Suggestion: Possible extension to tablature support

2005-12-30 Thread David E. Nelson
I am not sure if you have discussed this before, but why not extend tablature support in LilyPond by allowing the user to input symbols for how strings should be played, such as hammer-ons, bends, slides, etc.  This could be done by implementing commands that the engine would only pay attention to in a "TabStaff" context, such as adding, say, "\tabOrnament" after a note to indicate "add the quoted string that follows onto this note in the tab staff."For example:c' \tabOrnament "aa"   % Add "aa" after the fret number for this note in the tab staff Harmonics can also be included in tablature, so the command, say, "\tabHarmonic" after a note would enclose that note's fret number in angle brackets.  Also, grace notes can be denoted in tab by enclosing their fret numbers in round parentheses.  This would occur if a \grace command was encountered in a TabStaff context.If you want more info on annotated tab, here's a
		Find your next car at Yahoo! Canada Autos___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two questions compile (times maybe) and question on barline repeats

2005-12-30 Thread Graham Percival

On 30-Dec-05, at 7:10 PM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

Graham- I didn't upgrade, and I did add a few lines of rests before it 
stopped compiling.  I get nothing , no error no command box nothing.

This is odd; at the very least it should spit out a "segfault" or 

  That's why I asked the question.  I'll try to go back and delete the 
added material until it will compile and start from there.

Don't delete it; just comment it out.  :)

I didn't/ don't use repeat as I thought that was mainly to get the 
midi to sound right and I don't care about midi for this.

Please correct me if I misunderstand.

\repeat has no effect on midi, unless you use \unfoldRepeats (or 
something like that).

Actually, not using \repeat is the cause of the problem here.  You can 
only have one \bar command on each bar line.  So lilypond sees the \bar 
":|" command at the end of one line, but that gets overwritten by the 
\bar"|:" command for the start of the next bar (which is still the same 

Using \repeat avoids this problem; see below.  (excerpt)

 \time 4/4
 #(set-global-staff-size 20)

\repeat volta 2 {
\bar "|:"
4^\markup {"#1"}   
 } \break
 \repeat volta 2{
 \times 2/3 {c8^\markup {"#2"} c' e} \times 2/3 {e, c' e} 
\times 2/3 {g, c e}

 \times 2/3 {c, c' e} \times 2/3 {b, d' f} \times 2/3 {d, d' f}
 \times 2/3 {g, d' f} \times 2/3 {b,, d' f}
 } \break

I only did two lines; you can fix the other lines in a similar way.  
Note that you still need an explicit \bar "|:" at the beginning of the 

BTW, this email was sent to the correct addresses.  :)

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: two questions compile (times maybe) and question on barline repeats

2005-12-30 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence
Graham- I didn't upgrade, and I did add a few lines of rests before it 
stopped compiling.  I get nothing , no error no command box nothing.  
That's why I asked the question.  I'll try to go back and delete the 
added material until it will compile and start from there.

Below is the file the pdf just has the 4 lines of 2 measure each but 
without repeat signs until the final measure.
I didn't/ don't use repeat as I thought that was mainly to get the midi 
to sound right and I don't care about midi for this.

Please correct me if I misunderstand.

\version "2.6.0"
\header {
 title = "Giuliani's 120 group 1"

 subtitle = "Right hand studies"
 copyright = "for study purposes only"

melody = \relative c'
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\bar "|:" 4^\markup {"#1"}   
\bar ":|" \break
\bar "|:" \times 2/3 {c8^\markup {"#2"} c' e} \times 2/3 {e, c' e} 
\times 2/3 {g, c e}

\times 2/3 {c, c' e} \times 2/3 {b, d' f} \times 2/3 {d, d' f}
\times 2/3 {g, d' f} \times 2/3 {b,, d' f} \bar ":|" \break
\bar "|:" \times 2/3 {c8^\markup {"#3"} e' c} \times 2/3 {e, e' c} 
\times 2/3 {g e' c}

\times 2/3 {c, e' c} \times 2/3 {b, f'' d} \times 2/3 {d, f' d}
\times 2/3 {g, f' d} \times 2/3 {b, f'' d} \bar ":|" \break
\bar "|:" \times 2/3 {c8^\markup {"#4"} e g} \times 2/3 {e g c} \times 
2/3 {g c e}

\times 2/3 {c, c' e} \times 2/3 {b, d g} \times 2/3 {d g d'}
\times 2/3 {g, d' f} \times 2/3 {b,, d' f} \bar ":|"


\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 4=60 }

Graham Percival wrote:

On 29-Dec-05, at 7:28 PM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:

I have a 1200 line file (so far) and it was compiling in 2 minutes or 
less and now it has begun not to compile at all.  Is there something 
I can look for that would explain this without submitting the entire 

If you've updated your version of lilypond, did you run convert-ly ?
If not, what did you change last?  You must have made some change 
between the last time you compiled it and when it stopped compiling.
Are there any error messages displayed?  If there's any line numbers 
mentioned, double-check the area around those lines -- sometimes the 
actual error occurs a few lines away from the reported problem.

I just entered a series of 2 measure exercises (guitar/Giuliani) with 
\bar "|:" at the beginning and \bar ":|" at the end of each two bars 
but the end repeat does not show.

Why not use \repeat ?  Anyway, if it's just a one-line example that 
doesn't display a bar line, please send the example to the list.

- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: left-Align lyrics under notes

2005-12-30 Thread Arthur Dyck
You might find this attachment useful as it lays out how to do the


On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 21:10 +, fr.Basile wrote:
> I am trying to align long text (example : "Le Seigneur est ma lumière et mon
> salut") under one note (duration = \breve). It is a sort of paslmody. No 
> problem
> with long text, but by default, Lilypond (v2.6) centers the note which is sung
> onto the text, rather than writing it at the beginning of the text, i.e.
> left-alignment. I did not find the solution : I suppose that there is an 
> option
> elsewhere...
> Thanks for your help !
> J'essaie d'aligner à gauche un texte long (exemple : "Le Seigneur est ma 
> lumière
> et mon salut") sous une note (durée = \breve). Il s'agit d'un genre de
> psalmodie. Pas de problème avec le texte long, mais par défaut, Lilypond 
> (v2.6)
> centre la note qui est chantée au-dessus du texte, plutôt que de l'écrire au
> début du texte, c'est-à-dire alignée à gauche. Je n'ai pas trouvé la solution 
> :
> je suppose pourtant qu'il doit y avoir quelque part un paramètre modifiable...
> Merci de votre aide.
> fr. Basile
> Fraternité Monastique de Jérusalem
> ___
> lilypond-user mailing list
\version "2.6.4"
global = 
\key f \major
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f


\header {   
title = "Holy God"
subtitle = ""
tagline = ""   
poet = ""
composer = "Feofanovskoye"  

#(set-global-staff-size 15)
#(set-default-paper-size "a5")

upperOne = 
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
g'8 g2 \bar "||"
g4 g8 fis8( g a g4.) \bar "|"
b4 b8 a( b c) b4. \bar "|"
d4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar ":|"
g8 \bar "" \break g g4. fis \bar "|"
fis8 fis g4 g8 g g4. \bar "|"
d'4( b8) a4 a8 b a g fis g^\markup { ritard } a g4. \bar "||"


upperTwo =  
\relative c'{
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 dis( e f e4.)
g4 g8 fis( g a) g4.
b4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.
e8 e e4. dis!
dis!8 dis e4 e8 e e4.
b'4( g8) fis4 fis8 g fis e dis! e fis e4.

lowerOne =  
\relative c' {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
\key g \major
b8 b2
b4 b8 b4.~ b4.
d4 d8 d4. d
d4.~ d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.
b8 b b4. b
b8 b b4 b8 b b4.
d4. d4 d8 d d b b b b b4.

lowerTwo =   
\relative c {
\set Timing.timing = ##f
e8 e2
e4 e8 b4.( e)
g4 g8 d4. g
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b b_\markup { repeat three times } e4.
e8 e e4. b
b8 b e4 e8 e e4.
g4. d4 d8 g d e b b_\markup { repeat original melody } b e4.

firstverse = \lyricmode {
 A -- men.
 Ho -- ly God,
 Ho -- ly Might -- y,
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 "Glory to the 
Father and to the Son and to the" Holy Spi -- rit,
 \once \override LyricText #'self-alignment-X = #-1 "now and ever and 
unto ages" of a -- ges.  A -- men.
 Ho -- ly, Im -- mor -- tal have mer -- cy on us.


\context ChoirStaff<<
\context Staff = "upper" 

\clef treble
\context Voice = "one" \upperOne
\context Voice = "two" \upperTwo 


\lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {

\context Staff = "lower" <<
\clef bass
\context Voice = "one" \lowerOne
\context Voice = "two" \lowerTwo


\layout {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"

\midi { \tempo 4=66 }   

\paper {
topmargin = .0\in
leftmargin = .1\in
linewidth = 4.5\in 
indent = 0
printpagenumber = ##f

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Captions

2005-12-30 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Thursday 29 December 2005 03:20 pm, Linda Seltzer wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> What is the best way to place a caption under a musical example?

I think you'll find that musical examples are usually considered
charts or tables rather than pictures, so the captions are above
rather than below.  daveA

Free download of technical exercises worth a lifetime of practice:
"Dynamic Guitar Technique":
email: "David Raleigh Arnold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>|<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Full name in address field is needed to pass filter)

lilypond-user mailing list

left-Align lyrics under notes

2005-12-30 Thread fr . Basile
I am trying to align long text (example : "Le Seigneur est ma lumière et mon
salut") under one note (duration = \breve). It is a sort of paslmody. No problem
with long text, but by default, Lilypond (v2.6) centers the note which is sung
onto the text, rather than writing it at the beginning of the text, i.e.
left-alignment. I did not find the solution : I suppose that there is an option

Thanks for your help !


J'essaie d'aligner à gauche un texte long (exemple : "Le Seigneur est ma lumière
et mon salut") sous une note (durée = \breve). Il s'agit d'un genre de
psalmodie. Pas de problème avec le texte long, mais par défaut, Lilypond (v2.6)
centre la note qui est chantée au-dessus du texte, plutôt que de l'écrire au
début du texte, c'est-à-dire alignée à gauche. Je n'ai pas trouvé la solution :
je suppose pourtant qu'il doit y avoir quelque part un paramètre modifiable...

Merci de votre aide.

fr. Basile
Fraternité Monastique de Jérusalem

lilypond-user mailing list

Captions with French words and accents

2005-12-30 Thread Linda Seltzer
Dear Friends,

I would like to know how to typeset a caption under a musical example.
Also, the caption will be in English, but some of the words will be in
French, so I will need to use French accents.  Also, some of the French
words would be in Italics.

Thank you for any suggestions on this.

Best regards,
Linda Seltzer

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: FYI: Discussion about "Harmony Assistant (Myriad Software)" exporting .ly files

2005-12-30 Thread fiëé visuëlle

Am 2005-12-30 um 17:15 schrieb Eduardo Vieira:

I thought some of you could find interesting the recent discussion  
in the Workshop forum of Harmony Assistant about a feature request  
of having the program export to LaTeX / Lilypond.

Too bad it's mostly french... Anyway here's the link: 

I worked with Harmony Assistant before I switched to LilyPond and  
still use it for better MIDIs.
If they really implement that, I could convert my old scores without  
MIDI conversion.

Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: When to use overrideProperty instead of override?

2005-12-30 Thread Trevor Bača
On 12/30/05, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trevor Bača wrote:
> > Seems like
> >
> > \overrideProperty
> > #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn"
> > #'line-break-system-details
> > #'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))
> >
> > works great, but that
> >
> > \override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details
> > = #'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))
> >
> > is silent.
> >
> >
> > Question: what's the intent of \overrideProperty? (Ie, when's the
> > right time to use \overrideProperty instead of \override?)
> \override changes the initialization of a Grob. Since
> Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn grobs are created and initialized before a
> normal \override is processed, it has no effect on
> Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn doesn't work.


So summary: use \override for overriding almost all grob properties;
use \overrideProperty only for properties belonging to those few grobs
like Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn that are created *prior to* normal
\override processing.

Thanks for the explanation.

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

FYI: Discussion about "Harmony Assistant (Myriad Software)" exporting .ly files

2005-12-30 Thread Eduardo Vieira

I thought some of you could find interesting the 
recent discussion in the Workshop forum of Harmony Assistant about a feature 
request of having the program export to LaTeX / Lilypond.
Too bad it's mostly french... Anyway here's the 
Have a good day!
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: When to use overrideProperty instead of override?

2005-12-30 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Trevor Bača wrote:

Seems like

#'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))

works great, but that

\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details
= #'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))

is silent.

Question: what's the intent of \overrideProperty? (Ie, when's the
right time to use \overrideProperty instead of \override?)

\override changes the initialization of a Grob. Since 
Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn grobs are created and initialized before a 
normal \override is processed, it has no effect on 
Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn doesn't work.

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Integrating Lilypont o/p w. text, LaTex and Word and troff

2005-12-30 Thread fiëé visuëlle

Am 2005-12-29 um 21:07 schrieb Linda Seltzer:

In the case of LaTex
Is there a set of macros for LaTex so that I don't have to worry about
formatting text into paragraphs, etc.?

There's the script lilypond-book in the distribution, see its  

Where do I get LaTex?

from TUG (TeX Users Group)
e.g. you can buy a CD: (TeXlive or proTeXt  
You can also download the whole stuff from CTAN 

Myself I'm using ConTeXt, a more modern alternative to LaTeX; it's  
LilyPond support is still a bit poor, but works.


Greetlings from Lake Constance
fiëé visuëlle
Henning Hraban Ramm (I'm an assurer)

lilypond-user mailing list

When to use overrideProperty instead of override?

2005-12-30 Thread Trevor Bača
Seems like

#'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))

works great, but that

\override Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn #'line-break-system-details
= #'((fixed-alignment-extra-space . 15))

is silent.

Question: what's the intent of \overrideProperty? (Ie, when's the
right time to use \overrideProperty instead of \override?)

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

Figured bass extender line problem possible workaround

2005-12-30 Thread liang seng
Hi, I'm trying to find a workaround to the extender line problem in figured 
bass in Lilypond development series 2.7.2x. Here is the file:

\version "2.7.23"
\header {
\relative { c c c c \break c c c c  }
\context FiguredBass \figuremode { \set useBassFigureExtenders = ##t \set 
figuredBassCenterContinuations = ##f

\set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #1 \set figuredBassPlusDirection = #1
<10 3>4. <10 3>8 <6+ 4>4. <6+ 4>8
<10 3++>4. <10 3++>8 <6+ 4->4.  <6+ 4->8 } >>

In the attached file figbass.pdf, the extender line problem is highlighted 
in the 1st bar. As you can see, the extender lines in the 1st bar are not 
horizontally aligned. This appears when there is 1. A double digit figure 
with a single digit figure and 2. A figure with a right sided accidental 
with a figure without accidentals.
In trying to find a workaround, I have tried to add right sided accidentals 
to the unaffected figures so that the right sided horizontal alignment of 
the figures as well as the resulting extender lines are more or less aligned 
properly (bar 2). However, the only problem here is how to make those extra 
accidentals (the double sharp in the first figure and the flat in the 
second) disappear. The problem with overriding the transparency of the 
figures is that the entire figure with the accidental will disappear instead 
of only the accidental. I also tried using the BassFigureContinuation object 
to move the individual extender line but I can't since it moved the entire 
double extender line. Any ideas on how to make the individual figure 
accidentals disappear without affecting the main figures?

Description: Adobe PDF document
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syntactic synonyms, or no?

2005-12-30 Thread Trevor Bača
On 12/30/05, Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Trevor Bača wrote:
> > Is ...
> >
> >   \new Score {
> > - music -
> > \layout {
> >   \context {
> > \Score
> > \override Foo #'bar = #value
> >   }
> > }
> >   }
> >
> > ... exactly equivalent to ...
> >
> >   \new Score \with {
> > \override Foo #'bar = #value
> >   }  {
> > - music -
> >   }
> yes.

OK. Thank you.

> > ... or is there a reason to prefer one to the other?
> it saves on typing if you have many \scores

Ah. True.

FWIW, I really like \new Score { ... } and somehow missed it when I
first learning the input sytax! Guess this is why it's a good idea to
go back and reread the manual (which just keeps getting better, much
like the code itself, imo).

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

What controls figured bass?

2005-12-30 Thread liang seng
Hi, I would like to know for the development series of Lilypond (2.7.2x), 
the figured bass is controlled by which grob?
Fundamentally, since figured basses are markups as the distance between them 
and the staff is controlled by a markup command (baseline-skip), are they 
controlled by TextScript?
On the otherhand, are they controlled by the objects listed in the program 
reference in the Figured Bass section of the manual?

Thank you.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to print "page x of x" in the header

2005-12-30 Thread Mark Cookson
Thanks for the replies, Han-Wen and Laura.

I suspect it's a one-off requirement for me (I'm putting together some
pages of scales for students) so I'll give the lilypond-book method a
go first. I've done each scale as a separate score within a \book, so
not sure how easy it will be to get things into a shape lilypond-book
likes the look of...

On 12/29/05, Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "MC" == Mark Cookson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:MC>I'm trying to figure out how to print the title and "page x
MC>of x" in the header of each page of a \book using LilypondMC>2.6.4. Can anyone give me any clues? Is this likely to beMC>easy to accomplish?If you use lilypond-book, this and a lot of things like it are quite
easy.  I think the most straightforward way is to put:   \usepackage(lastpage)in your document header, and then say:   \pageref(LastPage)wherever you want to use the number of the last page.
--Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )(617) 661-8097  fax: (501) 641-5011233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Syntactic synonyms, or no?

2005-12-30 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

Trevor Bača wrote:

Is ...

  \new Score {
- music -
\layout {
  \context {
\override Foo #'bar = #value

... exactly equivalent to ...

  \new Score \with {
\override Foo #'bar = #value
  }  {
- music -


... or is there a reason to prefer one to the other?

it saves on typing if you have many \scores

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hiding Tuplet Numbers / Lyrics and Barlines and the Use of Opus in the header.

2005-12-30 Thread Trent Johnston
Thanks... I gave it a try... it kinda works.. but works better when I make
the lyrics a little smaller.


- Original Message - 
From: "Han-Wen Nienhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Trent Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: Hiding Tuplet Numbers / Lyrics and Barlines and the Use of Opus
in the header.

> Trent Johnston wrote:
> > Thanx for the hints. I've successfully hidden the tuplet numbers.
> >
> > The lyrics and barline question is proving troublesome...
> >
> > where do I put the  \consists "Separating_line_group_engraver"
> \layout {
>\context { \Lyrics \consists ... } }
> -- 
>   Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: half-stop sign

2005-12-30 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys

D Josiah Boothby wrote:
how much to sponser the addition of a half-stop sign (similar to the 
mathematical circled plus) to the feta font? 

I charge 45 eur for that.

or is it just easier to try 
to use a text markup to put it in?

that's another possibility, something like

  \markup { \circle \musicglyph #"scripts.stopped"  }


Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

lilypond-user mailing list

rests missing

2005-12-30 Thread Rob

Since a few days I use version 2.6.3. from a debian package (Kubuntu)

I ran in the following two problems.


\override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = 1
\set Score.skipBars = ##t

1 single rest-measure with the number 4 written above.

When I change to

R1*6 (or 7 or ...)
There is a 6 (or7 or...) written above

R1*5  gives no a 5 written above it; in fact here is nothing!


A more or less identical problem is shown in \time

when I write
\time 2/4 or 6/8
in the Staff it is shown as 2/4 and 6/8

\time 3/4 only the "4" is shown in it's proper place,
which is the lower part of the Staff
in stead of a "3" above it there is a blank place

What can I do about it?


lilypond-user mailing list