Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-13 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > If the OSI decides to focus on licenses, I suggest that it will find the
> > BSD does not encapsulate enough of the OSD to guarantee the rights the
> > seeks to enumerate.
> ??? But the BSD license *does* encapsulate all of these rights.

Let's take the OSD from the top.

#1:  BSD complies
#2:  BSD is mute.  It does not encapsulate any portion of #2.
#3:  BSD complies, but is weak because it does not use a copyleft mechanism
to require that the right to make derived works to be carried forward to
each recipient.  In other words, I can take a work using the BSD, add a
modification, but restrict the right to make further modifications of my
modification.  The BSD does not require me to license my modifications using
the BSD.

[ as a side note, I think this is one of the places where the OSD itself is
flawed.  The language of #2 should say, in my opinion:  "The license must
allow modifications and derived works, and must REQUIRE them to be
distributed under the same terms as the license of the original software." ]

#4:  BSD complies
#5:  BSD complies
#6:  BSD complies
#7:  BSD does not comply. (BSD code could be distributed in binary-only form
with completely different and more restrictive licensing terms than the
#8:  BSD complies
#9:  BSD complies

> So would a license that said in effect "zero restrictions, period".

Such a license would have some of the same problems the BSD has.

> Licenses by themselves are absolutely meaningless, in the same way
> that deeds to property are meaningless without the property.

The rights enumerated by the OSD can be secured for the public only by using
a copyright license, because the default status of a work fixed in a
tangible form in countries signatory to the Berne convention is "restricted
by copyright".  Because that is the legal default, the >license< must
encapsulate the OSD.  Otherwise, the fallback position is into a
rights-limited strict copyright hostile to the ethical framework of the OSD.

> The term "Open Source", applied as an attribute of software, means that
> software generally follows the criteria set forth in the OSD.

Unfortunately, it does not.  The definition of the term is subjective, not
definitive.  That's why "OSI Certified" is important.

> And since I use the BSD license myself, I will have to object to any
> that removes that license from OSI Certification.

Why?  OSI Certification doesn't determine if your individual distribution is
"open source" or not.  Only the recipients of your work can make that
determination.  If you think it's important to the recipients of your work
that the OSI certifies your release, then you should use a license which
encapsulates the OSD.

If the BSD is found not to sufficiently encapsulate the OSD (and in my
opinion it does not), then the OSI should not certify it.  Otherwise, in my
opinion, the certification is essentially meaningless.  OSI Certification
should mean "the rights granted to you WILL comply with the OSD."  Not "MAY"
comply with the OSD.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-12 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

I thought I was going insane there for a few days.  The most recent list
traffic has done much to clarify the points I was trying (and failing) to

So here's my root question:

What specific rights >should< an OSI Certified License enumerate?

Some of the OSD?

None of the OSD?

All of the OSD?

Coming at this from an outside perspective, I certainly believed that the
OSD was supposed to describe the framework of an "open source" license, not
the general "distribution" of a project.  It is littered with terms which
refer to the license, or to things the license must or must not allow or
prohibit.  I think that the terms "the license" and "the policies of the
distributors of the code" are used as synonyms within the OSD, and they
should not be.

The concept of "conforming license + commonly available sourcecode == OSI
Compliant" makes sense to me, but I think that it opens a lot of
questions/holes in people's use or abuse of the "OSI Compliant" term, as
evidenced by the recent series of examples.

I think that one reason people are struggling so much with drafting "Open
Source" licenses is that they don't have a roadmap.  I also think that the
OSI should concern itself with license terms only, and not with the other
general policies of those who distribute the software.  If they ensure that
the OSD is encapsulated in the licenses they approve, then as long as the
users follow the license terms, OSI Certified releases will ipso facto
follow the OSD.

If the OSI wishes to continue to concern itself with distributions rather
than just licenses, then the OSD should be re-written to get rid of the
references to licenses.

If the OSI decides to focus on licenses, I suggest that it will find the BSD
does not encapsulate enough of the OSD to guarantee the rights the OSD seeks
to enumerate.  And if the OSI decides that the BSD license shouldn't be
considered "OSI Certified", what would be the real harm?  OSI Certified
doesn't mean "Open Source", since that term was held to be un-trademarkable.
"OSI Certified" and "Open Source" aren't synonyms:  "OSI Certified" is a
subset of all potential Open Source strategies.  Saying that BSD-style
licenses aren't "OSI Certified" wouldn't mean that BSD-style licenses
weren't Open Source, it would just mean that the license itself wasn't
strong enough to ensure that the provisions of the OSD would be protected
and respected.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-10 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > "Accordingly, an open-source license >MUST< guarantee that the source is
> > readily available..."
> But it does not say that the source must be made available for every
> distribution.

It says the license >MUST< guarantee that the source is readily available.

Thus, the license >MUST< have a term which describes this guarantee.

Because if the license does not have such a term, then the license does not
guarantee anything.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-10 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

> You are describing copyleft. Not all Open Source software (nor Free
> is copyleft.

A copyleft is a legal mechanism of using a copyright license to require that
anyone who distributes a covered work must grant a license to the recipient
of that work with the same terms as the original license.  It has nothing to
do with source code.

I have authored a copyright license which uses a copyleft to enable the
distribution and modification of roleplaying game rules without any
reference to software of any kind.

Copyleft is a way of perpetuating copyright license terms forward to all
future recipients of the covered work.  Combined with a clause restricting
modification of the copyright license, it creates an unchanging standard set
of rights that one inherits when one receives a copy of the covered work.

A "strong" copyleft forbids combining work licensed using the strong
copyleft with work that does not to create a derivative work.  Using a
"strong" copyleft, one is given the choice of either making the whole work
compatible with the strong copyleft license, or forgoing the use of those
parts which cannot use the strong copyleft license.  The GPL is a "strong"
copyleft because it has this requirement, not because it requires the free
distribution of sourcecode.

> the entire Free Software Movement (they spell is capitalized)
> agree that unrestricted licenses like MIT, BSD and Apache
> are indeed 100% Free Software licenses.

"free software" is software that is licensed to you using terms that
prohibit you from imposing a requirement of the payment of a fee on the
right of recipients of the software to make copies or redistribute the

The FSF argues that the BSD license is "free software" (free as in beer).
It also points out that the license does nothing to guarantee that it is
"Free Software" (free as in speach).  It is very careful to say that the BSD
license is compatible with the GPL (because the BSD license really doesn't
do much at all) - which is not the same as saying that the BSD license is
>interchangeable< with the GPL.  You cannot take something licensed using
the GPL, toss the GPL, and distribute it using just the BSD.  It is
"compatible" with the GPL because it does not affect any of the rights the
GPL seeks to secure.  It is a "free software license" because it does not
require the payment of a fee for the right to make and distribute copies of
the software.

The FSF argues that using a non-strong copyleft license is less than optimal
because doing so removes the pressure (in the form of the strong-copyleft)
on future developers to make their code Free as well.  It admits that using
software licensed to you as free software, essentially regardless of the
terms, is ethical within the framework of the Free Software Foundation
because your Freedom has not been abridged - and if you change the terms of
the license or release a binary-only version to other people, then you are
the problem, not the original license terms.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-10 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "Ian Lance Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> My opinion is that the OSD reflects the ethical position put forward
>> by the champions of Free Software, and that it represents their
>> intent as to what should and should not be considered "Open Source".

> You probably didn't mean it as such, but that is actually a somewhat
> politicized statement in the insular politics of the free software and
> open source communities.

You are correct, and I apologize.  I did not mean to make a political (or
impolitic) statement.

Quoting from the OSD page itself, this is what I meant to say:

"We think the Open Source Definition captures what the great majority of the
software community originally meant, and still mean, by the term "Open

To me, this is the credo of the OSD.  If we are to support the OSD, then the
OSD should capture what the great majority of the software community means
by the term "Open Source", and I suggest that for the great majority of the
software community (in addition to many other things) "Open Source" means
"binary-only distributions are unacceptable."

> The two relevant statements are ``The
> program must include source code'' and ``binary-only redistribution is
> acceptable.''

Here is what I see.  I see a requirement in the OSD that source code >MUST<
be provided with binaries.  Then I see a specific exception provided that
requires the distributor of the code, if a binary-only distribution is made,
to make the source available in a "well publicized manner".

If the OSI wants to keep to this concept that licenses which allow
binary-only distributions meet the OSD, then I think the OSD should be

First, the first sentence of #2 has got to go.  Either you must include
source, or its optional.  If its optional, say so.  If it's not optional and
the OSI really means you must include the source, then take out the verbiage
about not including source and don't certify licenses which permit
binary-only distribution.

Worst case, change the word "must" to "should".

Second, I think that the OSD should require specific language in a certified
license that explains what "well publicized means of obtaining the source
code" is.  I note that many of the current OSI certified licenses
(especially the BSD varients) are completely moot on this topic.  How can a
license that does not discuss how to get the source comply with a
requirement that the license ensure that the source be available in a "well
publicized" manner?

Specifically, I call your attention to the italicized comment in #4:

"Accordingly, an open-source license >MUST< guarantee that the source is
readily available..."

Care to explain what part of the BSD license guarantees that the source will
be readily available?

> As such, the OSD was written to define what was and was not open
> source software.  I'm not comfortable describing the OSD as an
> ethical position.

I have tremendous respect for you sir, and have found your postings on this
list to be uniformly excellent in logic and content.

However, I cannot read the italicized comments between the sections of the
OSD, which contain phrases like "users have a right to know who is
responsible for the software they use", and "Distributors of open-source
software have the right to make their own choices about their own software."
without drawing the conclusion that the OSD codifies a set of ethical
principles.  Discussions of rights are inextricably linked to discussions of

I must therefore disagree with your interpretation of the content of the
OSD.  It is as much an ethical framework as the Declaration of Independence
is.  And like the Declaration which heavily influenced the contents of the
Constitution which resulted from it, the OSD has to acknowledge that the
ethical framework it espouses will be encapsulated in the licenses it


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-09 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

> This is the case of the Berkeley license, for example.  The Berkeley
> license is OSD-compliant.  However, anybody who receives a legal copy
> of code under the Berkeley license may redistribute it themselves
> under different terms.  In particular, the Berkeley license permits
> binary-only redistribution.

So my question remains:  Is the OSD as written too specific regarding its
requirement that the source code be commonly and easily available to
recipients of the software?

My opinion is that the OSD reflects the ethical position put forward by the
champions of Free Software, and that it represents their intent as to what
should and should not be considered "Open Source".

I hate to sound like a nag, but I just can't reconcile "The program must
include source code" with "a binary-only distribution is acceptable."

What is the point of Open Source then?

Is Microsoft Windows open source?  If you're one of Microsoft's 1,000
biggest customers, they'll give you the source code to Windows.  Sure, 60
million people don't have the source, but some people do, and that seems
sufficient to comply with this interpretation of OSD #2.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-09 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Since this license appears on the very same site where I can download the
> source code, it counts.

It seems axiomatic to me that any license seeking to comply with the OSD
must have explicit instructions detailing the responsibility of each party
to the license (meaning anyone who distributes the software) to make the
source available when they redistribute the code.

The proposed license could remedy this by adding a sentence to Section 2
stating that the source code must accompany any binary distribution, or
instructions must be provided to each recipient of a binary-only
distribution on how to request the source code or locate it on the internet.

The fact that numerous OSI approved licenses do not address this issue seems
to me to be a fundamental failing on the part of the OSI certification
process and indicates that a top-down review of the process and the
standards of certification should be undertaken.

The OSD specifically calls for a "well publicized means of obtaining the
source code", and I believe that in order to qualify as an OSI certified
license, the license should explicitly state a mechanism for obtaining the
source code.  Anything else is external to the license and thus beyond the
control of the law, and thus beyond the intent of the OSD.

Therefore, my opinion is that the OSI certified licenses which do not comply
with that need should be de-certified until such time as they do.

Either that, or the OSD should be modified by deleting Item #2 in its
entirety.  It seems to me to be a binary choice:  Either #2 is enforced in
the certification process, or it is removed from the definition.  Having it
in the OSD, but not requiring OSI certified licenses to implement it's terms
seems hypocritical.

Note that the OSD does not concern itself with matters "understood" by
others, or "common knowledge".  It specifically concerns itself with "The
distribution terms of open-source software".  Thus, each and every item on
the OSD list should be encapsulated by the licenses which seek to implement
it, and should be a requirement for OSI certification.

To me, this is the single most important aspect of the whole OSI effort.  If
we are not to champion free and easily accessible source code as a primary
mandate of the organization, then we should shut the organization down and
go back to explaining the difference between free speech and free beer along
with every copy of the software we distribute.  Without source, there is no
Open Source.

>> And if "due credit" means "money", it violates #1 as well.

> It's pretty clear that "due credit" in this context refers to attribution.

I couldn't tell if you were kidding or not about this item.  Clearly, "due
credit" is an unacceptably vague term to use in an Open Source software
license, which will be subjected (if tested) to the most critical of
dissections should the issue ever be litigated.  "Due credit" is a vague
term that is essentially undefined - meaning that someone downstream could
claim that it means whatever the heck they want it to mean.  Including "you
must pay me $100 dollars per copy for redistributing my code."

If the drafter of the license means "All redistributions of the code must
include a public acknowledgement that the work is based on materials derived
from code created by the OpenLDAP Foundation" then that is what the license
should say.  Otherwise, the term is at best irrelevant, and at worst a
potential OSD #1 conflict.

Part of the point of submitting licenses to this list is to get feedback
about them and help to improve them based on the shared community experience
in dealing with the concept of Open Source and Free Software.  I'm frankly
surprised at the seemingly hostile tone of the responses I received to my


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-09 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

OSD #2:

"The program must include source code, and must allow distribution in source
code as well as compiled form. "

And if "due credit" means "money", it violates #1 as well.


Re: OpenLDAP license

2001-04-09 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

What does clause #6 mean?  What is "due credit"?  I could argue that "due
credit" is a crisp US$100 bill, mailed to my home address.

There's nothing in the license that says the code and derivative works
therefrom must be governed exclusively by the license.  (All you have to do
is provide a copy of the license.  You don't necessarily have to follow the

The license does not require that the source code be distributed with
binaries.  (That means it doesn't comply with OSD #2.)


Re: licenses for RPGs

2001-03-21 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

Do you have the right to make a game which is mechanically compatible with
another game?  Yes, it appears that you probably do, unless there is a
patent or trademark right involved.

Do you have the right to make a product which contains the unique
copyrighted content of D&D, or derivative works therefrom?  No, in my
opinion, you do not.

And in-between lies a big grey area where only a court can decide, on a case
by case basis, if a particular work is an infringing derivative work.

The OGL (like the GPL) is just a framework for getting rid of the threat of
lawsuits and the grey area.  Sure, you could black-box and clean-room Linux,
but you're far more likely to use Linux with the GPL, because you can do so
at essentially no cost, and in a framework which provides for little risk of

The OGL framework, when applied to the System Reference Document, provides a
way to make D&D compatible content that is far, far more extensive than the
basic rights you might have as they relate to the public domain status of
the game rules of D&D.  And there's no grey area.  Both conditions which
make it possible to bring to market a commercial product without having to
provide for a substantial threat of litigation.

And it's furthermore quite silly to point at the former TSR (now Wizards of
the Coast) business and say that the climate of litigation is fostered by
one company.  Every commerical hobby game publisher has taken the exact same
position for 25 years - that the mere game rule content in an RPG is the
least part of the copyrighted work of an RPG, and that derivative works
based on such a product are infringing.  The OGL and the d20 concept are a
step away from the parochial view of RPGs as isolated creative endeavors and
towards a view of clearly deliniated rights - and to my mind, that's a
positive step forward.


Re: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-23 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "Dave J Woolley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> or you link it against the dynamic version to create a dynamically
> *linked* executable, which can load the full text of the library
> and run time.

>  There are three possibilities here:
> - unlinked (LGPL gives a dispensation on the headers used);

In my opinion, not a derivative work.  LGPL neither grants nor restricts
rights to this situation, except as relates to the distribution of the
source code of the LGPL'd material, and in that sense, the code might as
well be GPL'd.

The function prototypes in header files almost certainly cannot be
copyrighted, thus there's no point in licensing their use.  In fact, you can
almost always call an exported function by ordinal number, thus I wouldn't
even have to include the actual function names in my non-licensed code; I
could just call the functions by ordinal rather than by name.

> - statically linked;

In my opinion, a derivative work of all the sources of the object code,
because they're all combined into one work when the compilation is complete.
With the GPL, all of that code would also have to be GPL'd.  With the LGPL,
nothing but the LGPL'd library code needs to be covered by the LGPL.

This, I think, is the most valuable use of the LGPL for programmers working
in a mixed free/non-free environment.  It allows a free-software library to
be used with non-free code.  From the standpoint of the FSF, this is a very
suboptimal situation (because it tends to allow non-free code to proliferate
by leveraging free code).

If a court found that the first and third results Mr. Woolley enumerated
were not derivative works (and thus could ignore the terms of the LGPL or
the GPL for non-free code), I suspect that a case could be made to the FSF
for abandoning the use of the LGPL.  I suspect that the "statically linked"
scenario is permitted because allowing unlinked and dynamically linked code
essentially means that not allowing it would just be frustrating, requiring
a program to dynamically link at program start, essentially achieving the
same result.

> - dynamically linked.

In my opinion, not a derivative work, because the parts are never combined
into one work.  In my opinion, from the standpoint of making a work a
derivative work, the law does not understand or care about the concept of a
thread of execution, no more than the law cares about the order you read
pages in a collection of books.

Furthermore, I would argue that the GPL doesn't cover this situation,
because the GPL explicitly disclaims any authority over what the program
does once it starts to execute.  "The act of running the program is not

The only part of the free code that is actually combined with the non-free
code are the function prototypes, which I maintain cannot be copyrighted,
and thus are not governed by the terms of either the LGPL or the GPL.


Re: Fw: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "David Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > Making a function call
> > is not the same thing as actually incorporating the code of that
> > into the body of the calling code.
> Though I'm on your "side", there is a big difference between data transfer
> and code execution. Transferring data between two processes by way of IPC
> a network protocol is in a completely different realm than a single thread
> execution weaving its way in and out between an application and a library.

As a practical matter, I agree.  As a programmer, I understand the concept
of a "thread of execution".

Does the copyright statute?  In other words, does the law see a series of
instructions executed in a certain order as a derivative work, regardless of
how those instructions came to be excecuted in that order?

Imagine I have two novels.

On page 100 of Novel A, there is an instruction:  Open up Novel B, turn to
Chapter 7.  When finished, come back to this point and continue reading.

As the reader, (the processor in this analogy) I follow these instructions.
My "thread of execution" takes me from Page 100 in Novel A, to Chapter 7 of
Novel B, and back to page 100 of Novel A again.

Are Novel A and B now a derivative work?


Fw: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

Inadvertantly sent just to Mr. Dixon - my apologies to him for the double

From: "Rod Dixon, J.D., LL.M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[ I said, in reference to various library linking examples:]
>> How can that create a derivative work?
> Well, the question is why wouldn't it?

Because you're not modifying the original work.  You're not adding anything
to it.  The two parts (the Program and the Library) aren't ever combined
into one work.  If you would argue that they are combined because they're
both loaded into memory together, than you'd have to say that >everything<
in the computer's memory formed a derivative work, so you could >never< use
a GPL'd program unless every byte of information in the computer's memory
was also GPL'd.

>> If I use a GPL'd program to output a CSV data file, and import that into
>> a database, is a derivative work created that combines my code and the
>> database?
>Try a better hypo or simply state what you are driving at.

 My above example is flawed.  It should have read "a database management

I'm suggesting that the definition of a derivative work can't include data
being passed between two independent pieces of code, via file, via a
network, or via an internal process communication.  Making a function call
is not the same thing as actually incorporating the code of that function
into the body of the calling code.

When you make a function call in compile-time linked code, you are creating
a derivative work, because the function code itself will be compiled into
the Program and inextricably combined with your code.  When the two are
separated by a run-time linking, there can be no derivative work.

Imagine this example:

I write a program which runs interactively.  It takes an input of the name
of a DLL.

The program loads the DLL, which will cause some of the code in that DLL to
excecute automatically when the library is loaded, even if the calling
program does nothing.

If the hypothosis that run-time linking created derivative works is true,
the above program could never be covered by the GPL.

This is not such a far-fetched example.  This is how printer and video
drivers work in Windows, for example; and many are not distributed with the
OS.  It would be impossible to write a GPL'd program that used the standard
device-driver model for printing using Windows if this run-time linking
hypothesis were valid.

> There is, however, one disadvantage;
> the copyright holder of the library might create problems if they are or
> become an opponent of open source.

I think that's a danger of calling functions in non-free libraries.  I think
it's a potential design flaw.  I don't think it's a copyright violation,
thus I don't think the GPL governs the situation.


Re: What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "John Cowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dynamic linking with unfree libraries *not* distributed with the OS is a
> gray area in the GPL.  When it was written, dynamic linking was a
> marginal concept.  The FSF believes that linking with unfree dynamic
> libraries, except as mentioned above, is not allowed.

Section 0:

"a work "based on the Program" means either the program or any derivative
work under copyright law..."

Is the argument that a run-time link to external code creates a derivative
work (in the sense that the copyright statutes define a derivative work) of
the Program and the external code?  Under this theory, you couldn't use
GPL'd code with RPC or HTML or SMPT or any other inter-process communication
system unless the whole system was GPL'd!

If I understand the internals of the situation correctly (which I may not),
a program that binds to a DLL at runtime does so through the mediation of
the OS.  Data is packaged, handed to the OS, the OS moves it from the
process making the call to the target process, where the data is unpacked
and loaded into the target's address space.  There's never a time where the
free software is even in the same address space as the (potentially)
non-free library code.

How can that create a derivative work?

Is a web page with external URLs a "derivative work" of the base page and
all the pages the links (and those page's links, ad nauseum) refer to?

If I use a GPL'd program to output a CSV data file, and import that into a
database, is a derivative work created that combines my code and the

Also from Section 0:

"The act of running the Program is not restricted."

That would seem to exclude anything the code does once it starts to execute
from being covered by the terms of the GPL, would it not?


PS:  I completely understand how the utility of a program could be crippled
if it relied on non-free code in an external library.  However, I don't
think you can say that the copyright statute's definition of a "derivative
work" extends the license's conditions to the external libraries.

I think you would have to add a section to the GPL that explicitly required
the source code of any library bound at run-time to be covered by the terms
of the license; a term that would be particularly tricky to draft since the
program could be written in such a way that the library that would actually
be bound at run-time was indeterminate when the software was written (such
as selecting from a number of different printer drivers or video drivers,
some of which may antedate the release of the program itself...)

What is Copyleft?

2001-02-22 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

Here's a question I thought I'd never have to ask.

What is a Copyleft?

The reason I ask this question relates to RMS's recent pronouncements about
Apple's psuedo-open license terms.  He says, in part, that one of the flaws
of the license is that:

"It is not a true copyleft, because it allows linking with other files which
may be entirely proprietary."

I the working definition of "copyleft" I have been using is:

"A way of using contract law (through a copyright license) to ensure that
everyone has the freedom to copy, modify and distribute a given work.  It
takes the copyright law and turns it inside-out.   Instead of being used to
limit what you can do with a copyright work, a copyleft ensures that your
freedom can't be abridged."

Now, let me say that for the purposes to which RMS developed the GPL in the
first place, his indication of a "flaw" with the Apple license is completely
consistent.  However, I would say that the ability to link with non-free
code, while an incompatibility with the GPL, isn't a copyleft problem.

If the license allowed a user to link to non-free code, and distribute the
combination in object-form only, then I would say that it was a copyleft
problem, because free code would be rendered non-free (the gestalt work
would have two copyright interests; the Free part, and the non-Free part,
and thus the work as a whole couldn't be distributed without additional

If I write a copyleft free program for Windows, I should be able to load and
link at runtime to any DLL in the system, regardless of whether or not that
DLL is free code or not, shouldn't I?  How else could a Windows program ever
be written using the GPL? (I don't know enough about Linux to have an
opinion about Linux code).

The copyleft concept is supposed to ensure that any material I use or modify
which is based on copylefted content has to obey the same terms as the
original copyleft license, correct?

The concept of "copyleft" itself shouldn't be so specific as to include
material related to the linking model of computer software, should it?


Re: Converting/Splitting Code - Open to Closed

2001-02-12 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "Ralph Bloemers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can the OWNER of the copyright in software code that has been released under
a GPL ( change its mind and take the
software *private* (any future versions would be proprietary and released
only under typical object code only licenses)?


Someone could attempt to secure a patent on the code after it was released
using the GPL.  Assuming a patent was granted, the patent holder could then
stop the distribution of the code by requiring the payment of a royalty for
distribution, thus making it impossible to distribute the code and conform
to both the GPL's terms and the patent licensing agreement.

This is one of the dangers of basing Linux (or any other large,
multicontributor project) on the GPL; the threat that something embedded
deeply in the code could eventually have an external patent applied,
necessitating a rewrite of the affected portions of the software; and
possibly "breaking" dependencies.

The GPL is a copyright license, so it isn't going to be much help in
defending against a hostile patent suit.


Re: Open Source *Game* Programming License

2001-01-18 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "Henningsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> The game programming community has another big problem with the GPL:
> Cheating is much easier when you have the code.

Of course, there's another faction in the community who believes that by
having the code, work can continuously be done to thwart/foil the hackers;
most of whom are able to use the same debugging/profiling tools the
developers have and can get at the internals of object-code only releases

Openness is good for gaming just like it is good for cyrptography.


Re: Open Source *Game* Programming?

2001-01-17 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

From: "Henningsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Is there any open source certified license that meets these criteria?

No, because a requirement to pay a fee is a restriction against free
redistribution of the software.

This issue is addressed directly by the OSD FAQ.

> And a more philosophical question: If it is against the spirit of open
> source to require commercial users to buy a license, why is that?

Because the intellectual heritage of the free software movement assumes a
moral right for >everyone<, not just non-commercial users, to have
unrestricted access to the source code running on their computers, and the
right to make changes and modifications as they see fit.

The people whom the OSD addresses are the end users of the software, not the
publishers.  The free software vision is that the kid who buys a game using
your engine should have an unencumbered right to tinker with it, and release
those modifications to the public so long as the same rights are conveyed
forward to the next recipient.

> Remember, the
> modifications a publisher might make to my code are worth nothing. The
> graphics is what is valuable.

That's a very narrow, and impractical view of the business of selling game
software.  If anything, it's easier to get good artists than it is to get
good programmers.  While the sunk costs may be heavily tilted towards the
art vs. the code, the technical challenge of bringing the product to market
is clearly with the code, not the art.

Publishers spend tremendous amounts of money developing, testing and
supporting the code base for computer games.

The question you have to ask yourself is this:  Is it more important to me
that my work get wide distribution even if someone else gets wealthy as a
result, or is it more important that I know that nobody is making money off
my work unless I do too?

Ryan S. Dancey
Learn about Open Gaming:

NVIDIA GPL violation

2000-05-01 Thread Ryan S. Dancey

Reading /. today about NVIDIA using some GPL'd code in their XFree86 driver
raised some questions for me.

>From the description given, it seems that NVIDIA used at most a handful of
lines of code from the middle of someone else's program; that program being
covered by the GPL.  The author of that code contacted the company and
informed them that they were violating the GPL and that they needed to
remedy their breach of contract.

I'm assuming that it is the stance of the community that the use of >any<
GPL'd code is sufficient to create a "derivative work" and thus trigger the
terms of the license itself.

I'm wondering if that is in fact an accurate interpretation of how a court
might rule on the matter.  Since the GPL is a copyright license, and
copyright covers the expression of ideas, not the ideas itself, the small
part of GPL'd code used by NVIDIA might not cross that line from
"expression" from "idea".

Is there any standard test the courts have used to determine when a software
program is derivative of another?  Is the test "any code re-use at all" or
is there some test of the ratio of new to recycled code?
