Re: first Linux/windoze virus

2002-06-01 Thread James McDonald

Looks like the start of "my market is shrinking because people are using 
Linux" we better come up with some fud(fear, uncertainty and denial) to get 
linux users ready for our latest new virus protection product NAV for 

Apologies if they already have a NAV for linux... I didn't check

  James McDonald
  MCSE (Windows 2000/NT4), CCNA, CCA, MCP + I
  Registered Linux User #209832 (home)
  Red Hat Linux release 7.2 (Enigma)
  3:33pm  up 8 days, 20:21,  3 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.03
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Re: first Linux/windoze virus

2002-06-01 Thread Burns MacDonald

From: "Susan Macchia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Is it just me, or is there no explanation of how it is spread?>
> >
> >

I have some serious doubts about this whole thing - too many things just
don't add up.

1) First, they don't give a detailed account of the mechanics of this
supposed virus, what files and processes it affects and how.

2) This is supposedly based on the Win32 virus - that virus, by definition,
can only attack Windows derivatives and related applications.

3) If it attacks linux, which means it can attack an operating environment
that is POSIX compliant and has SysV-derived structures, why is it described
as NOT affecting Unix?

4) Why do I get a complete blank when I search for "simile" at


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Small mini poll

2002-06-01 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

I have been watching the boxen thread with interest.  I noticed that a
few of the the members are using some flavor of Slackware on some of
their systems.  I would like to know, of the members who use Slackware,
what ytou think of it and how has it worked for you.

I have been very happy so far and use Slackware in place of Caldera for
all of my new installations.  v8.0 is in need of an updating but the
new 8.1 looks to be fixing that issue quite nicely.  What has been your

Oh and for the record my systems here are:

P3, 1Ghz, Caldera 3.1/Win2K, 512M RAM, 32G LVD SCSI
P3-600, Caldera 3.1, 384M RAM, 32G LVD SCSI
P3-500, Caldera 3.1, 384 RAM, 20G IDE
P3-1Ghz, Slackware 8, 512M RAM, 20G IDE
P-133, Slackware 8, 98M RAM, 15G SCSI
P-133, OS/2 v4.1, 64M RAM, 10G SCSI
P3-1Ghz, OS/2 v4.1, 256M RAM, 40G IDE


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New Step

2002-06-01 Thread Nobody

Thanks to Mike Andrew we now have a Step on The various integrated development 
packages available under Linux.
You may find this step at
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Re: This mix...

2002-06-01 Thread Bob Raymond

Collins wrote:

>On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 10:08:26 -0400 Jerry McBride
>>On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:52:25 -0400 (EDT) Net Llama!
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I haven't bothered to apply those two patches, but was planning to
>>>whenever 2.4.19 came out.  So what do you mean by 'flaky'?
>>With the mentioned kernel source and patches, I've been getting
>>random lockups. No complaints in
>>messages... it just works well then it's a rock. If I reboot the
>>machine into a different kernel, no problems
>>at all then. Since experiencing the random bit, I haven't used XFS
>>with that kernel. 
>>I wsa just curious if anyone else was tinkering along the same lines
>>as I was...
>gentoo has a lot of experience selecting and supplying kernel patches
>that work, and they haven't yet offered the kernel preemptive and
>low-latency patches along with XFS - just one or the other.  My bet
>is: this is not a stable choice at present.
No, it's a terrible choice.  I've got XFS on Gentoo, and I badly messed 
up my system to the point where it needed a fresh start.  I got the 
Crypto sources, because they include preempt, low latency, XFS, and the 
most important, USB 2.0 (EHCI), simply because I've now got my first USB 
2.0 device (Smart Media reader).  I put in everything that looked fancy 
with the performance enhancing (preempt, low latency, IDE taskfile), one 
at a time, two at a time, all, etc.  My system is at a screeching halt, 
and the only kernel that truly works well is the one on the installation 
CD.  Of course, it could be the binutils-2.12 and gcc-3.1, but I don't 
really know.

Bob Raymond

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New Step

2002-06-01 Thread Nobody

Thanks to Mike Andrew we now have a Step on The newer FLTK C++ widget generator.
You may find this step at
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Richard R. Sivernell


   I have Postgres here and wilwork on getting it installed.

Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
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Registered Linux User

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Richard R. Sivernell

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 20:55:23 -0300
David /  Federico Voges

   Only need enogh db to write sql queries I think, doing a db concepts course.
I am not sure of how much capability or if a db program is to designed.


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
Registered Linux User

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Andrew Mathews

R. Quenett wrote:

> I'm genuinely curious how what has been discussed here so far would 
> differ significantly from and the
> alfs and blfs offshoots.

I think the immediately apparent difference would be the end product 
being a "complete" distribution vs. a "here's the tools, build it 
yourself" package. That is, if my take on the hamburger/house comparison 
listed on their page is an accurate description, *and* if that's the 
agreed upon, completed build we're contemplating.

> Anyway, the feature I need most is a genuine idiot proof (it'd have to be 
> good because I'd be using it myself:) way of knowing in detail what 
> mods occur when I install/change something and reverting with 
> certainty to the previous state.  For the latter, I've done partition 
> cloning/reversion also for some considerable time.  It's a good way 
> of climbing out of the pit but often doesn't help me much figuring 
> out how I got that far under a pile of something that deep that smells 
> _that_ bad.  And it only works if I revert the same partition that I 
> changed, fancy that.

Yes, a variety of choice is always good, none of us like having options 
hidden from us in an attempt to "idiot-proof" the OS. Maybe a list of 
diagnostics such as:
"Restore my system" and
"Diagnose what's broken"
and an installation list of:
"New user install",
"Let me try it", and
"I'm an expert"

Also, would it be a good idea to have a small, hidden partition 
containing enough config files to be able to restore from the install cd 
back to a last known good state?
Andrew Mathews

   7:30pm  up 21 days, 19:10,  7 users,  load average: 1.09, 1.09, 1.12

Maybe Computer Science should be in the College of Theology.
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Andrew Mathews

Keith Antoine wrote:

> This all came about since my last two girlfriends fell over laughing when I 
> put my thongs on. 

Be grateful they were laughing, not crying. 
Andrew Mathews

   8:05pm  up 21 days, 19:45,  7 users,  load average: 1.03, 1.08, 1.04

A sect or party is an elegant incognito devised to save a man from
the vexation of thinking.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals, 1831

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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Hipp

Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Course, I didn't realize there *were* any Caldera RPMs.
> By that I meant any rpm that had been built on a Caldera based
> machine. Also Lycoris was based on Caldera 3.0( I think).

I was being sarcastic in that essentially no-one makes Caldera RPMS.
Even Caldera. Except for what comes on their disks.

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Tim Wunder

On Saturday 01 June 2002 08:41 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Saturday 01 June 2002 10:21 pm, you wrote:

> > BTW, has anybody tried the SxS on rolling your own (Skippy?),
> > ?
> > I guess Joe Cheek is no longer sub'd, or he woulda chimed in on the
> > Lycoris thread...
> Yes I did read this epistle of Josephs', somewhat totuous for my brain so I
> have tried emailing him to see if he is still alive and kicking. However do
> not know as yet if the mail address is alive also.

When Lycoris was RedmondLinux, and just starting out, he was very responsive 
to e-mails and answered just about every post on the RL mailing list (I was 
sub'd for a little while). It seems he's met with a little success, and as a 
result, I imagine his available time isn't what it used to be :-(

Caldera eWorkstation 3.1+, kernel 2.4.18-preempt, KDE 3.0.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread R. Quenett

from Keith Antoine:

" way to go for me. Do not ak why, it was over 5 mins ago.

What was the question(?p


"Fix reason firmly in her seat and call to her tribunal every fact,
every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God;
because, if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of 
reason, than that of blindfolded fear."  --Thomas Jefferson
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sunday 02 June 2002 09:09 am, you wrote:

> Andrew makes an excellent suggestion here.  If we do finally get enough
> mmomentum behind this, we should create a new list, rather than
> cluttering up this one with content that those not involved wouldn't be
> interested in.
> I'll even be so bold as to suggest that SourceForge might be well suited
> to managing such a project. 

I did raise this point a while ago but the traffic looked as if it was 
falling off, so did not persue. However we do have a 'general' list here to 
start with, some are subbed in I am but no traffic so why not use this. If it 
grows thats another ballgame, however I am in it for selfish reasons, what I 
can get out of it in the way of an easily upgradeable and installable distro.
I have machinery and time but no knowledge of install scripts or programming.
I am looking at rpm specs at the moment, and merrily converting tarballs and 
.src.rpms into installable rpms on 3.1.1 along with dependant files.

What I am doing is the easy part but I am also learning: I just never thought 
that I would have enough brains left at nearly 70 to even think about it.
This all came about since my last two girlfriends fell over laughing when I 
put my thongs on. 

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sunday 02 June 2002 06:58 am, you wrote:
> from Andrew Mathews:
> " points to consider and/or include such as Skippy's current efforts. I
> " *do* think it's worthy of more discussion and analysis and would like to
> " hear more opinions.
> I'm genuinely curious how what has been discussed here so far would
> differ significantly from and the
> alfs and blfs offshoots.

I did get that far and dropped it about 2 weeks ago as it appeared not the 
way to go for me. Do not ak why, it was over 5 mins ago.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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New Step

2002-06-01 Thread Nobody

Thanks to Mike Andrew we now have a Step on How to use an existing kernel 
You may find this step at
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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Keith Antoine

On Sunday 02 June 2002 12:46 am, you wrote:
> Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The more I hear the better it sounds. Also I would presume being that
> > its Caldera based that anything 'caldera rpm'd' will work with
> > lycoris, also probably anything that is forthcoming from the 'merger'.
> I'm not certain about Caldera RPMS working on Lycoris. Don't know, just
> never tried it.
> Course, I didn't realize there *were* any Caldera RPMs.

By that I meant any rpm that had been built on a Caldera based machine. Also 
Lycoris was based on Caldera 3.0( I think).

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Keith Antoine

On Saturday 01 June 2002 10:21 pm, you wrote:

> I'd rather see us keep an updated distros page, the info here
> and here
> seems dated. The lycoris thread has some good info on alternative distros,
> as does a couple other threads.
> Perhaps we'd be better served *endorsing* a distro, or coupla distro's and
> maintaining an updated distro's section than trying to roll our own.
> BTW, has anybody tried the SxS on rolling your own (Skippy?),
> ?
> I guess Joe Cheek is no longer sub'd, or he woulda chimed in on the Lycoris
> thread...
> Regards,
> Tim

Yes I did read this epistle of Josephs', somewhat totuous for my brain so I 
have tried emailing him to see if he is still alive and kicking. However do 
not know as yet if the mail address is alive also.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Federico Voges

Hash: SHA1


Yes, I know, but you need innodb and from reading the docs I got the
impression that it's somewhat complicated to use it (I might be wrong).

Besides, I think it is hack. Innodb (again, from mySQL docs) is a DB
system itself. So, you end up running a DB which runs ANOTHER DB.

mySQL was designed to be fast (really fast) but ended being a hack over
another (eg: tansaction support and foreign keys).

If you want a small fast DB mySQL is excelent. But, if you want a full
featured SQL database, use PostgreSQL.

BTW, mySQL (last time I checked didn't support stored procedures, at
least not coded in SQL). Postgres does (another big plus for large

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 16:28:39 -0700, David Aikema wrote:

>On June 1, 2002 03:40 pm, Federico Voges wrote:
>> What DB features do you need?? mySQL is ok if you don't need
>> transactions (COMMIT/ROLLBACK) and foreign keys. If you need then, you
>Transactions and foreign keys are supported when using InnoDB tables, in some 
>of the more recent MySQL versions IIRC.
>David Aikema
>Linux-users mailing list -
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Federico Voges
Socio gerente

Malabia 2137 14 A
(1425) Buenos Aires

Te/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182

PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A536 4595 EB6F D197  FBC1 5C3A 145C 2516

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Keith Antoine

On Saturday 01 June 2002 05:24 pm, you wrote:
> On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:35 am, Keith Antoine wrote:
> > On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:43 pm, you wrote:
> >
> > Icould not agree with you more, as for suse again in agreement but I had
> > more problems with trying to get the second ccddrive seen (dvd), in fact
> > I did not manage it. Also the presumption on install that it knows what
> > partitions to install on and wanted to delete a winders partition. Ok, I
> > know about winders but wanting to delete it and also rssze things, no
> > way.
> You can tell it to use whatever partitions you want, and not to resize
> them.

Oh yes thats correct and I used that way but it it not easy to fin d out how 
you do that its hidden. Suse is setup so that you do as they say and ist hard 
to find how not to.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in storage

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread David Aikema

On June 1, 2002 03:40 pm, Federico Voges wrote:

> What DB features do you need?? mySQL is ok if you don't need
> transactions (COMMIT/ROLLBACK) and foreign keys. If you need then, you

Transactions and foreign keys are supported when using InnoDB tables, in some 
of the more recent MySQL versions IIRC.

David Aikema
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Alan Jackson

Well I have negative spare time, but I'm willing to donate a few
positive spikes where I can. I'm really a perl guy, but I've used Unix
for about 13 years now, and I once worked up our company Unix file structure
and logon sequence. 

| Alan K. Jackson| To see a World in a Grain of Sand  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, |
|   | Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand |
| Houston, Texas | And Eternity in an hour. - Blake   |

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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Net Llama!

Bob Hemus wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
>>On Fri, 31 May 2002 20:22:44 -0600
>>Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>2> Reading the writeups about Libranet, etc., I always came to the
>>>conclusion that the package offerings were too damn old.
>>Old and Stable.
>>This is not always bad. It seems to be the debian way.
>>But you have the option of changing the sources.list and going to the unstable or 
>testing versions; unstable is pretty much the standard to most distros, I think. 
>Debian has a different definition of stable.
> Wasn't Debian the OS that powered the little moon crawler?
> Bob

I don't believe so.  I think it was running some kind of assembler on an 
embedded chip.

Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:

   4:10pm  up 43 days, 23:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.18, 0.35

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Net Llama!

Richard R. Sivernell wrote:
> On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600
>   I have expertise in software development databases & some scripting of
> Unix korn bash, though not heavy. I ve a question here, I need a very small 
> footprint database for linux. I have a laptop that currently has peanut on it
> & I have left approx 1.6 gig left, I need to put Open Office and development 
> tools and a small sql database. any recommendations. Mysql did not
> ook good at first sight, Postgres is to large I think, Oracle/db 2 is out. If 

I agree that Oracle & DB2 couldn't, by any stretch of the imagination, 
be considered "small footprint" DBs.  PostgreSQL really doesn't occupy 
significantly more room (or memory) than MySQL, and is far more mature & 
full featured.

Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:

   4:10pm  up 43 days, 23:01,  4 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.18, 0.35

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Net Llama!

Andrew Mathews wrote:
> Douglas J Hunley wrote:
>> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
>> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the 
>> resources on the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge 
>> some time to get it off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
>> So?
> IIRC, that was one of the topics within the first day or two this list 
> was started. (BTW, archives for July 2001 have posts about Untied (sic) 
> Linux.) But nonetheless, I'd certainly be willing to have a go at it. I 
> have the hardware, and I can work on it a minimum of 8 hrs. a week, 
> probably more. What I don't have time for though, is doing the research 
> required. Someone would need to do the searching for info and most 
> likely write up the documentation (eventually becoming a new Step).
> There would also be a need for people to test the product on platforms 
> of all different types. If enough people (in a cast of votes) say yes, 
> then I'd say lets start a new list for direct communication between the 
> "developers", create a central repository for updates, files, and 
> documentation, and develop a reasonable means to reach a common ground 
> or compromise to any issues such as "which version of gcc to use", etc.
> I definitely agree it shouldn't be a halfway effort, and we have some 
> points to consider and/or include such as Skippy's current efforts. I 
> *do* think it's worthy of more discussion and analysis and would like to 
> hear more opinions.

Andrew makes an excellent suggestion here.  If we do finally get enough 
mmomentum behind this, we should create a new list, rather than 
cluttering up this one with content that those not involved wouldn't be 
interested in.

I'll even be so bold as to suggest that SourceForge might be well suited 
to managing such a project. 

Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:

   4:05pm  up 43 days, 22:56,  4 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.24, 0.44

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Federico Voges

Hash: SHA1


What DB features do you need?? mySQL is ok if you don't need
transactions (COMMIT/ROLLBACK) and foreign keys. If you need then, you
should use PostgreSQL (IIRC it's not much bigger than mySQL and it's
"more" SQL compliant than mySQL).

You should be more than OK with 1.6GB (unless you plan to have a VERY
BIG database).

Hope this help you.

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 03:32:26 -0500, Richard R. Sivernell wrote:

>On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600
>  I have expertise in software development databases & some scripting of
>Unix korn bash, though not heavy. I ve a question here, I need a very small 
>footprint database for linux. I have a laptop that currently has peanut on it
>& I have left approx 1.6 gig left, I need to put Open Office and development 
>tools and a small sql database. any recommendations. Mysql did not
>ook good at first sight, Postgres is to large I think, Oracle/db 2 is out. If 
>I have misjudged any thing let me know. I am going to be taking 2 courses the
>at UNT this summer DatabaseConcepts & Unix sys programming, aka Linux
>system programming. 1st course at 12 noon & 2nd course at 8pm, to far to travel
>back & forth for, so I will stay at school during afternoons. A, some time 
>there too for work on distro, especially if I can get pcmcia to work & a lan
>at UNT.
>Rick Sivernell
>Dallas, Texas  75287
>972 306-2296
>Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
>Registered Linux User
>   .~.
>  / v \
> /( _ )\
>   ^ ^
>In Linux we trust!
>Linux-users mailing list -
>Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Federico Voges
Socio gerente

Malabia 2137 14 A
(1425) Buenos Aires

Te/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182

PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A536 4595 EB6F D197  FBC1 5C3A 145C 2516

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


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Re: Knoppix

2002-06-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 01:47:28 +0200 Klaus-Peter Schrage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Am Freitag, 31. Mai 2002 23:59 schrieb Net Llama!:
> > On Fri, 31 May 2002, Klaus-Peter Schrage wrote:
> > 3 hours?  Must be nice.  I started it 5 hours ago, and its only 78%
> > done. Then again, you're physically alot closer to the server than I.
> On a nice day with a nice server, I get a ftp download speed of about 86
> kB per second, what's roughly speaking 12 seconds for a MB. For the
> Knoppix iso (about 690 MB), that adds up to a theoretical download time
> of 2.3 hours. Of course I am closer to the German Knoppix servers, but
> with good US servers I obtains similar download speeds.

I live in New Jersey and just ftp'ed a copy in 1 hour 30 miutes.

Whom ever needs a copy here in the USA, just ask.


* Registered Linux User Number 185956
 6:38pm  up 80 days, 23:49,  5 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.18, 0.18
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Re: How many Boxen?

2002-06-01 Thread David Aikema

On May 28, 2002 02:17 pm, Kurt Wall wrote:
> I was just curious how many and what kind of boxen people have on their
> home networks. For example, I have an AMD 1200 running Windows (yeah,
> whatever), a Pentium II running a heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, a
> Pentium III running an equally heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, and a
> Sparc5 running Solaris 2.8.

Mine: 1 P3 w/ SuSE 7.3 & Win98SE, 1 P233MMX w/ Trustix acting as gateway
Rest of the family's computers: 1 iMac w/ MacOS 9.1(???), 1 celeron 333 w/ 
win98, 1 celeron 400 w/ win98, 1 celeron 450 w/ win95

David Aikema
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Bob Hemus

Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 20:22:44 -0600
> Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2> Reading the writeups about Libranet, etc., I always came to the
> > conclusion that the package offerings were too damn old.
> Old and Stable.
> This is not always bad. It seems to be the debian way.
> But you have the option of changing the sources.list and going to the unstable or 
>testing versions; unstable is pretty much the standard to most distros, I think. 
>Debian has a different definition of stable.

Wasn't Debian the OS that powered the little moon crawler?
A wise man can see more from the bottom of a well,
than a fool can see from a mountain top.
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Re: Screenshot captures

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 16:46:54 -0400 Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No problem: bring up the desktop or window you want a screenshot of.
> Access gimp >file.acquire>screenshot enter. If you want to save to a
> floppy or other file place the mouse pointer on the displayed screen
> shot and hit the right mouse button. >file>save as select file
> /mnt/floppy/ or other file. Bang whiz and it's done

> Collins wrote:
> > 
> > I understand that gimp (and other packages can do this), but how
> > does one go about doing this?  For example, I have several
> > desktops.  How do I identify what to capture to gimp (or pick a
> > package) without messing up the display I want to capture?
> > 

Yep, it's depressing how simple it was to just type 'emerge gv' (none
of that searching, etc.), wait a few minutes, then do the
job.  Thanks for the suggestion.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Richard R. Sivernell

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600

  I have expertise in software development databases & some scripting of
Unix korn bash, though not heavy. I ve a question here, I need a very small 
footprint database for linux. I have a laptop that currently has peanut on it
& I have left approx 1.6 gig left, I need to put Open Office and development 
tools and a small sql database. any recommendations. Mysql did not
ook good at first sight, Postgres is to large I think, Oracle/db 2 is out. If 
I have misjudged any thing let me know. I am going to be taking 2 courses the
at UNT this summer DatabaseConcepts & Unix sys programming, aka Linux
system programming. 1st course at 12 noon & 2nd course at 8pm, to far to travel
back & forth for, so I will stay at school during afternoons. A, some time 
there too for work on distro, especially if I can get pcmcia to work & a lan
at UNT.

Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
Registered Linux User

  / v \
 /( _ )\
   ^ ^
In Linux we trust!
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RE: How many Boxen?

2002-06-01 Thread Zoki, mailinglist account

> -Message d'origine-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Kurt Wall
> Envoye : mardi 28 mai 2002 23:18
> Objet :  How many Boxen?
> I was just curious how many and what kind of boxen people have on their
> home networks. For example, I have an AMD 1200 running Windows (yeah,
> whatever), a Pentium II running a heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, a
> Pentium III running an equally heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, and a
> Sparc5 running Solaris 2.8.

*** Two K6-II with a modified RH 7.1, 1 Athlon on my girl-friends
workstation with W2k, one Celeron portable with W2k, two 486DX-66 with RH
7.3, one 386SX-25 with RH 5.0.

> Way OT, naturally...

*** Naturally... ;-)


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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread R. Quenett

from Andrew Mathews:

" points to consider and/or include such as Skippy's current efforts. I 
" *do* think it's worthy of more discussion and analysis and would like to 
" hear more opinions.

I'm genuinely curious how what has been discussed here so far would 
differ significantly from and the
alfs and blfs offshoots.

Anyway, the feature I need most is a genuine idiot proof (it'd have to be 
good because I'd be using it myself:) way of knowing in detail what 
mods occur when I install/change something and reverting with 
certainty to the previous state.  For the latter, I've done partition 
cloning/reversion also for some considerable time.  It's a good way 
of climbing out of the pit but often doesn't help me much figuring 
out how I got that far under a pile of something that deep that smells 
_that_ bad.  And it only works if I revert the same partition that I 
changed, fancy that.


"Fix reason firmly in her seat and call to her tribunal every fact,
every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God;
because, if there is one, he must more approve of the homage of 
reason, than that of blindfolded fear."  --Thomas Jefferson
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Re: Screenshot captures

2002-06-01 Thread Lee

No problem: bring up the desktop or window you want a screenshot of.
Access gimp >file.acquire>screenshot enter. If you want to save to a
floppy or other file place the mouse pointer on the displayed screen
shot and hit the right mouse button. >file>save as select file
/mnt/floppy/ or other file. Bang whiz and it's done


Collins wrote:
> I understand that gimp (and other packages can do this), but how does
> one go about doing this?  For example, I have several desktops.  How
> do I identify what to capture to gimp (or pick a package) without
> messing up the display I want to capture?
> --
> Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
> gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread kwall

On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 02:02:23PM -0400, T. Watkins wrote:
> Jos. Cheek, founder of Lycoris/Redmond, formerly worked on COL, as I 
> recall him saying in an email to this list.  Perhaps the Caldera rpm's 
> would work on Lycoris.

Well, not quite. He used COL as the base for Redmond Linux. He never
"worked on" COL.

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Federico Voges

Hash: SHA1


I can offer another 8 hours/week. I think we should start collecting
data about skills and dedication (Hs/week).

If we get enough people (and the requiered skills!), we can start
planning the development.

What you do think??

BTW, although I've been using Linux since 1994, I don't consider myself
a Linux guru. I have an idea of how the OS works, but I've never taken
the time to investigate the internals (specially OS boot and init). BUT
I'm willing to learn and I have a programming background (all I need is
a project leader to guide me).

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 11:13:38 -0600, Andrew Mathews wrote:

>Douglas J Hunley wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
>> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the resources on 
>> the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge some time to get it 
>> off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
>> So?
>IIRC, that was one of the topics within the first day or two this list 
>was started. (BTW, archives for July 2001 have posts about Untied (sic) 
>Linux.) But nonetheless, I'd certainly be willing to have a go at it. I 
>have the hardware, and I can work on it a minimum of 8 hrs. a week, 
>probably more. What I don't have time for though, is doing the research 
>required. Someone would need to do the searching for info and most 
>likely write up the documentation (eventually becoming a new Step).
>There would also be a need for people to test the product on platforms 
>of all different types. If enough people (in a cast of votes) say yes, 
>then I'd say lets start a new list for direct communication between the 
>"developers", create a central repository for updates, files, and 
>documentation, and develop a reasonable means to reach a common ground 
>or compromise to any issues such as "which version of gcc to use", etc.
>I definitely agree it shouldn't be a halfway effort, and we have some 
>points to consider and/or include such as Skippy's current efforts. I 
>*do* think it's worthy of more discussion and analysis and would like to 
>hear more opinions.
>Andrew Mathews
>  10:45am  up 21 days, 10:25,  7 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.06, 1.06
>I'm changing the CHANNEL ... But all I get is commercials for "RONCO
>Linux-users mailing list -
>Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Federico Voges
Socio gerente

Malabia 2137 14 A
(1425) Buenos Aires

Te/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182

PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A536 4595 EB6F D197  FBC1 5C3A 145C 2516

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Linux Training

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Hipp

I'm considering investing in some professional Linux training, You know,
some edgy-ka-shun.

So what would anyone recommend?

The first thing that comes to mind is RedHat RHCE.

What else is out there? Anything better?

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Super computers vs. Linux cluster systems

2002-06-01 Thread Harry G

An article that gives Linux a good plug.

Harry G
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: This mix...

2002-06-01 Thread Mike McKinlay

Suse 8.0 offer this option duing install... although you'll have to apply the 
pre-emptable patches yourself.

On Saturday 01 June 2002 07:05, Jerry McBride wrote:
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 21:48:40 -0400 Douglas J Hunley
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---snip---
> > 2.4.18 (ext3) with pre-empt and grsecurity on the mothership. no kernels
> >
> > issues at all. not quite what you were after though..
> I'd like to have XFS on 2.4.18 with the mentioned kernel patches. I'm
> getting to be quite happy using the pr-emptable
> kernel and like to try XFS with it.

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Andrew Mathews

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the resources on 
> the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge some time to get it 
> off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
> So?

IIRC, that was one of the topics within the first day or two this list 
was started. (BTW, archives for July 2001 have posts about Untied (sic) 
Linux.) But nonetheless, I'd certainly be willing to have a go at it. I 
have the hardware, and I can work on it a minimum of 8 hrs. a week, 
probably more. What I don't have time for though, is doing the research 
required. Someone would need to do the searching for info and most 
likely write up the documentation (eventually becoming a new Step).
There would also be a need for people to test the product on platforms 
of all different types. If enough people (in a cast of votes) say yes, 
then I'd say lets start a new list for direct communication between the 
"developers", create a central repository for updates, files, and 
documentation, and develop a reasonable means to reach a common ground 
or compromise to any issues such as "which version of gcc to use", etc.
I definitely agree it shouldn't be a halfway effort, and we have some 
points to consider and/or include such as Skippy's current efforts. I 
*do* think it's worthy of more discussion and analysis and would like to 
hear more opinions.
Andrew Mathews

  10:45am  up 21 days, 10:25,  7 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.06, 1.06

I'm changing the CHANNEL ... But all I get is commercials for "RONCO

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Federico Voges

Hash: SHA1


Yes, they should work. In fact, somewhere in there's some article/link pointing to
Caldera's FTP site as a source for RPMs (I can't remember where

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:46:21 -0500, Michael Hipp wrote:

>Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The more I hear the better it sounds. Also I would presume being that
>> its Caldera based that anything 'caldera rpm'd' will work with
>> lycoris, also probably anything that is forthcoming from the 'merger'.
>I'm not certain about Caldera RPMS working on Lycoris. Don't know, just
>never tried it.
>Course, I didn't realize there *were* any Caldera RPMs.
>Linux-users mailing list -
>Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Federico Voges
Socio gerente

Malabia 2137 14 A
(1425) Buenos Aires

Te/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182

PGP Public Key Fingerprint: A536 4595 EB6F D197  FBC1 5C3A 145C 2516

Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its 
affiliated companies.


Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread T. Watkins

Jos. Cheek, founder of Lycoris/Redmond, formerly worked on COL, as I 
recall him saying in an email to this list.  Perhaps the Caldera rpm's 
would work on Lycoris.

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

mikeroo address?

2002-06-01 Thread Tony Alfrey

Hey, if anybody knows mike andrew's latest email address, can you 
please send it to me off-list??

Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

laser printer works

2002-06-01 Thread Marianne Taylor

I just thought I would feed back about my laser printer choice:

I decided on a Samsung ML1210 and it is working well.  

Of course it was easy to set up in Windoze, but what was even more amazing is 
it took less time to set up in Caldera 3.1 then Windoze.  All I needed to do 
was install the ppd file from the disk and it printed right away.  

Getting it to work under my Linux From Scratch system was more difficult but 
ultimately I was able to do this.  Eventually I will write up a step by step 
for this.  
Marianne Taylor
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: first Linux/windoze virus

2002-06-01 Thread Susan Macchia

Not just you, I thought the same thing.  Not only do I want to know how it is
spread, (like how does it muck w/ the executables? ut must be an executable
itself that rewrites the .exe).  And what can I do to make sure it doesn't
infect my box.

"Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Is it just me, or is there no explanation of how it is spread?>

Susan Macchia

- Running Linux - because life is too short for reboots...

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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread rplummer

I remember reading somewhere maybe the Lycoris forum that it was 
based on eW3.1.  However I did go to Caldera and download a Cald 
RPM and it worked as well as any RPM works. in other words it 
installed with Dependency problems. 


On 1 Jun 2002, at 9:46, Michael Hipp wrote:

> Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The more I hear the better it sounds. Also I would presume being that
> > its Caldera based that anything 'caldera rpm'd' will work with lycoris,
> > also probably anything that is forthcoming from the 'merger'.
> I'm not certain about Caldera RPMS working on Lycoris. Don't know, just
> never tried it.
> Course, I didn't realize there *were* any Caldera RPMs.
> Michael
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe
> info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Ray & Nancy Plummer
Copper, Elektra & WOK
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:12:40 -0700 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On June 1, 2002 08:32 am, Collins wrote:
> > On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 08:15:02 -0700 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On June 1, 2002 07:10 am, Collins wrote:
> > > >" but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too."
> > >
> > > Collins, I thought you were more intelligent then that!
> >
> > Not me.  I even load up kde occasionally just to see what progress
> > they are making.  I don't bother with gnome very often, though; I
> > can't stand the very different placement of the window controls.
> Ooops, sorry, I thought that was your post. Dang! I knew I should
> have had that cup of java first.

no I meant not me, as in I'm not quite that intelligent, but I do get

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Screenshot captures

2002-06-01 Thread Alan Jackson

My favorite screen capture is xv. It has very nice options for capturing
a particular window unmolested.

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:40:25 -0600  Collins wrote:
> I understand that gimp (and other packages can do this), but how does
> one go about doing this?  For example, I have several desktops.  How
> do I identify what to capture to gimp (or pick a package) without
> messing up the display I want to capture?
> -- 
> Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
> gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Ted Ozolins

On June 1, 2002 08:32 am, Collins wrote:
> On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 08:15:02 -0700 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On June 1, 2002 07:10 am, Collins wrote:
> > >" but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too."
> >
> > Collins, I thought you were more intelligent then that!
> Not me.  I even load up kde occasionally just to see what progress
> they are making.  I don't bother with gnome very often, though; I
> can't stand the very different placement of the window controls.

Ooops, sorry, I thought that was your post. Dang! I knew I should have had 
that cup of java first.
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Screenshot captures

2002-06-01 Thread Brett I. Holcomb

With kde's screen capture you run the program, then select the item(s) you 
want to capture.  The capture program stays out of the way.

Collins wrote:

> I understand that gimp (and other packages can do this), but how does
> one go about doing this?  For example, I have several desktops.  How
> do I identify what to capture to gimp (or pick a package) without
> messing up the display I want to capture?

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
Remove R777 to email
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Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Screenshot captures

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

I understand that gimp (and other packages can do this), but how does
one go about doing this?  For example, I have several desktops.  How
do I identify what to capture to gimp (or pick a package) without
messing up the display I want to capture?

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 08:15:02 -0700 Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On June 1, 2002 07:10 am, Collins wrote:
> >" but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too."
> Collins, I thought you were more intelligent then that! 

Not me.  I even load up kde occasionally just to see what progress
they are making.  I don't bother with gnome very often, though; I
can't stand the very different placement of the window controls.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Ted Ozolins

On June 1, 2002 07:10 am, Collins wrote:

>" but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too."

Collins, I thought you were more intelligent then that! 
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: This mix...

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Sat, 01 Jun 2002 10:08:26 -0400 Jerry McBride
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:52:25 -0400 (EDT) Net Llama!
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I haven't bothered to apply those two patches, but was planning to
> > whenever 2.4.19 came out.  So what do you mean by 'flaky'?
> > 
> With the mentioned kernel source and patches, I've been getting
> random lockups. No complaints in
> messages... it just works well then it's a rock. If I reboot the
> machine into a different kernel, no problems
> at all then. Since experiencing the random bit, I haven't used XFS
> with that kernel. 
> I wsa just curious if anyone else was tinkering along the same lines
> as I was...

gentoo has a lot of experience selecting and supplying kernel patches
that work, and they haven't yet offered the kernel preemptive and
low-latency patches along with XFS - just one or the other.  My bet
is: this is not a stable choice at present.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002 09:51:32 -0500 Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 31 May 2002 07:41 am, you wrote:
> > 
> > > Did lycoris employ the same icon designers as Windows XP? It
> > > seems to visually be very windows alike, going from the website
> > > screenshots.
> > 
> > I seem to remember that I read somewhere that it was aimed
> > initially at windows refugees.
> Not only that but to create more windows refugees.
> This let them to the unfortunate decision to attempt to emulate the
> look of XP (Yuck, Double Yuck).
> Course, it's no worse than the green slime look of SuSE.
> Who was it that said "KDE ought to look like KDE"? Good quote.

Yep, desktop decorations and opinions are just like A**s -
everybody has one.  My plain-jane xfce desktop would bore you to
tears, but it just works for me.  Why should I care if some users
prefer the look and feel of M$ Windows?

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: This mix...

2002-06-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 31 May 2002 17:52:25 -0400 (EDT) Net Llama!

> I haven't bothered to apply those two patches, but was planning to
> whenever 2.4.19 came out.  So what do you mean by 'flaky'?

With the mentioned kernel source and patches, I've been getting random
lockups. No complaints in
messages... it just works well then it's a rock. If I reboot the machine
into a different kernel, no problems
at all then. Since experiencing the random bit, I haven't used XFS with
that kernel. 

I wsa just curious if anyone else was tinkering along the same lines as I

Cheers, all.


 Registered Linux User Number 185956
11:06am  up 80 days, 16:17,  5 users,  load average: 0.10, 0.16, 0.16
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: This mix...

2002-06-01 Thread Jerry McBride

On Fri, 31 May 2002 21:48:40 -0400 Douglas J Hunley


> 2.4.18 (ext3) with pre-empt and grsecurity on the mothership. no kernels
> issues at all. not quite what you were after though..
I'd like to have XFS on 2.4.18 with the mentioned kernel patches. I'm
getting to be quite happy using the pr-emptable
kernel and like to try XFS with it.


 Registered Linux User Number 185956
11:03am  up 80 days, 16:14,  5 users,  load average: 0.14, 0.17, 0.15
Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Hipp

Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 31 May 2002 07:41 am, you wrote:
> > Did lycoris employ the same icon designers as Windows XP? It seems
> > to visually be very windows alike, going from the website
> > screenshots.
> I seem to remember that I read somewhere that it was aimed initially
> at windows refugees.

Not only that but to create more windows refugees.

This let them to the unfortunate decision to attempt to emulate the look
of XP (Yuck, Double Yuck).

Course, it's no worse than the green slime look of SuSE.

Who was it that said "KDE ought to look like KDE"? Good quote.

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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Hipp

Keith Antoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The more I hear the better it sounds. Also I would presume being that
> its Caldera based that anything 'caldera rpm'd' will work with
> lycoris, also probably anything that is forthcoming from the 'merger'.

I'm not certain about Caldera RPMS working on Lycoris. Don't know, just
never tried it.

Course, I didn't realize there *were* any Caldera RPMs.

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Michael Hipp

In Linuxdom, we have an embarrassment of riches of distros to choose
from. One to fit every taste & need. Is another really needed?

If we do build one, let's call it YALD - Yet Another Linux Distro


Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the
> resources on the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge
> some time to get it off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
> So?
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Re: Boxen

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

Here's my $.02 worth of equipment:

1) Netgear RT314 el cheapo router attached to my ATT cable modem (4
ports, I'm using 3)

2) My primary machine is an HP Pavilion (HP anything except for
printers is POS, but it works) PIII/800Mz/256Meg/40Gig
HD/DVD/CD-RW/NIC set up to dual boot Win98 (used seldom) and linux
(currently I only have gentoo and ELX on board).  This system has an
HP LJ1100 printer

3) My older machine is a home brew K6/II 300Mz/128MB/pair of 20Gig
HD/CD-RW/NIC setup to dual boot Win98 (primary use) and linux
(currently gentoo and ELX on board).  As you can guess, this is the
machine my wife and daughter use.  This system has a Lexmark Z53 and a
parallel port scanner (UMAX Astra 610P)

4) Docking station, Monitor, mouse, and keyboard for my work-supplied
laptop (Compaq 800Mz/256MB/10Gig HD/DVD/NIC) that runs Win2K.  You can
grow a beard in the time it takes Win2K to complete booting! 
Fortunately, my employer provides me the ability to reach the
corporate network via cable, so it's just like working at the office
when I use it.  I get my daily does of LookOut via this box.

5) I used to have everything linked up with Samba and Windows Sharing,
but I've been too lazy to put that back together again.

That's all folks!

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Fri, 31 May 2002 19:24:32 -0500 "Richard R. Sivernell"
> List
>I too would like to be apart of a new distro, but I fear that it
>would take
> some
> time to outline just what we would want and at least a year or two
> to do such.

[ snip ]

> I am in the midst of designing a new IDE for Linux using a xclass
> library I found. It is somewhat outdated and I am bringing it up to
> latest ANSI - ISO level with stl. While I still use Kdevelop, it
> does work but I do not like QT. ... I have grown very found of xfce
> & would want it on all my machines. 

A few points:

1) A new linux distro is a lot of work and IMO about as useful as
t***s on a boar hog, as they say down south.

2) I think we would get a lot better mileage (extending Doug's
suggestion) with a repository of information on a few good distros
with pointers about how to get from new install to a stable, current,
upgradable system.  As Richard said, I like xfce on all my systems,
but the kde and gnome biggots are welcome, too.

3) On a side note, Richard, have you tried Python with the PyGtk
extension?  I'm working on a simple gui-based portage display and
installation package for gentoo.  PyGtk is pretty easy to use, but
it's not extremely well documented.

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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2002-06-01 Thread Kirk Ingvoldstad

Two Athlon 950 Thunderbird, one w/XP and RH7.2; one w/W98
Two MMX, one NT/RH6.2, one W2000
One P133, W95/RH 6.2
One Compaq Prosignia 400, W2000 Adv.Srv

One 386SX (2MB RAM) running DOS 6.22 and Dave Mischler's IPRoute. Excellent
gateway machine!!
- Original Message -
From: "Kurt Wall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Linux Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 5:17 PM
Subject:  How many Boxen?

> I was just curious how many and what kind of boxen people have on their
> home networks. For example, I have an AMD 1200 running Windows (yeah,
> whatever), a Pentium II running a heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, a
> Pentium III running an equally heavily-modified Slackware 8.0, and a
> Sparc5 running Solaris 2.8.
> Way OT, naturally...
> Kurt
> --
> Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like
> shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.
> -- Phyllis Diller
> ___
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Richard R. Sivernell


   I too would like to be apart of a new distro, but I fear that it would take
time to outline just what we would want and at least a year or two to do such.
I also would hate it if that were started and never completed as per Lonnie's
remarks, very wise Lonnie.  While some of us lowly sub Linux type would
gravel to be in the present of Guru(s) the likes of NeLlama, Burns Kurt Les 
Skippy and the many others, I may not have all the time needed. I do have some
as I am trying to finish a degree in CSCI, so I can get a job again, but I do
a full load. I am in the midst of designing a new IDE for Linux using a xclass
library I found. It is somewhat outdated and I am bringing it up to latest ANSI -
ISO level with stl. While I still use Kdevelop, it does work but I do not like
I have grown very found of xfce & would want it on all my machines. I do have 
a possible scenerio here, What if, no it is not HP, we took a distro that we
agreeded upon and rebuilt it. Also create a new installer program that would be
more to our liking. I have done some of that in the past, but would need good 
direction from our better people here. I think Skippy may just be on to something

down under with what he is doing. Am I off base & just rambling here? If there 
is a new roll our own, I would like to be apart of it, or any other direction
this list 


Rick Sivernell
Dallas, Texas  75287
972 306-2296
Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
Registered Linux User

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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Collins

On Fri, 31 May 2002 21:26:11 -0700 Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, 31 May 2002 20:22:44 -0600
> Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 2> Reading the writeups about Libranet, etc., I always came to the
> > conclusion that the package offerings were too damn old.
> Old and Stable.
> This is not always bad. It seems to be the debian way.
> But you have the option of changing the sources.list and going to
> the unstable or testing versions; unstable is pretty much the
> standard to most distros, I think. Debian has a different definition
> of stable.


Stable to me means - new enough to provide current content; old enough
(a few weeks, maybe) that it doesn't break my system.  FYI, I'm within
a few weeks of current on most gnu/kernel/wm/browser/mailer stuff, and
I haven't had any sort of a failure in years.  I wouldn't know a
kernel oops if it bit me in the rear.

I lied: There was one small problem.  gentoo like many others got
caught by a compatibility change in libpng a few months back - I did
have to relink all my X related apps.  But that's once in two years. 
Since I make frequent backups (clone to another partition), recovery
is pretty easy.

The debian concept may well be just the thing for servers (you only
need security updates), but it leaves me cold.  By the time kde 4.0
and kernel 2.6 are out and running well, debian may just possibly have
picked up on 3.1 and 2.4.

The debian concept may well work for desktop environments, too.  The
debian package management system is pretty slick.  If I had put the
same effort into debian that I have into gentoo, I could probably have
a first-rate and stable (by my definition) debian system now.  

However, I chose to honor the fact that gentoo had chosen to offer the
current X (my god, it's not stable yet!) with its install, whereas
debian could only offer an ancient version of X (it's stable, of
course) that would not run my Savage 3 video card.  The debian
installer also failed to setup DHCP automatically.  I just wasn't
ready to screw around with this when a perfectly good alternative
(Mandrake, RedHat, etc. would have worked, too) was at hand.

This is all history now.  For all I know, it may now be possible to
install a debian distro on my current hardware.  It just left a bad
taste in my mouth when I tried it, so I never tried again.

If someone like Libranet wants to come up with a really current
debian-based distro, I might give that a try.  

Collins Richey - Denver Area - WWTLRD?
gentoo(since 01/01/01) 2.4.18+(ext3) xfce-sylpheed-mozilla
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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Tim Wunder

On Friday 31 May 2002 09:54 pm, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the resources
> on the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge some time to
> get it off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
> So?

I'd rather see us keep an updated distros page, the info here and here
seems dated. The lycoris thread has some good info on alternative distros, as 
does a couple other threads.
Perhaps we'd be better served *endorsing* a distro, or coupla distro's and 
maintaining an updated distro's section than trying to roll our own.
BTW, has anybody tried the SxS on rolling your own (Skippy?), ?
I guess Joe Cheek is no longer sub'd, or he woulda chimed in on the Lycoris 


Caldera eWorkstation 3.1+, kernel 2.4.18-preempt, KDE 3.0.1, Xfree86 4.1.0
  8:00am  up 6 days, 14:53,  4 users,  load average: 0.74, 0.73, 0.70
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distributed file systems

2002-06-01 Thread =?x-user-defined?q?toylet=2Elinux=5B=A4p=AA=B1=B7N=5D?=

is there a distributed file systems that allows
sync between a windows folder with a linux directory?
better have a windows client.

Intermezzo works at partition and linux only... maybe I missed.

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Klaus-Peter Schrage

Am Samstag, 1. Juni 2002 03:54 schrieb Douglas J Hunley:

> Seems a lot of potential talk about crafting our own distro.
> You folks serious? Who's got the time for this? I can manage the resources
> on the mothership for it, but unless people actually pledge some time to
> get it off the ground, I'm not gonna bother.
> So?

Would be a nice and challenging task with a lot of opportunity to learn for 
me, but summer's almost here, cycling and beer-gardens ... ask me again when 
the winter/spring edition of 'Skippix' is about to come out.
Now seriously: it's better to say 'no' now than half way, as Lonni has 

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Re: SxS Distro?

2002-06-01 Thread Klaus-Peter Schrage

Am Samstag, 1. Juni 2002 04:20 schrieb Keith Antoine:

> I said a while ago that I would be using Caldera 2.4 and upodating this.
> Also that I would upload to the site when I was finished and that I would
> be asking questions. It had since alterred from 2.4 which would not install
> on my h/w, neither would ltp or 3.0 to 3.1.1. I am NOT competant to alter
> the cd installation of such a distro but I am updating all I can of the
> rpms plus others that I use in video straeming and video playing. I want
> help as to how I make rpms of kernel sources ( hand holding), and anything
> else that i cannot get checkinstall to make rpms for me.

There is a somewhat hidden rpm target in the kernel source Makefile of v. 
2.4.18. When compiling the kernel, try
make xconfig rpm
which gives you an installable kernel rpm (with modules).

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Re: Non-fixated CDROM

2002-06-01 Thread Ronnie Gauthier

It used to be that when you wrote to a cd that was it, one write, the TOC was 
done last. With multi session you can write to a disk then add more later. 
What it does it to make a linked TOC files. This takes up about 17M of space 
for the first TOC and about 13M for each one thereafter. This extra room 
needed does not show up in the file size(s) displayed by the burner(least not 
for me).
On Friday 31 May 2002 08:49 pm, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> I am using alpha10 now, I have no idea what multisession would do for me,
> and what it has to do with fixating.  This is becoming a way of life:
> there's so much interesting stuff to do I wouldn't have time to RTFM
> even if the FM had been written yet, which it hasn't.  In any event,
> I've tossed the one CD that appeared to be unreadable, and located
> the iso again, and burnt it.
> I did find out that fixating puts a table of contents on the disk;
> why that's separate from the contents themselves is beyond my ken.
> I also had a quick email exchange with the author, who put me to
> rights about some of my stupidies (rightfully) and was still gracious
> enough to take two of my suggestions seriously.  This is also a way
> of life, at least in Open Source.  I love it.
> ++ kevin
> On Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 11:17:02AM +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:
> > On Friday 31 May 2002 06:37 am, you wrote:
> > > I'm just getting used to this version of xcdroast, but was doing a
> > > batch of CDROMs last night.  In the process, I think once or twice
> > > I thought the recording was done while the fixating was in fact
> > > still going on, and I forced the drive open anyway.
> > >
> > > Now I don't know which ones this happened to.  And I haven't a clue
> > > what 'fixating' really is, or what a CDROM would look like if that
> > > part of the process hadn't happened.  Can anybody tell me what to
> > > look for?
> > >
> > > Meanwhile, I think I'll look up the software team and complain about
> > > that part of the GUI: it shows all 100% progress bars and I have to
> > > read the fine print to know I'm not done yet.  This is 0.98alpha8,
> > > and I know it's a test release from a while back, but it's what
> > > I've got.
> > >
> > > ++ kevin
> >
> > You should be using alpha10 it does multisession now.
> >
> > --
> > Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
> > 18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161
> > Retired Geriatric, Sometime Electronics Engineer, Knowall, Brain in
> > storage
> >
> > ___
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Re: lycoris

2002-06-01 Thread Pam R

On Saturday 01 June 2002 12:35 am, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Thursday 30 May 2002 07:43 pm, you wrote:
> Icould not agree with you more, as for suse again in agreement but I had
> more problems with trying to get the second ccddrive seen (dvd), in fact I
> did not manage it. Also the presumption on install that it knows what
> partitions to install on and wanted to delete a winders partition. Ok, I
> know about winders but wanting to delete it and also rssze things, no way.

You can tell it to use whatever partitions you want, and not to resize them.

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