Re: Lyric placement or new staff for ending

2019-01-02 Thread Tyler Mitchell
Hi Guy,

[I'm not the list maintainer, but as a suggestion, if you make a
mistake and post your message too soon, it may be better to reply
to your original message without modifying the subject line, so
that you don't create multiple threads for the same topic.]

On Wed, Jan 02, 2019 at 09:40:53PM -0600, Guy Stalnaker wrote:
>     \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } {
>   \new Voice = "Solo"
>   {
>     {
>   \partial 4 a'4\bar "||"
>   a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
>   g'2 f' |
>     }
>   }
>   \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto "Solo" {
>     Yet what I can I give Him,
>   }
>     }

The only problem with this code is that you can't have both a Voice
and a Lyrics context inside a Staff without it being enclosed in <<
>>. Like this:

\new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } <<
  \new Voice = "Solo"
  a'4\bar "||"
  a'4. bes'8 c''4 a' |
  g'2 f' |
  \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto "Solo" {
Yet what I can I give Him,

(Also the \partial is unnecessary, which I missed earlier, since I
was using LilyBin and didn't notice the warnings it generated.)

Regarding the extra space, I can only guess, since I don't have
your four-part code, that it is due to the order in which you
created the Lyrics contexts.

Here is about the shortest example I could come up with to
illustrate that. In the comments, I suggest which two lines to
swap, and hopefully you'll see what I mean. (In any case, this
might be a moot point for you, since you plan to create a new

\version "2.18.2"
\score {
\new Dynamics \with {
  \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-nonstaff-spacing =
#'((padding . 1))
  } {
  s2. s4\mf |
\new Staff = "sopranos" <<
  \new Voice = "soprano" {
\relative c'' {
\new Voice = "solo" { \voiceOne a4 | a4. }
\new Voice = "ooh" { \voiceTwo f4~\p | f4. }
  % Swap the following two lines and see what happens:
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" \lyricmode { heart. }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "ooh" \lyricmode { Ooo }
  \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" }
\lyricsto "solo" \lyricmode { Yet what }
\new Staff <<
  \new Voice = "alto" {
\relative c' { f2. c4~ | c }
  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "alto" \lyricmode {
heart. Ooo
  \layout { \context { \Staff \remove Time_signature_engraver } }


lilypond-user mailing list

GAH!! Apologies for the prior spam post - Lyric placement or new staff for ending.

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker


Trying to finish this piece and it's giving me fits.

With Tyler's help I got the Solo lyrics where I wanted them. Thanks, Tyler.

But doing this and adding appropriate dynamics for \voiceTwo results in 

Note the lyric placement in measures 63-64 for the top staff. These 
lyrics occur before the polyphonic voice context that starts on b4 of 
m64. I have no idea how to fix this. The documentation at

mentions use of

  \override VerticalAxisGroup.
    nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = #5
  \override VerticalAxisGroup.
    nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing.padding = #5

But that does not work when using a variable: sopranoVerse = \lyricmode {}

So, I tried to perhaps break the five measure Solo line into a new staff 

Nothing doing. The minute I do I loose the context connection between 
\lyricsto and the Solo \new Voice (code follows) (music staff is 
created, just no lyrics) with the error: warning: cannot find Voice `Solo'

  \new Lyrics
  \lyricsto "Solo" {

So, can anyone help with one of two solutions? how to move the lyrics in 
m63-64 up so they are closer to the staff ? or create a new staff that 
has the proper lyrics? I'd prefer the new staff (it's visually elegant 
and uncluttered).

%%% Code using \new Staff
music = {
    \new Voice = "sopranoOoos"
    \partial 4 f'4_\p_\dim( ~ |
    f'4. g'8 a'4 f' ~ |
    f'4 e' d'2)\pp |
    \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto 
"sopranoOoos" { Ooo }

    \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } {
  \new Voice = "Solo"
  \partial 4 a'4\bar "||"
  a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
  g'2 f' |
  \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto 
"Solo" {

    Yet what I can I give Him,
  >> \bar "|."
musicVoice = {
  \new Staff = "sopranos"
  { \music }
\score {
%%% Code

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of 
human existence.”
― Aristotle

lilypond-user mailing list

Apologies for the prior spam post - Lyric placement or new staff for ending.

2019-01-02 Thread Guy Stalnaker


Trying to finish this piece and it's giving me fits.

With Tyler's help I got the Solo lyrics where I wanted them. Thanks, Tyler.

But doing this and adding appropriate dynamics for \voiceTwo results in 

Note the lyric placement in measures 63-64 for the top staff. These 
lyrics occur before the polyphonic voice context that starts on b4 of 
m64. I have no idea how to fix this. The documentation at

mentions use of

  \override VerticalAxisGroup.
    nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing.padding = #5
  \override VerticalAxisGroup.
    nonstaff-unrelatedstaff-spacing.padding = #5

But that does not work when using a variable: sopranoVerse = \lyricmode {}

So, I tried to perhaps break the five measure Solo line into a new staff 

Nothing doing. The minute I do I loose the context connection between 
\lyricsto and the Solo \new Voice (code follows).

So, can anyone help with one of two solutions? how to move the lyrics in 
m63-64 up so they are closer to the staff? or create a new staff that 
has the proper lyrics? I'd prefer the new staff (it's visually elegant 
and uncluttered).

%%% Code using \new Staff
music = {
    \new Voice = "sopranoOoos"
    \partial 4 f'4_\p_\dim( ~ |
    f'4. g'8 a'4 f' ~ |
    f'4 e' d'2)\pp |
    \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto 
"sopranoOoos" { Ooo }

    \new Staff \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } {
  \new Voice = "Solo"
  \partial 4 a'4\bar "||"
  a'4. bf'8 c''4 a' |
  g'2 f' |
  \new Lyrics \with { alignAboveContext = #"sopranos" } \lyricsto 
"Solo" {

    Yet what I can I give Him,
  >> \bar "|."
musicVoice = {
  \new Staff = "sopranos"
  { \music }
\score {
%%% Code

“Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of 
human existence.”
― Aristotle

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread David Kastrup
Kieren MacMillan  writes:

> Hi Guy,
>> Why is this now necessary? Is it a case of assumptions about voices
>> changing in the newer 2.19 LP?
> I can’t remember exactly when or why it became necessary… I only
> remember getting bitten by it (which is why I know the fix!).
> Perhaps others (e.g., David Kastrup) can clarify when and why this
> improvement happened?

Problem is that it's a half-finished improvement so far which is why it
has not been documented.  \addlyrics and \lyricsto can now attach to
non-Bottom contexts but they cannot yet distinguish melismata from
various bottoms, so a melisma in one bottom context will tape together
syllables in the others.  That's not supposed to be the final state.

Which is why there is no documentation.

Not very satisfactory so far.

David Kastrup

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread Guy Stalnaker



Same boat and all that.

Thanks again.

On 02/18/2017 10:51 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Guy,

Why is this now necessary? Is it a case of assumptions about voices changing in 
the newer 2.19 LP?

I can’t remember exactly when or why it became necessary… I only remember 
getting bitten by it (which is why I know the fix!).
Perhaps others (e.g., David Kastrup) can clarify when and why this improvement 

Once I update to 2.19, every existing score I have that uses the temporary 
polyphonic context will have to be edited to add this; not a trivial task.

Indeed.  =\
(I’ve been using a score-by-score process, only updating as necessary.)


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence."

― Aristotle

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Guy,

> Why is this now necessary? Is it a case of assumptions about voices changing 
> in the newer 2.19 LP?

I can’t remember exactly when or why it became necessary… I only remember 
getting bitten by it (which is why I know the fix!).
Perhaps others (e.g., David Kastrup) can clarify when and why this improvement 

> Once I update to 2.19, every existing score I have that uses the temporary 
> polyphonic context will have to be edited to add this; not a trivial task.

Indeed.  =\
(I’ve been using a score-by-score process, only updating as necessary.)


Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread Guy Stalnaker


It does indeed. Why is this now necessary? Is it a case of assumptions 
about voices changing in the newer 2.19 LP?

Once I update to 2.19, every existing score I have that uses the 
temporary polyphonic context will have to be edited to add this; not a 
trivial task.

Thanks for your quick response.


On 02/18/2017 10:16 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:

Hi Guy,

testVoicePart = \new Staff \new Voice { \global \test }

That should fix it.

Hope this helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence."

― Aristotle

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: 2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread Kieren MacMillan
Hi Guy,

> testVoicePart = \new Staff \new Voice { \global \test }

That should fix it.

Hope this helps!

Kieren MacMillan, composer
‣ website:
‣ email:

lilypond-user mailing list

2.19.* breaks lyric placement in temporary polyphonic context

2017-02-18 Thread Guy Stalnaker
I've searched both the list archives and LilyIssues and do not see this

I use temporary polyphonic contexts a lot in my choral compositions. I see
that using any version of 2.19 breaks lyric placement if there are slurred
notes in /voiceOne against which lyrics should be placed. There are some
regression testing examples for polyphonic contexts and lyrics, but they do
no use the following lilypond structure which I have been using for several

{ \voiceOne }
{ \new Voice { \voiceTwo } }
>> /oneVoice

In this example in version 2.18.*, for the word "waters," the syllable
"wat" is engraved on the measure 2 slurred "gs'2( a')" with "ers" on the
a'2 of the next measure. In 2.19.* the slur is not factored in the lyric
placement and "ers" is engraved on the a' in measure 2 and not in measure

\language "english"

test = {

2 4  |

<< { \voiceOne

 gs'2( a') |

 a'2. s4


   { \new Voice

 { \voiceTwo

 e'1 |

 e'2. b'4\rest



>> \oneVoice \bar "||"


verseTestVoice = \lyricmode {
  side the still wat -- ers.


testVoicePart = \new Staff { \global \test }

\addlyrics { \verseTestVoice }

\score {




 \layout {



lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 14.02.2016 21:40, wrote:
If you see deficiencies in the coding style please let me know what 
they are.

For example to always surround = and { } with spaces. Also indentation 
should be only by 2 spaces per level – the Frescobaldi auto-formatter 
does a good job.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread dl . mcnamara
Simon, thank you for taking so much time with this, 
I'm learning quite a bit. And will more closely examine your version posted to 
If you see deficiencies in the coding style please let me know what they are. 


- Original Message -

From: "Simon Albrecht"  
To: "dl mcnamara"  
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 2:38:10 PM 
Subject: Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse 

On 14.02.2016 20:27, wrote: 
> Thanks Simon, you've pointed me in the right direction. 
> Here's the updated score (I neglected 
> to save the #2 version before sending the email). 
> This is totally workable for me. 

While you may consider it ‘workable’, this is definitely not correct. 
You have nested instances of \new Lyrics, with the result that none of 
the lyrics are correctly (center-)aligned. What’s more, lyric extenders 
and hyphens are incorrectly used, and you need a proper german ß. 
If you intend to publish this on Mutopia, bear in mind that what you are 
doing needs to be representative of LilyPond, and so have publication 
quality. And I don’t even speak about coding style. 
Here’s a corrected version: <>. 

Yours, Simon 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 14.02.2016 20:27, wrote:

Thanks Simon, you've pointed me in the right direction.
Here's the updated score (I neglected
to save the #2 version before sending the email).
This is totally workable for me.

While you may consider it ‘workable’, this is definitely not correct. 
You have nested instances of \new Lyrics, with the result that none of 
the lyrics are correctly (center-)aligned. What’s more, lyric extenders 
and hyphens are incorrectly used, and you need a proper german ß.
If you intend to publish this on Mutopia, bear in mind that what you are 
doing needs to be representative of LilyPond, and so have publication 
quality. And I don’t even speak about coding style.

Here’s a corrected version: .

Yours, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread dl . mcnamara
Thanks Simon, you've pointed me in the right direction. 
Here's the updated score (I neglected 
to save the #2 version before sending the email). 
This is totally workable for me. 


- Original Message -

From: "Simon Albrecht"  
To: "dl mcnamara"  
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 1:47:57 PM 
Subject: Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse 

On 14.02.2016 19:46, Simon Albrecht wrote: 
> On 14.02.2016 16:42, wrote: 
>> I'm not sure how your suggestion would mesh with the piece's overall 
>> structure; 
>> Here's a more complete take: 
> There’s nothing in that link – could you try again? 
>> (I tried to trim extra stuff for a minimal example). 
>> A complete version is here 
>> it's number 16 (page 8). 
>> The A section is repeated with different lyrics, this is followed by 
>> a few more, non-repeated, phrases. 
> It’s a known problem that we don’t have a satisfactory interface for 
> that kind of structure in lyrics. Ideally there would be some sensible 
> input method, automatically arranging the lyrics so the alternatives 
> for the repeat are correctly arranged, with braces, and the following 
> piece centered. But this is no more than a wish. 
> Given the current set of tools, I’d suggest to continue 

Sorry, here I sent prematurely. The easiest way is to just write the 
lyrics for the ‘Abgesang’ (the part after the repeat) in the lower of 
the lyrics contexts. Maybe I’ll come back with a refined solution. 

>> I thought that it would be sensible and useful to have separate 
>> variables for the full melody, the full lyrics, bass, and figures. 
>> I like this because it keeps the commands within the score block 
>> relatively simple, and thus allows me to easily turn off the lyrics 
>> (for example) 
>> by just commenting out a single line. 
> Of course; I don’t (yet) do it the same way myself, but I understand 
> the intent. But I hope you’re getting my point: if I have to skim 
> through 100 lines of code first and understand which variable points 
> where, that keeps me from getting at the actual problem. 
>> This gets to something that is not (to my knowledge) well documented: 
>> what 
>> is a good way of organizing and structuring the lilypond content? 
> Well, there are some hints in the manuals, but basically there is a 
> lot of liberty in this respect. Everything is possible, from the most 
> simple structure without using variables (though that’s almost never 
> sensible) to very advanced Scheme framework like GridLY or other 
> solutions. 
> It would be desirable to have more generally accepted standards here, 
> for multiple reasons, but on the other hand it would really take away 
> flexibility. I think that in this field LilyPond is just a very 
> ‘young’ project and we’ll have to go a long way still. 
> Best, Simon 
> ___ 
> lilypond-user mailing list 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 14.02.2016 19:46, Simon Albrecht wrote:

On 14.02.2016 16:42, wrote:
I'm not sure how your suggestion would mesh with the piece's overall 

Here's a more complete take:

There’s nothing in that link – could you try again?

(I tried to trim extra stuff for a minimal example).
A complete version is here

it's number 16 (page 8).

The A section is repeated with different lyrics, this is followed by
 a few more, non-repeated, phrases.

It’s a known problem that we don’t have a satisfactory interface for 
that kind of structure in lyrics. Ideally there would be some sensible 
input method, automatically arranging the lyrics so the alternatives 
for the repeat are correctly arranged, with braces, and the following 
piece centered. But this is no more than a wish.

Given the current set of tools, I’d suggest to continue

Sorry, here I sent prematurely. The easiest way is to just write the 
lyrics for the ‘Abgesang’ (the part after the repeat) in the lower of 
the lyrics contexts. Maybe I’ll come back with a refined solution.

I thought that it would be sensible and useful to have separate
variables for the full melody, the full lyrics, bass, and figures.
I like this because it keeps the commands within the score block
relatively simple, and thus allows me to easily turn off the lyrics 
(for example)

by just commenting out a single line.

Of course; I don’t (yet) do it the same way myself, but I understand 
the intent. But I hope you’re getting my point: if I have to skim 
through 100 lines of code first and understand which variable points 
where, that keeps me from getting at the actual problem.

This gets to something that is not (to my knowledge) well documented: 

is a good way of organizing and structuring the lilypond content?

Well, there are some hints in the manuals, but basically there is a 
lot of liberty in this respect. Everything is possible, from the most 
simple structure without using variables (though that’s almost never 
sensible) to very advanced Scheme framework like GridLY or other 
It would be desirable to have more generally accepted standards here, 
for multiple reasons, but on the other hand it would really take away 
flexibility. I think that in this field LilyPond is just a very 
‘young’ project and we’ll have to go a long way still.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread Simon Albrecht

On 14.02.2016 16:42, wrote:
I'm not sure how your suggestion would mesh with the piece's overall 

Here's a more complete take:

There’s nothing in that link – could you try again?

(I tried to trim extra stuff for a minimal example).
A complete version is here

it's number 16 (page 8).

The A section is repeated with different lyrics, this is followed by
 a few more, non-repeated, phrases.

It’s a known problem that we don’t have a satisfactory interface for 
that kind of structure in lyrics. Ideally there would be some sensible 
input method, automatically arranging the lyrics so the alternatives for 
the repeat are correctly arranged, with braces, and the following piece 
centered. But this is no more than a wish.

Given the current set of tools, I’d suggest to continue

I thought that it would be sensible and useful to have separate
variables for the full melody, the full lyrics, bass, and figures.
I like this because it keeps the commands within the score block
relatively simple, and thus allows me to easily turn off the lyrics 
(for example)

by just commenting out a single line.

Of course; I don’t (yet) do it the same way myself, but I understand the 
intent. But I hope you’re getting my point: if I have to skim through 
100 lines of code first and understand which variable points where, that 
keeps me from getting at the actual problem.

This gets to something that is not (to my knowledge) well documented: what
is a good way of organizing and structuring the lilypond content?

Well, there are some hints in the manuals, but basically there is a lot 
of liberty in this respect. Everything is possible, from the most simple 
structure without using variables (though that’s almost never sensible) 
to very advanced Scheme framework like GridLY or other solutions.
It would be desirable to have more generally accepted standards here, 
for multiple reasons, but on the other hand it would really take away 
flexibility. I think that in this field LilyPond is just a very ‘young’ 
project and we’ll have to go a long way still.

Best, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread dl . mcnamara
Thanks Simon, 

I'm not sure how your suggestion would mesh with the piece's overall structure; 
Here's a more complete take: 
(I tried to trim extra stuff for a minimal example). 
A completed version is here 
it's number 16 (page 8). 

The A section is repeated with different lyrics, this is followed by 
a few more, non-repeated, phrases. 

I thought that it would be sensible and useful to have separate 
variables for the full melody, the full lyrics, bass, and figures. 
I like this because it keeps the commands within the score block 
relatively simple, and thus allows me to easily turn off the lyrics (for 
by just commenting out a single line. 

This gets to something that is not (to my knowledge) well documented: what 
is a good way of organizing and structuring the lilypond content? 


- Original Message -

From: "Simon Albrecht"  
To: "dl mcnamara" , 
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 10:13:47 AM 
Subject: Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse 


On 14.02.2016 15:56, wrote: 
> I'm typesetting a hymn where the first section is (volta) repeated 
> with different lyrics. 
> The way that the words are laid out across the two different lines 
> seems odd and distracting to me -- 
> particularly on the fourth and eighth bar. 
> (a) why is lilypond laying the two line out displaced from one another? 
> (b) is there a way to make things line up better? 

You don’t use \lyricsto when you create the second Lyrics context, hence 
the problem. 
Structurally it would be much clearer if you did something like 

\version "2.18.2" 

global = { 
\key f \major 
\time 3/4 

melody = { 
\repeat volta 2 \relative c'' { 
% A section 
a4 f g | 
a4 (b) c | 
c2 b4 | 
c2.\fermata | 

a4 bes a | 
g2 f4 | 
a2 (g4) | 
} \break 


textA = \lyricmode { 
% First A section 
Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist, 
und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen, 
textB = \lyricmode { 
% Second A section 
ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heißt, 
mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- gen. 

\score { 
\context PianoStaff << 
\new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \textA 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \textB 

HTH, Simon 

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread Simon Albrecht


On 14.02.2016 15:56, wrote:

I'm typesetting a hymn where the first section is (volta) repeated 
with different lyrics.
The way that the words are laid out across the two different lines 
seems odd and distracting to me --

particularly on the fourth and eighth bar.

(a) why is lilypond laying the two line out displaced from one another?
(b) is there a way to make things line up better?

You don’t use \lyricsto when you create the second Lyrics context, hence 
the problem.

Structurally it would be much clearer if you did something like

\version "2.18.2"

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 3/4

melody = {
  \repeat volta 2 \relative c'' {
% A section
a4 f g |
a4 (b) c |
c2 b4 |
c2.\fermata |

a4 bes a |
g2 f4 |
a2 (g4) |
  } \break


textA = \lyricmode {
  % First A section
  Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist,
  und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen,
textB = \lyricmode {
  % Second A section
  ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heißt,
  mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- gen.

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" 

\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \textA
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" \textB

HTH, Simon

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread dl . mcnamara
Sorry about the attachments; here's a lilybin link 


- Original Message -

From: "dl mcnamara"  
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 9:56:57 AM 
Subject: unusual lyric placement in second verse 

Hey all, 

I'm typesetting a hymn where the first section is (volta) repeated with 
different lyrics. 
The way that the words are laid out across the two different lines seems odd 
and distracting to me -- 
particularly on the fourth and eighth bar. 

(a) why is lilypond laying the two line out displaced from one another? 
(b) is there a way to make things line up better? 


Here is what's causing the problem (also attached): 

\version "2.18.2" 

%--Default staff size is 20 
#(set-global-staff-size 20) 

\paper { 
top-margin = 8\mm %-minimum top-margin: 8mm 
top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #6 %-dist. from bottom of top margin to the 
first markup/title 
markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #5 %-dist. from header/title to first 
top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-dist. from top margin to system in 
pages with no titles 
last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-pads music from copyright block 
% ragged-bottom = ##f 
% ragged-last-bottom = ##f 

global = { 
\key f \major 
\time 3/4 

\repeat volta 2 \relative c'' { % A section 
a4 f g | 
a4 (b) c | 
c2 b4 | 
c2.\fermata | 

a4 bes a | 
g2 f4 | 
a2 (g4) | 
} \break 


hymn=\lyricmode { << 
{ % First A section 
Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist, 
und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen, 
%Gott, wie gross ist dei -- ne Gü -- te die mein Herz auf Er -- den schmeckt 
\new Lyrics { % Second A section 
ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heisst, mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- 
%Ach, wie labt sich mein Ge -- mü -- the, wenn mich Noth un Tod er -- schreckt 

%---Typeset music and generate midi 
\score { 
\context PianoStaff << 
%-Midi instrument values at 
\set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" 
\new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" \melody} 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {\hymn} 
\layout{ } 
\midi { \tempo 4 = 70 } 

lilypond-user mailing list 

lilypond-user mailing list

unusual lyric placement in second verse

2016-02-14 Thread dl . mcnamara
Hey all, 

I'm typesetting a hymn where the first section is (volta) repeated with 
different lyrics. 
The way that the words are laid out across the two different lines seems odd 
and distracting to me -- 
particularly on the fourth and eighth bar. 

(a) why is lilypond laying the two line out displaced from one another? 
(b) is there a way to make things line up better? 


Here is what's causing the problem (also attached): 

\version "2.18.2" 

%--Default staff size is 20 
#(set-global-staff-size 20) 

\paper { 
top-margin = 8\mm %-minimum top-margin: 8mm 
top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #6 %-dist. from bottom of top margin to the 
first markup/title 
markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #5 %-dist. from header/title to first 
top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-dist. from top margin to system in 
pages with no titles 
last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #12 %-pads music from copyright block 
% ragged-bottom = ##f 
% ragged-last-bottom = ##f 

global = { 
\key f \major 
\time 3/4 

\repeat volta 2 \relative c'' { % A section 
a4 f g | 
a4 (b) c | 
c2 b4 | 
c2.\fermata | 

a4 bes a | 
g2 f4 | 
a2 (g4) | 
} \break 


hymn=\lyricmode { << 
{ % First A section 
Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist, 
und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen, 
%Gott, wie gross ist dei -- ne Gü -- te die mein Herz auf Er -- den schmeckt 
\new Lyrics { % Second A section 
ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heisst, mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- 
%Ach, wie labt sich mein Ge -- mü -- the, wenn mich Noth un Tod er -- schreckt 

%---Typeset music and generate midi 
\score { 
\context PianoStaff << 
%-Midi instrument values at 
\set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand" 
\new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" \melody} 
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {\hymn} 
\layout{ } 
\midi { \tempo 4 = 70 } 

Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.18.2"

%--Default staff size is 20
#(set-global-staff-size 20)

\paper {
top-margin = 8\mm  %-minimum top-margin: 8mm
top-markup-spacing.basic-distance = #6 %-dist. from bottom of top margin to the first markup/title
markup-system-spacing.basic-distance = #5  %-dist. from header/title to first system
top-system-spacing.basic-distance = #12%-dist. from top margin to system in pages with no titles
last-bottom-spacing.basic-distance = #12   %-pads music from copyright block
%ragged-bottom = ##f
%ragged-last-bottom = ##f

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 3/4 

  \repeat volta 2 \relative c'' { % A section
a4 f g |
a4 (b) c |
c2 b4 |
c2.\fermata |

a4 bes a |
g2 f4 |
a2 (g4) |
  } \break


hymn=\lyricmode { <<
  { % First A section 
Er -- mun -- tre dich, mein schwa -- cher Geist,
und tra -- ge gross Ver -- lan -- gen,
%Gott, wie gross ist dei -- ne Gü -- te die mein Herz auf Er -- den schmeckt
  \new Lyrics { % Second A section
ein klei -- nes Kind, das Va -- ter heisst, mit Freu -- den zu em -- pfan -- gen.
%Ach, wie labt sich mein Ge -- mü -- the, wenn mich Noth un Tod er -- schreckt 

%---Typeset music and generate midi
\score {
\context PianoStaff <<
%-Midi instrument values at 
\set PianoStaff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
\new Staff = "upper" { \clef treble \global \new Voice = "melody" \melody}
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {\hymn}
\layout{ }
\midi  { \tempo 4 = 70 }
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

2013-07-10 Thread Thomas Morley
2013/7/10 Eric Pancer :
> Thank you very much, your suggestions helped the situation. I have two
> more issues.
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Thomas Morley  
> wrote:
>> 2013/7/9 Eric Pancer :
>>> I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
>>> formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:
>>> 1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
>>> \paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
>>> doesn't seem to really help the situation.
>> How about
>> system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #120 % adjust the value
>> in \paper
> This works fine. Another \layout vs. \paper issue I'm having is the following:
> \layout {
> \context {
> \StaffGroup
> \override StaffGrouper
> #'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12
> }
> }
> This snippet works, but if I try and place it in \paper, as follows,
> the staff-staff spacing does not work.
> \paper {
> default-staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12
> }
> system-system-spacing *does* work in \paper, so I'm confused as to why
> default-staff-staff-spacing does not.

Well, at the time the new spacing-routines were implemented, I was
confused, too.
And to be honest, I'm still confused (from time to time).
The only thing I could recommend is to read
NR 4.1 Page layout
NR 4.2 Score layout
NR 4.4 Vertical spacin
again, and again, and again ... ;)

You'll find 'system-system-spacing' listed in the
"List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables" NR 4.1.4
You _can_ set it in \paper.

But 'default-staff-staff-spacing' is listed in
"Properties of the VerticalAxisGroup grob" NR 4.4.1
You _can't_ set it in \paper.
(It isn't part of "List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables")
You have to use
\override VerticalAxisGroup ...
in \with

'staff-staff-spacing' is listed in
"Properties of the VerticalAxisGroup grob"
"Properties of the StaffGrouper grob" NR 4.4.1
You _can't_ set it in \paper.
(It isn't part of "List of flexible vertical spacing \paper variables")
You have to use
\override VerticalAxisGroup ...
\override StaffGrouper ...
in \with

Hm, I really don't know if the above is helpful for.
Though, in case I forget:
The only thing I could recommend is to read
NR 4.1 Page layout
NR 4.2 Score layout
NR 4.4 Vertical spacin
again, and again, and again ...

>> \teeny is defined in /ly/
>> teeny = \set fontSize = #-3
>> Choose a lower value.
> Works well, thanks. Is there a way to make this portable so changes to
> /Applications/
> would not be required? If there's a way to avoid having to change
> system files in future upgrades, I'd appreciate the suggestion.

Little misunderstanding here.
I didn't want to say you should change /ly/
But copy the definition to a file, change naming and value of the definition,
par example
veryTeeny = \set fontSize = #-6
include this file via \include "" and use the new
defined \veryTeeny.

Or write the new definition on top of your current ly-file and use it.

> And one last item: what is the tweak to pad more space between the
> last system on a page and the copyright and/or tagline? I've gone
> through a amount of changes but can't determine how to add more space
> so the copyright does not look to be part of the lyrics *grin*

Well, I'm not aware of a simple tweak for this.
In my own files I redefined tagline and copyright:

\version "2.16.2"

\paper {
ragged-last-bottom = ##f
tagline = \markup \center-column { \vspace #2 \tagline }

\header {
copyright = \markup \center-column { \vspace #2 "copyright by me" }

\repeat unfold 20 { cis1 \break }

> Thank you,
> - Eric


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

2013-07-10 Thread Eric Pancer
Thank you very much, your suggestions helped the situation. I have two
more issues.

On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Thomas Morley  wrote:
> 2013/7/9 Eric Pancer :
>> I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
>> formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:
>> 1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
>> \paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
>> doesn't seem to really help the situation.
> How about
> system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #120 % adjust the value
> in \paper

This works fine. Another \layout vs. \paper issue I'm having is the following:

\layout {
\context {
\override StaffGrouper
#'staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12

This snippet works, but if I try and place it in \paper, as follows,
the staff-staff spacing does not work.

\paper {
default-staff-staff-spacing #'basic-distance = #12

system-system-spacing *does* work in \paper, so I'm confused as to why
default-staff-staff-spacing does not.

> \teeny is defined in /ly/
> teeny = \set fontSize = #-3
> Choose a lower value.

Works well, thanks. Is there a way to make this portable so changes to
would not be required? If there's a way to avoid having to change
system files in future upgrades, I'd appreciate the suggestion.

And one last item: what is the tweak to pad more space between the
last system on a page and the copyright and/or tagline? I've gone
through a amount of changes but can't determine how to add more space
so the copyright does not look to be part of the lyrics *grin*

Thank you,

- Eric

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

2013-07-09 Thread Thomas Morley
2013/7/9 Eric Pancer :
> I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
> formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:
> 1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
> \paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
> doesn't seem to really help the situation.

How about
system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #120 % adjust the value
in \paper

> 2. How can I move my lyrics to be closer to the actual notes. I'd like
> the top staff to have it's "lyrics" moved closer (as you can see when
> compiled, the "o" (denoting open tones) are further away from the
> notes than the other two instruments.

Did you try
\new Lyrics
\with  {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing =
#'((basic-distance . 0)) % adjust the value
> 3. I've used \teeny in line 123 here, but it still doesn't make the
> toml8 and ss8 small enough. Is there an easy fix?
>123 ss8 \teeny toml8 ss8 \normalsize toml4. |

\teeny is defined in /ly/
teeny = \set fontSize = #-3
Choose a lower value.


lilypond-user mailing list

System Vertical Spacing and Lyric Placement

2013-07-09 Thread Eric Pancer
I'm working on the following file but having some issues where
formatting tricks don't seem to be working. A couple of questions:

1. How can I increase the veritical space between the systems ? The
\paper configuration of "markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20"
doesn't seem to really help the situation.

2. How can I move my lyrics to be closer to the actual notes. I'd like
the top staff to have it's "lyrics" moved closer (as you can see when
compiled, the "o" (denoting open tones) are further away from the
notes than the other two instruments.

3. I've used \teeny in line 123 here, but it still doesn't make the
toml8 and ss8 small enough. Is there an easy fix?
   123 ss8 \teeny toml8 ss8 \normalsize toml4. |

Thanks in advance,

- Eric

%% $Id:,v 1.3 2013/07/09 21:00:57 eric Exp $
\version "2.16.1"
\header {
title = "Agayú Chola"
subtitle = \markup { \italic { \small { "from the Oru Contado" }}}
instrument = ""
arranger =  ""
composer = ""
tagline = ""
copyright = "Copyright (c) 2013. All Rights Reserved."
\layout {
  \context {
  \override StaffGrouper #'staff-staff-spacing
  #'basic-distance = #12
\paper {
  markup-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20
  top-margin = 0.5\in
  indent = 2\cm
  bottom-margin = 1\in
  right-margin = 0.5\in
  left-margin = 0.5\in
  ragged-last-bottom = ##t

% main call-in to section 1
iyaCALLINr = \drummode {
  r4. r8 r8^\markup { \small { call } } toml8 |
  << ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoCALLINr = \drummode {
  r2. |
  r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  \skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoCALLINr = \drummode {
  r2.^\markup { \tiny { [ 3-2 clavé ] }} |
  r4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoCALLINt = \lyricmode {
  o \skip4 o

% Section 1
iyaAr = \drummode {
\repeat volta 2 {
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaAt = \lyricmode {
o \skip4 \skip8 o
o \skip4 \skip8 o
o \skip4 \skip8 o
o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoAr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoAt = \lyricmode {
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoAr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
ss4^\markup { \small { Section 1 } } toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoAt = \lyricmode {
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o

% Bridge measure to section 2 (needed to flip to 2-3 clave)
iyaXTRAar = \drummode {
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 r4 |
iyaXTRAat = \lyricmode {
o \skip4
itoXTRAar = \drummode {
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoXTRAat = \lyricmode {
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoXTRAar = \drummode {
ss4^\markup { \italic { \teeny { (extra bar to turn clavé) }}}
toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoXTRAat = \lyricmode {
  \skip4 o \skip4 o

% Section 2
iyaBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
ss8 \teeny toml8 ss8 \normalsize toml4. |
r16 ss8. toml8 toml4. |
ss4. r4 toml8 |
<< ss8 toml8 >> toml4 toml4 \parenthesize toml8 |
iyaBt = \lyricmode {
   s t t o
   s o o
   s o
   o o o o
itoBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
r8 ss8 toml8 << ss8 toml8 >> toml8 << ss8 toml8 >> |
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoBt = \lyricmode {
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
\skip8 o o o o
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoBr = \drummode {
 \repeat volta 2 {
ss4^\markup { \small { Section 2 } } toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ss4 toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoBt = \lyricmode {
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o
 \skip4 o \skip8 o

% Bridge measure back to section 1 (needed to flip to 3-2 clave)
iyaXTRAbr = \drummode {
<< ss4 toml4 >> ss4 ss8 toml8 |
iyaXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
o \skip4 \skip8 o
itoXTRAbr = \drummode {
r8 ss8 toml8 ss8 toml8 ss8 |
itoXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
\skip8 o \skip8 m \skip8
ocoXTRAbr = \drummode {
ss4^\markup { \italic { \teeny { (back to 3-2 clavé) }}} toml8 ss4 toml8 |
ocoXTRAbt = \lyricmode {
  \skip4 o \skip4 o

% layout the score
\score {
  \new StaffGroup = "main" <<
\time 6/8
\new DrumStaff = oconcolo <<
  \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Okónkolo"
\new DrumVoice = oconcolo {

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Noeck

Am 16.04.2013 17:58, schrieb Peter Toye:
> Phil,
> Don't quite understand this, but that's the problem with being a newbie.
> I'd have thought that markings all referred to the next block. 

Hi Phil,

I will try to explain. No, these "markings" (as you call them; \tempo,
\clef, etc.) are valid for their position within the current music (=the
current block). If they are not enclosed by {}, they form a music
expression themself.

I comment your code a bit more:
> <<
Ok, new parallel music starts.
>   \new Staff  \with
>   {
> instrumentName = "Julia"
> shortInstrumentName = "J"
>   }
That's perfectly fine up to now.
>   { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
Here your staff content starts after {
As you do not state that explicitely, you have a voice starting here.
You tell Lilypond that this staff should be displayed with a treble
clef, in f minor and 4/4 measure.
Then you advise Lilypond to count the pitches in the *following* music
expression relatively to the c''.

> %\tempo "Allegretto con moto"   
If you remove the %, the following music expression is this tempo
command and relative only applies to it (and to nothing else).
> { 
>   R1 | af4(\mp bf c) f | ef8( df8) c4 df8( c) bf4 | c2 r2 | 
>   R1 | af4( bf c)\< f \!| c8( bf) af4 g8( f) d4\> | f2\! r2 |
> }
If you keep the comment, this block is the next music expression and the
relative command applies to this block.
Within the first music expression you start a new one, a new block so to
speak. This is ok, like in math:
 (1 + (2 +3)) is the same as (1 + 2 + 3)
If you had put the \tempo (and perhaps all the other "markings") inside
the relative block, there would have been no commenting-problem.
> \addlyrics 
> {
>   Gold -- en slum -- bers  kiss  your eyes,
>   Smiles a -- wake you when you rise
> }
As others have written, this must be placed outside the staff.
>   }

and so on...

> >>

I hope this made things clearer.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Phil Holmes
Re: Lyric placement and tempo woesIf you look at the very opening of the 
Notation Reference, it says that \relative works like this:

\relative startpitch musicexpr

notes in braces are a music expression:  { c d e f  }.  But so is \tempo 
"something".  So the \relative applies to the \tempo marking, and, of course, 
has no effect on it.  Best to get into the habit of following \relative with 
paired braces.

Phil Holmes

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Toye 
  To: Phil Holmes 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes


  Don't quite understand this, but that's the problem with being a newbie. I'd 
have thought that markings all referred to the next block. But your solution 
works fine. Thanks.

  Best regards,


  Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 3:30:29 PM, you wrote:

   You've got:
\relative c''
\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 
So the music that immediately follows the \relative is your \tempo 
marking, so it is only that that the \relative applies to.  If you wrote
\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 
\relative c''
The \relative would apply to everything in the { } block

Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Toye
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:43 AM
Subject: Lyric placement and tempo woes

More newbie problems:

1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The 
snippet below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to 
be copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding a 
tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!

Any help welcome.


\version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond 

  title = "Lullaby"
  composer= "Peter Warlock"
  arranger="Peter Toye"

\language "english"

  \new Staff  \with
instrumentName = "Julia"
shortInstrumentName = "J"
  { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
%\tempo "Allegretto con moto"   
  R1 | af4(\mp bf c) f | ef8( df8) c4 df8( c) bf4 | c2 r2 | 
  R1 | af4( bf c)\< f \!| c8( bf) af4 g8( f) d4\> | f2\! r2 |

  Gold -- en slum -- bers  kiss  your eyes,
  Smiles a -- wake you when you rise
  \new Staff \with
instrumentName = "Robin"
shortInstrumentName = "R"
  { \clef "treble_8" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c
{ R1 | f4 g4 af4 c4 | bf4( af2) g4 | af2 r2 |
  R1 | f4( g af) bf | g f d d | c2 r2 | 

  Gold -- en slum -- bers kiss your eyes,
  Smiles a -- wake you when you rise.

  \new Staff \with
instrumentName = "Cor Anglais"
shortInstrumentName = "C.A."
  { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c'
  f4. ef8 \grace {d16[ ef]} d8 c d bf | c4 r r2|
  R1 | af'4 bf c f | ef8 df c4 bf8 af g4| f r r2| R1*2 |

lilypond-user mailing list 
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Peter Toye

Don't quite understand this, but that's the problem with being a newbie. I'd 
have thought that markings all referred to the next block. But your solution 
works fine. Thanks.

Best regards,


Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 3:30:29 PM, you wrote:

You've got:
\relative c''
\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 
So the music that immediately follows the \relative is your \tempo marking, so 
it is only that that the \relative applies to.  If you wrote
\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 
\relative c''
The \relative would apply to everything in the { } block

Phil Holmes
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Toye
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:43 AM
Subject: Lyric placement and tempo woes

More newbie problems:

1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The snippet 
below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to be 
copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding a 
tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!

Any help welcome.


\version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

  title = "Lullaby"
  composer= "Peter Warlock"
  arranger="Peter Toye"

\language "english"

  \new Staff  \with
instrumentName = "Julia"
shortInstrumentName = "J"
  { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
%\tempo "Allegretto con moto"   
  R1 | af4(\mp bf c) f | ef8( df8) c4 df8( c) bf4 | c2 r2 | 
  R1 | af4( bf c)\< f \!| c8( bf) af4 g8( f) d4\> | f2\! r2 |

  Gold -- en slum -- bers  kiss  your eyes,
  Smiles a -- wake you when you rise
  \new Staff \with
instrumentName = "Robin"
shortInstrumentName = "R"
  { \clef "treble_8" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c
{ R1 | f4 g4 af4 c4 | bf4( af2) g4 | af2 r2 |
  R1 | f4( g af) bf | g f d d | c2 r2 | 

  Gold -- en slum -- bers kiss your eyes,
  Smiles a -- wake you when you rise.

  \new Staff \with
instrumentName = "Cor Anglais"
shortInstrumentName = "C.A."
  { \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c'
  f4. ef8 \grace {d16[ ef]} d8 c d bf | c4 r r2|
  R1 | af'4 bf c f | ef8 df c4 bf8 af g4| f r r2| R1*2 |

lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Peter Toye

Thanks. 1) Got it wrong. 2) Yes it works, but not sure why. Julia much happier.

Best regards,


Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 4:16:35 PM, you wrote:

> Peter, you wrote Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:43 AM

>> 1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The snippet 
>> below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to be 
>> copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

> I think someone already remarked that \addlyrics should be placed
> outside the Staff block, i.e. after the "}" which closes it.  That will
> correct the placement of the lyrics,
>> 2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
>> Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding 
>> a tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!

> The \tempo command should come before the \relative.  That will keep Julia 
> sweet.
> But this looks like a reportable bug.

> Trevor___
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Noeck

>> 2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
>> Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding 
>> a tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!
> The \tempo command should come before the \relative.  That will keep Julia 
> sweet.
> But this looks like a reportable bug.

I don't think this is a bug. \relative applies to the following music
expression. If there are brackets {} missing, this expression only
consists of the \tempo command and the rest in {} is just the next music

For Peter, or in general, I would suggest to put everything into the
brackets following \relative:

\relative c'' {
  \clef "treble"
  \key f \minor
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Allegretto con moto"
  R1 | af4(\mp bf c) f | ef8( df8) c4 df8( c) bf4 | c2 r2 |
  R1 | af4( bf c)\< f \!| c8( bf) af4 g8( f) d4\> | f2\! r2 |


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Trevor Daniels

Peter, you wrote Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:43 AM

> 1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The snippet 
> below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to be 
> copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

I think someone already remarked that \addlyrics should be placed 
outside the Staff block, i.e. after the "}" which closes it.  That will
correct the placement of the lyrics,
> 2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
> Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding a 
> tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!

The \tempo command should come before the \relative.  That will keep Julia 
But this looks like a reportable bug.

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Phil Holmes
Lyric placement and tempo woesYou've got:

\relative c''
\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 

So the music that immediately follows the \relative is your \tempo marking, so 
it is only that that the \relative applies to.  If you wrote

\tempo "Allegretto con moto" 
\relative c''

The \relative would apply to everything in the { } block

Phil Holmes

  - Original Message - 
  From: Peter Toye 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 10:43 AM
  Subject: Lyric placement and tempo woes

  More newbie problems:

  1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The snippet 
below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to be 
copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

  2) If I add a tempo indication (delete the "%") the pitch changes (see 
Warlock2WRONG attached) - this is the first occasion I've heard that adding a 
tempo mark changes a mezzo-soprano into a baritone - she won't be happy!

  Any help welcome.


  \version "2.16.2"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

title = "Lullaby"
composer= "Peter Warlock"
arranger="Peter Toye"

  \language "english"


\new Staff  \with
  instrumentName = "Julia"
  shortInstrumentName = "J"
{ \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c''
  %\tempo "Allegretto con moto"   
R1 | af4(\mp bf c) f | ef8( df8) c4 df8( c) bf4 | c2 r2 | 
R1 | af4( bf c)\< f \!| c8( bf) af4 g8( f) d4\> | f2\! r2 |

Gold -- en slum -- bers  kiss  your eyes,
Smiles a -- wake you when you rise

\new Staff \with
  instrumentName = "Robin"
  shortInstrumentName = "R"
{ \clef "treble_8" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c
  { R1 | f4 g4 af4 c4 | bf4( af2) g4 | af2 r2 |
R1 | f4( g af) bf | g f d d | c2 r2 | 

Gold -- en slum -- bers kiss your eyes,
Smiles a -- wake you when you rise.

\new Staff \with
  instrumentName = "Cor Anglais"
  shortInstrumentName = "C.A."
{ \clef "treble" \key f \minor \time 4/4 \relative c'
f4. ef8 \grace {d16[ ef]} d8 c d bf | c4 r r2|
R1 | af'4 bf c f | ef8 df c4 bf8 af g4| f r r2| R1*2 |


  lilypond-user mailing list
lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyric placement and tempo woes

2013-04-16 Thread Janek Warchoł
2013/4/16 Peter Toye :
> 1) I'm trying to arrange a part song with lyrics for each stave. The snippet
> below puts the lyrics at the bottom of all the staves - but I seem to be
> copying the manual. See Warlock2OK attached.

\addlyrics should be outside of \new Staff { }


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: change lyric placement depending with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext

2009-11-08 Thread Frank Steinmetzger
Am Sonntag, 8. November 2009 schrieb Peter Keller:
> I'm have a vocal score which uses bass clef almost exclusively during
> the verses.  I'd like to keep the lyrics below the staff when the treble
> clef is hidden, and between staves (above bass clef) when it appears.
> Any suggestions for how to do this?

Adjust your lyrics so that the bass lyrics have no content when both staves 
are visible and vice versa. An easy way to skip a certain number of notes in 
lyrics is by using the underscore.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla'
IBM - International Bubblegum Machines

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
lilypond-user mailing list

change lyric placement depending with \RemoveEmptyStaffContext

2009-11-08 Thread Peter Keller
I'm have a vocal score which uses bass clef almost exclusively during 
the verses.  I'd like to keep the lyrics below the staff when the treble 
clef is hidden, and between staves (above bass clef) when it appears.  
Any suggestions for how to do this?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Obscure lyric placement issue with markups

2006-03-31 Thread Geoff Horton
Geoff Horton> writes:

> I'm getting an odd shift in lyrics placement for lyrics placed above a staff:


FWIW, the equally obscure and not-in-the-manual-yet alignAboveContext property
fixes it.


lilypond-user mailing list

Obscure lyric placement issue with markups

2006-03-31 Thread Geoff Horton
I'm getting an odd shift in lyrics placement for lyrics placed above a staff:

music = \relative c'' {
  c4_\markup \small \italic "word" c c c

wordsOne = \lyricmode {
  La la la la

wordsTwo = \lyricmode {
  Lo lo lo lo

\score {
\context Lyrics = top { s1 }
\context Staff = gnotes {
  \context Voice = one \music
\context Lyrics = top \lyricsto one \wordsOne
\context Lyrics = bottom \lyricsto one \wordsTwo
  \layout {
ragged-right = ##t
\context {
  \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6

The first "La" above the staff is shifted so that its center is
aligned with the center of "word", but the lyrics below the staff
don't shift at all. Is this a bug or intended behavior? Is there a
good work-around?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-05 Thread Graham Percival

On 5-Dec-05, at 6:15 PM, Jonatan Liljedahl wrote:

BTW, is there any place (doc or scm source) where one can see all those
predefined macros and commands?


- Graham

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-05 Thread Jonatan Liljedahl
On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 14:26:41 +0100
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gianluca D. wrote:
> >...
> >%% Here there are two definitions to make notes invisible in a
> >comfortable way blanknotes = {
> >  \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
> >  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
> >  \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
> >  \override Tie #'transparent = ##t
> >}
> >
> >noblanknotes = {
> >  \revert NoteHead #'transparent
> >  \revert Stem #'transparent
> >  \revert Beam #'transparent
> >  \revert Tie #'transparent
> >}
> >  
> >
> Why not use the predefined macros \hideNotes, \unHideNotes described
> in the section on Hidden notes in the manual?

BTW, is there any place (doc or scm source) where one can see all those
predefined macros and commands?

/Jonatan-=( )=-

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson

Gianluca D. wrote:

%% Here there are two definitions to make notes invisible in a comfortable way
blanknotes = {
 \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
 \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
 \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
 \override Tie #'transparent = ##t

noblanknotes = {
 \revert NoteHead #'transparent
 \revert Stem #'transparent
 \revert Beam #'transparent
 \revert Tie #'transparent

Why not use the predefined macros \hideNotes, \unHideNotes described
in the section on Hidden notes in the manual?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-04 Thread Arvid Grøtting
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 "Gianluca D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alle 23:06, venerdì 2 dicembre 2005, Ian Hawthorn ha scritto:
> > I can tell you that what you are asking is a hard problem, so don't get
> > your hopes up that there is an easy answer. 
> The answer is quite easy, once you have learned to use the wonderful ability 
> of Lilypond to merge different music expressions into one context.

There is another answer, too, almost as simple, for those of us that 
like to keep the e.g. first tenor music within a single musical 

- use "\skip 8" (or some other duration; it's not used within \lyricsto) 
instead of "_" for the "blanks" in lyrics.

- to avoid wasting space in the first system, also "\override 
Score.RemoveEmptyVerticalGroup #'remove-first = ##t".

When the amount of lyrics specific to a voice is very small, consider 
not using \lyricsto (or \addlyrics) at all, and rather specify the 
durations manually (\lyricmode{ \skip 1*15 Bee 4 Bop 8 }).

Example code:
Resulting PDF:




lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-02 Thread Gianluca D.
Alle 23:06, venerdì 2 dicembre 2005, Ian Hawthorn ha scritto:

> I can tell you that what you are asking is a hard problem, so don't get
> your hopes up that there is an easy answer. 

The answer is quite easy, once you have learned to use the wonderful ability 
of Lilypond to merge different music expressions into one context.
I've written this little bit of code which shows how to put different words 
without using a lot of blank spaces and without any problems in vertical 
I'd like to explain how it works, but my english is not good at all, so I hope 
you could understand it by reading it.
The key to is in two things:
a) using the \context command to give different names to the different 
sections of the part and, consequently, of the lyrics;
b) using the same lyrics-context to have lyrics vertically aligned *even if* 
these lyrics are not associated with the same voice.

\version "2.6.4"

%% Here there are two definitions to make notes invisible in a comfortable way
blanknotes = {
  \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
  \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
  \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
  \override Tie #'transparent = ##t

noblanknotes = {
  \revert NoteHead #'transparent
  \revert Stem #'transparent
  \revert Beam #'transparent
  \revert Tie #'transparent

% Here there's the sopranos' part. The secret is to give a name to each voice, 
so that you can put the right lyrics
% in every place you need to without using a lot of rests or empty spaces.
soprani = \context Voice = soprani 
  \relative c' {
  c2 d4 e 
| f 
% here the different lyrics start
  \context Voice = equal 
  { f g b, }
  \context Voice = different
  { \blanknotes
f' g b, 
\noblanknotes }
  | c1
\score {
\context Lyrics = soprani {s1} % different lyrics will be at the top
\new Staff \soprani
\context Lyrics = sopranitwo \lyricsto soprani \lyricmode { This is not so 
right? }
% Since "difficult" must be aligned with the normal lyrics, you should use 
the same lyrics context
\context Lyrics = sopranitwo \lyricsto equal \lyricmode { dif -- fi -- 
cult, }

% Here we put the "different" lyrics
\context Lyrics = soprani \lyricsto different \lyricmode { real -- ly 
hard, }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-02 Thread Ian Hawthorn

The same problem arises frequently when typesetting barbershop
music only worse because for most of the piece all four parts sing
the same lyric, but there may be a couple of bars when all lyrics
are different and so four lyric lines are required. No truly satisfactory
solution has yet been proposed that I am aware of, although myself and
others have sought assistance with this issue here several times.

Yes Lilypond CAN handle this type of thing, and no doubt some others
will point you at appropriate parts of the documentation that seem to
indicate how this might be done. The killer problem for me however
is that there seems to be no completely satisfactory way to do this
within the confines of something like the SATB template.

If you introduce a mostly blank lyric line for the split lyric section in
the template, you have the tedium of entering a lot of blanks or spaces;
but worse than that, lilypond will allow vertical space for it throughout
the entire piece (even where blank),  which throws the vertical spacing
completely out of whack everywhere and is visually annoying. The only
way to stop lilypond doing this would seem to involve changing how the
staves are stacked for just those few bars only so that the blank lyric 

is simply not present elsewhere. But this completely breaks any hope of
using a template and looks awfully tricky to do as well.

I can tell you that what you are asking is a hard problem, so don't get your
hopes up that there is an easy answer. Abandoning the use of a template
for me this would be a major change to the way I use lilypond and I'd need
to gain a lot deeper understanding of it than I currently have. At the 
I am simply typing extra lyric lines consisting mostly of blanks and 

over the annoying extra vertical space in the output.

Best Wishes
Ian H


I discovered lilypond not too long ago and it really is excellent.  To any
developers out there, keep up the good work!

However, I have a problem that has me stumped.  I searched through the
documentation and the mailing list archives, with no luck.

First, I am using version 2.6.4 (I see that 2.6.5 is out, but I don't know
if that has any bearing on my issue).

I am working on a SATB vocal piece, where I would like soprano lyrics
above the treble clef in only a couple of measures, as the lyrics deviate
from the rest of the ensemble.

I can create an extra soprano part with notes and lyrics, and then combine
that part with the regular soprano and alto parts, but I was wondering if
there was some way I could redirect lyric placement above the staff with
an override.  Or is there a better way I should approach this issue?  I'd
rather not print all the soprano lyrics above the staff, because they are
the same for almost the entire piece, except for 4 measures.

Any advice?


lilypond-user mailing list


lilypond-user mailing list

Vocal Lyric Placement?

2005-12-02 Thread Jeremy Turner

I discovered lilypond not too long ago and it really is excellent.  To any
developers out there, keep up the good work!

However, I have a problem that has me stumped.  I searched through the
documentation and the mailing list archives, with no luck.

First, I am using version 2.6.4 (I see that 2.6.5 is out, but I don't know
if that has any bearing on my issue).

I am working on a SATB vocal piece, where I would like soprano lyrics
above the treble clef in only a couple of measures, as the lyrics deviate
from the rest of the ensemble.

I can create an extra soprano part with notes and lyrics, and then combine
that part with the regular soprano and alto parts, but I was wondering if
there was some way I could redirect lyric placement above the staff with
an override.  Or is there a better way I should approach this issue?  I'd
rather not print all the soprano lyrics above the staff, because they are
the same for almost the entire piece, except for 4 measures.

Any advice?


lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2005-07-12 Thread Rob Vlasaty

You might want to assign each voice separately, rather than put them in chords. 
 Then you can combine the voices together when you print the staff.  This way 
Lilypond knows exactly which notes to put your lyrics under.  Also, remember to 
put a slur on your eighth-notes so the word "in" can be sung over two notes.

I've been working mostly with hymns lately, so I made a template for myself.  
It might have extra stuff that you don't need, but it should get you started.


\version "2.6.0"
\header {   

title = "Hymn Template"
subtitle = ""
tagline = ""   
poet = ""
composer = ""   


#(set-global-staff-size 20) 
\include ""

upperOne = 
\relative a'{
\time 4/4

a4 b c d a b c d \break

upperTwo =  
\relative a'{

d,4 e f g d e f g

lowerOne =  
\relative a {
\time 4/4

a4 b c d a b c d


lowerTwo =   
\relative c {

d4 e f g d e f g

firstverse = \lyricmode {
La la la la la la la la

secondverse = \lyricmode {
Do do do do do do do do

thirdverse = \lyricmode {
Re re re re re re re re

fourthverse = \lyricmode {


refrain = \lyricmode { so so so so so


\context StaffGroup<<

\context Staff = "upper" 

\clef treble
\context Voice = "one" \upperOne
\context Voice = "two" \upperTwo 

\lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {

\set vocalName = "1."
\set vocNam = "1."

\lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {

\set vocalName = "2."
\set vocNam = "2."

 \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {

\set vocalName = "3."
\set vocNam = "3."

\context Staff = "lower" <<
\clef bass
\context Voice = "one" \lowerOne
\context Voice = "two" \lowerTwo

\layout {

minimumVerticalExtent = #'(0.0 . 2.5)
%   \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Zurich BT"
%   \override LyricText #'font-size = #-0.5
%   \override LyricText #'font-shape = #'italic
%   \override VocalName #'font-name = #"Zurich BT"
\override VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'time-signature
%   \override VocalName #'break-align-symbol = #'begin-of-note
%   \override LyricText #'font-magnification = #0.95
%   \override VocalName #'font-magnification = #0.95

\remove "Span_bar_engraver"

minimumVerticalExtent = #'(-4 . 0)
autoBeaming = ##t
\unset melismaBusyProperties 

barNumberVisibility = #all-invisible

\midi { }   
\paper {

linewidth = 6\in 
indent = 0
pagenumber = "no"

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lilypond-user mailing list

lyric placement

2005-07-11 Thread Arthur Dyck
I'm just starting to play with lp by working on a hymn.  The format  is upper 
and lower piano staves with the verses in the middle.  I was using chords for 
the upper and lower until I came to a place where I had two 8th notes in the 
soprano over a 1/4 in the alto.  I don't know if it's the best way, but I 
found a way to do it.  The problem is that I can't get a lyric to print under 
those notes.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


\version "2.6.0"
     upper = \relative c' {
        \clef treble
        \key bes \major
        \time 4/4
        4  2 |
44. 8 2
4  2
4   << { c'8 bes } \\ { g4 } >> 4  f2
44. 8 2 
44. 8 2

     lower = \relative c {
        \clef bass
        \key bes \major
        \time 4/4
        4  2
44. 8 2
4  2
4  2
     text = \lyricmode {
        Can a lit -- tle child like me
Thank the Fa -- ther fit -- ting -- ly?
Yes, O yes! be good and true,
Pa -- tient, kind in _ all you do;
Love the Lord, and do your part;
Learn to say with all your heart,
     \score {
       \context GrandStaff <<
         \context Staff = upper {
             \context Voice = singer \upper }
         \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \text
         \context Staff = lower <<
           \clef bass
       \layout {
         \context { \GrandStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }
         \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver" }
       \midi { \tempo 4=60 }

lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2003-01-18 Thread Paul Scott
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


I'm not concerned about redundancy just understanding the structure. 
I've been programming for over 35 years and I really appreciate the 
concept of laziness - why do something the computer can be taught to do.

Agreed, but now I still don't where there is a problem (if any.)

David Boersma solved the problem with his answer on 02-12-02.  This 
extra point was about me not being clear about the precise rules for 
when to use \notes and \context.  I'm sure I will get that eventually 
but I have no problem getting what I want done for the moment.

There is not a problem because this is open source and I am grateful 
what has been done.  I hope I can contribute to this project in the future.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2003-01-18 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >  
> >
> >>and I don't yet understand why commands like \note and \context seem to 
> >>be sometimes used redundantly.
> >>
> >>
> >Because we're lazy :) , you can send in a bug report if you like.
> >
> I'm not concerned about redundancy just understanding the structure. 
>  I've been programming for over 35 years and I really appreciate the 
> concept of laziness - why do something the computer can be taught to do.

Agreed, but now I still don't where there is a problem (if any.)

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2003-01-18 Thread Paul Scott
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:


and I don't yet understand why commands like \note and \context seem to 
be sometimes used redundantly.

Because we're lazy :) , you can send in a bug report if you like.

I'm not concerned about redundancy just understanding the structure. 
I've been programming for over 35 years and I really appreciate the 
concept of laziness - why do something the computer can be taught to do.



Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2003-01-18 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
> and I don't yet understand why commands like \note and \context seem to 
> be sometimes used redundantly.

Because we're lazy :) , you can send in a bug report if you like.


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | 

Lilypond-user mailing list

Re: lyric placement

2002-12-02 Thread Paul Scott
David Boersma wrote:

On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Paul Scott wrote:

Can anyone tell me why this code places all of the lyrics under the
highvoice staff instead of each set of lyrics under its own staff?


You should treat a Lyrics context just like a Staff context: if there are
more of them, give them names, otherwise Lily doesn't know which Lyrics
context you are talking about and it will just assume that there is only
one Lyrics context/line and add all words to that line.

Thank you very much.  I didn't really understand how that worked for 
staff context either.  Now that you describe it this way I see where the 
documentation on contexts should help me make a lot more sense of this.  
The relationship between these two templates didn't make sense:



and I don't yet understand why commands like \note and \context seem to 
be sometimes used redundantly.

Thanks again,


Re: lyric placement

2002-12-01 Thread David Boersma
On Fri, 29 Nov 2002, Paul Scott wrote:

> Can anyone tell me why this code places all of the lyrics under the
> highvoice staff instead of each set of lyrics under its own staff?


You should treat a Lyrics context just like a Staff context: if there are
more of them, give them names, otherwise Lily doesn't know which Lyrics
context you are talking about and it will just assume that there is only
one Lyrics context/line and add all words to that line.

>   \context Staff = highvoice <
>   \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
>   \global
>   \addlyrics
>   \highvoice
>   \context Lyrics { \highwords }

So, change this last line to (for instance):

\context Lyrics = HighVoiceLyrics { \highwords }

>   >
>   \context Staff = lowvoice <
>   \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
>   \global
>   \clef treble
>   \addlyrics
>   \lowvoice
>   \context Lyrics { \lowwords }


\context Lyrics = LowVoiceLyrics { \lowwords }

>   >
>   \context Staff = bass <
>   \property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
>   \global
>   \clef bass
>   \addlyrics
>   \bass
>   \context Lyrics { \basswords }


\context Lyrics = BassVoiceLyrics { \basswords }

>   >
> If this is not enough information I will provide more.
> TIA,
> Paul Scott
> ___
> Lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond-user mailing list

lyric placement

2002-11-29 Thread Paul Scott
Can anyone tell me why this code places all of the lyrics under the 
highvoice staff instead of each set of lyrics under its own staff?

	\context Staff = highvoice <
	\property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
	\context Lyrics { \highwords }
	\context Staff = lowvoice <
	\property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
	\clef treble
	\context Lyrics { \lowwords }
	\context Staff = bass <
	\property Voice.TextScript \override #'padding = #0
	\clef bass
	\context Lyrics { \basswords }

If this is not enough information I will provide more.


Paul Scott

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