Re: Is this better for tomsrtbt?

2001-04-21 Thread Karsten M. Self

on Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 11:33:27PM -0400, Tom Oehser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > ...well, it doesn't fold in mail well
> Good point.  I'll work on that...
> > Why your own variant of the BSD license instead of a lightly adapted
> > one?  The issue is more one of cognitive distance than of unsuitedness
> Well, the BSD license is basically trying to say, as I read it:
>  Don't sue me or pretend I endorse your stuff in your advertising.
> My license says, or attempts to say:
>  Don't cp my stuff wholesale and make out like you did the work.
> I don't feel it is necessary to explicitly protect myself from ad men
> pretending I endorse their product, and I'm happy with only a few words
> that there are no guarantees.  But I really didn't like it when I saw
> high percentages of stuff on other distributions used without credit.
> I am flattered if they use the stuff.  But I expect a note saying "this
> work makes liberal use of stuff from X at http://Y by [EMAIL PROTECTED]", and that
> is what I want to make clear is required.  Which, though included in some
> licenses, is not as much the central focus for _why_ there is any license
> at all, for them, as it is for me...

I thought I knew the law, but it appears I'm wrong.   Was all ready to
say "but you've got that right by law".  Maybe not.

US Copyright law has very weak attribution rights -- as best I can tell
only an author of "a work of visual art" has the right "to claimm
authorship of a work" or "prevent the use of his or her name as author
of any work" (17 USC 106A).  There doesn't appear to be a general
attribution protection.  Section 501(a) explicitly states:

Anyone who violates any of the exclusive rights of the copyright
owner as provided by sections 106 through 121 or of the author as
provided in section 106A(a)

...note the carve-out for authors, and that it references only 106(a),
which covers only works of visual art.

IANAL, so...Larry or Rod?

Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal

 PGP signature

Re: Is this better for tomsrtbt?

2001-04-21 Thread Tom Oehser

> What is it you want to protect?

I'll give you an example.

My bootdisk currently includes a that I have down to only
416,361 bytes.  More than 2 years ago, back in October of 1998, I had it
only down to 432,684 bytes.  I havn't distributed that binary for
about 2 years.  Now, guess what file is currently in use
on the MuLinux distribution?  Yep, the 432,684 byte one I created about
2 years ago.  Now, the author of MuLinux does *not* mention that he used
a bunch (more than just this) of stuff directly out of tomsrtbt, he did
*not* ever contact me about how to build it that small, and I would be
curious in the abstract to know what he would do if someone asked him
for the source code sufficient to rebuild it.  Now, it is within 3 years
of when I distributed it- so he could still ask me for the source to the
libc I distributed 2 years ago- and he does mention tomsrtbt positively
as another minilinux to check out- but I think it is fair that I require
that users of anything I *can* require this of, give me credit.  (Note:
this is not meant to single out MuLinux, there are others doing the same
thing).  At a MINIMUM, it is only fair that a user of one of these know
where the stuff came from, after all, what if I stuck a trojan in it?  I
really want any object file created by a compiler on my machine to be so
documented.  It isn't fair that users of these distributions are allowed
to have the impression that their distribution author actually built it.
In fact, I *do* build everything on tomsrtbt directly from source, and I
*don't* crib stuff without giving fair credit to the authors and others
who do the work.

I want to prevent people from taking the binary objects and copying them
into their own mini distributions without mentioning where they got them.

I guess one question I have is, suppose I have on my web site:


Where hello.c is a GPL program and a.out is an object file that I
artistically chose to use "-m386 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
-fno-strength-reduce", stripped with ELF-Tiny elf object utilities,
used an older GCC to save a few bytes, and cetera.

GPL prevents me from adding restrictions to 'the program'.  Well, I am not
restricting it- it is right there- "hello.c" is the program- and I'm glad
to include the *instructions* for how to build it the smallest way- and
the intent of the GPL is clearly to protect the freedom of the source.

What I don't like is other people just copying the *actual binary* without
giving any credit or acknoledgement that *they* don't want to bother to
compile it *themselves*.  As long as they mention where they got it, I'm
fine with it.

So, in the case above, am I required not to add the 'give credit and
mention where you got it' clause to the binary object, even if I make the
source code available without any such restriction?

The GPL doesn't really clarify this, it is, after all, aiming at the
source code, and there is probably no consideration that anyone would
*care* about a particular binary compile output.

Now, I can *definitely* apply this restriction to all the scripts and Luas
that I wrote from scratch, *maybe* apply it to the agglomeration and the
arrangement (such as using a very small gzipped root and bzip2ed /usr, is
that copyrightable?) and *maybe* apply it to my versions of the documents
and man pages.  It is *possible* that I can apply it to binary objects
where I am making the program *in source* available *without* restriction,
but I dunno from reading the licenses.  But I can *ABSOLUTELY* make it
clear that this is my desire, want, and expectation, to the fullest extent
legally available to me.  That is what I'm getting at, in my license- "as
far as legally possible, if you reuse ANY of this, you must give credit
to the source".


Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatiblewit

2001-04-21 Thread phil hunt

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Angelo Schneider wrote:
> Hi!
> In Europe APIs are not "copyright able".
> No idea about the US.
> However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is
> copyrighted.
> However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a given
> API.
> Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat file
> format for a word processor are not copyright able)

This will change under the new EU copyright law, where it will be illegal
to decrypt any encrypted file format (e.g. DVD) without the copyright
holder's permission.
* Phil Hunt * 
"An unforseen issue has arisen with your computer. Don't worry your silly 
little head about what has gone wrong; here's a pretty animation of a 
paperclip to look at instead."
 -- Windows2007 error message

Re: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-21 Thread John Cowan

Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. scripsit:

> "Java Platform Interface. In the event that Licensee creates an
> additional API(s) which: (i) extends the functionality of a
> Java Environment; and, (ii) is exposed to third party software
> developers for the purpose of developing additional software which
> invokes such additional API, Licensee must promptly publish broadly an
> accurate specification for such API for free use by all developers."
> One wonders whether that provision is consistent with the First Amendment.

Whyever not?  A private party can compel speech from you if you agree
to be so bound, surely.  After all, it can compel silence easily enough,
as in NDAs.

> Even so, it is clear that it is consistent with Sun's view on the
> copyrightability of Java APIs. The link to the entire license, which
> includes provisions concerning the development kit and a rather odd
> provision regarding the Windows platform:

That provision arises because Sun is bound by Microsoft not to use
the Windows look-and-feel off the Windows platform.  If Sun cannot,
you cannot either using Sun's tools.

Or so Sun interprets the restrictions on it, anyway.

One art/there is/no less/no more/All things/to do/with sparks/galore
--Douglas Hofstadter

RE: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatiblewit

2001-04-21 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Lawrence E. Rosen wrote:
> Even if a company were to argue successfully that its API is *both*
> expressive and substantive, and thus protectible as copyrightable subject
> matter, I would argue that access to the API for the purpose of preparing
> independent (compatible or incompatible) software, even including making
> copies, is still allowed under the fair use provisions of the copyright act.
> As the court held in Sega v. Accolade, 977 F.2d 1510, 1521-1524 (9th Cir.
> 1992), in analyzing the four factors justifying a fair use defense:

Compelling.  If not "ironclad", this does appear to be the decision I was
looking to be able to cite regarding the enforceability of copyright of an
API over implementations.  Thanks Larry; I'm now done with this topic.  =)


Re: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-21 Thread Brian Behlendorf

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Tom Hull wrote:
> After watching this argument roll around and around, it's tempting to just
> say "no". A "no" answer could be derived from any of the following:
>  1) If the API is not copyrightable and enforceable.

Conceded, it is in doubt whether the implementation is always a
derivative work of an API.

>  2) If the proposed copyright-based restrictions are contrary to the OSD.

I've not heard anyone claim this to be the case.  Which provision of the
OSD would it violate?

>  3) If the restrictions undermine its acceptance and usability.

yep, left to historians.

> > If the GPL's ethos is "access to source code is paramount",
> The key point is not just access to the source code: it is the right to
> modify the source code, to create something new from that, and the right
> to make those modifications available to others.

No.  To the author who places their work under the GPL, it's more
important that an author of a derived work also place their code under the
GPL (biggest practical impact: the author of the derived work has to
publish their modifications) than it is to have the rights you list above.
I.e., you do not have the right to modify/redistribute *unless* you also
publish under the GPL. The BSD license, on the other hand, grants broader
rights to modify/redistribute under the license of one's choosing, so long
as you follow a few procedural requirements.

> I think the right to modify an API is implicit in GPL.

No question.  The point I was making is that in the same way that the
GPL's main philosophical objective is to advocate the availability of
source code by placing requirements on derived works, another license may
have as its philosophical objective the advocacy of implementations
conformant to the APIs they claim to implement.


RE: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatiblewit

2001-04-21 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

> -Original Message-
> From: Lawrence E. Rosen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 11:24 PM
> Subject: RE: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection

> Finally, one CAN use trademark law -- with all its strengths and
> weaknesses -- to prevent third parties from applying your
> trademark to their
> goods, or to prevent third parties from applying your
> certification mark to
> their incompatible goods.  For example, legitimate trademarks or
> certification marks for "Java" or "Windows," (if they exist; I haven't
> searched!) could be used to prevent people from forking Java and Windows
> APIs and still calling those imprecise implementations "Java" or
> "Windows."

Hello Larry,

Good point! Microsoft fought like hell to obtain a federally registered
trademark on "Microsoft Windows." After initial failure, there persistence
eventually paid off. Sun claims to have a common law trademark on various
iterations of "Java," but no federal registration has been obtained. Of
course, Sun used its trademark and license as a basis to file suit against
Microsoft for "implementing" the Java API in an incompatible manner.
Although it looks as if the terms of the settlement agreement allow
Microsoft to continue to support (and, perhaps, promote) third party Java
application development on the Windows platform that is incompatible with
the Sun API, - - but without use of the common law java trademark - - it's
unclear  from the terms whether Microsoft agreed it was paying to license a
copyright interest in Sun's Java API. We know Microsoft did not pay to
license the trademark.
> I hope that other attorneys on this discussion list will help me evaluate
> whether a court challenge to the use of the copyright law to
> protect APIs is
> likely to succeed [SNIP]

I think this is a difficult question to answer in the abstract. Microsoft
seems to have raised the argument indirectly (and quite cautiously) in its
antitrust litigation. Judge Jackson did not give the argument much response,
but during oral argument before the D.C. Circuit, one could have drawn an
inference that the D.C. Circuit might actually be sympathetic to a clearly
presented argument. Hence, I think a court challenge to the use of the
copyright law to protect APIs would be a gamble.  It might be better to
expect that courts will apply the abstraction/filtration test or the
idea/expression dichotomy in cases claiming infringement of the copyright in
a set of APIs in a manner that filters out those claims or flatly rejects

One final note: one might argue that such a use of copyright constitutes
copyright misuse, if faced with a claim of infringement. I do not know
whether Microsoft raised that defense in its answer to the Sun lawsuit. The
downside to this argument is that copyright misuse is a judicial doctrine
without a statutory basis or explicit support from the Supremes. Hence, many
courts reject the defense entirely or limit it to "antitrust-like" issues.


Rod Dixon
Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
Rutgers University Law School - Camden

Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection compatiblewit

2001-04-21 Thread Angelo Schneider

Hi all!

Rod Dixon wrote:
> >
> Those are very good thoughts, if I may say so.
> Rod
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Chloe Hoffman wrote:
> >
> > I am not sure I see how 102(b) should exclude APIs from copyrightable
> > subject matter as an absolute matter. Surely some aspects of an API may
> > fail because of various doctrines such as merger, scenes a faire, etc.
> > (viz. sqrt()) but I am not sure I see how a full set of APIs should be
> > excluded per se. I find it hard to distinguish an API from a "computer
> > program" - if APIs fail under 102(b) then shouldn't computer programs in

An API is not THE program.
A POSIX compliant kernal (or his calling interface) all suport the same

The standard C library and the glibc have a lot of "functions" in

The command line options of the command "ls" or for simplicity a command
like "rm" are mre or less the same in the same UNIX family.

THAT is an API.

Of course one can write a replacement for glibc exposing the same API.
Of course one can write a kernal which has a calling interface which is
identical to that of POSIX.
Of course one can write a replacement for "ls" or "rm" which accept the
same command line options (and serve the same purpose).

An API is in my sence a LANGUAGE. Take it as an mathematical language if
you like, a language can not be copyrighted. 

The other posts I saw regarding this thread (about Adope, Psotscript and
PDF, and Sun/Microsoft JAVA) are in my opinion Trademark issues.

The same is true if you go and call a kernal POSIX compliant. I don't
know if POSIX is a trademark.

The only thing which is in general copyrightable, is CONTENT.
The only thing which is in general(exceptions exist e.g. in the US)
patent able is a PROCESS in conjunction whith the artifact which is
created by performing it. (Same process for different purpose is not
affected, same artifact created in a different way is not affected -
except that artifact is copyrighted)
The only thing wich can get trademarked are (artificial) names used in
public (business) affairs (where the names reffer to an artifact or an

Well, I'm not a lawyer and I simplificated it a bit. (Also I'm from
germany, a lot of stuff is different here than in the rest of the world,
outside europe)

However I work in copyright relevant areas for 10 years now  

Finaly: JAVA is a trademark, so if GNU CLASSPATH would call it self
JAVA, than there would be trouble.



> > general fail also because they comprise an idea, process, method, etc.? I
> > see both as expressions, not the idea themselves. I think the tougher
> > issue is infringement/derivative works (leave alone implied/express
> > licenses, estoppels, etc.). Just some thoughts
> >
> > >From: Rod Dixon
> > >To: Angelo Schneider
> > >CC: ,
> > >Subject: Re: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
> > compatible wit
> > >Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:12:13 -0400 (EDT)
> > >
> > >This is the issue I was hinting at. I do not believe that as a general
> > >matter that APIs should be copyrightable under U.S. copyright law since
> > >section 102(b) of the Copyright Act should exclude APIs from copyright
> > >subject matter. Having said that, I admit the issue seems unresolved
> > since
> > >both Microsoft and Sun Microsystems are two well known developers who
> > >claim copyright interests in APIs; Microsoft for Windows, and Sun for
> > >Java.
> > >
> > >Rod
> > >
> > >
> > >On Fri, 20 Apr 2001, Angelo Schneider wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi!
> > > >
> > > > In Europe APIs are not "copyright able".
> > > > No idea about the US.
> > > >
> > > > However if you publich them in a book, the book of course is
> > > > copyrighted.
> > > > However you can not prevent anyone to write a software against a
> > given
> > > > API.
> > > > Same is true for data formats. (In Europe dataformats e.g. a flat
> > file
> > > > format for a word processor are not copyright able)
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > Angelo
> > > >
> > > > Forrest J Cavalier III wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Von: Forrest J Cavalier III[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > > > > Gesendet: Freitag, 20. April 2001 13:50:06
> > > > > > An: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > > Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > > Betreff: copyrightable APIs? (was RE: namespace protection
> > compatible wit
> > > > > > Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch von einer Regel weitergeleitet.
> > > > > >
> > > > > How can you copyright an API? Isn't it simply a
> > > > > collection of facts?
> > > > >
> > > > > Perhaps you could copyright the formal parameter
> > > > > names, and certainly the documentation in a header
> > > > > file.
> > > > >
> > > > > But the facts of
> > > > > function name,
> > > > > return type(s)
> > > > > parameter type(s)
> > > > > are just facts. There is no creative expression involved.
> > > > >
> > > > > Forrest J. Cavalier III, Mib Software Voice 570-992-8824
> > > > > has over 30,000 links to
> > > >

RE: namespace protection compatible with the OSD?

2001-04-21 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

> Brian Behlendorf wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M. wrote:
> > > I am sorry about joining the discussion late. This sounds interesting.
> > > Brian, do you mind clarifying your question without rehashing
> what has been
> > > discussed? I do not want to bore those who have followed the
> thread, but
> > > what do you mean by "implement" and what is the concern you
> are raising?
> >
> > I was wondering if there was a way, compatible with the Open
> > Source Definition as well as acceptable to others in the community, to
> > create a copyright license for an API specification that helps ensure
> > compatibility of derivative works.
> After watching this argument roll around and around, it's tempting to just
> say "no". A "no" answer could be derived from any of the following:
>  1) If the API is not copyrightable and enforceable.
>  2) If the proposed copyright-based restrictions are contrary to the OSD.
>  3) If the restrictions undermine its acceptance and usability.
> The lawyers can debate #1, and #3 can be left to historians, but it's hard
> to see any way to reconcile #2, except perhaps on the trivial case of what
> one calls the API. Trademarks are a legally sanctioned, generally accepted
> mechanism for clarifying the namespace. But anything more general
> mechanism
> that threatens to prevent unauthorized derivations would
> certainly restrict
> freedom -- regardless of its legal status.
> > If the GPL's ethos is "access to source code is paramount",
> The key point is not just access to the source code: it is the right to
> modify the source code, to create something new from that, and the right
> to make those modifications available to others. I think the right to
> modify an API is implicit in GPL.

Well-stated. In fact, it seems to me that if it were not an implicit
assumption of the open source movement, we might want to reconsider why not.
On the other hand, if the prevailing practice is to make such use of the API
permissible by explicitly stating so in a license (e.g., the Java API is
licensed by Sun), then OSI may want to consider making the implicit
assumption explicit in the OSD. Sun has an interesting provision in its

"Java Platform Interface. In the event that Licensee creates an
additional API(s) which: (i) extends the functionality of a
Java Environment; and, (ii) is exposed to third party software
developers for the purpose of developing additional software which
invokes such additional API, Licensee must promptly publish broadly an
accurate specification for such API for free use by all developers."

One wonders whether that provision is consistent with the First Amendment.
Even so, it is clear that it is consistent with Sun's view on the
copyrightability of Java APIs. The link to the entire license, which
includes provisions concerning the development kit and a rather odd
provision regarding the Windows platform:

- Rod

RE: copyrightable API???

2001-04-21 Thread Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M.

A number of things could be said about the "license" in your sig file. The first thing 
that stands out (aside from the copyright claim...does my message create a derivative 
work?) is that your license fails to give adequate notice of its terms. A hyperlink is 
insufficient for e-mail. ;-)


> -Original Message-
> From: mirabilos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2001 8:01 AM
> Subject: Re: copyrightable API???
> If I have followed the discussion correctly, no one wants to
> copyright his API, but he wants to prevent some people
> from claiming some incompatible software compliant.
> Example:
> What YOU think of, and IMO is not asked, is:
> - M$ publishes (not) WIN32 API
> - Wine (under different name) seeks compliance
> is ok
> What I think is meant:
> - I write an API, and someone using it has to include "myapi.h"
> - someone extends myapi.lib to yourapi.lib, which still is
>compatible with the original API and thus may be used with
>including either one of "myapi.h" and "yourapi.h"
> - BUT if someone doesn't keep the interface compliant, he
>shouldn't claim it is, because e.g. if I replaced old Trumpet
>Winsock.DLL with a different one, programmes linked to it
>weren't functional any longer, so I wanted to prohibite it.
> Ok, that's just my 0.02 EUR ;-)
> (PS: Now that's my .sig - I'd like to discuss the license in it, too)
> -mirabilos
> -- 
> This mail/work is protected  by copyright law.  It _MUST NOT_ be used
> otherwise than specified by the terms and conditions at:
> The mail is, if not _explicitly_ specified differently, ONLY licensed
> -- 
> (Sorry for the bandwidth, but some ToS force me to.)

Re: copyrightable API???

2001-04-21 Thread mirabilos

If I have followed the discussion correctly, no one wants to
copyright his API, but he wants to prevent some people
from claiming some incompatible software compliant.

What YOU think of, and IMO is not asked, is:

- M$ publishes (not) WIN32 API
- Wine (under different name) seeks compliance
is ok

What I think is meant:

- I write an API, and someone using it has to include "myapi.h"
- someone extends myapi.lib to yourapi.lib, which still is
   compatible with the original API and thus may be used with
   including either one of "myapi.h" and "yourapi.h"
- BUT if someone doesn't keep the interface compliant, he
   shouldn't claim it is, because e.g. if I replaced old Trumpet
   Winsock.DLL with a different one, programmes linked to it
   weren't functional any longer, so I wanted to prohibite it.

Ok, that's just my 0.02 EUR ;-)

(PS: Now that's my .sig - I'd like to discuss the license in it, too)

This mail/work is protected  by copyright law.  It _MUST NOT_ be used
otherwise than specified by the terms and conditions at:
The mail is, if not _explicitly_ specified differently, ONLY licensed
(Sorry for the bandwidth, but some ToS force me to.)