Macromedia certification

2004-07-27 Thread nik crosina

does anyone have any experience with Macromedia certification as related to getting a 
job (contract/freelance/permanent)?

In other words has it helped anyone getting one? or do you know of anyone?


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Re: system disk

2004-07-15 Thread nik crosina
thanks guys,

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system disk

2004-07-14 Thread nik crosina
How can I find out the drive letter of the crive that contains the currently running 
OS. We need to find this out as we develop a network app that might have the system 
run from other drives than the c:\ drive. Or is that not possible?

Thanks for your help?

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LIST intersections

2004-06-13 Thread nik crosina
Hi All,

I have got 5 list for which I have to find teh intersection reliably. I have found the 
code below on Intergration New Medias webstie in teh V12 DB support corner, as I am 
working with V12 databases in the saem project.
I have modified the code to work on 2 lists, and am working on a model to make it work 
on 5lists, but it is becoming so unwieldy that I can't imagine that there is no 
simpler solution (mine being to keep the basic structure ofthe code as it is below, 
and comparing the first 2 list then teh  result with the 3rd, the result of this with 
the 4rth , etc.)

set field "result" = EMPTY  -- Dir member. Can also be a Lingo list
repeat while not V12Error()  --  by "Next" on last rec of gT1 or gT2
set s1 = (mGetField(gT1, "RecipeID")
set s2 = (mGetField(gT2, "RecipeID")
if (s1 = s2) then
put mGetField(gT1, "RecipeName")&RETURN after field "result"
  else if (s1 < s2) then
end if
end repeat

below my modified code for 2 lists (tComp_1 and tComp_2); tComp_1[i][1] refers to an 
index of the list; tCompResult being the list containing any intersecting elements
if (tComp_1 <> []) and (tComp_2 <> []) then 
  set tCompResult = []
  tError = 0
  repeat while tError = 0
set s1 = tComp_1[i][1]
set s2 = tComp_2[j][1]
if (s1 = s2) then
else if (s1 < s2) then
else if (s1 > s2) then
end if
if i > tComp_1.count then tError = 1
if j > tComp_2.count then tError = 1
  end repeat
  alert "No records found"
end if

Thanks for any pointers in a direction


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no subject

2004-06-13 Thread nik crosina
Hi All,

I have got 5 list for which I have to find teh intersection reliably. I have found the 
code below on Intergration New Medias webstie in teh V12 DB support corner, as I am 
working with V12 databases in the saem project.
I have modified the code to work on 2 lists, and am working on a model to make it work 
on 5lists, but it is becoming so unwieldy that I can't imagine that there is no 
simpler solution (mine being to keep the basic structure ofthe code as it is below, 
and comparing the first 2 list then teh  result with the 3rd, the result of this with 
the 4rth , etc.)

set field "result" = EMPTY  -- Dir member. Can also be a Lingo list
repeat while not V12Error()  --  by "Next" on last rec of gT1 or gT2
set s1 = (mGetField(gT1, "RecipeID")
set s2 = (mGetField(gT2, "RecipeID")
if (s1 = s2) then
put mGetField(gT1, "RecipeName")&RETURN after field "result"
  else if (s1 < s2) then
end if
end repeat

below my modified code for 2 lists (tComp_1 and tComp_2); tComp_1[i][1] refers to an 
index of the list; tCompResult being the list containing any intersecting elements
if (tComp_1 <> []) and (tComp_2 <> []) then 
  set tCompResult = []
  tError = 0
  repeat while tError = 0
set s1 = tComp_1[i][1]
set s2 = tComp_2[j][1]
if (s1 = s2) then
else if (s1 < s2) then
else if (s1 > s2) then
end if
if i > tComp_1.count then tError = 1
if j > tComp_2.count then tError = 1
  end repeat
  alert "No records found"
end if

Thanks for any pointers in a direction


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Fields & Fonts

2004-06-10 Thread nik crosina

Has anybody set the font on onlt characters of a field with lingo? I want to do the 
following: a field is populated with the resultsof a search. the items are names of 
video clips which the user can select by clicking on tick boxes next to them.

I want these tick boxes to be part of the field as I want to be able to scroll the 
whole properly ( at the moment I am using 2 fields, and a self-made scrolling feature 
put together by individual scrollbar bits, etc. - works but not as smooth as I'd like 

One can change the font on character level manually, but what would be thelingop for 

Any sugestions much appreciated,


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Re: autoTAB

2004-06-09 Thread nik crosina
On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 10:24:13 -0400 , roymeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>>>wil try your script, but I am not sure why i would need something of that 
>>length to shift the cursor from oneto the next text field
>you get what you pay for...

well, that was not really ment to offend, I am really just not sure,..
because if i have to write something of the length you went to then that prety much 
obliterates the need to have 'the keyboardfocus', as the 'simply behaviours / 
situations' can in most cases be dealt with with the auto TAB enabled and the sprites 
in the convenient order.

anyway, back to work, i am sure there is a way to make it happene, and yes, thanks for 
your sript,


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Re: autoTAB

2004-06-08 Thread nik crosina
>You know, Director can't read your mind as to which editable field to use 
>next :) you have to tell it somehow or other.  This behavior uses the 
>sprite order as the order of precedence, lowest numbered sprite with this 
>behavior is the first one to highlight.

well i thought that I am actually telling Driector exactly that by saying something 

set the keyboardFocusSprite = 12

in english:
'plesae move the cursor to field/ sprite number 12'

or have i misunderstood this now for years, I am just trawling my project / scripts 
agaion, to see what might be the problem, but i am arriving at the highly unusal state 
of having no idea,

wil try your script, but I am not sure why i would need something of that length to 
shift the cursor from oneto the next text field


i really must be overlooking something here,


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Re: autoTAB

2004-06-08 Thread nik crosina

>-catch the key stroke with a keydown handler, either on the frame or the 
>sprite itself
>-knowing which sprite you're on, set the keyboardfocussprite,
>you may also have to play with the editable property of the fields

This TAB thing does not work.

I am using Dir8.5, W2K, here is the srcipt I am using: As you can see I am 

- checking whether the keyboardFocus is on a field, 

- if it is, I check for the visibility of the next field down (on screen; or down in 
channel number -- the other way round to how TAB would normally work), as if that 
sprite is not 'switched' on there is no use having the focus on it.

- if it is, I switch the focus to it.

- I exit the handler (as further execustion would only have the next if statement 
execute and shift the focus again)

I get erratic bahaviour, and at best a jump of teh cursor from a lower field (lower 
channel number) to a higher field (again, that is on screen as wel in teh score),

here ist goes:

-- TAB advance
on checkTAB
  if the framelabel = "search2" and (the keycode = 48) then

if (the keyboardFocusSprite = 25) then 
  if (Sprite(24).visible) then 
set the keyboardFocusSprite = 24
put "FOCUS "the keyboardFocusSprite

  end if
end if

if (the keyboardFocusSprite = 24) then 
  if (Sprite(23).visible) then 
set the keyboardFocusSprite = 23
  end if
end if

if (the keyboardFocusSprite = 23) then 
  if (Sprite(22).visible) then
set the keyboardFocusSprite = 22
put "FOCUS "the keyboardFocusSprite
  end if
end if

if (the keyboardFocusSprite = 22) then 
  if (Sprite(21).visible) then
set the keyboardFocusSprite = 21
  end if
end if

if (the keyboardFocusSprite = 21) then 
  if (Sprite(25).visible) then
set the keyboardFocusSprite = 25
  end if
end if

  end if
  put "FOCUS "the keyboardFocusSprite
end checkTAB

I hope that helps and there issomeone who can shed some lightonto the issue,


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2004-06-07 Thread nik crosina

I have a problem with teh AUTOTAB, as I cannot really control it as I thought it is 
I have 5 fields that I want to use the tab to have the cursor jumpfrom field to field, 
but as I have to have the topmost (on-screen) field in teh highest sprite channel and 
vice versa, the tab jumps in the wrong direciton (from the lower fields up).

Can that be changted - how do i set teh tab myself / catch the key code, etc?


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no subject

2004-06-06 Thread nik crosina

I have a problem with teh AUTOTAB, as I cannot really control it as I thought it is 
I have 5 fields that I want to use the tab to have the cursor jumpfrom field to field, 
but as I have to have the topmost (on-screen) field in teh highest sprite channel and 
vice versa, the tab jumps in the wrong direciton (from the lower fields up).

Can that be changted - how do i set teh tab myself / catch the key code, etc?


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Re: html in D8 or D9

2004-05-20 Thread nik crosina
Hi Mike,

I had to use HTML in Drector once (well, it was either that or converting 100s of 
files to text, and pic and reconstruct them in director 8.1
dir is not veyr good at rendering anything but VERY basic HTML, maybe you can look 
into using th eweb Xtra. it uses IE to display webpages, and works great with 
webpages. i see no reason why it could not be used to display local files as well.

best r

On Thu, 20 May 2004 10:09:40 -0700 (PDT) , Mike Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>Hello all,
Does anyone know of a good resource for html in

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playing MPEG from server

2004-05-11 Thread nik crosina

does anyone know a reliable Xtra that does streaming and mpeg playback?
I know of direct emdia xtra, streaming media xtra, mediaplay xtra, etc but none of 
them seem to do it either reliably or with a low enough spec. 


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Re: scrolling driving me mad

2004-04-27 Thread nik crosina

>How come that whe I scroll a field with 'scrollbyLine', the lines that scroll out of 
>view at the top also scroll out of everything! They don't seem to exist anymore!

I think it is the replacing of the tick-box symbol into the field of a ticked- box 
symbol that is does not like, this resets the scroll top to 0, and messes everything 
up. I am still using Dir8.5 - hope that the instabilities and bugs with fields are 
gone in the later(test) versions of Dir.


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scrolling driving me mad

2004-04-27 Thread nik crosina

How come that whe I scroll a field with 'scrollbyLine', the lines that scroll out of 
view at the top also scroll out of everything! They don't seem to exist anymore!

I need to - at all times - know how many lines a complete field has not only how many 
lines are VISIBLE. I need that as the scrolling field contains checkboxes, and when 
they are ticked I need to know how many lines down the tick is, as that references to 
items in a list!

HELP, is this a bug or a feture! and in any case: how do I drive 'round it!

Best and Thanks

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no subject

2004-04-25 Thread nik crosina

Another question re fields (my favorite types, ...):

can i control the font of field text with lingo down to a word level. I realised that 
in the field window I can select multimple fonts for the text of one field, so I am 
thinking there must be a way of doing it with lingo as well?

needed for:
a field that shows the results of a database search (one result per line) with the 
first character of each line being a tick box (font 'wingdings 2') which then I want 
users to be able to tick as well

thanx & seeyah

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highlighting lines in a multi-line field

2004-04-25 Thread nik crosina
I am trying to find a convenient way to highlight complete lines of field castmembers. 
I know I can use the .highlight, but would like to highlight the complete line and not 
just as much of the line as covered by words (e.g. a line might only be half full)

Has anyoen of you done that before, or knows a script I can adapt? I am experimenting 
with shape castmembers put behind the lines, maybe that is a way?

Thanks on a Sunday...

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Re: MPEG Media Viewer + One

2004-04-18 Thread nik crosina
Thanks Troy and Valentin 

for your suggestions.
In the meantime I have discovered the DataSafe Xtra and am considering it to encrypt 
all config files (there is the one settng my custom parameters, and then some database 
files and grtaphics) with an agreed key only known to me and my clients. 

This should allow the media viewer to descrypt the files correctly as the key will be 
built into it, as well as alllowing my client to keep encrypting the files correctly 
for each time they customise the media viewer.

Has any of you experience with this Xtra? I don't need a weapons licence or something 
silly like that to use it for this applicaiton? ;-)

Now the '+ One question': How would you implement a splash csreen that you want to pop 
up as the application launches? I faintly remember thast there was a way of doing that 
.. I'll look into the archives..

Have a nice sunday all (raining here in UK, good coding whether)


>You could also use something like the vList xtra to contain and save 
>the cast members with encryption... it could also save your INI 
>  You might consider providing your client an authoring tool which would 
>allow them to set up the casts and the INI files, and save the vLists.

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MPEG Media Viewer

2004-04-17 Thread nik crosina
Hi guys,

I am working on an MPEG media viewer for a client of mine. This is ment to work as a 
template so they can customise it for their clients. The customisation is going to be 
done by dropping the graphics into an 'assets' folder and configuring functionality of 
the projector with an ini / config file. 

Here my questions:

- Is it possible to use the *.ini file that can be included with a projector for this 
purpose. I.e. including my own parameters? Or do I have better read in a separate 
(.txt?) file with MY data?

- My client wants to be able to protect the viewer once the customised content is put 
in place (video files, graphic files and the .ini / config file) and we are thinking 
of authoring a separate application that creates a checksum that is stored with all 
the files and used to verify that the viewer or any of its contents have not been 
changed (e.g. by a third party substituting its graphics and video files, and passing 
it off as their work).
Does any of you have any experience with that? 

Any hints much appreciated, I will continuew my research in the archieves in the 


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Re: DVD Creation

2003-11-27 Thread nik crosina
To clear things up and cover all cases:

yes you can combine DVD_ROM and DVD_Video content on one disk.

A DVD player will ignore all content but the Video_TS and Audio_TS folder. It is not 
interested at all what other folders you put on the disk, and how many. As long as 
there is a correctly authored (e.g. with a DVD Authoring aplication such as DVD 
Creator from Sonic) Video DVD on the disk, your DVD player (hardware or set-top as 
well as software or computer based) will play it as DVD_Video title.

As DVD players really only ignore what else is on the disk, it leaves you with a lot 
of freedom to put whatever other content you want on there. In other words, there are 
hardly any restrictions on the Director_based projects you might want to place there. 
Only thing is, - I think - , you can't make folders invisible, and to create 
x-platform disks (Mac and PC) the filestructure needs to be UDF rather than ISO.

There are even Xtras out there that allow you to create your own DVD players (for 
Video DVDs that is) with Director.


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RE: DVD Creation

2003-11-26 Thread nik crosina
>I can create a project with director that will play on my home DVD
>Player? And if so is there a good tutorial out there?


No you can't create tittles that play on your home DVD player. That is becasue to your 
DVD player conforms to the DVD-Video playback standard that governs the authoring of 
movie titles.

Director can be used to develop basically and amongst other things ROM disks, be they 
CD or DVD. 

That does not mean that you can't combine DVD Video and DVD ROM content. e.g. titles 
that play like a DVD Video on your DVD player and like CD ROM on your computer.

Hope that helps,


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Re: PDF CLASS for creating PDF with lingo

2003-11-25 Thread nik crosina
... due to an activex control that is only used
>for the "experimental" implementation of deflate compression in test3,
>but you can just ignore this message (and delete the script control and
>the test3 button), test1 and test2 should still work. ...

Hi Valentin,

Fantastic what you have done.
Some Feedback to your PDF creation, then again you might know that already. The demo 
application, test 3 gets caught by Norton AntiVirus as  malicous script.

Otherwise works reallt well!


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Re: HTML and email

2003-11-21 Thread nik crosina
I've noticed that Earthlink will let me 
>send to a non-Earthlink mail server multiple times before the messages 
>begin to be blocked. Not sure why that is - but I can generally squeeze 
>out a few emails - at least w/that particular ISP. 

Hi there,

I haven't been following this thread closely, so I might suggest something irrelevant 
or already mentioned:
Why don't you send the email without a mailserver. That's possible with the 
DirtectEmail Xtra. I have done this many times for CD-ROMs and never had any problems 
so far. 

It might be a touch slower but works fine.


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Re: browser embeded inside director

2003-06-27 Thread nik crosina
Hi there,

That's a nice control, I have not used ActiveX too much, How can I find out what Lingo 
is available for the web control?


On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 10:24:47 +0530 , "Anand Ravi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>Assuming that you have placed the web browser control on sprite 5,
>Call 'navigate(sprite 5, "")' or whichever url you want to
>Anand Ravi
>- Original Message -
>From: "Prasis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 3:28 PM
>Subject:  browser embeded inside director
>> Hi,
>> I saw that browser can be embded inside the director. I had tried to do
>> that but I cannot find the way. Can anybody help me to do so.(calling html
>> file and displaying inside the stage)
>> thank you
>> prasis
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Fwd: ipix

2003-06-20 Thread nik crosina

I am just wondering: Has anyone used 
the iPix Xtra before?
On their web site it says that they don't sell it anymore (but it seems come as 
standard part of the pro-ipix app). 
Also, is this crossplatform or just Mac?

Thanks for the help!!


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linking of cast - can't get it to work...!

2003-06-17 Thread nik crosina

I am trying the following:
After developing a project with all mvies (stub + main + a number of MIAWS) at the 
same folder level, the client has decided that all but the stub have to go into a 
folder called 'data'. 

I have a 'scripts.cst' which is used by the main movie only and this is proofing teh 
problem for me.

Everytime the stub is now opening the main .dir that resides in the data folder, it 
asks me where the cast 'scripts.cst' is, by opening the folder navigtion box 
displaying the folder level of the stub (so that I can clearly see the data folder 
diplayed on the list).

It is doing this even though I have (on startmovie) set the filename of the 
castlib("scripts.cst") to the moviepath & "data\scripts.cst"

This does only occur once I burn the project on to a CD (or run it over a network), 
not when I run the stub in my development machine.

Any ideas, anything i am missing here?

Thanks guys,


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Re: Web Broswer in Director MX

2003-06-02 Thread nik crosina
hI tOM,

Its easy with tabuleiro web xtra. since all windows machines have the IE browser 
installed, there are (hardly) any compatibility issues.

have used it on many occasions.

you can custom build your brwser in director and limit the URLs the user can use very 
nicely. custom design web sites for the dir projector, etc. all very straight forward,

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escape key code

2003-04-02 Thread nik crosina

I would like to implement a quit whenescape is being pressed. I am using a n Xtra that 
is playing back video at full screen and for some reason disables ESC, but still 
receives keycodes / keydowns.

Does anyone know what the ESC keycode is? Where can I find a list that corresponds to 
teh numbers Director uses?

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Re: UDF file structure PC and Mac share an Xtras folder?

2003-04-01 Thread nik crosina

I'd sure try it to see if it could be done -- just be sure the UDF can 
handle files with resource forks (which some of your Xtras will 
probably have). 

having one xtras folder for both works fine. i've tried running the mac projector 
across my network from my pc and it worked fine. liekwise the pc projcetor.

tomorrow we'l find out how it's going to run from a disk with UDF file structure.

let you know,
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UDF file structure PC and Mac share an Xtras folder?

2003-04-01 Thread nik crosina
Hi List,

I've got an interesting problem:

We are burning a DVD ROM and these disks use the UDF file structure (asopposed to ISO 
or HFS, ot else) and if a Mac has the UDF extension installed which most macs do, it 
can read it. Problem is, if I want to make that crossplatform with both projectors 
(mac / pc) at rootlevel for convenience,then I have to put all Xtras into one Xtas 
folder (as I can't have 2 folders with the same name and how would the OSs distinguish 

Is that possible?

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flash sprite problem - strange morphings going on

2003-03-20 Thread nik crosina
Hi ,

I am not entirelysure whether that is a question for a flash or director list, but 
since the problem really only occurs once the flash movie is imported into director, 
i'll  post it here...

I am using flash to create a continous loop between 2 jpegs. the flash movie is very 
simple ahs 2 channels with one of thejpegs serving as a background and the other one 
being faded in and out (converted into a symbol using the alpha). [i know the ahole 
thing can be done in director just as nicely, but i wanted to do it in flash; even 
more so as i thought it should be easy... and work).

it works fine in flash and when i play it back in a browser or stand-alone. once 
imported into director, the faded in jpeg (the one that is a symbol) is stretched 
either horizontally or vertically. the whole flash movies dimensions basically pulsate 
with the rtansitions between the jpegs.

what is happening here? flash thing,? director thing?


thanks for any ideas?

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Re: drop down menues

2003-03-18 Thread nik crosina
Haben Sie in das OSControl Xtra von geschauen?

-- WthmO

well done and thanks!

posted that accidentally to the wrong list (or not as it turned out...)!

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drop down menues

2003-03-17 Thread nik crosina

mal eine schnelle frage:
Hat wer schon mal eine drop down list (im detail gehts hier um eine laender liste) in 
Director gebastelt?

Hab das grad vom client erfahren, dass der das gerne haett', aber nocjh nicht mal zeit 
gehabt mir das genau zu ueberlegen. Das muesste ja von greund auf gecoded werden, 
oder? Xtra moechte ich aus kostengruenden wenn geht vermeiden, aber gaebe es da 
ueberhaupt eines das das auf windows macht (Win98 aufwaehrts).


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Re: Mac OS X development

2003-03-06 Thread nik crosina

Make a bundle. It should work on Macs pre-X with CarbonLib, and will ...

have you done that before?

It's about 1am in the morning and my bloodshot eyes browsed over the page you send, 
but my brain is beginning to be a bit blur.

Or is there anyone else who has done bundling before and cam across anyissues with it?

Any hints very much appreciated!

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Mac OS X development

2003-03-06 Thread nik crosina

I would like your general opinion on something:

Do you think that it is worth developing an educational application for the general 
public (schools and corporate training) across the globe specifically with OS X in 
mind or could I do  projector for the 'old' Mac OS and have Mac OS X users run it in 
classic mode?

The project is to be cross-platform (PC/Mac) and I am trying to figure out what the 
best solution is on this, as I am not sure of the Mac OS X penetration of an already 
fairly small Mac user community (and any increase of it over the next 3-4 years).

Thanks for your thoughts on this!

PS: are there any resources / stats for installed Mac OSs?
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Re: URGENT - creating screen saver from .dir movie

2003-03-03 Thread nik crosina
Thanks, Charlie

I found it but it is not free, or did i get te wrong one here (its called screen 
saveer maker)

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URGENT - creating screen saver from .dir movie

2003-03-03 Thread nik crosina
Hi ,

An urgent question:
Just got a call from a client who wants to turn an existing .dir movie (a linear 
presentation) into a screen saver for a trade show.

I know there are Xtras (? or utilities) out there that do the job. They usually also 
convert flash files.

As I am tryoing to research which on eis best, does anyone have already got positive 
or negative experiences with any of them?

quick thoughts extremely appreciated!!
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Re: Dir. movies for Mac X

2003-03-02 Thread nik crosina
You'll hopefully just need to make the projector under OS X. You can 
also make the OS 9 projector under Director MX.

Thanks Colin 

That's bad enough! So tp recap:
For a truly xplatform CD-ROM, I'll need to make a Windows OS projector, a Mac OS 9 and 
a Mac OS X projector (with possibly having to debug the whole thing (and buy extra 
Xtra versions!?) for OS 9 and OS X separately??

do I like that?

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Dir. movies for Mac X

2003-03-02 Thread nik crosina

I want to know (having developed a director movie last on a Mac with OS 8.6): In order 
for a projector to run properly without any performance problems on a Mac X machine, 
do i have to develop it (ideally) on a Mac X machine as well and / or compile the 
projector with Dir MX?

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Re: icon question

2003-02-28 Thread nik crosina
How do you create a custom .skl file?

Got me thinking here for a while!
I think  used Michelangelo for that, yes I am quite sure.

Let me know if it does not work (unlikely though...)

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Re: icon question

2003-02-27 Thread nik crosina
#What's the best way of changing icons for a pc projector? I've used 
microangelo in the past, but it seems to kill projectors now...

Hi Grimm,

I do it by creating a custom 'Projec32.skl' file for th eproject in question. This 
file determines which icon the finished projector will have  -Director uses it when 
you compile a projector. So iyou don't have to fiddle with projector once its finsihed.

I keep them (the icons for my current projects) in a folder in the Director older and 
swap them out with the original Projec32.skl to suit the project.

It is a bit tedious to constantly copy and rename this file, but its the easiest and 
most reliable way of doing this I have found so far (bless all Mac users here!!)

How many satellites does the planet Uranus have? 0, 5 or 15? 
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Re: OT- interactive TV on DVD - with Lingo??

2003-02-21 Thread nik crosina
> It's Sonic Solutions, and the product is DVD Fusion. Easy to get 
> confused with the company named Sonic Fusion!
> In any case, I couldn't figure out what the price was (late breaking 
> news, some prices here:

It's probably not the kind of prgramme you want to buy because you have one project to 
do (unless you are financially carefree orthe project long and financially worth the 

It costs around £2000.00 upwards as far as I know, and there is a huge choice of 
additional hard and software to fit your exact needs.

For professional looking video work you will need a whole lot of video editing 
equipment (decks, format converters, reference monitors, etc., etc). There are cheaper 
options, but these are usually only feasable if you use them for small, shirt projects 
(generally where there is little workload / priority on the gear).

Best thing to do might be to go to a prfessional video post house and get it done 
there if is a one off anyway.

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Re: OT- interactive TV on DVD - with Lingo??

2003-02-20 Thread nik crosina
> Alternatively, does anyone know what software is used to make interactive
> DVDs for TV (y'know, the movie, the outtakes, the interview with the
> director/the star/the babe, and a menu to tie it all together)?
> Plenty of advance thanks,

What you want to use is Sonic Fusion or any of their high -end DVD authoring system. 
Sonic is by now one of the 2 (or 3?) companies that make really heavy-weigth DVD 
authorig software that allows access to all csriptable features of DVD. The scripting 
of DVD Video is very complex while at the same time not very far reaching. In other 
words, it (almost) needs a degree in computer science to do what loks like a basic 
thing for a lingo programmer. A bit of an overstatemetn, but that's what it looked to 
me when I got into DVD video authoring.

There are DVD Xtras for Director out there but they are of no use to you as Colin 
pointet out, as they allow full access to the 'DVD video' specific files from wihtin a 
director projector so you can build your own DVD player (for example).

Hope that provides another prespective.

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Re: QuickTime issue

2003-02-04 Thread nik crosina
> It's common for hardware accelerated codec to clear the video buffer 
> to a color, so that's one possibility. Another one is that MPEG1 used 
> to do its thing by keying through one color in the video. Either way 
> it relates to video hardware.

Thanks Colin!
where do you learn this things from?
amazing, anyway,.. that sounds like one ofthe most plausible explanations so far.
it is not really disturbing or anything i'll spend time fixing, too minor an issue, 
but interesting to know...

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QuickTime issue

2003-02-04 Thread nik crosina
Hi List,

I experience a peculiar thing with QT. I am playing back a MPEG on one frame and as I 
leave the frame by clicking on a button (on mousUp, go "somewhere_else", end), the 
following hapens:

- the MPEG stops playing
- the QT sprite background goes DARK GREEN
- the new frame (somewhere_else) is displayed

Of course all of this is taking place in a split second - just slow enough to be 
noticed by a quick eye.

No background is set to green, the background before the QT is playing is black 
graphic that incorporates other interface elements, all inks are copy.

Does anyone know where the green is coming from?

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Re: Create TxtMember ON THE FLY - adding mouseUp - CONTINUE

2003-01-24 Thread nik crosina
> property pValue
> property spriteNum
> on beginSprite me
>sName = sprite(spriteNum)
>theValue = value(the last char of sName)
> end
> on mouseUp me
> end

should that be:
pValue = value(the last char of sName)

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DIrector MX development

2002-11-26 Thread nik crosina
interesting details on the side ...
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Director coded where??

2002-11-25 Thread nik crosina
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Re: xml in foreign languages

2002-11-25 Thread nik crosina
> I want to put all the text in XML.
> Is there anybody who has encountered any kind of problems along this line.
> (meaning in XML and in Director)
> I expect trouble because char's are displayed well in the xml (using UTF-8)
> and browser
> but not in director . that's why i ask .
> thanx
> erik.

Hi Erik

I have not used it but apart from the XML parser in Director, there is an XML Xtra in 
beta development from a company called Dom Lingo 

If you use it it would be nice to let us know how you got on with it.

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Re: ANN: Director MX

2002-11-25 Thread nik crosina

I read it on a german lingo list few hours ago, think being based in london and 
speaking german gave me a bit of an time based adavantage here...

basically it is just a new interface with minor updates (OS X support - big plus for 
some, I guess).

but not enough to justify a few hundred quid for an update.

but see for yourselves.

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Re: Please give me a clue on how to proceed with this.

2002-11-22 Thread nik crosina
>   -- if there is a connection, then the app:
> - checks for previously saved info and uploads that

I'd add to that:

- and destroys the previously saved information if uploading was successful.

can you actually be sure that, if teh user is not on-line at the time s/he is doing 
the test, s/he will EVER be on-line to submit the questions?

intersting Q

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Re: opening pdf's from director

2002-11-22 Thread nik crosina

you could always you PDF Xtra.
you can then open PDFs and go to the page you want to display with 2 lines of lingo at 
the most.

youhave to buy this xtra, but thats the same with buddapi if you are using more than 2 
of their routines...

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hiding folders with resources

2002-10-21 Thread nik crosina

I am wondering:
has nayone on the list tried the following:
the project we are working on at the moment is quite 'all over the place'; there are 
movies that call movies and external resources arejust sitting on the same level as 
teh main movie.

to clear up this clutter we are thinking of placing everything in a folder called 
'data' and then hiding this folder so that the user only has to deal with the stub 
projector and the autorun file.

did anyone try this and had probs, or does it run into problems on certain operating 
systems (we only develop for win)?

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video conferencing

2002-10-02 Thread nik crosina


Has anyone tried to include a video conferencing feature in a director project? If so, 
any thoughts on that would be very much appreciated.

I am working on a project that would benefit greatly if it was possible to set up 
video links with a predetermied central computer. So that every CD-ROM that carried 
the Director projector can be made link to that central computer regardless on which 
other machine it is run.



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Re: sound latency problems

2002-10-01 Thread nik crosina

> on mouseEnter me
>   sound(1).play("whatevermember")
> end

probably you have checked this already, and i am just talking nonsense, but have you 
checked that there is actually no silence in the beginning of the sound file before 
the actual sound starts?



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Re: converting 8.5 files to 8.0

2002-09-22 Thread nik crosina

> Brian's said that it worked out for him. If you tried it and failed, 
> I guess you must have missed a step, or typed a wrong number.

possibly, colin, but by then i had spent too long finding installing and getting my 
hed around resource editors, and finding the right number configurations,... 



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Re: converting 8.5 files to 8.0

2002-09-21 Thread nik crosina


i tried the method of resource edinting, etc. unfortunately it didn't quite work for 
me, as i ran out of time and could not keep trying something i couldn't be sure to 
work for me.

but: i came up with the desparate idea to simply copying assets from v8.5 to v8.0, and 
as far as i can remember it worked (with some adjustments to the score)

i did it on the computer that v8 installed; downloaded and installed the v8.5 trial 
version (from the macromedia site), opened the 8.5 file and a new 8.0 movie and 
started copying!

that was definitely the fastest method i can recommend..
if the movies you have to convert are very big / complex, etc. then that is quite 
probably a long process ;-)
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info from mothership

2002-09-19 Thread nik crosina


In addition to the forthcoming new Director version, Macromedia is also
currently working on producing the Flash MX Asset Xtra for Director. Details
regarding a potential release date, functionality, and version compatibility
of the Xtra have not yet been made public. I will notify this list when this
information becomes available for me to communicate.

I understand the frustration of not knowing potential release dates and
functionality, and I'm doing what I can on this end to see what if any
further information I may communicate at this time.

All I can say now is; the forthcoming new Director version and the Flash MX
Asset Xtra for Director are both currently under development. Everyone
involved here is working very hard to adhere to aggressive production and
release schedules. The forthcoming new Director version will be OS X

Bob Tartar
Macromedia Developer Relations
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changing icon of projector

2002-09-18 Thread nik crosina


I am wondering whether there is a way of changing the icon for PC projectors,.. 

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director 8 - 8.5 compatibility

2002-08-27 Thread nik crosina

Thought I let you know what I just found out!
Director 8.5 is not backward compatible with version 8 as I presume many of you have 
found out.

Well, apart from the method that involves editing the hex-code of the files, etc. 
there is something else I have found:

I needed to transfer Dir 8.5 / PC files to a Dir 8 / Mac environment. I downloaded Dir 
8.5 trial version (mac) from macromedia, opened the pc files with it.
At the same time I opened my Dir 8 version (so I had 2 'Directors' running on my Mac), 
and then tried to 'select all' and 'copy' the score from the 8.5 version into the 8 

And - it works! 

You can transfer the score, scripts can be manually copied, as they are text and if 
you have got your cast members outside director then you are really lucky and just ned 
to import them into the version 8.

I am ecstatic that this worked as it saved me a few days re-doing everything - so I 
just have to spend time going over the movie smoothing out any rough edges that might 
have aoccured in teh procedure...

Thouht I let you know..


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2002-08-21 Thread nik crosina

maybe another solution would have been to create an onscreen keyboard and use a touch 
screen, but i am sure that that was considered... ;-) or not


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Re: look of sprites.. solved it!

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina

found the feature,
soemhow my sprite prefs were set to show sprite frames,
switched that of and everything is fine now,
also foundout that i can swich between the views with
edit spriteframes and edit entire sprites

what a feature,..


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Re: look of sprites in the score

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina

> PS: how did you get the inspector inside (above) the score window? Never
> seen that either. Might be helpful on windows, where authoring with 2
> screens is somehow annoying
if you mean the sprite tool bar, then just go to the view main menu, and check the 
sprite toolbar option (or ctrl-shift-h)


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Re: look of sprites in the score

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina

oh, and split, join or any other 'sprite' related menu does not have any effect on 
this 'other' sprite presentation...



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Re: look of sprites in the score

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina

thanks florian,

but keyframes, splitting and joining sprites is something i use a lot and have no 
problems with. also i realise that my problem may easily be confused with it.

i have put a screenshot of what i mean at:

you can see there that some sprites are drawn in a long uninterrupted line, with a 
keyframe at certain frames.

but if you look at the sprite in channel 5, you see this 'other' incarnation of 
sprites i am talking about. each individual cell can be selected indiviually, will 
(probably) have its own begin/end sprite event, etc.

these sprites still have keyframes as you can see from frame 150 in channel 20.

i have not found anything about this way of sprite presentation in the help files or 
and it annoys me that i can't (quickly) figure out howe to convert them back to the 
'standard' presentation, as te way they are presented here sprite animations cannot be 
re-sized as keyframes that are 'in the way' when shortening the animation are simply 

hope that helps!


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look of sprites in the score

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina


maybe a stupid question.., but 
what is the reason that some sprites show up as a smooth line with e.g. a keyframe at 
the beginning and one at the end, and others show up as a line made up of little 
when i select the latter one, only one sprite is selected, instead the whole 20 or 
whatever frames the sprite might last across. 

what's the use of this feature, can i convert from oneto the other? 

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look of sprites in score -am i missing something?

2002-08-19 Thread nik crosina


maybe a stupi question.., but
what is the reason that some sprites show up as a smooth line with e.g. a keyframe at 
the beginning and one at the end, and others show up as a line made up of little boxes?
when i select the latter one, only one sprite is selected, instead the whole 20 or 
whatever frames the sprite might last across.

what's the use of this feature, can i convert from oneto the other?



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scrollTop and many other text / field format properties

2002-08-13 Thread nik crosina

hi list,

does anyone know what the heck is goingon with the text and field format properties, 
such as scrolltop, font, line height, etc, etc, (the list is long).

it seems if i change one of them, 3 others change as well, i can't set for the life of 
me the scrolltop of some sprites to 0, i go to the sprite on stage, move it all up (to 
0), go to the text (or field castmember for that matter) cast, move it to 0, and the 
moment i choose 'save' -- everything goes back to where it was; scrolltop of said 
text-/ field castmember-/ sprite is were it was before -- at some ridiculas 666 (is it 
a sign?)

it really, really annoys me becasue it is now 1 o'clock at night and i have dozens of 
text castmembers to format and its like playing a mean game...

any ideas?


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Re: importing htmls

2002-08-08 Thread nik crosina

> When i import i loose the images. what shud i do to ensure that images stay
> in place.


I imported html some time ago and found that Director only implements html v1.x. And I 
don't think that images are possible at all. I had to stick with very simple tables, 
in-line formatting of fonts and text styles (like 'bold').

The reason I used html at all was, because I had to display a large number of engine 
specifications (all in tables) and it would have been a nightmareto try and recreate 
this layout in Director in any other way (althought there is an Xtra somewhere that 
simultes tables)

Hope that helps,


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Re: (no subject)

2002-07-24 Thread nik crosina

On Wed, 24 Jul 2002 13:05:37 -0500
 "Eric Terry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone show me the way to find the member name of the sprite when this
> rollover is done?
> Is there a way to use that name in my case statement?


this should give you the name of the sprite in question,
you can then use the nameof the sprite in your case statement.




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Re: Cross platform video CD

2002-07-22 Thread nik crosina

> I have a cross platform CD to complete in short order.  The CD will contain  []

Hi Jim,

I did a few CDs with your requirement and found that having just one set of movies is 
enough as I simply produced the mac version with quicktime and the pc version with 
direct media xtra. All my movies were mpeg 1 files and it worked a treat.



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onstage products

2002-07-16 Thread nik crosina

hi there,

just to find out whether any of you have used any 'onstage' xtras from a company 
called 'visible light'?

we are just about to try the 'onstage osdvd for director professional edition', and i 
thought i ask whether there are any known issues beforehand.

much appreciated,


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importing / dealing with excel and word docs

2002-07-04 Thread nik crosina

hi list,

just wanted to know whether anyone has had the oportunity to import, display and 
possibly even manipulate excel or / and word docs in director?



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Re: text field scroll bars

2002-06-18 Thread nik crosina


but has anybody else expreienced that, is it a bu8g in director, or am I alone in this?


 Buzz Kettles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> after you turn off the visible for the scrolling sprite, try
> the stageColor = the stageColor
> (this causes a repaint of the stage)
> hth
> -Buzz
> At 12:22 AM +0100 6/18/02, you wrote:
> >hi list,
> >
> >just a minor, but annoying feature of Director and how to possibly avoid it:
> >
> >has anyone experienced that if you switch off the visible of a text 
> >castmember, that had its 'boxtype' set to 'scroll', its scroll bar 
> >remains on the stage?, and that ifd you then swithc on another (or 
> >the same) textcastmeber, you can't scroll it anymore.
> >
> >it seems that director has to go through a complete frame redraw to 
> >get rid of the scroll bar, or am i wrong here? is this a feature or 
> >a g ;-)?
> >
> >thanks for any comments or tips to aviod this.
> >
> >nik.
> >--
> >
> >



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opening a new browser window

2002-06-12 Thread nik crosina

Hi List,

I am working on a project that requires a web page to be opened by a projector. I know 
the gotonetpage lingo, and have used it before, but maybe there is a way of doing what 
I need to do right from within Director:

I need to open a browser window that appears at a particular position on the screen, 
and is of a particular size with no toolbars showing and not resizable. At the moment 
I am working on a work-around, where I am calling a dummy page which in turn opens the 
final web page with the right size and position. 

Problem is that if I use 'window.self.close()' after the '' in the dummy 
page (javascript), Internet Explorer asks the user in a dialogue box whether they want 
to close it. This is what I want to (have to, really) avoid.

Hm, do you know whether this is possible?
Many Thnax



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Re: backward compatibility of director versions

2002-05-24 Thread nik crosina

> Did you change one pair of numbers or two pairs of numbers? One pair 
> wouldn't do the job.
yes when i first tried it i changed the two pairs, as you said in your article. 
Haven't had a chance to try again, but will do today...



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Re: backward compatibility of director versions

2002-05-23 Thread nik crosina

> Well, I do, and it's good for you to prove you read to the end. Did 
> you modify two sets of numbers? Are you on a Mac, and if so did you 
> change the type and creator?

yes, I did change what I believe to be the right set of numbers. Using the program(s) 
that you suggest in your article and doing a search on the sequence revealed that 
there were a few instances of the sequence, but only one whichhads the other 2 sets of 
same combinations.
Also changed the creator and type, so the file shows up with the right icon.
I am transferring from a PC to a Mac. I'll try again and let you know how it went!

would be really great if it worked!

thanks fo your help,


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Re: backward compatibility of director versions

2002-05-22 Thread nik crosina

Thanks all of you for the hints and tips,

I tried the procedure outlined by Colin in the articel, buit still get an error saying 
the file is too new. ("Director PLayer Error. Movie PATH cannot be loaded. The file is 
too new.")

Anyone knows the guy in Siberia? Maybe he can help me - I'd even send some sweets ;-)

Best Nik

> Read this article, especially the second half:


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backwards compatibility between Dir v8.5 PC and v8 Mac

2002-05-21 Thread nik crosina


I have an urgent problem which is that I have developed a project on a PC with 
Director v8.5 and now have to make it xplatform for the Mac. 
BUT I only have Director v8 on the Mac and it tells me that the file is too new to 
Is there any way to make this happen as I do not fancy to redo the whole thing apart 
form there not being enough time between now and the deadline!!! 

Thanks a million, 


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backward compatibility of director versions

2002-05-21 Thread nik crosina


I have an urgent problem which is that I have developed a project on a PC with 
Director v8.5 and now have to make it xplatform for the Mac.
BUT I only have Director v8 on the Mac and it tells me that the file is too new to 
Is there any way to make this happen as I do not fancy to redo the whole thing apart 
form there not being enough time between now and the deadline!!!

Thanks a million,


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Re: random text movie

2002-05-15 Thread nik crosina


still studying at SAE?

If your animation is all framebased, then you can easily use directors export feature 
(file main menu) and select which frames you want ot export and select the file type 
(series of stills images, quicktime, or .avi)

hopethat helps,

 ":: v e r n x s ::" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dear all, does anyone know how to convert/export an animation generated with 
> lingo to quicktime/avi?


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Re: meber changing its type - like magic

2002-05-12 Thread nik crosina

ahhrg, there is a script with that name.
didn;t see the wood for the trees, 3.30am 8-0
> Have you checked to see if you have any other cast members named "mainmenu"?


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meber changing its type - like magic

2002-05-12 Thread nik crosina

hi list,

i have a strange occurance in my project: i am using a text cast member, whose 
multiple lines serve me as a menu list. i am using 

member("MainMenu").color = rgb(102,102,102)

and similar syntax to change the color of the line over which the mouse is moving. 
a miaw is used as part of the project that shares 2 external casts with the main 
movie: 'shared_assets' and 'scripts'.

in the scripts cast is a startmovie handler which (executes twice: main movie, miaw) 
that resets the color of the text member in question.

no my problem: this only works when the main movie starts, but when the miaw opens i 
get a 'property not found' error and on checking the type f the castmember with a 
'put', i realise that the #text castmember has changed to a #script castmember!!!

am i missing something here, has someone experienced this before?

thanks for ANY hints!



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Re: QT communicating with Director

2002-05-02 Thread nik crosina

Might be wrong completely, but if QT can talk to Flash, then u could try to embed the 
QT in a flash moive end embed that in Director, because Flash can talkt o director and 
vize versa, -- a bit longwinded but poss worth a try

> Is there any way for a quicktime movie, when it is done playing or when the 
> user does something, to communicate with Director?
> I have a QT movie that is 4 min long inside of director. i need a way for it 
> to trigger something in the director movie when it's done playing OR when 
> the user does something. From my experiments, a flash geturl inside of the 
> QT won't do.


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Re: Wav file playback issue followup

2002-04-23 Thread nik crosina

> As in previous posts I am having trouble with a Director project that has
> all the sound files playing back at double the normal speed.

Nothing I
> have done has made any difference.
> > 

> Operating System is Win 2000 Professional  with SP1

Hi Debi,

I might not have the solution toyour problem, and maybe mine is comp[letely unrelated 
to it, but there I go:

My workstation also plays back sound AND video files at double speed, it also is a 
Pentium 4 processor and Windows 2000 professional.
So maybe there is a more general problem.
Though I have not done any troubleshooting yet as I use it for coding only so I am not 
so concerned about how the sound/ video play back...

Good luck, maybe you can post a quick pointer here as to what the problem was should 
you be able to fix it..

Many thanks, and best regards,


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Re: re: bitmaps showing up white II

2002-03-28 Thread nik crosina

hi heike,

if you think it's to do with memory i am sure you also by now tried to unload each 
member once the user clicks to go to the next screen (page)? that'll keep the memory 
usage roughly the same for each screen, rather than filing it all up until it runs 
into problems...


> hello again,
> thanks for your responses!
> i've tried chaning my dummy to all sorts of different members with no
> results (still white squares).
> then i thought the whole thing through overnight and it seems to me that it
> could really be a memory problem.


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Re: Re: bitmaps showing up white II

2002-03-26 Thread nik crosina

hi heicke,

you could try changing the dummy to a different color (if it is not transparent) to 
find out whether it's the dummy, or simply set the member to "".

also, do you puppet everytime you change the members? should only be necessary once.


> hi there nic,
> dankeschön für die schnelle antwort .-))


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Re: bitmaps showing up white II

2002-03-26 Thread nik crosina


Had another idea:

Have you double checked the sprite puppeting? Is it REALLY necessary? I found that it 
sometimes caused me more trouble, because you need to be careful as to when you set it 
to true or false. Try a small version of your project (couple of screens) without 
puppeting but with some alternative - don't know how you structured your piece.

guessing from your name we probably could discuss that in german was it not fo this 
fab list!"


> hello there,
> it's not just random pixels but the whole area the image should be covering
> which is white.
> i tried reimporting the images into the same movie to no avail. my
> import-settings are 8-bit, 


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Re: bitmaps showing up white II

2002-03-26 Thread nik crosina

what does the effect look like?
like some pixels just turned white for no apparent reason?
had that before, and trying to remember what the reason for that was. i fixed it in 
the end. might be to do with the color pallete(s) you bitmaps are using. did you try 
reimporting them, with slightly different settings? 
> i just looked at my project some more:
> it's not just bitmaps that show up white, it's also text members.
> *oh no no no no no*
> heike
 "If it's not a bug, it must be a feature."
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importing vector graphics into Director

2002-03-26 Thread nik crosina


I got stuck with a logo that has to resize and twist around would like to know whether 
there is a way to import a vector graphic into Director from - say -illustrator rather 
than creating it in director?

Many thanks,
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moving an object in a 3D world

2002-03-11 Thread nik crosina

Hi list,

I need your opinion on the matter of moving objects through the 3D world:

I am faced with having to move objects along a certain path which is calculated in its 
deviations from a guide path (just a series of vertices really) at runtime. These 
deviations are the distance to the guide (offset) and the speed along the path 
(including ease in/ -out from one speed into the next).

I am now thinking that it might be better to create a set of motions in e.g. 3D studio 
Max and calculate the deviations and stick them into a motion list rather than moving 
the object along a set of vertices which I currently calculate from the guide path.

Any ideas of how this might be done 'normally' - this is my first 3D Lingo project!

Many thanks,
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Catmull-Rom Splines

2002-02-27 Thread nik crosina

Dear List,

I trying to create a horse racing track with 3D lingo and am using the Catmull Rom 
Spline formula as suggested by Barry Swan. It seems to work fine, with the only 
problem being that on the straight stretch of the track the interpolated points are 
still wavy and not straight. 

The way I have set it up is that I have created 16 control points that describe the 
track: 6 points describing a half circle each side and in between these I have put one 
control point on in the middle of the straight run of the track.

Did anyone experience simmilar problems? Do I need to increase the number of control 

Any input appreciated! andmany Thanks,
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Catmull-Rom Splines

2002-02-27 Thread nik crosina

Dear List,

I trying to create a horse racing track with 3D lingo and am using the Catmull Rom 
Spline formula as suggested by Barry Swan. It seems to work fine, with the only 
problem being that on the straight stretch of the track the interpolated points are 
still wavy and not straight. 

The way I have set it up is that I have created 16 control points that describe the 
track: 6 points describing a half circle each side and in between these I have put one 
control point on in the middle of the straight run of the track.

Did anyone experience simmilar problems? Do I need to increase the number of control 

Any input appreciated! andmany Thanks,
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DVD Xtra

2002-02-21 Thread nik crosina

Dear List,

I have a quick question regarding Director and DVDs. Does any of you know whether 
there is an Xtra that allows Director to read the Video_TS (or Audio_TS) folder on a 
conventional DVD disk? In other words: Is there a way of extracting e.g. the mpeg 
streams of the DVD and use them in a Director applications that sits on tesame disk in 
the 'DVD other' area?

Thank you very much for your suggestions /refereneces..

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Re: displaying HTML in director

2002-01-24 Thread nik crosina

Thanks Bill,

That confirmed my suspicions! I am now - as you recommended sticming to th emost basic 
html possible. I simplyfied all tables,etc and it seems to be working fine. The only 
reason I am using html in Director is because I could very easily use OCR software to 
scan the the engine specification tables I needed in Director and save them as html 
from MS word. After cleaning that crap up it works reasonably well in Director.

Will look at the Xtras as well!

On Wed, 23 Jan 2002 15:24:38 -0500
 "Bill Numerick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Nik,
> If your trying to do anything besides very basic HTML your going be tearing 
> your hair out :).  I have done quite a bit of research on this because of a 
> project I'm currently working on and didn't really find any one source that 
> could tell me a whole lot.  What people on the list told me (and i found to 
> be true for the most part) is that it uses HTML 1.0 basically.  I'll see if 
> I can help any with what I remember about that nightmare :).
> As far as tables go keep them VERY basic and you'll be ok but as soon as you 
> start to do nested tables or rowspan/colspan its going to puke.  I found it 
> to be pretty inconsistent with using table widths also.
> A lot of things that is standard now for closing tags  for example 
> Director reads as .  Things it doesn't understand it simply rips out the 
> code and continues on which can leave you wondering, "Hey where did that 
> go?"  If your using lists in your html make sure they are unordered lists or 
> at least they make sense as one (because Director will turn it into one).  
> As i'm sure you know or have found out the image tag does not work either.
> If you stay real basic you will be ok but more than that and your better off 
> getting an Xtra right now.  There are a few out there that do more than 
> Director but are still pretty limiting (at least for what I needed).
> You can try looking for:
> HTML Xtra (just returns coords for images and no table support, unless its 
> been updated)
> Web Xtra (PC Only, enough said)
> LiveCD (no table background colors and text cannot be selected)
> Or you can do what we did and have an Xtra developed that suites your needs. 
>   If I can help anymore let me know.
> Bill
> >From: "nik crosina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: The Lingo List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject:  displaying HTML in director
> >Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 18:48:08 +
> >
> >Dear List!
> >
> >I would have looked up the mailarchieve, but that seems to be undergoing 
> >maintenance at the moment as I am sure this a common question:
> >
> >is there somewhere a low-down on what and how director can display html? i 
> >found it gets stuck already with tables that have rows spanning several 
> >rows and i don't want to waste my time working this out by trial and error.
> >
> >many thanks,
> >Nik
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> _
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
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displaying HTML in director

2002-01-23 Thread nik crosina

Dear List!

I would have looked up the mailarchieve, but that seems to be undergoing maintenance 
at the moment as I am sure this a common question:

is there somewhere a low-down on what and how director can display html? i found it 
gets stuck already with tables that have rows spanning several rows and i don't want 
to waste my time working this out by trial and error.

many thanks,
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regarding creating cue points

2002-01-11 Thread nik crosina


i found out: sound forge can be used to create cue points and cool edit pro, so no 
see you,
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how to create cue points for sound file

2002-01-11 Thread nik crosina

dear list,

i came across a little problem: i need to sync animation to sound and want ot do it 
with cue points placed in the sound file. i know in the mac i can use sound edit 16, 
but which application can i use in the pc (which i am currently working on)

is there one at all?

thanks, list!

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