FYI AirConnect Wireless AP

2002-04-08 Thread Bill Day

witht he help of another list mate, I was able to get a wireless access point 
up, without the use of their software.  Change the admin password via the 
webinterface and get my wifes laptop on the move in the house.

the default password is comcomcom, found by Dave Aikema (as I never received 
the manual he found it in) and the username is admin.

Simply watch 9tail -f /var..) messages for the dhcpack and get the IP address 
of the AP (access point)  open a browser to that IP address give the previous 
username and password, immediately choose configuarationa nd security and 
enter the new password.

HTH anyone else condiering a Wireless AP for their wired network

The other unfun way was to serial connect it to winders, use either 
hyperterminal/telent to configure it prior to hooking it to the hub/switch

  Bill Day 
  Linux for Windows Addicts:
  A Twelve Step Program for Habitual Windows Users.
  ISBN: 0072130814
  Get it cause Ol' Billy Gates don't want you too!
 10:30pm  up 13 days,  3:06,  4 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

Of one thing that I liked about DOS:

There were little dependence between products. SO you can always 
add/remove packages without breaking others. YOu always knew where your 
data and the program (games, dbase, wordstar, wordperfect, lotus, 
harvard graphics, ...) were (well, at least in my PC).

Both linux and the new Window$ broke this nice feature.
One basically need to panic whenever you want to remove something from 
these multi-tasking, dyanmic binding system, expecting something to break.

> I read that it's dam easy to build a Xfree86 from scratch.
> But shouldn't one first remove the old version BEFORE
> installing a new version?

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Re: xfree-lite

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

You should give it a try if you don't like IE. But IE is too popular 
among the kids to be removed from Win98 or be ignored anyway.

Kurt Wall wrote:
>>we have 98lite for Window$ 98 to knock out IE.
> Never heard of it, but I do as little as possible in the Windows
> world.

Is it do-able after full/partial installation?
To avoid missing some crucial modules,
I always install all packages.

Now i want to try building Xfree86 from scratch rather
paying extra for an product upgrade. SO is there a
dummy's guide for newbies to remove existing RPMs?

I read that it's dam easy to build a Xfree86 from scratch.
But shouldn't one first remove the old version BEFORE
installing a new version?

> Just don't install any XFree stuff, perhaps?

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elx pregold

2002-04-08 Thread Ken Moffat

Anyone tried the elx pregold beta release? 

Ken Moffat
(remove _NO_SPAM_)!
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Re: xfree-lite

2002-04-08 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on April 09, m.w.Chang managed to emit:
> we have 98lite for Window$ 98 to knock out IE.

Never heard of it, but I do as little as possible in the Windows

> I wonder whether someone made a simular tool for newbies to completely 
> remove the Xfree-related stuffs in any linux distribution. Then one 
> could install Xfree from tarball without worrying about 
> distirbutor-specific logic.

Just don't install any XFree stuff, perhaps?

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Re: kde(3) mutterings

2002-04-08 Thread Jay Nugent


On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Tim Wunder wrote:

> Previously, Jay Nugent chose to write:
> > Greetings,
> >
> >You don't EVER have to drop out of X and into a TTY to do work as root.
> Not even to update X? or your video driver? or your login manager? or your 
> window manager? or your desktop environment?

   In those situations you don't use ALT-F# to perform an upgrade to X.  X 
is *still* running on the system.  You 'telinit 1' or reboot into single 
user mode.  

  --- Jay
"Those that sacrifice essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin (1759) 
| Jay Nugent   [EMAIL PROTECTED](734)971-1076(734)971-4529/Fax|
| Nugent Telecommunications  [] (734)649-0850/Cell   |
|   Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design/ISP Reseller |
| ISP Monitoring [] ISP & Modem Performance Monitoring |
| Web-Pegasus[] Web Hosting/DNS Hosting/Shell Accts|
| LinuxNIC, Inc. []   Registrar of the .linux TLD|
  9:01pm  up 67 days, 10:22,  9 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

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2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

we have 98lite for Window$ 98 to knock out IE.

I wonder whether someone made a simular tool for newbies to completely 
remove the Xfree-related stuffs in any linux distribution. Then one 
could install Xfree from tarball without worrying about 
distirbutor-specific logic.

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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

forgot that one. thanks.

is "snmp" the word I should use to look for this kind of tools?
and then I would need to add snmp to the setup...

Net Llama! wrote:
> Create the symlink tht belong in /usr/include to /usr/src/linux/include

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2002-04-08 Thread Collins

Has anyone else tried this?

FWIW, I found it to be DOA.

1) I tried inserting a chart based on some spreadsheet cells, and it
crapped out 2) I tried keying a document and saving it - crapped out
again, and it left a whole bunch of temp files in my home directory.

I've reverted to 641C.  The above work just fine.

Same installation procedure in either case - root setup /net then setup
as user.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
Gentoo_rc6-15(1.0) 2.4.19pre - kde3 + sylpheed + mozilla
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Re: Gentoo news

2002-04-08 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on April 07, Collins managed to emit:
> On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:33:56 -0500 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > What is "WWTLRD?", pray tell? Anything like WWJD?
> What would the lone ranger do?

Gotcha. thanks.

Slow day.  Practice crawling.
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Re: Gentoo news

2002-04-08 Thread Collins

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 22:33:56 -0500 Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Scribbling feverishly on April 07, Collins managed to emit:
> > All is well in gentoo land (for me at least).
> [snip]
> > Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
> What is "WWTLRD?", pray tell? Anything like WWJD?

What would the lone ranger do?

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
Gentoo_rc6-15(1.0) 2.4.19pre - kde3 + sylpheed + mozilla
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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on April 08, Douglas J Hunley managed to emit:
> Morning all:
>   I have a client that wants to migrate to Linux from Solaris, but one of their 
> main "gotchas" is the quota support in Linux. They believe (as do I) that 
> quotas seem to be the first thing broken (and the last thing fixed) whever a 
> change is introduced into the fs or block layers of the kernel. They 
> currently have a *very* detailed accounting system in place that charges 
> their internal customers (departments) based on disk usage, CPU usage, 
> network utilization, etc. They don't want to lose any of this when they go to 
> Linux. I believe I have solutions for everything but the disk quotas. 
> However, I have what I think is a neat idea for solving the disk issue. I 
> would like opinions.

Last I checked, the quota support worked just fine. I wrote about
using it in my last book, which used kernel 2.4.7.

>   What I propose is this:
> 1. create /loops on the main disk server
> 2. for each user on the system, use 'dd' to preallocate a file in /loops:
>   dd if=/dev/zero of=/loops/joe bs=1k count=10240
>which would create a 10M (if my math is right) file called /loops/joe
> 3. chown joe:users /loops/joe
> 4. configure the automounter to mount the newly allocated file as joe's $HOME
>   mount -o loop /loops/joe /home/joe

This sounds like an administrative nightmare. Maybe not now, but it
isn't hard to imagine it quickly becoming one.

> Obviously, I would have to create a local 'create user' script to allocate the 
> file, and add the entry into the automounter config.
> The biggest caveat I can see is that "joe" would be charged for 10M even if he 
> only used 2M. I already ran this concerns by them, and they seemed OK with 
> it. They said they would be happy selling disk in chunks like this. And we 
> could always "extend" the allocation be creating a joe2 of the new size, and 
> then copying the contents over and moving joe2 over top of joe.
> This will free them from worrying about whether or not the current quota code 
> is working properly, and would easily enforce the hard limit. (there's no way 
> that joe could write 11M of stuff. he'd get ENOSPACE).
> Thoughts?

My main thought is that it seems complicated and I don't hear that
you've actually investigated whether or not the quota code is still
working. And, as I said, the quota stuff worked just fine in 2.4.7
and I haven't seen anything to the effect that it wasn't or isn't.

The principle is KISS.

Excellent time to become a missing person.
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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 15:14, Tim Wunder wrote:
> 'checkinstall make'. Wouldn't that work? But, now that I think about it.

that would work.

> What's so terribly dificult about rm'ing the directory if I want to
> "unistall" it? I might just forego the checkinstall step altogether...

nothing. but this would keep all the relevant info in the rpm database..

Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

panic("Tell me what a watchpoint trap is, and I'll then 
deal with such a beast...");
2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/arch/arch/sparc/kernel/traps.c

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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Tuesday 09 April 2002 07:43, Keith Antoine wrote:
> I do not know how they make an rpm of qt but you will find that there is no
> way to make install. It is supposed to be compiled to /xxx/xxx/kde3 with a
> ./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/kde3 and a make is all thats required so
> checkinstall will bomb out.

you can run 'checkinstall make' and create an rpm that way. according to the 
docs (and the Makefile) there is a 'make install' step. damned if I can get 
to work though..
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

A day without sunshine is like... night.

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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Keith Antoine

On Monday 08 April 2002 02:44 pm, Tim Wunder wrote:

> OK, I'm getting a similar problem with checkinstall.
> My $QTDIR="/usr/lib/qt3.0.3"
> QT compiles, ie "make" completes without error (I had to add $QTDIR and
> $QTDIR/qmake to my $PATH, but it compiled). When I execute
> "checkinstall", it errors out as follows:

I do not know how they make an rpm of qt but you will find that there is no 
way to make install. It is supposed to be compiled to /xxx/xxx/kde3 with a 
./configure --prefix=/usr/lib/kde3 and a make is all thats required so 
checkinstall will bomb out.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: kde(3) mutterings

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Wunder

Previously, Jay Nugent chose to write:
> Greetings,

>You don't EVER have to drop out of X and into a TTY to do work as root.
Not even to update X? or your video driver? or your login manager? or your 
window manager? or your desktop environment?

Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.2 from source, Xfree86 4.1.0
  4:00pm  up 5 days, 16:35,  3 users,  load average: 1.14, 1.08, 1.02
Often is a word I seldom use  -- John Prine
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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread David A. Bandel

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 13:10:01 -0400
begin  Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:

> On Monday 08 April 2002 12:56, Net Llama! wrote:
> > THis sounds like it would work, except, what happens if someone wants
> > to pay for 20MB of space?  Sure, you could create a loop back file of
> > 20MB, but this doesn't seem all that elegant.
> >
> > Also, copying the contents of one 'allocation' to a larger one is also
> > not all that elegant.
> well, I know it's not elegant, but...

that's an understatement.

Have you tested:
quota support?

If neither of the above will work for you, and you're determined to play
filesystem games, why not just give each user a mount, mount them a proper
filesystem, and if it needs expanding in chunks, you can do that easily
using LVM.  The LVM stuff will allow you to easily expand or shrink any
filesystem on the fly (assuming the filesystem to be shrunk has space to
shrink down to). No copying necessary. The LVM stuff works easily and
well.  Give it a try and stop playing with loopbacks.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
-- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

It may be a bit bigger than what you need, but I have to take a moment and
plug OpenNMS.  It's a very well done Network Management System that
collects data using SNMP and service polling, providing a simple yet
powerful Web GUI.  Network managers want to look at this.  It is currently
in 0.9.9 release and soon to be 1.0 (within the month maybe?).  While not
as feature-bloated as HPOV or CA-U, it will very likely be a good
replacement for most implementations of these systems very soon.  Their
1.2 release (1.1 being the development tree)  will include the only
features lacking to replace most of these high-cost systems:  network
distributed, and path-aware alerting.

On Fri, 05 Apr 2002 14:17:27 -0300
"Federico Voges" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi,
> Have a look at MRTG and CACTI (you can find both on
> Both use SNMP to collect traffic statistics.
> CACTI has a nicer interface and a lot of graphics beyond traffic but it
> requires PHP.
> MRTG is simpler and is just a traffic grapher (MRTG=Multi Router
> Traffic Grapher). And only needs perl, a web server (it generates plain
> HTML) and SNMP on the devices you want to monitor.
> I'm using it to monitor my internal LAN as well as my DSL conection
> (PPTP + PPP).
> On Sat, 06 Apr 2002 00:59:00 +0800, toylet.linux[¤pª±·N] wrote:
> >
> >is there a generic tool that could log and report the input and output
> >speed of a selected netwoking interface (eth0/ppp0/...) for the past
> >say 5 minutes? 
> >
> >How about a breakdown per daemon if possible?
> >
> >mainly for knowing the transfer speed of proftpd. Those M$ ftp server
> >program has this kind of gimmicks.
> >
> >-- 
> >May the Force and Farce be with Linux and you.
> >Join the kids in & news://
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> Federico Voges
> Socio gerente
> Intrasoft
> Malabia 2137 14 A
> (1425) Buenos Aires
> Argentina
> Te/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182
> Web:
> PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A536 4595 EB6F D197  FBC1 5C3A 145C 2516
> Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and
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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Wunder

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
   > On Monday 08 April 2002 14:44, Tim Wunder wrote:
   >>BTW, If I'm compiling qt3 in the directory where it will ultimately be
   >>installed, is there a reason to even perfom a 'make install'?
   > I unpacked the qt tarball, moved the resulting directory to
   > /usr/lib/qt-free-x11-3.0.3 (or whatever it was). then I went into
   > and made a symlink (qt3) pointing to that dir. I set
QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3, then
   > did a 'cd qt3' the ./configure, and the make. I don't think I did a 
   > install at all.

Yep. I'm pretty much doing the same thing. Only I wanted to use
checkinstall to update the RPM database, so I can remove qt3 by doing an
rpm -e. And checkinstall runs a 'make install' my defailt. Hmmm, I can
tell checkinstall to do something else, right? I can just execute
'checkinstall make'. Wouldn't that work? But, now that I think about it.
What's so terribly dificult about rm'ing the directory if I want to
"unistall" it? I might just forego the checkinstall step altogether...


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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 13:13, Net Llama! wrote:
> Sure, but would it maintain data integrity, or just give you a gob of data
> 20MB in size?

dunno. guess I'll go play. methinks /home/netllama looks like a good candidate 

Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

Why do programmers get Halloween and Christmas mixed up?
Because OCT(31) == DEC(25)

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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Tim Wunder

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> On Sunday 07 April 2002 14:11, Brian Witowski wrote:
>>make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/qt/qmake'
>>[ -d /usr/local/qt/bin ] || mkdir -p /usr/local/qt/bin
> is this directory getting made?
>>cp -f /usr/local/qt/bin/qmake /usr/local/qt/bin
> this line is wrong. it's trying to copy qmake over itself. what is the value 
> of QTDIR?

OK, I'm getting a similar problem with checkinstall.
My $QTDIR="/usr/lib/qt3.0.3"

QT compiles, ie "make" completes without error (I had to add $QTDIR and 
$QTDIR/qmake to my $PATH, but it compiled). When I execute 
"checkinstall", it errors out as follows:
A bunch of errors like this (this happens to be the last of many):
cp: `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-kcc/qmake.conf' and 
`/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-kcc/qmake.conf' are the same file

followed by:
make[2]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/qmake'
cd src/moc && make
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/src/moc'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target 
`/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'. 
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/src/moc'
make[1]: *** [src-moc] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3'
make: *** [install] Error 2

  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.

Restoring overwritten files from backup...OK

Cleaning up...OKcp: `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-kcc/qmake.conf' and 
`/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-kcc/qmake.conf' are the same file
make[2]: [install] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/qmake'
cd src/moc && make
make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/src/moc'
make[2]: *** No rule to make target 
`/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/mkspecs/linux-g++/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'. 
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3/src/moc'
make[1]: *** [src-moc] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/lib/qt3.0.3'
make: *** [install] Error 2

  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.

Restoring overwritten files from backup...OK

Cleaning up...OK


I'm gonna start over and see what happens...

BTW, If I'm compiling qt3 in the directory where it will ultimately be 
installed, is there a reason to even perfom a 'make install'?


PS FWIW, 'make install', as expected, creates the same error.

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Re: QT Install problems

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 14:44, Tim Wunder wrote:
> BTW, If I'm compiling qt3 in the directory where it will ultimately be
> installed, is there a reason to even perfom a 'make install'?

I unpacked the qt tarball, moved the resulting directory to 
/usr/lib/qt-free-x11-3.0.3 (or whatever it was). then I went into /usr/lib
and made a symlink (qt3) pointing to that dir. I set QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3, then 
did a 'cd qt3' the ./configure, and the make. I don't think I did a make 
install at all.
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

"How do you feel about women's rights?"
"I like either side of them."

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 12:56, Net Llama! wrote:
> THis sounds like it would work, except, what happens if someone wants to
> pay for 20MB of space?  Sure, you could create a loop back file of 20MB,
> but this doesn't seem all that elegant.
> Also, copying the contents of one 'allocation' to a larger one is also not
> all that elegant.

well, I know it's not elegant, but...

as for expanding Take this example:
1. setup joe with default 10M
2. months go by, joe needs more space (20M)
3. accounting aproves
4. create a /loops/tmp of 10M
5. umount /loops/joe
6. cat /loops/tmp >> /loops/joe && rm /loops/tmp

that would increase /loops/joe to 20M, right?

Obviously, I'd wrap a script or a curses face around this
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had 
about you being competent.

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Net Llama!

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Douglas J Hunley wrote:

> On Monday 08 April 2002 12:56, Net Llama! wrote:
> > THis sounds like it would work, except, what happens if someone wants to
> > pay for 20MB of space?  Sure, you could create a loop back file of 20MB,
> > but this doesn't seem all that elegant.
> >
> > Also, copying the contents of one 'allocation' to a larger one is also not
> > all that elegant.
> well, I know it's not elegant, but...
> as for expanding Take this example:
> 1. setup joe with default 10M
> 2. months go by, joe needs more space (20M)
> 3. accounting aproves
> 4. create a /loops/tmp of 10M
> 5. umount /loops/joe
> 6. cat /loops/tmp >> /loops/joe && rm /loops/tmp
> that would increase /loops/joe to 20M, right?

Sure, but would it maintain data integrity, or just give you a gob of data
20MB in size?

Linux Step-by-step

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guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

Morning all:
I have a client that wants to migrate to Linux from Solaris, but one of their 
main "gotchas" is the quota support in Linux. They believe (as do I) that 
quotas seem to be the first thing broken (and the last thing fixed) whever a 
change is introduced into the fs or block layers of the kernel. They 
currently have a *very* detailed accounting system in place that charges 
their internal customers (departments) based on disk usage, CPU usage, 
network utilization, etc. They don't want to lose any of this when they go to 
Linux. I believe I have solutions for everything but the disk quotas. 
However, I have what I think is a neat idea for solving the disk issue. I 
would like opinions.
What I propose is this:
1. create /loops on the main disk server
2. for each user on the system, use 'dd' to preallocate a file in /loops:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/loops/joe bs=1k count=10240
   which would create a 10M (if my math is right) file called /loops/joe
3. chown joe:users /loops/joe
4. configure the automounter to mount the newly allocated file as joe's $HOME
mount -o loop /loops/joe /home/joe

Obviously, I would have to create a local 'create user' script to allocate the 
file, and add the entry into the automounter config.

The biggest caveat I can see is that "joe" would be charged for 10M even if he 
only used 2M. I already ran this concerns by them, and they seemed OK with 
it. They said they would be happy selling disk in chunks like this. And we 
could always "extend" the allocation be creating a joe2 of the new size, and 
then copying the contents over and moving joe2 over top of joe.

This will free them from worrying about whether or not the current quota code 
is working properly, and would easily enforce the hard limit. (there's no way 
that joe could write 11M of stuff. he'd get ENOSPACE).

Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

You're not paranoid.
The world _IS_ fscked.

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Re: guru input needed! (re-inventing disk quotas)

2002-04-08 Thread Net Llama!

THis sounds like it would work, except, what happens if someone wants to
pay for 20MB of space?  Sure, you could create a loop back file of 20MB,
but this doesn't seem all that elegant.

Also, copying the contents of one 'allocation' to a larger one is also not
all that elegant.

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> Morning all:
>   I have a client that wants to migrate to Linux from Solaris, but one of their
> main "gotchas" is the quota support in Linux. They believe (as do I) that
> quotas seem to be the first thing broken (and the last thing fixed) whever a
> change is introduced into the fs or block layers of the kernel. They
> currently have a *very* detailed accounting system in place that charges
> their internal customers (departments) based on disk usage, CPU usage,
> network utilization, etc. They don't want to lose any of this when they go to
> Linux. I believe I have solutions for everything but the disk quotas.
> However, I have what I think is a neat idea for solving the disk issue. I
> would like opinions.
>   What I propose is this:
> 1. create /loops on the main disk server
> 2. for each user on the system, use 'dd' to preallocate a file in /loops:
>   dd if=/dev/zero of=/loops/joe bs=1k count=10240
>which would create a 10M (if my math is right) file called /loops/joe
> 3. chown joe:users /loops/joe
> 4. configure the automounter to mount the newly allocated file as joe's $HOME
>   mount -o loop /loops/joe /home/joe
> Obviously, I would have to create a local 'create user' script to allocate the
> file, and add the entry into the automounter config.
> The biggest caveat I can see is that "joe" would be charged for 10M even if he
> only used 2M. I already ran this concerns by them, and they seemed OK with
> it. They said they would be happy selling disk in chunks like this. And we
> could always "extend" the allocation be creating a joe2 of the new size, and
> then copying the contents over and moving joe2 over top of joe.
> This will free them from worrying about whether or not the current quota code
> is working properly, and would easily enforce the hard limit. (there's no way
> that joe could write 11M of stuff. he'd get ENOSPACE).
> Thoughts?

Linux Step-by-step

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Re: Upgrading XFree86 4.1 to 4.2

2002-04-08 Thread Susan Macchia

Thanks for all the advice and info.  I may wait till SuSE 8.0 is out, or try it
myself just for fun.  It also depends on how much time I have.

Thanks again!

Susan Macchia

- Running Linux - because life is too short for reboots...

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Re: kde3 rocks!

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 10:50, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> Please.  I'd like to see it.


Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

Unix is an operating system, OS/2 is half an operating system, Windows
is a shell, and DOS is a boot partition virus.
-- Peter H. Coffin

export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde3
export CXXFLAGS="-O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686"
export CPPFLAGS="-O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686"
export CFLAGS="-O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686"

PATH2=`echo $PATH|sed 's/kde2/kde3/g'`
export PATH=$PATH2

qt notes:
tar zxvf qt-x11-free-3.x.x
mv qt-x11-free-3.x.x /usr/lib
cd /usr/lib
ln -s qt-x11-free-3.x.x qt3
./configure -prefix /usr/lib/qt3 -release -shared -qt-gif -system-zlib 
-no-g++-exceptions -thread -system-libpng -system-libjpeg -system-libmng -no-nas-sound 
-sm -xinerama -xrender -xft -no-tablet -xkb

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --enable-mitshm --enable-dnotify --with-xinerama 
--with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-ssl-dir=/usr/ssl/

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-pam=yes --with-shadow 
--with-ssl-dir=/usr/ssl/ --with-x

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-rpm --with-pam 

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerams --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --with-x

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-share 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR 

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR 

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR --without-dpms

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug -enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

./configure --prefix=$KDEDIR --disable-debug --enable-final --enable-shared 
--enable-objprelink --with-xinerama --with-qt-dir=$QTDIR

Re: kde3 rocks!

2002-04-08 Thread Douglas J Hunley

On Monday 08 April 2002 10:48, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> What are the caveats to compiling (or did you get SuSE RPMS)?

1. time.
2. dependencies
3. time

I never use rpms if I can avoid it
Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
Admin: Linux StepByStep -

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: kde(3) mutterings

2002-04-08 Thread Jay Nugent


On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

> Guys!  I believe this is a config setting.
> Don't ask me what it is, but I'm pretty sure of it.
> On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:36:01 -0700
> "Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One of the things I don't like is kdm.  It seems there used to be a way,
> > but the current kdm has no way to exit X to a normal console which I
> > need from time to time to do maintenance as root (a few things don't
> > work in su mode) without X or to clone the system for backup.

   You don't EVER have to drop out of X and into a TTY to do work as root.  
Some things don't work as root because you are not su'ing to it properly.  

   From within an xterm do a 'su - root' and I think you will find that 
root will behave properly for you.  The '-' makes all the difference :-)
It tells su that you want ALL of root's priveledges and paths.  Without 
the '-' you only get SOME of root's priveledges and paths.  

   Give it a try ;-)

  --- Jay
"Those that sacrifice essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
 deserve neither liberty nor safety."  -- Ben Franklin (1759) 
| Jay Nugent   [EMAIL PROTECTED](734)971-1076(734)971-4529/Fax|
| Nugent Telecommunications  [] (734)649-0850/Cell   |
|   Internet Consulting/Linux SysAdmin/Engineering & Design/ISP Reseller |
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| LinuxNIC, Inc. []   Registrar of the .linux TLD|
 11:01am  up 67 days, 22 min, 12 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.03, 0.01

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Re: kde(3) mutterings

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Guys!  I believe this is a config setting.
Don't ask me what it is, but I'm pretty sure of it.

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:36:01 -0700
"Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of the things I don't like is kdm.  It seems there used to be a way,
> but the current kdm has no way to exit X to a normal console which I
> need from time to time to do maintenance as root (a few things don't
> work in su mode) without X or to clone the system for backup.
> -- 
> Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
> Gentoo_rc6-15 2.4.19pre - xfce + sylpheed + mozilla
> ___
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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread Net Llama!


On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, m.w.Chang wrote:
> I also found ethstatus.
> I wonder what buzzwords one should use to locate this kind of gimmicks.
> [root@server PPPStatus-v0.4.2]# make
> cc -O2 -Wall   -c -o pppstatus.o pppstatus.c
> pppstatus.c:45: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory
> make: *** [pppstatus.o] Error 1
> Net Llama! wrote:
> > Actually, i found it.  PPPStatus
> ___
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Linux Step-by-step

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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread Net Llama!

Create the symlink tht belong in /usr/include to /usr/src/linux/include

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, m.w.Chang wrote:

> about the error:
> I used the q-and-d way by changing
> "net/if_ppp.h" to "linux/if_ppp.h"
> any more elegant, graceful solution?
> > [root@server PPPStatus-v0.4.2]# make
> > cc -O2 -Wall   -c -o pppstatus.o pppstatus.c
> > pppstatus.c:45: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory
> > make: *** [pppstatus.o] Error 1
> ___
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Re: kde3 rocks!

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

Please.  I'd like to see it.

Then if anyone would like to host these and any other COL3.1.x RPMs, I
would like to supply them.  I simply don't have to online-space to take
advantage of (yet?).

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:39:52 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 05 April 2002 21:19, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> >   I thought about downloading for ew3.1.1 and heard all of the horror
> > stories. What does it really take to build the srpms. Has anyone built
> > a script to automake them?
> I build from source, and then make my own rpms. if anyone want's my 
> ./configure commands, I can post em.
> I intend to write a step on this Real Soon(tm)
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
>   and
> Live fast, die old, and make sure everyone knows
> you were there.
> ___
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Re: kde3 rocks!

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

What are the caveats to compiling (or did you get SuSE RPMS)?

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 13:04:19 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 05 April 2002 13:02, Net Llama wrote:
> > does it suck?
> not for me
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
>   and
> printk("CPU[|d]: Giving pardon to imprisoned penguins\n",
> smp_processor_id());2.4.8 arch/sparc64/kernel/smp.c
> ___
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Re: procmail, day 2

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

what does you config look like?  Do the first lines of each rule make
sense?  Or does procmail think you are listing two lock files? You can
typically go without the lockfiles.

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 11:36:48 -0500
"Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Friday 05 April 2002 01:54, toylet.linux[¤pª±·N] wrote:
> > procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
> this could be from just about anything. kmail can be configured to use 
> procmail style locks, and procmail will notice them and give this.
> > procmail: Skipped "duplicate"
> > procmail: Skipped ", through it out. if it's not, add the message id
> > to the cache file"
> this looks like you have a comment in the file that procmail doesn't
> realize is a comment...
> > procmail: Lock failure on "/var/log/msgid.lock"
> I'd say that /var/log is where /etc/procmailrc wants to write lockfiles 
> (judging by this error)
> > formail: Couldn't open "/var/log/msgid.cache"
> and I'd say it wants to keep the cache in /var/log as well.
> -- 
> Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
> Admin: Linux StepByStep -
>   and
> panic("esp_handle: current_SC == penguin within interrupt!");
>   2.2.16 /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/esp.c
> ___
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Re: KDE 3.0 is out!

2002-04-08 Thread Matthew Carpenter

check /etc/X11/wmsession.d/*

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002 22:29:00 -0800
"Ted Ozolins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm running Mandrake 8.1 on the lab rat. Downloaded the KDE3 rpm
> binaries for  man8.1 and did the install. I can run kde3 from the
> console (runlevel 3) How ever even though kde3 appears in the kdm login
> screen I still get KDE2. If ths was COL I would know where to set things
> up. Oddly the Mandrake rpm's set up KDE3 in /opt, whereas KDE2 is in
> /usr. I suppose I can always boot into run_level 3 and start KDE3. I
> just don't like things half done. where do I set up kdm to see KDE3?
> -- 
> Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
> Westbank, B. C.
> ___
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2002-04-08 Thread Rick Sivernell

  Well after 2 days & Dougs help in scripts, I have built installed &
have kde3 up and running, then I put xfce to be in front of kde3 .

Life is good again.  One question now. WhenI start xfce from the login screen
I get a xfce that is crippled, I then quit it and the real nice xfce starts. Now I
am perfect, I do not make mistakes, yea in what life time grin, what have I done 
wrong this time.

  Changed all reference to kde2 to kde3 in /etc. Made symlink from startkde to
startkde3& have a startxfce also, all three in /usr/bin. The kde3 login default
selects the xfce for me, thus I can still use the kde3 apps. The only problem is
my get out to the web, I can ftp ot telnet to other machines in my home network.


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
Registered Linux User

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Re: Time card

2002-04-08 Thread =?x-user-defined?q?toylet=2Elinux=5B=A4p=AA=B1=B7N=5D?=

I wrote an attendance system using foxpro for my company. :)

Ted Ozolins wrote:
> Has anyone come acrossed a time card (time clock) program? I've been using
> spread_sheets to keep track of time spent on various contracts but that is
> getting to become more of a pain then its worth. I might as well be doing it
> on paper.
> --
> Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
> Westbank, B. C.

May the Force and Farce be with Linux and you.
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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread Kurt Wall

Scribbling feverishly on April 08, m.w.Chang managed to emit:
> I also found ethstatus.
> I wonder what buzzwords one should use to locate this kind of gimmicks.
> [root@server PPPStatus-v0.4.2]# make
> cc -O2 -Wall   -c -o pppstatus.o pppstatus.c
> pppstatus.c:45: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory
> make: *** [pppstatus.o] Error 1


$ ls -l `locate if_ppp.h`
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5856 May 25  2001 /usr/include/net/if_ppp.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6408 Apr 20  2001 /usr/src/linux-2.4.18/include/linux/if_ppp.h

You will probably marry after a very brief courtship.
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Re: Upgrading XFree86 4.1 to 4.2

2002-04-08 Thread Susan Macchia

Thanks!  This was exactly what I was looking for !

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
>On Sunday 07 April 2002 19:31, Susan Macchia wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm running a pretty much stock SuSE 7.3 distro running XFree 4.1.1 with
>> kde 2.2.1 and gnome 1.4.
>> I'm thinking of upgrading to XFree86 4.2 and was wondering if I'd have to
>> update my kde and gnome packages.  Having never upgraded X before, I didn't
>> know if this'd break my system.  I do have a test partition w/ a stock SuSE
>> 7.3 install that I'll probably try it on first, but was wondering if there
>> was anything obvious I should look out for.
>you shouldn't have to mess w/ gnome or kde. use the suse supplied rpms. they 
>are on in /pub/suse/i386/updates/7.3/ in a subdir called 
>something like supplemental. IIRC
>Douglas J Hunley (doug at - Linux User #174778
>Admin: Linux StepByStep -

Susan Macchia

- Running Linux - because life is too short for reboots...

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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

about the error:

I used the q-and-d way by changing
"net/if_ppp.h" to "linux/if_ppp.h"

any more elegant, graceful solution?

> [root@server PPPStatus-v0.4.2]# make
> cc -O2 -Wall   -c -o pppstatus.o pppstatus.c
> pppstatus.c:45: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory
> make: *** [pppstatus.o] Error 1

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

I also found ethstatus.
I wonder what buzzwords one should use to locate this kind of gimmicks.

[root@server PPPStatus-v0.4.2]# make
cc -O2 -Wall   -c -o pppstatus.o pppstatus.c
pppstatus.c:45: net/if_ppp.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [pppstatus.o] Error 1

Net Llama! wrote:
> Actually, i found it.  PPPStatus

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[OT] disk space and fatware

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

you know how those disk space was being used up?
artwork and animation, plus bloated object-oriented GUI stuffs.
Are they important? well.. any answer wouldn't change the reality.

> then the cost of a 60 Gig at Future Shop.  When I bought my first 105 Meg HD 
> ($500 Cdn) I  wondered how the heck was I ever going to utilise all that 
> space  and here I'm planning on buying a 60Gig drive:)

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Re: speed of transfer

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

Net Llama! wrote:
> Actually, i found it.  PPPStatus

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Re: procmail, day 2

2002-04-08 Thread m.w.Chang

Already did that. That's how I came up with the first version of my 
/etc/procmailrc. I am going to "steal" a few lines from your attached 
procmailrc recipe. I still don't quite understand the locking concept in 
  procmail, and regex, let alone writing my own rules. Need more time...

> Well, I don't pretend to be a procmail guru by any means and I highly 
> recommend you read the man files.  There are lots of examples available on 
> the web too.

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Re: Upgrading XFree86 4.1 to 4.2

2002-04-08 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sunday 07 April 2002 07:31 pm, Susan Macchia wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm running a pretty much stock SuSE 7.3 distro running XFree 4.1.1 with
> kde 2.2.1 and gnome 1.4.
> I'm thinking of upgrading to XFree86 4.2 and was wondering if I'd have to
> update my kde and gnome packages.  Having never upgraded X before, I didn't
> know if this'd break my system.  I do have a test partition w/ a stock SuSE
> 7.3 install that I'll probably try it on first, but was wondering if there
> was anything obvious I should look out for.

Just install the rpms from a command line login use "sh and follow 
the bouncing ball; accept defaults and you'll have no problems.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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