Re: Questions about CygWin's XFree86 environment

2002-07-08 Thread Tyler Regas

Thanks for the tip. I'll try it. Of course, its a moot point now :) I woke up this 
morning to find 0 Bytes Free on C: in Win2K so I bailed out a bunch of 
unecessary junk. CygWin went. Why do I need a Windows based solution 
when I can have the real thing :)


PS: Anyone have any thoughts as to when Mandrake 9.0 will be coming out?

On 8 Jul 2002 at 6:34, David A. Bandel wrote:

> On 7 Jul 2002 20:54:05 -0600
> begin  "Tyler Regas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spewed forth:
> >
> > 
> > I noticed this item on /. and installed the app in my Win2K
> > installation. It works, but no paths are recognized, it doesn't ask me
> > to log in, and I can't run much of anything. I installed XFree86 using
> > the install app. I was able to install Windowmaker using a shell script
> > from inside the console. Nothing else seems to work and there's
> > practically no basic documentation for this, at least that I can find.
> > 
> > Does anyone know how to use this thing?
> should be a way to do something along the lines of:
> X -query 
> and get the xdm/kdm/gdm screen from  for a login across the
> network.
> Ciao,
> David A. Bandel
> -- 
> Focus on the dream, not the competition.
>   -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
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Tyler Regas

Linux-users mailing list -
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Questions about CygWin's XFree86 environment

2002-07-07 Thread Tyler Regas

I noticed this item on /. and installed the app in my Win2K installation. It 
works, but no paths are recognized, it doesn't ask me to log in, and I can't 
run much of anything. I installed XFree86 using the install app. I was able to 
install Windowmaker using a shell script from inside the console. Nothing 
else seems to work and there's practically no basic documentation for this, 
at least that I can find.

Does anyone know how to use this thing?

Tyler Regas

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Re: PDA's

2002-06-18 Thread Tyler Regas

Not to plug my own site, at least not much, but I just posted a story on
PDA HandyMan about Macromedia and Opera signing an agreement to let
Opera expand Flash capabilities in its embedded Opera. Embedded Opera,
BTW, is what is in your Zaurus :)

Check it out at

I'd like to get your extended impressions on the device. I've not had an
opportunity yet to get any hands on time with one (Sharp PR is a real
PITA when it comes to review units). Message me privately, so we can get
this off list.


On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 19:59:01 -0700 (PDT)
"stayler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Well,
> I took the plunge and bought a Linux based PDA.  The Sharp Zaurus. 
> Seems interesting so far.  I know its late to ask but anyone have any
> tid bits on this animal?
> ___
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Tyler Regas
listmanager AT writerbase DOT com

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Re: lindows comes to walmart

2002-06-15 Thread Tyler Regas

> Now just "why" would I want to receive a warning message every time I 
> need to make a change as root? If I'm running as root, I'd damn well 
> better know what I'm doing, otherwise I shouldn't be doing it. That 
> solution reminds me of a paperclip that always tried to offer advice. 
> Stupid users that are unable to make a decision without being prompted 
> with "are you sure?" should either seek more training or a different 
> occupation. I sure wouldn't want a doctor or mechanic that needed to be 
> prompted with that. And yes, the information, financial records, credit 
> reports and other data can be just as important as a doctor's scalpel or 
> a mechanic's wrench. Can you imagine someone's investment portfolio 
> suddenly disappearing because everyone had root?

VMware Workstation offers warnings on all operations that can be
disabled when the user is familiar with everything. There is also an
option to turn them all off at once. I wouldn't be surprised to find
that there was an option in the console install that turned it off
before it ever showed the first warning.

This is just me, oc, but I don't find that to be anything like that
damned paperclip. VMware Workstation is considered a tool for
professionals. The very same professionals that you claim don't want
warnings for everything. Its very likely they don't, but continued
experience with a system is required before even the smartest admin
doesn't need help anymore.

Using your doctor reference... Imagine if a doctor was using a laser to
correct your vision and that the slightest mistake would leave you blind.
When the doctor sets the coordinates or whatever they set into the
system, would you want him or her to just blindly click the "Burn"
button, confident that despite their humanity they never make mistakes, or
would it make you feel better if they were required to doublecheck all
of their settings against your needs before proceeding? Is your sight
worth an additional minute or two?

I don't make this argument because I don't understand. I make it because
we need to develop interfaces (which doesn't necessarily mean GUI) that
work with whomever gets on the system. Nobody, even an admin, should be
allowed to destroy an entire installation because they have the
priviledges to edit config files. This is bad design. In another light,
would you feel slighted or shut out if you were disallowed from changing
a LILO or GRUB configuration parameter that would cause the system to no
longer work? Would it not be enough to be able to modify LILO or GRUB to
boot in various ways without having access to damaging alterations?

Maybe you're right. Maybe I just don't get it...

> Not a slam, just trying to help you "grasp the idea" from the other 
> point of view.

Not taken as such. :)

Tyler Regas
listmanager AT writerbase DOT com

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Re: lindows comes to walmart

2002-06-15 Thread Tyler Regas

> Nothing wrong as running as root except:
> 1. Those viruses will run with root priviledge, too. You should at least
> read your email as a regular user.

Fine. Can it be made to work seamlessly? What if there were a sub-root
account that all apps ran in. Sort of a reverse su. 

> 2. You can alter crucial system files without wanting to. 

Is it impossible to add a checks and balances system to this? Don't
admins want warnings on occasion? While not blowing their horn, MS seems
to be able to create installers and other processes that can be easily
modified to run without user interaction.

> 3. It makes a mockery out of the concept of a multiuser computer system.

How? Why should there have to be a single, all-powerful user that
installs and other administration functions are limited to? Why can't a
multi-user system allow all users to do as they wish with their settings?

A real multi-user system should allow a user to do anything they wish
with their user environment while protecting the domains of others. If I
turn my install to shit I should be able to restore it from some
ubiquitous backup without affecting the other users.

This, oc, is a pipe dream, at least for now :)

> That said, I can easily see the advantage of running always as root. I guess
> Microsoft saw them, too. That's why they are so successful.

MS is not successful because they understand the single-user environment.
They are successful because they have no scruples in their business

> Joel
> ___
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Tyler Regas
listmanager AT writerbase DOT com

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: lindows comes to walmart

2002-06-15 Thread Tyler Regas

> it reportedly has the user run constantly as root.

I never understood that. It must be from my years on single-user systems.
I just can't grasp the idea that running a Linux box as a single user so
dramatically places said user in catastrophe's way. I do it all the time.
I never set up additional users. Not once have I done anything that I
couldn't have done as a user and no unauthorized persons have ever
gained access to my machine.

There's really no reason why a person should not be able to run as root
and still receive warnings about what they might do. It all really comes
down to user interface. Then again, if the coder doesn't want to add
these friendly aspects and count on the user being so savvy as to
question everything while providing little to no documentation, there's
nothing I can do to stop that. I'll simply use another tool.

That raises the question of where the line is for Linux as a fringe OS
and when it becomes a mainstream OS. If Linux developers keep creating
powerful but painful programs that assume the end user will compile the
code, install required libraries, and run it from a console then Linux
will never have a chance at the desktop.

And to assume that systems adminitrators don't appreciate a little
helping GUI hand is a mistake. The quicker an admin can get his job done
and keep endusers from breathing down his/her neck and the more money
he/she can make as a result, the happier they will be. Of course, the
argument lies with the size and added complexity of UI libraries to run
all this nice looking stuff, but there are a number of slim solutions.

I must be damned lucky to never have had a serious problem because I ran
in root. In fact, the largest problems have come from testing the kernel
upgrade in the Mandrake GUI designed for end users. In early iterations
of the Ximian GNOME desktop installer it ate the X config, forcing you
to login via console. These are two examples of a helping GUI doing
dastardly things, and they require root access. This would have happened
even if I'd su'd in to do it.

Just my $0.23.5 :)

Tyler Regas
listmanager AT writerbase DOT com

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Re: Mandrake Update Problem

2002-06-02 Thread Tyler Regas

> A short while back there was a lot of traffic on the mandrake lists
> about people hosing their systems trying to update a kernel using
> mandrake update. They have to be installed, not upgraded. Mandrake
> update is supposed to install it rather than upgrade it, but usually it
> screws up. It might be fixed in 8.2, but I don't know, and I'm not brave
> enough to find out.

Sounds like a bug in the updater. If I can ever get Mandrake to call me
back, I'll tell them :)

> What's so hard about downloading a kernel and 'rpm -ivh' anyway? You
> can't use linux and never expect to use the cli. If you do, you'll no
> doubt eventually run into a problem that you can't fix with a gui. And
> what happens if you lose your gui? And don't say it can't happen. It
> happened to me just recently. I upgraded to mdk 8.2 and found out that
> XFree 4.2 doesn't like my video card. You have to be able to overcome
> that stuff.

There's nothing hard about downloading and updating the kernel from a
console. In fact, there's nothing hard about Linux at all... if you're
us. The only reason I tried it was because a) I needed to know if it
worked yet, and b) the installation was on a test machine. If it was my
production machine, I'd rather re-install Linux from scratch then update
the kernel in that manner.

Now for the rant. Linux is at a crossroads and it is time for all of the
people that have stood behind it to make a decision. That decision is
whether to keep Linux as a tool for nerds and IT admins or to allow it
to grow and become the mainstream, versatile, all-around OS for anyone
that is can be. 

I honestly think that most Linux advocates believe that if it becomes
easy to use it will fall into the maw of M$ and be swallowed up whole.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Linux has proven its
marketability with distributions like Mandrake that favor the desktop
user and distros like RH that favor the admin. Why can't Linux be for
everyone? Let M$ keep building OS clones and calling one a server while
the other is a desktop. They're not fooling anyone.

Bill, how many savvy desktop users do you know? Does anyone know of a
majority of users in an enterprise environment that can delete and
re-install a driver in Windows? How many calls a week has anyone on a
helpdesk gotten for help on adjusting contrast and brightness following
a department-wide monitor upgrade? How many a day?

Believe it or not, there are millions of people out there that just want
to browse the web, write a letter, and keep track of their checkbooks.
For one's employed by any one of our countries (US) mega-corporations,
there are scores of users that don't even get their own desk, much less
the chance to fiddle around when a problem occurs.

I'd hate to even try to estimate the number of secretaries and executive
assistants there are in this world. How many of them do you think would
even spend 20 seconds trying to tweak their USB mouse driver to make it
use all four buttons and the wheel? Zero! They call someone. A person
like the members of this list. Then they pay us.

This likely sounds cheesy, but don't fear the advent of the user
friendly Linux distro. Welcome it a make a few more bucks off of it :)


PS: I use Linux day in and day out and I never use the CLI. I do use
MiniCommander in GNOME, but that's a GUI, too :)

Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Mandrake Update Problem

2002-06-02 Thread Tyler Regas

Hey all!

Good news! My proposal for a Mandrake book has been accepted by Que
Publishing, so I'll be a Linux author soon :) I have a question for you
all that has been pestering me and popped up again last night. Mandrakes
online update system typically offers a RPM based kernel update. When I
was using 8.0 and tried it it kacked out my system. I just tried it
again with 8.1 last night and it did it again. 

Does anyone know what the deal is here? Now, I know that its generally
not accepted to update a kernel with an RPM, but my book is special.
This book is for desktop users and contains only a very small smattering
of console stuff. All of it is GUI oriented, which is why I keep trying
this kernel update.



Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: Strange Port hits

2002-05-27 Thread Tyler Regas

A crawler called Spida is currently cruising around. More details here:,14179,2866785,00.html

On Mon, 27 May 2002 17:39:07 -0400
Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've been getting a lot of hits on port 1433 lately.   This is something new 
> in the last week or so.  Anyone know of anything going on in the dark world 
> of hackers that makes port 1433 a good target?
> The ports list shows that port is for Microsoft-SQL-server
> -- 
> ++
> + Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI 05/27/02 17:35  +
> ++
> "Farming looks easy when your plow is a pencil and you're a thousand miles
>   from a cornfield." - Dwight D. Eisenhower
> ___
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Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
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Funny stuff!

2002-05-12 Thread Tyler Regas

This should be considered art and no defacement.

Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

PDA HandyMan is up!

2002-05-12 Thread Tyler Regas

Hi all!

I'd like to let everyone know that I have basically completed PDA
HandyMan. Though I still have more work to do, things are rolling. I
hope that anyone interested will visit and spread the word. I'm also
looking for anyone that has a Sharp SL-5500 or SL-5000D that would like
to contribute some Linux PDA material. I can't pay yet, but I hope to be
able to start soon :) The URL would be a good thing:

If you have any questions, just drop me a line at the following address:


Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Re: what the hell?

2002-05-05 Thread Tyler Regas

As quoted from the Neohapsis forums:

> I was looking at my logs this morning and found the two following
> lines inside: Aug 1 16:38:10 mydotcom kernel: TCP: Treason
> uncloaked! Peer shrinks window
> 3176552165:3176564729. Repaired. Aug 1 16:38:14 mydotcom kernel:
> TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window
> 3176552165:3176564729. Repaired. I don' t know what those two
> lines mean but I know who had this ip at this moment. Does
> anybody knows what this is and what I should do about it? Thank
> You Marc The conquering penguin of the tribe of UNIX

Its logging a tcp protocol violation by the other end. Window shrinking isnt
allowed in the spec..

Looks harmless to me, though I, too, do not like the Treason Uncloaked!
language. Sounds menacing :P and I don't like that...


On Sun, 5 May 2002 10:45:20 -0400
Sys Admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (by way of Douglas J Hunley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) 

> Hash: SHA1
> got this in the logs this morning? wtf?
> Unusual System Events
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> May  5 04:54:01 linux-sxs kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer
> shrinks window 1022530692:1022531292. Repaired. May 
>  5 04:54:26 linux-sxs kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer
> shrinks window 1022539452:1022542972. Repaired.
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQE81UWASrrWWknCnMIRAh4oAJ4jdf7+bc/eX/os15h0tIpkWWPggQCePRsb
> /CvhN7Rtzi335+LH94zZBv8=
> =eMJt
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
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Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: Asta La Vista Outlook!

2002-04-03 Thread Tyler Regas

Geez, Zoran. I didn't mean to set you off. That was not my intent.
Needless to say, I didn't post my change without context. If you recall,
I was upset that I couldn't read email sourcing from certain mailers
because they were exploting a lacking in Outlook's UUencode

I guess upon reflection that it wasn't all that interesting after all. 

My apologies.

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 09:27:14 +0200 (CEST)
Zoran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> ->Tyler Regas wrote:
> ->> Well folks, I've gone and done it now :) I've stopped using Outlook for
> ->> mail and am back to using Becky! 2. Fantastic standards compliant
> ->> Windows mail client ( Worth every penny.
> *** I am still trying to understand why Tyler decided to announce the
> above to the list?
> "I done it: I stopped using Windows for braking my PC and am back to using
> Linux. Fantastic standards compliant OS. Worth all the trouble" would have
> been more of a newsworthy announcement than just I went from one crummy
> mail client to another.
> I had a look at Becky!2 and I do not see why it should be such a hot mail
> client: Proprietary mailboxes, proprietary mail filters, and not nice
> looking, non windows standard, icons.
> When I talk standards then I do not want to spent the rest of my life
> importing mailboxes from one into another mail client version, having to
> redo completely the filtering statements because none of the Windows
> developing crowd thinks it is a good idea to have a standard for
> filtering mail.
> I only can imagine what torture I would have to go through to get 600Mb
> worth of mail from let us say Eudora to Becky! Of course this is impossible
> as Eudora already chokes on a mailbox of more than 10Mb and more than 4
> users accounts to check at each POP poll...
> Back to Pine...
> Cheers,
> Zoran.
> --
> If you find me, please return me to my $HOME: my address is 'cd'.
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: Asta La Vista Outlook!

2002-04-01 Thread Tyler Regas

I'm a bit hard pressed to know what tools one would need beyond what
KMail offers. I know the address book leaves much to be desired, so
there's one. What does Agent offer over other mail clients?

On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 23:29:22 -0500
Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 21:24:25 -0700, you wrote:
> >You mean like Free Agent? In Linux I like KMail, but that's about it. It
> >has killer filters. Even better than Eudora, which used to be the king
> >of Windows and Mac mail handling. Not any more :P
> >
> I'll get flamed for this, but kmail isn't all that great IMHO. Even the base
> email toolset in Agent is better.
> >On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 23:18:45 -0500
> >Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:59:45 -0700, you wrote:
> >> 
> >> >Well folks, I've gone and done it now :) I've stopped using Outlook for
> >> >mail and am back to using Becky! 2. Fantastic standards compliant
> >> >Windows mail client ( Worth every penny.
> >> >
> >> 
> >> What's the shock there? I'm back to re-evaluating AGENT on WINE and COL 3.1...
> >> 
> >> 
> ___
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Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
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Re: Asta La Vista Outlook!

2002-04-01 Thread Tyler Regas

You mean like Free Agent? In Linux I like KMail, but that's about it. It
has killer filters. Even better than Eudora, which used to be the king
of Windows and Mac mail handling. Not any more :P

On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 23:18:45 -0500
Jerry McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 20:59:45 -0700, you wrote:
> >Well folks, I've gone and done it now :) I've stopped using Outlook for
> >mail and am back to using Becky! 2. Fantastic standards compliant
> >Windows mail client ( Worth every penny.
> >
> What's the shock there? I'm back to re-evaluating AGENT on WINE and COL 3.1...
> ___
> Linux-users mailing list -
> Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the above URL.

Tyler Regas
PHM Editor-in-Chief

Linux-users mailing list -
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Asta La Vista Outlook!

2002-04-01 Thread Tyler Regas

Well folks, I've gone and done it now :) I've stopped using Outlook for
mail and am back to using Becky! 2. Fantastic standards compliant
Windows mail client ( Worth every penny.


PS: This is not an April Fools joke. The joke was on me :)

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RE: OT: Feds want to drop protection of privacy regarding medical data

2002-03-22 Thread Tyler Regas

I'm going to take a slightly different tack here...

Have you seen Gattaca (1997)? The film featured one mans struggle to
break the bonds of his genetic limitations which caused him to be deemed
unfit to go into space by the big, bad MegaCorporation, despite his
skill and intelligence. He used the DNA bearing material of a cripple,
who was otherwise genetically compatible with the companies requirements
to gain access to the program. He was forced to leave nail clippings,
dead skin flakes, and hair in his work area due to the constant,
paranoid nature of the company's need to revalidate its candidates on a
daily basis. His blood and urine were also tested daily, on both ingress
and egress to the building.

Sure, this may be only a movie, but consider this: The Running Man
(1987) was about a fictional televised game show in the future. The show
promoted direct physical violence and even death of human beings for
sport and financial gain. Today's television includes programs like
Survivor, The Amazing Race, Fear Factor, The Chair, and The Chamber. All
of these shows are escalating what level of violence is acceptable to

The internet has also, as a vehicle for large corporations, been able to
mutate our favorite communications platform to their needs, claiming all
the while that their actions and direction are in the interest of the
consumer. Under that guise, big business has whittled at and begun to
rub away the protections we have as private, American citizens. Making
it easier to access medical records of individuals, preferably without
their knowledge, will make it easier for corporations to determine any
number of things and base their decisions on. The applications of this
knowledge of countless and industry would love to have immediate,
unregulated access to it, and all in the name of the allmighty dollar.

I'm typically rather cynical, though not much for conspiracy theories.
Mine follows: There is no such thing as free enterprise. There is no
such thing as personal freedom. Government is a sham, whether
intentional or not. Corporate America is a gigantic pyramid scheme that
is feeding the top 10% of the nation, which also happens to be the
richest. There are no conspiracies. There are no grand, evil plots.
There's simply greed, and everyone is out to get their piece of the

As they say, it's a dog eat dog world.

Linux-users mailing list -
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RE: OT: Feds want to drop protection of privacy regarding medical data

2002-03-22 Thread Tyler Regas

> It's a shame; we could have been a Great Country.

Power corrupts. Absolutely.

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RE: one more dumb gnome question -- well, actually, two or three

2002-03-19 Thread Tyler Regas

> okay. bonus point time.

Whadduh ah get :P

> i cannot make the frigging panel autohide. looking at gnome list 
> archives, i see that it *can* be done, but going through the control 
> center i also cannot find the place to do it. anybody know how this 
> is done?

Right click the Panel and look in the Panel menu. There's a Global
something-or-other in there. Otherwise, check the Panel tab in the Panel
section of the GNOME Control Center. I missed the tabs when I first
started using it, too :)

> desktop icons. i want there to be none. i've gotten it down to two -- 
> the little house thing and the trashcan. the latter i can live 
> entirely without; the former i'd like to move elsewhere, onto the 
> panel or something. seeking "panel manual" i got nautilus (which on 
> first blush causes me to think that eazel should not have just gone 
> out of business but its principles beaten as well) and my home 
> directory -- no documentation of any sort. anybody know how to do 
> this?

Aaron is correct. Nautilus does draw the desktop. Run Nautilus and open
the Options dialog. There is an option in there that tells the Big "N"
to draw the desktop. Its very poorly implemented so keep in mind that,
for a reason I have never been able to determine, the option may not be
available. I've had this happen to me.

> gmc. see above for the short-form review of nautilus. i have gmc 
> installed and am happy with it. of course, it therefore appears on no 
> menu, and there seems to be no equivalent of the kde kaapfinder. how 
> does one add an application to the panel?

Either right click on the Panel and go to Panel > Add > Launcher and
then enter the appropriate info, go to Panel > Add > From Menu and
select an app from the list, or find it in gmc or Nautilus and drag it
on. I've generally found the last to be the slowest as I'm not always
able to intuit where the packagers decided it should go.

HTH :) Hope I'm accurate ;P

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RE: *really* stupid gnome question

2002-03-19 Thread Tyler Regas

I don't recall the keyboard shortcuts off the top of my head, but you
can hold the ALT key down and drag the window by clicking anywhere. That
will let you move the buttons into view.

HTH :)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of dep
> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2002 8:35 AM
> Subject: *really* stupid gnome question
> for reasons that actually do make some sense, i've put ximian 
> gnome on 
> the little toshiba portege, which has a screen of 800x480. this is 
> generally tolerable, except for one thing: the control center doesn't 
> resize properly, so there's no way to get to the buttons that confirm 
> configuration changes -- or to see them, or anything. clicking on 
> close provides "revert to previous settings" and "cancel" -- why 
> "save" isn't there is a mystery. in any case, i've looked all over 
> the place and cannot find what the hotkeys are to save settings. 
> could someone who is running gnome fire up the control center and 
> tell me what the hot ket to save changes is? it's weird enough 
> sorting out an entirely new desktop -- not being able to save 
> anything is driving me right up the wall!
> -- 
> dep
> --
> Everyone is entitled to his own opinion but not his own facts.
> -- Daniel Patrick 
> Moynahan ___
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RE: Re: iMAC and Linux

2002-03-10 Thread Tyler Regas

I think the problem comes down to who she corresponds to and not the
actual mail agent. Through my years of training people to use computers
the vast majority has been loathe to migrate to another mail
environment, and 90% of them say its because they don't want to lose all
of the people they communicate with. 

Of course, we know that simple diligence in notifying correspondents of
the new address and maintainng both addresses for a bit easily, if not
conveniently, gets over that impasse. I think, Joel, that if you were to
present a clearly laid out plan of action that helps her migrate she
will listen. Even suggest that she look at a few applications and try
using the one that she likes the best for a bit with a test account.

I know that sounds silly, to just pick the one that looks nice, but if
she finds the interface appealing, she will be more likely to try it.

>From the 6th Chakra of Tyler Regas :)

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Net Llama
> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 3:56 PM
> Subject: Re:  Re: iMAC and Linux
> --- Tony Alfrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sunday 10 March 2002 11:28 am,Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > Is anyone using the new iMAC on a network with linux servers 
> > > (dhcp,samba, gateway)?
> > >
> > > My wife's win98 box is dying, along with the monitor. 
> This might be
> > a
> > > nice time to buy an apple. She will not use linux since 
> it won't run 
> > > AOL.
> > 
> > I don't want to start a war here, but isn't that a good 
> reason to dump
> > 
> > AOL?  I did exactly because of this.
> I also dont' quite understand this.  What is so compelling 
> about AOL email that makes it worthwhile to spend almost $350/year?
> I spend $0/year for my email, and if my wife gave me some 
> non-negotiable argument, i'd still hold my ground.  Your home 
> isn't a business, you're not going to lose productivity hours 
> (and dollars) getting them to learn an alternative.  If email 
> is that important, then she could learn to use
> a free alternative fast enough.   Perhaps she needs a 12 step 
> plan?  ;)
> = 
> Lonni J. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step help:
>  .
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Try FREE Yahoo! Mail - the world's greatest free email! ___
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RE: iMAC and Linux

2002-03-10 Thread Tyler Regas

The only solutions I know of are DAVE from Thursby Software
(, PC MacLAN from Miramar
x), and Service for Macintosh in Windows NT/2000 Server. You can offer
internet access from Linux machines to Macs by simply using the
appropriate Ethernet services (DHCP, static IPs) but file sharing is
outside of my knowledge.



> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Joel Hammer
> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:29 PM
> Subject: iMAC and Linux
> Is anyone using the new iMAC on a network with linux servers 
> (dhcp,samba, gateway)?
> My wife's win98 box is dying, along with the monitor. This 
> might be a nice time to buy an apple. She will not use linux 
> since it won't run AOL. However, I would like to dump one 
> more windows box in my house. (They all seem to be dying 
> natural deaths.)
> Joel
> ___
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RE: What's going in here!

2002-03-03 Thread Tyler Regas

That's easy for you to say ;) I make heavy use of Pocket PC devices in
testing and cannot use anything else. Hell, I wish I could. Interesting
page, though :)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tim Wunder
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 9:38 PM
> Subject: Re:  What's going in here!
> I recommend you use a mail client other than Outlook if you 
> want to see any 
> of David's posts. Of course, AFAIC, that's only one of a 
> gazillion reasons 
> you shouldn't be using Outlook for mail.
> Regards,
> Tim
> Previously, Tyler Regas chose to write:
> > I just noticed, I get a small message in Lookout that says, 
> "Outhouse: 
> > a program to spread virii, but it can do mail, too! By Thursday, 
> > February 28, 2002 8:00 AM." The attached file is named, 
> "Tony Alfrey 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] forth_.dat (117 B)" The 
> last item is, 
> > I assume, a file size.
> >
> > Any ideas here?
> >
> > Tyler
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David A. 
> > > Bandel
> > > Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 5:08 PM
> > > Subject: Re: netscape 4.73 and 6.2 at the same time
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 14:41:40 -0800
> >
> > ___
> > Linux-users mailing list - 
> > 
> > Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are located at the 
> > above URL.
> -- 
> Caldera eWorkstation 3.1, kernel 2.4.9, KDE 2.2.1, Xfree86 
> 4.1.0  12:00pm  up 5 days, 13:47,  7 users,  load average: 
> 0.07, 0.11, 0.15 It's what you learn AFTER you know it all 
> that counts ___
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What's going in here!

2002-03-03 Thread Tyler Regas

I just noticed, I get a small message in Lookout that says, "Outhouse: a
program to spread virii, but it can do mail, too! By Thursday, February
28, 2002 8:00 AM." The attached file is named, "Tony Alfrey
[EMAIL PROTECTED] forth_.dat (117 B)" The last item is, I
assume, a file size.

Any ideas here?


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David A. Bandel
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 5:08 PM
> Subject: Re: netscape 4.73 and 6.2 at the same time
> On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 14:41:40 -0800

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2002-03-03 Thread Tyler Regas


Are you at work or something? All of your messages are coming through
flagged and attached. I know I use Microsloth Lookout But I turn off all
of the obnoxious stuff. I don't know if this is bothering anyone else,
but it's a little annoying here. Sorry :/


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of David A. Bandel
> Sent: Sunday, March 03, 2002 8:37 PM
> Subject: Re: netscape 4.73 and 6.2 at the same time
> On Sun, 3 Mar 2002 17:15:34 -0800

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Help With X and VMware

2002-02-27 Thread Tyler Regas


Okay, its not that urgent, but I've installed Mandrake 8.1 into VMware
so I could get familiar with installing and configuring it as a server,
and I stupidly set the video color depth to 16-bit. Well, the emulated
chipset doesn't do 16-bit, so the X server won't start. How do I fix

I think there's a line in /etc/XF86config, right?


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RE: Those maps :)

2002-02-26 Thread Tyler Regas

Well, I didn't want to discuss it either :) The painful truth is that I
made them in Microsoft(TM) Windows 2000 using Microsoft(TM) Streets and
Trips 2001. I import the data from the database, which adds all of the
tags to the map, then save each region as a web page. I then go and
extract the graphics files from the annoying morass of *.htm files and
associated directories.

Hell, MS sent it to me free. What am I talking about!! I've NEVER paid
for anything from Microsoft 


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roger 
> Oberholtzer
> Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 12:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Those maps :)
> I was curious how you made them. There was a bit of a 
> discussion about them at the time, and, I confess, I did not 
> read it all. I did not want to ask something that may have 
> been discussed in painful detail.
> On Monday 25 February 2002 06:33 pm, you wrote:
> > Right. No use in complaining too loudly :) This is SxS Member Map 
> > version 0.1 after all  Keep the notes coming for the 
> missing people 
> > that want to be included.
> >
> > And shame on you lot for not saying how pretty they are ;)
> -- 
> ++===+
> | Roger Oberholtzer  |   E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> | OPQ Systems AB |  WWW: |
> | Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  |Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 |
> | 115 32 Stockholm   |   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 |
> | Sweden |  Fax: Int + 46 8   302602 |
> ++===+
> ___
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RE: Re[1] Those maps :)

2002-02-25 Thread Tyler Regas

I guess I should have kept my mouth shut ;) Beware seeking praise, you
might just get it! 


> Hi Tyler,
> These maps are beautiful and they are the finest maps that 
> I've never seen. ;-))
> Patrick
> > ---Message d'origine---
> > De : "Tyler Regas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date : 25/02/2002 19:25:46
> > 
> > Right. No use in complaining too loudly :) This is SxS
> Member Map
> > version 0.1 after all Keep the notes coming for the
> missing people
> > that want to be included.
> > 
> > And shame on you lot for not saying how pretty they are ;)
> > 
> > Tyler
> __
> E-mail gratuit - Multimania -

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RE: Those maps :)

2002-02-25 Thread Tyler Regas

Right. No use in complaining too loudly :) This is SxS Member Map
version 0.1 after all  Keep the notes coming for the missing people
that want to be included.

And shame on you lot for not saying how pretty they are ;)


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of burns
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 5:20 AM
> Subject: Re: Those maps :)
> On February 25, 2002 03:33 am, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
> > I seem to have gone missing from the map. We run a SxS 
> mirror here in 
> > sunny Stockholm (details at the bottom). I seem to recall 
> sending the 
> > info twice due to some e-mail address confusion. So here's number 
> > three.
> >
> > So, if you are making new maps any time soon...
> >
> > On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 07:59:15 -0700
> >
> > Tyler Regas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > | Alright!! I've been busy, but finally got around to making these 
> > | maps. Now, there are only 37 members on these maps. I can 
> add more, 
> > | but I have to rewrite the database to make it port more easily.
> There are a bunch of folks missing from the map, myself 
> included (Ottawa, 
> Ontario, Canada).
> -- 
> burns
> ___
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RE: Those maps :)

2002-02-25 Thread Tyler Regas

Sorry Roger. I was pretty sure I got you in there, but it looks like I
need to check things more than twice. I'm also going to have to come up
with an easier way of doing this.


> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Roger 
> Oberholtzer
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:33 AM
> Subject: Re: Those maps :)
> I seem to have gone missing from the map. We run a SxS mirror 
> here in sunny Stockholm (details at the bottom). I seem to 
> recall sending the info twice due to some e-mail address 
> confusion. So here's number three.
> So, if you are making new maps any time soon...
> On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 07:59:15 -0700
> Tyler Regas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | Alright!! I've been busy, but finally got around to making 
> these maps. 
> | Now,
> | there are only 37 members on these maps. I can add more, 
> but I have to 
> | rewrite the database to make it port more easily.
> | 
> | You can download them from here:
> |  The archive 
> is about 1.3 MBs 
> | in size.
> | 
> | Anyway, enjoy and if you note any errors, please let me know.
> | 
> | Tyler
> | 
> | 
> | ___
> | Linux-users mailing list - 
> |
> | Subscribe/Unsubscribe info, Archives,and Digests are 
> located at the above URL.
> -- 
> ++===+
> | Roger Oberholtzer  |   E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
> | OPQ Systems AB |  WWW: |
> | Erik Dahlbergsgatan 41-43  |Phone: Int + 46 8   314223 |
> | 115 32 Stockholm   |   Mobile: Int + 46 733 621657 |
> | Sweden |  Fax: Int + 46 8   302602 |
> ++===+
> ___
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> located at the above URL.

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Those maps :)

2002-02-21 Thread Tyler Regas

Alright!! I've been busy, but finally got around to making these maps. Now, 
there are only 37 members on these maps. I can add more, but I have to 
rewrite the database to make it port more easily.

You can download them from here:  The archive is about 1.3 MBs 
in size.

Anyway, enjoy and if you note any errors, please let me know.


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