Got the following from a Polish "source"; if it sounds a bit awkward, it's due to my translation. If there's a moral to the story, it's not likely to be amusing to the majority of readers (women), I'm afraid :)

From: J.B.

God says: "Which car you'll drive in Heaven depends on whether you've been faithful to your spouse"

One day, three men show up at God's Heavenly Court.

The first one says: "Dear God, please, be merciful! I know I've ben unfaithful to my wife, but there were so many beautiful women on earth, I wanted them all!"

God replies: "You should be ashamed of yourself! For punishment, you'll drive a 20yrs old Skoda" (Skoda is a Czech car, reputedly made mostly of cardboard)

The second man comes up for the judgement and says: "Dear God, I was unfaithful only once, and I am very, very sorry for it. Please, don't be too severe."

God replies: "You are right to be sorry; you too should be ashamed of yourself. But, since you do repent, I'll grant you a 5yr old BMW"

"Dear God, you'll be so proud of me," says the third man. "I have never been unfaithful to my wife, I loved her above anything, bought her roses daily... I cleaned the house, did all the shopping and cooking... We travelled the world together..."

"That's quite enough" says God "I am, indeed, proud of you. As a reward, you can claim any car you want"

Two weeks pass... The first two men see the third one stop in the middle of a crossing in his brand new, shiny Rolls Royce. He's sitting in the car, blinded by tears.

"Man, what are you crying about???" they ask. "Here you are, in the car of your dreams... What's your problem?"

"Yes, but" says the third man brokenly "I just saw my wife... She was on roller skates!"

Tamara P Duvall   
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
              Healthy US through The No-CARB Diet:
    no C-heney, no A-shcroft, no R-umsfeld, no B-ush.

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