staff group vs. single staff barlines

2004-09-12 Thread D Josiah Boothby
Is it possible to create mid-measure barlines within a staff group that 
don't cross the white space between staves? If I need to supply a sample 
of the original in order for anyone to know what I'm talking about, please 
let me know.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: small problems

2004-09-12 Thread Graham Percival
On 10-Sep-04, at 5:44 PM, Philip Nelson wrote:
Here's my second go at asking how I might make my music look a little  
Have you read the "Changing defaults" section of the manual?  In  
the \override section? 

Most of your issues can be resolved by carefully reading that section.   
If it isn't clear,
please post questions again (so I can improve those sections of the  
manual :).

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Duplicate Alternate Repeat Brackets

2004-09-12 Thread Lyle Raymond
I recently posted a question involving repeat brackets colliding with chord 
names.  Thanks to Matts Bengtsson for the solution.  However, after 
implementing the solution, I now have a new problem.

On the topmost of three staves, the repeat brackets are duplicated.  The old 
brackets remain, and new ones have appeared where I want them.  How do I 
eliminate the old brackets?  

The relevant code segment follows:

\score {
   \notes <<
 \context ChordNames \with { voltaOnThisStaff = ##t } {
 \transpose c a \changes
 \context Staff = one \relative d' {
\set Staff.instrument = #"Alto Sax"
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\repeat volta 2 {
\alternative {
\bar "||"}
\bar "|."


  Version: 1.0
  GMU/O d+@ s: a C++ UL P+> L++ E-(---) W++ N++ o--@ K- w+(--) !O !M V 
PS--(+) PE++ Y !PGP t+() !5 X+() R+++($) tv b++>+++ DI@ !D G e++> h---@ 
r++ y?

lilypond-user mailing list

Rehearsal Marks

2004-09-12 Thread Jennifer Clark
My apologies for yet another question, I have tried to resolve this myself but cannot 
find the answer. Here's the situation - I can create rehearsal marks:-

With letters, boxed, by manually adding text
With letters, unboxed, automatically
With numbers, unboxed, automatically
With numbers, boxed, automatically (example in the manual)

What I'm looking for is letters, boxed, automatically. Is this possible?

BTW, I tried out the the charts I prepared with lilypond last week with our jazz combo 
last night, and received no negative comments whatsoever about the layout - praise 
indeed, believe me. So congratulations on a good program!

Thanks again,
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding Text After Music

2004-09-12 Thread Jennifer Clark
> > The scoring is coming along, but I'd like to add notes about solos
> > etc. at the bottom of the music. I know how to attach text related to
> > the score itself, e.g. "D.S. al fine" and so on, but this is not
> > actually related to any musical event so seems less clear to me.
> You could try using the copyright, footer, or tagline headers -- those
> appear on the
> bottom of the score.

Thanks Graham, I tried that but had no luck - when inserting markup the text
dissappeared - but will try again.

> If you want to do anything fancy, though, I recommend looking at
> lilypond-book.

I noticed that in the manual, but it is pretty over specified for what I am
looking for. What I want to say is something along these lines:-

Intro: repeat section A->B twice
Solo on section C->D. After solos, go to $

It seems that the footer/copyright/tagline options would be most


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Adding Text After Music

2004-09-12 Thread Graham Percival
On 10-Sep-04, at 10:11 AM, Jennifer Clark wrote:
The scoring is coming along, but I'd like to add notes about solos 
etc. at the bottom of the music. I know how to attach text related to 
the score itself, e.g. "D.S. al fine" and so on, but this is not 
actually related to any musical event so seems less clear to me.
You could try using the copyright, footer, or tagline headers -- those 
appear on the
bottom of the score.

If you want to do anything fancy, though, I recommend looking at 

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Lyric Entry

2004-09-12 Thread Aaron Dalton
I am brand new to Lilypond and am having a heck of a time getting lyrics to 
render properly.  I have 2 questions:

1) I want to line up the words "Agnus Dei" under a certain set of notes.  So 
far the only way I have been able to properly align the syllables "De-i" is 
using 3 dashes (see source below) but I only want it to display *one* dash in 
the center of the melisma.  If I enter "De -- i" or even "De -- -- -- i" it 
ignores the melisma.  Is there a way to make this only display one dash 
between De and i?

supMusic = \notes \relative f' { f2. c4 f8 g a2 g4 a2 r4 }
supWords = \lyrics { A -- gnus De - - - i, }

2) Second question is with position of the lyrics.  I have tried really hard 
to read the documentation and mailling list archives but have been unable to 
find my answer.  I copied and modified the template to give myself 3 
staves.  The problem is, all my lyrics are printing above the staff and I 
want them below.  How do I do this?  Below is my actual source code.

Thank you so much for your time and patience!

\header {
 title = "Mass for Three Voices"
 composer = "William Byrd"

supMusic = \notes \relative f' { f2. c4 f8 g a2 g4 a2 r4 }
supWords = \lyrics { A -- gnus De - - - i, }

altusMusic = \notes  \relative c' { }
altusWords =\lyrics { }

bassMusic = \notes \relative c { }
bassWords = \lyrics {  }

\score {
 \notes <<
  \context Lyrics = superius { s1 }
  \context Staff = superius <<
   \set Staff.instrument = Superius
   \set Staff.instr = Sup
   \clef treble
   \time 4/4
   \key f \major
   \context Voice = superius \supMusic
  >> %superius staff
  \context Lyrics = altus { s1 }
  \context Staff = altus <<
   \set Staff.instrument = Altus
   \set Staff.instr = Alt
   \clef "treble_8"
   \time 4/4
   \key f \major
   \context Voice = altus \altusMusic
  >> %altus staff
  \context Lyrics = bassus { s1 }
  \context Staff = bassus <<
   \set Staff.instrument = Bassus
   \set Staff.instr = Bass
   \clef bass
   \time 4/4
   \key f \major
   \context Voice = bassus \bassMusic
  >> %bassus staff
  \context Lyrics = superius \lyricsto superius \supWords
  \context Lyrics = altus \lyricsto altus \altusWords
  \context Lyrics = bassus \lyricsto bassus \bassWords
 >> %notes

 \paper {
  \context {
   \consists Ambitus_engraver

 \header { piece = "Agnus Dei" }

} %score

Aaron Dalton

lilypond-user mailing list

german ss or \"s

2004-09-12 Thread francois.planiol

I was enjoying the deepest peace with my computer, using lilypond, till
just now, searching nervously for the ß (german ss, or scharf s, latex
I tried all codes for this charakter, but no one ansewered with the
beloved scharf s that my heart so much desires.
Who can help me?
Thanks in advance!
Fran\{c}cois Planiol-Auger
Church musician

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fixed Measure Widths

2004-09-12 Thread Graham Percival
On 10-Sep-04, at 1:36 PM, Matthew Schulkind wrote:
Is there a way to specify a fixed measure width throughout a piece, or
more prefereably have all the measures on a line be the same width?
Many fake/real books are written out this way, and I would like to be
able to duplicate this.
As Han said, this isn't a good idea.  But if you really want to, use
invisible 32nd notes in each bar (include them in an extra voice
on the same staff).
Also, is there a way to break every 4 measures automatically without
manually inserting \break?
Include the following section in your piece; again, as an extra
voice on the same staff.  Change the number to suit the length
of your piece.
\repeat unfold 8 {s1 s s s \break }
You could merge both solutions into one line.  But again, I
don't think that measure the same width is a good idea.
- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

tweaking output in 2.3.16

2004-09-12 Thread J. Scott Amort

As a means of learning the 'inner' workings of lilypond, I've been
trying to reproduce the exact layout of some complex scores.  I've read
through the manual and in consultation with the Program Reference area,
I've been able to adjust the default layout quite well to suit my needs.
However, there are two areas that I can't seem to find a solution -
slurs and spanners (specifically, hairpins and trills).

Regarding the manual positioning of slurs, I have found the height-limit
property of the Slur object to be useful in extending the arc of the
slur (to avoid collisions with some elements), but, I can't seem to find
a way to adjust the positioning of the end points of the slur (i.e.
closer to, or further away from the notehead).  In the reference for
2.2.6, there is an attachment-offset property that seems to handle this
sort of adjustment, but it does not appear in the 2.3.16 reference.  Is
there are way to do this in 2.3.x?

Secondly, I would like to be able to tweak the length of spanner objects
(specifically the Hairpin and TrillSpanner).  I don't seem to see any
reference to a property that allows for this - is it possible?

Thanks for any help!

Best Regards,

lilypond-user mailing list

Chordname: Dominant without 'add'

2004-09-12 Thread Wolfgang Mechsner
Lilipyond 2.2.2

I would like to have a chordname like G13. Lilypond writes
"G9add13". Is there any chance to a simple G13 without "add"?

Thanks for help!


Wolfgang Mechsner
Goebenstr. 3
49076 Osnabrück

Telefon 0541-2052090
Mobil 0179-9096684

lilypond-user mailing list

Fixed Measure Widths

2004-09-12 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> Sorry if this has been answered before, but I could not find it in the archive.
> Is there a way to specify a fixed measure width throughout a piece, or
> more prefereably have all the measures on a line be the same width?
> Many fake/real books are written out this way, and I would like to be
> able to duplicate this.

This is bad typography. See

why we don't do that.


 Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Debian packages for Lilypond 2.3.14

2004-09-12 Thread Pedro Kroger
Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ok. This seems like a bug to me: lilypond-snapshot doesn't want to coexist 
> with your lilypond-data 2.2.5-pk1 package.

this is indeed a bug. The nex version fixes it.



lilypond-user mailing list