Re: sendmail won't start

2003-11-20 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to do something that is admittedly a bit
> foolish.  I'm trying to 
> get the sendmail RPM from Redhat-7.3 working on my
> ancient Caldera box. 
> There's really not much Caldera left in it, as I've
> been upgrading it 
> piecemeal to assorted Redhat RPMs for a while now,
> but it was last an 
> amalgam of COL-2.4 & 3.1.
> At any rate, I got sendmail-8.11.6-27.73 RPM
> installed, and running the 
> sendmail binary manually does work.  Its just the
> initscript that came with 
> it that fails to work.  If i run
> "/etc/init.d/sendmail start" i get:
> Starting sendmail: Usage: daemon program
> I can start sendmail manually with "sendmail -bd
> -q1h", and it backgrounds 
> itself just fine, so its something wonky in the
> initscript.  Anyone have 
> any suggestions on what might be wrong here?
> -- 
> L. Friedman 
> Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo: 

Looking at the sendmail startup script, there should
be a line that says something like:
daemon /usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q1h
(paths may vary depending on your installation)

If the "daemon" line does not look like this in your
script, change it.

"Daemon" is a function defined in the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions file which is sourced in at
the top of sendmail.  It starts the passed program
after doing some sanity checks and it allows all
startup scripts to look/act alike.

Good luck,

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Re: Background question

2003-11-05 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I guess this is a bash question, and probly FAQ-ish,
> but...
> Say I set a make job to execute in the background
> with 'make >make.log 
> 2>&1 &' and the job then stops to ask for user
> input, like asking, "mv: 
> overwrite `.deps/alarmdaemoniface_stub.Plo',
> overriding mode 0644?"
> How do I give the user input to the job? Is it
> possible?
> Thanks,
> Tim

IIRC, there is a built-in command (i.e., part of your
shell, assuming it's sh, ksh, bash, etc.) called "fg"
which brings background jobs to the foreground.


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Re: DSL (scary) question

2003-09-30 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brad De Vries wrote:
>   > Call the ISP and asked if DSL really is
> available at
> > the address in question.  They said "yes it is". 
> I
> > asked "how it was possible that you can provide
> > over Ameritech lines but Ameritech can't?"  The
> > salesman said, and I quote, "because we have more
> > powerful equipment."
> > 
> > My instinct is telling me to stay as far away from
> > them as possible but I'm REALLY curious.  Do you
> all
> > think I should follow my instincts or should I
> pursue
> > a relationship with them (until they realize they
> > can't provide what they promise)?
> The phone companies tend to be very conservative
> with distances so it is 
> indeed possible that another ISP could reach the
> spot. That said, 
> however, speed and reliability is always a rapidly
> diminishing quantity 
> with distance and line quality. Some DSL equipment
> will reach 50k feet 
> with pristine wire - but you may be down to 128kbps
> long before getting 
> that far. And what most of us would think of as "DSL
> speeds" are rarely 
> attainable beyond, say, 20k feet.
> Unfortunately, saying they have "more powerful
> equipment" is a dum-dum 
> explanation. They may be ok to do business with, but
> I'd get some 
> promises on speed (both up and down) and
> reliability. And finding other 
> "satisfied" (or not) customers is the best to learn
> anything concrete.
> Michael

I hadn't heard that you could get DSL beyond the 15K
ft range (except with IDSL).  I appreciate your
recommendation to get customer references and further
guarantees (I have a guarantee of 128K but I don't
know if it's up, down or both.)  I guess I should at
least continue talking with them.

Thanks for the info.


PS, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was
a 'dum-dum' answer.

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Re: DSL (scary) question

2003-09-30 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Aaron Grewell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > The phone companies tend to be very conservative
> with distances so it is 
> > indeed possible that another ISP could reach the
> spot. That said, 
> > however, speed and reliability is always a rapidly
> diminishing quantity 
> > with distance and line quality. Some DSL equipment
> will reach 50k feet 
> > with pristine wire - but you may be down to
> 128kbps long before getting 
> > that far. And what most of us would think of as
> "DSL speeds" are rarely 
> > attainable beyond, say, 20k feet.
> Exactly.  This is probably 'IDSL' which is not only
> slow (128-144K) but 
> expensive as well.

The salesman was clear that this was not IDSL and that
the plan was a 768K up/256K down connection with 128K
guaranteed.  I currently have ISDN with 128K
connection but it would be nice to unload the phone

Thanks for the info.


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DSL (scary) question

2003-09-30 Thread Brad De Vries
Hey all, I was trying to order DSL for a friend's
company yesterday and I thought you all might like to
hear the story.

First, since the company uses Ameritech phone lines, I
thought I'd start there.  Checked their website but it
was too far.  Verified distance problems with and quickly gave up on that option.

Second, neither of the local cable companies provided
cable to the location due, I think, primarily to the
fact that it's a commercial area.

Thirdly, started looking into wireless offerings from
some local companies when I came across an ISP who
said they could provide DSL to the area.  I checked
their website, sure enough, they provide DSL over
Ameritech lines, so I was quite skeptical.

Call the ISP and asked if DSL really is available at
the address in question.  They said "yes it is".  I
asked "how it was possible that you can provide DSL
over Ameritech lines but Ameritech can't?"  The
salesman said, and I quote, "because we have more
powerful equipment."

My instinct is telling me to stay as far away from
them as possible but I'm REALLY curious.  Do you all
think I should follow my instincts or should I pursue
a relationship with them (until they realize they
can't provide what they promise)?


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Re: migrating system files (info)

2003-09-30 Thread Brad De Vries
Thanks for going Off Topic on this, my head was
starting to hurt from reading the other posts.  I
think it might have been withdrawl symptoms.

Anyway, to pass assignmment values into an awk script,
use the -v option:

for i in `awk -F: ' ($3 > 99) && ($3 < 65530) { print
$1}' /etc/passwd`;
  awk -F: -v name=$i '$1 == name {print $0}'
/etc/gshadow >> /tmp/gshadow
  awk -F: -v name=$i '$1 == name {print $0}'
/etc/group   >> /tmp/group
  awk -F: -v name=$i '$1 == name {print $0}'
/etc/shadow  >> /tmp/shadow

--- Keith Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Admittedly, this message isn't about self
> gratification, mental or 
> physical. Nor does it deride SCO, Microsoft, or any
> other targets we like 
> to detest.  Hence it may be considered Off Topic. 
> But what the hell, I'll 
> test the waters.
> Thiw is somewhat a followup to Michael Hipp's
> question about password 
> issues when migrating to a new server.  To support
> this effort, I spent 
> that last few hours beating my head against the wall
> trying to figure out 
> how to pass command line variables to awk and then
> use it to pattern 
> match.
> awk -F: ' ($3 > 99) && ($3 < 65530) { print $1}'
> /etc/passwd > passwd
> for i in `awk -F: ' ($3 > 99) && ($3 < 65530) {
> print $1}' /etc/passwd`; 
> do 
>   awk -F:  '$1 == name {print $0 }' name=$i
> /etc/gshadow
> done >> gshadow
> for i in `awk -F: ' ($3 > 99) && ($3 < 65530) {
> print $1}' /etc/passwd`;  
> do 
>   awk -F:  '$1 == name {print $0 }' name=$i
> /etc/group
> done >> group
> for i in `awk -F: ' ($3 > 99) && ($3 < 65530) {
> print $1}' /etc/passwd`;
> do
>   awk -F:  '$1 == name {print $0 }' name=$i
> /etc/shadow
> done >> shadow

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Re: Networking issues

2003-09-26 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Some kind of crazy arp poisoning maybe?
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Brad De Vries wrote:
> > I have a network of WinXX PC's with a single Linux
> box
> > acting as the gateway/firewall/dhcp server/e-mail
> > server/etc.  My Linux box connects to the ISP via
> 128K
> > ISDN dial-up line (too far away for DSL and cable
> is
> > N/A).
> >
> > When I first connect the Linux box to the ISP, I
> can:
> > 1) Use the Linux box to traceroute to everything
> (the
> > ISP blocked ICMP so I can't ping outside their
> > network).
> > 2) Use the Linux box to browse the web (using
> Lynx).
> > 3) Use the WinXX PC's to browse the web to "some"
> > sites (google, domains hosted by ISP, etc.)
> >
> > When I first connect the Linux box to the ISP, I
> can
> > not:
> > 1) Use the WinXX PC's to tracert beyond the first
> two
> > hops, Linux box is first and the ISP's router is
> the
> > second.
> > 2) Use the WinXX PC's to browse the web to
> anything
> > "big" such as Yahoo!, ABCNews, FoxNews,
> > WeatherChannel, etc.
> >
> > After a while (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20
> or
> > more) I begin to lose some functionality.  Such as
> > traceroute from Linux to the world or pinging the
> > ISP's router, etc.  The ISDN Terminal Adapter
> (i.e.,
> > modem) sends the requests, the SD light goes on,
> but
> > never receives a reply, no RD light.
> >
> > I've been experiencing this problem for the last
> week
> > to 10 days.  Does anyone have any thoughts as to
> what
> > might be the cause?  I've replaced some hardware
> > including the hub and cabling and I've tried using
> an
> > analog modem but the same problem persists.  The
> Linux
> > box has been running for a very long time without
> any
> > changes.  (For those of you heavily in the Windows
> > world, a user rebooted the Linux box the other day
> to
> > see if it would fix the problem but it, obviously,
> > didn't.)
> >
> > TIA,
> > Brad.

How can I determine if there is some "arp poisoning"?

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Re: Can't authenticate to ipop3d

2003-09-26 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Keith Morse wrote:
> > On Thu, 25 Sep 2003, Michael Hipp wrote:
> > 
> >>I just did a clean install of RH9 on a server that
> was running RH8, 
> >>everything is working great except that ipop3d
> won't authenticate any 
> >>users. Just says "Bad authentication". This was
> working fine on RH8 and 
> >>I don't remember putting any real effort into
> getting it working.
> >>
> >>Log says stuff like:  Autologout user=???
> host=[]
> >>
> >>Does it use some different authentication
> mechanism? Is there even a 
> >>config file for ipop3d?
> > 
> > WAG here.  Take a look at /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3
> and/or /etc/hosts.allow.
> Thanks. The xinetd.d/ipop3 file is clean and exactly
> the same as the one 
> that worked in RH8. The hosts.allow is empty
> meaning, I assume, allow 
> everyone.
> And I can telnet into port 110 and enter USER and
> PASS so it's not a 
> basic network connectivity issue. It just says "Bad
> authentication" to 
> every combo of user/pass I enter.
> Still looking for ideas ...
> Michael

What e-mail clients are you using?  Some have the
ability to send user/passwd in clear text or
encrypted.  Have you tried both?


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Networking issues

2003-09-26 Thread Brad De Vries
I have a network of WinXX PC's with a single Linux box
acting as the gateway/firewall/dhcp server/e-mail
server/etc.  My Linux box connects to the ISP via 128K
ISDN dial-up line (too far away for DSL and cable is

When I first connect the Linux box to the ISP, I can:
1) Use the Linux box to traceroute to everything (the
ISP blocked ICMP so I can't ping outside their
2) Use the Linux box to browse the web (using Lynx).
3) Use the WinXX PC's to browse the web to "some"
sites (google, domains hosted by ISP, etc.)

When I first connect the Linux box to the ISP, I can
1) Use the WinXX PC's to tracert beyond the first two
hops, Linux box is first and the ISP's router is the
2) Use the WinXX PC's to browse the web to anything
"big" such as Yahoo!, ABCNews, FoxNews,
WeatherChannel, etc.

After a while (sometimes 5 minutes, sometimes 20 or
more) I begin to lose some functionality.  Such as
traceroute from Linux to the world or pinging the
ISP's router, etc.  The ISDN Terminal Adapter (i.e.,
modem) sends the requests, the SD light goes on, but
never receives a reply, no RD light.

I've been experiencing this problem for the last week
to 10 days.  Does anyone have any thoughts as to what
might be the cause?  I've replaced some hardware
including the hub and cabling and I've tried using an
analog modem but the same problem persists.  The Linux
box has been running for a very long time without any
changes.  (For those of you heavily in the Windows
world, a user rebooted the Linux box the other day to
see if it would fix the problem but it, obviously,


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X-server sounds

2003-09-22 Thread Brad De Vries
I have a RH7.3 box and a WinXP box running Cygwin. 
While sitting at the XP box, running Cygwin, I can
make a connection to the RH box using the Cygwin
X-server and run all the normal X stuff.  However, I
can not get the sound from any X-client applications
to come through to the speakers on the XP box.

1) Is this concept even possible?

2) If so, any ideas on how?


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Re: C Question now ....

2003-06-09 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Ben Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, now for my question of the day.
> After 18 years in UNIX and 8 in linux, started
> getting serious on
> developing my C skills. Most of revolves around
> Appgen stuff.
> Anyway, I wrote a C program to tell me what kind of
> application an
> Appgen program is.  Program is called typeprog. To
> wit:
> typeprog PDEF.OE07000
> returns:
> "Program PDEF.OE07 is a Maint and uses OE-INVCE
> file."
> Now, I would like to xpand that to use something
> like
> "typeprog `ls PDEF.IV*`  "  or  " ls PDEF.IV |
> typeprog"
> as well.
> Now, I know argv[1] gives me the program name, but
> how do I go about
> xpanding that to use the latter style as well as the
> first and determine which
>   I have incoming and to walk the list given by the
> latter?
> I know I will probably have to put a while loop in
> it, but as for the
> rest, I am lost ...
> -- 
> Ben Duncan

You're right about argv[1] being the value of the
first parameter and you can use that together with
argc for the number of parameters.  So a simple little
loop like:

for(i=1;i<=argc;i++) {
  do stuff with argv[i]

would process each parameter in order.

For the second example, you're processing the
filenames from stdin.  You simply treat stdin just
like a file and read the "file" to obtain the "data"


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Re: Bash Script Ques

2003-06-09 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Michael Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, first post (in a long time) ...
> I thought to do something like:
> if [ -f myfile* ]; then
> # do something
> fi
> That's to find if there are one or more like
> myfile001, myfile002, but 
> it reports an error "too many arguments" if there is
> more than one. Any 
> simple/elegant way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Michael

Here's one more suggestion to go with the several
you've already received.

FILES=`ls myfile* 2>/dev/null`
if [ ! -z "$FILES" ]; then
  echo "File(s) found"
  echo "No files found"


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Re: ISC's dhcp

2003-06-05 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Man-wai Chang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> how could I configure the package such that it would
> not use /usr/local 
> but /usr? its configure script doesn't have --prefix
> option.

After running "./configure" the resulting makefile
should contain the install directory.  You might be
able to simply change it before running "make install".

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Re: Multi-line regular expression matching

2003-06-03 Thread Brad De Vries
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm attempting to write a script that will delete a
> certain portion of a
> data file.  What I want to do is delete everything
> between (and including)
> two lines, line A and line B
> The "file":
> ...
> #lineA
> ...
> #lineB
> ...
> To an extent I don't really care what tool is used,
> but I've been unable
> to  accomplish the task with either Perl or SED so
> I'm wondering if there
> might be something wrong with the regular
> expressions that I've tried.
> A couple of the reg-exp's that I've tried:
> 's/#lineA.*#lineB//gs'
> 's/#lineA(.|\n)*#lineB//gs'
> Both of the above seem to work fine if #lineA and
> #lineB are on the same
> line in the file (I've yet to add in anything to
> check if #lineA and
> #lineB occur at the start of the line, but that'll
> be added in later). 
> Shouldn't the /s modifier allow multi-line matching
> to take place?
> David Aikema

Here's a little 3-line awk script that should work.

# set flag when we find the beginning
/lineA/ { found = 1 }

# print only when we haven't found the beginning
{ if (! found) print($0) }

# clear flag when we find the end
/lineB/ { found = 0 }

Here's another example, this time using vim.
  vi -s script-file data-file

script-file contains:



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Re: XFS resizing & Win2k

2003-05-31 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 29 May 2003, Tim Wunder wrote:
> > On 5/29/2003 3:05 PM, someone claiming to be
> Andrew Mathews wrote:
> > > Net Llama! wrote:
> > > 
> > > | Anyone know if Win2k has any ridiculous need
> to be on hda1, or will it be
> > > | ok sitting on hda4?
> > > |
> > >
> > > No, it needs to be on C:\ 
> >
> > Can't Grub/LILO hide partitions from Windows?
> hrmmm..i thought that there were 'hidden' partition
> types, but not
> technically hidden partitions.
> > I seem to remember doing this with grub when I was
> dual booting way back
> > when...
> could be, although i have to use LILO (beyond my
> personal preference for
> it).
> -- 
> Lonni J Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo   

How about "simply":
1) buying a second drive,
2) installing it as the master on the primary
3) install LILO on this new drive
4) config LILO to boot:
  a) Windows off hda
  b) Linux off hdb but to swap drive mappings between
hda and hdb

Hopefully, you'll be able to boot either OS without
changes.  You'll also have the added benefit of
removing the Linux HD before installing WinXP thereby
eliminating the possibility that WinXP will
automatically reformat the the Linux HD.


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Re: XFS resizing & Win2k

2003-05-30 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've painted myself into a corner where i need/want
> to turn a Linux only
> box into a dual boot box with Win2k.  Right now, the
> box (which is a
> laptop) has just RH9 (XFS) installed, and occupying
> the entire disk as
> follows:
> hda1  /boot
> hda2  SWAP
> hda3 /
> What I need to do is resize hda3 so that its about 5
> GB smaller, so that i
> can create a hda4 to install Win2k on.  The problem
> here is that
> xfs_growfs doesn't appear to support shrinking
> partitions, just growing
> them.  Is shrinking an XFS partition even possible? 
> If so, how?
> thanks!
> -- 
> Lonni J Friedman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo   

If you find that it's a dump/load process, you might
want to look at a vmware installation.  I used it
about a year ago and it seemed to work fine for me.  I
think there is still an evaluation version which is
good for 30 days.

Good luck,

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Re: Bash scripting question

2003-05-27 Thread Brad De Vries
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Brad De Vries wrote,
> > You could try:
> > -
> > TOTCNT=$#
> > for ((NUM=1; NUM <= $TOTCNT; NUM++))
> > do
> >   echo "$NUM: $1"
> >   shift
> > done
> > -
> Wouldn't this kind of leave me stuck if I were to
> want to do something
> with any of the parameters later on?  I notice from
> the man page that you
> can't shift them back.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
> David Aikema

You are correct, you cannot shift the positional
parameters back onto the stack once they've been
shifted off.  I didn't realize that you wanted to
retain their position for use later on.  In that case,
I would take one of the other suggestions and simply:

for i in $*; do
  let NUM=$NUM+1
  echo "$NUM: $i"

You might also be able to use the 'eval' builtin


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Re: Checking a microphone on Linux

2003-03-21 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Brad De Vries wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a program to simply save a
> > recording from a microphone?  I've installed and
> > configured the kphone program, signed up for FWD
> > ( and, before I make
> a
> > complete fool of myself calling people, I wanted
> to
> > check the levels on my microphone.
> >
> > Currently running Red Hat 7.3
> not that this answers your question, but you could
> always call your own
> phone number to test it out  :)

Actually I tried this but it doesn't seem to answer --
which maybe a completely separate problem.


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Re: Checking a microphone on Linux

2003-03-21 Thread Brad De Vries

--- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 21 March 2003 5:20 pm, someone claiming to
> be Brad De Vries wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a program to simply save a
> > recording from a microphone?  I've installed and
> > configured the kphone program, signed up for FWD
> > ( and, before I make
> a
> > complete fool of myself calling people, I wanted
> to
> > check the levels on my microphone.
> >
> aumix, kmix, ??mix
> There should be a mixer installed somewhere.
> HTH, 
> Tim

Unfortunately neither aumix nor kmix (that's all I
have for ??mix) have the ability to record what's
coming from the mic.  They only have the ability to
set the levels.  The man page for aumix seems to
indicate that it can record (option "R") but I don't
see where it's recording to or from.

Any other thoughts or further instructions on the
above mentioned programs?



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Checking a microphone on Linux

2003-03-21 Thread Brad De Vries
Does anyone know of a program to simply save a
recording from a microphone?  I've installed and
configured the kphone program, signed up for FWD
( and, before I make a
complete fool of myself calling people, I wanted to
check the levels on my microphone.

Currently running Red Hat 7.3


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Re: favicon.ico

2003-02-13 Thread Brad De Vries
I must admit I didn't get the icon until after I
bookmarked the pages (including both Linux-sxs and
KurtWerks).  Now I get it everytime.

--- Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Kurt Wall spewed electrons into the ether that
> resembled:
> > It ain't happenin', dude.  However, if i added the
> magic incantation
> >  href="favicon.ico"> to
> > $DOCROOT/index.html, it came up just fine, as you
> can see at the KurtWerks
> > home page. To see one that doesn't work, have a
> look at
> >
> dude, do you get our icon when you visit the
> mothership? we don't use that 
> damn  hack thing and it appears to work just
> fine.

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Re: Windows client, linux X server

2003-02-02 Thread Brad De Vries
You are very close with the definitions you used.  The
only changes I would suggest is that the PC is
actually running the X-server because it's serving up
its screen, keyboard and mouse.  The system running
the X-windows system is actually called the X-client
because it runs the applications.  The easiest way for
me to remember these definitions is to remember
they're backwards from what I would initially think
would be the case.

Definitions not withstanding, here are a couple of
other options for you:

I've used this in 'demo' mode and it seems to work
well -- much faster than the standard VNC stuff and
it's only $25 to buy it.

I'd like to use this, it's free, but I haven't been
able to install it without all the other Cygwin stuff.

--- Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to run X client sessions from windows
> clients to a linux
> server.
> I hope I have this terminology right. The
> distinction between client and
> server in this situation always befuddles me, but, I
> think you know what
> I mean. The windows box logs onto the linux box and
> runs linux programs
> on the linux box.
> There is more than one way I believe for doing this.
> Does anyone have
> any experience doing this?
> Thanks,
> Joel

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2003-01-24 Thread Brad De Vries
Here's yet another link:

--- Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> List
>   At the below url is a place to get stickers of
> Tux, first it is great
> sticker, but it is in Germany, I speak no German and
> do not know the
> money system. If someone overthere can check out the
> site and tell me
> how much they are in my money system, I would
> appreciate it.
> -- 
> Rick Sivernell
> Dallas, Texas  75287
> 972 306-2296
> Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
> Registered Linux User
>   / v \
>  /( _ )\
>^ ^
> In Linux we trust!
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Re: xterm/tty problems

2002-12-17 Thread Brad De Vries
Something easy to check is the TERM environment
variable.  The value should have come across the
rlogin from the originating session but that doesn't
mean that it's correct.  There is also a possibility
that it's being reset in the .bashrc/.profile scripts.

To check it:
$ echo $TERM

To set it:
$ export TERM=vt220

Good luck,
--- Alan Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A colleague at work asked me the following, and I
> couldn't quite remember
> how to fix it. 
> She logs into a Linux frontend for our beowolf
> cluster, using rlogin, and
> when she runs man, it leaves the xterm in a state
> such that everything is
> underlined after that. If she uses more, then
> everything is reverse video.
> Where do you go to stop this from happening, and
> what do you put there?
> This is a tty thing, isn't it. I understood those
> things, sort of, years
> ago, but I've forgotten almost all of it...
> The front end (and the clusters too) are running
> some version of Redhat.
> -- 
> | Alan K. Jackson| To see a World in a
> Grain of Sand  |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | And a Heaven in a
> Wild Flower, |
> |   | Hold Infinity in the
> palm of your hand |
> | Houston, Texas | And Eternity in an
> hour. - Blake   |

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Re: RH 8 font problem

2002-12-09 Thread Brad De Vries
Tim, two quick questions:
1) I seem to remember that either chkfontdir or
ttmkfdir could only handle fonts with lowercase names.
 When you copied the fonts from Windows, did the newly
created font files contain uppercase letters?

2) Again, IIRC, the ttmkfdir command only created the
fonts.scale file and mkfontdir command created the
fonts.dir.  Do you have both of these files and do
they look okay?

--- Tim Wunder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to troubleshoot a problem with
> TrueType fonts and RH 8. I *had* TrueType fonts
> sorta working, but was getting occasional crashes of
> XFS (x font server). After playing with the system
> over the weeked, I mananged to find a way to crash
> xfs 100% of the time. All I needed to do was try to
> change fonts in an OOo document.
> In order to try and rectify the problem once and for
> all, I decided to try to uninstall the TTF's and
> re-install them according to
> In the process of doing this, I ran into this known
> bug,
> which indicates a problem that ttmkfdir has with bad
> ttf fonts. So I managed to find a set of fonts, thru
> the process of elimination, that ttmkfdir liked, but
> I'm still having problems.
> I installed my "good" fonts into
> /usr/share/fonts/TrueType
> I then ran ttmkfdir to create the fonts.dir and
> fonts.scale files.
> I then ran chkfontdir --add
> /usr/share/fonts/TrueType and
> chkfontdir --list to make sure the directory got
> listed.
> I then ran /sbin/service xfs restart to reload the
> new fonts
> But, when I ran xlsfonts, none of the new fonts were
> listed. I've since tried to install only a single
> font in the /usr/share/fonts/TrueType directory,
> comic.ttf, but even that seems to be failing. 
> And there's more puzzling stuff...
> OOo seems to see the TTF fonts, now, despite them
> not being seen by xlsfonts. I just started OOo
> remotely and al the previously installed TTF's
> appear to be available. Damn peculiar. Where does
> OOo find fonts? It's listing ALL the TTF's I *had*
> installed, even though they shouldn't *be* instaled
> anymore (cuz I'm only trying to get the 1 font to be
> seen by xlsfonts). I originally had the fonts
> installed in 
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType, but have since
> removed that directory.
> I'm getting close to being at my wit's end on this.
> Anybody have a large clue stick they can hit me
> with?
> Thanks, 
> Tim
> ___
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Re: Allow all access to database files (dumb newbie question)

2002-12-06 Thread Brad De Vries
Has anyone suggested taking advantage of the security
within Linux/UNIX?

Why not:
1) create a group for the project
2) add users to the group who need access to this
3) create a directory such as /opt/project or
/home/project or /home/projects/project
4) assign the permissions for this directory so that
only the group from #1 can read/write/etc.
5) move all project related files into the directory
and adjust permissions as appropriate
6) verify that the newly created directory(ies) are
being backed up as desired
7) celebrate that the issue is:
   a) resolved
   b) secure
   c) easily maintainable
   d) proof of concept for other projects

Once you've done a few of these types of little
projects, you start to see the benefits/drawbacks of
where you put things.  Then, hopefully, you can move
the directories and simply create symlinks.

--- Robert Black Eagle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> If you mean /tmp, you're mistaken.  All sorts of
> programs use it and it 
> isn't used for anything except temporary files.
> On Wednesday 04 December 2002 6:36 pm, Bill Day
> wrote:
> > /temp is uually world read/writeable.. but not a
> good idea..  maybe a
> > samba share where only system users are allowed
> read/write access
> >
> > Bill Day
> >
> > Linux 2.2.20-1tr i586
> >   6:10pm  up 1 day,  9:11,  0 users,  load
> average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
> > We're still up at @
> #linux-users
> > or @ #linux-users
> > #83358
> >
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Harry G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "SxS Users" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 5:20 PM
> > Subject: Allow all access to database files (dumb
> newbie question)
> >
> > > I am running database program as a user. I have
> another user on the
> > > same computer I want to give access to the
> database file, and also
> > > a bunch of documents.
> > >
> > > Where is the best place to put this in the
> filesystem?  I see a lot
> > > of
> >
> > places
> >
> > > that might work, but I want to do this properly.
>  Both users will
> > > need
> >
> > read
> >
> > > and write access, by the way.
> > >
> > > TIA
> > >
> > > Harry G
> >
> > ---
> > Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system
> (
> > Version: 6.0.423 / Virus Database: 238 - Release
> Date: 11/25/02
> - -- 
> Robert Black Eagle
> One gets wise only after being stupid.

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Re: Need help with PPP Server Setup Please.

2002-11-26 Thread Brad De Vries
--- RBE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Monday 25 November 2002 3:05 pm, DragonsFireBurns
> wrote:
> > RBE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> news:mailman.86.1038256699.691.linux-
> >
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > > On Sunday 24 November 2002 5:00 pm, Net Llama!
> wrote:
> > >> On 11/24/02 14:41, DragonsFireBurns wrote:
> > >> > "Net Llama!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
> in
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >> >>On 11/24/02 13:29, DragonsFireBurns wrote:
> > >> >>>Using the Step by Step;
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>Stuck on this part;
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>ls -al of /usr/sbin/pppd (or /sbin/pppd)
> should look like this:
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>-r-sr-x--- 1 root root 138724 Sep 16 23:15
> /usr/sbin/pppd
> > >> >>>
> > >> >>>Reply says file does not exsist, I looked
> with the editor and
> > >> >>> it is their.
> > >> >>
> > >> >>Which user are you trying to run pppd as? 
> The perms that you
> > >> >> have will only work for root, unless you
> change it to:
> > >> >>-r-sr-xr-x (4555)
> > >> >
> > >> > I'm loged in as root.
> > >>
> > >> OK, then you need to provide more information
> on what you're
> > >> running that is giving you that error.
> > >
> > > Maybe this is in error, but to run pppd,
> shouldn't the root user
> > > have 'x' priviledges?
> >
> > What does that mean?
> As in -r-xr-xr-x, rather than -r-sr-xr-x.
The "s" means that:
a) the file is marked as executable for the owner
b) anyone who does execute the file "becomes" the
owner when executing it.  This "becoming the owner"
only occurs for the execution of the file.  a.k.a.

Similarly, you can mark a file set-gid
(-r-xr-sr-x)which means the same as above except you
replace "owner" with "group".

See also "info chmod".


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Re: USB cameras poll

2002-11-12 Thread Brad De Vries
--- Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about those with digital usb cameras telling us
> which ones work 
> easily in linux, and which do not? and which disto?

Red Hat 7.3
Kodak MC3 (camera, video recorder, MP3 player)

Works fine for both download and upload.  Not bad
since I picked it up for $90 through
with a 64MB flash card and I got a 4% rebate from


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Re: writing a MBR to a non-boot disk that will end up being a bootdisk

2002-11-05 Thread Brad De Vries
Actually there are options within the lilo.conf file
to set/reset the BIOS numbers of the drives.  If you
read the man page for lilo.conf, you'll see an option:

that option has a "sub-option" to set the BIOS

I realize it probably is not going to satisfy Steve's
original request but it might be helpful to some.

I had a system a while back with two drives; hda had
COL 1.2 and hdb had Win95.  At the LILO prompt if I
simply booted Win95 it tried to run as D: but I was
able to fix that with this option.

--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Drive designations are contreolled by your BIOS. 
> You can't change these
> via software.
> On Tue, 5 Nov 2002, steve rader wrote:
> >
> > Does anyone know how (if possible) to tell
lilo to
> write a MBR
> > to, say /dev/sdb (the "second disk"
eg bios=0x81)
> such that it
> > will boot as /dev/sda??  I think I have
tried all
> reasonable
> > combinations of chroot and lilo.conf disk=
> bios= tricks
> > with no success.
> >
> > Failing that, does anyone have a
recommendation of
> floppy
> > boot linux distro to use for automating
> the MBR via
> > a boot-in-memory-then-write-lilo tact?
> >
> > steve
> > - - -
> > systems & network guy
> > high energy physics
> > university of wisconsin
> >
> >
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> >
> -- 
> Lonni J Friedman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo
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Re: Finding out IP Number.

2002-10-22 Thread Brad De Vries
You could try the command:
# last -i

--- Ben Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I need to know a users telneted/rlogin .etc ..etc..
> IP on a flat 
> network that does not have DNS.
> Any Idea how to get it?
> Who -l , only does a DNS resolution.

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Re: Network Duplex settings

2002-10-10 Thread Brad De Vries

It's also in RH7.3.  Try:
# locate -i mii-tool
# man 8 mii-tool

--- Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's in UnitedLinux...
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2002 12:02:37 +0800
> "m.w.chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > where can I find this mli-tool? I don't have it...
> > 
> > 
> > > I also found this as well.
> > > 
> > > man mii-tool for syntax on the command, but if
> your device supports
> > > it, then 
> > > 
> > > /sbin/mii-tool -F 100BaseTx-FD eth0 
> > > 
> > > will force eth0 to 100/FD.

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Re: about Cypheus

2002-09-25 Thread Brad De Vries

I'm guessing that the German message translates into
something like:
Your C:\ does not have enough free diskspace.  You
need at least 26.91 MB to install this package.  Free
up some disk space and click .

If that doesn't appear to be the problem, I would look
for any upgrades/patches to Cypheus that you can

Other than that, I would suggest trying a list that is
geared more towards Windows applications than Linux.

Good luck.
Brad from the USA.
--- Sara Alberti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good Morning!
> I'm using Hylafax faxserver and I've some problems
> with the Win client Cypheus...
> What do you tell me about this error that the
> Cypheus setup has shown me as I tried to install
> Cypheus on my operating system Win 2000 nt? 
> the message error is:
> "Auf Laufwerk C:\ ist nicht genugend Platz
> vorhanden, um dieses Paket zu entpacken.Bitte 26.91
> MB freimachen und danach Wiederholen klicken"
> It's just a little bit hard to traslate...! And
> anyway I don't know what to do!
> If I click on "retry" nothings appens and it shows
> me again the error window...Instead if i click on
> "cancel" the setup ends without finishing...
> What shall I do to resolve this problem?It's the
> first time I face with this type of error.I' ve
> formatted and installed again Win 2000... May it be
> a problem with some missed files or packages?
> Another question...Why Cypheus sends faxes in some
> machines and not in other ones if I have installed
> and configured it in the same way (I sware it!) in
> each PC?
> Where I can find an english documentation of
> Cypheus? 
> I want to register my faxes with a specific protocol
> number ...Is it possible?
> Thank you very much, also for the time you spent to
> me!
> Have I nice day!
> SARA ALBERTI from Italy  

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Re: cut

2002-09-23 Thread Brad De Vries

You could try the 'sed' command:
cat kernel.01 | sed -e "s/.*DPT=/DPT=/" -e
"s/ .*//"

That would replace everything up to the first
"DPT=" with nothing and everything from the
first space character to the end of the line with

--- "m.w.chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> cat kernel.01 | cut -f 19-20 -d\r
> SPT=2701 DPT=27374
> SPT=2701 DPT=27374
> SPT=2701 DPT=27374
> SPT=2701 DPT=27374
> SPT=4169 DPT=1433
> SPT=4169 DPT=1433
> DPT=139 WINDOW=5360
> DPT=139 WINDOW=5360
> DPT=139 WINDOW=5360
> this doesn't quite work because the number of
> varied on each 
> iptables log entry. field 19 may not always be
> DPT=xxx column.
> How to create a column containing only the
> "DPT=" column?
> Once that's done, I could apply `uniq -c` on it.
> -- 
>   Swiftly. Silently. Invisibly.  .~.   In Linux
> trust.
> / v \r
>   news://   /( _ ) 

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Re: how to send mail without human intervention?

2002-09-22 Thread Brad De Vries

Here's another suggestion:
mail -n -s "test2" [EMAIL PROTECTED] << EOM
This is the body of the message

With line breaks and everything.
--- Net Llama! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm writing a bash script where I need to send email
> out depending on 
> certain conditions within the script.
> I'm thought that I could use 'mail' to do the job,
> but it seems to 
> require human intervention to send the message out. 
> I'm trying:
> mail -n -s "another test of mail"
> yet it keeps insisting on having me type something
> for the body, and 
> then hit Ctrl-D or a . at the end in order to send
> it.  Looking at the 
> man page for mail there doesn't seem to be any
> option that lets me set 
> the body message from the command itself.  Am i
> missing something 
> obvious, or is there a better tool for the job? 
> thanks!

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Re: Question

2002-09-18 Thread Brad De Vries

Rick, assuming these are not image files (i.e., do not
contain binary data) and also assuming that you are
running bash, you could write a simple shell script

for file in *.xpm; do
  echo "$file"
  sed -e "s/static/const/g" $file >
  cat $TMPFILE > $file;  # retains permissions,

--- "Richard R. Sivernell"
> List
>   This may be stupid simple, that is why I am
> my question is this:
> I have some files *.xpm that have a word static
> them. I want to change 
> the word to const. What is the easy way to to
have a
> script to open each file
> in a directory & change the word, save and
close the
> file.
> Any help appreciated  Cheers
> -- 
> Rick Sivernell
> Dallas, Texas  75287
> 972 306-2296
> Caldera Open Linux eWorkStation 3.1.1
> Registered Linux User
>   / v \r
>  /( _ )\r
>^ ^
> In Linux we trust!

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Re: keyboard

2002-06-12 Thread Brad De Vries

--- Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> During the install of RH 7.3 the Logitech Itouch
> keyboard was recognized and 
> selected. However none of the additional keys seem
> to do anything. This 
> system is in Vancouver B.C. so I can't varify what
> it does or doesn't do. 
> Would this not be setup in xmodmap?
> -- 
> Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)

Ted, if you're looking for support of the additional
keys in X then you might want to look at LinEAK at:


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Re: open-sourced MRP system

2002-06-07 Thread Brad De Vries

--- "David A. Bandel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Jun 2002 15:44:46 +0800
> begin  "m.w.chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed
> forth:
> > 
> > I just wondered whether there were brave souls out
> there to try this...
> > 
> > I knew there were general ledger systems,
> workgroup solutions, but a 
> > full-blown, complicated business application..
> hm
> > 
> Appgen
> Quasar
> SQL-Ledger
> None of these fill the bill?

These look like nice packages but I wouldn't quite
categorize them as MRP systems.

In addition to the standard accounting modules
(payables, receivables, payroll, general ledger, fixed
assets, etc.) and some inventory control modules
(inventory, sales, purchasing, etc.) an MRP system
needs a few more manufacturing modules (work order,
backflush, repetitive scheduling (esp. in the
automotive industry,) capacity planning, production
line planning, shipping, BOM/routings, requirements
planning, business-to-business EDI/Ecommerce etc.)

I think your best bet is to convince a company to
allow their older, obsolete, closed-source systems to
become open-source.  I'm sure there are several
example companies that do this but I can only think of
Sendmail, Inc.  Maybe a few other examples would add a
bit of weight to the request.

"Sendmail is the most successful and most widely used
e-mail system in the world and the reason is, in no
small part, due to the fact that their older versions
are open and free to download."

What other companies can we suggest that have had
similar success?

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