Linux-Networking Digest #760

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #760, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 21:13:43 EST

  Re: Apache - Virtual Host or /etc/hosts (Matthew Vanecek)
  RTL8139.o question ("A.G.")
  CUTE FTP ("browneyegirl")
  portmap fails (address already in use) (Hermann Wilken)
  httpd won't start--Apache 1.3.3 and SSLeay-0.9.0b (Matthew Vanecek)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!!
  Re: /dev/modem Serial Port PPP? (Choon-Cheng Chee)
  Re: Realtek RTL8029 Ethernet Adapter Driver for Linux. (Bahadir Kiziltan)
  Re: CUTE FTP (jack wallen)
  resume downloading software ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Cable Modem - Watch Out! (Nicholas Barry)
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (Alexander Viro)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO HEELP !!! (Frank)
  Re: IPIP? (Job eisses)
  Re: snmp??? (Eddie)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have   Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO   HEELP !!! (David 
  Re: Poor performance with Redhat 5.1 ipfwadm (Job eisses)
  Networking help needed ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux in NT LAN (Eddie)
  Re: Web Based Email. ("Joe Manojlovich")
  Using Linux as Backup Mail/Proxy for NT?? (Eddie)
  DNS Setup more info (Jordy Leduc)
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (David Steuber)
  Security Breach ("Luis F. Lacayo")

From: Matthew Vanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Apache - Virtual Host or /etc/hosts
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 16:09:18 -0600

Mark Worsdall wrote:

[snipped due to a shitty news server. . . ]

> Why not it works for other win95 machines on my network. I am running
> aGate on the win98 box you see.
> So lets try again.
> I have told the linux box (Now known as jilldando) that it's default
> gateway is (win98)
> win98 is running aGate (Which can allow ftp, http smtp ntp nntp etc)
> M.
> --
> Mark Worsdall - Oh no, I've run out of underpants :(
> Home:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]  WEB site:-
> Shadow:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]WEB site:-
> Work:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]WEB site:-
> TCP/IP gatewaying

Microsoft works with Microsoft. Linux works with everything.  The best
way to set it up  is to have Linux as you gateway/masq box.  Set up
Linux with IP Masquing, and hook to the internet thru it.

Why would anyone want to use Microsoft for a gateway, anyhow?
Matthew Vanecek

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <-Please remove the NOSPAM in my Reply-To to
send me mail.  I appreciate your effort! :-)

Studies in Business Computers at the University of North Texas
Visit my Website at
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...


Subject: RTL8139.o question
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 19:11:43 -0500

Does this module normally display any verbose info?

When I do "insmod" on it, the command goes thru with no echo at all. Is this
alrite? I have a ne200 compatible on another computer, and it informs me
that the eth. card was found when it loads.



From: "browneyegirl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CUTE FTP
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 22:14:18 GMT

can anyone tell me how to setup my cute ftp so i can download files? i'm
able to connect to a site but can't download. i keep getting a '550 error"
msg. TIA


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Hermann Wilken)
Subject: portmap fails (address already in use)
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 1999 01:09:36 +0100


I am using RedHat Linux 5.2 and encounter the following problem:

portmap -d reports: "portmap[10320]: cannot bind upd: Address already in

My TCP/IP setup seems to be ok, Ping, FTP, HTTP and telnet work in
both directions.

Does anyone have an idea what the reason for this error might be?

I appreciate your help!



From: Matthew Vanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: httpd won't start--Apache 1.3.3 and SSLeay-0.9.0b
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 16:17:57 -0600

My httpd won't start if I have SSLEnable tag in the httpd.conf
If I change it to SSLDisable, httpd starts fine.

>From the error log, I read the following:

[Sat Jan  2 14:38:01 1999] [crit] (2)No such file or directory: Error
reading private key file /etc/httpd/SSLconf/conf/dummy.pem: 
[Sat Jan  2 14:38:01 1

Linux-Networking Digest #759

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #759, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 19:13:41 EST

  Re: graphical login screen?? (Marc)
  Q re setting up POP3 or IMAP (Gerald B. Rosenberg)
  Re: Help: Inability to access some web sites but ok others
  ppp0 and eth0 ("Cherokee Health Systems")
  Re: diald (Stuart R. Fuller)
  Accton 1207D-TX w/ MPX5030 chipset (someone)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: need help with redhat5.2 and ISDN (Mark Cooperstein)
  Realtek Card (Mark Robinson)
  Re: Linux box behind proxy server (Paul B. Brown)
  Re: ppp0 and eth0 (Paul B. Brown)
  trouble getting two NIC's to work together (Daddy Rabbit)
  do I need a router or a gatway (Daddy Rabbit)
  please help me with this problem (jack wallen)
  New to DNS Setup (Jordy Leduc)

Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: graphical login screen??
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 21:50:09 GMT

on my system switching to runlevel5 will not start xdm (it will on RH systems) I
just fired up my trusty run level editor and added xdm to the level 5
startupand reflections X will scan for an xdm host (it calls it an xdmcp host)


Jarek Luberek wrote:

> >
> > Hi all,  I am just wondering if anyone knows how can I get a Linux graphical
> > login screen just like the HP-unix? I have my win95 machine connected to my
> > Linux box, and I am using Omni-X to run X-windows from my win95 machine. The
> > problem I encountered is that when i connect to the Linux from Omni-X program
> > (on win95 machine), the screen just goes blank.  Do I need to install some
> > programs? Please advise. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
> The simplest solutions would be too telinit into 5 (/sbin/telinit 5, as
> root)
> on the linux box. That starts xdm (X Display Manager) for you. You have
> all the
> software you need with any linux distribution. Can't tell how capable
> Omin-X is
> but you need a client that can handle the xdm protocol. I've seen
> X-servers that
> for windows don't do xdm (X-winpro is xdm-capable, Exceed too.
> Reflection, think so).
> If your windows X-server does xdm you can configure it to "query" the
> linux
> box by feeding it the IP address. There are other modes but you should
> try the
> "query" method first.
> Good luck
> /jarek
> --


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gerald B. Rosenberg)
Subject: Q re setting up POP3 or IMAP
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 10:30:48 -0800

Is there a HOW-TO or equivalent information on setting up POP3 or IMAP on 
a Linux box?  I've looked and found nothing on point so far.

Also, this box is going to be operating as a firewall.  What/where is the 
best HowTo or other tip sheet for firewall use?



Subject: Re: Help: Inability to access some web sites but ok others
Date: 2 Jan 1999 18:49:48 GMT

> Is it possible to do a UDP or TCP port trace from end to end to see if a
> router is causing the problem or is it my firewall, or what...
> I'm open to any ideas or suggestions from someone.
> Jeff

I fixed my masqueraded inaccessible website problem by setting the MTU to 
1500 on the gateway.  It seemed to fix access to sites like and
Deja News and such.

Hope this helps,



From: "Cherokee Health Systems" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ppp0 and eth0
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 13:23:27 -0500

I have both a modem connected to my machine and I am connected to a
corporate Lan.  The lan PDC is an NT machine and my box is a Linux.  I would
like to be able to dial to my ISP with my Linux box, which I can do.  I just
can't find any DNS entries for anything on the internet.  I am assuming my
setup forces me to look at my Intranet DNS for host name resolution, and not
my ISP.  How do I change this so I can surf the net, download email, and
view newsgroups from my Linux box?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stuart R. Fuller)
Subject: Re: diald
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 23:00:03 GMT

Thing ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have a similar problem i cant get diald to work at all.:(
: The diald site is very badly written even for linux.

So, do you want help getting it to work, or do you just like to see your name
in print complaining about it?

I, and 1000s of others got it to work, so it's not impossible.



From: someone <[EMAIL PR

Linux-Networking Digest #758

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #758, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 17:13:40 EST

  IP Masquerading posted for someone else :) (Marc)
  Re: Any MultiPPP development? (Kaz Morishita)
  Support for Xircom PE III ("Paul Hanson")
  Re: How do I disable telnet ("mct1")
  Re: ppp compiling on Linux 2.0.36 (J Scott Berg)
  Re: graphical login screen?? (Jarek Luberek)
  IPmasq and ident (Benjohn007)
  Re: Help with diald (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: linux server behind a router - Supply information if you want an answer! 
(Vincent Zweije)
  Re: ppp0 and eth0 (Equinox)
  Re: ppp0 and eth0 (Equinox)
  Re: PLEASE HELP !!! PLEASE HELP !!! (Mike Thoreson)

Subject: IP Masquerading posted for someone else :)
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 20:30:33 GMT

> I'm having some troubles, any help would be appreciated.  (System specs
> listed below)
> Problem 1:
> I rebuilt the Kernel (Red Hat 5.2) to include IPAUTOFWD and a few other
> items.  After the Make dep/clean/zImage...module and modules_install I
> rebooted the system...
> Let me preface...I'm 4 weeks into Linux...and I know very little about the
> command sets...
> Anyway...when I reboot the system my ethernet cards are no longer activated.
> and during boot up I get several error messages about modules not found.
> Mostly IPX modules that I don't need.  One statement says, can't find
> 3c905.o module, but I checked and it's still there listed under modules...
> I can restart the cards easily through an X-Windows session.  I hit the
> activate button for the interfaces and they start up fine.
> Question:  How do I fix this so they auto start?  Should I rebuild again?  I
> really don't want to reinstall...
> Problem 2:
> The reason for rebuilding the kernel was that I'm using IP_Masq and having
> some issues with connecting to various ftp sites...well one site in
> particular...The masq works fine for almost every site, but one...when I try
> to connect to a friend's "glftpd" site I get the following...
> I get passed the password ident then CuteFTP reads:
> :>TYPE A
> :>200 type set to A.
> :>Retrieving directory listing
> :>PORT 192,168,100,2,4,107
> :>200 Port command successful
> :>LIST
> :>425 Can't built data connection: No route to host
> :>ERROR can't initiate data transfer.
> Here are a few added facts...I can connect to his ftp just fine on Port 21,
> but it's a standard ftpd (daemon).  The glftpd(daemon) is on port 2001.
> Also, I find it odd the the PORT 192,168,100,2,4,107 is my internal address.
> At least the first 4 sections are...
> Here's my rc.local file:
> __
> echo "ip_masq"
> echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> /sbin/insmod 3c509.o
> /sbin/insmod 3c59x.o
> /sbin/depmod -a
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_irc
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_cuseeme
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_vdolive
> /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_quake
> /sbin/ipfwadm -F -p deny
> /sbin/ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D
> /sbin/ifconfig -a eth0
> /sbin/ifconfig -a eth1
> /sbin/route add -net
> _
> Problem 3:  (and thanks if you read this far)
> I can't connect directly in ICQ.  I can only connect through the host.
> That's all I know.  I can see people online just fine and I can message
> them, I just can't chat or send messages directly.
> Thanks for the help:
> Additional config notes:
> I'm running red hat 5.2 on an x86 with nearly every IP module built into the
> kernel.  I have 2 nics connected, one to a cable modem and the other to my
> internal network.  my route looks like this:
> Kernel IP routing table
> Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
> Iface
>  *   U 0  0
> 4 eth0
>   *   U 0  0
> 2 eth1
>*   U 0
> 01 lo
> default   cr3-hfc3.alsv1. UG0  0
> 23 eth0
> and my home address is
> Where have I gone wrong??
> Thanks
> Carl


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: PLEASE HELP !!! PLEASE HELP !!!
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 17:45:21 GMT

SHUT UP, PIGFART !!! Nobody asked you. If you don't like the post,
then don't respond. Geez, you're so retarded !!!

On 30 Dec 1998 21:18:14 -0800, Michael Powe

>Hash: SHA1
>[newsgroup line trimmed to get rid of ridiculous crossposting]
>> "drg" == drg@hdtv com  writes:

Linux-Networking Digest #757

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #757, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 16:13:37 EST

  Re: What restricts incoming telnet connections? (Paul Carver)
  Re: NE2000 driver problem. What's wrong here? (Wisquatuk)
  Help with x-isp (Jeff Allain)
  Apache 1.3.3 w/ssl user directory problems in SECURE RH5.2 (Arthur Jovellas)
  Re: Network Card Sustained Data Transfer Rate? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Routing question (Paul B. Brown)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!!
  Re: Linux in NT LAN ("Cherokee Health Systems")
  Re: Linksys Ethernet (JunkDTectr)
  Re: IPX and IP on 3c905b and Caldera ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PLEASE HELP !!! PLEASE HELP !!! (Marc)
  Re: Setting up a proxy server to distribute a cable modem signal (Paul B. Brown)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: Linux as Proxy Server (Paul B. Brown)
  How do I disable telnet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: 'route' command reports only 1 line (Paul B. Brown)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Carver)
Subject: Re: What restricts incoming telnet connections?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 22:59:24 GMT

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998 12:01:36 -0600, Sami Yousif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>check the /var/log/secure and /var/log/messages for info on why the
>telnet was not allowed.

This helped. /var/log/messages showed a problem exec'ing
/usr/sbin/tcpd and it turns out the file was missing. I copied tcpd
from my other machine and now telnet works.

Since telnet definitely worked in the past this still leaves the
question of whether telnet worked without tcpd in the past and then
suddenly started requiring it or if telnet always needed tcpd and tcpd
spontaneously self deleted.


From: Wisquatuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NE2000 driver problem. What's wrong here?
Date: 2 Jan 1999 16:26:11 GMT

Alan D. Wilcox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> root:/etc> insmod -p -v ne io=0x300 irq=10
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_open
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ethdev_init
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_debug
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_interrupt
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol NS8390_init
> /lib/modules/preferred/net/ne.o: unresolved symbol ei_close
> root:/etc> 

I believe (both due to the above message, and my memory of previous
posts to the newsgroup regarding ne.o) that 8390.o need be installed
before ne.o.  Try using depmod and modprobe instead -- modprobe will
load the correct modules, in order, and will then unload 8390.o when
you're done with ne.o.

Wisquatuk (myname[1..4] to e-mail)


From: Jeff Allain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help with x-isp
Date: 2 Jan 1999 16:34:29 GMT

I am running Caldera 1.3 and using x-isp. I like it better than kppp. I
am able to log on with x-isp as root. However, I want to let others use
my machine, but don't want to have to su to log them on. I've set all
the proper permissions for modem, xisp, pppd, etc. Whenver I launch and
start xisp under a guest account, I get a message that pppd returned an
error of 1. I've read the man page for pppd and can't find out what this
is telling me. Can anyone tell me what this means, and more importantly,
help me to get isp to work under non root accounts? Thanks

Jeff Allain


From: Arthur Jovellas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache 1.3.3 w/ssl user directory problems in SECURE RH5.2
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 11:26:25 -0500

The main site can be hit fine (ex: however the user
directories can not (ex:
Every time I try to go to the users web pages I get a forbidden error.
It says that I don't have permissiions to look at that file. I have
another 5.2 machine that is not the SSL verion and everything seems to
run fine. Whhat is the problem here?

I have not generated a cirtificate yet or anything like that on the
secure server. The user files are in /home/user/public_html as normal
but I can still only see the main site and not the /~user-space. I tried
to access the userspace with a trailing slash/ too and no luck. Am I
missing something in one of the conf files? I have my DNS name as the
ServerName as usual. What's up here?

Please email me directly.

Thanks for any replies




Subject: Re: Network Card Sustained Data Transfer Rate?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 20:05:57 GMT

"Mr. Robert A. Beyne" wrote:

> Would you know the 

Linux-Networking Digest #756

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #756, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 15:13:41 EST

  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: NE2000 driver problem. What's wrong here? (Kaz Morishita)
  Re: Look in here!! [pppd] (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: 3C589D in RH 5.2? ("William Borland")
  Network Card Sustained Data Transfer Rate? (Mr. Robert A. Beyne)
  Re: ppp: getting strange AT stuff from peer? (SOLVED) (Andrew Duchowski)
  Re: NT 4 and network problems - contd (JunkDTectr)
  Re: Unsuccessful connection to EarthLink, please help!!! (Clifford Kite)
  Okay, this is a tough one, using NT PDC for logins into my Linux box ("Cherokee 
Health Systems")
  Re: linux  network problem, linksys ethernet cards
  Re: setting up virtual host (Dale Miracle)

Subject: Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home 
but am stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!!
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 19:22:36 GMT

Shut up fartbrain. I'll stay if I feel like it. Nobody has to tell
nobody to leave. I can do all the name-calling and insulting and
shouting if I want to fartbrain. Besides, I not only see it as fun but
I see it as a duty. 

On 2 Jan 1999 18:13:14 GMT, Wisquatuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I apologize for simply adding another post to this needlessly
>cross-posted drawn-out thread, but I'm hoping that this one will be
>one of the last, once these few points are clarified.
>In comp.os.linux.networking DG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You dumb f***. The @home service does not support operating systems
>> other than Win95/98.
>They shouldn't need to -- you can get decent advice from Linux
>newsgroups, if you bother to ask nicely.
>> I read the f** manual but no help. Your f** 3-yr old kid is
>> mentally retarded just like you you f** pr***.
>Assuming this statement is even true, you're saying that a child, who
>has been deemed smarter than you (which is not hard to believe), is
>mentally retarded.  If you really meant to say this, doesn't it then
>say a lot about *you*?

No way man. Unless you are associated with that dumbf***, you would
know nothing about that 3yr old sh**. The fact that I am calling the
kid mentally retarded only says dumbf sych as yourself do not
compare us to kids.
>> I don't have to pay sh** if I don't want to. Now get the f*** outta
>> here !!!
>Well, actually, I believe those two statements don't work too well
>together.  If you feel you don't have to pay, and people here are
>suggesting that you *do*, then the obvious conclusion is not for all
>those people to leave, but for *you* to leave.


>Quite seriously, you've worn out your welcome.  Nobody is going to
>help you now -- most have forgotten your original problem, and aren't
>all that inclined to go back and look it up.  If you're pissed off
>about the warm welcome you *didn't* get when you signed on to the net
>(for example, the people framing your account and making you switch
>ISPs), stop, look at your behaviour, and try to figure out why.

The fact that I switched ISPs has nothing to do with my behavior. What
the f*** are you trying to connect anyway.

>I'm not saying you're stupid.  You've inadvertently said many things
>to that effect already, and whether they are true or not is not my
>place to judge.  I'll simply say that I think your level of maturity
>leaves a lot to be desired, and that you should clean up your act or
>leave until adolescence cleans it up for you.


>Not getting the tech support you need is not the end of the world.
>Try looking at for your
>answers, as I don't believe HOWTO documents care one way or the other
>how much you yell and curse at them.  If that fails, come back when
>you're ready to act in a civil manner.
>Wisquatuk (myname[1..4] to e-mail)




Linux-Networking Digest #755

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #755, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 14:13:23 EST

  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: Port Forwarding (Greg Weeks)
  Dynamic IP address (reporting) ??? (Alin Cosmanescu)
  Look in here!! [pppd] ("Dieter Vervaeke")
  Re: good offline Nesserver? (Greg Weeks)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: Help needed, Windows Connectivity ("Jarold")
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (Wisquatuk)
  Re: Time Synch (David Steuber)
  Re: 3COM 3C905-TX Fast EtherLink XL PCI Card (David Steuber)
  Re: NT 4 and network problems - contd (Thing)
  Linuxports need your help! ("Mr. Poet")

Subject: Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home 
but am stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!!
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 15:29:49 GMT

Here's both your email addresses:

"If you would, you may email me either at

On Fri, 01 Jan 1999 21:21:22 -0500, "L. Dwayne Sudduth"

>> !!!
>Dear Sir:
>I regret to inform you that my 3 year old has better behaviour and manners than 
>you do.
>When I first started  experimenting with UNIX, the typical response to an insolent,
>loud-mouthed individual such as yourself would have been RTFM. Or, in other words 
>(since you
>probably don't understand the acronym) Read The F** Manual.
>The alternative is to ask @home network for assistance. Or, follow the advice given 
>by sane
>individuals in this newsgroup. such as purchasing Red Hat from such places as 
>, etc.
>Dark Nemesis


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Greg Weeks)
Subject: Re: Port Forwarding
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 11:08:43 -0600

In article <76k169$3a5$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Wisquatuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Danz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there a way to have it resolve to a domain name? [...]  I am on a
>> cable modem using IP Masq and wish to have my web server on the
>> inside using a fake ip (
>   Well, you'll have to do one of two things; either install your
> own DNS and follow their instructions on setting up domains, or put
> the proper entries in the /etc/hosts of every machine attempting to
> resolve the webserver's address.
>   I'd recommend the latter approach for a small network, and the
> former for a very large one (as it's easy to update the records for
> the whole network that way) or one with machines using Lose95 (as I
> don't believe there's a way to map addresses using those, but I could
> be wrong).  Also, having your own DNS reduces load on your line to the
> internet, and will make looking up the same address over and over a
> bit faster -- for example, when your browser looks a site up to get a
> webpage, then to get an image, then to get another image, etc.  Good
> luck!

There's a \windows\hosts file in Win95. The default TCP/IP install
puts a hosts.sam file in that needs to be copied to just hosts and
edited as appropriate. If you are running samba the Win95 machines
will look hosts up there also before trying DNS.

Greg Weeks


From: Alin Cosmanescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dynamic IP address (reporting) ???
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 00:00:25 -0500

I'm a networking newbie, and I have a question, how can i find out the
IP address of my computer, after it dials up and gets the IP address
assigned to it by the ISP (PPP connection, actually I'm using Red Hat
4.0's netcfg and whatever scripts and programs that uses)? 

The IP address is already 

Linux-Networking Digest #754

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #754, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 12:13:24 EST

  security ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  good offline Nesserver? ("Christian Sorg")
  autostart squid ("Christian Sorg")
  Re: Shot networking capabilities to hell (Chip Transisto)
  Help needed, Windows Connectivity (Niels Ginge)
  Re: Help with cable modem (John Mellor)
  Re: Unsuccessful connection to EarthLink, please help!!! (Tyler Dinh)
  NE2000 driver problem. What's wrong here? ("Alan D. Wilcox")
  Re: Netatalk, LocalTalk, and TCP/IP (Michael Casteel)
  Something to Read ("VorDOM")
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. ("Lee Mitchell")
  setting up virtual host ("Lucas Williams")
  Re: Puzzling MS CHAP problem (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Multiple IP Adresses on one Network Card (Jarek Luberek)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I have  Cox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SO  HEELP !!! (DG)
  Re: 2 Netze über das Intenet verbinden ("Alexander Beck [CDC] Mister Pec")
  Re: Help: samba printing to WINNT ("Cherokee Health Systems")

Subject: security
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 11:02:18 GMT

I've been using Slackware Linux for a year now, and I have a question that
may sound stupid.  My PC is connected to the internet through a dial-up modem
connection, and currently I have no local networked computers.  I was
browsing auction items on eBay this morning with Netscape 4.05 and only had
one browser window open.  I connected with ppp-go, and there were no other
sessions active (no ftp, telnet, etc.) and I had no other applications
running.  I noticed that my hard drive was working like crazy and xload's
graphical chart was maxed out. I launched TOP, and saw that FIND was using
almost all resources, then SORT kicked in using most resources.  I use NETKBD
to monitor modem send/receive (blinking keyboard cap lock & scroll lock LED's
instead of an external modem's LED's), and they indicated data send/receive
even though the web page and all graphics were loaded that I was viewing.  I
know that Win95 will occasionally do virtual memory housekeeping, but I don't
think that is what Linux was doing.  Do I have anything to worry about?

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Christian Sorg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: good offline Nesserver?
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 12:55:43 +0100


I would like to use an Newsserver similar to an Proxy on my Linux Gateway
with several Win95-machines. Which one is good for this purpose?



From: "Christian Sorg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: autostart squid
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 12:53:04 +0100


For Internet-Connection purposes I have to enter in then new booted Linux

echo 7 > /proc/sys/netipv4/ip_dynaddr
isdnctrl dialmode ippp0 auto

and - for checking the connections - on two other consoles  tail -f
/var/log/messages and tail /cache.log

How can I do this at bootup time?

Thank You,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chip Transisto)
Subject: Re: Shot networking capabilities to hell
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 12:19:19 GMT
Reply-To: Chip Transisto

I have the same problem after re-boot.  Everyting worked before, now
can't ping anything but  Help!

On Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:39 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I was merrily typing along on a paper running netscape, x11amp, ncftp, and
>some other apps when I got up to get some coffee.  My foot caught my keyboard
>cable sending it crashing to the ground.  I picked it up and snapped the case
>back together (this was at one time a frequent occurence) and got coffee. 
>When I looked back my screen was frozen.  I'm assuming that this happened
>immediatly upon the falling of my keyboard but there was about five min
>inbetween checking the screen and picking up the keyboard.  Onto what
>matters... Everything was locked up so I tried everything I knew to do. 
>First Ctrl-Alt-Function key to get to another terminal, then
>ctrl-alt-backspace to get out of X.  Then I went up to my housmate's computer
>and tried telneting in, then pinging.  All of these gave me a fairly dead
>computer, no different that as if it was unpluged and in the box in which it
>arrived.  I powered down after my first total crash in Linux in a year and a
>half of running it and brought it back up again and resumed typing.  I
>evetually opened up ncftp to resume my downloads and found that I had no
>network access.  I can ping and my real ip, but pinging anything
>else gives me 100% packet loss, though network control panel is sure that
>eth0 is active, as is /proc/.  Running RedHat5.1, kernels 2.0.36 and 2.1.130,
>not sure which was active on crash but niether works now.  Log

Linux-Networking Digest #753

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #753, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 08:13:22 EST

  This might challenge the penguin ("Anthony Wong")
  Re: Sendmail Virus Scanning ("Daniël")
  Re: @home cable setup (John Meissen)
  Re: Second NIC config ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Support for new (cheap) wireless networks? ("Daniel A. Jablonski")
  Re: Fat 32??? (Art Asbury)
  Newbie Question - net.jpg (1/1) (User)

From: "Anthony Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: This might challenge the penguin
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 20:48:23 +1000

have a look yourself



From: "Daniël" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sendmail Virus Scanning
Date: Sat, 2 Jan 1999 11:59:49 +0100

Mark Kaplan wrote in message
>Is there a product for Linux Sendmail that will scan incoming e-mail
>attachments for common viruses (particularly word viruses) and either clean
>them or force them into a separate directory?

As I heard, McAfee has such a product. But to be honest, I can't find
anything about Linux on their site...
Let me know if you find anything.


  .~.  "In A World Without Fences...
  /V\ ...Who Needs Gates?"
 // \\
/(   )\Daniël ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Meissen)
Subject: Re: @home cable setup
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:47:41 GMT

This isn't difficult, I just went through this myself a couple of
weeks ago.

Assuming your card works, and you didn't power cycle after booting Windows
(meaning the cable modem is still talking to the cable), all you need
are the IP address, netmask, default gateway, and DNS IP's.

The hard way is to manually configure the ethernet card via ifconfig by
editing the appropriate script in /etc/rc.d, add the DNS IP's to 
/etc/resolv.conf, and add a route command to set the default route
via the gateway IP, something like
  route add default gw $GATEWAY
where $GATEWAY is the IP address of their Default Gateway.

The easy way is to run the latest dhcpcd, and change /etc/resolv.conf to
be a symbolic link to one created by dhcpcd:
  /etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf

You need the 0.70 version because it takes a '-h hostname' option which
is required to negotiate with @home. This "hostname" is a character
string identying your machine, and is usually something like "C73921-B"

This is all I have in my /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 file for my cable modem:
   /usr/local/sbin/dhcpcd -h $DHCPHOSTNAME

Make sure you run dhcpcd and NOT dhcpd ... one is the client daemon, the
other is the server daemon and @home will get real pissed if you start
running the server.


In article , "MBSHartford" 
>Thanks for taking a look. I think the ethernet card is correctly installed,
>as I get the message on bootup that shows the card has been detected.
>When I ping a site, no packets are returned or detected.
>I've got the cable modem working under Win98, and I've tried to load in the
>proper information via the netconf utility under RH 5.2. As I understand it,
>my netcard is meant to communicate with my cable modem, which then connects
>through a gateway to a pair of dns servers. I've been given the following
>configuration settings via my service provider (who claims not to support
>Computer IP
>SubNet mask
>Sub Domain
>DNS (Host)
>Broadcast IP
>Default Gateway
>CDM Net Mask
>Primary DNS IP
>Secondary DNS IP
>Mail Server
>Proxy Server
>Directory Server
>News Server
>Head End
>I think I'm having a problem understanding what fields get these values
>entered, as the names are somewhat different, or missing.
>I'm also somewhat confused by the several possible places to enter the
>information, and the possiblity of interaction between them, ie, LinuxConf
>vs Net Conf, vs Control panel Network settings.
>Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. I'm definately on the newbie
>level after only a couple week of using Linux and KDE.
>-Original Message-
>From: Mike Frisch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.networking
>Date: Sunday, December 13, 1998 8:20 PM
>Subject: Re: @home Cable modem
>>On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:50:56 GMT, MBSHartford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>I've spent the weekend trying to get to the internet via a calbe modem on
>>>Linux. I've downloaded and read the Mini How to on cable modems, and done
>>>the reconfiguration of the 3com ethernet card to an ISA rather than a PnP
>>>Still, no connection.
>>You'll have to provide a little more information than "Still, no
>>connection", if you're looking for help.
>>  Mike Frisch Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  Northstar TechnologiesWWW: http://saturn

Linux-Networking Digest #752

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #752, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 06:14:47 EST

  Puzzling MS CHAP problem (Stuart MacDonald)
  Re: Cant use two ethernet interfaces (James Huang)
  After IP Masquerade done ?? ("Joekie")
  Re: US WEST Megabit service? (Lamar Cole)
  Re: Setting up a proxy server to distribute a cable modem signal ("Rob")
  Re: How can you get Linux to log into NT Server 4.0 (Bill Amsinux)
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (Rick Moen)

From: Stuart MacDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Puzzling MS CHAP problem
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:49:09 GMT

I'm trying to get a linux box to dial into an NT server.
I've read as much documentation as I can find (howtos, mini-howtos,
faqs, source, etc) and haven't found anything that appears to
correspond to my problem.

The problem: MS-CHAP authorization fails every time. The negotiations
  appear to go well, and then the NT box just fails the auth
  sequence for reasons (mostly) unknown.

Some config info:

Slackware 3.5 (linux 2.0.34, pppd 2.3 patch level 5), an
  out-of-the-box install, nothing fancy

NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 (build 1381)

I've triple-checked the NT side of things; the user name is set
correctly, I've re-typed the password for the account twice and
the network is set to "allow any authorization including plaintext".
It's a stand-alone machine at the moment, so the DOMAIN\\username
format shouldn't need to be used; I tested that anyway, with the
same failure resulting.

My ppp-on script: (comments removed for conciseness)

--- Cut Here ---
cd /etc/ppp
setserial /dev/cua1 spd_vhi
exec /usr/sbin/pppd file options /dev/cua1 38400 \
netmask $NETMASK defaultroute connect $DIALER_SCRIPT
--- Cut Here ---

My ppp-on-dialer script:

--- Cut Here ---
exec chat -v\
ABORT   '\nBUSY\r'  \
''  \rAT\
'OK-+++\c-OK'   ATH0\
--- Cut Here ---

My options file:

--- Cut Here ---
asyncmap 0
user iabuser
remotename ALF
kdebug 127
--- Cut Here ---

My [ch|p]ap-secrets file:

--- Cut Here ---
testuser * testword *
* testuser testword *
--- Cut Here ---

Some notes at this point:
- the kdebug stuff didn't mean much to me, so I've stripped it
  out of the log; I can post it later if needed
- the configuration works if I switch -pap with -chap; PAP auth
  suceeds and all is fine. The point is I want to get the
  MS-CHAP auth working.

What seems to be happening: The protocol negotiation goes okay,
then NT just ignores the CHAP response. I get the same
response on an older system where I had to manually download
and install the MS-CHAP support. I ran the test program
that came with the ppp code I downloaded and it produced
the expected response, so the CHAP encryption is working.
The passwords etc are correct, because I can auth with PAP
successfully. The only hint I can find about what might be
going wrong is NT logs the following in the event log:

Source: RouterType: WarningCategory: None

The user connected to port COM2 has been disconnected due to
an authorization timeout.

I don't understand why, since the CHAP response goes out
right away. My only guess is that I haven't configured ppp
correctly somehow. I haven't been able to test against a
second NT box due to hardware constraints.

Thanks in advance for any help.

The syslog: (debug log was re-routed into syslog)

--- Cut Here ---
Dec 15 14:29:43 penguin pppd[5356]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: timeout set to 3 seconds
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: abort on (\nBUSY\r) 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: abort on (\nNO ANSWER\r) 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: abort on
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: send (rAT^M) 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: expect (OK) 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: rAT^M^M 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: OK -- got it 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: send (ATH0^M) 
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin chat[5357]: timeout set to 30 seconds
Dec 15 14:29:44 penguin ch

Linux-Networking Digest #751

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #751, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 06:14:47 EST

  Re: How do I prevent a group from telnetting? (Miguel Cruz)
  Re: Q:Configuring 2 local subnets (Jim Small)
  Re: Setting up a proxy server to distribute a cable modem signal ("KJT")
  Re: 3c509b driver (Duncan Simpson)
  Re: /dev/modem Serial Port PPP? (Daniel Taylor)
  Re: Problem setting up homenetwork with 3c509b. ("Dana J. Laude")
  Mongo network/setup problems. take these piecewise! (Michael Schwager)
  Help: linux on Hitachi Visionbook Pro 7630 (Guowei Sun)
  Re: Compaq Netelligent NIC (Kazin)
  Baldurs Gate and IPMasq help (Jeffery Jones)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Miguel Cruz)
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: How do I prevent a group from telnetting?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:18 GMT

Miguel Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Stuart MacDonald  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Do "man chmod" and learn about file permissions. Then turn off
>> executable permissions for others and group on the telnet command.
>Then they will just ftp their own telnet binary in. Or email it to
>themselves. Or whatever.

If you have an extra machine, here's another solution.

Set it up as a firewall for the first machine, to not allow outbound telnets
at all to pass through. Then set up the trusted users with shell /bin/telnet
on that machine.



From: Jim Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.unix.sco.misc,comp.linux.networking,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: Q:Configuring 2 local subnets
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:35 GMT

If you want to subnets to have different network addresses (1.1.1 and
2.2.2 in your example) then you need a router for them to communicate.
Each hub would have to be plugged in to a port on the router.  The router
can either be hardware based (eg cisco) or software based (use your UNIX

If you use your UNIX server, you will need to configure routing and have
2 NICs in the server, one to talk to each hub.

<> Jim

Lucio Biondi wrote:

> Hello guys, I've got a configuration trouble (maybe a silly one but I
> can't work it out:( with a Unix net.
> The situation is:
> I've got two subnets here in my office (lets say 1.1.1.x and 2.2.2.x)
> Each one has got its own hub.
> What I want to do is to connect the two hubs so that the subnets can
> talk each other. It would be nice not to use any extra HW.
> Is this possible???

Jim Small Try not.
(Remove ".thwartjunk" to send me E-mail)  Do, or do not.
Systems Administrator There is no try.
Weathervane Window, Inc.
Brighton, MI- Yoda


Subject: Re: Setting up a proxy server to distribute a cable modem signal
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 09:27:47 GMT

>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
>> I have a cable modem signal coming into my house, and have
>>decided to set up a network to split the signal into 2 seperate IP
>>addresses so my roommate and I can both use the connection
>>simultaneously.  I was told linux would handle this best, so I picked
>>up Red Hat v5.2 to throw on an old 486 I have sitting around to use as
>>the proxy server.  I'm in the middle of the installation, and it
>>struck me that I have very little idea as to how to exactly go about
>>doing this.

I am attempting to do the same thing.  I have setup a server with RH v5.2.
I used the default server installation.  I think what you would want to do
is put two network cards in your server and setup the server as a firewall
and add the proxy server after you get the firewall to work.  I just checked
the HowTo's at the site.  The HowTo's you want are the
Ethernet, Net-3, Firewalling and Proxy Server and the Cable Modem Mini
HowTo.  I have the cable modem up and working, I just have the firewall and
proxy server to do.  The Firewall and Proxy server howto suggest that you
use a Proxy Server called TIS.  It's free and you can get it at

Kevin J. Thompson


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duncan Simpson)
Subject: Re: 3c509b driver
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:40:38 GMT


>Mark Spiteri schrieb:
>> I am using RedHat 4.1 and I cannot find the driver for my 3com 3c509b

>I may be out of line here, but why not just upgrade to 
>Red Hat 5.2?  It is compatible with the 3c509b, and
>I have had no trouble with that combination.
>- Dan

Sadly the 2.0.36 chnages to 3c509.c seem to totally break actually
detecting one of these cards. RH 5.2 uses 2.0.36 and does not detect
these cards.

RH deserves special priase for either missing a depency on mount or
creating rc.sysinit capable of toally breaking some syste

Linux-Networking Digest #750

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #750, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 05:13:51 EST

  Re: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? ! ("Frederick W. Reimer,Sr")
  Re: newbie question (first of many) ("J.A Nothling")
  Re: Windows 98 machine can't logon to Linux Server ("")
  Can't download file using ftp thru a browser ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Re: Compaq 10 and 10/100 ("Alan")
  Re: Modem choice for Linux (Eckardt Augenstein)
  Help-Davicom DM9101 NIC ("yh")
  Re: Newbie, trying to build a web server (Richard Reynolds)
  Re: No ethernet on RH 5.2 -- SIOCSIFLAGS?? (Kai Poitschke)
  First Call for Articles - Crossroads Magazine (Kim Moorman)
  Restrict login by remote host (Brent Foster)
  Re: inetd functions very slow to authenticate (James Youngman)
  Re: Delay Problems with Win98 to Linux (Brian McCauley)
  HELP!! 3c59x.c (11/17 version) (Biba Yaar)

From: "Frederick W. Reimer,Sr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? !
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:43:51 GMT

Rob wrote:
> I am just telnetting to the internal IP of the box ...
> Frederick W. Reimer,Sr wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >Rob wrote:
> >>
> >> Ive got RH 5.2 running on a p-200 w/80 mb ram, telnetting or ftping to it
> >> from my 98 box takes 80 seconds to respond with a login!  I'm using a 50'
> >> BNC to connect the two machines in different rooms in my house.  Properly
> >> terminated, etc.  I have no problems responding if i connect another w95
> >> machine to the same segment in place of the linux box..  Ping times are
> >> always 1ms in either direction.  Any ideas ?
> >>
> >> Rob
> >
> >
> >Check you DNS setup on both ends.  Make sure they can resolve both
> >themselves and the opposite end, with both forward and reverse lookups.

Doesn't matter, follow my advice.


From: "J.A Nothling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: newbie question (first of many)
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 23:41:14 +0200

Hi there,

I am a new user of Linux too, but I do not think you are approaching the
problem correctly. I suggest you consult your basic Linux howto files
available at or any other Linux source that can be found
almost anywhere on the net. These howto's are easily downloaded and
understood, and should provide you with enough information concerning the
topics you need info about.

J.A Nothling


Subject: Re: Windows 98 machine can't logon to Linux Server
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:45:45 GMT

The reason are "encrypted" passwords in Windows98 an NT 4 SerPack3. There is
a readme in the samba-directory with two work arounds (encrypted passwords =
yes in the smb.conf or a change inthe windows regitry)


From: "Jose Antonio C. Baduria" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't download file using ftp thru a browser
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:45:49 GMT

Good Afternoon!!

I have successfully created a firewall in our Linux Server. I can
now browse the internet and send/
receive e-mail. I can also do ftp. However, when I tried to download a
file from an ftp site using a
browser, it doesn't work. If I use an ftp client such as WSFTP from a
Windows 95 client, I can
connect to the firewall and thru it download the file. I checked the
settings of ftp in the browser and
it's correct. I don't why this happens. Does SOCKS have something to do
with it? If so, how can I
set it since I am using TIS Firewall Toolkit and there's nothing about
SOCKS? ANy help would be
greatly appreciated.



Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.hardware
From: "Alan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Compaq 10 and 10/100
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:46:00 GMT


Actually the Deskpro EN series uses a Netelligent card with a Intel chipset.
(<> from TLAN).

The older Deskpro 4000/6000 use a Netelligent card with a TLAN chipset.


Eric Jorgensen wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
Artur Rodrigues wrote:
> HI,
> I´ve a Compaq deskpro EN6400 and my Linux Slackware doesn´t recognize
> Ethernet Card built-in.

Compaq NetFlex uses a Ti ThunderLan chip. You may have to recompile
your kernel. Read the ethernet-howto.

- Eric


From: Eckardt Augenstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Modem choice for Linux
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:46:16 GMT

I think the main creteria is wether You can access all modem functions
using at-commands and no special protocolls that come with a windows
software but are not documented. I recently bought an ELSA microlinc
office-modem (german product, so I don't think you might get it) wich comes
with an offline fax- and voice-memory. As everything can be done by special
at-commands I succeeded in configurering it and making it work with hylaf

Linux-Networking Digest #749

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #749, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 05:13:51 EST

  Re: FA310TX with linuxmaking it work (Larry Mintz)
  Re: After IP Masquerade done ?? ("Robert C. Paulsen, Jr.")
  Re: ipfwadm (ftp port problem) (Eric Jorgensen)
  Shell Scrip for Telnet (Chan Tin Lok)
  Re: corrupted Netware disk (Scott Hessel)
  Weird netcard error ("Samuel Liddicott (WWH)")
  Re: Minimal BOOT installation for ethernetcard. (William Burrow)
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (David Steuber)
  Re: Newbie question: Internet on my laptop using a school Windows NT network (David 
  need help with shell script ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: fetchmail problems... (David Steuber)
  Re: Linksys Ethernet (James Bliss)
  graphical login screen?? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: @home Cable modem ("KJT")
  Re: Help with cable modem ("A.L.Grendel")
  NE2000 PnP card problem ("John Winnard")
  Help with c-masqdialer-server ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: RedHat ppp/PAP woes ("Christian Tagtachian")
  High Level Network Engineer!!! Immediate Need ("icesjobs")
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? ("KJT")
  Re: DLink DFE-530TX and Linux (Kelvin Leung)
  Re: 3com netelligent 10/100 tx embedded (Kazin)
  IP Forwarding corrupts FTP uploads an downloads (Steven P Poulsen)
  Re: Compaq 10 and 10/100 (Eric Jorgensen)
  Problem with in.pop3d; mail reduplicates! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Larry Mintz)
Subject: Re: FA310TX with linuxmaking it work
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:50 GMT

John Meissen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: >make dep clean modules modules_install %zlilo

: Now he rebuilds and installs the modules? Unless by '%zlilo' he means
: either 'zImage' or 'vmlinuz'

Now, this is something that I can comment on.  The README file that comes
with the 2.0.x Linux kernels suggests using 'make zlilo' instead, since that
will build the compressed image *and* run lilo to update the boot links.
There is, as far as I know, no '%' needed.  I have used 'make zlilo' to build
kernels from 2.0.0 to 2.0.36, so I know that it works.  I was unaware, however,
that you could inovke multiple targets in one make call, so I have always
done the make calls separately for each of the targets I needed to run.



From: "Robert C. Paulsen, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: After IP Masquerade done ??
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:48 GMT

Joekie wrote:
> I have configured IP Masquerade on my Linux box and it work fine with my
> other Win95 Machine on LAN.
> By the way, It is posible to do this :-
> Can anyone tell me how to configure so that the modem dial when the client
> from Win95 get access to the Internet and the line drop if nobody get access
> to the Internet ???
> Thanks in advance 
> Joekie Thong

Look for diald.

Robert Paulsen
If my return address contains "ZAP." please remove it. Sorry for the
inconvenience but the unsolicited email is getting out of control.


From: Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ipfwadm (ftp port problem)
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:52 GMT

"modprobe ip_masq_ftp"

 - Eric

Simon Andre Simonsen wrote:
> I have a problem connecting to some ftp hosts, with IP masqurade. I have
> loaded the ip_masq_ftp.o with kernel 2.2.34. I think it is the port.
> This server here have port 23 and not 21.
> Here is what the message locks like.
> 530 Only client IP address allowed for PORT command.
> ! port cmd failed.
> ! DoDirList failed 0
> Hope someone have an answer to this one.Feel fre to E-Mail me.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chan Tin Lok)
Subject: Shell Scrip for Telnet
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:51:01 GMT

Does anybody know how to write a shell script to automatically telnet to a system and 
enter the username and password?


From: Scott Hessel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: corrupted Netware disk
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:51:06 GMT

Pieter Dumon wrote:

> Yesterday we had a harddisk crash on our Netware 3.12 system.
> It's, off course the disk with the data we needed for today.
> We tried to mount the disk in a Linux system. Allthough Linux
> supports the Netware file system, it doesn't want to mount it,
> the well-known masterblock error.
> Does anyone know of utilities to read & repair that disk under Linux?
> We could also try to run a Netware server on Linux (Samba), and then
> access it through ncp. Is there anyone with experience in the field?
> Pieter Dumon
>  ICQ  : 12428974
> ---

While not a Linux-style answer

If your drive is not spinning at all (listen closely when you turn on
the server), then try giving the HDD a whack

Linux-Networking Digest #748

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #748, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 03:14:17 EST

  mars_nwe non-security ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Fax Server under Linux? (Ulrich Eckhardt)
  Re: Dialing in - How-to's ("Thomas Horan")
  Modem choice for Linux (David Shepherd)
  Re: LI on reboot (Blaine Lupulack)
  Re: ODBC ("John Kos")
  Booting from LanWorks BootWare prom - `patch-bootprom' ? (Wolfgang Suttrop E1)
  Re: Restrict login by remote host (somebody)
  Re: linux "router" (Earl Robinson)
  TCP wrappers busted my NFS!?!?!? ("David J. Topper")
  Re: /dev/modem Serial Port PPP? (Green Manalishi)
  FTP server - my stupidity? (James Bliss)
  Re: FTP server - my stupidity? (Ashok Aiyar)
  Re: Help with cable modem (Chad Cunningham)
  IP Forwarding not working! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Trying to fix a dual identify ("Mitchell Maltenfort")
  Re: Easy UNIX editor ("James A. Cleland")
  Re: 5.1 FTP PORTS HELP (Bernard Kenik)
  suche Info zu cipe, pptp, ip-tunneling, vpn ("BFunk")
  Re: email problem. (Andrzej Filip)
  Re: Win95 TCP/IP, Netbios and Samba ("Bart Verspagen")
  Test, please ignore (Cory Casciato)
  Re: how to determine the number of users on a linux system (Stephen Bodnar)
  Re: Newbie question: installing 3com ethernet cards ("Thing")
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Thomas Thyberg)
  Re: 2 IP address for 1 ethernet card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Windows 98 machine can't logon to Linux Server (Mark Worsdall)

Subject: mars_nwe non-security
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:45:35 GMT

mars_nwe 0.99.pl13
RH Linux 5.1/2.0.35

It's really a shame, I've come this far in getting mars_nwe to work, only to
learn that it doesn't provide any security (that I noticed anyway). Or
perhaps it does, but I've yet to find any detailed reference to it. I've
tried using SYSCON from a workstation - it SEEMS to work. It lets me set
user's trustee rights in a given directory, or make them part of a group with
such rights. I have the -t flag on the volumes in question. Then I log in as
that user and I get the most unpredictable behavior. Some times it lets them
see files and directories belonging (as SYSCON sees it) to other users, even
created by other users. I don't mean just file scan rights, but full
read/write access. I've tried setting various default create permissions for
each volume, presently using 711 for directories and 600 for files. I've
tried both a root and non- root supervisor. Deleted the bindery and trustee
directories. With groups and without. I haven't even tried security
equivilances, so that's not the problem.

Still, Any user can often see other user's files, read, write, create and
delete them. On more than one occassion, the same user COULD NOT see their
own files! The only reason I need mars_nwe is because the the UGO rights that
Linux provides don't allow me to place a person into more than one group (at
a time) or allow rights to a file by more than one group.

I'm thinking it's time to ditch this program and take a closer look at Samba.
It's more of a pain to do that way, but at least it works. I'd really like to
see this mars_nwe work, but I need some details, and perhaps an explanation
of how this happened so I can avoid security problems in the future. I've
searched USENET and WWW, but I guess I'm using the wrong query, because
nothing useful turns up.



= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Ulrich Eckhardt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.development,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Fax Server under Linux?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:47:03 GMT

andy wrote:
> I am looking into setting up a fax server under for a small network. In
> this regard someone placed a message in this newsgroup stating:-
> > To cut right to the chase, the combination of whfc and hylafax does
> > *exactly* what you want.
> I have heard of hylafax but what is 'WHFC'?
> Any help greatly appreciated.


whfc is a Windows client for HylaFAX. 
See for more informations.

Ulrich Eckhardt Tr@nscom GbR
Lagerstraße 11-15 A8
64807 Dieburg Germany


From: "Thomas Horan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dialing in - How-to's
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:47:08 GMT

and Serial-HOWTO

>I don't think Dial_in-HOWTO exists. PPP-HOWTO has some hints for this
>topic, too. Anyhow, I've described mine such a server in WWW. You can find
>that description if you follow the link "My links for Linux PPP" on my
>homepage. Ask for more if you like.


From: David Shepherd <[E

Linux-Networking Digest #747

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #747, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 03:14:17 EST

  Re: Networking Problem - Stuckup Machine?!? (Mike Ireton)
  Re: Suggestion for Linux developers (Green Manalishi)
  Re: i've looked in every cotton pickin log file (Green Manalishi)
  Re: Solved: Olicom TR (3137) Problem (Kazin)
  Re: Dynamic IP and stale sockets (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? ! (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: diald (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: Network behind PPP ("George")
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? ("K. K@FKA")
  Re: Apache web server on 5.1 ("Donald K. Tyler")
  Re: ftpd ("Donald K. Tyler")
  Re: DONT LAUGH!!! I'm overseas ("Richard F. Jr.")
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: ftp download speed difference (Mike Ireton)
  Re: Networking Problem - Stuckup Machine?!? (Mike Ireton)
  Re: NIS binding failure (Mike Ireton)
  Re: Networking Problem - Stuckup Machine?!? ("Rod  Martin")
  Windows 98 machine can't logon to Linux Server ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  ipxtund v 1.0.3 (Rejean Bisson)
  how to start a small ISP? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  routing to marry nets with a ppp ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Dial up with RH 5.0 (Matthew Vanecek)
  Re: Network behind PPP ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Re: Modem  dial-up access? (Larry Rivera)
  Re: Apache web server on 5.1 (Wintermute)

From: Mike Ireton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking Problem - Stuckup Machine?!?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:42:34 GMT

Rod Martin wrote:

I used the host IP of (my other computers, win boxes, ect

> are 192.168.0.x).   I set no gateway (since there is none) and used a
> netmask of and a network of   The problem
> is that when I try to ping the Amiga-linux from another computer it
> fails
> until I tell the amiga to ping them first.  Its like the Amiga is
> stuck up or something and refuses to listen to anyone unless it pings
> them first.  Once I ping the other machine it can talk to the amiga
> (telenet, httpd etc...) for about 5-10mins and then the Amiga stops
> listening until I ping the other computer again.  Is this wierd or
> what.  I have never seen this happen with any other version of Linux
> or OS for that matter.  Then again the only other version of Linux I
> messed with at work was already fully configured for network as a
> gateway to the internet, etc...

This sounds like it could be an ARP problem although I don't know why it
would be happening in such a vanilla installation as yours. What do you
have the Broadcast address set to on your amiga? (use ifconfig to show
you this). It should be, in your case,

Mike Ireton
Network Systems Manager
Broadlink Communications


From: Green Manalishi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,alt.os.linux
Subject: Re: Suggestion for Linux developers
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:42:40 GMT

I'm speaking, obviously, from my own experience and I've never had any alien
box invade my desktop.


David Joffe wrote:

> Green Manalishi wrote:
> > Ok, so I think we all know what they should be concentrating on.  Who
> > here thinks that we'll have a working PPP configurator anytime soon?
> > Oh?  One already exists?  Then why are there so many threads about
> > people asking (begging) for help on this subject?  Oh yeah, everybody is
> > too stupid to use it.  Hence the point, one that people can use.
> >
> > Let's backward engineer the only thing MS has going for it: DUN
> Right, like we want a message box popping up hundreds of time during the
> day at seemingly random places asking us if we want to connect to the
> Internet, even when we're doing totally arbitrary things that seem to
> have nothing to do with the Internet .. rght.
> Setting up ppp under Linux isn't that hard (especially using something
> like linuxconf with redhat; KDE's ppp configurator also looks quite easy
> to use but I haven't tried it myself) .. the only thing is, you have to
> understand a few basics about networking on Linux first.
> I definitely agree with you though that setting it up under Windows is
> much easier under Linux, since one doesn't have to know nearly as much.
> But I think many of the reasons have little to do with the technical
> aspects of MS's implementation; there are other factors, like end-user
> software that practically sets it up for you, from ISP's etc.
> I HATE those annoying message boxes that keep popping up in Windows. I
> prefer to tell the OS when *I* want to go on, and tell it again when *I*
> want to stop. Hmm .. I seem to remember there was a way to turn this
> behaviour off, at least in Win95 .. not sure about 98 .. either way it
> doesn't bother me since I almost never use Windows any more.
>  - David
> --
> --
> David Joffe  djoffe a

Linux-Networking Digest #746

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #746, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 03:14:17 EST

  3c574 and Omnibook laptop problem (Neal Todd)
  Re: 2.0.36 3c509b ethernet card disappearance. Fixes? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Web Browser (Lawrence Ho)
  Re: routing to marry nets with a ppp (Larry Rivera)
  Re: Floppy Auto Mount! (Roland Friedwagner)
  Re: Diald (and named) problems... ("Richard B. McDonald")
  NFS problem with static ugid-mapping (Krisztian "The NightHacker" Litkey)
  ipfwadm (ftp port problem) (Simon Andre Simonsen)
  Re: Dropped RX Packets on Interface ppp0 (Jeff Taylor)
  Re: PPP connections dropped with _some_ Netcom dialups (allan)
  Re: NT 4 and network problems - contd ("Thing")
  Re: i386 machine as dailout/firewall (Allen O'Neill)
  Re: Network not reachable (CyberX)
  Re: Port Forwarding (Paul B. Brown)
  Re: DNS Startup time. (Alex Kamantauskas)
  Re: dual PII hang recover methods? (Mike Ireton)
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: Newbie, trying to build a web server (Eric Jorgensen)

From: Neal Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3c574 and Omnibook laptop problem
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:39:38 GMT


I set up a HP Omnibook with RedHat linux 5.2 for a collegue at work
(which is working fine) and now he's bought a 3Com Megahertz 3CCFEM556
Ethernet/Modem (3c574 in driver terms), however I'm having problems
gettting to work (it works fine under windows which is a bitter pill to

I got the latest version of pcmcia card manager (3.0.6) and it does note
that the 3c574 just doesn't respond in some cases, but I'd like your
advice as to whether this is the case here or whether I've missed
something out (this is the first time I've done a linux system with

The card manager build went okay and I set up the network configuration
in the same way as I've always done except for /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia
where PCMCIA=yes this time. The messages at boot time seem to suggest
that the card is being detected and the correct driver loaded (the
/etc/log/messages text is included at the end of this post). However I
don't know what to make of the other messages (eg, cs: warning: no high
memory space available!)

Does anyone have any ideas of what is going on here, the messages are
far too cryptic for me? If you need any more info or listings of config
files, please let me know and I'll post them. If you're posting to the
news group please email me also.

Many thanks, Neal.

(/etc/log/messages is below (the machine named zeus near the end is a
nis server))
(the time stamp and hostname prefixes have been stripped off for

Neal Todd.
Astrophysics Group. Blackett Laboratory. Email:
Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine.   Fax: +44 (0)171
London. SW7 2BZ. U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)171 594-7532

syslogd 1.3-3: restart.
kernel: klogd 1.3-3, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
kernel: Cannot find map file.
kernel: No module symbols loaded.
kernel: Console: 16 point font, 400 scans
kernel: Console: colour VGA+ 80x25, 1 virtual console (max 63)
kernel: pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory structure at 0x000f6560
kernel: pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory entry at 0xfd7a0
kernel: pcibios_init : PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd9db
kernel: Probing PCI hardware.
kernel: PCI: 00:20 [104c/ac17/060700] has unknown header type 82,
kernel: PCI: 00:21 [104c/ac17/060700] has unknown header type 82,
kernel: Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 297.37 BogoMIPS
kernel: Memory: 126788k/130048k available (732k kernel code, 384k
reserved, 2144k data)
kernel: Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
kernel: NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
kernel: Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
kernel: IP Protocols: IGMP, ICMP, UDP, TCP
kernel: VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_5.6.0 initialized
kernel: Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error
kernel: Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
kernel: Linux version 2.0.34 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #1 Fri May 8 16:05:57 EDT 1998
kernel: Starting kswapd v
kernel: Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
kernel: tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
kernel: PS/2 auxiliary pointing device detected -- driver installed.
kernel: Real Time Clock Driver v1.07
kernel: Ramdisk driver initialized : 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
kernel: ide: i82371 PIIX (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
kernel: ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfcf0-0xfcf7
kernel: ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfcf8-0xfcff
kernel: hda: TOSHIBA MK6409MAV, 6194MB w/0kB Cache, CHS=839/240/63, UDMA

kernel: hdc: TOSHIBA CD-ROM XM-1702BC, ATAPI CDROM drive
kernel: ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on ir

Linux-Networking Digest #743

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #743, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: Dialing in - How-to's (Kalevi Hautaniemi)
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? (somebody)
  Re: gateways to isp ? (Joerg Kleinophorst)
  Dial up with RH 5.0 (Brian Reay)
  Re: Easy UNIX editor ("James A. Cleland")
  DHCPD + NFS Problem (Harry Mills)
  Re: Suggestion for Linux developers (randal)
  script runs with error in cron ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Telnet, 2 minutes for conect.. (J Davi Evora Hänggi)
  Re: Turn PPP off and on at certain time ("Jane Doe")
  RH5.2 GVC PNIC3000 problem ("T0tal Cha0s")
  Re: LI on reboot
  POP3 Redhat 5.0 (Robert Clouse)
  ppp compiling on Linux 2.0.36 (Greg Scarfe)
  Re: Turn PPP off and on at certain time ("Thomas Horan")
  Qwest Packs a Punch ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  TCP wrappers busted my mountd? ("David J. Topper")
  Re: Redhat 5.2 and NT.. (Jeff Kennedy)
  Routing HTTP traffic on 2 networks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: sn2000 pnp yuck (Bjorn Stadil)
  Sendmail Virus Scanning ("Mark Kaplan")
  URGENT: netalses for a different net ("Sergei O. Naoumov")
  Re: ODBC (Alan Greig)
  how to silently ignore RIP (Fumiaki Okushi)
  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Multiple IP Adresses on one Network Card (Job eisses)
  mars_nwe users vs. Linux users ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Puzzling MS CHAP problem (Stuart MacDonald)
  Linux+Resnet (Tamas Antal)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kalevi Hautaniemi)
Subject: Re: Dialing in - How-to's
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:46:38 GMT

Peter B. Macdonald ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I have several boxes working with Linux 2.0.33 and Netscape 4 running
: NE-2000 NIC cards.  Everything works great.

: Now I want to dial in to that system using a phone line from a remote
: location.  Can anyone suggest HOW-TO's that will get me started?

I don't think Dial_in-HOWTO exists. PPP-HOWTO has some hints for this
topic, too. Anyhow, I've described mine such a server in WWW. You can find
that description if you follow the link "My links for Linux PPP" on my
homepage. Ask for more if you like. 


Kalevi J Hautaniemi,  Kovajankatu 5, 33530 Tampere,  FINLAND.   On air:  OH3FG, KO4BC  
tel:+358-3-364-7446mobile:+358-50-590-2243 or +358-50-033-5447


From: somebody <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How to build a Linux cluster?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:48:46 GMT


From: Joerg Kleinophorst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: gateways to isp ?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:45:24 GMT

ingmar meins wrote:
> I'm trying to setup my Redhat 5.1 (2.0.35) box as an internet sharing
> host for our home pc's.
> Trouble is I'm not sure where to start! I have one dialup ISP account,
> dynamic IP address.
> The linux box has an ne2000 which is successfully serving my son and
> daughters win 3.x boxes over TCP/IP.
> They can access my apache, ftp and telnet resources. I've set local IP
> addresses as, 2 and 3 etc.
> Any rough pointers would be appreciated, eg. "go read this or that".
> I have had some years on SCO boxes but very little networking using
> TCP/IP etc.
> Thanks all.
> Ingmar Meins
> (vk2keq)

compile ur kernel with experimental drivers and activate the following:

ip forwarding
ip masquerading
ipautofw support

then create a script with the contents:

ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

which must be run as root, after u have established the internet
connection on ur machine. this should solve the problem.
but u have to think about further (if necessary) security, due
to this solution isnt secure at all. for further information
read the ip-masquerading HOWTO or check out

or, email me if this isnt enough.

good luck with it,

joerg kleinophorst


From: Brian Reay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dial up with RH 5.0
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:46:45 GMT


I can't seem to initiate a dial up to start a PPP contion to my ISP
with RH 5.0

I've checked PPP and TCP/IP are installed and set up a PPP conection in
using the  Network configuration tool, adding
phone numbers, id and pw etc and activated the PPP link.

The modem is set up on 'com3' and appears OK.

However, other that one apparantly random attempt at dialing, the modem 
doesn't dial out. I can't find and equivalent to clicking on a DUN
icon (a la Win 95) nor an option in Netscape to initiate a connection

(I'm pretty sure the line and modem are OK, they work under Win 95)
Am I missing something obvious? 

The RH documentation is all but useless in this area.

Thanks in advance & Regards




From: "James A. Cleland" <[EMAIL PROTE

Linux-Networking Digest #741

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #741, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: Caching name server (Neil Chambers)
  Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? ! ("Rob")
  Re: graphical login screen?? (Kazin)
  Re: pppd works, diald fails initializing modem. (Wlmet)
  Re: The Linux Challenge ("Scot E. Wilcoxon")
  Re: i386 machine as dailout/firewall ("Scot E. Wilcoxon")
  Re: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? ! (Ted Staberow)
  Network interface inactive ("Tim")
  Dialing in - How-to's ("Peter B. Macdonald")
  Problem with Ascend Pipeline 130 ISDN/T1 router (Ray Ward)
  Re: Suggestion for Linux developers (Richard Steiner)
  Re: Second NIC config (Daouda Mbaye)
  plip and bpq (Bobcat)
  Re: email problem. (Remo Goetschi)
  Re: Bottle of French Wine in Exchange for Help ... (Desmond Coughlan)
  dual PII hang recover methods? (Jerry O'Keefe)
  Re: Suggestion for Linux developers (David Joffe)
  Re: using proxy ("")
  Compaq 10 and 10/100 ("Artur Rodrigues")
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Thomas Thyberg)
  RedHat ppp/PAP woes (John Bell)
  Diamond Netcommander ("Cody")
  gateways to isp ? (ingmar meins)
  Re: IP Forwarding corrupts FTP uploads an downloads (Steven P Poulsen)
  Re: Web Browser ("Gopal")
  Re: Starting PPP without root access (Bill Unruh)
  Re: location of Linux Apache V3.?.? (Mark Worsdall)
  NIS binding failure ("Bill Walker")
  corrupted Netware disk (Pieter Dumon)

From: Neil Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Caching name server
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:36:42 GMT

Frank Sweetser wrote:

> Geoff  writes:
> > Can someone direct me to info on how to set up a caching nameserver.  I
> > just use my Linux box (RH 5.2) at home but thought if I could set one up,
> > it might improve my internet performance a little.  IS this true?  and
> > how would I do it, neither the NAG or SAG have anything on it and there
> > are no HOWTO's that I've found . . .
> install the bind and caching-nameserver rpm's off of your cd, and edit
> /etc/resolv.conf to point to - that's all there is to it.
> --
> Frank Sweetser rasmusin at fsweetser at  | PGP key available
> RedHat 5.2 kernel 2.1.129  i586 | at public servers
> I'll say it again for the logic impaired.
>  -- Larry Wall

Good advice, but you forgot one thing...caching nameserver won't do a thing
w/out a named.conf in your /etc directoryhere is mine.
just copy and paste



// Config file for caching only name server

options {
directory "/var/named";

// Uncommenting this might help if you have to go through a
// firewall and things are not working out:

// query-source port 53;

zone "." {
type hint;
file "root.hints";

zone "" {
type master;
file "pz/127.0.0";


Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? !
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:42:46 GMT

Ive got RH 5.2 running on a p-200 w/80 mb ram, telnetting or ftping to it
from my 98 box takes 80 seconds to respond with a login!  I'm using a 50'
BNC to connect the two machines in different rooms in my house.  Properly
terminated, etc.  I have no problems responding if i connect another w95
machine to the same segment in place of the linux box..  Ping times are
always 1ms in either direction.  Any ideas ?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x
Subject: Re: graphical login screen??
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:43:06 GMT

> Hi all,  I am just wondering if anyone knows how can I get a Linux graphical
> login screen just like the HP-unix? I have my win95 machine connected to my
> Linux box, and I am using Omni-X to run X-windows from my win95 machine. The
> problem I encountered is that when i connect to the Linux from Omni-X program
> (on win95 machine), the screen just goes blank.  Do I need to install some
> programs? Please advise. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Sho' can.  It's called xdm.  I know it's around somewhere, I think I
found it on sunsite a while back.  
Though I don't think it'll solve your problem...

  Mike Stella Software / Systems Engineer Technologies, LLC


Subject: Re: pppd works, diald fails initializing modem.
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:41:41 GMT

>Any information that can help solve my problem would be greatly
>Here are the details

What is your result from 


before and after daild is 

Linux-Networking Digest #740

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #740, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Shot networking capabilities to hell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Any MultiPPP development? (Chew Yu Chou)
  dos client (Keith Hewitt)
  Netatalk - setting default Appletalk zone?? (Cameron Moller)
  Re: Looking for SAMBA book/help ("Corey M. Horton")
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? (Robert Clouse)
  Re: Looking for SAMBA book/help ("Corey M. Horton")
  Which is good standalone nntp server? (Constantin Riabitsev)
  Re: pppd works, diald fails initializing modem. (Rod Pike)
  Re: linux under MS proxy 2.0 ("")
  mismatched read page pointers (Jerry Dietrich)
  Re: rc.local file with RedHat 5.0 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Poor performance with Redhat 5.1 ipfwadm (Francois FOURNEL)
  Unknown NFS error message. (Anton Persson)
  Re: Networking Problem (Neil Chambers)
  tcp wrapper terribly slow ("Thomi Hug")
  modem is w under RH5.2 ("Daniel A. Jablonski")
  any suggestions for a dual port nic? (Markus Schulte)
  Re: NFSing a tape drive ? (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: dos client (patrick thempel)
  Network behind PPP ("Tristan Braun")

Subject: Shot networking capabilities to hell
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:39 GMT

I was merrily typing along on a paper running netscape, x11amp, ncftp, and
some other apps when I got up to get some coffee.  My foot caught my keyboard
cable sending it crashing to the ground.  I picked it up and snapped the case
back together (this was at one time a frequent occurence) and got coffee. 
When I looked back my screen was frozen.  I'm assuming that this happened
immediatly upon the falling of my keyboard but there was about five min
inbetween checking the screen and picking up the keyboard.  Onto what
matters... Everything was locked up so I tried everything I knew to do. 
First Ctrl-Alt-Function key to get to another terminal, then
ctrl-alt-backspace to get out of X.  Then I went up to my housmate's computer
and tried telneting in, then pinging.  All of these gave me a fairly dead
computer, no different that as if it was unpluged and in the box in which it
arrived.  I powered down after my first total crash in Linux in a year and a
half of running it and brought it back up again and resumed typing.  I
evetually opened up ncftp to resume my downloads and found that I had no
network access.  I can ping and my real ip, but pinging anything
else gives me 100% packet loss, though network control panel is sure that
eth0 is active, as is /proc/.  Running RedHat5.1, kernels 2.0.36 and 2.1.130,
not sure which was active on crash but niether works now.  Logs give me
nothing as far as errors dealing with ehthernet are concerned.  I can still
telnet, apache, ftp, etc into my own ip.  None of my configs have new dates
or strange info in them that wasn't there before.  I'm not sure how i'll go
about wasting time during finals week without net access. Back to
StarOffice. -Lucas

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Chew Yu Chou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Any MultiPPP development?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:39 GMT

Does anyone knows whether there is any development going on the
implement a pppd that supports Multilink which allows
Win 95 to dial into a Linux server using Multilink PPP ? Anyone who have
any info on this can leave me an email? Thanks!


From: Keith Hewitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dos client
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:39:59 GMT


I'm looking to implement samba networking, trouble is I have a couple of 
286 machines which have to be included (ie not win 3.11 / w95). How do I 
get the old wfw for dos to talk to samba? where can I get a tcp/ip stack 
for dos?

Thanks for any help

Keith Hewitt
WENN London


From: Cameron Moller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netatalk - setting default Appletalk zone??
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:40 GMT

Does anyone know how or where to set a default Appletalk Zone with

I have RedHat Linux 5.1 and Netatalk 1.42b
We have a multi-zoned Appletalk Network, the system default is "UMB Net"
which is where my Linux box appears, by default.

I want to appear in a different zone i.e. "UMB Biology"

I am unsure which file I need to modify.  I think it might be
/usr/local/atalk/etc/afpd,  adding the line
afpd -n @"UMB Biology"

Thanks in advance to anyone who might shed light on this.

Cameron Gray Moller e-mail:
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts at BostonPhone:
100 Morrissey Boulevard

Linux-Networking Digest #739

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #739, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Eric Jorgensen)
  Duel boot, Linux Win98 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Bob Capistrant)
  Re: Second NIC config (Chad Cunningham)
  Re: @home Cable modem ("MBSHartford")
  Re: IP Forwarding not working! (Eric Jorgensen)
  pppd Hangs up when calling (Thomas Thyberg)
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Doug Pearson)
  ipfwadm and insane byte counters (Dave Calvin)
  Re: Change 3C509 IRQ. ("Lance Craig")
  Re: pppd routing-vs-proxyarp conflict? (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Duel boot, Linux Win98 (Scott Olsson - scohop)
  Re: DigiCHANNEL PC/8 (Daniel Taylor)
  Re: Starting PPP without root access (Neil Durant)
  Re: NT 4 and network problems (Tim Sutherland)
  Re: Starting PPP without root access (JD Weiner)
  Re: email problem. ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Re: diald ("Thing")
  Socket xmit out of sequence? (David B. Davis)
  Re: How to build a Linux cluster? (H}kan Millroth)
  Re: IP router/masq? (Chad Cunningham)
  Yes, it's plugged in and secure ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem with D-Link Ethernet cards (David Crooke)
  Networking Problem (Neil Chambers)

From: Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pppd Hangs up when calling
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:06 GMT

Thomas Thyberg wrote:
> "EJ" == Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> EJ> is one of the funkier internet providers. For starters, I can
> EJ> tell you that the username it's looking for is going to be
> EJ> "usinet.foobar" where foobar is your account name.
> According to one also should
> prefix ones username with "internet.". Is that not the case?

Back when I had an account, which i used exclusively with a
notebook computer that booted OS/2 and Win95 (job took me on the road a
lot), which lapsed about a year ago, it was usinet.username

If you like, I can ask. I have a friend who works at IBM Global

> Is "advantis" some kind of ppp-server or...?

"Advantis" was what used to call itself when it was a
cooperative between IBM and Sears. it stands for something - I believe
the va is Value Added and the IS is IBM and Sears, but I don't remember
the rest. IBM provided the actual equipment, infrastructure, and
software - Sears provided the customer service. This ended roughly 2
years ago, I think. Maybe 3. 

IBM Global Services just sold their infrastructure to AT&T for several
billion dollars. You might find yourself a Worldnet customer soon. But
it's unclear - IBM still intends to sell services, but AT&T gets to own
the actual network. I don't get it. But 6 billion is 6 billion. More
than I'll ever make. 

 - Eric


Subject: Duel boot, Linux Win98
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:35:25 GMT

Hi all.

I have just bought a 5.1 GB hard drive and while setting it up the
Bios warned to set it to normal and not large for Unix.
I partitioned it to 3 drves under 2 GB, will this work?
I have read that this duel booting can be tricky.
Can anyone point me to a website detailing this proceedure please.
I am yet to get Linux and associated books and am trying to prepare
for when I get them.
I need this info for my Tech course next year.

Thanks if you can help.



From: Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pppd Hangs up when calling
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:35:29 GMT

Thomas Thyberg wrote:
> I just cannot get connected to my newly aquired account at
> Immediatly after pppd reports "Connect" I get a "Hangup". is one of the funkier internet providers. For starters, I can
tell you that the username it's looking for is going to be
"usinet.foobar" where foobar is your account name. 

Other than that, I'd say to look for a faq somewhere. try searching
altavista for advantis + linux, or something along those lines. 

 - Eric


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob Capistrant)
Subject: Re: pppd Hangs up when calling
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:38:19 GMT

Eric Jorgensen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

:   IBM Global Services just sold their infrastructure to AT&T for several
: billion dollars. You might find yourself a Worldnet customer soon. But
: it's unclear - IBM still intends to sell services, but AT&T gets to own
: the actual network. I don't get it. But 6 billion is 6 billion. More
: than I'll ever make. 
:  - Eric

I'd been trying to get my connection to IGS to work for several weeks,
thought I was having CHAP problems(actually MSCHAP).  I knew about the 
"unusual" login id format, internet.my_account.my_userid and the chap
secrets format.  It worked from 

Linux-Networking Digest #745

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #745, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: network device ethN:M (Brian McCauley)
  How to setup Linux behind MS Proxy 2.0 ("Pattric Kool")
  Re: Linux-IrDA-Irlan and higher speeds? (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: Proxy Server (Paul Frets)
  Re: Problem with D-Link Ethernet cards (Joe Ringer)
  Looking for PPP help (Christopher Pritchard)
  Re: The Linux Challenge (Frederic Woodbridge)
  What is format for smbfs in fstab? (Jeremy Page)
  Re: Setting up a share? (Kevin Martin)
  Re: After IP Masquerade done ?? (Kevin Martin)
  Re: Wireless LAN?? (John at WinSkil)
  Re: Telnet & FTP slow to respond ? ! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Puzzling MS CHAP problem (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Suggestion for Linux developers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: Brian McCauley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: network device ethN:M
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:48:18 GMT

Christian Hernmarck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> eth0:1: unknown interface.

You need kernel support for IP alias.

And don't post in HTML.

 \\   ( )  No male bovine  | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  .  _\\__[oo   faeces from| Phones: +44 121 471 3789 (home)
 .__/  \\ /\@  /~)  /~[   /\/[ |   +44 121 627 2173 (voice) 2175 (fax)
 .  l___\\/~~) /~~[  /   [ | PGP-fp: D7 03 2A 4B D8 3A 05 37...
  # ll  l\\   ~   ~ ~~ |
 ###LL  LL\\ (Brian McCauley)  |


From: "Pattric Kool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How to setup Linux behind MS Proxy 2.0
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:49:59 GMT

Please give me any information to config Linux OS connect to internet access
behind MS Proxy 2.0

thank you


From: Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux-IrDA-Irlan and higher speeds?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:49:58 GMT

Konstantinos Agouros wrote:
> Hi,
> I just today finally got to beam some tcp/ip Packets from one laptop to another.
> However the logfile showed, that it set up the IrDA-Interface with a speed
> of 9600 baud although I set the speed of the interface to spd_vhi using set-
> serial. How does one get this faster?

I didn't think IRDA was designed to go any faster than 9600bps? 

Regardless, if you're running a script to set it up, read that first. 

 - Eric


From: Paul Frets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Proxy Server
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 22:44:44 -0600

mark biron wrote:

> I have two pc's One is linux and the other is Windows 98. I would like to
> use the Windows pc as the proxy server.  Both pc are connected with ethernet
> cards. I want  the linux pc to connect to the internet through the windows
> pc (the proxy server). I have tried several software programs. They work for
> about a minute than the linux crashes.  Has anyone have any success with a
> program?
> Mark

Unless you have a winmodem, I would highly suggest that you move the modem to
the linux box and use it to do the masq / proxy work.  I tested Wingate, for
comparison reasons, and the features and performance lagged compared to linux.
No hard numbers, just noticed that the performance lagged a bit.  My
non-technical girlfriend noticed it, too.
 Yeah, it was slightly easier to set up, but the loss in performance ain't
worth it.  I'm running a 56K  on a 486 with Slackware 2.0.36, and it rocks.

Need some hints?  Some of the best information for masq / ppp / diald is at

Paul Frets


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joe Ringer)
Subject: Re: Problem with D-Link Ethernet cards
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:24 GMT

On Mon, 14 Dec 1998 14:01:20 +, David Crooke wrote:
>I have a problem with a batch of D-Link Ethernet cards. 
>Previous similar cards worked fine under Linux (1.2 and 2.0, Slackware
>and Red Hat) as well as Win 3.11 and NT4. However, these newer ones are
>nothing but trouble.
>They nominal model name is DE 220 - this is an ISA 10BaseT / 10Base2
>card. The silkscreen on the board is DE220P[C|T] REV-D1, and gives FCC
>Is this a known problem, or have I got a couple of bad boxes?

I've got a REV-D2 and it's working well. 

clear skies,|
Joe |
|The internet treats censorship like 
|damage and routes around it.


From: Christopher Pritchard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Looking for PPP help
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:29 GMT

I need help configuring a PPP dial-in server in the McLean Virginia.  If
anyone has experience doing this and would like a few hours contract
work, please contact me via email.  Thank you.


From: Frederic Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Linux-Networking Digest #738

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #738, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: NOSPAM in addresses.. (Randal)
  Re: Cable Modem - Watch Out! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: netscape and Linux? (Paul Miller)
  Linksys Ethernet (L. Patrick Allmond)
  Re: Win95 TCP/IP, Netbios and Samba (JoeBlow)
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Thomas Thyberg)
  statistics on ip/aliased interfaces? ("Greg Fausak")
  Re: FTP server - my stupidity? (James Bliss)
  @home Cable modem ("MBSHartford")
  Re: NAT MASQ overhead (Megavolt)
  Re: @home Cable modem (Mike Frisch)
  pppd routing-vs-proxyarp conflict? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Beginner help-How do I dial up network in LINUX??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Guestgroup's in /etc/ftpaccess (Neil Chambers)
  Re: PPP/modem/minicom/not responding ("Dana J. Laude")
  free RA Player and dynamic IP ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  IP router/masq? ("Phillip Mather")
  Help with cable modem ("R Tavender")
  Minimal BOOT installation for ethernetcard. (Juergen Berger)
  SLAPD (Ralph Mazza)
  Setting up a proxy server to distribute a cable modem signal 
  RSHD authentification (Mr. Pan Lit Wong)
  Re: SMC EtherEZ 8416 driver anyone? (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: Minimal BOOT installation for ethernetcard. (Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk)
  Re: Dynamic IP and stale sockets (J Scott Berg)
  Re: SMC EtherEZ 8416 (Eric Jorgensen)

From: Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NOSPAM in addresses..
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,comp.os.linux.setup
Date: Fri, 1 Jan 1999 22:00:05 -0800

I have my news program set to both email and post to group. I figure that the
person may not check back to the group quickly and I assume that whn a question
is asked, the person asking wants an answer. Sometimes desparately.

I used to use nospam at the front of my return address, then just decided that
I know how to use a delete button. 


On Fri, 01 Jan 1999, David Steuber wrote:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] () writes:
>-> (edit)
>-> > 
>-> > Don't email to people who munge addresses. (edit)
>-> I endorse this sentiment. I frequently reply to questions by
>-> E-mail only to subsequently receive an " undeliverable " message,
>-> even though I try to decipher a "proper" E-mail address.
>My feeling is that when a question is asked in a news group, it should 
>be answered in a news qroup.  With DejaNews being available, it should 
>not be an excuse, "I don't get to read this group often."  Or
>whatever.  Those people who do bother to follow the groups for
>answeres, or use DejaNews can then possible benifit from the answere
>without having to post the same or similar question again.
>So, what is the spam situation now?  I have been fairly active in
>several news groups, and my trashcan is not receiving much spam.  I
>don't think I've seen any for a few weeks.  Could the ISPs be finaly
>cracking down?
>David Steuber
>s/trashcan/david/ to reply by mail
>"Hackers penetrate and ravage delicate, private, and publicly owned
>computer systems, infecting them with viruses and stealing materials
>for their own ends.  These people, they're, they're  terrorists."
>-- Secret Service Agent Richard Gill


Subject: Re: Cable Modem - Watch Out!
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 05:55:39 GMT

Check my FAq page ( It includes a little security
seciton and a portscan page that you may use to check your machine for
services (

BTW: cable operators absolutly hate sendmail (and other mail servers) because
of relay problems. Low traffic web servers (private use) are usually ok. Some
operators just would like you to tell them about it.


In article ,
  "mct1" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is some particularly interesting poop, and might be good to know (if
> it,s true).
> Cable Modem suscribers who run on Linux, or any other operation system
> running services should be careful (those suscribers who are issued a static
> IP addres(s)).
> For a regular home account, most, if not all CMP's prohibit the use of a
> proxy server, and file/www services. (Including IP_masquerading).
> Word is, some of these CMP's are hitting these IP's, looking for services,
> i.e. , web servers, and FTP, and on a regular basis.
> Those of "us" using masquerading might want to do a little house cleaning
> before going on line.
> Security of your system is another concern, but if anyone has information on
> this, please post.
> Thanks!!

--- Cable Modem FAQ: ---

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Paul Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: netscape and Linux?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:35:11 GMT

"Brett Ladd." wr

Linux-Networking Digest #744

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #744, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Rebuilt server everything OK except routing? (James Knowles)
  Help connecting Linux to Internet via LAN router (STaylor640)
  GSM Nokia PPP connection (luigi raffo)
  Re: After IP Masquerade done ?? (Philboyd Studge)
  FDDI & High availability on Linux? (Detlef Orlowski)
  ezppp problem (ericzwicky)
  No ethernet on RH 5.2 -- SIOCSIFLAGS?? ("JMV")
  Re: How can you get Linux to log into NT Server 4.0 ("Frederick W. Reimer,Sr")
  Re: NT 4 and network problems - contd (JunkDTectr)
  Re: ppp-go user permissions ("George")
  Re: can't find my ethernet card ("George")
  2nd PCI Ethernet Card Problem (Greg Bastian)
  Re: Networking Problem - Stuckup Machine?!? ("Rod  Martin")
  Re: problems with X-modem-protocol using rzsz (Eckardt Augenstein)
  Re: Why doesn't my ppp-on script work when su'ing ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Re: NAT1000 vs. Sygate vs. NAT32 vs. Masq (Philip J. Koenig)
  Re: cheops - what am I missing? (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Bj=F6rn?= Elwhagen)
  NOSPAM in addresses.. ("Michael Lee Yohe")
  How to use 2 DNS servers ? (Philippe PAULEAU)
  Re: tcp wrapper terribly slow ("Marc D. Behr")
  Re: help on ipfwadm ("mcamou" >)

From: James Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Rebuilt server everything OK except routing?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:50:05 GMT


I just replaced an old Linux server with a new dual PII machine. I put
RH 5.2 on it, put 2.1.129 SMP kernel on, copied the PPP and masquerading
stuff on, Samba file & print sharing on.

Everything is fast as can be with only one hitch. I can access the
outside world from the server (as I am now), but nothing gets forwarded
from other machines.  They can talk to the server, but can't see the
outside world.

I assume that routing is broken? After re-reading NAG selections
regarding routing, nothing obvious pops up.  I'm an experienced
programmer, but there's a lot of sysadmin stuff that I'll admit a great
deal of cluelessness.

I'm basicall looking for a clue, or a direction to head in.

The thing that I'm suspicious about is the routing table. It doesn't
look like what I saw on the old server.

/sbin/route says:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
slc3-tc.xmissio * UH0  00
ppp0*   U 0  00
eth0*   U 0  00
eth0   *   U 0  00
default slc3-tc.xmissio UG0  00
default therrindur.dynd UG0  00

where slc3-tc.xmissio... is the dial-up connection with my ISP.
therrindur.dynd... is my server.

The  ip-up script sets up the masquerading. It hasn't changed from the

# $Id: ip-up,v 1.1 1996/01/31 21:25:59 alvar Exp $
# This script is run by the pppd after the link is established.
# It should be used to add routes, set IP address, run the mailq
# etc.
# This script is called with the following arguments:
#Arg  Name   Example
#$1   Interface name ppp0
#$2   The ttyttyS1
#$3   The link speed 38400
#$4   Local IP number12.34.56.78
#$5   Peer  IP number12.34.56.99

# The  environment is cleared before executing this script
# so the path must be reset
export PATH

echo "Setting up firewall:"

# Remove the peer link as default gateway
route add default gw $5

# Add all modules

echo "Adding all modules"
modprobe -a ip_masq_*

# ipfwadm RULES
# By default DENY all services
echo "By default DENY all services"
ipfwadm -F -p deny
# ipfwadm -I -p deny
# ipfwadm -O -p deny

# Flush all commands
echo "Flush all commands"
/sbin/ipfwadm -A -f
/sbin/ipfwadm -F -f
/sbin/ipfwadm -I -f
/sbin/ipfwadm -O -f

# Setup IP packet forwarding to my local network
echo "Setup IP packet forwarding to my local network"
ipfwadm -F -a accept -m -S

# Allow local PPP
echo "Allow local PPP"
ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -S -P tcp -W ppp0

# Accept FTP
echo "Accept FTP"
ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -S /0 20 ftp 1024:65535 -D /0 20 ftp 1024:65535
-P tcp -W ppp0

# Forward WWW connections to your web server
echo "Forward WWW connections to your web server"
ipfwadm -F -a accept -b -D /0 www -P tcp -W ppp0

# Forward RealAudio connections
ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -D /0 6970:7170 -P udp -W ppp0
ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -D /0 7070 -P tcp -W ppp0

# Forward PPP keys connections
#ipfwadm -I -a accept -b -D /0 11371 -P tcp -W ppp0

# You need a rule to block incoming connections from your PPP link:
echo "You need a rul

Linux-Networking Digest #742

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #742, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 02:13:50 EST

  Re: full duplex --- how does one tell? (David 'Septimus' De Ridder)
  only http port works but nothing else ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Web Browser (Matthew Vanecek)
  Re: IP-Masq - FTP on none std. Ports (Eric Jorgensen)
  Re: pppd Hangs up when calling (Thomas Thyberg)
  how to ftp to self ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Multiple IP Adresses on one Network Card ("Manfred Ranger")
  Progetto (Pegasus)
  Re: Help: linux on Hitachi Visionbook Pro 7630 ("Tom Suzda")
  Modem  dial-up access? ("Andy Pickering")
  Re: How do I prevent a group from telnetting? (somebody)
  Re: Fax Server under Linux? ("Greg Fausak")
  Re: ISA utp hub ("Thomas Horan")
  mount6? (Sam Steingold)
  Re: How do I prevent a group from telnetting? (Stuart MacDonald)
  Re: IRC Server ("Quiedeville Rodolphe")
  Re: Floppy Auto Mount! (Joerg Kleinophorst)
  Multiple IP Adresses on one Network Card ("Manfred Ranger")
  dial-up connection ("Chew")
  Re: DNS help req ("M. Wijtkamp")
  Re: MediaOne and NetGear PCI card ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  help on ipfwadm (eugen neagoe)
  Re: Looking for SAMBA book/help ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Delay Problems with Win98 to Linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  smbmount failing (Geoff McCaughan)
  3c905b-TX and Kernel 2.0.36 ("chrisj")
  Re: how to set up mail ("Jose Antonio C. Baduria")
  Re: Redhat Linux 5.2 - Ethernet Card (Linksys) difficulty (Todd Bordeaux)
  re:Why can't I telnet to root ?? (Jayasuthan [VorHacker])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David 'Septimus' De Ridder)
Subject: Re: full duplex --- how does one tell?
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:46:50 GMT

Whereto with speedy words Mark Cooperstein repli'd :

>Well, nothings really impossible.. I suppose you could have two coax for the 
>Ethernet, one for upstream data the other for downstream, voila: full duplex!

 Haha, nice solution ! But if you wanted to do this with off-the-shelf

 NICs, it wouldn't work the same as TP full-duplex. However, you could

 build your own custom chips... But then again it probably would be 
 cheaper to go TP all the way... Darn coax ;-)


  David 'Septimus' De Ridder   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

"Let them close the gates of Core Prime from dusk until dawn if they so
 choose. It matters not. My fiends shall yet rend their metal from their
 - Commander Septimus of the Septimus-Shauku Alliance



Subject: only http port works but nothing else
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:35:47 GMT

i've only just recently installed rh5.2 and am having problems accessing
anything on the internet except the web..

eg if i try to ftp into my local ISPs ftp site it says "site address unknown"
or unresloved.. even though i can do a nslookup on it with no problems, same
with other ftp sites like redhat and cdrom.. :/ irc doesnt work, just says it
can connect to blah on port 6667.. telnet also does not work..

what might be causing this?

help greatly appreciated

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From: Matthew Vanecek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Web Browser
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:47:03 GMT

Lawrence Ho wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a half decent non-commercial web browser available for Linux?
> The ancient Mosaic and the old version of netscape available on sunsite
> aren't up to modern concepts like frames.
> Regards

Have you not poke around at Netscape's site at all?!?!? You can't  be
serious!  Netscape is the default GUI browser for Linux!!  All the way
up to 4.5!  (even if it is kindof, um, buggy).

Matthew Vanecek

[EMAIL PROTECTED] <-Please remove the NOSPAM in my Reply-To to
send me mail.  I appreciate your effort! :-)

Studies in Business Computers at the University of North Texas
Visit my Website at
For 93 million miles, there is nothing between the sun and my shadow
except me. I'm always getting in the way of something...


From: Eric Jorgensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IP-Masq - FTP on none std. Ports
Date: Sat, 02 Jan 1999 06:47:12 GMT

Paul Darbonne wrote:
> You are going to have to use a PASV mode FTP client for you machines behind
> the Linux NAT box.  WS_FTP, Cute FTP all do this etc

the ip_masq_ftp module took care of ftp for me -- if he's using
nonstandard ports he could adjust the port setting in ip_masq_

Linux-Networking Digest #737

1999-01-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #737, Volume #9   Sat, 2 Jan 99 01:13:31 EST

  Re: 'route' command reports only 1 line (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: Use Linux as an NFS host, ie export files to other unix boxes (rob)
  Re: where's a good HOWTO? (rob)
  Re: PLEASE HELP !!! PLEASE HELP !!! (Frank)
  Re: Apache - Virtual Host or /etc/hosts (Mark Worsdall)
  location of Linux Apache V3.?.? (Mark Worsdall)
  Re: Linux in NT LAN (Stephen Carville)
  Re: Unsuccessful connection to EarthLink, please help!!! (Paul Frets)
  Re: 2 Netze über das Intenet verbinden (Vincent Zweije)
  Re: Newbie Question - net.jpg (0/1) ("Nick Short")
  Re: Proxy Server (Paul Frets)
  Re: Want to do direct install of Redhat 5.2 via FTP since I haveCox@home but am 
stuck in the DUNGEONS OF DOOM !!! SOHELP !!! (Stephen 
  ppp: getting strange AT stuff from peer? (Andrew Duchowski)
  Re: need paging software for linux (Stephen Carville)
  Re: MI/X on Macintosh: FATAL ERROR on startup. Help. (Georg Bauer)
  Re: IP NAT & Packets being dropping by Linux. Networking gurus -PH (Dan Kegel)

From: Vincent Zweije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 'route' command reports only 1 line
Date: 1 Jan 1999 13:06:34 +0100

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Denis Rousseau

||  It reports only the line of the localhost and I don't see loopback
||  device

The "line of the localhost" *is* the one with the loopback device (ends
in lo).

You want a routing table (route -n) like either

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags ... Iface   U ... lo


Destination Gateway Genmask Flags ... Iface UH... lo

||  My config files seem to be well configured.
||  I have no problem connecting to the internet but
||  I'm not able to install LPRng on my computer
||  and not able also to run my old lpr.
||  Have any hint for me ??

Yes. Post what's going wrong. Newsgroup readers aren't clairvoyant.

Ciao.  Vincent.
Vincent Zweije <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>| "If you're flamed in a group you
  | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |-- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.


Subject: Re: Use Linux as an NFS host, ie export files to other unix boxes
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 21:21:57 -0700

Rob wrote:

>Mark Schpaira wrote:

> Having trouble setting up RedHat Linux 4.2 on a Sparc to
> 1. accept remote commands such as rsh.
>  Whenever a client attempts to execute the rsh or rcp commands
>   the message "Permission denied" appears.
> 2. export files to be mounted as NFS mounts.
>   Whenever, I attempt to remote mount a file exported from the
>Linux server the same "Permission denied appears"
> I have noticed two things that seem to be missing. First there is no
> program like exportfs that is present on other unix systems, although the
> file /etc/exports is documented.
> Second, the files /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts are not documented in Redhat
> Linux. Are they needed, or is the tcp wrappers package sufficient.

Howdy MarkCheck out the HowTo for NFS.  you will need to edit the hosts,
/etc/hosts.allow, and /etc/hosts.deny files.  You will need a log in account
on the other box.  Make your own exportfs script  to kill and restart the
daemons and put it in your scripts directory.
  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd
  killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd
  echo re-exported file systems
The other box will need to have it's hosts files properly setup also.
Good Luck,
NRCS Remote Sensing Specialist
Bozeman, MT   59715


Subject: Re: where's a good HOWTO?
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 1999 21:23:45 -0700

Marc wrote:

> ok,
> after using my SuSE5.3 box for PPP to internet it is starting to get
> a little slow,,and as cable modems are (hopefully) going to be available
> here soon I figure it is time to learn how to set up the Network card in
> Linux (system is a 98/suse dual boot) in 98 (shudder) I can see my
> internal network and all is fine,,in suse I never set up the net card
> and now would like to do so,I rebuilt the kernel to include support for
> my card, rebooted the new image,,and when I try to run ifconfig,,I get
> somthing like  noioctrl or something like that,,now I know that this is
> something I am not doing correctly,,where can I find a detailed HOW-TO
> that describes the adding of Network cards? and such,,i am scanning man
> pages by the dozen,
> Could someone point me in the right direction???