachetka wrote:



I'm looking to build a document management system (DMS) using Jetspeed.

But I wonder if there are already any prebuild portlets that manage

In that regard is there any tool that would display files directly from

the harddrive. Also, is it possible to  launch MS Word/Excel documents from
Jetspeed (clicking on the link ) and then edit them and save them back
directly to Jetspeed?

Any help, links are greatly appreciated,


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2003-10-22 Thread Christophe Lombart



how do you interact with Open Office? Is that through it's API, or do you
call the executable?

   Christophe Lombart 
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]Para:   Jetspeed Users List>   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   22/10/2003 22:30 Fax para: 
   Por favor, responda a "Jetspeed  Asunto:  Re: DMS  
   Users List"

This is exactly what I'm doing for one for my customer.

The end-users have a secure access to a documents hierarchy (folders)
via a portlet. A word document can be edited and save back to the server
after some validation.  Documents are stored into a repository (Slide)
which can be used for CMS or DMS solution.
In order to validate word documents, we are using open office which is
running in server mode. Open office is  nice  because it support the XML
file format and can convert one document in many content type (RTF, PDF,
HTML, Word, Excel, ).  Convertions via open office are more simple
than using a series of XSL templates. It is just one method to call.
At the end, there is an official publication wich group together all
documents edited by the 400 users. This is the most complex part.
We are not using webdav because some users can edit their documents with
word 97 :-) . So we are developing a word macro which can send a  http
put method to the server.
We are still under test. It is not a simple solution (jetspeed + slide +
open office + EJB). So it takes time and I have not all my time to
donate the CMS repository layer. After some common work with David, I'm
trying to do it with some enhancement in the code.
If you want to help at least for the repository, you are welcome :-)
Leszek Szlachetka wrote:



I'm looking to build a document management system (DMS) using Jetspeed.

But I wonder if there are already any prebuild portlets that manage

In that regard is there any tool that would display files directly from

the harddrive. Also, is it possible to  launch MS Word/Excel documents from
Jetspeed (clicking on the link ) and then edit them and save them back
directly to Jetspeed?

Any help, links are greatly appreciated,


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2003-10-22 Thread Christophe Lombart
This is exactly what I'm doing for one for my customer.

The end-users have a secure access to a documents hierarchy (folders) 
via a portlet. A word document can be edited and save back to the server 
after some validation.  Documents are stored into a repository (Slide) 
which can be used for CMS or DMS solution.

In order to validate word documents, we are using open office which is 
running in server mode. Open office is  nice  because it support the XML 
file format and can convert one document in many content type (RTF, PDF, 
HTML, Word, Excel, ).  Convertions via open office are more simple 
than using a series of XSL templates. It is just one method to call.

At the end, there is an official publication wich group together all 
documents edited by the 400 users. This is the most complex part.
We are not using webdav because some users can edit their documents with 
word 97 :-) . So we are developing a word macro which can send a  http 
put method to the server.

We are still under test. It is not a simple solution (jetspeed + slide + 
open office + EJB). So it takes time and I have not all my time to 
donate the CMS repository layer. After some common work with David, I'm 
trying to do it with some enhancement in the code.

If you want to help at least for the repository, you are welcome :-)
Leszek Szlachetka wrote:


I'm looking to build a document management system (DMS) using Jetspeed. But I wonder if there are already any prebuild portlets that manage documents. 

In that regard is there any tool that would display files directly from the harddrive. Also, is it possible to  launch MS Word/Excel documents from Jetspeed (clicking on the link ) and then edit them and save them back directly to Jetspeed?

Any help, links are greatly appreciated,

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Re: Jetspeed CMS

2003-10-20 Thread Christophe Lombart
I'm not working full time on that.
Do you want to help ?


Hi Christophe,

What's the status of the Jetspeed Slide CMS?




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Re: Jetspeed on weblogic

2003-10-16 Thread Christophe Lombart
My application is running on jboss & weblogic 8.1
You have to unwar the application into the deploy weblogic dir and that 
Otherwise, getRealPAth returns null on weblogic

Wakida, Reid M. wrote:

Has anyone been able to run Jetspeed 1.4b4 on Weblogic 8.0 (or Weblogic
7.1)?  I couldn't deploy the war file via the console.  Some unknown error
was occurring.  Instead, I deployed the expanded directory in the
user_projects/domain/applications directory.  

Upon startup, Weblogic informed me that I had to change the servlet spec
declaration from 2.2 to 2.3 in the web.xml file.  After fixing that,
Weblogic attempted to deploy Jetspeed, and couldn't find the path to (see stack trace below).  I did some searching
and it has to do with the "null" prepended to the path.  Someone encountered the same problem when
porting to JBoss
([EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg11717.html).
In short, Turbine is calling "javax.ServletContext.getRealPath()" when
"javax.ServletContext.getResource()" or
"javax.ServletContext.getResourceAsStream()" should be used.  

Whew!  Anyway, has anyone encountered this problem, and fixed it?  It sounds
like I have to fix Turbine and rebuild the jar (or possibly move to the new
Turbine version).  I'm going to continue hunting in the Turbine mailing
lists, but I thought I might save some time if someone already fixed this.  

STack trace:

(!) NOTICE: init
(!) NOTICE: ServiceBroker: LoggingService enabled.
(!) NOTICE: Turbine: init() failed:
ception: Can't load file null/WEB-INF/conf/
   at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.init(
   at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(
   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

-Original Message-
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 3:19 PM
To: Jetspeed Developers List
Subject: Re: Jetspeed on weblogic
venkatesha mithra 

Re: Uploading file > 1MB

2003-10-13 Thread Christophe Lombart
Check the value of "services.UploadService.repository" in the
If I'm remember correctly, this value has to be change when you are 
running on windows box.
by using this param point to a correct folder.

I'm using this service without any other issues.


florian.brunswicker wrote:


i have some problems uploading a file > 1MB.
I tried both services (org.apache.fulcrum.upload.TurbineUploadService and with
services.UploadService.size.max=10485760 (default is 1048576).
Both services are working very well with files < 1MB, but with files > 1MB i
always get a timeout without any error message.
Does anybody of you run in the same problem or has perhaps a solution for
this ?
Best regards,


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Re: How to open link(href) in same parent portlet window

2003-10-02 Thread Christophe Lombart
Can you give more info ?
What kind of url ? do you want to use another template for the portlet 
or redirect to an external site ?

Dev wrote:


My current portlet has many different links(urls). And
when user clicks on that link, I want to get it open 
within same portlet window.

How should I wrap these links(urls) so that they will
open in same portlet frame ?
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Re: problem when calling the method getAnonymousUser( )

2003-09-25 Thread Christophe Loridan

jabouille wrote:
> Eric,
> You have to see if the directory "jetspeed/WEB-INF/psml/user/html" exist and if 
> there is a file "default.html.
> > Hello All,
> >
> > Can you please let me know how can I rectify this horrible Exception.
> >
> > I have this horrible Exception when I connect me to my application:
> >  Failed to get
> > anonymous user:
> >  unknown user
> > 'anon'
> >
> > at
> >
> > at
> >
> >  107)
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > -
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Re: I found no solution for mysql-database yet

2003-09-24 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
Can you connect to your database with another tool like Squirrel SQL, MS 
Access ?

Pernoud Aurelien wrote:

Oliver Klar a écrit :

Anybody have an idea, what's wrong?
Maybe configuration of MySQL,Tomcat, Java?

Reading the exception below, I would say :
- either your configuration of torque file isn't good
- either your database setup isn't correct

Horrible Exception: java.lang.Error: Error in
BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): Unable to connect to any
hosts due to exception: Connection refused

A "connection refused" is clear : Java couldn't connect to the host/port you told him, so while jetspeed is starting, check on your systems what ports are trying to be opened (netstat, stuff like that), if they look good, and check what ports are opened when you connect to your MySQL database in another way that works...


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Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Re: Jetspeed download

2003-09-22 Thread Christophe Lombart
from, I have no problem

Ron Wheeler wrote:

I was trying to help someone get started with Jetspeed and we were not able
to get the Jetspeed distribution from the download page.
If I click on the link from the Binary Download page IE tries to load the
I could not change the mirror setting and I am pretty sure that [preferred]
is not correct.

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Re: Link to a JSP page on a JSPPortlet

2003-09-21 Thread Christophe Lombart
Marco Fabbri wrote:

With portlet space I mean to replace the JSP output contained in my portlet
with another JSP content: it's not enough to use a jetspeed:link?

no, it is use for navigation. Use setTemplate in your portlet action.

Can you send me a jsp action example to use the setTemplate?

See in the portlet demos, You can expect to find plenty of examples.
in the action methods : setTemplate(rundata, "...jsp ref...") - more 
info in the javadoc

And how can I pass parameters to the second jsp using the setTemplate?

From the jetspeed tutorial :

// Place appropriate objects in jsp context

rundata.getRequest().setAttribute(QUOTES, quotes);

I advise you to read the tutorial, there is a section on JSP 
( - section 8)

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Re: Cascading Menus from PSML

2003-09-21 Thread Christophe Lombart
Jonathan Porterfield wrote:


I'm not quite sure why using the customizer would be a problem.(?) I'm sure
you know the environment better than me, though.
It just takes more time to code.

At least that's a first thought. Comments, critiques, identification of
major gaps in logic greatly appreciated.

It is not a so simple solution & I didn' yet take the time to think 
about that.
Same like you, it is not my first requirement.
My first idea was to use something a layout info tag which specify on 
which menu level the "entry" or "portlets" has to be associated.

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Re: Link to a JSP page on a JSPPortlet

2003-09-20 Thread Christophe Lombart
Marco Fabbri wrote:

Where I wrong?
How can I open another jsp in the same portlet space?

What do you mean by portlet space ?

If you want to assigne another jsp into the same portlet use the method 
setTemplate in your jsp action or your GenericMvcAction (see the javadoc).


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Re: jsp errorPage

2003-09-18 Thread Christophe Lombart
I'm not complelty familiar with jsp within jetspeed but  have you try to 
put this directive in
/WEB-INF/templates/jsp/layouts/html/default.jsp ?


Gregory Joseph wrote:

Hi list,

Is there any way Jetspeed can support the JSP errorPage directive?
Or maybe JetSpeed / Turbine provide a replacement service for this?


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Re: Cascading Menus from PSML

2003-09-18 Thread Christophe Lombart
Cascading menu with plenty of javascript & DHTML ?
I'm intesting to build one for my project but it is not plannified for 
this month :-)

Anyway, If you can work without the customizer in this case, it is not 
so complex to build your own, if you know javascript-DHTML, the PSML 
structure and the mechanism used for jetspeed controls & controllers. 
Obviously, customizer for this kind of menu will require more time. Do 
you have time ?

Let me know in which area you require more info, I can try to help


Jonathan Porterfield wrote:


No response from the list on this one yet. Probably what we need is some
orientation on where to grab this from the context.
-Original Message-
From: Yusuf Isaacs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 2:09 AM
Subject: Cascading Menus from PSML

Have you managed to incorporate cascading menus for a particular
user PSML ? , if so could you point me in the right direction as I am
struggling with the same problem

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Re: Adding Portlet as link in another portlet content

2003-09-18 Thread Christophe Lombart
For navigation, see the class 
org.apache.jetspeed.util.template.BaseJetspeedLink, the velocity tools 
$jlink and the forward service 




JS developer wrote:


I want to add a one portlet as link into content of
another portlet. How can I acheive this ?
js dev 

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Re: using 2 different tab menu

2003-09-10 Thread Christophe Lombart
Controls & controllers are declared into controls.xreg & 
controllers.xreg (see in the conf directory).
In your PSML files, you can  use them within the tags control and 
Play with the customizer in order to get more familiar with theses stuffs.



i'd like to use 2 different tab menu.
The problem for me is not to creat a new "jetspeed-tab2.vm" but to know how to 
declarate it to Jetspeed to use it.
Any help is much appreciated.


Thibaut Lassalle

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Re: Jetspeed CMS / Slide integration - news from the developer

2003-09-04 Thread Christophe Lombart
Dariush Behboudi wrote:

Will be also suitable as a Document management component?

Well, it depends on what you are calling a document management.
Until now, there is only a couple of services which gives some methods 
to access to a repository.
In this rep, you add all cms object you want (XML, HTML, binaries like 
Word, ...).
You can even create you specific CMS objects. So, yes - you can use this 
service for a document repository.

Concerning the order document management areas, I have build a Webdav 
action which sound good  but there is almost nothing else.  I'm also 
interesting by the document management for my own project but I expect 
Jetspeed is not really concerned by that. Anyway, we can find a lot of 
common features between CMS and document management (at least the 

Are you planning to implement a search module for documents stored into repositories?


How it should be integrated into other webapps or portal platforms?

Currently, David propose to work with Fulcrum. So, no problem, you can 
integrate fulcrum framework in all web application.

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Re: multiple servlet in jetspeed

2003-09-02 Thread Christophe Lombart
What kind of user preferences ?
You can have 2 different psml for the same user  which is related to 2 
different "user preferences" with different controller, control, 
portlets, ... .

Furthermore, you can store per user different user preferences if you 
want and use the correct on depending on the http request parameters.

suchisubhra sinha wrote:

No is is not going to  solve my  problem.  As  path1 and path2 is
totally two  portal  applications 
In  same branch. So I need to  setup  user  preference based upon
different servlet. When you go  to
Path1 you  should not see whatever  your preference for path2 servlet.


-Original Message-----
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 2:39 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: multiple servlet in jetspeed

Why do you need that ?
Jetspeed is based on turbine which provide "actions". I expect that you 
can solve you problem maybe with different turbine actions or maybe 
different psml files. Please give us more info on what you ared doing.


suchisubhra sinha wrote:


Hi All,
does Jetspeed support multiple servelet? Something like
http://localhost/Jetspeed/go/Path1   http://localhost/Jetspeed/go/Path2


and how can  I setup this?



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Re: multiple servlet in jetspeed

2003-09-02 Thread Christophe Lombart
Why do you need that ?
Jetspeed is based on turbine which provide "actions". I expect that you 
can solve you problem maybe with different turbine actions or maybe 
different psml files. Please give us more info on what you ared doing.


suchisubhra sinha wrote:

Hi All,
 does Jetspeed support multiple servelet? Something like
http://localhost/Jetspeed/go/Path1   http://localhost/Jetspeed/go/Path2 
and how can  I setup this?



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Access to HttpServletRequest object from left.jsp

2003-06-03 Thread Jean-Christophe Drouet

Does anyone know how to get access to a valid HttpServletRequest
object from within one of the navigation template using JSP ?
I've used
<% RunData rundata = (RunData) request.getAttribute("rundata"); %>
in left.jsp, which always returns null ! (even if this works
in a JSPPortlet context).
Note that any method declared in HttpServletRequest give
the same result.
Any hints are welcome.
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Re: Menus and submenus

2003-06-03 Thread Christophe Lombart
If I forget nothing, you need to write a new controller class, an action 
class, declare it in controller.xreg and certainly write a new template 
for this controller with a lot of javascript. Than, you can use it in 
your own PSML file.
Maybe, you can check in the controller.xreg some samples (eg. 
TabController and MenuController).


Jana Parvanova wrote:


I would like to have a left navigation menu with submenus. When I add a MenuControl under MenuControl, the submenus are shown on the right. Can someone give me some hints what things I should overwrite in order to be able to draw the whole menu on the left?

I need something like:

Any help is appreciated.

Jana Parvanova
Sirma Solutions (

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Re: Best Practices in Design

2003-05-27 Thread Christophe Lombart
I never tested but maybe you can try the following :

From the action class to the jsp, use the context. it should be 
different for each portlet action.

From the jsp to the portlet action, try to add the portlet id into the 
http request generated by your jsp page.
In the action class, check if the http request parameter which match to 
this portlet id is equals to portlet.getId().

I'm not sure there is another way.

Andy Benjamin wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a question that deals with best practices and design.  I have 
an action class that does the work to get the customized information 
out of a portlet.  My question then is how should I get that 
information into the jsp?  Should I take that information and place it 
in the session so that the jsp then looks for a particular attribute 
in the session?  If I do that then conceivably I couldn't have two 
portlets of the same type on the same page because they would be using 
the same session variables to pass information to the jsp.

To illustrate, let's say that I have a portlet that gets my sports 
links and displays them.  I want to reuse the same portlet to have a 
list of my financial links.  Is there anyway to get the action class 
to communicate with the jsp so that two portlets and their action 
classes don't overwrite the other portlet's data when they try and 
communicate with the jsp?  Thanks in advance.


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Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed PortalinformationfromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Christophe Lombart
It is really difficult to understand in which situation you are.

After downloading 1.4b3, check in the war file in the directory .../conf 
, see in the :
# Portal Page customization #
# html page title text prefix - prepended to portal page title if defined.
portalpage.title_prefix=Jakarta Jetspeed Portal:

Wilson, Allen wrote:

And like I said before...that entry does not exist in the
JetspeedResource file and when I tried entering it in (and restarting)
it did not do anything
Does someone have a file with the entryand if so could you send it
to me
-Original Message-
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 2:42 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed

Like Scott said previously :

portalpage.title_prefix=JPortal Tutorial:

See on point 1.5 in the tutorial.


Wilson, Allen wrote:


I am going through the tutorials and I have not found it...if you would
point it out for me..I would be highly appreciative
Thank you...Allen

-Original Message-
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:58 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal

If I remember corretly, the tutorial explains how to do that.


Aurelien Pernoud wrote:


I don't understand the question...

The file "" is under /WEB-INF/conf, if




the question ?

Wilson, Allen a ecrit :



That is the version I am using.Is it another location...

From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What version are you using ?

I've checked for 1.4b3 official release war, the does have this line... at line 580


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Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal informationfromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Christophe Lombart
Like Scott said previously :

portalpage.title_prefix=JPortal Tutorial:

See on point 1.5 in the tutorial.


Wilson, Allen wrote:

I am going through the tutorials and I have not found it...if you would
point it out for me..I would be highly appreciative
Thank you...Allen

-Original Message-
From: Christophe Lombart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 1:58 PM
To: Jetspeed Users List
Subject: Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal

If I remember corretly, the tutorial explains how to do that.


Aurelien Pernoud wrote:


I don't understand the question...

The file "" is under /WEB-INF/conf, if


the question ?

Wilson, Allen a ecrit :


That is the version I am using.Is it another location...

From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What version are you using ?

I've checked for 1.4b3 official release war, the does have this line... at line 580


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Re: about weblogic jar reading bug

2003-03-26 Thread Christophe Lombart
Currently, I'm also working on "trying" to deploy my jetspeed 
application into weblogic. Until now, I found the following problems :

* As you said, war file doesn't work. Following some info in the 
weblogic user groups, getRealPath returns null when the applications is 
running in a war file.
So, I'm looking for a solution  (maybe in the turbine servlet service).

* when my server is starting, I got an error on the 

*  When my application is not running in a war file, I got another error 
with the getRealPath() method.

getRealPath() called with unsafe path: "."$UnsafeFilenameException: 
D:\bea\user_projects\mydomain\applications\jetspeed\. ends with illegal 
   at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
   at jsp_servlet.__index._jspService(
   at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(
   at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

I'm quite new with weblogic. So, all ideas are welcome.

Aurelien Pernoud wrote:

I couldn't get jetspeed to work in a war file, cause webloggic didn't deploy
properties file... I didn't have much time so I took the other way, expand
it myself.
Deploying an app using weblogic, using the console, seems very easy, but it
doesn't work as I expected.
Moabi Nyokong a écrit :


Has anybody working with weblogic run across the
issue when using jetspeed as a .war file? I know most people just
ignore it and use an expanded deployment, but if there's someone else
who needs to use the War format, maybe we can do some collaborative

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Re: Removing the Jakarta Jetspeed Portal information fromtheBrowsertitle

2003-03-26 Thread Christophe Lombart
If I remember corretly, the tutorial explains how to do that.


Aurelien Pernoud wrote:

I don't understand the question...

The file "" is under /WEB-INF/conf, if that's
the question ?
Wilson, Allen a ecrit :


That is the version I am using.Is it another location...

From: Aurelien Pernoud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

What version are you using ?

I've checked for 1.4b3 official release war, the does have this line... at line 580

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Re: Flow and State of a portlet

2003-01-28 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
Luta, Raphael (VUN) wrote:

De : Jean-Christophe Kermagoret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

It's possible to have this kind of behaviour with a 
javascript function 
that values the "action" and "template" parameter for each case. For 
example :

function SubmitDefault() {
   form.action.value = "MyDefaultPortletAction";
   form.template.value = "MyDefaultTemplate.vm" ;

function SubmitToUpdate() {
   form.action.value = "MyUpdatePortletAction";
   form.template.value = "MyUpdateTemplate.vm" ;
What are the reasons to use several action and template variables ?


You probably don't want to do this in JS, for 3 reasons:
- you don't trust your client (and if you do, you should not :)
- you can't guarantee that your client will actually execute the
- you break the MVC pattern by encoding controller information 
 in your template and tying your different templates together

IMO, you should never explicitely set a template from another
one but always abstract your application flow through a "state"
that is mapped to a template view by your controller code.
It also makes it much easier to validate the current state of the

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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I agree with what you are saying but :
1 - I can bypass security with hidden fields the same way I could bypass 
it with JS
2 - Almost everybody has javascript enabled
3 - Using JS is like your hidden fields : designers can change them 
without breaking anything.

I still don't see any differences. Where are my glasses :-)

Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Re: Flow and State of a portlet

2003-01-28 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
It's possible to have this kind of behaviour with a javascript function 
that values the "action" and "template" parameter for each case. For 
example :

function SubmitDefault() {
   form.action.value = "MyDefaultPortletAction";
   form.template.value = "MyDefaultTemplate.vm" ;

function SubmitToUpdate() {
   form.action.value = "MyUpdatePortletAction";
   form.template.value = "MyUpdateTemplate.vm" ;
What are the reasons to use several action and template variables ?


This seems great..  What is the argument against just makeing this part of
the VelocityPortlet?  Currently I have a single .vm file and a huge case
statement to deal with the various screens, very crufty!


-Original Message-
From: Luta, Raphael (VUN) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 5:51 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: Flow and State of a portlet

De : Wei Guan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

First, I would like to say: Great job.

I am still puzzling on how to build highly-interactive 
portlet. Here is a user case:
1) the default template is page1.vm rendering default data 
prepared by buildNormalConent of
2) on page1.vm, there are couple of links, each link will 
result an action, generate different data and need diifferent 
templates to render. For example, there is a link "link1" on page1.vm:
   page1.vm ---link1--->method in action1>page2.vm.

I think this is the sequence in JetSpeed
1) action1.buildNormalContent ---> page1.vm
2) --->link1--->method in action1 

I am looking for a solution like this.
1) action1.buildNormalContent ---> page1.vm
2) --->link1--->method in action2 


This is not possible in the default VelocityPortlet but it's very easy 
to implement.

For example:
Assumption: you can define a new non-conflicting parameter name
that will handle the state of your portlet, let's say "pstate".

1-  Update your portlet Regsitry definition to have:

2- Apply the following patch to VelocityPortlet:

RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -r1.20
< String template = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("template");

   String state = data.getParameters().getString("pstate");
   String templateName = "template";
   String actionName = "action";
   if ((state != null) && (!state.equals("")))
   templateName = templateName + "." + state;
   actionName = actionName + "." + state;
   String template =

< String actionName = getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("action");

   String actionName =


Et voila, your portlet now gives you basic built-in controller capabilities
so that you don't even have to use "setTemplate" unless you want to 
redirect your user to a non-standard state template, plus you would have the

following flow control:

- page1.vm
- link1
- actionX.doEvent (depends on the "action" paramater included in the link)
- go to state 2
- action2.buildContext
- page2.vm

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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Re: Jetspeed and OpenCms

2003-01-15 Thread Christophe
Just for your info, other interesting tools are :


- Original Message -
From: "Luta, Raphael (VUN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2003 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Jetspeed and OpenCms

> >
> > Hi Raphaël,
> > Thank you veyr much for your advice. I think the solution you
> > talk about can
> > meet my needs. We are currently in the very first step of
> > setting up our
> > portal, so the editorial workflow process is not very
> > complicated. What
> > content production tool would you advise me to use, in order
> > to be easy to
> > integrate with Jetspeed?
> Any RSS producing tool really, but you can usually add RSS export
> capabilities to any web-based content system.
> My original setup used a legacy custom publication system, nowadays
> I'd probably use a Wiki depending on the kind of content
> you want to publish and how your users are expected to used to do
> things.
> Ultimately it boils down to how you see your system evolve. This
> is question which I don't have enough data to answer :)
> Your choice will also be conditioned by the kind of technology
> you're willing to support (ie java, perl, php, python, etc...).
> Just 2 examples out of my head:
> - setup a Jabber IM system + Jogger weblog interface + RSS export
>   -> ultra-easy content generation for informal and unstructured
>  content (suitable for example for event announcement and
>  breaking news)
> -> setup a Wiki tool (too many exist to really to list, google for wiki
>software). Most have RSS export capabilities.
>-> collaborative editing of documents with simple style capabilities
> (BTW, I'm currently updating the Jetspeed RSS stylesheets to
> support the Apache Wiki generated content
> Of course you can setup as many as these tools as required... they will
> all be syndicated in the same way.
> --
> Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java
> --
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Re: Jetspeed and OpenCms

2003-01-14 Thread Christophe

What kind of error do you have ? What kind of portlet are you using for this
integration ?

I'm interesting to know how do you plan to integrate Jetspeed with OpenCMS.
Can you give more info on that ?

* Do you plan to integrate all common services ? For example, Jetspeed has a
security service and I expect that there is a similar stuff into OpenCMS.
* For you is it possible to use the OpenCMS components without using the
openCMS servlet itself ? My intention is to integrate OpenCMS into Jetspeed
via a new Turbine service. Do you think that it is possible ? I believe that
is certainly the best integration that you can do.


- Original Message -
To: "'Jetspeed Users'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 3:43 PM
Subject: Jetspeed and OpenCms

> Hi all,
> And first of all, Happy New Year
> I was wondering if some of you had succeeded in intergrating Jetspeed and
> OpenCms together.
> I have tried to create a simple HTML portlet that call the login page of
> OpenCms and it does not work...
> Thanx a lot in advance for your input!
> Best regards,
> Ced
> __
> Cédric BARDE
> Disneyland Resort Paris - Information Services
> Bâtiment Robin Hood - BP 100
> 7 Marne-La-Vallée
> Tél : 01 64 74 65 49
> Fax : 01 64 74 65 65
> --
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2003-01-08 Thread Christophe
The method rundata.setRedirectURI doesn't work in my velocity action portlet. I don't 
understand why.
Like for the security management code, I want point to another pane (from a browser 
portlet to a form portlet).
Which condition is needed to run this method properly ?

here is my code : 


Even a simple : rundata.setRedirectURI(;  doesn't work. Why ?


Re: Webmail and CMS Portlets ?

2002-12-13 Thread Christophe
For the CMS portlet, it is still under development (and not yet accepted by
the jetspeed committers).
So, it is only a  proposal. Unfortunatly, I cannot work on it this month due
to a big rush in a jetspeed application.
I plan to work again in january in order to have the first release for
march. I need this kind of portlet for the second release of my current
jetspeed project.

see on  and you
are welcome to contribute. All comments are welcome.Again, all features are
not yet present. Just for the info, by default the CMS engine is


- Original Message -
From: "Antoine Santos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 10:56 AM
Subject: Webmail and CMS Portlets ?


I have to make a presentation of jetspeed, and i need a webmail portlet and
a CMS portlet for integration in jetspeed.

Where can i find this portlets?

Thanks all

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Re: French Jetspeed User Group ?

2002-12-13 Thread Christophe
Good Idea - Raphael -  but I'm living in Belgium :-(((
Anyway, it is a good initiative.
Why not to make a small site for this user group in order to write some
white papers/doc in french and to have a forum also in french. It should be
possible on sourceforge. We can start by a translation of the current doc
and tutorial and some french compagnies who are using Jetspeed for their
business application.


- Original Message -
From: "Gerald Estadieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2002 3:47 AM
Subject: RE: French Jetspeed User Group ?

> Good idea, I am french but living in China for the time being! I'll send
> my spirit!
> -Original Message-
> From: Luta, Raphael (VUN) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 9:45 PM
> Subject: French Jetspeed User Group ?
> Given the number of French people active on this list, I'd like to know
> if there's any interest out there to set up a meeting somewhere in Paris
> so that everybody can meet around a drink and share experiences around
> Jetspeed (and other Apache/OSS tools).
> If there's enough interest, I can try to organize such a meeting in
> January.
> --
> Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java
> --
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Re: AW: Webmail and CMS Portlets ?

2002-12-13 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
I wrote a few years ago a webmail service I reworked to include it in 
Jetspeed as well. I imagine it looks like jwma but the job is already 
done for portlets ;-)

Jetspeed folks, are you interested ?


Werner Punz wrote:

I haven´t found good solution regarding webmail yet. As a portlet I have
yet to find
a good one. The best solution I found so far which could be reworked as
a portlet is 
jwma, but this one needs major work and a working fully configured IMAP
server in the back for user handling and mail handling.
Anyway have a look:

I checked the code it is a very lean and very clean solution of a
webmail service on top of imap, but it seems to have stalled for a while
but due to it´s MVC structure it should be fairly easy to work that one
into a portlet solution.

As for cms, there was a discussion going on one or two weeks ago about
CMS functionality in jetspeed. I recommend to check the list archives
regarding this topic.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Antoine Santos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Freitag, 13. Dezember 2002 10:57
An: Jetspeed Users List
Betreff: Webmail and CMS Portlets ?


I have to make a presentation of jetspeed, and i need a webmail portlet
and a CMS portlet for integration in jetspeed.

Where can i find this portlets?

Thanks all

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Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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Re: French Jetspeed User Group ?

2002-12-13 Thread Jean-Christophe Drouet
Always nice to meet you guys.
I'll do my best to be there.


Luta, Raphael (VUN) wrote:

Given the number of French people active on this list, I'd like to know
if there's any interest out there to set up a meeting somewhere in Paris
so that everybody can meet around a drink and share experiences around
Jetspeed (and other Apache/OSS tools).

If there's enough interest, I can try to organize such a meeting in

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java

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Re: jetspeed trailmap never works

2002-12-07 Thread Christophe
There is a nice tutorial on the following URL :

I think the the trailmap is obselete

- Original Message -
From: "Krzysztof Krzos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 4:57 PM
Subject: jetspeed trailmap never works

> Hello
> There is any possibility to run Jetspeed trailmap?
> I've tried to go there since 3 weeks and it is always shutdown.
> I hear that there threre is good explanation of jetspeed.
> Documentation isn't so good so it's difficult to learn from them how I can
> develop Jetspeed applications
> I want to learn Jetspeed could right person run this trailmap?
> Regards
> Chris
> --
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Re: Jetspeed Content Admin

2002-12-05 Thread Christophe

Sorry to come back again on this subject but can you explain in more detail
what kind of authoring RSS portlet do you expect ? I'm interesting by that.
Are you thinking about managing local RSS XML files (add /drop update items
in the channel) or is it other kind of feature ?


- Original Message -
From: "Luta, Raphael (VUN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 2:29 PM
Subject: RE: Jetspeed Content Admin

> This code is one of Kevin legacies and is not actively maintained
> by anybody since 2000.
> I don't recommend you use it and it will probably be retired as soon
> as we have a small replacement content publication system usable within
> Jetspeed.
> I can see 2 most likely candidates:
> - integration with a CMS like Slide. Christophe has sent me an update
> to the jetspeed-cms package in scratchpad but I've not yet been able to
> into it.
> - develop a RSS authoring portlet (if anybody can share such a portlet
> that would be extremely cool)
> De : David Sean Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Martin Baur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:11 PM
> > > To: Jetspeed Users List
> > > Subject: Re: Jetspeed Content Admin
> > >
> > >
> > > hi
> > >
> > > where is the content shown u create with the content admin
> > ? i can create
> > > something, give it a title and an URL but where do i see
> > the result ?
> > >
> > > cheers
> > >
> > > martin
> > >
> > This is one of the few areas of Jetspeed I haven't had
> > success with (the UI
> > for Content Admin).
> > The feature goes a few years back.
> > I remember it being broken as far back as 1.3a1, not sure if
> > anyone has
> > stepped up to fix it yet
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Re: Jetspeed Content Admin

2002-12-05 Thread Christophe

> I can see 2 most likely candidates:
> - integration with a CMS like Slide. Christophe has sent me an update
> to the jetspeed-cms package in scratchpad but I've not yet been able to
> into it.

It is still under development but all comments are welcome.


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Re: Struts like forwards

2002-12-02 Thread Christophe
see the method setTemplate in the VelocityPortletAction

- Original Message -
From: "Danilo Luiz Rheinheimer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2002 5:15 PM
Subject: Struts like forwards

> Hello,
>   I am learning to use Jetspeed.
>   I did my first hello world velocity portlet with a default action
> and a form when submited trigger a doXXX method on the action class.
> This is working ok.
>   My question is how to select the velocity template used to show the
> action result. On struts I do this by selecting the forward I want to
> use.
>   But I do not found how to do something like this on Jetspeed. Any
> help ?
> --
> Best regards,
>  Danilo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
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Re: Explorer Portlet

2002-11-04 Thread Christophe
Maybe, you can find something on
- Original Message -
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: Explorer Portlet

> Thanx for the tip, but I need a full Java-based portlet, in order to be
> coherent with my company's standards. I am still looking for it on the
> but I have not been very lucky...
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> Ced
> __
> Cédric BARDE
> Disneyland Paris - Information Services
> Bâtiment Robin Hood - BP 100
> 7 Marne-La-Vallée
> Tél : 01 64 74 65 49
> Fax : 01 64 74 65 65
> > -Original Message-
> > Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 2:23 PM
> > To: Jetspeed Users List
> > Subject: Re: Explorer Portlet
> >
> > You may want to check out FileAce. Only works in IE.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 11/04/2002 04:23 AM
> > Please respond to "Jetspeed Users List"
> >
> > To: "'Jetspeed Users'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > cc: (bcc: Ray Grieselhuber/Teamwork)
> > Subject:Explorer Portlet
> >
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I need to have a portlet that works the same way as Windows Explorer on
> > portal.
> > Does one already exist standardly in Jetspeed? Or anyone has already
> > created
> > one, who could help me?
> >
> > Thanx a lot in advance
> > Ced
> >
> > __
> > Cédric BARDE
> > Disneyland Paris - Information Services
> > Bâtiment Robin Hood - BP 100
> > 7 Marne-La-Vallée
> > Tél : 01 64 74 65 49
> > Fax : 01 64 74 65 65
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> --
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Re: Where is the defult psml?

2002-11-02 Thread Christophe
Check on


- Original Message -
From: "zy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "jetspeed_maillist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 8:34 AM
Subject: Where is the defult psml?

> I want to know ,when I registe a new accont ,where do the defult psml
file come from ?
> I know there is a defult.psml  in
> But where do it come from?
> I suppose there must be a defult psml template to create new user's
defult psml. But I can not find it.
> Please help me !
> 3X :)

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Re: CMS - Struts

2002-10-31 Thread Christophe
> Struts Action and Form classes have access to the HttpServletRequest so
> what could be the problem to access the RunData
> or Jetspeed Services ? ... i don't see a problem ... could you elaborate
> a little on what you think is the problem ?

I don't know Struts, it is just a question. I don't know if there is a
My question was there just to know how do you plan to make this integration.


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Re: CMS - Struts

2002-10-30 Thread Christophe
> I must say that i agree on the matter that it should be possible to use
> Struts as MVC within Jetspeed instead of velocity,
> there has been an attempt at integrating JSP based templates but they
> are setup in a wrong way.
> I have already addressed this to the Jetspeed-dev mailing list in the
> following message :
> but have seen no reply.
> The reason i favor JSP based templates over velocity is that they are
> easier to teach to a learning Java programmer
> then velocity.
> So i would like to propose to make a first step at reworking the JSP
> templates to use or Struts or the JSTL, if there is enough interest from
> the jetspeed-dev group.

It is possible to learn Velocity in 2 hours. That's not possible with JSP
which are unreadable.
Anyway I understand your point of view. Unfortunatly customers are using
So I'm also interesting for this kind of integration between Jetspeed and
Struts :-

Werner, do you have some ideas for that ?
What about accessing Jetspeed services or the Rundata from a Struts action
classes or form ?
I have no idea on the Struts flexibility for this kind of integration.


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2002-10-23 Thread Christophe
> I wonder this is the thing we're looking for:
That's definitly the interesting stuff about Java and CMS but anyway I'm not
sure this JSR will solve all problems like integration with other product,
security, ...

I'm working on a generic CMS service for my own activities and I promise to
make a proposal for the next week-end to the Jetspeed community ( code in
version 0.0.1  + a small document).  This week, I'm making some refactoring
of my current "experience" to be Jetspeed compliant. Anyway, the idea is not
to create a  new CMS engine but have a nice pluggable service that can
support most important CMS engines like Slide or other intersting products
like opencms,   WEBDAV will be also present in this proposal mainly for
document editing. Like Rafaël said in this thread, there is no standard  So,
I'm certainly not sure of the complete portability of this first version.
the current CMS service interface is really influenced by Slide.

Another issue is what does mean CMS for you ? That's why I think a small
document is important in order to define the most important features need by
the Jetspeed community.

I'm ok to send the code to a Jetspeed  Committer but it will not work before
the end of this week due to my current refactoring. Furthermore, I don't
plan to have a nice version before a lot of month even with a great
colloboration. So I propose some developement steps which will be also in
the proposal.


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RE: jetspeed security and slide

2002-10-18 Thread christophe . lombart
Too busy for the week-end but I will prepare something for the next week.
* A readme which explain how to integrate it with the existing jetspeed code.
* a small proposal which summarize the most important features and api.
* a small Slide demo repository based on HSQL.
+1 for a Jetspeed forum in french.

Sure, scratchpad is just there for these kind of things. But please make sure that you add a README document that 
explain how to integrate the experimental code into the main branch.
I can commit this code over the week-end but won't be available next week (business travel).
Best regards,

--Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java 
 -Message d'origine-De : [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Envoyé : vendredi 18 octobre 2002 14:23À : Luta, Raphael (VUN)Objet : RE: RE: jetspeed security and slide
Ok I will put the code and other stuff in it. Can I put even a small Slide demo repository (HSQL DB) ?  Christophe 

If you want to contribute experimental code, it can go in the scratchpadsection of theCVS so that everybody can access it but at the same time it can't break theHEAD.> -Message d'origine-> De : David Sean Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]> Envoyé : vendredi 18 octobre 2002 00:19> À : Jetspeed Users List> Objet : RE: jetspeed security and slide> > > > Thursday, October 17, 2002 3:12 PM, Christophe> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:> >> > * Maybe, this is the good time to make together a CMS > service proposal for> +1> > >> > So maybe it is too early to put this code in the jetspeed-cvs> > and I propose> > the following plan :> > * I send the code to Scott and maybe other people who are > interesting. By> > this way, he can give me a feedback on Security stuff and
other> > area. Scott,> > I send you a zip file in 10'.> > Thats fine, however you want to go about it.> I just thought it would be easier to put it in cvs so you > don't have to go> sending zip files around> > David> > > > --> To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail:--To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: --
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Re: jetspeed security and slide

2002-10-18 Thread Christophe
Slide architecture is well designed. In my opinion, the best way to work is
to build a specific Slide Security store which is using the Turbine/Jetspeed
security model. By doing this, it is very easy to assign a specific
Turbine/Jetspeed users or groups  to a Slide ObjectNode (content) for a
specific action (read, write, manage, ...). Futhermore, it is not necessary
to change the default implementation of  the Security helper class. Until
now, I didn't map the Slide action to the Jetspeed action but it should be

I'm building a complete jetspeed application which has this kind of
"Turbine/Jetspeed Security Slide Store". I can send you the code if you
want. I add only less then 10 classes and build 2 new jetspeed services. It
is not a big coding.  Now, this security stuff is finish and I'm building
CMS portlets (A simple CMS portlet Viewer & a CMS admin portlet).

Send me a mail if you want the code and the demo. It is a simple extension
of the current Jetspeed code & templates. Via other mail, I can give more
info step by step on this code. I' very interesting to receive some feedback
on it.


- Original Message -
From: "Weaver, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Jetspeed Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: jetspeed security and slide

> > Sure would be nice to get Jetspeed security to sit on top of Slide
> > documents.
> That would be VERY cool!
> > Have you given that any thought?
> > (I haven't until just now :)
> I just started looking at Slide today.  I thought it would be easy to plug
in a different security options for Slide, i.e. a
org.apache.slide.common.Security implementation that wraps JetspeedSecurity.
> However, after looking at the slide source, it may be more work than I
expected as there is A LOT of hard coding when it comes to Slide's service
implementation.  I can get around it, but it's going to take a little effort
to do that.
> Fortunately, Security and all the other important services follow a high-
level interface / low-level service component mode.  This should make things
a little easier.
> As for Jetspeed security on top of Slide documents, I'm not to sure as I
have just started down the Slide road today.  However, I do see many
similarities like actions and such between the two security models.  We
would probably need something like a documents.xreg registry to tie security
references to Slide documents and then somehow tie that straight into Slide
> I will keep looking at source and examples at let you know if come up with
any revelations.
> p.s.
> In regards to the email you sent me.  I found it in an archive but the
attachment was corrupt.  Any ideas on that?
> Scott
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David Sean Taylor [mailto:david@;]
> > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 12:55 PM
> > To: Jetspeed Users List
> > Subject: RE: jetspeed security and slide
> >
> > Sure would be nice to get Jetspeed security to sit on top of Slide
> > documents.
> > Have you given that any thought?
> > (I haven't until just now :)
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Weaver, Scott [mailto:Sweaver@;]
> > > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:43 AM
> > > To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > > Subject: RE: jetspeed security and slide
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks David.
> > >
> > > I didn't think to search the Jetspeed list, doh!  Unfortunately,
> > > I didn't find much of anything on customizing security in the
> > > Slide archives.
> > >
> > > Scott
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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Re: jetspeed security and slide

2002-10-18 Thread Christophe

Good idea but I have some comments :

* This code has to be considered as an experience on Jetspeed/Slide
integration. It works fine but need enhencement and it is not complete. It
is a big job as you can expected.

* Maybe, this is the good time to make together a CMS service proposal for
Jetspeed. I have some ideas for a very basic version :
+ Building some Jetspeed CMS classes like catalog, content, link, ... with a
default implemention for Slide. We can also give the possiblity to the
Jetspeed users to create their own CMS objects like images,  complex
document, ... (need refactoring in my current code)
+ Building a new Turbine/Jetspeed service for CMS management which can
manage theses om content classes. (almost complete - need refactoring and be
more interface based). It certainly a big deal to build this CMS service
independent of the CMS engine.
+  Building different CMS portlets : viewer, admin tools, notification,
search, workflow... which are obviously using this CMS Service. I'm starting
with the viewer and the admin portlet.
+ Webdav service and action : I make some test and works fine (like other
part : need refactoring). Slide have a webdav servlet which can be easely be
converted into a Turbine action for a complete integration with Jetspeed.
+ Last but not the least : complete integration between Jetspeed/Slide and
Cocoon should be very great for my project but I think it is to early to
think about that.
+ other ideas ?

So maybe it  is too early to put this code in the jetspeed-cvs and I propose
the following plan :
* I send the code to Scott and maybe other people who are interesting. By
this way, he can give me a feedback on Security stuff and other area. Scott,
I send you a zip file in 10'.
* Start my cleaner code based on this small proposal and send you this
cleaner code in a short term (one or 2 weeks).

What do you think about that ?

- Original Message -
From: "David Sean Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 10:09 PM
Subject: RE: jetspeed security and slide

> Christophe, Scott,
> If you'd like to put this in the jetspeed-cvs, i'd be glad to check it in
> that you can better collaborate
> David
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Weaver, Scott [mailto:Sweaver@;]
> > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 1:06 PM
> > To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
> > Subject: RE: jetspeed security and slide
> >
> >
> > Thank you for pointing out the SecurityStore, I hadn't come upon
> > that yet.  Like I said, the first time I looked a Slide was today.
> >
> > > Send me a mail if you want the code and the demo. It is a
> > simple extension
> > > of the current Jetspeed code & templates. Via other mail, I can
> > give more
> > > info step by step on this code. I' very interesting to receive some
> > > feedback
> > > on it.
> >
> > I would definitely like to see this, thanks!  You can send it to:
> >
> > mailto:sweaver@;
> >
> > Thanks again,
> > Scott
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Christophe [mailto:christophe.lombart@;]
> > > Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2002 3:55 PM
> > > To: Jetspeed Users List
> > > Subject: Re: jetspeed security and slide
> > >
> > > Slide architecture is well designed. In my opinion, the best way to
> > > is
> > > to build a specific Slide Security store which is using the
> > > Turbine/Jetspeed
> > > security model. By doing this, it is very easy to assign a specific
> > > Turbine/Jetspeed users or groups  to a Slide ObjectNode (content) for
> > > specific action (read, write, manage, ...). Futhermore, it is not
> > > necessary
> > > to change the default implementation of  the Security helper
> > class. Until
> > > now, I didn't map the Slide action to the Jetspeed action but
> > it should be
> > > nice
> > >
> > > I'm building a complete jetspeed application which has this kind of
> > > "Turbine/Jetspeed Security Slide Store". I can send you the code if
> > > want. I add only less then 10 classes and build 2 new jetspeed
> > > It
> > > is not a big coding.  Now, this security stuff is finish and
> > I'm building
> > > CMS portlets (A simple CMS portlet Viewer & a CMS admin portlet).
> > >
> > > Send me a mail if you want the code and the demo. It is a
> > simple extension
> > > of the current Jetspeed code & templates. Via other mail, I can

RE: Exchange

2002-10-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET


I had the same problem and here are the solutions I found and tried to implement, but 
none of them are the perfect one :

For exchange 5.5 :

I tried to use Jacob Com-Bridge and an activeX object that encapsulate CDO. I had two 
problems with this solution :
- Threading model beetween CDO and Java.Sometimes, I Can-t co-create CDO object. I 
think this problem can be solved by reading Jacob documentation and FAQS.
- Authentication : using CDO, you can read a user Mailbox only if you are logged-in 
with a Windows NT account that have the read rights on the user Mailbox (user account 
or domain administrator account for example)...

With Exchange 2000 :
- You can try with CDO but you will have the same problems.
- You can use AD0. It seems to work better.

The last solution I found is to install an ASP page on the Exchange server, that 
returns the informations in an HTML or XML stream (This is the solution used by oracle 
in oracle portal)

I hope this will help you !

-Message d'origine-
De : Hauge, Geoffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mardi 8 octobre 2002 16:03
À : 'Jetspeed Users List'
Objet : RE: Exchange

How about the JACOB COM bridge? 
Does it work?

-Original Message-
From: Weaver, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 9:59 AM
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: Exchange

Yes.  However, I had to use JIntegra's java-exchange bridge as I have not
seen any platform-independent, Open Source COM bridges.


> -Original Message-
> From: Hauge, Geoffrey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 8:36 AM
> To: 'Jetspeed Users List' (E-mail)
> Subject: Exchange
> Has anyone had success in creating a portlet that deals with MS Exchange?
> I'm looking for information on how to view calendar, inbox...etc.

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Re: Unable to use multipart/mixed

2002-10-07 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

Yes, I think this too.
Do you know if it is an assigned bug ?


Paul Spencer wrote:

> This is a Turbine problem.  In short Turbine is discarding the file.  
> I believe this is done in the their ParameterParser.
> Paul Spencer
> Jean-Christophe Kermagoret wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I can't get file through a multipart/mixed form. The rundata object 
>> contains fields but not files.
>> If I use a multipart/form-data, I have nothing at all.
>> In the, everything seems OK.
>> Any idea ?
>> Thank you
>> -- 
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Re: Unable to use multipart/mixed

2002-10-07 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

Yes, I tried it and nothing happens.

Weaver, Scott wrote:

>Have you tried RunData.getParamters().getFileItem("form_field_name")?
>>-Original Message-
>>From: Jean-Christophe Kermagoret [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Monday, October 07, 2002 5:05 AM
>>To: Jetspeed Users List
>>Subject: Unable to use multipart/mixed
>>I can't get file through a multipart/mixed form. The rundata object
>>contains fields but not files.
>>If I use a multipart/form-data, I have nothing at all.
>>In the, everything seems OK.
>>Any idea ?
>>Thank you
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Unable to use multipart/mixed

2002-10-07 Thread Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

I can't get file through a multipart/mixed form. The rundata object 
contains fields but not files.
If I use a multipart/form-data, I have nothing at all.

In the, everything seems OK.

Any idea ?

Thank you

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Referencing FORM ELEMENT in a Portlet

2002-07-30 Thread QUERTEMONT Christophe


I have a html form with checkboxes and a togglecheck box that checks or
uncheck all the checkboxes in my portlet.

my form is created like this : 






when I use the following javascript syntax :

I got an error saying that document.selectedForm.toggleCheckAll is null
! On the other hand if I run the same JSP outside the portlet it works
fine !

Does anyone know how to reference a form in a portlet ?

Thanks !,


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Referencing FORM ELEMENT in a Portlet

2002-07-30 Thread QUERTEMONT Christophe

I have a html form with checkboxes and a togglecheck box that checks or
uncheck all the checkboxes in my portlet.
my form is created like this : 






when I use the following javascript syntax :
I got an error saying that document.selectedForm.toggleCheckAll is null
! On the other hand if I run the same JSP outside the portlet it works
fine !
Does anyone know how to reference a form in a portlet ?
Thanks !,
Mobile phone : +32(0475)918.677

User Informations

2002-07-25 Thread QUERTEMONT Christophe

How can I get information about any user (not the one logged in) in a
portlet just by knowing the userName ? 
Is there any "User" object with a constructor accepting a userId ?



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RE: getInitParamter - JSP

2002-07-24 Thread QUERTEMONT Christophe


It will be nice if you could publish your code ...

Thanks for your time ...


There is a way to get the run data in your JSP : 
RunData data = (RunData)pageContext.getAttribute(JspService.RUNDATA,

-Original Message-
From: Wimmer, Matthias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: mercredi 24 juillet 2002 16:46
To: 'Jetspeed Users List'
Subject: RE: getInitParamter - JSP


I had the same problem. I didn't get access neither to any of the
portlet's properties nor to the rundata nor to the skin and so on. 

I solved the problem by implementing a new class which is a little bit
similar to the VelocityPortlet. If you are interested, I will publish
the source code. You can access the initial data by


best regards

> -Original Message-----
> From: QUERTEMONT Christophe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 8:23 AM
> To: Jetspeed
> Subject: FW: getInitParamter - JSP
> How can I call getInitParamter from a JSP ?
> Thanks,
> QUERTEMONT Christophe
> --
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FW: getInitParamter - JSP

2002-07-24 Thread QUERTEMONT Christophe

How can I call getInitParamter from a JSP ?



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(another try) Xsl portlet, action class and parameters

2002-01-03 Thread Christophe Mercier

I've got no answers to my question so I try to ask again. Thanks for
your help.

Im trying to pass a parameter to a XSL portlet from another one.

The first XSL portlet show link to documents

I want to pass the document rerefrence to another Xsl Portlet which
present information about the document chosen.

Any idea to do this ?

I start to write an Action class but I dont know how to get the
destination portletconfig to set the parameter (I see in sources that
the XSL portlet pass parameters to the stylesheet with the
Initparameters from portletConfig).

Hope you understand my problem.

Thanks for those who could help me.

Christophe Mercier 
R&D Banque
Sopra Group
Tél : +33 (0)4 50 33 31 66  email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Xsl portlet, action class and parameters

2001-12-18 Thread Christophe Mercier

Im trying to pass a parameter to a XSL portlet from another one.

The first XSL portlet show link to documents

I want to pass the document rerefrence to another Xsl Portlet which
present information about the document chosen.

Any idea to do this ?

I start to write an Action class but I dont know how to get the
destination portletconfig to set the parameter (I see in sources that
the XSL portlet pass parameters to the stylesheet with the
Initparameters from portletConfig).

Hope you understand my problem.

Thanks for those who could help me.

Christophe Mercier 
R&D Banque
Sopra Group
Tél : +33 (0)4 50 33 31 66  email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Porlet, classes and Jsp

2001-11-21 Thread Christophe Mercier

Hi all,

I'm curently working on a porlet which must display a Jsp according to a
parameter in the session. The parameter is the name of the Jsp.

My porlet is binded to a Class, so i have to return the Jsp in the
getContent method.

How can i do that ?

Is ConcreteElement can be a Jsp ?

Is my Jsp compile before displayed ?

Any help appreciate

Christophe Mercier 
R&D Banque
Sopra Group
Tél : +33 (0)4 50 33 31 66  email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Solaris 2.6

2001-11-19 Thread Jean-Christophe Drouet

Yes we did. is based on that.

What kind of feedback are you looking for ?


Laurent MALLET a écrit :

> Hi,
> Did someone ever compil Tomcat and use
> jetspeed on Solaris 2.6 ?
> I'm looking for feedback.
> Thanks.
> Laurent.
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RE: Proxy cache problem

2001-09-30 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

Hello paul,

Thanks for your answer, but, unfortunately, this does'nt seems to work
I am using JSP templates. So I added the  tags in default.jsp file.
I think the problem comes from turbine servlet... I am using a simple
program that parse HTTP Headers. My program never find these instructions. 
If I add these instructions directly in turbine Servlet it works fine... but
I don't think it is a very nice way to proceed
Do you have a better idea than modifying turbine servlet ?
Thanks in advance.

-Message d'origine-
De : Paul Spencer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 28 septembre 2001 20:44
Objet : Re: Proxy cache problem

If your proxy server will use  data in the page, then the
following to the  element of

Paul Spencer

Christophe MESTRALLET wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following problem :
> I am using Jetspeed behind a proxy server.
> Unfortunately, the proxy server serves cached files.
> I want to add something like :
>  response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
>  response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
>  response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0);
> on the response but I don't know were to put these instructions
> could you please help me ?
> Thanks.
> Christophe Mestrallet
> -
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Proxy cache problem

2001-09-28 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I have the following problem :
I am using Jetspeed behind a proxy server. 
Unfortunately, the proxy server serves cached files.
I want to add something like :
 response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); 
 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); 
 response.setDateHeader("Expires", 0); 

on the response but I don't know were to put these instructions

could you please help me ?


Christophe Mestrallet

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portlet API 2 : Please help !!!

2001-09-07 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET


I have downloaded portlet API2 from cvs.
It works fine 
But I have a simple question : How can I deploy my own portlet
I know how to deply a portlet with API 1 but I have no idea with API 2

Could you please help me ?


> Christophe Mestrallet
> Chef de projet
> Axemble
> for Corporate Departments
> Tel : 04 78 87 29 29
> Fax : 04 78 87 29 00

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Re: Jetspeed installation problem- tar:checksumdirectory error

2001-07-06 Thread Jean-Christophe Drouet

Solaris tar is known to be broken.
Install GNU tar instead.
(Solaris binaries available from

Pavan a écrit :

> Hi all, I am unable to install the latset version of jetspeed on my
> Solaris(i86) machine.The gz file is unzipped into tar and when I try
> to untar(using the  tar -xvf command),I get atar:checksum directory
> errorI have downloaded the src.tgz from different sources but the
> problem persists.(Note: The direct installation of  the war
> package(viz. jetspeed.war.tgz) works finebut I  am not getting the
> email confirmation) Please help me out,Thanks &
> There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own
> way
> M V Pavan Kumar
> D C R C I
> Bangalore
> Ph :+91-080-2861722 extn 219/225
> e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Clean install from CVS - ERROR

2001-06-21 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

try to replace jaxp.jar and parser.jar in Tomcat's lib directory by the
following files :

-Message d'origine-
De : Bruno Lowagie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : jeudi 21 juin 2001 11:43
Objet : Clean install from CVS - ERROR

I have shutdown Tomcat.
I removed everything from Jetspeed1.3a1.
Then I built a war file from cvs (Jetspeed1.3a2-dev).
I put it in my webapps-dir.
I ran to restart tomcat.

But when I tested, I got the following error:

[Thu Jun 21 11:38:11 CEST 2001] -- INFO -- SimpleTransform: 
transforming url:
with stylesheet:
[Thu Jun 21 11:38:11 CEST 2001] -- ERROR -- Invalid SAX Transformer:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Namespace not supported by
[Thu Jun 21 11:38:11 CEST 2001] -- ERROR -- 
Exception:  org.xml.sax.SAXException: problem in SAX transform:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Namespace not supported by
Stack Trace follows:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: problem in SAX transform:
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Namespace not supported by

What is wrong?

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RE: Customize Not Saving Changes

2001-06-21 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I have the same problem.
It seems to come from the  doStartTag method of the JetspeedPaneTag Class :
I have tried a fix but I don't know if it is a good one perhaps raphael
has a better solution ?

the old code whas the following :

if ((name == null) || "default".equals(name) || "".equals(name))
result = data.getProfile().getRootSet().getContent(data);

I replaced with the following :
if ((name == null) || "default".equals(name) || "".equals(name))
PSMLDocument doc = data.getProfile().getDocument();
if (doc != null)
result = PortalToolkit.getSet(doc.getPortlets())

I Hope this will help you.

Christophe Mestrallet

-Message d'origine-
De : McClelland, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : mercredi 20 juin 2001 00:12
Objet : RE: Customize Not Saving Changes

I have noticed the same problem.  Logging out and logging back in causes
the change in customization to take effect.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Williams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 12:38 AM
Subject: Customize Not Saving Changes

customize not customizing.  after I make my selections on the customize 
screen and click finish none of my selections are saved.  it doesn't
or let me know that nothing was saved, it just goes back to my main
any ideas?

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Using "image" MetaInfo in Jetspeed

2001-06-15 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I am currently using a Jetspeed version I downloaded from the CVS at the
beginning of the week

I need to specify an image for a portlet.
In the portlet registry, I specify "image" MetaInfo. Unfortunately, It
doesn't seems to be supported by Jetspeed.
When I use the following Method :
getPortlet.getPortletConfig().getMetaInfo().getImage(), it doesn't return
the image.

The problem seems to come from
JetspeedPortalFactoryService.getMetaData(PortletEntry) Method :
this method fills title and description fields, but ignore Image field...
Am I right ? Is it normal ? 

I have another problem with Jetspeed customisation  :
User can customize their page, but they need to Logout/Login to see the
changes. Does anyone else have this problem ?

Thanks in advance....

> Christophe Mestrallet
> Chef de projet
> Axemble
> for Corporate Departments
> Tel : 04 78 87 29 29
> Fax : 04 78 87 29 00

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RE: Problem with Oracle database...

2001-06-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I have got the same Database problem using Jetspeed on Tomcat with an Oracle

here is the wzy i solved it :
 - put  classes12.jar file in tomcat 'lib' directory
 - add the following lines in tomcat.bat file :
if exist "%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib\" set

I don't know if it is really clean, but it worked for me.

I hope this will help you

Christophe Mestrallet   
Axemble for corporate departments

-Message d'origine-
De : BERWART Thierry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 8 juin 2001 15:09
Objet : Problem with Oracle database...


I am new here ...

I just installed jetspeed and I changed the
file with this :


I created all the table needed by jetspeed and 2 users.

But when I try to login, I have these errors :

One for the database :
java.lang.Error: Error in
BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): Database type
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver not implemented.

and another with "TurbineWebMacroService" :

ServiceBroker: unknown service  TurbineWebMacroService requested

perhaps I must install webmacro ?

I thought that there was a problem with the odbc driver but I put a jar
with the oracle java classes in the /web-inf/lib ...

please help me ... !!!



errors :

[Fri Jun 08 15:00:32 CEST 2001] --  ERROR  -- 
Exception:  java.lang.Error: Error in
BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): Database type
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver not implemented.
Stack Trace follows:
java.lang.Error: Error in
BasePeer.initTableSchema(TURBINE_USER): Database type
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver not implemented.
at org.apache.turbine.modules.Action.perform(
at org.apache.turbine.modules.Action.perform(
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(

[Fri Jun 08 15:00:32 CEST 2001] -- NOTICE  -- Created a CapabilityMap
for agent:  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
[Fri Jun 08 15:00:32 CEST 2001] -- NOTICE  -- Layout: set type to
[Fri Jun 08 15:00:32 CEST 2001] --  ERROR  -- 
ServiceBroker: unknown service TurbineWebMacroService requested
Stack Trace follows:
ServiceBroker: unknown service TurbineWebMacroService requested

Customization problem...

2001-06-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET


I am currently using the latest jetspeed version from CVS, and I have
problem with customization.
I log  in using turbine user.
I customize my home page(adding or removing portlets), but nothing change in
the home page...
I have the following information in jetspeed.log :

[Fri Jun 08 10:46:06 GMT 2001] -- ERROR -- PSMLManager: Error writing PSML
Exception: no protocol:
Stack Trace follows: no protocol:
Compiled Code)
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.customize.CustomizePortlet.storeFile(Cus, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.turbine.modules.Action.perform(, Compiled
at org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader.exec(,
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader.exec(,
Compiled Code)
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doGet(, Compiled Code)
at org.apache.turbine.Turbine.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(, Compiled
Compiled Code)
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(, Compiled
org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(, Compiled
Compiled Code)
org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(, Compiled
org.apache.tomcat.service.http.HttpConnectionHandler.processConnection(HttpC, Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
Compiled Code)
at, Compiled Code)

[Fri Jun 08 10:46:06 GMT 2001] -- INFO -- HTML file successfully written... 

Does anybody have an idea 


> Christophe Mestrallet
> Chef de projet
> Axemble
> for Corporate Departments
> Tel : 04 78 87 29 29
> Fax : 04 78 87 29 00

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RE: build problem

2001-06-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I hope this is what you want 

--- 2001/06/06 22:28:58 1.7
+++ 2001/06/08 10:00:31
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
 Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current
-public void addPortlet(Portlet portlet, Constraints constraints)
+public void addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 Add a portlet to this set.It updates its config to modify the current
-public void addPortlet(Portlet portlet, Constraints constraints, int
+public void addPortlet(Portlet portlet, PortletSet.Constraints
constraints, int position)
 synchronized (portlets)

-Message d'origine-
De : Raphaël Luta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 8 juin 2001 11:54
Objet : Re: build problem

Christophe MESTRALLET wrote:
> I am using JDK 1.2.2 on windows NT4
> I have made what you told me to in step 3 (replace Constraints reference
> PortletSet.Constraints ) and it works !!!

I'll change it in CVS then in order to be more friendly to other compilers,
can you send a diff -u of your changes ?

Raphael Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vivendi Universal Networks - Paris

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RE: build problem

2001-06-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET

I am using JDK 1.2.2 on windows NT4
I have made what you told me to in step 3 (replace Constraints reference to
PortletSet.Constraints ) and it works !!!

thanks a lot !

-Message d'origine-
De : Raphaël Luta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Envoyé : vendredi 8 juin 2001 11:39
Objet : Re: build problem

Christophe MESTRALLET wrote:
> Hello,
> I just downloaded CVS version of jetspeed this morning and I can't build
> it
> Buld system can't compile class BasePortletSet.
> here are the two main error messages I have :
> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\
> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.BasePortletSet must be declared abstract. It
> not define void addPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet,
> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletSet.Constraints) from interface
> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletSet
> src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ Class
> org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Constraints not found in void
> addPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet, int)
> the  file is not in the portal directory...

This looks like a compiler issue : Constraints is a sub-interface of
PortletSet but your compiler seems to look for

1. Make sure you try from a 'build clean'
2. Can you tell which compiler/JDK you're using on which OS ?
3. If the above fails,can you try the following fix:
change all Constraints reference to PortletSet.Constraints in 
BasePortletSet and check if the compiler accepts this...

FYI, I compile without issue a fresh CVS checkout on Win2000
with JDK 1.3 using javac.

Raphael Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Vivendi Universal Networks - Paris

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build problem

2001-06-08 Thread Christophe MESTRALLET


I just downloaded CVS version of jetspeed this morning and I can't build
Buld system can't compile class BasePortletSet.
here are the two main error messages I have :

org.apache.jetspeed.portal.BasePortletSet must be declared abstract. It does
not define void addPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet,
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.PortletSet.Constraints) from interface

src\java\org\apache\jetspeed\portal\ Class
org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Constraints not found in void
addPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portal.Portlet, int)

the  file is not in the portal directory...

Can you help me ?


Christophe Mestrallet

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