Linux-Networking Digest #17

1999-07-26 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #17, Volume #12  Mon, 26 Jul 99 21:13:58 EDT

  Re: Linux and ADSL how todoes one exist?? (sparks)
  Yet another IP chains question ("TURBO1010")
  Masquerading using odd ip address (Scott W. Petersen - N9SLA)
  Re: Why not C++ (Johan Kullstam)
  Transparent proxy ("Kerry J. Cox")
  Re: win98 <-> linux (D.T.)
  New Linux web site (Mike Angelo)
  Re: to ping or not to ping...? (Kenneth P Kennedy)
  Re: LAN not connected to INTERNET: Problem setting up (Robert Flemming)
  Re: High load average, low cpu usage when /home NFS mounted (Peter Steiner)
  LAN not connected to INTERNET: Problem setting up  (Ravi Shankar Bellur Ramaswamy)
  Linux vs. Wingate (Dusko Nikolic)
  Re: LAN not connected to INTERNET: Problem setting up (Monte Phillips)
  Re: Linux vs. Wingate (Monte Phillips)
  Re: Remote Admin Question (john@*NOSPAM*
  Re: Yet another problem with 2 Ethernet adapters (Tom Wojciaczyk)
  Re: linux proxy server (Alex Harrington)
  Apache for win95 won't load ApacheModuleProxy.dll ("Eric Shoemaker")
  Re: BTInternet UK & CHAP/PAP (Alex Harrington)
  Post-newbie (but not by much) IP forwarding questions (Vincent)
  Re: tcpdump and RH6.0 - anyone get it to work? (Mark Price)
  Re: netscape (Alex Harrington)
  Re: LinkSys Support page for Linux ("sk")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sparks)
Subject: Re: Linux and ADSL how todoes one exist??
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:39:14 GMT

I found a adsl how-to and it looks like its going to be a snap to
set up.
My only concern was the internet games problems thru the linux machine
and should I forget linux and just plug into the pc.
The reason I say this is a game like tribes does some stuff so you
can play right thru a firewall..TRY that with mech warrior 3 or 
delta force.
Mechwarrior 3 has a listing out of what ports you have to open up to
be able to play thru the firewall, only 100.
Delta Force about the same.
What I need to decide is if you open up 100 ports here and 50 prots
there to play a game thru the firewall...what firewall ???
might as well forget a firewall or masquerading and just tie streight
to the pc and play away.
I know there is no problem with ftp, telnet, or surfing the net but 
that is not ALL I want to do on my machine.
CAN ??
can I use linux as security and play games on the net ?

thanks again

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999 20:55:59 -0700, "Tony C" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Rudolf Potucek wrote in message <7nfo08$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>>RTFM! There must be 1000s of posts at!
>>Again, RTFM!
>>  /usr/doc/HOWTO
>>  man ipchains (RH5.x)
>>  man ipfwadm (RH6)
>>: jerry
>Looks like  you need to RTFM :)
>ipchains is RH6 and ipfwadm is RH 5.x.


Subject: Yet another IP chains question
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:35:04 -0700

I need to block out port 67 & 68 UDP on eth0 using ipchains.  I also need to
block out the samba ports on the same nic, eth0.  Don't know the range of
ports.  Thanks for any suggestions.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Scott W. Petersen - N9SLA)
Subject: Masquerading using odd ip address
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 22:00:01 GMT

We would like to use and ip address ending in .250 rather than .1 on
the linux masq server.

.1 is in use by a major server and would not like to change it if possible.

Can we use .250 or do we have to use .1?



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: Why not C++
From: Johan Kullstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 26 Jul 1999 18:52:41 -0400

David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > >   It is not the language's place to decide when you need to break the
> > >rules. That's your job.
> > 
> > Except when, like millions of C and C++ programmers, you don't know the better
> > portion of the rules, so that you don't know that you are breaking them.
> > Constructs along the schema of
>   I do not believe it is possible to create a useful tool that cannot be
> misused.

true enough.  however, mis- or dangerous- usage should be slightly
more awkward than safe usage.  this is not so with C/C++.

it often takes more work to look at return values, errno and catch
exceptions than it does to simply ignore them.  in C the default
handler is no handler at all.  C++ helps somewhat but i still find it
a royal pain in the ass to check and handle 

Linux-Networking Digest #17

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #17, Volume #11   Sun, 2 May 99 19:13:59 EDT

  Problem with news-server (Olaf Thorbruegge)
  Re: ipmasq & traceroute issues (Stephen)
  Re: Printing to Apple LaserWriter 8500 remote (MacPiano)
  Re: DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21142 ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E. Larson))
  Re: Connecting 2 network together (mist)
  Re: Linux < -- > Windows NT network (mist)
  Re: Linux DHCP with Windows 95? (John Kenyon)
  Re: Help: just rebuilt a lower kernel (John Kenyon)
  Re: DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21142 (Frank Sweetser)
  Re: ipchains help please ("d. divine")
  Re: ipchains help please ("d. divine")
  Re: Buggy 3C574, or buggy administrator? (Karl Heinz Kremer)
  Re: Help -- Two ethernet card network ("Jeff Volckaert")
  Mail server for multiple domain using a single IP address ("Alex Fong")
  ipop3d stops (Ken Nagorski)
  internet and my network card not working together, what did i miss? or not do?  
  Re: Printing to Apple LaserWriter 8500 remote (Kastner)
  Problem with 'Hot Swap' for the Lucent's Wavelan PC card! (Christophe Janneteau)
  Re: ipfwadmmm question ("Grant Lowe")
  Re: How to FTP PUT a whole directory? ("Ian Lunam")
  Two 3c509's, 2.2 kernel (Andrew Seila)
  Re: Linux Uptimes (John Thompson)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Olaf Thorbruegge)
Subject: Problem with news-server
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 21:26:54 GMT


I set up an isdn-dial-in-server about a year ago and about 2 months
ago I added a news-system (c-news) and everything was working fine.

Just about a week ago the trouble began and I ran out of ideas, so I
thought I just might ask the wonderful linux-community. :) (Caution!

The problems:
a) The news system is unavailable at unpredictable times for both, the
internal LAN and for dial-in-users. Just a full reboot helps.
b) Other than before for now about a week it is impossible to retrieve
news for LAN-users while somebody is connected from the outside.

The system:
SUSE Linux 5.1 partially updated with packages from 5.3 and 6.0.
AMD K6-200 with 32M RAM
2 AVM ISDN Fritz!-Cards for dial-in (as I mentioned the dial-in works

Some clues.
Problem a) might be a hardware-problem, since this is an old house and
trucks going by the main street get the whole house vibrating. The
keyboard or keyboard-socket may have a fault. (I found it not working
once and some playing with the cable fixed that :~)
I don't have any concerning problem b)

If somebody has an idea it would be nice to have the answers by mail.
If I find a solution I'll post it to the newsgroup.

Thanks in advance,

Taar (Olaf Thorbruegge)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen)
Subject: Re: ipmasq & traceroute issues
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 22:36:41 +0100

In article <7giek5$di9$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Darbonne 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) mentioned:
> Traceroute has a -i switch which allows an interface to be specified. I.E.
> traceroute -i ppp0 will trace starting with ppp0 rather than eth0

Thanks for the tip. I'll use that, then. It does seem odd, though, that 
rather than use the default route (ppp0 is the default root -- there is 
no default route when not dialed in) it chooses the other one. That 
makes no sense to me...

[ Stephen | sj AT bigfoot DOT com (blame spammers for munged address) ]


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (MacPiano)
Subject: Re: Printing to Apple LaserWriter 8500 remote
Date: 1 May 1999 13:21:01 GMT

I've tried lpr, the name of the printer, you name it. I do use netatalk. The
only way I can get my other macs to see any printer on my linux box is use lp
for printing in the printtol and use lp in the papd file, but I can then only
use one printer.



From: (Paul E. Larson)
Subject: Re: DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21142
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 21:42:25 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Matt 
>Does the following network DEC chip work with linux and
>NT4... DEC PCI Fast Ethernet DECchip 21142
Oh yeah, very nice chipset. Works in everything. You need to use the Tulip 


Get rid of the blahs to email me :}


From: mist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Connecting 2 network together
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 21:47:58 +0100
Reply-To: mist 

Jean-Rene Cormier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribed to us that -
>I was wondering how I could connect 2 network together. One is using
>Coax and the other RG-45 I was thinking of using a Linux box in between
>with 2 cards in it can anyone tell me if there is anything special I
>would need to do so that both network can see each other. 

Read up on IP masquerading

Linux-Networking Digest #17

1999-01-27 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #17, Volume #10  Wed, 27 Jan 99 08:13:31 EST

  DHCP Linux server and subnets help ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Default Gateway interferes with PPP? (David Kirkpatrick)
  Re: Samba Printing ("Jeffrey S. Kline")
  IP Forwarding and Linux 2.2.0 (Darren Ward)
  Re: newbie email-Q, please help: Linux,POP3,fetchmail,sendmail,hostname,FQDN? 
("Jon Horner")
  Re: Linux in a Token Ring network (Stef)
  multihome routing puzzler (Bob Sutterfield)
  Re:diald- not replacing default route (dizzy)
  dhcpcd refuses to install ("T. Clements")
  Linux as a load balancing router SUGGESTIONS ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Reset root Password (Jens Reinsberger)
  is my system overloaded? ("christo")
  security problem (dino)
  Re: SMTP problem, please help (Sam E. Trenholme)
  Re: How do I get my IP addresses in multiple NIC conf. (Lawrence Kirby)

Subject: DHCP Linux server and subnets help
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 01:10:21 GMT

I am setting up a DHCP server on Redhat 5.1 running

Our network has a router that seperates our class C ip address in to 4

The subnetting of each segment occurs every so many IP numbers, fo example: is segment A with a mask of
The port for that router segment is (i.e. the client's gateway
for that subnet).

and so on.

I set-up the linux server on segment A, and configured a couple of clients to
test it. They have no problems getting IP addresses and info from the server.
But when I have a machine, on say segment C of the router, it doesn't work.

my dhcpd.conf looks like so:

default-lease-time 1000;
max-lease-time 3000;
option domain-name-servers,;
option domain-name "";

shared-network FOOBAR {

# Router seg. A
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
# Router seq. B
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;

# Router seg. C
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
# Router seg. D
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;

When monitoring the server in debug mode I notice it seems to only be
listening to it's own subnet and none of the others.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


colins stefani

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From: David Kirkpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Default Gateway interferes with PPP?
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 20:15:38 +

PPP0 wants to use it so it will work.  Do a route and you can see
It is your network device and it is our gateway to the internet. 
an ifconfig -a after ppp0 comes up.

Darren Enns wrote:
> This is what my laptop Linux 'netup' script looks
> like:
> insmod 8390
> MODPATH=/lib/modules/2.0.34/net:/lib/modules/2.0.34/pcmcia
> export MODPATH
> insmod pcnet_cs
> ifconfig eth0 inet netmask up
> route add -net netmask eth0
> #route add default gw eth0
> /usr/sbin/routed
> I noticed that I could not have BOTH my PPP connection
> running *and* a local network running if I had that
> 'route add default gw...' stuff.  So I commented it
> out and it works fine.
> Could someone explain in 'easy' terms why this is so?
> I am also very fuzzy on the 'routed' stuff.
> Thanks
> Dare
> --
> Darren Enns



From: "Jeffrey S. Kline" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>