Re: More Centred Dynamics

2005-09-02 Thread Michael Welsh Duggan
Will Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I tried Mats' template for centred piano dynamics but found it to be  
> off-balance. Maybe I will try later with greater tweaking. Also, do  
> the dynamics in this template apply themselves to MIDI, or is it  
> functional only in layout?
> In the meantime, I have reverted back to the example given in the  
> manual. When I try the code below -- typed by myself, not copied --  
> the piano staff appears as a three-staff system, with dynamics wedged  
> between the second and third. This was tried with and without the  
> MIDI \score block. If there's a typing error on my part, I sure don't  
> see it.

I can only realy answer the MIDI question.

The answer is that, by default, no, these dynamics will not apply to
the voices in the other staves.  This is due the fact that dynamics
are performed from within the Voice context.  In order to make the
dynamics work properly, you have to remove the Dynamic_performer and
Span_dynamic_performer from the Voice context and add them to the
PianoStaff context.

Michael Welsh Duggan

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unmetered music question

2005-09-02 Thread Kris Shaffer
Try "\set Score.timing = ##f" inside the staff context, instead of outside  
(referring to the code in the original email).  Also, can you post the  
whole file you're working from?  It may help the debugging.

Kris Shaffer
graduate student in music theory, Yale University
co-editor-in-chief for music theory,

On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 19:53:50 -0400, Thomas Ruedas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday 02 September 2005 04:50, Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

try \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff
thanks Mehmet, that brought me at least much closer to the desired  

However, I still can't get rid of the 4/4 signature at the begin of the
piece. Isn't there a way to switch that off? I also have the impression
that lily doesn't quite forget that, because for some reason it omits the
R1 rest in the first (quasi-)bar and puts it in bar 7, where it is
completely out of place.
Any further ideas?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unmetered music question

2005-09-02 Thread Thomas Ruedas
On Friday 02 September 2005 04:50, Mehmet Okonsar wrote:
> try \cadenzaOn and \cadenzaOff
thanks Mehmet, that brought me at least much closer to the desired result. 
However, I still can't get rid of the 4/4 signature at the begin of the 
piece. Isn't there a way to switch that off? I also have the impression 
that lily doesn't quite forget that, because for some reason it omits the 
R1 rest in the first (quasi-)bar and puts it in bar 7, where it is 
completely out of place.
Any further ideas?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem getting started (SuSE 9.2)

2005-09-02 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Matt Wallis wrote:

On Friday 02 September 2005 07:15, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

I suspect that there is still a guile 1.6.4 lingering around on your
system.  If so, get rid of it.

I have just upgraded to guile 1.6.7 using an RPM I found on 
(previously, I had built guile 1.6.7 from source downloaded from I am hoping that the RPM upgrade will get 

don't do that. instead, get the src rpm and do

rpmbuild --rebuild foo.src.rpm

then install what you built.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem getting started (SuSE 9.2)

2005-09-02 Thread Matt Wallis
On Friday 02 September 2005 07:15, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> I suspect that there is still a guile 1.6.4 lingering around on your
> system.  If so, get rid of it.

I have just upgraded to guile 1.6.7 using an RPM I found on 
(previously, I had built guile 1.6.7 from source downloaded from I am hoping that the RPM upgrade will get 
rid of the guile 1.6.4 - but I have to confess to not fully understand what 
is going on when I do this, or even to know how to check that I have got rid 
of any lingering traces of 1.6.4.

Now when I run lilypond, I get the following error:

   /usr/bin/lilypond-bin- relocation error: /usr/lib/
   symbol __sprintf_chk, version GLIBC_2.3.4 not defined in file   
   with link time reference

Thanks for your ongoing assistance. I am really looking forward  to using 


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys


On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

What you have found in the source code files are some left-overs
from version 2.4 and earlier, where LilyPond only knew about Latin1.
If you browse through the mailing list archives, you can also find
out why this was not a satisfactory solution if you want to promote
the program outside western Europe.

(1) That's certainly one huge mass of "left-overs".  For a language
that allows coloured labelled noteheads, Gregorian notation, tenor
clef, and Lord knows what else, it is amazing that the developers
would choose to *remove* an existing capability.

(2) Deleting a capability is not "promotion".  Making unicode an available
*option* would be promotion, but deleting the existing ability to use
Latin-1 is not going to help you recruit users amongst the half billion
people in Western Europe and North America whose other software all
understands Latin-1.  (As a side remark, when I communicate with people in
Romania or other Eastern European locations, I have to use Latin-2;
software [mainly dictionaries] downloadable from those locations uses
Latin-2, *not* unicode.  Unicode may or may not become predominant
someday, but it certainly is not now.)

A. LilyPond actually _does_ support the Latin1 character set, as Latin1 
and Unicode coincide on the first 256 codepoints.

B. LilyPond does not support Latin1 encoding. This is because

 1. It's not possible to detect the encoding of a file. Supporting 
alternate encodings implies that users have to specify the encoding via 
the command line. This is error-prone, and leads to confusion for newbies.

 2.  If we do latin1, why should we not do latin2. And if we do latin1 
and 2, why not Big5?  EBCDIC?  UTF-16? tibetan-iso-8bit?  Where does it 

C. Unicode, not Latin1, is the future. Using UTF-8 gives us a much 
better chance of catching that half-billion in the future, as well as 
the 4.5 billion who don't use latin1 today.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1?

2005-09-02 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen

> I can't afford a C compiler for Windows

The GNU compiler has been available for Microsoft systems since the
DOS era.  Have a look at,

>, and I can't switch to Linux or to a Mac for work reasons.

There are several live-cd distributions, that will allow you to run
Linux without installing it.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter   |

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characterswith jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread stk
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Hans de Rijck wrote:

> Or, for someone with a C compiler, the poor-man's algorithm is:
> for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
> {
> if ( (unsigned char)line1[i] > 127 )
> {
> *line2++ = (char)(192 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) / 64));
> *line2++ = (char)(128 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) % 64));
> }
> else
> {
> *line2++ = line[ i ];
> }
> }

I can't afford a C compiler for Windows, and I can't switch to Linux or to
a Mac for work reasons.  But I know C, and the code (above) is very clear.
Thank you for the very specific information.  I have to admit that I
didn't know what unicode coding looked like.  I suppose I should break
down and download the unicode specs from somewhere.

But I still think LilyPond should allow the option of putting a command
at the top of a *.LY file marking it as either Latin-1 or unicode.  All
the code for allowing Latin-1 exists; it was used in LP 2.4 according to
Mats.  There are plenty of computer users in North America who take it for
granted that all Windows software can understand Latin-1.

> But in general, the quickest solution is to load the file in Notepad, and
> save as UTF-8.

I have the world's oldest Notepad, and it won't save as "unicode text",
which frankly I view as an advantage, as I want to have at least one text
editor that can be absolutely counted to save in Latin-1 no matter what.
But I could open the text file with WordPad, if I wanted, as WordPad will
allow saving as unicode text.

And now that I think about it, I could fake the unicode myself in a
Latin-1 text editor using the information inherent in your conversion
routine.  (I only need Latin-1 [or unicode] rarely, in some song titles.)

The situation is clearer now.  Thank you for your help.

-- Tom

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread stk
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Daniel Johnson wrote:

> I offer the following with NO WARRANTY.

Offer accepted.  That's always acceptable.

> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . I am enclosing a VBScript file
> that should perform conversion from Latin-1 to UTF-8.  I haven't tested
> this.  Also, I never did figure out how to use command-line args with
> VBS, so you'll have to hardcode the input and output filenames each time

The VBScript can be modified to be work when called from an entry on
the right-click ("context") menu associated with the input file.
However, that requires messing with the Windows Registry, and
most noncommercial people are leery (as I am) of distributing material
that requires Registry changes, so in fact your script as it stands
is a very safe solution.

Being somewhat unicode-resistant, I was not familiar with the details
of conversion.  I may or may not wind up using your routine, but it
makes it very clear what the characters in a unicoded file look like,
and I was unaware of that.

Thank you for such concrete and clear help.

-- Tom


> ' begin VBScript code 
> Option Explicit
> Dim sInFileName, sOutFileName
> sInFileName = ""  ' Filename you wish to convert (with full path)
> sOutFileName = "" ' Filename you want for the output
> Dim oFSO
> Dim oInFile, sInString
> Dim oOutFile, sOutString
> Dim i, s
> Dim sTransArray(255)
> 'Populate the translation table
> For i = 128 To 191
> sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC2) & chr(i)
> Next
> For i = 192 To 255
> sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC3) & chr(i - 64)
> Next
> 'Read the input file as a single string
> Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set oInFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1, False, 0)
> sInString = oInFile.ReadAll
> oInFile.Close
> Set oInFile = Nothing
> 'Perform char-by-char translation
> sOutString = ""
> For i = 0 To Len(sInString)
> s = Mid(sInString, i, 1)
> If Asc(s) < 128 Then
> sOutString = sOutString & s
> Else
> sOutString = sOutString & sTransArray(Asc(s))
> End If
> Next
> 'Write the resulting file to the output file
> Set oOutFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOutFileName, 2, True, 0)
> oOutFile.Write(sOutString)
> oOutFile.Close
> 'Perform final housekeeping
> Set oOutFile = Nothing
> Set oFSO = Nothing
> End
> ' end VBScript code 

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-book on 2.6.3

2005-09-02 Thread Laura Conrad

This is installed on Debian unstable using the .package file.  When I
use the --psfonts option, no .psfonts file seems to be produced.

When I use lilypond-book without the --psfonts option, I get a lot of
error messages from dvips like:

dvips: Font PFAEmmentaler-11 used in file lily-936457080-1.eps is not in the 
mapping file.
dvips: Font CenturySchL-Bold used in file lily-1191781257-1.eps is not
in the mapping file.

and lots of the things like noteheads are missing from the output

I know several people have mentioned using lilyond 2.7.x instead of
2.6.x because of lilypond-book problems.  Is this the problem they're
talking about?  Are there any plans to fix it?  Has anyone found a
workaround (besides using 2.7)?  Are there plans to document the bug
and/or the workaround?

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread stk
On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> What you have found in the source code files are some left-overs
> from version 2.4 and earlier, where LilyPond only knew about Latin1.
> If you browse through the mailing list archives, you can also find
> out why this was not a satisfactory solution if you want to promote
> the program outside western Europe.

(1) That's certainly one huge mass of "left-overs".  For a language
that allows coloured labelled noteheads, Gregorian notation, tenor
clef, and Lord knows what else, it is amazing that the developers
would choose to *remove* an existing capability.

(2) Deleting a capability is not "promotion".  Making unicode an available
*option* would be promotion, but deleting the existing ability to use
Latin-1 is not going to help you recruit users amongst the half billion
people in Western Europe and North America whose other software all
understands Latin-1.  (As a side remark, when I communicate with people in
Romania or other Eastern European locations, I have to use Latin-2;
software [mainly dictionaries] downloadable from those locations uses
Latin-2, *not* unicode.  Unicode may or may not become predominant
someday, but it certainly is not now.)

-- Tom



> > The file ...\usr\share\lilypond\2.6.0\ly\
> > sanctions Latin1 in the statement
> > inputencoding = #"latin1"
> > and later under
> > #(define text-font defaults...   ...)
> >
> > The file ...\usr\share\lilypond\2.6.0\scm\encoding.scm,
> > in the long definition
> > (define-public  latin1-coding-vector...   ...),
> > laboriously lists all 256 Latin1 characters, with  .notdef  for the
> > control characters and with a full list of the Western European
> > accented characters (agrave, aacute, acircumflex, etc.).
> >
> > There is considerable coding to enable Latin1 in the .ly and .scm files in
> > the LilyPond distribution; how can this coding be made to actually
> > function?
> >
> > Thank you for your help.
> >
> > -- Tom

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characterswith jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread Hans de Rijck
Or, for someone with a C compiler, the poor-man's algorithm is:

for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
if ( (unsigned char)line1[i] > 127 )
*line2++ = (char)(192 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) / 64));
*line2++ = (char)(128 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) % 64));
*line2++ = line[ i ];

But in general, the quickest solution is to load the file in Notepad, and
save as UTF-8.



- Original Message -
From: "Daniel Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong
characterswith jEdit)

> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> > If you find this added flexibility in LilyPond 2.6 so annoying, then
> > you could use some program that converts a Latin1 coded file into
> > UTF-8 coding and even make a script file that first does the
> > conversion and then calls LilyPond. Unfortunately, I don't know
> > Windows well enough to provide any specific hints but there should
> > be several possibilities available.
> >
> >/Mats
> >
> This sounds like a job for a sed script, but...
> I offer the following with NO WARRANTY.  I haven't used Windows in about
> a year so this is all from memory, but I am enclosing a VBScript file
> that should perform conversion from Latin-1 to UTF-8.  I haven't tested
> this.  Also, I never did figure out how to use command-line args with
> VBS, so you'll have to hardcode the input and output filenames each time
> (unless you have on-hand a guru who can improve this thing).  Anyhow,
> here goes.  You'll want to save this with a ".vbs" extension.
> ' begin VBScript code 
> Option Explicit
> Dim sInFileName, sOutFileName
> sInFileName = ""  ' Filename you wish to convert (with full path)
> sOutFileName = "" ' Filename you want for the output
> Dim oFSO
> Dim oInFile, sInString
> Dim oOutFile, sOutString
> Dim i, s
> Dim sTransArray(255)
> 'Populate the translation table
> For i = 128 To 191
> sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC2) & chr(i)
> Next
> For i = 192 To 255
> sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC3) & chr(i - 64)
> Next
> 'Read the input file as a single string
> Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set oInFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1, False, 0)
> sInString = oInFile.ReadAll
> oInFile.Close
> Set oInFile = Nothing
> 'Perform char-by-char translation
> sOutString = ""
> For i = 0 To Len(sInString)
> s = Mid(sInString, i, 1)
> If Asc(s) < 128 Then
> sOutString = sOutString & s
> Else
> sOutString = sOutString & sTransArray(Asc(s))
> End If
> Next
> 'Write the resulting file to the output file
> Set oOutFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOutFileName, 2, True, 0)
> oOutFile.Write(sOutString)
> oOutFile.Close
> 'Perform final housekeeping
> Set oOutFile = Nothing
> Set oFSO = Nothing
> End
> ' end VBScript code 
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread Daniel Johnson
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> If you find this added flexibility in LilyPond 2.6 so annoying, then
> you could use some program that converts a Latin1 coded file into
> UTF-8 coding and even make a script file that first does the
> conversion and then calls LilyPond. Unfortunately, I don't know
> Windows well enough to provide any specific hints but there should
> be several possibilities available.
This sounds like a job for a sed script, but...

I offer the following with NO WARRANTY.  I haven't used Windows in about
a year so this is all from memory, but I am enclosing a VBScript file
that should perform conversion from Latin-1 to UTF-8.  I haven't tested
this.  Also, I never did figure out how to use command-line args with
VBS, so you'll have to hardcode the input and output filenames each time
(unless you have on-hand a guru who can improve this thing).  Anyhow,
here goes.  You'll want to save this with a ".vbs" extension.

' begin VBScript code 

Option Explicit

Dim sInFileName, sOutFileName

sInFileName = ""  ' Filename you wish to convert (with full path)
sOutFileName = "" ' Filename you want for the output

Dim oFSO
Dim oInFile, sInString
Dim oOutFile, sOutString
Dim i, s
Dim sTransArray(255)

'Populate the translation table
For i = 128 To 191
sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC2) & chr(i)
For i = 192 To 255
sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC3) & chr(i - 64)

'Read the input file as a single string
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oInFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1, False, 0)
sInString = oInFile.ReadAll
Set oInFile = Nothing

'Perform char-by-char translation
sOutString = ""
For i = 0 To Len(sInString)
s = Mid(sInString, i, 1)
If Asc(s) < 128 Then
sOutString = sOutString & s
sOutString = sOutString & sTransArray(Asc(s))
End If

'Write the resulting file to the output file
Set oOutFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOutFileName, 2, True, 0)

'Perform final housekeeping
Set oOutFile = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing


' end VBScript code 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: no pdf file generated (windows version 2.7.8) and point and clicknot working anymore

2005-09-02 Thread Mehmet Okonsar
my latest windows version 2.7.8 work very well on point and click in acrobat
pro the only trouble is that I wasn't able to figure out how to have another
editor open
Best Regards,
Mehmet Okonsar, pianist-composer
- Original Message -
From: "Katrien de Vos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 2:28 PM
Subject: no pdf file generated (windows version 2.7.8) and point and
clicknot working anymore

> Until recently the windows versions of lilypond generated pdf-files. In
> one of the last versions point-and-click didn't work anymore. Now only
> .ps files are generated but not pdf-files. I downloaded an older version
> (2.6.3-1) but this one didn't work either. Has anything changed or is my
> windows setting different.
> As far as I know I have only made changes the set-variable because I
> installed python (which I need for using
> Jaap
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

no pdf file generated (windows version 2.7.8) and point and click not working anymore

2005-09-02 Thread Katrien de Vos
Until recently the windows versions of lilypond generated pdf-files. In 
one of the last versions point-and-click didn't work anymore. Now only 
.ps files are generated but not pdf-files. I downloaded an older version 
(2.6.3-1) but this one didn't work either. Has anything changed or is my 
windows setting different.
As far as I know I have only made changes the set-variable because I 
installed python (which I need for using


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong characters with jEdit)

2005-09-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

What you have found in the source code files are some left-overs
from version 2.4 and earlier, where LilyPond only knew about Latin1.
If you browse through the mailing list archives, you can also find
out why this was not a satisfactory solution if you want to promote
the program outside western Europe.

If you find this added flexibility in LilyPond 2.6 so annoying, then
you could use some program that converts a Latin1 coded file into
UTF-8 coding and even make a script file that first does the
conversion and then calls LilyPond. Unfortunately, I don't know
Windows well enough to provide any specific hints but there should
be several possibilities available.



I have used Latin1 character encoding for the last 15 years for handling
text in English, French, Spanish, and German.  My (Unix) e-mail
client uses Latin1 (ISO-8859-1).  I use a Latin1 text editor for LilyPond
and thus avoid the cursed false-single-quote problem, and I do not want to
incur the hazards of unicode character-encoding.

If LilyPond can't give me Latin1 characters (é à ç ö etc.) then I will
handwrite them in on the printout, but it would be look cleaner if
LilyPond could handle Latin1 text characters, as is the case with every
other piece of software I use.

I'm running LilyPond 2.6.0 under Windows.

The file ...\usr\share\lilypond\2.6.0\ly\
sanctions Latin1 in the statement
inputencoding = #"latin1"
and later under
#(define text-font defaults...   ...)

The file ...\usr\share\lilypond\2.6.0\scm\encoding.scm,
in the long definition
(define-public  latin1-coding-vector...   ...),
laboriously lists all 256 Latin1 characters, with  .notdef  for the
control characters and with a full list of the Western European
accented characters (agrave, aacute, acircumflex, etc.).

The clear implication is that the coding for LilyPond to recognize
Latin1 characters is there.  But something somewhere is blocking
their recognition (à, é, etc. in markup are just ignored).

What can I change in which file to get LilyPond to accept Latin1

Or what trick, however laborious, will enable me to use Latin1 characters
in markup?  I only need them occasionally in titles.

There is considerable coding to enable Latin1 in the .ly and .scm files in
the LilyPond distribution; how can this coding be made to actually

Thank you for your help.

-- Tom


On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Mats Bengtsson wrote:


The only unicode characters I ever need are in fact, on rare occasions,
some Latin-1 character (à é è ç ö ü etc.) in a song title.

The ASCII editor I use accepts these characters, but then LilyPond \markup
just skips them.

I would rather not switch to a utf-8 editor.

What editor do you use, then, an what character encoding does it use
when savinf the files? Most text editors nowadays can be configured
to save the file using UTF-8.

Is there any way to
incorporate Latin-1 (or unicode) characters into an ASCII LilyPond file,
using HTML notation or some other trick?  It wouldn't have to be
"convenient" if it would just work.  I have used only LP's built-in roman
and sans fonts; would using an external TTF (TrueType) font give me access
to Latin-1 characters that LilyPond would recognize?

It doesn't matter what font you use. In fact, the text font used in
Lilypond are not built into the program but taken from what you already
have on your machine.


lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Atonic Key in cadenza

2005-09-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

The problem here isn't the atonic key function itself, but rather that
you use \cadenzaOn, which makes everything up to the next \cadenzaOff to
be treated as a single long measure, no matter if you insert any extra
manual bar lines every here and there.

One solution is to replace \cadenzaOn with something like
the following:

unmeteredOn = {
\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
\set Timing.automaticBars = ##f

This works by turning off the automatic printing of bar lines but
since it keeps the internal counting of the position within the bar
as usual, I specified the measure length to be 1/4.

I'm not 100% sure how you want your accidentals to behave within
each "measure". Maybe the my solution only works in this specific

Secondly, I don't really understand why you use such a complicated
function to specify your atonicKey. Whoever proposed it on the mailing
list must have missed that you could just as well do

atonicKey = {
\set Staff.keySignature = #'((4 . 5)
 (5 . 5)
 (6 . 5)
 (0 . 5)
 (1 . 5)
 (2 . 5)
 (3 . 5))

\set Score.extraNatural = ##f

(or maybe I have missed some fine point)

After these modifications, your example could look something like

\version "2.6.0"

atonicKey = {
\set Staff.keySignature = #'((4 . 5)
 (5 . 5)
 (6 . 5)
 (0 . 5)
 (1 . 5)
 (2 . 5)
 (3 . 5))

\set Score.extraNatural = ##f

unmeteredOn = {
\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
%\override Score.TimeSignature #'print-function = ##f
\set Timing.automaticBars = ##f

unmeteredOff = {
\set Timing.automaticBars = ##t
\set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 4 4)

\new Voice {


c'8 c' c'' c'' d' d' d'' d''

\bar "|" \set Timing.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 0 4)

cis'8 cis' cis'' cis'' des' des' des'' des''

\bar "|" \cadenzaOn

des'' des'' c'8 c' c'' c'' d' d' d'' d'' cis' cis'
\bar ":"

cis'8  cis' cis'' cis''

des' des' des'' des''


Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

the atonic key function works well in cadenza context but repeated altered
notes over a arbitrary barline (see ex. below) do not reproduce accidentals.
Can it be fixed?
it works if I repeat the statement \atonicKey after each barline
  atonicKey =
  #(def-music-function (parser location) ()
 #{ #(ly:export (make-music 'EventChord
 'origin $location
 'elements (list (make-music 'KeyChangeEvent
  'tonic (ly:make-pitch -1 4 0)
  'pitch-alist '((4 . 5)
 (5 . 5)
 (6 . 5)
 (0 . 5)
 (1 . 5)
 (2 . 5)
 (3 . 5))
\set Score . extraNatural = ##f #})


c'8 c' c'' c'' d' d' d'' d''

\bar "|"

cis'8 cis' cis'' cis'' des' des' des'' des''

\bar "|"

des'' % this one does not get a flat.. unless I put another \atonicKey

des'' c'8 c' c'' c'' d' d' d'' d'' cis' cis'
\bar ":"

cis'8  % this one no sharp
cis' cis'' cis''

des' des' des'' des''}
Best Regards,
Mehmet Okonsar, pianist-composer

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Temporary Staves Above-Below

2005-09-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson

I don't see the problem. How about

\version "2.7.8"

\score {
\new PianoStaff {
\context Staff = "RH" {
\clef treble
{ f'2 c'4 d' e' f' r4 r8 c' d'4 e' }
\context Staff = "LH" {
\clef bass
{a,2 b,4 g, e, f,g,8} % i cut here into the notes of the LH
\new Staff {\set Staff.alignAboveContext = #"RH"
c''16[ des'' gis'' fis'']} % but I want this staff to be above RH?

{c, c, c,4 cis,8 c, d, e, } % remaining notes of LH


\layout {
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"


Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

When I want to start a staff, if I do it inside a context, I have no choice
but I get it below the staff of the context I'm in,

if I want to use the :

\set Staff.alignAboveContext command,

I must have it outside any other staff context (that's logical) and I must
use \skip to have the new staff start where I want.

Using \skip in unmetered long scores can be quite unconvenient..

Am I right assuming that there is no way to "cut" into the notes of an
existing staff context, start a new staff and put it above or below ?..

\version "2.7.8"

\score {
\new PianoStaff {
\context Staff = "RH" {
\clef treble
{ f'2 c'4 d' e' f' r4 r8 c' d'4 e' }
\context Staff = "LH" {
\clef bass
{a,2 b,4 g, e, f,g,8} % i cut here into the notes of the LH
\new Staff {c''16[ des'' gis'' fis'']} % but I want this staff to be
above RH?

{c, c, c,4 cis,8 c, d, e, } % remaining notes of LH

\layout {
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"

Best Regards,
Mehmet Okonsar, pianist-composer

lilypond-user mailing list

Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 
Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Temporary Staves Above-Below

2005-09-02 Thread Graham Percival

On 1-Sep-05, at 10:42 PM, Mehmet Okonsar wrote:

Using \skip in unmetered long scores can be quite unconvenient..

Try this:

Using shorthands like s and *, it's not such a big deal.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list