Issue 34: Grace synchronization

2007-11-11 Thread Peter Mogensen


Am I the only one who is sad to see Issue 34 at low priority?
I guess it's about the bug mentioned at the bottom of:

I write a lot of scores with drum flams (*) and this bug makes it a lot 
harder to write and maintain.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re:parts from score or score from parts?

2007-04-09 Thread Peter Mogensen

I usually maintain a seperate section defining the score from the 
different voice, which I edit when I need a different extract.

However... this editing of the score file is tedious. Why not add a 
feature to lilypond where you can select to "mute" certain staffs or 
voices with a command line switch?


lilypond-user mailing list


2007-02-12 Thread Peter Mogensen

I've seen many references to an MusicXML->Lilypond converter, and Lily
does AFAIK include one now.
But I can't find any mention of a Lilypond->MusicXML engine. Have I
missed something?

Anyway.. I assume such does not exists. I was wondering if I could
implement one my self with out knowing too much of Lilypond internals
and without writing an entire parser for the Lilypond file format (which
often changes).

So, i see that there's a file in the Lilypond Git, which seem to hold
code to export the parse tree of a Lilypond document to XML. I wuold
guess that could be used to make an Lilypond->MusicXML XSLT.
Is it complete? How do I invoke it?


lilypond-user mailing list

grace-notes in tuplets

2005-11-04 Thread Peter Mogensen

Is there a good reason, that I just don't know of that the two tuplets
below do not give the same result?


\version "2.6.3"

\paper {
  raggedright = ##t

\new DrumStaff <<
  \new DrumVoice {
\drummode { \times 2/3 { \grace sn8 sn8 sn sn }
\times 2/3 { \grace sn8 sn8 sn sn } }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Alligned articulations

2005-11-03 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
>> I'm trying to figure out how to allign a group of accents, so they
>> appear at the same vertical position. This code shows the problem not
>> solved:
> is this customary in drum notation?

Don't know... but I have a drummer asking me how to do it, and I agree
that it would look better and be more readable.

> The easy  way out is to reverse the stacking order of the scripts, or to
> make one of them appear underneath the notes.

Won't work, since in the real score there's also snare, bassdrum and
other instruments which already uses the space under the staff.


lilypond-user mailing list

Alligned articulations

2005-11-03 Thread Peter Mogensen

I'm trying to figure out how to allign a group of accents, so they
appear at the same vertical position. This code shows the problem not

\version "2.6.3"

\paper {
  raggedright = ##t

\new DrumStaff <<
  \new DrumVoice {
\drummode { hh-> hho-> hh-> hho-> }

I guess I could do it by putting invisible \open on the hh notes.
But how? ... or is there another way?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Co-sponsorship: repeated ties for second endings

2005-10-25 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Hello everybody!
> In the last weeks, there has been talk on repeating ties in second
> endings of repeats automatically. This is a sponsorship under the "Small
> feature"  regime, so I would like to put it up for 130 EUR (incl VAT for
> EU).  Peter Mogensen already agreed to put forth 65 EUR of this amount,
> so we're still short of another 65.
> Is anyone else interested in sponsoring the other 65 EUR?
> (If it's easy to do, I'll try to squeeze in repeated slurs as well)

Just a small post to serve two purposes:

1) To say that I just had the need for handling ties _out_ of repeats.
That is... when the 1st ending ends with a tie to the very first note in
the repeat-block. And to ask Han-Wen if that use case would be
considered a part of the tie/volta problem?

2) To draw some more attention to the cause so we can get it
implemented. There must be more people out there who struggles with ties
in and out of repeat structures :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: giving up frustrated ... :-(

2005-10-12 Thread Peter Mogensen
Roland Goretzki wrote:
> Hi at all,
> since many weeks now I would like to use lilypond 2.6.x on my debian
> system, but with autopacke there was a problem concerning the guile
> version.
> Now, after completely new installing a clean debian sarge 3.1 system
> (from printemps 2004) there still remaines the following problem:

>   # Checking for Guile ... failed
>   # FAIL:
>   # Package 'Guile' was found but was of the wrong version and the correct 
> version could not be located.
>   # 

> Trying to install 
>   guile-1.6_1.6.7-1.1_i386.deb
> with dpkg -i results in the following error:
>   dpkg: regarding libc6_2.3.5-6_i386.deb containing libc6:
>libc6 conflicts with e2fsprogs (<< 1.35-7)
> e2fsprogs (version 1.34+1.35-WIP-2004.01.31-1) is installed.
>   dpkg: error processing libc6_2.3.5-6_i386.deb (--install):
>conflicting packages - not installing libc6
>   Errors were encountered while processing:

Strange... I installed 2.6.3 on my Sarge from source.
The only problem I had was that I had to install a newer version of
FontForge from source too. (Lily complains about an old gs too, but it
seems to work).

Maybe this will help you:

$ dpkg -l libc6
ii  libc6  2.3.2.ds1-22.d GNU C Library: Shared libraries and

$ dpkg -l guile*
un  guile   (no description available)
ii  guile-1.6  1.6.7-1The GNU extension language and Scheme
ii  guile-1.6-dev  1.6.7-1Development files for Guile 1.6
pn  guile-1.6-doc   (no description available)
ii  guile-1.6-libs 1.6.7-1Main Guile libraries
ii  guile-1.6-slib 1.6.7-1Guile SLIB support
ii  guile-common   1.4-26 Common files for all guile versions
pn  guile-db(no description available)
un  guile-dev   (no description available)
un  guile-doc   (no description available)
un  guile-lib   (no description available)
ii  guile-library  0.1.2-1Library of useful Guile modules
pn  guile-pg(no description available)
pn  guile-www   (no description available)
un  guile1.3(no description available)
un  guile1.3-doc(no description available)
ii  guile1.4   1.4-26 The GNU extension language and Scheme
pn  guile1.4-doc(no description available)
pn  guile1.4-slib   (no description available)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Note chart

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Mogensen
David Bobroff wrote:
> I'm helping a colleague prepare a trombone method book (the first such
> to be prepared in Icelandic).  

I play trombone... ok ... more relevant. I know what kind of charts you
talk about :)

> This is probably not strictly a LilyPond question.  I suspect I'll need
> some LaTeX graphing package or other, one that makes trees.  Then I want
> to hang feta note glyphs on the tree.

Yes... that's also what I would think. You need to use Lilypond through
LaTeX and create the lines with some LaTeX grapic package.

You could probably hack something in pure Lilypond using more than one
staff and \glissando
... but I would think the nice way would be LaTeX.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Repeats and rehearsal mark in drummode music

2005-10-10 Thread Peter Mogensen
Abbey Lincoln-GLMA001 wrote:
> I just started using LilyPond to notate drumset music.  It's working
> very well for me so far.  But I can't figure out how to do two things:
>  1. Put a rehearsal mark at the beginning of the first bar ("[A]"), and

In my expericene it's best to put rehearsalmarks and any other global
info which is suppoed to be printed once per system in a "globalinfo"

globalinfo = {
\mark \default

... and put that in parallel with your two voices.

\new DrumStaff <<
\time 4/4
\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \threeSingleF \threeSingleF }
\new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \bdSingleFHhFour \bdSingleFHhFour }

>  2. Put the bars between repeat symbols ("|:" and ":|")

\bar "|:"
in "the right place".

Which place is the right place depends on how you structure your music.
You can but it in "globalinfo", like:

globalinfo = {
\mark \default
\bar "|:"
\bar ":|:"
\bar ":|

... but that will be a problem if you have repeats which some time needs
to be unfolded. Else... put it directly in the definition of your notes,
or in your voice definition.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Controlling mark/markup

2005-10-05 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Increase the padding, see

I guess, I tried to increased the padding for the wrong object

> See

Ahh... I did look at that page, but overlooked the solution.

This solves my problem:
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #3
\override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible



lilypond-user mailing list

Controlling mark/markup

2005-10-05 Thread Peter Mogensen

I was preparing a short demo template for a friend of mine on how to
organize a score with Lilypond to make it easy to extract different voices.

But I keep struggling with placing makrup like "DC al Fine" correct. I
want it below the staffs.

There are two problems (file attached):
1) I gets way to close to the notes. \lower doesn't seem to affect it.
2) If I place it at the last bar (where it logically should be) it
doesn't get printed. If I move it into the music it does.

Is there a solution to this?

I try to keep all stuff which should be printed only once per score in
\globalinfo and use \mark to place it.

\version "2.6.3"
\header {
title = "Template"
subtitle = "subtitle"
composer = "Traditional"
arranger = "Arranger"
enteredby = "I typed this"
maintainerEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
meter = "moderato"

\paper {
  linewidth = 16.0 \cm
  #(set-paper-size "a4")
  raggedlastbottom = ##t
  raggedbottom = ##t
  betweensystempadding = 1.0\cm 
  betweensystemspace = 0.30\in
  leftmargin = 2\cm

#(set-global-staff-size 14)

\layout {

  \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }


% Helper definitions %
slip = \drummode {
   \override Stem #'stroke-style = #"grace" \grace sn8 

 General %

globaltime = {
  \time 2/2

%% Rehearsal marks %%%

globalinfo = {
  s1*2 \bar "|:" \mark \default 
  s1*4 \bar "||" \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" } 
  s1*4 \bar ":|" \mark \markup { \italic "Fine" }
  s1*2 \bar "|."
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'direction = #-1
  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
  \mark \markup { \italic "D.S. al Fine"}

% Note elements %%

melodinotes = \relative c' {
  g4 a b c
  g4 a b c
  g4 a b c
  g4 a b c
  e4 d c b
  e4 d c b
  e4 d c b
  e4 d c b
  e2 d2

andenstemme = \relative c' {

drumnotes = \drummode {
  sn4:16~ sn4 \slip sn  sn 
  \slip sn sn sn sn8 sn

  sn4:16~ sn4 \slip sn  sn 
  \slip sn sn sn sn8 sn

  sn4:16~ sn4 \slip sn  sn 
  \slip sn sn sn sn8 sn

  sn4:16~ sn4 \slip sn  sn 
  \slip sn sn sn sn8 sn
  sn2:32~-> sn2:32~->
  sn2:32~-> sn4-> r 

 Voices %%

melodivoice = \context Voice = "M" {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major

andenvoice = \new Voice {
  \clef treble
  \key c \major

drumvoice = \context DrumVoice = "D" {

 Staffs %%

melodistaff = \context Staff = "M" <<
  \set Staff.instrument = "Melodi"
  \set Staff.instr = "Mel"

andenstaff = \new Staff <<
  \set Staff.instrument = "2. stemme"
  \set Staff.instr = "2"

drumstaff = \context DrumStaff = "D"
\with {
  \override StemTremolo #'beam-thickness = #0.3
  \override StemTremolo #'beam-width = #1.5   
  \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
  \override BarLine #'bar-size = #4
} <<
  \set Staff.instrument = "Tromme"
  \set Staff.instr = "Tr"

% Score %%%
\book {
  \score {
\header {
  piece = "Partitur"
  \new StaffGroup <<
  \score {
\header {
  piece = "2. stemme"
  breakbefore = ##t

lilypond-user mailing list

\book output

2005-10-02 Thread Peter Mogensen

When using \book I can see from the docs that it is normally used to
output a set of pieces. However... I would like to use it to output
first the score and then notation for the individual instruments to hand
out. (is this a wrong application of \book ?)

However... I've found the following problems:
* breakbefore does not break unless you have a "piece" in your score header.
* You can not change "instrument" in the header on a \score by \score basis


\version "2.6.3"

\header {
  instrument = "Bogus"

\paper {
  raggedbottom = ##t

\book {
  \score {
\header {
%  piece = "Piece one"
  instrument = "Score"
  { c d e f }
  \score {
\header {
  breakbefore = ##t
%  piece = "Piece two"
  instrument = "Trumpet"
  {g a b c'}

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: \time vs. \times

2005-09-30 Thread Peter Mogensen
Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> While writing scores with LilyPond I've mixed up \time and \times
> again and again.
> Thus I have the following suggestion: Make a new command `\tuplet',
> which is an alias of \times and deprecate the latter.

Yeah... I've noticed the same potential confusion.


lilypond-user mailing list

tremolos on beamed notes

2005-09-27 Thread Peter Mogensen

Are there any way to get the tremolo strokes on a beamed note to NOT
align with the beam?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notation

2005-09-27 Thread Peter Mogensen
> Instead of sitting and listening several time to learn and play a music  from 
> CD's of own choice, is there any software available in the music  industry  
> to generate notation and chords and that can be printed  in sheet music form 
> (at least the lead instruments) direct from a  CD or MP3 disk

I found a piece of software, which tries to help you with the listening
process and a set of links to people having tried to program what you
want. Maybe you find someting useful:


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notation

2005-09-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> The cheaper option is to write the people that recorded the CD and ask
> them for music.  If you give them enough money, they might consider the
> request.

Yes... that's probably the cheapest way in terms of both time and money.

But that said, there exists software which tries to generate MIDI from

I tried it with my trumpet, and it does get most pitches right, but it
has a problem guessing how many tones. The slightest attack on a tone
causes it to send the tone twice.
So it's not usable in practice, and definitely not with anything more
complex than a monophonic intrument.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Peter Mogensen wrote:
> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>>Read the NEWS in the documentation for version 2.6.
> Unless I'm mistaken \stopStaff \startStaff doesn't stop output of notes.
> Only the staff-lines.
> To use this, it would require to insert skip-notes in all staffs/voices.
> I would rather measure the horizontal space in centimeters than in
> note-values.

I just tried to install 2.6.3 just to try this solution. Unfortunately
it has another flaw:
If the "staffpause" happens to be on a linebreak, the clef,
instrumentnames and key is still typeset even though there's not staff.
So I can't use this to force a whitespace break in the staffs.


PS: ... and somehow my markup of scripts-coda has disappeared from my
score... in the transition 2.4.5->2.6.3 ...hmm...

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Notation

2005-09-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
> Dear Sir/madam,
> I am an entry level keyboard player (Not professional). I hope you can help  
> me to answer my question. 
> Instead of sitting and listening several time to learn and play a music  from 
> CD's of own choice, is there any software available in the music  industry  
> to generate notation and chords and that can be printed  in sheet music form 
> (at least the lead instruments) direct from a  CD or MP3 disk . If there any 
> software available, could you  please advise me whatever may the cost I would 
> like to buy it.

That is a *very* *very* _*very*_ difficult task to program - if not
There's exists a few programs which tries to generate MIDI from sound,
but they work best with monophonic music and I would guess that
especially keyboard (piano?) music would be a problem. I also doubt that
the resulting MIDI can be use directly to generate a playable score.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-23 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Peter Mogensen wrote:
>> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>>> Read the NEWS in the documentation for version 2.6.
>> Unless I'm mistaken \stopStaff \startStaff doesn't stop output of notes.
>> Only the staff-lines.
>> To use this, it would require to insert skip-notes in all staffs/voices.
>> I would rather measure the horizontal space in centimeters than in
>> note-values.
> This is unavoidable; All horizontal positions have 2 colunms associated
>  with them, a musical (where the note is) and a non-musical one (for
> clefs, barlines, etc.). Without skips, we'd have to have 2 non-musical
> columns for a single time position, and that would require major
> hacking.  It should be feasible to specify the amount of space as a
> dimension, though. Do you want to me to look into that as a sponsored
> feature?

Nah... my budget is limited, and before I can decide where it's best to
invest I think I need to know more about the internal design of
Lilypond. (I know... I could/should read the source).

One thing that I keep wondering is how much the internals of Lilypond
knows about the flow (in time) of the music?
I would guess that many of the features which I struggle with have
something to do with Lilypond not knowing anything about in which order
the music it typesets are actually played.

If you could specify something like:
* Create a new set of staffs, take the music and typeset measures up to
* \staffbreak{2cm}
* Create new staffs, and typeset the rest.

Where "staffbreak" is akin to linebreaks/pagebreaks.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Accidental placement above/below note

2005-09-23 Thread Peter Mogensen
Ruud van Silfhout wrote:
> As I am just an amateur regarding music notation I have a question
> concening the attached piece of music.
> The natural shown below the last note, is that meant as a natural
> normally placed before the note? And is this an alternative (standard)
> notation for accidentals?  And if so, can this be done by lilypond. I
> know you can of course do this by adding a markup, but I was wondering
> if this could be done using some kind of property of accidentals or
> accidentalplacement. I also think that the accidental is somewhat
> smaller than the normal accidental.

I believe this is one of the new features in 2.7.x
See the NEWS page.

\set suggestAccidentals = ##t


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties in second endings

2005-09-23 Thread Peter Mogensen
Erik Sandberg wrote:
>>Define "proper".
>>The above requires you to add the hack to all staves if you need it in
>>one staff. That's too much trouble for my lilypond use.
> - it's future compatible (I have plans to fix the grace note bug).
> - with your solution, the tied note is placed slightly to the right of the 
> sn4 
> drum note, which is incorrect. Also, MIDI generation gets incorrect.

Accepted :) Good reasons.

I don't use MIDI though, since it doesn't know about repeats. I know I
could unfold repeats, but that won't work for segno/coda repeats.

At least I can be glad I only have to make changes one place, once the
grace bug is resolved :)


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Co-sponsoring Was: Ties in second endings

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
>> IIRC think I have set the price at EUR 110 for #1 + #2 (incl VAT
>> and/or transfer costs, depending on where you live.)
> Sorry, I'm a bit uncoherent. The point I'm trying to make is that the
> "Grand Unified Solution" should be built from many "Small Useful
> Solution"s. Otherwise, we might spend a lot of resources on something
> that is not so much needed in the end.   What I sketched above is one
> part of the Grand Unified solution, so I think it is a good start to
> work on that.

You're right. But the I was trying to make is that if something requires
 desing-considerations for a clean solution, then it can be difficult to
find "small useful solutions", which together gets you all the way.
I'm not in a position to evaluate whether this is the case, since I've
not read the source.
I just wanted to make it possible to "do it right", if you conclude that
the cleanest way to move forward would be changing some fundamental
design. (even if the feature which caused that conclussion was minor).
... and for people to sponsor such activity together.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Peter Mogensen wrote:
>> If you could specify something like:
>> * Create a new set of staffs, take the music and typeset measures up to
>>   #72.
>> * \staffbreak{2cm}
>> * Create new staffs, and typeset the rest.
>> Where "staffbreak" is akin to linebreaks/pagebreaks.
> Yes, then what?  What you propose is possible, but \staffBreak will have
> to have an (implicit) duration.

That's ok, as long as you can tweak it like you can tweak distances
between paragraphs in LaTeX.

Then I could generate the type of scores I see other write by hand
without embedding the layout of the score in every voice.


lilypond-user mailing list

Co-sponsoring Was: Ties in second endings

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
D Josiah Boothby wrote:

> Not having any income to speak of right now, I may come to regret
> mentioning this, but I would be willing to support -- as in co-sponsor
> -- a fix to this problem. I don't have much, but it sure would be nice
> to be able to rally the support to see ties and slurs resume in
> alternative endings situations. 

I think a lot of us do...
I hope for a more clean complete solution which also could handle ties
into CODA-jumps.

I guess there's many users which would like such larger features, but do
not have the money to pay for the grand unified solution alone. I hope
Han-Wen could set up some kind og "vote-with-your-money" system, so we
all could contribute to get something implemented.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Peter Mogensen wrote:
>> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>>> Read the NEWS in the documentation for version 2.6.
>> Unless I'm mistaken \stopStaff \startStaff doesn't stop output of notes.
>> Only the staff-lines.
>> To use this, it would require to insert skip-notes in all staffs/voices.
>> I would rather measure the horizontal space in centimeters than in
>> note-values.
> This is unavoidable; All horizontal positions have 2 colunms associated
>  with them, a musical (where the note is) and a non-musical one (for
> clefs, barlines, etc.). Without skips, we'd have to have 2 non-musical
> columns for a single time position, and that would require major
> hacking.  It should be feasible to specify the amount of space as a
> dimension, though. Do you want to me to look into that as a sponsored
> feature?

Nah... my budget is limited, and before I can decide where it's best to
invest I think I need to know more about the internal design of
Lilypond. (I know... I could/should read the source).

One thing that I keep wondering is how much the internals of Lilypond
knows about the flow (in time) of the music?
I would guess that many of the features which I struggle with have
something to do with Lilypond not knowing anything about in which order
the music it typesets are actually played.

If you could specify something like:
* Create a new set of staffs, take the music and typeset measures up to
* \staffbreak{2cm}
* Create new staffs, and typeset the rest.

Where "staffbreak" is akin to linebreaks/pagebreaks.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Read the NEWS in the documentation for version 2.6.

Unless I'm mistaken \stopStaff \startStaff doesn't stop output of notes.
Only the staff-lines.

To use this, it would require to insert skip-notes in all staffs/voices.
I would rather measure the horizontal space in centimeters than in


> Peter Mogensen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I see a lot of scores with a layout like this:
>>  Segno CODA
>>   / /
>>  | intro || A-part | volta1 || volta2 ||
>> B-part | volta1 || volta2 || ...D.S. al Coda
>>   CODA: | "A-volta3" || C-part | volta1 || volta2 || ...Fine
>> Most often the score is divided into two parts with part-2 starting at
>> CODA. There's some whitespace between the end of B-volta2 and the first
>> meassure of CODA. So somewhere in the score, there would be a line like
>>  this:
>>   ___
>>  1.volta   | 2.volta |CODA
>>| |
>> ---|--||||   |
>> ---|--||||   |
>> ---|-*||||   |
>> ---|-*||||   |
>> ---|--||||   |
>>|  ||||   |
>>|  ||||   |
>>|  ||||   |
>>|  ||||   |
>> ---|--||||   |
>> ---|--||||   |
>> ---|-*||||   |
>> ---|-*||||   |
>> ---|--||||   |
>> Is there a not-too-much-of-a-hack way to do this?
>> regards,
>> Peter
>> ___
>> lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

How to pause a staff with some horizontal whitespage?

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen

I see a lot of scores with a layout like this:

 Segno CODA
  / /
 | intro || A-part | volta1 || volta2 ||
B-part | volta1 || volta2 || ...D.S. al Coda

  CODA: | "A-volta3" || C-part | volta1 || volta2 || ...Fine

Most often the score is divided into two parts with part-2 starting at
CODA. There's some whitespace between the end of B-volta2 and the first
meassure of CODA. So somewhere in the score, there would be a line like
 1.volta   | 2.volta |CODA
   | |
---|--||||   |
---|--||||   |
---|-*||||   |
---|-*||||   |
---|--||||   |
   |  ||||   |
   |  ||||   |
   |  ||||   |
   |  ||||   |
---|--||||   |
---|--||||   |
---|-*||||   |
---|-*||||   |
---|--||||   |

Is there a not-too-much-of-a-hack way to do this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties in second endings

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> Peter Mogensen wrote:
>> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>>> See
>>> for the simple extra work-around that's needed.
>> Yes... I did read your post.
>> And as I said in the answer, I've experienced that that solution causes
>> lilypond to give up breaking lines.
> It seems to be a bug in versions 2.4 and 2.6 that has been fixed in
> version 2.7. Otherwise, I would have asked you to send a separate
> bug report to bug-lilypond.

OK... I didn't know that.

>> I also don't like to have to repeat
>> a hack in all voices.
>> Thus, I prefer the solution I just posted.
> OK! One clear disadvantage is that the first real note of the second
> ending gets typeset too far to the right compared to the other
> parts.

Yes... but only very little, if you use "s64"
For my use this is better. I care about typesetting, but I care even
more about easily maintainable code because I often re-arrange and make
ad-hoc publications for courses.
So I'm willing to compromise a slight shift in one voice for not having
to duplicate hacks in all voices.

> Also, I didn't really see the point of using \grace{...},
> when you anyway were fiddling with the note durations, but when I
> tried it and compared to using
> \hideNotes a64~ \unHideNotes a4*15/16 s16.. g2.
> I noticed that you got a smaller displacement (since the spacing
> is smaller for grace notes) but also a correspondingly shorter
> tie.

Yes... you're right. The use of \grace is not necessary, but it makes a
smaller tie, which IMHO seems more correct.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties in second endings

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Erik Sandberg wrote:
> why not do something like this?
>  \new DrumStaff {
>\drummode {
>  \repeat volta 2 { sn4 sn sn sn}
>  \alternative {
>{sn4 sn sn sn }
>{\grace s4 sn4 hh2. }
>  }
>  }
> This is the proper way to do work around it. (and the manual should perhaps
> mention the trick explicitly).

Define "proper".
The above requires you to add the hack to all staves if you need it in
one staff. That's too much trouble for my lilypond use.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties in second endings

2005-09-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
Fairchild wrote:
> Graham -
> Here's a trim-down of the thread, for sticking in the manual, in the section
> on ties, or repeats, or both.  Edit to suit.
> There ought to be a better way that makes the tie more pronounced, but a
> simple way eludes me.
>   - Bruce
> Ties are not normally continued into second endings, but a standard trick is
> to add a tie from an invisible note.  One way is to make the invisible note
> a grace note.  In that way, it doesn't destroy the rhythm.
> \version "2.4.6"
> \layout{ raggedright = ##t }
> \score{
> \relative c' {
> \repeat volta 2 { f g a2 ~ }
> \alternative {
> { a4 g2 f4 }
> { \grace{ \hideNotes a4~ } \unHideNotes a g2. }
> }}}

No... because this won't work when there's more than one staff. You'll
get 2 second voltas:

\version "2.4.5"
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
\relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 { f g a2 ~ }
  \alternative {
{ a4 g2 f4 }
{ \grace{ \hideNotes a4~ } \unHideNotes a g2. }
\new DrumStaff {
\drummode {
  \repeat volta 2 { sn4 sn sn sn}
  \alternative {
{sn4 sn sn sn }
{sn4 hh2. }

Try this instead:

\version "2.4.5"
\layout{ raggedright = ##t }
\relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 { f g a2 ~ }
  \alternative {
{ a4 g2 f4 }
{ s64 \grace{ \hideNotes a4~ } \unHideNotes a4*1/2 s16 s32 s64 g2. }
\new DrumStaff {
  \drummode {
\repeat volta 2 { sn4 sn sn sn}
\alternative {
  {sn4 sn sn sn }
  {sn4 hh2. }

yes... ugly.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties in second endings (and a small rant)

2005-09-21 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:

> I hope you know how to fix it, namely to insert a \grace{s4} in the
> beginning of the second ending of all other voices. Example:
> The other alternative that is often used is to fiddle with the
> durations, as in the following example, but then you either get
> the note head slightly misplaced compared to the other voices or
> you have to apply the same trick to all voices, so I prefer the
> grace note solution.

Yes... I would too... but I have experienced that it causes Lilypond to
give up breaking lines :(
So I use the last method. Something like:

{ s64 a2 a2*1/2 s8 s16 s32 s64 }

I know there's (at least potential) solutions to everything, if you are
only caring about the final output.
But if you care about maintenance of the code, the more hacks you do,
the more difficult it is to return to the code 4 month later at adjust
it to a new orchestra. (do a few transposed, cut a repetition, insert an
extra voice and so on.)

Lilypond is great for _typesetting_, but all these small hacks makes it
difficult to work with when you do continious re-arranging.


lilypond-user mailing list

Ties in second endings

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
 * Ties are not continued into second endings
>>> The standard trick is to add a tie from an invisible note. You can
>>> find several examples in the mailing list archives.
>> I did that.
>> But this is also one of the examples where the "hack" doesn't play well
>> with the entire score. This invisible note takes up space, which ruins
>> the alignment with notes in other staffs where there's no tie.
> I just realized that one possibility to solve this is to make the
> invisible note a grace note. In that way, it won't destroy the
> rhythm. Example:
> \version "2.6.0"
> \score{
> \new Voice \relative c' {
>   \repeat volta 2 {c d2 e4 | f g a2 ~ }
>   \alternative{{a4 g2 f4 | e2 d }{ \grace{\hideNotes a'4~} \unHideNotes
> a g e d\ | c1 }}
> }
> }

Unfortunately this seems to give the same problem as when the music
starts with a grace note (causing the time sign to be duplicated).
Only now it's the second volta-spanner which is duplicated.
So... two hacks would be required.

Oh... Apropos co-sponsoring.
I would like to co-sponsor the second ending tie bug being resolved.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: templates

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
Peter Mogensen wrote:
> As I said, it's not perfect. When I look at the source, I can think of
> the following problem/hacks:
> * Ties are not continued into second endings

oh ... one thing more...
* How do I force page-breaks between each \score in a \book ?

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: templates

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
Trent Johnston wrote:
> It's been on the list for a while... the windows native version produces a
> postscript file that can't be viewed for some reason...
> The postscript files produced with the linux version of Lilypond can be
> viewed...
> Obviously it's bug with Lilypond and not with the windows version..
> thanks...

Hmm.. from what I've heard that doesn't seem too obvious to me.
If the Lilypond output is the same on the two platforms and the Linux
Postscript file is "postscript-correct", it seems more to be a problem
with postscript-handling on Windows (which is not something which
surprises me)

If my PS-file works, then why not try to run my .ly file with Lilypond
2.4.5 on Windows and compare at which stages the output differs?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: templates

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
Peter Mogensen wrote:
> Thanks... I was wondering. Since there's many ways to do things in
> Lilypond, there's also many ways to do them wrong.
> Are there some kind of review process when I add to the repository?

Anyway... He're an example (I think there's no copyright problems with
this one):

Please tell me if you think it's good enough to upload.

As I said, it's not perfect. When I look at the source, I can think of
the following problem/hacks:

* Ties are not continued into second endings
* There's no support for flams, ruffs and rolls in Lilypond (slip=flam)
* I had to make ghost gracenotes in the other instruments because of
  flams in the snare voice
* It's difficult to get rehearsalmarks to not collide with volta and
  other text like "Fine" and metronome indications.
* I was lucky with this piece that tremolo strokes were not needed on
  any beamed notes (to simulate ruffs and rolls). Beames would have
  caused them to align to the beam, producing wrong results.
* When you create a \book, you can change the "piece" text for each
  piece, but you can't change the "instrument". So I used "piece"
* The final partial meassure has a "r4", which doesn't show. The reason
  is that I had to use "R4" to get the staff hidden when empty. (look
  the last measure of the drumStaff)
* When using a one-line staff, rehearsalmarks think they can move closer
  to the remaining line... and then they collide with the bars :(
* Bar numbers collide with StaffGroup braces.
* I had to do a wierd hack to the last full measure of the snare and
  explicitly write the beam. Else Lilypond would place to stroked 8ths
  instead... Don't know why.

... oh.. .and don't mind the MIDI-info. It's probably broken.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: templates

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
D Josiah Boothby wrote:
> you might try the lilypond snippet repository:

Thanks... I was wondering. Since there's many ways to do things in
Lilypond, there's also many ways to do them wrong.
Are there some kind of review process when I add to the repository?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: midi don't ties...

2005-09-20 Thread Peter Mogensen
Alexandre Reche e Silva wrote:
> PS: I'm an old newbie in Lily and would like to know
> whether is a kind of template to orchestral music
> (woods, brasses, percussions, strings)?

I have some templates for scores for marching band. (which have many of
the same properties as orchestral scores.)
The aim is to be able to easily transpose, quote and extract voices.
It's still plagued by some bugs (lilypond and mine) though.

Is there a place to submit such examples for others to see?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Hiding staves with partial measures of only rests

2005-09-18 Thread Peter Mogensen
Sorry... I should have search the ML first.
It's the exact same problem as:

I'd like to second that feature request (including showing R4 as r4,
when not hidden).


lilypond-user mailing list

Hiding staves with partial measures of only rests

2005-09-18 Thread Peter Mogensen

I'm trying to perfect a score, and I like that I can hide empty staffs
with \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }

This works fine when I use multimeasure rests like:


But since the piece I have starts with

\partial 4*3

It therefore ends with a partial measure with on a


This "r4" seems to cause the the Staff is not hidden even though it is

Can this be solved?


lilypond-user mailing list

ec-fonts-mftraced on Debian Sarge

2004-11-22 Thread Peter Mogensen
I can see there's been some trouble with fonts on cygwin.
Maybe this is related.
I've had lilypond 2.3.22 installed on Debian Sarge. Everything worked 
fine. Today I wanted to create a few more outputs of 2.3.22 .ly files. 
But I get:

Interpreting music... error: can't find `feta20.afm'
Music font has not been installed properly.  Aborting
(I have run
Ok... I think this is a good time to install lilypond 2.4.2 but:
$ ./configure
ERROR: Please install required programs:  package ec-fonts-mftraced
Now this is strange. because the that package is installed and have been 
 a long time during several installations of lilypond 2.3.x

$ dpkg -l ec-fonts-mftraced
ii  ec-fonts-mftra 1.0.1-3EC PostScript Type1 fonts with TFMs...
I have tetex-base/bin/extra installed, but the lilypond configure-script 
fails because "kpsewhich ecb10.pfa" gives empty output.

Has something broken in Sarge recently?
lilypond-user mailing list

Snare drum (Ruffs and rolls)

2004-06-14 Thread Peter Mogensen
My 50c:
> I've been using Lilypond for percussion notation (mostly snare drum
> and drum-set) and have found it produces good results. Tremolos in
> ruffs and rolls _can_ be aligned with beams.  This is how it is done
> in Wilcoxon's All American Drummer (one of the seminal snare drum
> books). This is not to say that the alternate form mentioned above
> would not be useful.
I'm not a drummer, but I've seen and directed hundreds of scores for 
marching band and I don't recall any which used plain tremolos for ruffs 
 and rolls. ... not to say it can't be done, but then it seems to be a 
matter of local tradition.
Strokes across stems are often thinner than tremolos and not not aligned 
with any beams in the material I've seen.
(the strokes are not thinner here in the last sample though)

> In drum notation it is important to distinguish between the double
> stroke or `open roll', where each stick strikes the drum twice, and
> the buzz roll, where each stick produces an indefinite number of
> strokes. Usually this is done today by indicating double stroke rolls
> with tremolo repeat symbols and buzz rolls with a z through the stem
> of the note in the same fashion as the / of the tremelo repeat.
I know the technical difference, but its seldom but into notation in the 
 type of orchestra I play most. (flutes, snares, bugles and some times 
a brass section).

lilypond-user mailing list

First impressions (Was: Rolls and Ruffs)

2004-05-26 Thread Peter Mogensen
I've now half way through my first real Lilypond score. I mostly arrange 
music for marching bands consisting of flutes and drums and a small 
brass section.
Here's my first impressions. The files are at:

Comments are welcome.
* Lilypond is definitely faster to use than MusiXTeX. When you have the
  basic layout, typing the notes are faster than any GUI program.
* The documentation lacks a good explanation of different context and
  the meaning of different ways of nesting them.
* There's still too many hacks involved. Typing the above score I ran
  into the following problems.
  - representing snare drum notes. (Ruffs, rolls and flams). The current
layout is acceptable, but the it's a hack. It would be better if
Lilypond knew the correct musical concept.
Tremolos in ruffs and rolls should not be aligned with beams.
It's annoying that grace notes needs to be phantom duplicated in
other voiced in repeats, but I can see that's a know bug. Anyway,
the period between the to beats of a flam is so short that grace
notes doesn't give the correct timing.
  - ties and slurs should carry over into alternatives.
  - Ideally you should only write each peace of information 1
time. However, there's as far as I can see no silver bullet to do
this with LilyPond. If I want "Da CAPO al FINE" (I do), where should
I write it so it's only written once and it's present in every print
of a single voice, but only present once in the full score?
  - btw... LilyPond should know of repeating by "dal segno/da capo".
  - I know I probably should have typed everything in the sounding key,
but it was easier for me to just type each instrument as it is
written and manipulate afterward. It doesn't give the correct key in
the midi output.
  - I had to upgrade to 2.3.1 to make one line staffs work better. I
still get a lot of warnings which I don't know why.
  - MIDI for percussion doesn't seem to work.
Ok... LilyPond is great, but could be better. I hope I'll find some time
to contribute.
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
As you noticed, I know nothing about drum notation and I think this
goes also for the main hackers of LilyPond. So, any input you have
on suggestions are welcome, not the least if you can assist yourself
with the implementation.
I know C++, LISP and TeX, so maybe... If I find the time.
Lack of proper snare drum notation is problem with most music notation 
programs out there. My GUI/Windows using colleagues are also struggling.

Rolls are denoted with 3 strokes.
Ruffs are denoted with 2

Like c8:16 versus c8:32 ? Or did you mean the 2 strokes in addition to
the beam like in c'8 [ r c8:32] ?
2 strokes in addition to any beams. Like in the example. Notice how the 
strokes are not parallel to the beam.

Rolls generally a just drum rolls lasting as long as the note. No one 
is counting how many times the stick hits the snare.
Ruffs are (most often) 5 beats (the 5th being the tied note). In the 
above code there will only be 3 beats.

In the MIDI output, you mean?
Yeah... well. In the mind of the drummer anyway :)
Ruffs are 5 beats (two right sticks, two lefts sticks and a right to end 
the ruff). There's something called double-ruffs, but I'm not a drummer 
Rolls are just a maintained series of beats for the duration of the 
note. Of course MIDI has to know the numbers of beats, but the drummer 
is usually not counting, and for slow tempo you would get to few beats 
for the roll to sound right.

I've read about unfolding tremolos and I've found mails on the list 
about it. It's not what I want though.

In what sense?
I can live with rolls being expanded as :32 tremolos to midi. Mostly it 
gives the correct result (for standard marching tempo). With a little 
tweaking it also gives the correct print.
Ruffs however are a problem. :16 tremolos are too slow and only give the 
 correct number of beats when used on a quarter-note (which is not the 
case in the example I gave ("Liberty Bell"). Also the print aligns the 
strokes to the beam. The beam and strokes should not be related.


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Did you try the following?
 \time 6/8
  c'8 r c8:32 ~ c8 c c |
  c4.:32 ~ c4.:32 ~ |
  c8 r c:32 ~ c c c |
  c4.:32 ~ c4 c8:32 ~ |
  c8 r c \acciaccatura d c r c
Yes. But it doesn't give the result I'm looking for. It's _looks_ like 
the wanted engraving, but it's not perfect. It's a slightly different 
concept than tremolos.

Rolls are denoted with 3 strokes.
Ruffs are denoted with 2
The strokes across the stem is usually more light than a tremolo.
This gives a nicer looking roll:
  \property Voice.StemTremolo \set #'beam-thickness = #0.1
  \property Voice.StemTremolo \set #'beam-width = #1.5
  \clef percussion
  sn4:32( sn8) r8
However... when I try that with ruffs, the strokes align to the beam and 
becomes horizontal when the beam is. That's not the intention.

   \property Voice.StemTremolo \set #'beam-thickness = #0.1
   \property Voice.StemTremolo \set #'beam-width = #1.5
Rolls generally a just drum rolls lasting as long as the note. No one is 
counting how many times the stick hits the snare.
Ruffs are (most often) 5 beats (the 5th being the tied note). In the 
above code there will only be 3 beats.

For the MIDI output, it's possible to unfold tremolo repeats
as shown in 

See also the mailing list archives, where a related question was
answered earlier today.
I've read about unfolding tremolos and I've found mails on the list 
about it. It's not what I want though.
I've only found one thread about marching band snare drum notation and 
it was about the stroked grace-notes used to represent using both sticks 
with a small offset (a "slip" in Danish). I have no problem with them 

lilypond-user mailing list

Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-23 Thread Peter Mogensen
I've been trying to get Lilypond to typeset notes for marchband snaredrums.
Here's a small sample of the task (bottom staff):
I have been partly successfull in tweaking the tremolo repeat to make it 
thinner, but these are not tremolo repeats as such and result is not 
good. Especially not when the note is beamed (mostly ruffs).
Also, getting the correct MIDI meaning out of it is almost impossible.

Does anyone have ideas?

lilypond-user mailing list