Re: [LegacyUG] relationship chart

2018-08-27 Thread Jerry Case
First, as a long-time programmer and software tester (several decades 
ago!) I love Legacy and am astounded with what its developers have been 
able to accomplish with the software.
Secondly, the point about 'human factors' is well taken. At IBM new PC 
software was usually run through what we called 'Usability Labs'.  Both 
the software itself and the associated manuals were tested with 
volunteers /unassociated/ with the product development. Almost always, 
problems were found.
Probably, the modern short (revenue centric) development cycle would 
have trouble getting approval for an activity of this type. Note that 
even beta testers don't realize that they have biases in evaluating a 
product that they have been involved with.
In any case, I wish the Legacy developers well and I hope that they 
continue producing high-value, low-cost software.

On 8/27/2018 7:51 AM, William (Bill) R. Linhart wrote:
Barton, I feel the same way about finding a lot of things in Legacy.  
I don't think you are alone.

I would suggest they they bring in an IT-Human-Factors engineer or 
whatever they call them today.


On Sat, Aug 25, 2018 at 10:26 PM, BARTON LEWIS>> wrote:

Where in Legacy is the report that shows two people's descent
from a common ancestor? I have been through every tab under
Reports>Chart Reports and I can't find it.  Thanks.



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[LegacyUG] Media File separation

2018-08-17 Thread Jerry Case
In our Legacy User group here in WA it has been suggested that media 
files can be separated into groups (photos, PDFs, Documents, etc) as 
long as they are placed in files subordinate to the Legacy Media file 

Is this correct and, if so, does it make sense?

Jerry Case



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Re: [LegacyUG] Changing Programs?

2018-03-10 Thread Jerry Case

Kathy -
I'm another former FTM user who switched to Legacy about three years 
ago. Even though I am still in the process of dealing with my media 
file, it's well worth the effort as Legacy is a far better program. I 
just wish that I had known about the media file conversion program.
I would *HIGHLY *recommend joining the Legacy Webinar program as the 
webinars are invaluable and range from beginner to expert in material.  
First, watch the webinars for new Legacy users.  Some of the webinars 
are free, especially when they are new but an annual membership is only 
about $50 and is well worth it.

Good Luck!
Jerry Case, Whidbey Island, WA
On 3/10/2018 12:10 PM, Henk wrote:

Hi Kathy,

Concur completely with Ken. I used FTM for years but since they 
stopped I had to find something else. Not happy at all. Explored some 
programs but Legacy stood out. I still think the breadth and depth of 
Legacy is unsurpassed. Changing over was easy: After having made all 
backups one can think of, I opened my newly acquired Legacy and just 
imported my files from FTW into Legacy. Voila, all fine, all good, 
huge relief. Since that day I have come to value and appreciate Legacy 
even more. What a clunker of a program FTW is compared to Legacy! One 
thing though: Because of the many features of the program, albeit not 
a steep learning pat6h, it is a very long learning path to discover 
and master all ins and outs.



[] *On Behalf Of *Kathy 

*Sent:* Sunday, 11 March 2018 4:50 AM
*To:* Legacy User Group
*Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] Changing Programs?

I would create a gedcom to upload into your new program and then 
prepare to review each entry to add and verify notes, media, sources 
and various event entries. Each program uses its own format and I 
don’t believe any of them will import directly and guarantee and 
complete and accurate transfer of 100% of all data.  I will be 
interested to see responses.

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 10:15 AM Genechaser <>> wrote:

I presently using Family Tree Maker 2005 (a fairly old one).
However, Family Tree Maker (FTW) is now in the hands of McKiev
since the demise of, (they have been gobbled up by and I am not a member of Ancestry). There were  a
number of things I could do in FTW software like saving reports to
desktop other than to My Documents, exporting a file to .pdf –
things I am unable to do now. As a result, I am thinking very
seriously of changing software for my family genealogy.

I have a huge concern, however. I have spent the better part of 17
years accumulating information on my families and I don’t want to
lose any of this information. Some of my files are huge. So here
is my question:

Is there a way I can transfer all my files to Legacy? Has anybody
on the list ever done this? I am scared to death to lose any of
this information.

I would be grateful for any information and guidance readers can
give me,



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Re: [LegacyUG] MyHeritage DNA test

2018-01-22 Thread Jerry Case
I agree with Ian, especially on the primacy of FTDNA (Family Tree DNA) 
which is run by real geneticists. They are capable professionals.
Generally speaking, you can trust Y-DNA pretty thoroughly but autosomal 
DNA requires a lot more research and education.  As others have stated, 
ethnicity tests depend upon the population which the particular DNA 
organization has used to build its data base.
For genealogical purposes, in my opinion, DNA results are best used as 
hints for further documentary results.  The data is a tool rather than a 
specific source and it requires a lot of education for proper 

Jerry Case
On 1/21/2018 10:07 PM, Ian Macaulay wrote:
Now that is not quite true,   My DNA proved conclusively that I am not 
the viking I believed I was and for that matter not the Scott Either.
Turns out that we are Irish and there are at least 16 of us who were 
not at all known to each other and who are spread around the world, 
who submitted the DNA for testing.   Since then we have come close to 
verifying the relationships on paper .

Now to be clear this was YDNA, ( male line) and it has taken years to 
get this far.  I do not know about the other companies but FTDNA has 
been fantastic,

But it only takes one boat full of Asians to land in Norway and 
propogate and the gene pool is now fuzzy as all get out.

I wear my Kilt and cowboy boots, and carry my Shillelagh with pride 
under my Horn bearing stetson.


> On 1/21/2018 11:31 AM, Kevin Ferguson wrote:
> --
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> Jerry Case <>
> Monday, 22 January 2018 4:46 AM
> Kevin -
> This has been discussed before and, as I remember, the answer is that
> the autosomal results are too massive to include in Legacy. Plus, they
> would be difficult to interpret in Legacy. Putting the lengthy raw
> results into Legacy would swell the files unacceptably.
> Jerry Case
> On 1/21/2018 11:31 AM, Kevin Ferguson wrote:
> Kevin Ferguson <>
> Monday, 22 January 2018 3:31 AM
> Hello,
> I have the results from a Myhertiage DNA test. I have one for myself
> and my wife. How do I go about adding this to my Legacy family tree?
> The DNA test was an autosumal test but I don't see that listed on the
> add DNA screen.
> The results  are rather intriguing and I have no idea how far back the
> tests would go back to but as far as I can see the test results don't
> match the research I have (I am back to 1780). I find no North
> African, Nigerian nor Finnish connection in my direct line ancestors.
> I agree with the English portion though :). It is a little bit
> surprising not to find any Celtic markers given that my name is
> Ferguson, my paternal grandmother was MacDonald and I have documented
> proof of Scottish kin on my mother's side. It is all rather perplexing
> and I have no idea why it should be so puzzling. My father's ancestors
> didn't even leave the county of their births for 300 years!
> Any assistance would be greatfullly received.
> Best regards
> Kevin Ferguson

Re: [LegacyUG] MyHeritage DNA test

2018-01-21 Thread Jerry Case

Kevin -
This has been discussed before and, as I remember, the answer is that 
the autosomal results are too massive to include in Legacy. Plus, they 
would be difficult to interpret in Legacy. Putting the lengthy raw 
results into Legacy would swell the files unacceptably.

Jerry Case
On 1/21/2018 11:31 AM, Kevin Ferguson wrote:


I have the results from a Myhertiage DNA test. I have one for myself 
and my wife. How do I go about adding this to my Legacy family tree? 
The DNA test was an autosumal test but I don't see that listed on the 
add DNA screen.

The results  are rather intriguing and I have no idea how far back the 
tests would go back to but as far as I can see the test results don't 
match the research I have (I am back to 1780). I find no North 
African, Nigerian nor Finnish connection in my direct line ancestors. 
I agree with the English portion though :). It is a little bit 
surprising not to find any Celtic markers given that my name is 
Ferguson, my paternal grandmother was MacDonald and I have documented 
proof of Scottish kin on my mother's side. It is all rather perplexing 
and I have no idea why it should be so puzzling. My father's ancestors 
didn't even leave the county of their births for 300 years!

Any assistance would be greatfullly received.

Best regards

Kevin Ferguson <>

Numbers 6:24-26

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Re: [LegacyUG] Sharing data

2017-11-08 Thread Jerry Case

I had a similar problem when converting from Familytreemaker to Legacy.
The real problem here is the */Gedcom standard/* which is way out of 
date and can't handle image information. There was a recent attempt to 
modify the standard but nothing seems to have come of it.
What I had to do was to centralize all my images and then, one by one, 
connect them to people in my Legacy file. One helpful tool in Legacy is 
the 'Picture Center' which allows the user to go through the collected 
images and the file individuals and connect the two.

Jerry Case
On 11/7/2017 2:38 PM, Andreas Soeli wrote:

A friend and I have shared family data for 20 years, each of us adding 
new people, and now and then we join them by adding my new people to 
his system via gedcom. We have used an old DOS system, Family Edge. I 
have been non-active the last years, but now I will start again. 
Meanwhile my friend has converted to Legacy 8, and I have also 
installed it. My Legacy 9 is empty. My friend has connected more than 
2000 pictures to the persons (impossible in Fam.Edge.) I exported a 
gedcom file from his system and imported it to my system, but the 
pictures were omitted.

I tried 2 diff. methods: Under Export, gedcom: 'Make file for Legacy', 
and .fdb: 'Export to a new Legacy file'  (My Legacy is in norwegian), 
but without success.

To save a lot of work I want to import the links to pictures as well.

I tried another way: I copied the entire Legacy Family Tree directory 
(close to 300 GB) from his PC to an USB disk, hoping this would work 
ok. But NO. I can not find any .fdb file to open. All the more than 
700 files at DATA-directory are all zipped.

Do anyone have a solution for me ?

Thanks in advance, Andreas Søli

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