Re: Oh my GOD - is Obama serious - LOL

2008-12-06 Thread Linux Kevin
   I fail to see anything funny about it - I believed it pretty much 
hook line and sinker. I laughed -- Just sort of stupid thing a New 
President would would do when he has got suits coming at him from all 
directions with motives that take years to unravel.
It is no more dumb than trying to wipe out the majority of 
Vietnamese people because they didn´t have a stock market. Invade 
Grenada and Nicaragua because Castro was smarter than Kennedy, fly two 
plane loads of FBI agents into Israel because a disgruntled Microsoft 
geek released a scrappy little bit of MS source code. Support Sadam 
because he hated Iran and kill him in case he stopped hating Osama. 
Invading Afghanistan because a few Saudis flew planes in a couple of 
ugly and poorly built towers. Offer political asylum to Cubans so Castro 
lets go all his psychotics, rapists and murderers and so Florida snapped 
them up and taught them to vote GeorgeW.
   As a race, their foreign policy is totally mental and unstable. 
Their economy collapses because of Mad Mr Bush´s attempt at getting even 
so they hand money to the rich and are going to bail out their out of 
tune car and SUV industry - the Britts have already shown where that one 
will go.
   The US outlawing Linux  Not a problem I bet, it might take out a 
few biggish Wall St players and a couple of banks. But like a pit bull 
terrier with rabies, chewing off its own hind legs, the yanks are gunna 
go down fighting !!!
   Those who believe this new President is smarter than the last one 
just because he has a brown belt in the English Language could be in for 
a bit of let down. He beat a senile old man into a job only a nutter 
would want for starters. Wow!
   Just remember that the Americans have outlawed every known drug and 
are flat stick inventing more and are the worlds biggest users abusers 
and dealers.
   Could be the best think for Linux since Microsoft patented the 
double click of the mouse.

   So I would suggest not spreading senseless rumours, they tend to 
come to life.

   Laughing inside.

dave wrote:

Boy do some folks lose their sense of humour.

On Friday 05 December 2008 08:31:35 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You might be right about the humour thing, people over here: are taking far
too seriously for their own good


Dude you seem to be the only one to get the humour.

A mate of mine sent it to me and thought CLUG would see the funny side of
hence the LOL right at the end of the subject line.

The FSF and other bodies in the US would raise a stink and you'd hear
about it
on the new channels and the internet as well.

thought folks would've put two and two together and laugh at the email.

my mistake.

pulling head back in and shutting up.


On Thursday 04 December 2008 16:59:52 yuri wrote:

You're about 4 months early for April Fools day.

2008/12/4 dave lilley wrote:

We have a new president elected, and Change is coming to
America.  One of the first things the US government will
change is the methods by which terrorists use computers to
destroy targets.

Once Obama gets into office in January 09, Linux will be
banned by the Federal Government.  Linux is a threat to
national security, and is most often used by terrorists to
detonate bombs.  Obama has already enacted a law to entirely
ban Linux in the United States.  Andaveyone who continues to use
Linux after a specified date, will be prosecuted and charged
as a felon for threatening the American government.

Linux is a bigger threat to National security than Osama Bin
The reason that Linux is used to anhilate nations is because
Linux has too many variations, and contains secret embedded
codes which are too difficult to crack by authorities.
Additionally, all versions of Linux contain subliminal
anti-American messages, which is proof in itself that Linux
has been authored by terrorists and terrorist organizations.

If you are currently using Linux, now is the time to begin
to use another operating system before the ban on Linux
becomes law.

Linux users are anti-American.  If you want to continue to
use Linux, please leave America and move to any foreign
nation where terrorism thrives.

America, Love it, or Leave it !!!


Re: OT: CLUG Get together next week?

2008-12-06 Thread Wesley Parish
Sounds too much like hard work.  No, what you'd want to do is advertise and 
set up a few large-scale deathmatches at Uni and Polytech, etc, hash the 
identities of the players with the monsters and opponents they're fighting, 
assign the hash values to the various traffic lights, and ... let the games 
begin!  That's a lot more elegant way of causing chaos than doing it 

Wesley Parish

On Saturday 06 December 2008 18:32, dave wrote:
> On Saturday 06 December 2008 17:16:39 Steve Holdoway wrote:
> > On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:23:59 +1300
> >
> > Zane Gilmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So what are we going to do next week?
> > >
> > > Are we just going to the pub on Thursday night or what?
> >
> > How about PAINTBALL!
> >
> >
> >
> > Steve Holdoway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Your Sick(in a funny sorta way) !!!
> Loved the story so i think your wanting to have one in an urban setting?
> God i can see it now CLUG members showing up a the grumpy mole or some such
> place all cam'd up and bellachavered  with the paintball guns and taking
> out all the other patrons in site, then with the alert out and Wesley
> pluged into the CCC traffic system creating haoc on the roads to slow down
> the AOS (armed offenders squad) and Rob patched into the CCTV system to
> assist Wes, steve having hacked into the air force's system creates some
> critical emergency that grounds all choppers and finally those who attacked
> the patrons settle down for a few pints before slipping away uncaught.
> well the story leads down this path (Iknow i'm sick also - hahaha)

Clinersterton beademung, with all of love - RIP James Blish
Gaul is quartered into three halves.  Things which are 
impossible are equal to each other.  Guerrilla 
warfare means up to their monkey tricks. 
Extracts from "Schoolboy Howlers" - the collective wisdom 
of the foolish.
Mau e ki, he aha te mea nui?
You ask, what is the most important thing?
Maku e ki, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.
I reply, it is people, it is people, it is people.