Linux-Networking Digest #43

1999-07-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #43, Volume #12  Thu, 29 Jul 99 06:13:41 EDT

  IPMASQ: turning it 'on'? (John Brashier)
  Re: How does it work? (DHobbs)
  SUSE 6.0 with Apache 1.3.6 (Jeffrey Kok)
  Activate NIC at boot ("Kent Nilsen")
  Re: *Yawn* (Rudolf Potucek)
  Re: password problems with samba and windows 98 clients ("Kent Nilsen")
  ftp uploading, man ftpaccess sucks! (Jeff Greer)
  Re: Help! Forwarding FTP connections to hosts behind firewall doesn't  (Bill Steiner)
  webserver help ("Eric F. Boddie")
  Re: telnet timeout: win9x -> linux -> remote host ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: PPPIOCGUNIT? (Clifford Kite)
  Creating mailing lists ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Modem not responding (Ben Cecil)
  routing problem: SIOCDELRT: No such process (Wolfgang Scherer)
  Re: Linux ---> MS Proxy 2.0? (Jarek Durak)
  Re: PPP and SMP (Larry Ozarow)
  Re: My latest networking problem ("Funb")
  Printing Problems: no line printer acces ("Lothar Hilgenfeld")
  Re: SuSE 6.0 Networking DNS Problem ("Matthias Blohm")
  Re: Remote Printing and RedHat 6.0 ("Grahame M. KellyBoth types of receipt")
  Re: Can't use two ISA network card together (Alfred)
  POP3 ("Ozan ERCAN")
  FTP Server problems??? ("Funb")
  Squid + News = Problem ("Matthias Blohm")
  Re: HP Ethernet card (Vidar Andresen)

From: John Brashier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IPMASQ: turning it 'on'?
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 23:37:10 -0700

I hate to bug you guys with what seems to be a crassly newbie question,
but here goes:

On the HOWTO, it mentions how to compile and configure IPMASQ
if you don't have it, but it doesn't tell you how to start it up if it
included with your distribution. Do I have to edit my rc.local file?
Or is there something else I have to "turn on" to get it to work?
I have already configured two ethernet cards, and the IP's etc...
I think this is it for me to be up. Thanks.



Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: How does it work?
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 1999 10:08:16 -0400

Neil Marko wrote:
> I have a simple 10base2 nework.  I am using Linux (Slack 4.0) as a router
> and hence it has 2 NIC's in it and IPchain have been configured and are
> working fine.  One NIC is to the Internet and one on my LAN.  When a
> workstation (NT or 98) puts an Ethernet packet on the LAN with the tcp/ip
> destination somewhere on the Internet, will the Linux machine read that
> packet and route it IF I do not set the default gateway on the workstation
> to be the IP address of the Linux LAN card?  What configuration needs to be
> set to do this?  Is it related to "promiscuous mode?"
> I want to do this to avoid have to have Linux route every packet on my LAN
> (it is thinnet).  This only slows things down.  I want the LAN to function
> even if the Linux box is not running?
> Thanks,
> Neil Marko

Assuming all machines are on the same class address,[2][3][4] broadcast of for instance, they will
not go to the default router, they'll just talk to each other for
anything sent to the LAN addresses.  Linux box does not even have to be
on or plugged into the internal LAN.

All of your boxes should show a default route of the LAN side of the
Linux box, the Linux box should show a default route of whatever your
ISP gave you, or your eth1 (or whatever your internet connection NIC

No, if you do not set a default route, you will not get wherever it is
you want to go.  Within the subnet of your LAN everyone can talk to
everyone else, if it's not one of those, where will the packet go?  The
Linux box will not just take packets not addressed to it.



From: Jeffrey Kok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SUSE 6.0 with Apache 1.3.6
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 15:40:28 +0800

I have having some problems getting the CGIs to work. Anyone got the
above following to work?
Can anyone who got both the above working, pls send me your httpd.conf?


From: "Kent Nilsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Activate NIC at boot
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 07:37:09 GMT

Hello, I've got 3 3c905B NICs in a Mandrake 6.0 w/kernel 2.2.9-19MDK
(original kernel from distribution). My problem is that every time I boot, I
have to start X, run netcfg and activate all NICs. I check the "Activate at
boot", but it still won't do it automatically.

So, I figured there is some obscure script that takes care of it, but which,
and what is the proper syntax to get it to auto-activate?

Thanks in advance!

Kent R. Nilsen


Linux-Networking Digest #43

1999-05-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #43, Volume #11   Wed, 5 May 99 00:13:45 EDT

  Re: Netscape "Looking for..." (Darren Greer)
  Simple Networking to NT4 WS (Peter Nunn)
  restarting network services (Chris Snyder)
  Apache password authentication ("Mark")
  Re: Samba still making progress BUT slowly. ("Luc Wastiaux")
  restarting networking services (Chris Snyder)
  Re: Samba Server Disappeared from Network (Bernhard Brueck)
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly ("Robert Brown")
  Re: Can I do PPP over Ethernet? (Luca Filipozzi)
  Re: restarting networking services ("TURBO1010")
  Re: Modem ProblemIt works But PPP doesn't route ("TURBO1010")
  Re: Redhat 6.0... the good, the bad, and the ugly (Salman Ahmed)
  Re: restarting networking services ("Ian Lunam")
  Re: CDROM Server ("Frithiof Andreas Jensen")
  Re: Problem activating eth0... (Howard Mann)
  How many sockets / file descriptors? ("Mark Zamoyta")
  RAID and RedHat 6.0 (Brent Knotts)
  Re: Valid IP addresses for home network ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  telnet, ftp, www setup for PPP connection with a modem (Skiso)
  telnet, ftp, www setup for PPP connection with a modem (Skiso)
  Re: NetZero ("Steve D. Perkins")
  telnet, ftp, www setup for PPP connection with a modem (Skiso)
  telnet, ftp, www setup for PPP connection with a modem (Skiso)
  newbie networking problem (Jim Thompson)
  telnet, ftp, www setup for PPP connection with a modem (Skiso)
  Re: samba 2.0.3 ./configure fails ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Telnet, proxy via PPP connection ("Klas Sehlstedt")
  Re: cron file to write nologin.tty (Paul Kimoto)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Darren Greer)
Subject: Re: Netscape "Looking for..."
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 19:59:38 GMT

On Tue, 04 May 1999 02:53:18 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stagga) wrote:

-->That was just my mispelling, it is resolv.conf.  BUT, I am using XISP
-->now, what should be set different so that my connection recognizes
-->domains?  The Primary and Secondary DNSes are correct.
_if_ you have the Primary and Secondary set correct and enabled inside
of XISP (look through all settings to be sure it is), then it should
working correctly.  Unless for some reason your ISP changed the
address of your DNS :)



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Nunn)
Subject: Simple Networking to NT4 WS
Date: Wed, 05 May 1999 00:14:16 GMT

Hi there,
I am trying to find out how I should go about setting up a
network connection between my Linux box and my NT4 WS.

The WS has the modem attached, the zip disk etc and I would like to
access these from the Linux box (much slower) rather than put the
modem on the Linux box and go the other way (for the moment anyway).

Do I need to use Samba (that I have been reading so much about here)
or is there an easier/different way?

I will be useing 2 NE2000 coax cards




From: Chris Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: restarting network services
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 17:27:39 -0400

Perhaps this question is a bit of a newbie question but I will ask any
If one changes configurations for Samba (or any other networking
service) how can one restart the services with the new configuration
without rebooting?
Thanks in advance,
-chris snyder


From: "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Apache password authentication
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 17:43:44 -0700


I can't seem to get Apache to ask me for a password.  When I try to go to
the directory IS_ONLY my browser gives me a 500 Internal Server Error and
says: need AuthName: /IS_ONLY/

Inside IS_ONLY I have a .htaccess file containing the following:

require user mark

"AccessFileName .htaccess" is set in my srm.conf
"mark" is in my .htpasswd file which is being pointed to by access.conf
"AllowOverride All is also set.

My question is, do I have to write code to get Apache to give me a password
dialogue box or should it do that itself?  If it should, why isn't it?

Thanks for any help,



From: "Luc Wastiaux" 
Subject: Re: Samba still making progress BUT slowly.
Date: Tue, 4 May 1999 22:40:34 +0200

Robin Jackson wrote in message ...
>I can now see my Linux box (at least as a guest).

What was your problem?
I can't see the linux computer under win95.
someone told me I have to install netbios over TCPIP but
I can only install netbios over IPX.


From: Chris Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: restarting networking services
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 17:31:48 -0400

Perhaps this question is a bit of a newbie question but I will ask any
If one changes configurations for Sa

Linux-Networking Digest #43

1999-01-29 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Networking Digest #43, Volume #10  Fri, 29 Jan 99 11:13:53 EST

  Re: DOES LINUX SUCK ("Keith Peterson")
  Re: GTE flamed linux for BillG (Bob)
  problem with ppp not connecting (William Parr)
  Re: DOES LINUX SUCK ("Keith Peterson")
  Re: Dial-on-demand works, now make it stop! ("Keith G. Murphy")
  Re: dhcp does not work with linux 2.2.0-final??? (Bob)
  Re: Apache web page not accessible from outside ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Having trouble with simple filtering firewall on!) ("phantom")
  Re: My Stupid little routing tutorial - Works for me (0/1) (Dark Knight)
  Re: Which 'flavor' of Linux best for a M$ Separatist (Bow Shock Wave)
  Re: DHCP on linux and win 95 A (Bob)
  radius ip pool ("cb")
  Re: Which 'flavor' of Linux best for a M$ Separatist (YoYo)
  Re: DNS nameserver problem... (Matt Kressel)
  Re: Configuring system to have multiple ethernet addresses (Patrick Sulzle)
  Re: Kernel 2.2 in RPM (Matt Kressel)
  Re: Linux-Router - HELP (Gary Lake)
  Re: NIS server setup not "make"ing ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Linux/Win - DNS problem (David Kirkpatrick)

From: "Keith Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,linux.redhat.install
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 13:20:04 -0700

>>I removed the font server in the same manner. Simple!

>one question, why?

Well, to be honest, I wasn't really that impressed, and there were some
glitches that I didn't feel like sorting out. So, out it went.

>>Query a package: "xxx is not installed."
>>Install it: Installation fails because "xxx is already installed."
>This sounds like rpm < ver 2.3, if so, upgrade to the latest, the not
>installed/can't install bug was fixed in (IIRC) 2.4.1 'course, you could
>have used --force but that's another issue...

I'm not sure what version of RPM I've got - I'm not in front of it at the
moment. However, it came stock with RH 5.2.

When I encounter that issue, I do use --force. Couldn't proceed without it!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: GTE flamed linux for BillG
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:08:23 -0500

Jim Harper wrote:

> I think the bigger problem is that places like GTE, and the like, do not
> want educated users on their systems. People who can install and run
> Linux are obviously educated and therefore persuaded to go somewhere
> else for service.
> I can understand some of their concern. They're afraid of Linux because
> of it's capabilities. Imagine if you will a spammer setting up his own
> Linux mail server on a high speed cable service.

My conspiracy theory was that GTE was in collusion with BillG. I called
again yesterday and got a different sales rep. She said that win95 works
but win98 doesn't do dhcp competently. Then she said what the other
guy should have, that you're on your own with win98(etc. linux etc.),
instead of saying it won't work and get out of town.



Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 21:24:24 +
From: William Parr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: problem with ppp not connecting

I'm having trouble trying to connect to my ISP using the PPP protocol
using RedHat v5.1

I'm trying to connect with the following script
pppd debug /dev/cua0 connect 'chat -t 20 -v "" atdt0570889001 "CONNECT"'

I deliberately don't send the login or password key phrases to chat, as
I am following the instructions that my ISP (IBM Global Network)  set
(if I do so then I receive a message from
chat that my
 script has failed)

my host.conf file looks like this
order hosts,bind
multi on

my resolv.conf file looks like this

my options file looks like this (* used; but really contains my account
name Internet..

my pap-secrets file looks like this  (* used; but really contains my
account name and password)
# Secrets for authentication using PAP
# client server secret   IP addresses
"Internet.." * ""

the /var/log/messages  file looks like this
   (by issuing the command tail -f /var/log/messages)

Jan 22 19:17:23 localhost kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully
Jan 22 19:24:36 localhost kernel: CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of
the University of California
Jan 22 19:24:3